Proc-End Sate of Civil Emergency 051820 0 0 CITY OF NORTH AUGUSTA PROCLAMATION TO END THE STATE OF CIVIL EMERGENCY FOR THE CITY OF NORTH AUGUSTA WHEREAS,the virus commonly known as COV ID-19 created major life threatening health concerns throughout the world;AND, WHEREAS,the President of the United States declared a State of Emergency throughout the Country, and the Governor of the State of South Carolina declared a State of Emergency within the State; AND, WHEREAS,on April 2,2020 I determined is was in the best interest of the citizens and residents of the City of North Augusta to declare a State of Civil Emergency existed within the City,to allow for the enforcement of the restrictions as specified in the Code of Ordinances Section 9-22, 9-23 and 9-26; AND, WHEREAS,as a result of the fireless care of medical professionals and the adherence by our citizens and residents to the suggested mitigation practices of social distancing and frequent hand washing,to this date I have not found it necessary to issue protective restrictions. NOW,THEREFORE,be it proclaimed that a State of Civil Emergency no longer exists in the City, and the proclamation of April 2, 2020 is hereby rescinded. All citizens and residents are encouraged to continue following all directives of the President of the United States and the Governor of the State of South Carolina and the guidelines of the Centers for Communicable Disease Control as precautions to avoid potential exposure to, and to slow the spread of, COVID-19. PROCLAIMED BY THE MAYOR OF THE CITY OF NORTH AUGUSTA THIS 1641%_DAY OF 2020 AT NORTH AUGUSTA, SOPUTH CAROLINA Robert A. Pettit,Mayor ATTEST: ((D� t OSAiYNd2/ Sharon Lamar, City Clerk