ORD 2024-29 Bentley Place Planned Development AdoptedORDINANCE 2024-29 TO APPROVE THE GENERAL DEVELOPMENT PLAN FOR THE 24.14 ± ACRE BENTLEY PLACE PLANNED DEVELOPMENT LOCATED GENERALLY ON THE NORTH SIDE OF WALNUT LANE APPROXIMATELY 800 FEET WEST OF US 25 WHEREAS, within the guidelines of the North Augusta Zoning and Development Standards Ordinance, a General Development Plan for property within a designated Planned Development zone (PD) requires Planning Commission review and subsequent recommendation to City Council for review and approval; and WHEREAS, an application has been received from the Nordahl Development Company of South Carolina, Inc., requesting approval for a General Development Plan for a tract of land zoned Planned Development (PD) containing 24.14 ± acres located generally on the north side of Walnut Lane approximately 800 feet west of US 25; and WHEREAS, the North Augusta Planning Commission, at its October 9, 2003, meeting, reviewed the subject application and voted to recommend that City Council approve the General Development Plan for the 24.14 ± acre Bentley Place Planned Development. WHEREAS, an application has been received from Bentley Place IV & V, LLC requesting approval for a major modification of the General Development Plan for a tract of land zoned Planned Development (PD) containing 24.14± acres located generally on the north side of Walnut Lane approximately 800 feet west of US 25; and WHEREAS, the developer, Bentley Place IV & V, proposes a development of five phases; and WHEREAS, the North Augusta Planning Commission, at its November 12, 2024 meeting, reviewed the subject application and voted to recommend that City Council approve the major modification of the General Development Plan for the 24.14 ± acre Bentley Place Planned Development. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF NORTH AUGUSTA, SOUTH CAROLINA, IN MEETING DULY ASSEMBLED AND BY THE AUTHORITY THEREOF, THAT: I. The General Development Plan major modification for the 24.14 ± acre Bentley Place Planned Development is hereby approved as outlined below and as shown on the attached plan and identified as 'Exhibit A'. A. Scope of Development: The scope of development shown on the General Development Plan for the Bentley Place Planned Development and as described herein shall be the maximum level of development allowed. The land uses permitted in the Bentley Place Planned Development shall be limited to those described in this ordinance. B. Development Program: The development will provide 108 one story single- family townhome residential units developed primarily in four-unit structures and 56 two story single-family townhome residential units developed primarily in two, three, four, and five unit structures. Approximately sixty-five percent of the units will provide two bedrooms. The other thirty-five percent will provide a mix of three and four bedrooms. Twenty- five percent of the units will include a one-car garage and thirty-five percent of the units will include a two-car garage. The development will be constructed in five phases as follows: Phase Units Location Additional Features I 37 SE Quadrant Main entrance, Common area/ park II 37 SW Quadrant III 34 NE Quadrant Secondary entrance IV V 31 25 NE Quadrant NW Quadrant C. Plan Approval Process: Each phase of the development shall be submitted and approved as a preliminary plat and after completion of development, a final plat in accordance with the applicable provisions of the Zoning and Development Standards Ordinance. D. Minor modifications: Minor modifications to the development plan and program, i.e. mix of units, number and location of buildings, development phasing, height, setbacks, parking, and landscaping, may be approved by the Planning Commission at the time of the preliminary plat approval for a phase. E. General Development Standards: 1. Maximum building height 2 story 2. Front setback varies 3. Minimum distance between buildings 30 feet 4. Rear setback (from adjacent property lines) 20 feet 5. Parking 2.86 spaces per unit F. Other Development Standards: 1. Stormwater Master Plan: Prior to or in conjunction with the preliminary plat submission for phase 1 a stormwater management plan shall be submitted that addresses issues identified by the City Engineer, the need for stormwater detention and maintenance of the joint residential/commercial detention area. Such plan shall also address the transfer of storm water to the city’s existing regional detention pond. Reliance on the use of the existing open ditch across other properties shall require that the city be indemnified in the event of damage to other properties. 2. Traffic Analysis: A detailed traffic analysis proposing an appropriate design for the intersection of the loop road with Walnut Lane shall be prepared. The traffic design shall provide for adequate storage and turning movements on both the loop road and Walnut Lane. 3. Street Design: The loop road and parking as shown on the general development plan shall be constructed to the City's street construction standards and shall be dedicated to the City between the curbs. The perpendicular parking spaces adjacent to the street shall remain private and shall be managed and maintained by the homeowner’s association. The final plats and the subdivision covenants shall specify that the parking spaces are to remain private. The loop road shall be extended to the property line of the commercial parcel on the east side of the project. 4. Land Dedication: A fifty-foot strip of land adjacent to Walnut Lane shall be dedicated to the city to provide for the extension of the future Walnut Lane Greeneway extension from Butlers Mill to US 25. 5. Sidewalks: Sidewalks shall be constructed on both sides of the loop road between the parking spaces and the front of the units. Sidewalks shall also be constructed to connect the development with the future Walnut Lane Greeneway extension and the commercial area east of the project. 6. Covenants and Restrictions: The subdivision covenants shall specify that garages shall not be converted to bedrooms or living space. 7. Central Common Area: The design of the improvement to the central common area shall be submitted and approved by the Planning Commission prior to or in conjunction with the preliminary plat for phase 1. 