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CITYOF NORTH AUGUSTA Nortl AulistJ—\" MONTHLY DEPARTMENTAL REPORTS FOR THE MONTH OF AUGUST, 2007 NOR TH A UG US TA FINANCE DEPARTMENT JOHN P. POTTER, JR., DIRECTOR PRELIMINARY MONTHLY FINANCIAL REPORT FOR AUGUST, 2007 9/13/2007 GENERAL FUND REVENUES EXPENSES SURPLUS(DEFICIT) 2007 2006 2007 2006 2007 2006 Monthly I YTD Monthly YTD Monthly I YTD Monthly I YTD Monthly YTD Monthly YTD JAN 1,361,249 1,361,249 1,164,518 1,164,518 991,866 991,866 974,206 974,2061 369,383 369,383 190,312 190,312 FEB 1,061,593 2,422,842 1,181,574 2,346,092 1,012,335 2,004,201 1,160,001 2,134,207 49,258 418,641 21,573 211,885 MAR 2,063,359 4,486,201 2,510,547 4,856,639 930,030 2,934,231 843,404 2,977,611 1,133,329 1,551,970 1,667,143 1,879,028 APR 2,835,249 1 7,321,450 2,092,221 6,948,860 867,981 3,802,212 819,897 3,797,508 1,967,268 3,519,238 1,272,324 3,151,352 MAY 827,784 8,149,234 706,672 7,655,532 1,239,410 5,041,622 1,082,373 4,879,881 (411,626) 3,107,612 (375,701) 2,775,651 JUNE 1,834,730 9,983,964 1,934,591 9,590,123 896,167 5,937,789 779,720 5,659,601 938,563 4,046,175 1,154,871 3,930,522 JULY 654,311 10,638,275 474,753 10,064,876 901,499 6,839,288 870,033 6,529,634 (247,188) 3,798,987 (395,280) 3,535,242 AUG 355,240 10,993,515 404,000 10,468,876 841,067 7,680,355 804,926 7,334,560 (485,827) 3,313,160 (400,926) 3,134,316 SEPT 232,594 10,701,470 738,478 8,073,038 0 0 (505,884) 2,628,432 OCT 461,780 11,163,250 1,001,363 9,074,401 0 0 (539,583) 2,088,849 NOV 332,528 11,495,778 763,250 1 91837,651 0 0 (430,722) 1,658,127 DEC 215,024 11,710,802 783,603 110,621,2541 0 1 0 (568,579) 1,089,548 YEAR-TO-DATE BALANCE 4,500,000 4,000,000 3,313,160 3,500,000 3,000,000 2,500,000 2,000,000 1,500,000 - 1,000,000 500,000 0 -500,0001 FEB MAR APR MAY JUNE - JULY AUG SEPT- OCT NOV DEC 2004 --♦-2005 --,k2006 -4*-2007 Alchemy/FI0807#1.xls^960 This Month: August,2007 Page 1 of 6 9/13/2007 STORMWATER UTILITY FUND REVENUES EXPENSES SURPLUS(DEFICIT) 2007 2006 2007 2006 2007 2006 MonthlyYTD Monthly YTD Monthly YTD Monthly YTD Monthly YTD Monthly YTD JAN 46,258 46,258 44,035 44,035 28,159 28,159 11,597 11,597 18,099 18,099 32,438 32,438 FEB 48,073 94,331 44,021 88,056 30,542 58,701 35,188 46,785 17,531 35,630 8,833 1 41,271 MAR 59,060 153,391 52,958 141,014 21,694 80,395 17,525 64,310 37,366 72,996 35,433 76,704 APR 51,070 204,461 44,194 185,208 19,172 99,567 15,630 79,940 31,898 104,894 28,564 105,268 MAY 48,393 252,854 48,305 233,513 29,662 129,229 22,212 102,152 18,731 123,625 26,093 131,361 JUNE 59,305 312,159 54,614 288,127 28,768 157,997 22,247 124,399 30,537 154,162 32,367 163,728 JULY 48,296 360,455 45,113 333,240 37,435 195,432 20,002El44,401 10,861 165,023 25,111 188,839 AUG 52,637 413,092 45,274 378,514 96,204 291,636 20,23264,633 (43,567) 121,456 25,042 213,881 SEPT 56,624 435,138 33,902 198,535 0 0 22,722 236,603 OCT 46,463 481,601 30,858 229,393 0 0 15,605 252,208 NOV 56,690 538,291 18,628 248,021 0 0 38,062 290,270 DEC 57,059 595,350 29,712 277,733 0 0 27,347 317,617 450,000 YEAR-TO-DATE BALANCE 400,000 --- 350,000 300,000 250,000 , 200,000 150,000121,456 - 100,000 50,000 0 JAN FEB MAR APR MAY JUNE JULY AUG SEPT OCT NOV DEC -W-2004 -0 2005 --A--2006 *2007 � Alchemy/FI0807#2.xls^980 This Month: August, 2007 Page 2 of 6 9/13/2007 SANITATION SERVICES FUND REVENUES EXPENSES SURPLUS(DEFICIT) 2007 2006 2007 2006 2007 2006 Monthly YTD Monthly YTD Monthly YTD Monthly YTD Monthly YTD Monthly YTD JAN 268,811 268,811 220,047 220,047 483,126 483,126 225,548 225,548 (214,315) (214,315) (5,501) (5,501) FEB 273,259 542,0701 256,906 476,953 388,650 871,776 479,037 704,585 (115,391) (329,706) (222,131) (227,632) MAR 295,437 837,507 247,945 724,898 179,508 1,051,284 220,136 924,721 115,929 (213,777) 27,809 (199,823) APR 250,784 1,088,291 222,039 946,937 215,135 1,266,419 235,630 1,160,351 35,649 (178,128) (13,591) (213,414) MAY 285,456 1,373,747 287,778 1,234,715 272,177 1,538,596 277,742 1,438,093 13,279 (164,849) 10,036 (203,378) JUNE 299,004 1,672,751 252,413 1,487,128 226,172 1,764,768 195,454 1,633,547 72,832 1 (92,017) 56,959 (146,419) JULY 316,837 1,989,588 238,462 1,725,590 232,942 1,997,710 220,791 1,854,338 83,895 (8,122) 17,671 (128,748) AUG 284,404 2,273,992 301,627 2,027,217 211,177 2,208,887 164,722 2,019,060 73,227 65,105 136,905 8,157 SEPT 268,134 2,295,351 177,030 2,196,090 0 0 91,104 99,261 OCT 268,530 2,563,881 220,785 2,416,875 0 1 0 47,745 147,006 NOV 274,663 2,838,544 203,173 2,620,048 0 0 71,490 218,496 DEC 312,805 3,151,349 193,761 2,813,809 0 0 119,044 337,540 YEAR-TO-DATE BALANCE 500,000 400,000 300,000 200,000 100,000 0 (100,000) 65,105 (200,000) (300,000) (400,000) JAN FEB MAR APR MAY JUNE JULY AUG SEPT OCT NOV DEC -■ 2004 --�2005 -�A 2006 -*-200 7 Alchemy/FI0807#3.x1s^962 This Month: August,2007 Page 3 of 6 9/13/2007 WATERWORKS & SEWER SYSTEM REVENUES EXPENSES SURPLUS(DEFICIT) 2007 2006 2007 2006 2007 2006 Monthly YTD Monthly YTD Monthly YTD Monthly YTD Monthly YTD Monthly YTD 619,452 619,452 548,983 548,983 897,628 897,628 696,823 696,823 (278,176) (278,176) (147,840) (147,840) 596,219 1,215,671 536,952 1,085,935 621,838 1,519,466 578,816 1,275,639 (25,619) (303,795) (41,864) (189,704) 658,144 1,873,815 597,361 1,683,296 681,333 2,200,799 685,258 1,960,897 (23,189) (326,984) (87,897) (277,601) 624,146 2,497,961 559,231 2,242,527 608,254 2,809,053 583,893 2,544,790 15,892 (311,092) (24,662) (302,263) 650,840 3,148,801 604,017 2,846,544 404,002 3,213,055 443,842 2,988,632 246,838 (64,254) 160,175 (142,088) 767,904 3,916,705 679,490 3,526,034 706,118 3,919,173 627,081 3,615,713 61,786 (2,468) 52,409 (89,679) 686,451 4,603,156 678,126 4,204,160 707,631 4,626,804 636,201 4,251,914 (21,180) (23,648) 41,925 (47,754) 714,445 5,317,601 662,644 4,866,804 379,897 5,006,701 371,477 4,623,391 334,548 310,900 291,167 243,413 678,956 5,545,760 763,861 5,387,252 0 0 (84,905) 158,508 637,352 6,183,112 663,221 6,050,473 0 0 (25,869) 132,639 598,535 6,781,647 256,054 6,306,527 0 0 342,481 475,120 616,094 7,397,741 694,556 1 7,001,083 0 0 (78,462) 396,658 YEAR-TO-DATE BALANCE 800,000 600,000 310,900 400,000 200,000 0 (200,000) (400,000) JAN FEB MAR APR MAY JUNE JULY AUG SEPT OCT NOV DEC 2004 --e-2005 -*-2006 �--2007 Alchemy/FI0807#4.xls^964 This Month: August,2007 Page 4 of 6 9/13/2007 DEPARTMENT COMPARATIVE DATA - 2006 - 2007 OPERATING FUNDS& 2006 YTD 2007 YTD YTD PERCENT ANNUAL DEPARTMENTS EXPENDED EXPENDED 8 MO=66.67% BUDGET BALANCE GENERAL FUND: CITY COUNCIL 75,117.44 83,764.97 62.36% 134,326.00 50,561.03 ADMINISTRATION 167,703.40 185,133.34 78.78% 235,013.00 49,879.66 JUSTICE&LAW 369,100.85 420,892.76 73.92% 569,379.00 148,486.24 COMMUNITY PROMOTION 42,722.09 56,665.25 64.15% 88,337.00 31,671.75 FINANCE 335,601.70 345,407.65 68:84% 501,748.00 156,340.35 BUILDING STANDARDS 184,439.38 188,202.82 ,62.98410 298,808.00 110,605.18 ECONOMIC&COMMUNITY DEV 300,986.77 330,548.70 58.75% 562,653.00 232,104.30 CITY BUILDINGS 166,812.26 176,409.59 42.57% 414,427.00 238,017.41 PUBLIC SAFETY 3,112,469.33 3,271,823.36 66.26% 4,938,219.00 1,666,395.64 ENGINEERING 95,889.78 80,287.81 39:77010 201,878.00 121,590.19 STREET LIGHTS&SIGNALS 147,933.30 140,864.79 58.17% 242,180.00 101,315.21 STREETS&DRAINS 407,635.14 442,273.99 70.80% 624,652.00 182,378.01 RECREATION 598,273.90 610,891.66 73:62010 829,767.00 218,875.34 PARKS 252,250.56 227,194.61 59.73% 380,385.00 153,190.39 PROPERTY MAINTENANCE 489,800.61 530,735.14 71.66% 740,599.00 209,863.86 COMMUNITY CENTER 143,213.70 128,403.33 58.92% 221,300.00 92,896.67 RVP ACTIVITIES CENTER 444,609.88 460,854.88 72.61010 634,684.00 173,829.12 GENERAL FUND TOTAL 7,334,560,9 7,680,354.65 66.11% 11,618,355.00 3,938,000.35 STORMWATER UTILITY FUND: STORMWATER 164,632.59 291,636.17 38.22% 763,086.00 471,449.83 STORMWATER FUND TOTAL 164,632.59 291,636.17 38.22% 763,086.00 471,449.83 SANITATION FUND: SANITATION 1,411,978.31 1,535,323.13 70.35% 2,182,472.00 647,148.87 RECYLING 512,232.48 578,005.34 67.06% 861,935.00 283,929.66 TRANSFERS 94,849.00 95,558.00 100.00% 95,558.00 0.00 SANITATION FUND TOTAL 2,019,059.79 2,208,886.47 70.35% 3,139,965.00 931,078.53 O&M FUND: UTILITIES FINANCE 267,311.91 277,173.13 66.27% 418,277.00 141,103.87 UTILITIES ADMINISTRATION 327,115.65 338,229.17 54.06% 625,706.00 287,476.83 WATER OPERATIONS 445,273.99 444,234.34 64.82% 685,352.00 241,117.66 WATER PRODUCTION 864,499.22 1,103,058.65 75.14% 1,468,037.00 364,978.35 WASTEWATER OPERATIONS 1,180,560.50 1,300,360.30 54.81% 2,372,289.00 1,071,928.70 TRANSFERS 221,144.00 235,292.00 100.00% 235,292.00 0.00 O&M FUND TOTAL 3,305,905.27 3,698,347.59 63.71% 5,804,953.001 2,106,605.41 Alchemy/FI0807#5.xls^965 This Month: August, 2007 Page 5 of 6 GALLONS OF WATER BILLED 9/18/2007 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 JAN 76,456,900 79,308,800 86,467,800 74,068,000 69,582,800 78,247,800 FEB 76,498,200 74,338,700 72,011,219 80,785,700 77,456,900 71,067,200 MAR 73,809,200 68,418,700 67,843,200 75,045,800 71,482,000 77,094,100 APR 80,848,100 74,119,700 90,545,400 83,610,300 91,875,900 101,249,000 MAY 127,560,900 94,027,300 118,725,600 96,282,300 123,040,800 128,791,400 JUN 130,576,800 104,790,800 136,993,400 133,346,220 150,079,000 182,456,800 JUL 158,276,800 110,514,000 131,610,500 100,325,200 173,047,100 157,456,600 AUG 155,501,100 102,962,800 160,617,300 115,916,700 158,084,100 SEP 130,884,800 100,391,200 122,865,200 129,111,000 129,733,600 OCT 106,656,900 116,227,900 93,610,700 139,933,700 118,316,700 NOV 115,442,500 100,255,000 93,101,000 110,036,900 113,309,200 DEC 81,336,800 85,453,600 81,021,900 92,072,100 88,210,200 [TOTAL 1,313,849,000 1,110,808,500 1,255,413,219 1,230,533,920 1,364,218,300 965,415,800 GALLONS OF WATER BILLED 200,000,000 180,000,000 169,052,900 160,000,000 140,000 000 120,000,000 ♦ l 100,000 000 T T 80,000,000 60,000,000 40,000,000 20,000,000 0 JAN FEB MAR APR MAY JUN JUL AUG SEP OCT NOV DEC ■ 2004 ♦ 2005 2006 0 2007 Alchemy/FI0807#6.xls^966.xls This Month: August,2007 Page 6 of 6 NORTH AUGUSTA DEPARTMENT OF BUILDING STANDARDS TOM ZEASER, P.E., DIRECTOR MONTHLY REPORT FOR August, 2007 BUILDING ACTIVITY NUMBER OF PERMITS $VALUE OF CONSTRUCTION This Prior This Prior Month YTD YTD Month YTD YTD NEW RESIDENTIAL.- Single Family-Attached 0 98 21 0 9,563,182 2,759,750 Single Family-Detached 8 89 115 2,105,058 18 596,825 20,641,660 Two Family 0 a 0 0 0 0 Three&Four Family 0 0 0 0 0 0 Five or More Family 0 0 0 01 0 0 Residential B0 t01a1 8 187 136 2,10 ,058 28,160,507 230401,410 NEW COMMERCIAL* 0 3 9 0 17,807,700 15,506,155 ALTERATION&ADDITI+ONS: Residential 19 187 1781 124,560 1,831,300 3,245,216 Commercial 13 40 321 4,576,520 6,319,303 2,123,616 Alterations/Additims Sub-total 32 227 210 4,701 0110 8,150 603 x,368,832 MISCELLANEOUS; Swimming Pools 0 15 101 0 353 948 208,901 Gradings 2 12 81 338,859 2,755,933 1,981,506 Signs 5 32 38 35,175 179,637 252,160 Demolitions 0 16 23 0 0 0 Misce1lancoos Sub-total 7 75 79 374,034 3,289,518 2.,442,567 TO`T`AL, 47 492 434 7,180,.1'72 57x4081328 46,718,'JE64 TOTAL VALUE OF CONSTRUCTION 70000000 60000000 ..... ------------ $57,408,328 50000000 ---------------------------------------- --------------------------'---------- - - "' - - ------------- 40000000 - ------------ ------------ ----- 40000000 ---------- , ----------- ------------ 30000000 ---- ----------- ------------ - - 20000000 ' ------------ ------------ ------------ ----------- - 10000000 r -- - - - ----------- --------- -- ------------ ------------ ------------------------- 0 JAN FEB MAR APR MAY JUN JUL AUG SEP OCT NOV DEC —0 2004 A----2005 • • - 2006 ----0....2007] BL0807#1 This Mouth: August,2007 Page 1 of 3 9/6/2007 PERMITS / FEES Aug 2006 Aug 200.7 (+OR-) Total TOW (+OR-) 2006 YTD 2007 YTD PERMITS: BUILDING 71 52 -19 491 535 +44 MECHANICAL 29 38 +9 308 343 +35 ELECTRICAL 63 60 +6 521 524 +3 PLUMBING 48 45 -3 382 435 +53 TOTAL 211 204 -7 1702 1837 135 PERMIT FEES: BUILDING $14,183 $21x386 +$7,203 $146,758 `6175,499 +$28,741 MECHANICAL $962 $.2,148 +$1,186 $10,528 $11.,31.6 +$788 ELECTRICAL $1,397 $1,61.2 +$215 $12,596 $1.2!220 -$376 PLUMBING $1,913 $.2,080 +$167 $12,948 $14,928 +$1,980 TOTAL $18,455 $2.7*226 1 +$8,7711 $182,830 $.21.3,963 +$31,133 PERMITS / FEES 300000 $213,963 250000 ---------- ------------------------ ---------- ---------,I----------r----------- --- 200000 ---------------------- `------ ---- ----------------------- 150000 ---------- --------------------- ------ ------- -- - -- - 100000 - - ------ ----------- - - -- 50000 ------- ---------- ------------------------ --------- ------------ -------- ----------- ----------- 0 JAN FEB MAR APR MAY JUN JUL AUG SEP OCT NOV DEC �-2004 -*-2005 ::.. 2006 .-A�----2007 BL0807#2 This Month:August,2007 Page 2 of 3 INSPECTION ACTIVITY REPORT NUMBER OF NUMBER OF RE- INSPECTIONS INSPECTIONS TOTALS NEW CONSTR.ECTION: Building 252 48 300 Plumbing 142 56 198 Mechanical 95 23 118 Electrical 215 120 335 Gas 4 2 6 New ComtMfio Sub-To€a! 70 249 9g7 STANDARD HOIUSING CQDE; Building 0 0 0 Plumbing 0 0 0 Mechanical 0 0 0 Electrical 5 0 5 Gas 0 0 0 Stan,Housing Code Sub-Total 5 0 � TOTAL INSPECTIONS 713 249 962 MISCELLANEOUS: Meetings 28 0 28 Certificate of Occupancy hispec. 4 0 4 Condemnations 0 0 0 Letters Sent 0 0 0 No Permits 2 0 2 Incoming Phone In uiries 460 0 460 Miscellaneous Tutai 494 0 494 Tata ngperrtians rtarmed tkix moth: 957 Total IaTeaivim performed Year to Vate:- 874 .vest aumbv of iftspeedomper 41.61 Nr Inspector. IZ13 RESIDENTIAL HOUSING STARTS 70 60 50 8 02004 40 ❑2005 30 ❑2006 20 10 ®2007 0 JAN FEB MAR APR MAY JUN JUL AUG SEP OCT NOV DEC BL0807#3 This Month: August,2007 Page 3 of 3 DEPARTMENT OF ECONOMIC AND COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT SKIP GRKO VIC, AICP, DIRECTOR MONTHLYREPORT FOR AUGUST 2007 City of North Augusta Department of Economic and Community Development Monthly Report for August 2007 Item This Month Year To Date Same Month Last Year Last Year To Date Development Applications Approved Denied Appr*'Ved Denied Approved 1?er#ied Appmved Denied Major Subdivisions 1 0 7 0 1 0 6 0 (Preliminary Plats) Final Subdivision Plats Minor 4 0 36 0 0 0 11 0 Major 2 0 5 0 0 0 4 0 Acres 9.70 0.00 61.04 0.00 0.00 0.00 134.74 0.00 Lots* 56 1 0 222 1 0 1 0 0 219 1 0 Residential Site Reviews 28 0 222 1 24 0 195 0 Minor Site Plans 0 0 3 0 3 0 7 0 Major Site Plans 1 0 8 1 2 0 9 0 Site Plan Acres 10.83 0.00 34.30 0.64 23.20 0.00 34.92 0.00 PD Gen Dev Plans(PDGDP) 1 0 1 0 1 0 3 0 Acres 330.00 0.00 330.00 0.00 5.60 0.00 362.04 0.00 PDGDP Modifications 0 0 0 0 0 0 3 0 Rezoning Applications 00 2 0 0 0 3 0 Text Amendment Applications 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 Communications Towers 0 0 0 0 0 0 :309 0 Signs 3 0 32 3 9 0 1 Zoning Compliance 13 1 110 1 11 0 0 SZA Applications Approved Denied Approved Vented Approved Denied Approvtd Denied Variance 0 0 1 0 1 0 4 1 Special Exception 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Administrative Decision 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Fees Collected Applications $1,545.00 $13,263.90 $1,085.00 $12,283.90 Appeals $0.00 $200.00 $150.00 $900.00 Maps/Publications $45.00 $538.50 $60.00 $1,791.59 Special Review Fees $0.00 $2,000.00 $0.00 $0.00 Total Fees $1,590.00 $16,002.40 $1,295.00 $14,975.49 Code Compliance Complaints/Violations 14 99 26 214 Unfounded/Duplicate 1 15 0 8 Voluntary Compliance 12 78 20 198 Unresolved Violations 2 20 6 8 Signs in ROW Collected 181 1,232 256 1,328 Uc,e*nseff ax/Perm its Complaints/Violations 0 6 0 3 Voluntary Compliance 0 6 0 2 Unresolved 0 6 0 1 * Includes net lot gain from minor plats C1Documents and Settings\cdecamp\Desktop\August 2007 Monthly Report of North, AugUst South'Carolink.,., City i Aiv' Economic an' d Comm Deve opm'ent De 'art eR yw, P Staff Approvals - 2007 Residential Site Plans - August 2007 Application Number Tax Parcel Number Applicant Legal Description Zone Approval Date Structure RSP 07-196 006-20-16-003 Boston Johnson 1504 Aiken Avenue R-2 8/1/2007 Storage Shed RSP 07-197 006-06-19-008 Barry L.Myers 1847 Pisgah Road R-1 8/1/2007 Storage Shed RSP 07-198 007-13-01-001 Phil Wetherington 31 Madison Street PD 8/1/2007 New RSP 07-199 005-10-06-003 Forrest McKie 158 Woodstone Way PD 8/1/2007 New RSP 07-200 006-10-09-002 E M Long 136 Springwood Drive R-3 1 8/2/2007 New RSP 07-201 006-10-09-002 E M Long 148 Springwood Drive R-3 8/2/2007 New RSP 07-202 007-13-01-001 R H Builders 512 Arrington Avenue PD 8/2/2007 New RSP 07-203 007-13-01-001 R H Builders 514 Arrington Avenue PD 8/2/2007 New RSP 07-204 006-12-11-004 Alfred A. Dukes 1846 Crossland Avenue R-3 8/3/2007 Deck RSP 07-205 00-019-01-032 Jim Newman 171 Altamaha Drive PD 8/3/2007 New RSP 07-206 00-015-001-556 Jason Champagne 201 Redbud Drive R-3 8/7/2007 Deck/Porch RSP 07-207 10-032-0-01-039 Archadeck 2007 White Pine Drive R-1 8/7/2007 Deck RSP 07-208 005-10-06-003 Brad Hodge 132 Overbrook Drive PD 8/7/2007 New RSP 07-209 014-00-02-026 Darryl Dupert 21 Savannah River Place PD 8/8/2007 Screen Porch RSP 07-210 005-10-06-003 Brad Hodge 151 Woodstone Way PD 8/8/2007 New RSP 07-211 005-12-001-002 Jim Weiss 155 Orchard Way R-3 8/13/2007 Screen Room RSP 07-212 006-09-01-053 Walter Feldbusch 1428 Brookgreen Drive R-2 8/23/2007 Storage Shed RSP 07-213 006-15-06-026 Paul Koon 1710 Marion Avenue R-3 8/23/2007 Storage Building RSP 07-214 00-003-01-045 Bob Dohm 202 Riverwind Drive R-1 8/27/2007 New RSP 07-215 005-10-11-002 Donald Doman 114 Line Bars Drive PD 8/27/2007 Storaqe Shed RSP 07-216 002-16-05-021 Bill Burkhalter 959 Campbellton Drive R-1 8/27/2007 Walkway&Deck RSP 07-217 00-014-001-359 Phil Hargrove 189 Millwood Lane PD 8/28/2007 Pool RSP 07-218 10I2-09-02-055 Jefferson Construction 341 Belair Road R-2 8/30/2007 New RSP 07-219 1006-11-03-054 The Villas at Five Notch 1210 W.Five Notch,Suite 101 R-3 8/30/2007 New Townhouse C it of N orth Augusta, Si6utii'.Carolina p '- Economic and Community Development D "' - t� - " 1� e aitm Aw n Staff Approvals - 2007 Residential Site Plans - August 2007 Application Number Tax Parcel Number Applicant Legal Description Zone Approval Date Structure RSP 07-220 006-11-03-054 The Villas at Five Notch 210 W. Five Notch,Suite 102 R-3 8/30/2007 New Townhouse RSP 07-221 006-11-03-054 The Villas at Five Notch 210 W. Five Notch,Suite 103 R-3 8/30/2007 New Townhouse RSP 07-222 006-11-03-054 The Villas at Five Notch 210 W.Five Notch,Suite 104 R-3 8/30/2007 New Townhouse RSP 0 -11-03-054 New Townhouse 1006 IThe Villas at Five Notch 1210 W. Five Notch,Suite 105—t R-3 8/30/2007 Minor Plats - August 2007 Application Number Tax Parcel Number Applicant Location Zone Approval Date Acres Net Lots MP 07-33 005-13-19-003 NA Riverfront Co. LLC Lot 5-3 PD 8/8/2007 0.16 0 IMP 07-34 005-12-13-002 T&P Knight LLC Orchard Lane,Block F R-3 8/17/2007 0.29 4 MP 07-35 007-05-14-009 Susan A Shouse Mokateen Ave. R-4 8/17/2007 0.16 -1 005-08-16-001 MP 07-36 011-05-01-001 Summers Family Trust Five Notch Road R-2 8/18/2007 89.15 Minor Site Plans - Year To Date Application Number Tax Parcel Number Applicant Location Zone Approval Date Project MSP 06-09 007-13-11-003 North Augusta Riverfront Co. 89 Crystal Lake Drive PD 2/16/2007 New Sales Office MSP 07-01 013-09-09-002 Jason Seigler 613 Atomic Road C-5 2/21/2007 Office Building Renovation MSP 07-02 007-07-17-011 S.S. Investments 1011 East Avenue,Lot 4 C-1 5/17/2007 1 New Office Building NOR TH A UG US TA PUBLIC SAFETY DEPA R TMENT T. L. Wetherington, Director Submitted by: C. Luckey MONTHLY REPORT FOR AUGUST, 2007 09/12/2007 DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC SAFETY MONTHLY REPORT AUGUST 2006 AUGUST,2007 (+OR-) 2006 Y.T.D. 2007 Y.T.D. +OR- FINES AND FORFEITURES $62,711 $74,172 +$11,461 $W$90 $631,036 +$94;t46 MUNICIPAL COURT CASES 703 636 --67 4,843 5,840 +997 JURY'TRTALSREQUESTED 12 24 +12 114 197 +83 LARCENY OF MOTOR VEHICLES 10 5 —5 43 40 --3 TRAFFIC WARNINGS 784 658 -426 5,640 6,514 +874 NONTRAFFIC ARRESTS 152 197 +45 1,003 1,223 +220 TRAFFIC ARRESTS 574 551 --23 4,528 %390 +862 TOTAL ARRESTS 726 748 +22 5,531 6 613 +1 82 CALLS FOR.SERVICE 4,654 3,812 --842 35,823 35197$ +5z OFFICER GENERATED CALLS 3,471 W21 —11150 26.763 25.146 -1617 CITIZEN GENER&TED CALLS 1,183 1,491 +308 9,060 10729 +1669 COMMUNITY POLICING 11552 1,006 —546 12,238 10,894 -1,344 MMOR CRIMES 60 65 +5 484 389 --95 TRAFFICACCIDENTS 86 111 +25 726 733 +7 FIRE CALLS 36 42 +6 271 281 +9 VICTIM'S ASSISTANCE MONEY S3,996 $44543 +8547 $32,611 $36771 -[-54,160 FIRST RESPONDERS 91 105 +14 634 774 +140 PS08200701.XISA5683 This Month: August,2007 Page 1 of 5 09/12/2007 CALLS FOR SERVICE 75,000 65,000 55,000 45,000 35,823 35,875 35,000 25,000 15,000 5,000 4,654 3,812 - 842 +52 -5,000 AUGUST,2006 AUGUST,2007 (+OR-) 2006 Y.T.D. 2007 Y.T.D. (+OR-) FINES AND FORFEITURES $1,000,000 $900,000 $800,000 $700,000 $631,036 $600,000 $546,890 $500,000 $400,000 $300,000 $200,000 $100,000 $62,711 $74,172 +$84,146 +$11,461 $0 AUGUST,2006 AUGUST,2007 (+OR-) 2006 Y.T.D. 2007 Y.T.D. (+OR-) PS08200701.XISA5683 This Month: August,2007 Page 2 of 5 09/12/2007 TRAFFIC ACCIDENTS 1,000 800 726 733 600 400 200 86 111 +25 +7 AUGUST,2006 AUGUST,2007 (+OR-) 2006 Y.T.D. 2007 Y.T.D. (+OR-) -200 MAJOR CRIMES 1,000 800 600 484 400 389 200 60 65 p OEM +5 --95 AUGUST,2006 AUGUST,2007 (+OR-) 2006 Y.T.D. 2007 Y.T.D. -200 PS08200701.XISA5683 This Month: August,2007 Page 3 of 5 09/12/2007 MAJOR CRIMES JAN I FEB MAR I APR I MAY JUN JUL AUG SEP OCT NOV I DEC I I ....... . ----------- ...... .....—....... 2004 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 2005 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 2006 2 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 2007 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 ........ .. ....... ............ 2004 o 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 0 1 2005 0 0 4 0 1 2 0 1 0 0 2006 0 1 1 0 3 1 1 1 .0 2007 0 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 . ................... . .........* 2004 2 1 0 1 1 0 2 0 0 1 2005 0 1 0 1 1 0 1 5 0 2006 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 0 1 3 1 2007 0 1 0 2 1 3 2 2 1 6 .......... 2004 2 0 2 1 1 1 2 0 . ........... 2005 0 1 1 1 2 3 3 1 2006 1 0 1 2 3 2 0 0 2007 1 3 2 1 2 1 1 0 ... 2004 22 21 13 20 1 21 23 28 29 2005 21 12 23 15 28 18 33 13 2006 17 9 24 23 26 31 21 27 2007 28 8 9 12 _21 16 17 24 2004 30 39 30 15 32 25 38 26 2005 22 21 30 22 37 30 1 34 26 2006 29 31 29 27 29 34 1 33 21 2007 14 11 19 13 39 21 32 29 TQ:R Yin -Ok mo .00guo'L a — — j- 2004 6 7 2 4 5 9 5 12 2005 3 2 2 6 2 2 8 2 2006 2 3 4 8 6 3 7 10 2007 6 3 5 3 5 6 7 5 ............ 2004 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 2005 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 1 0 2006 0 0 2007 1 0 0 0 0 jo- 1 0 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 FALSE ALARMS JAN FEB MAR APR I MAY JUN JUL AUG SEP OCT NOVI DEC MAR LIL LL 7u. ............... IT PS08200702.XISA5685 This Month: August,2007 Page 4 of 5 09/12/2007 ARRESTS JAN FEB MAR APR MAY JUN JUL AUG SEPT OCT NOV DEC Y.T.D MALE 635 583 661 $01 $57 443 406 473 4,259 FLMALE 382 276 335 305 266 293 ,222 275 2,354 'MITE 553 313 6088 475 482 422 360 404 3,817 MSPAMC 74 27 62 40 46 46 38 57 390 BLACK 390 319 326 291 295 268 230 287 2,406 OVER 17 981 808 933 730 787 698 611 700 41248 UNDER 17 36 51 63 76 36 38 17 48 365 TOTAL ARRESTS 10,000 9,000 8,000 7,000 6,613 6,000 5,531 5,000 4,000 3,000 2,000 1,000 726 748 +1,082 +22 0 AUGUST,2006 AUGUST,2007 (+OR-) 2006 Y.T.D. 2007 Y.T.D. (+OR-) ps08200703 This Month: August,2007 Page 5 of 5 NORTH AUGUSTA DEPARTMENT OF SANITATION SERVICES TOM ZEASER, P.E., DIRECTOR MONTHLY REPORT FOR August, 2007 RESIDENTIAL SANITATION 9/10/2007 JAN FEB MAR APR MAY JUN JUL AUG SEPT OCT NOV DEC YTD Customers-Inside 2007 7,323 7,335 7,368 7,389 7,418 7,457 7,534 7,594 Residential 2006 7,027 7,027 7,031 7,061 7,067 7,077 7,078 7,091 7,100 7,108 7,287 7,325 Customers-Outside 2007 280 283 284 297 289 285 277 288 Residential 2006 277 283 276 281 269 277 283 277 283 275 276 279 Customers-Multi 2007 1,299 1,299 1,299 1,299 1,299 1,310 1,286 1,337 Unit Residential 2006 1,258 1,258 1,258 1,258 1,258 1,258 1,258 1,258 1,299 1,299 1,299 1,299 Total Customers 2007 8,902 8,917 8,951 8,985 9,006 9,052 9,097 9,219 0 0 0 0 2006 8,562 8,568 8,565 8,600 8,594 8,612 8,619 8,626 8,682 8,682 8,862 8,903 Garbage Landfilled 2007 699 565 635 671* 702* 764* 810 710 3,419 (tons) 2006 770 552 674 637 690 680 671 767 608 627 676 675 8,027 Yard Trash(tons) 2007 454 327 673 589 679 537 609 422 4,290 2006 438 328 543 509 528 509 401 550 447 397 496 516 5,662 Yard Trash Cans 2007 201 204 209 216 238 247 297 319 2006 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 113 146 162 177 197 Service Fees 2007 $129,482 $129,902 $130,444 $130,823 $131,095 $131,249 $131,737 $129,471 $1,044,203 2006 $126,714 $126,785 $127,060 1 $127,278 1 $127,147 1 $127,543 $126,910 $128,506 1 $131,803 F$129,4461 $127,500 $129,777 $1,536,469 *NOTE:Compactor was inoperable for the first week of the month-forced to direct haul loads without sorting RESIDENTIAL GARBAGE -TONS RESIDENTIAL YARD TRASH- TONS LANDFILLED LANDFILLED 900 800 800 710 700 2 700 600 600 - - 500 500 s, 400 400 300 z 300 200 200 100 100 0 0 ■20062O 2007 2006 M007 PW0807#1 This Month:August,2007 Page 1 of 4 9/10/2007 COMMERCIAL SANITATION JAN FEB MAR APR MAY JUN JUL AUG SEPT OCT NOV DEC YTD Customers-Inside 2007 466 467 475 465 474 472 478 480 Business/Industrial 2006 442 438 442 447 447 446 449 448 456 4581 462 465 Customers-Outside 2007 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 Business/Industrial 2006 6 6 6 6 6 7 7 7 7 6 6 6 Total Customers 2007 472 473 481 471 480 478 484 486 0 0 0 0 2006 448 444 448 453 453 453 456 455 463 464 468 471 Garbage Landlilld 2007 505 504 464 467 484 493 447 486 3850 (tons) 2006 440 416 456 425 512 442 410 501 462 472 493 491 5520 Service Fees 2007 $52,977 $52,430 $53,116 $53,114 $53,537 $53,484 $50,791 $50,977 $420,426 2006 $50,813 $50,506 $50,994 $51,214 $51,541 $48,170 $48,051 $50,723 $52,213 $52,152 $52,641 $52,165 $611,183 Landfill Tipping 2007 $17,684 $14,539 $16,226 $16,345 $16,957 $16,362 $16,395 $17,040 $131,548 Fees 2006 $16,003 $13,984 1 $15,965 $14,868 $17,984 $15,479 $14,140 $17,549 $16,175 $14,992 $15,842 $15,388 $188,369 COMMERCIAL GARBAGE - TONS LANDFILLED 600 _ 486 500 , 400 300 200 100 JAN FEB MAR APR MAY JUN JUL AUG SEPT OCT NOV DEC ■2006 ©2007 PW0807#1 This Month:August,2007 Page 2 of 4 9/10/2007 RECYCLING JAN FEB I MAR APR MAY JUNE JULY AUG SEPT OCT I NOV DEC YTD All Solid NA/Resident 2007 920 708 770 680 752 726 810 754 6120 Waste NA/Resident 2006 818 646 748 732 771 748 777 790 770 826 892 952 9470 Including NA/Commercia 2007 170 155 156 165 150 163 150 184 1293 Recyclables NA/Commercia 2006 480 442 488 180 168 178 170 164 135 114 149 107 2775 Taken In JWSRC 2007 206 211 207 222 224 217 211 207 1 1705 (Tons) WSRC 2006 189 154 234 221 245 256 199 269 209 219 229 235 2659 City of Aiken 2007 181 118 163 146 168 149 142 152 1 1219 City of Aiken 2006 163 139 172 156 152 164 139 172 141 158 225 157 1938 Advanced 2007 6 8 11 7 6 20 16 5 79 Advanced 2006 17 12 13 12 13 13 16 16 19 13 11 7 162 Tri-County 2007 li 11 11 16 12 15 10 11 97 Tri-County 2006 16 10 11 16 11 6 13 10 16 13 16 17 155 Inland 2007 49 37 49 39 40 39 45 11 309 Inland 2006 44 31 40 40 41 42 46 48 42 54 53 54 535 Other 2007 82 74 81 68 75 77 57 26 540 Other 2006 18 26 491 41 57 60 48 70 76 75 63 85 668 Waste Mgt. 2007 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 2 Waste Mgt 2006 12 2 3 2 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 21 Total 2007 1625 1322 1448 1344 1427 1406 1441 1351 0 0 0 0 10071 Total 2006 1757 1462 1758 1400 1458 1467 1408 1540 1408 1472 1639 1614 18383 Non- NA/Resident 2007 699 565 635 577 657 647 735 651 5166 Recyclables NA/Resident 2006 770 552 674 637 690 680 671 767 608 627 676 675 8027 Taken to NA/Commercia 2007 69 66 52 71 56 74 54 80 522 Landfill NA/Commercia 2006 440 416 456 144 143 108 117 141 84 71 88 56 2264 WSRC 2007 133 127 125 140 146 134 137 127 1069 WSRC 2006 121 102 161 1371 158 1871 121 178 136 140 128 130 1699 Total 2007 901 758 812 788 859 855 926 858 0 0 0 0 6235 Total 2006 1331 1070 1291 918 991 975 909 1086 828 838 892 861 11990 Recyclables NA/Resident 2007 221 143 135 103 95 79 75 103 0 0 0 0 954 Processed NA/Resident 2006 48 94 74 95 81 68 106 23 162 199 216 277 1443 (Tons) % 2007 24% 20% 18% 15% 13% 11% 9% 14% 16% % 2006 6% 15% 10% 13% 11% 9% 14% 3% 21% 24% 24%1. 29% 15% NA/Commercia 2007 101 89 104 94 94 89 96 104 0 0 0 0 771 NA/Commercia 2006 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 60 81 15 60 216 % 2007 59% 57% 67% 57% 63% 55% 64% 57°% 60% % 2006 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 44% 71% 10% 56% 8% WSRC-Tons 2007 73 84 82 82 78 83 74 80 0 0 0 0 636 WSRC-Tons 2006 68 52 73 84 87 69 78 91 73 79 101 105 960 % 2007 35% 40% 40% 37% 35% 38% 35% 39% 37% % 2006 36% 34% 31% 0% 36% 27% 39% 34% 35% 36% 44% 45% 36% Total Recyclables Processed 2007 724 564 636 556 568 551 515 493 0 0 0 0 4607 (Tons) 2006 426 392 467 482 467 492 499 454 580 634 747 753 6393 Material Sales Revenue 2007 $50,993 $43,743 $48,710 $50,144 $41,683 $50,302 $60,571 $44,761 1 $390,907 Material Sales Revenue 2006 $23,960 $34,940 $31,086 1 $45,904 $33,430 $27,038 1 $40,887 1 $34,870 $43,740 $40,790 $39,582 $41,994 $438,221 RECYCLING MATERIALS PROCESSED 800 700 493 600 500 400 300 200 JAN FEB MAR APRIL MAY JUNE JULY AUG SEPT OCT NOV DEC ®2006 ©2007 PW0807#2 This Month-August,2007 Page 3 of 4 ANIMAL CONTROL 9/10/2007 JAN FEB MAR APR MAY JUNE JULY AUG SEPT OCT NOV DEC YTD Cases Investigated 2007 50 71 56 84 86 66 78 85 576 2006 73 45 64 91 96 80 71 89 79 92 56 43 879 Warning Tickets 2007 0 1 1 1 7 0 0 0 10 2006 2 0 0 2 0 0 0 3 1 1 0 2 11 Animals Picked Up 2007 52 42 31 56 44 58 59 39 381 2006 41 31 52 41 58 84 52 36 82 70 53 22 622 Animals Claimed 2007 19 22 15 17 15 21 161 23 148 2006 26 11 24 21 25 10 15 6 17 19 16 9 199 Veterinarian Cost 2007 $1,016 $943 $943 $1,136 $1,060 $1,209 $1,222 $997 $8,526 mcludesn$752 retainer as of 2006 $220 $250 $470 $195 $420 $1,045 $1,032 $1,203 $1,262 $1,156 $1,189 $949 $9,391 Fines Generated 2007 $265 $235 $260 $230 $445 $320 $298 $155 $2,208 By Pickups 2006 $630 $145 $646 $200 $475 $150 $240 $110 $325 $345 $422 $140 $3,828 Court Cases 2007 1 1 1 2 8 0 7 0 20 2006 2 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 0 7 Convictions 2007 1 1 1 2 6 0 7 0 i8 2006 2 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 0 7 Court Fines 2007 $153 $158 $0 $411 $881 $0 $1,595 $0 $3,198 2006 $285 $0 $158 $158 $0 $0 $0 $0 $465 $157 $157 $0 $1,380 Mosquito Spraying 2007 0 0 01 0 7 16 18 16 57 Hours 2006 0 0 0 0 10 14 10 14 12 0 0 0 60 Health Cases 2007 0 2 0 31 1 0 1 0 7 Referred to DHEC 2006 1 0 0 1 3 0 1 0 0 0 0 4 10 PW0807#1 This Month:August,2007 Page 4 of 4 NORTH AUGUSTA PARKS/RECREATION & LEISURE SERVICES J. ROBERT BROpKS9 DIRECTOR MONTHLY REPORT FOR AUGUST, 2007 SPORTS ACTIVITY REPORT Particpation Revenues Sport N.be,.ff ams Participants Prior Year In City Out City Coachf$18,855 urrent Month YTD Prior YTD Basketball 78 685 749 418 267 156 $0 $12,688 $9,080 Baseball 62 781 825 471 310 186 $250 $65,525 $67,555 Softball-Adult 8 128 171 76 52 8 $0 $29,932 $32,188 Softball-Youth 25 302 300 123 179 75 Soccer-Adult 0 0 0 0 0 0 Soccer-Youth 32 404 427 268 136 64 $47,670 $50,639 Classic Soccer 4 54 64 29 25 8 Cheerleading 0 0 0 0 0 0 Football 0 0 0 0 0 0 $27,325 $40,060 $36,450 ,Volleyball 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 $200 $200 $990 MISCELLANEOUS RENTALS Rentals Revenues Facility Month YTD MonthMo.Prior Year YTD Prior YTD Pavilion 2 51 1 $900 1 $775 1 $4,485 1 $3,850 HAJEREMMActivities Center\Monthly Report\AC report07 (version 2) (version 1) Riverview Park Activities Center Revenue / Participation Revenue for %'07 Budget %'07 Budget Current Recoupd in Recouped Month Month YTD 2007 2006 2005 2004 2003 2002 Jan. $ 30,555 12.28% 12.28% $ 30,555 $ 37,621 $32,739 $29,836 $29,883 $29,516 Feb. $ 32,445 13.04% 25.32% $ 63,000 $ 66,453 $66,977 $60,592 $60,574 $54,821 Mar. $ 20,576 8.27% 33.58% $ 83,576 $ 88,793 $88,526 $83,277 $81,670 $71,816 Apr. $ 12,711 5.11% 38.69% $ 96,287 $ 100,567 $102,410 $94,943 $96,965 $87,185 May $ 12,799 5.14% 43.84% $109,086 $ 112,040 $118,065 $109,259 $105,159 $98,347 June $ 15,743 6.33% 50.16% $124,829 $ 133,269 $132,203 $124,081 $119,515 $110,186 Jul $ 13,737 5.52% 55.68% $138,566 $ 144,598 $147,569 $137,206 $132,143 $125,709 Aug. $ 20,577 8.27% 63.95% $159,143 $ 167,297 $168,914 $159,392 $154,392 $145,915 Sept. 0.00% 63.95% $ 181,413 $182,338 $178,647 $166,136 $158,399 Oct. 0.00% 63.95% $ 199,565 $197,355 $197,019 $183,064 $172,336 Nov. 0.00% 63.95% $219,010 $210,044 $213,899 $200,802 $188,635 Dec. 0.00% 63.95% $236,856 $234,413 $229,202 $225,771 $204,988 Total $ 159,143 1 63.95%_1 248,850 1 236,856 $234,413 $229,202 1 $225,771 $204,988 August Current Month YTD Prior YTD Revenue YTD Prior YTD Attendance 9,787 75,209 74,139 Racquetball $0 $0 $0 Class In-51 Participants 85 804 914 out-34 $796 $7,277 $5,342 Salt Hours 240 1 1,920 1,920 Revenue $250,000 $200,000 - - - - - - - - $150,000 - - - --- $159--- '1 43 I $100,000 - -- - --- -- $50,000 - - - - - - - 0 Jan. ,Feb. Mar. Apr. May June July Aug. Sept. Oct. Nov. Dec. 1--2003 -)K-2004 --0--2005 --G-2006 --w-2007 H:\JEREMYJ\Activities Center\Monthly Report\AC report07 (version 2)(version 1) Activities Center Membership Breakdown Annual Out Annual Out Total Annual In- Annual In- of City of city Annual Out Current for Semi- City Individual city Family Individual Family of State the Month 07 Annual Quarterly Annual Jan. 206 106 55 10 4 664 381 203 80 Feb. 144 59 35 9 3 585 250 254 81 Mar. 110 98 35 6 4 515 253 197 65 Apr. 84 41 19 2 4 313 150 128 35 May 77 38 20 0 2 344 137 169 38 Jun. 77 38 34 4 1 1 387 154 205 28 Jul. 92 48 15 2 6 356 163 146 47 Aug. 113 42 44 5 2 409 206 147 56 Sept. Oct. Nov. Dec. Totals 903 470 257 38 26 11 3573 1694 1449 430 F Membership Type Chart Membership Term Chart Annual Out of Annual Annual city Out of Semi- Out of Family State Annual City , Individual i i iiiiiii• Annua Annual ••••••••• 07 Annual In-city In-City ......... Family Individual ••••••••• Quarterly-- ilii• ❑Annual In-City Individual ■Annual In-city Family ❑Annual Out of City Individual ■Annual Out of city Family I ©07 Annual ■Quarterly ❑Semi-Annual ®Annual Out of State H:\JEREMYJ\Activities Center\Monthly Report\AC report07 (version 2) (version 1) Monthly Membership Annual Membership Totals 2007 2006 2005 2004 2003 2007 2006 2005 2004 2003 Jan 664 664 669 508 668 664 664 669 508 668 Feb 585 743 649 524 686 1249 1407 1318 1032 1354 Mar 515 514 419 403 471 1764 1921 1737 1435 1825 A ril 313 286 350 220 342 2077 2207 2087 1655 2167 May 344 295 314 249 183 2421 2502 2401 1904 2350 June 387 425 359 237 321 2808 2927 2760 2141 2671 July 356 360 266 220 282 3164 3287 3026 2361 2953 Aug409 441 468 315 497 3573 3728 3494 2676 3450 Sept 385 314 242 263 4113 3808 2918 3713 Oct 370 298 298 378 4483 4106 3216 4091 Nov 466 407 244 398 4949 4513 3460 4489 Dec 478 439 1 361 1 561 5427 1 4952 3821 1 5050 �� 5427 4952 3821 5050 �_��]��� Annual Membership Chart 6000 - 5000 - - 3573 - - 4000 - -- - - 3000 2000 - - - 1000 t - - - - - -- �X\ 4- -c�--- 2003 -N 2004 -x- 2005 -o-- 2006 -+- 2 � - - - -- -- - - -- 007 HAJEREMMActivities CenterWonthly Report\AC report07 (version 2)(version 1) Concession Revenue Monthly JAN FEB MAR APR MAY JUNE JUL AUG SEP OCT NOV DEC 2001 $6,387 $3,096 $8,009 $19,191 $23,269 $2,855 $6,385 $545 $10,960 $15,721 $7,144 $2,021 2002 $6,301 $4,222 $6,406 $19,655 $25,380 $3,666 $6,202 $343 $9,916 $12,868 $4,550 $2,317 2003 $5,691 $3,949 $13,309 $20,145 $25,686 $4,393 $4,048 $451 $11,200 $13,9461 $4,322 $2,819 2004 $6,057 $4,866 $15,733 $18,476 $25,689 $3,983 $5,372 $1,396 $10,073 $12,598 $2,748 $2,265 2005 $5,583 $3,825 $11,749 $20,269 $30,133 $4,922 $3,862 $3,034 $14,649 $13,453 $4,516 $5,905 2006 $6,890 $2,848 $14,558 $24,388 $31,594 $2,796 $7,321 $577 $12,147 $11,850 $4,013 $2,546 2007 $8,4841 $3,613 $19,449 $21,230,$32,404 $4,0551 $8,7311 $695 Year-to-Date 2001 $6,387 1 $9,483 $17,492 $36,683 $59,952 $62,807 $69,192 $69,737 $80,697 $96,418 $103,562 $105,583 2002 $6,301 $10,523 $16,929 $36,584 $61,964 $65,630 $71,832 $72,175 $82,091 $94,959 $99,509 $101,826 2003 $5,691 $9,640 $22,949 $43,094 $68,780 $73,173 $77,221 $77,672 $88,872 $102,818 $107,140 $109,959 2004 $6,057 $10,923 $26,656 $45,132 $70,821 $74,804 $80,176 $81,572 $91,645 $104,243 $109,888 $112,153 2005 $5,583 $9,408 $21,157 $41,426 $71,559 $76,481 $80,343 $83,377 $98,026 $111,479 $115,995 $118,058 2006 $6,8901 $9,738 $24,296 $48,684 $80,278 $83,074 $90,395 $90,972 $103,119 $114,969 $118,982 $121,528 2007 $8,4841 $12,097 $31,546 $52,776 $85,180 $89,2351 $97,966 $98,661 $140,000 $120,000 - - - - - 93,6�1 X=X $100,000 - --- $80,000 - - - - -- - - -- - - $60,000 - - - -- - - - - --- - $40,000 -- - - - -- - - - -- - - - -- i $20,000 - $0 - , - - - - - -- - - r- JAN FEB MAR APR MAY JUNE JUL AUG SEP OCT NOV DEC --� 2003 -x- 20-0-4--x- 2005 -0--2006 2007 11 ----- --- - HAJEREMYAActivities Center\Monthly Report\AC report07 (version 2) (version 1) COMMUNITY CENTER RENTALS REVENUES Month YTD Month Mth YTD Prior YTD Group Discount Rev Actual Prior Year Organization Received Value Banquet 7 1 38 $800 1 $2,250 $11,665 $8,050 Chamber $60 $750 Civic Group 4 42 $750 $0 $2,390 $1,205 Lions Optimist Exchange Pilot $265 $1,850 Parties 8 71 $890 $2,285 $16,943 $13,104 DAV Arts Heritage Seniors Community Meetings 28 187 $4,025 $25 $23,190 $9,925 i Ci $25 $2,745 Classes 0 0 $0 $0 $0 $0 Industry Meetings 20 154 $1,810 $275 $15,985 $20,816 Weddings 1 20 $1,095 $4,125 $11,888 $19,575 Reunion 1 1 $0 $0 $150 $0 Linen(#times used) 0 0 $483 $893 $3,259 $3,510 Public Heanng 0 0 $0 $0 $0 $0 Equipment Rental 0 0 $0 $0 $90 $195 Miscellaneous(Coke) 1 0 1 0 $57 $15 $199 $175 TOTAL 1 69 513 1 $9,910 1 $9,868 1 $85,759 $76,555 $140,000 $120,000 -- -- --- - - - - - $100,000 -- - - - - - - $85,759 $80,000 - $60,000 -- - $40,000 $20,000 -- - - - - - - $0 �g\ �S' Q� �� �t,� ��� moo; ,��.• ��.• o�• ��' � � O - 2002 ---b-20-03------x-----2004 -)K-2005 -0 2006 ---2-0 0-7 HAJEREMMActivities Center\Monthly Report\AC report07 (version 2)(version 1) NORTH AUGUSTA DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC UTILITIES AND PUBLIC WORKS MONTHLY REPORT FOR August, 2007 9/10/2007 WATER OPERATIONS AND MAINTENANCE JAN FEB MAR APR MAY JUNE JULY AUG SEPT OCT NOV DEC YTD Tota Customers In-City 2007 8,091 8,087 8,130 8,137 8,146 8,234 8,227 9,240 2006 7,933 8,004 8,012 8,026 8,025 7,971 8,000 8,0561 8,067 8,08SI 8,221 8,080 Customers Out-City 2007 3,212 3,226 3,240 3,235 3,226 3,231 3,211 3,214 2006 3,231 3,237 3,243 3,235 3,236 3,267 3,246 3,253 3,251 3,248 3,249 3,239 Total Customers 2007 11,3031 11,3131 11,3701 ,37 11,37 11,465 11,438 11,4541 01 01 0 0 2006 11,16 11,241 11,255 11,261 11,261 11,238 11,246 11,309 11,318 11,333 11,470 11,319 #of Water Taps Paid 2007 18 10 17 6 10 17 7 9 94 2006 16 10 24 7 19 7 19 16 20 24 11 5 178 Tap Fees Collected 2007 $11,051 $4,400 $8,500 $2,900 $3,050 $9,000 $3,900 $9,055 $51,856 2006 $6,900 $2,775 1 $6,250 $3,700 $13,100 $3,700 $9,750 $8,650 $9,000 $5,650 $5,350 $1,250 $76,075 Water Lines Installed 2007 760 0 0 6 180 555 2,400 p 3,901 LF 2006 2,080 1,230 850 510 1,780 710 1,042 840 190 0 260 225 9,717 Water Produced 2007 85,475 82,753 114,994 142,846 196,388 174,498 176,077 216,528 1,189,55 (gallons in thousands) 2006 82,006 74,517 102,962 137,489 179,861 188,677 192,746 168,663 144,234 138,717 111,711 99,483 1,621,06 Water Metered 2007 80,365 71,954. 78,303 103,1121 132,709 190,460 165,748 177,790 1,000,441 (gallons in thousands) 2006 70,847 78,540 72,336 94,120 128,618 156,607 186,700 169,525 139,508 126,936 117,625 92,748 1,434,11 Other Consumption 2007 2,117 886 1,209 1,863 3,917 8,003 8,292 8 737 35,02 (gallons in thousands) 2006 1,264 1,083 854 2,244 5,577 6,528 13,652 11,441 9,774 8,619 4,315 4,537 69,888 Water Consumed/ 2007 96% 88% 69% 73% 70% 114% 99% 86% 87% Water Produced 1 2006 88% 107% 71% 70% 75% 86% 104% 107% 103% 98% 109% Water Produced b250,000 ........ .... ..................................... 77 200,000 216,528 71 0 150,000 100,000 0 50,000 0 JAN FEB MAR APR MAY JUNE JULY AUG SEPT OCT NOV DEC ®2006 ©2007 PU0807#1 This Month: August,2007 Page 1 of 4 9/10/2007 WASTEWATER OPERATIONS AND MAINTENANCE JAN FEB MAR APR MAY JUNE JULY AUG SEPT OCT NOV I DEC YTD Tota Customers In-City 2007 9,018 9,012 9,049 9,054 9,073 9,105 9,120 9,150 2006 8,860 8,926 8,939 8,960 8,972 8,930 8,926 8,954 8,974 8,987 9,131 9,002 Customers Out-City 2007 954 957 963 962 958 964 957 960 2006 955 965 967 966 958 973 964 964 965 963 963 956 Total Customers 2007 9,9721 9,969 10,01 10,016 10,031 10,069 10,077 10,110 0 0 0 0 2006 9,815 9,891 9,906 9,926 9,930 9,903 9,890 9,918 9,939T-1 11-1 10,09 9,958 #of Sewer Taps Paid 2007 49 16 35 5 39 17 20 10 191 2006 20 18 41 13 16 10 17 17 18 41 12 15 238 Tap Fees Collected 2007 $33,470 $10,800 $25,270 $3,250 $30,050 $10,650 $15,810 $7,180 1 $136,480 2006 $13,000 $11,120 $27,300 $8,450 $10,550 $6,500 $11,450 $11,406 $12,650 $267650 $7,150 $9,600 $155,826 Wastewater Billed 2007 100,753 101,919 99,503 109,742 103,012 106,013 104,922 102,274 1 828,138 (gallons in thousands) 2006 100,091 98,090 99,686 104,247 99,258 110,283 102,814 102,688 104,793 105,481 103,253 108,536 1,239,22 Wastewater Metered 2007 139,954 115,698 130,983 108,22A 109,154 110,989 109,503 113,354 937,859 ACPSA(gal in thousand 2006 120,464 109,039 118,936 107,289 109,770 111,583 110,701 115,681 115,259 112,761 107,524 120,317 1,359,32 Ed efield Cty Waste- 2007 44,736 41,940 50,417 43,338 46,662 43,869 40,052 43,6931 1 354,707 Water metered 2006 36,903 41,984 45,606 40,102 49,500 41,52 42,256 41,871 45,165 42,543 46,362 40,542 514,358 North Au usta Flow 2007 95,218 73,758 80,566 64,886 62,492 67,120 69,451 69,661 0 01 01 0 583,152 (gallons in thousands) 2006 83,561 67,055 73,330 67,187 60,270 70,059 68,445 73,810 70,094 70,21861,16 79,775 844,966 Rainfall inches 2007 352 3 55 295 2 39 1 13 5 39 304 0971 22 94 2006 451 3 36 223 2591 1341 75 254, 725 1491 1 83 3 23 5371 43 23 Wastewater Treated Qn o100,000 ........................................................................................................................................................... ....................... ...........: 69,661 80,000 0 60,000 7/1 40,000 ,0 20,000 0 JAN FEB MAR APR MAY JUNE JULY AUG SEPT OCT NOV DEC ®2006 ©2007 PU0807#1 This Month: August,2007 Page 2 of 4 9/10/2007 METER DIVISION JAN FEB MAR APR MAY JUNE JULY AUG SEPT OCT NOV I DEC YTD Tota ExistingService 2007 116 132 119 115 95 160 151 140 1,028 Activations 2006 129 1261 138 1341 142 120 128 168 124 123 141 120 1,593 ExistingService 2007 141 152 308 206 161 177 190 254 1,589 Deactivations 2006 149 122 135 119 17R 126 160 162 171 156 178 184 1,786 Delinquent Shut Offs 20071 243 243 130 51 131 166 83 352 1 1,399 2006 184 229 266 294 309 289 302 332 206 193 238 187 3,079 Delinquent Restores 2007 122 171 202 100 116 118 50 201 1 1,080 2006 89 124 132 164 148 169 168 195 183 125 237 136 1,870 After-Hours Restores 2007 7 15 4 6 5 5 1 27 70 2006 4 10 8 25 32 59 20 20 34 6 21 5 244 Meters Read 2007 9,735 9,749 9,790 9,803 9,794 9,869 9,858 9,892 78,490 2006 9,656 9,664 9,671 9,690 9,686 9,725 9,744 9,735 9,756 9,751 9,768 9,748 116,59 Recheck Meter 2007 831 103 66 116 66 77 89 280 880 Readings 2006 187 96 106 45 113 77 66 90 84 48 41 84 1,037 Rainfall per Month Delinquent Shut Offs g ..................................................................................................... 500 .......................................... ......................................... ........ 6 .97 400 '352 4 300 200 2 100 O JAN FEB MAR APR MAY JUNE JULY AUG SEPT OCTO NOV DEC JAN FEB MAR APR MAY JUNE JULY AUG SEPT OCT NOV DEC• 0 2006 O 2007 ®2006 ©2007 PU0807#1 This Month: August,2007 Page 3 of 4 9/10/2007 STREETS AND DRAINS JAN FEB MAR APR MAY JUNE JULY AUG SEPT OCT NOV DEC YTD Street Name Signs 2007 20 30 28 36 12 11 18 19 174 2006 4 1 8 4 3 5 1 12 1 16 30 22 107 Street Sign Repairs 20071 7 4 9 8 6 8 8 91 59 2006 22 18 15 16 17 8 7 71 11 13 7 7 148 Traffic Signs 2007 8 8 9 4 3 5 8 8 53 2006 3 2 0 1 1 0 1 1 8 2 14 14 3 49 Traffic Sign Repairs 2007 2 3 14 11 11 8 10 6 65 2006 6 8 4 6 7 1 4 5 4 41 2 61 57 Zoning&Tax Signs 2007 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 2 2006 1 2 5 5 1 4 3 3 1 2 0 0 27 Banners Installed 2007 0 2 0 3 3 0 0 1 9 2006 2 3 3 4 4 0 0 1 2 2 2 0 23 Signal Lights 2007 12 9 9 10 11 12 15 60 138 2006 18 9 14 12 12 11 16 17 9 12 6 8 144 Signal Light Repair 2007 5 2 2 3 6 4 5 41 31 2006 8 7 2 6 9 9 3 7 4 9 3 8 75 Street Light Service 2007 1 2 2 4 6 4 2 7 28 2006 4 6 3 8 1 4 4 4 3 5 4 10 56 Asphalt Pavement 2007 11.2 46.0 52.0 37.0 36.5 8.0 120 20.0 222 7 Repairs(tons) 2006 6.0 10.0 53.0 26.0 12.2 5.0 5.0 67.0 28.0 82.0 420 37 5 373 7 Asphalt Tack(gals) 2007 10.0 20.0 20.0 20.0 20.0 10.0 100' 10.0 120.0 2006 5.0 15.0 5.0 10.0 100 5.0 0.0 15.0 20.0 20.0 25.0 20.0 150.0 Concrete Curb/Gutter 2007 13.0 1.0 8.0 2.0 2.0 59.5 11.0 9,5 106.0 Sidewalk Repairs(cy) 2006 29.5 10.0 13.0 1651 315 8.0 5.0 15.0 25 15.0 9.0 3.5 158.5 Storm Drains Cleaned 2007 43 8 26 22 39 35 42 41 256 2006 26 18 14 16 10 19 28 36 18 12 15 47 259 Detention Ponds Cleaned 2007 0 0 0 0 4 1 1 1 7 2006 0 11 1 1 4 1 3 31 0 1 1 1 17 Storm Pipe Placed LF 2007 10 25 620 20 12 180 24 0 891 20061 0 0 20 24 100 70 40 110 300 20 200 40 924 Constr Site Inspection 2007 30 50 48 45 30 48 50 50 351 2006 42 54 42 47 52 42 48 381 40 52 31 76 564 Street Sweeping 2007 53.5 63 7 57.9 623 66.1 57.0 50.3 57.2 468 1 Hours 2006 583 65.3 63 7 61.3 75 3 82.2 44.6 76.0 460 51 7 46.0 59.1 729.5 Street Sweeping 2007 190 251 209 214 245 213 2101 221 1753 Miles 2006 237 254 241 293 317 366 179 331 177 196 162 220 2973 PU0807#1 This Month:August,2007 Page 4 of 4