8. Perimeter Fencing: A six-foot privacy fence shall be constructed on the west and north property lines and, depending on the final stormwater detention design, near the east property line. The type and design of the fence shall be approved by the Planning Commission in conjunction with the preliminary plat for phase one. 9. Landscaping: Landscaping according to city standards shall be included on the preliminary plat and installed in each phase as developed. Department of Planning and Development Project Staff Report PDM24-002 Bentley Place IV &V PD Mod Prepared by: Kuleigh Baker Meeting Date: November 20, 2024 1 SECTION 1: PROJECT SUMMARY Project Name Bentley Place IV & V (Greystone) PD Mod Applicant Bentley Place IV & V, LLC Engineer C.E. Dudley Address/Location Terminus of Haley Drive and Bentley Drive Parcel Number 010-10-02-042 SECTION 2: PLANNING COMMISSION CONSIDERATION The Planning Commission is being asked to review changes to the current ordinance of the Bentley Place (AKA Greystone) Planned Development. The Major Modification proposed will also require review by the City Council. Site Plans submitted after the review and/or approval of the modified PD will be required to comply with all site plan review requirements. This modification is being forwarded to the Planning Commission in consideration of the following provision of the 2008 North Augusta Development Code and PD Ordinance 2003-31: NADC 5.7.5 Subsequent Applications See §5.3.7 5.7.6 Modifications A general development plan may be amended as provided in this section. Major modifications to the development plan are changes that affect the content of the general development plan, except as provided in § Such modifications shall be reviewed and approved in the same manner as the original general development plan. Minor modifications to the general development plan include changes to the mix of uses, location and sequence of phases and sub phases, and development schedule. 'EXHIBIT A' Project Staff Report PDM24-002 Bentley Place IV & V PD Mod Prepared by: Kuleigh Baker Meeting Date: November 20, 2024 Page 2 of 8 The Planning Commission may approve a minor modification to a general development plan at a regular meeting if it is consistent with the criteria for approval in the ordinance approving the PD general development plan. a. A minor modification application shall be reviewed in the same manner as the original general development plan. However, no public hearing or public notice shall be required. b. An applicant proposing a minor modification involving a shift in density or intensity between phases of a development shall provide a concept plan that shows, at a scale consistent with the general development plan, the street layout, the densities and intensities for each development phase, and compliance with the connectivity ratio in §14.19 for all streets within the proposed development. Staff has determined that the modification requested is a major modification because it does not meet the criteria for minor modifications to the Planned Development outlined in PD ORD 2003- 31: A. Scope of Development: The scope of development shown on the General Development Plan for the Greystone Planned Development and as described herein shall be the maximum level of development allowed. The land uses permitted in the Greystone Planned Development shall be limited to those described in this ordinance. B. Minor Modifications: Minor modifications to the general development plan include changes to the mix of uses, location and sequence of phases and sub phases, and scope of development and may be approved by the Planning Commission upon application for a minor modification or at the time of concept plan approval for a phase or subdivision approval for any portion of a phase. SECTION 3: PUBLIC NOTICE Per NADC Table 5-1, a notice of the rezoning request and scheduled date of the Planning Commission public hearing was originally mailed to property owners within 200 feet of the subject property on October 25, 2024. The property was posted with the required public notice on October 30, 2024. A public notice of the rezoning request and scheduled date of the Planning Commission public hearing was published in The North Augusta Star and on the City’s website at www.northaugustasc.gov on October 30, 2024. 'EXHIBIT A' Project Staff Report PDM24-002 Bentley Place IV & V PD Mod Prepared by: Kuleigh Baker Meeting Date: November 20, 2024 Page 3 of 8 SECTION 4: SITE HISTORY The general development plan for Bentley Place (previously the Greystone Planned Development) was initially approved by the Planning Commission on November 11, 2003 and by the City Council in Ordinance No. 2003-31 on December 1, 2003. Since that time the design of the project has changed for a variety of reasons. On April 13, 2005, the North Augusta Planning Commission approved application PD 05-05, A request for a minor modification to the approved General Development Plan for Bentley Place Planned Development. The revised plan increased the amount of open space by approximately one acre and shifted the location of much of it from a more formal, constructed area in the center of the property to the non-jurisdictional wetland at the north end of the property. The net density increased slightly from the approved ordinance, however, the overall number of units decreased. An application for the major subdivision plat for Phases IV and V was originally received on September 4, 2008 and has not been developed. On January 15, 2009, the North Augusta Planning Commission approved application PDM 09- 001, A request for a minor modification to the approved General Development Plan for Bentley Place Planned Development. The modification relocated the cross-access drive between the Planned Development and the adjacent commercial development to a more central location that avoided wetlands. SECTION 5: EXISTING SITE CONDITIONS Existing Land Use Future Land Use Zoning Subject Parcel Townhouses Residential Single- Family PD, Planned Development North Single-Family Residential Residential Single- Family Outside City Zoning South Commercial/Light Industrial Mixed Use/Industrial Outside City Zoning East Commercial Mixed Use GC, General Commercial West Single-Family Residential Residential Single- Family PD, Planned Development 'EXHIBIT A' Project Staff Report PDM24-002 Bentley Place IV & V PD Mod Prepared by: Kuleigh Baker Meeting Date: November 20, 2024 Page 4 of 8 Access – Access to Phases IV and V is provided from Walnut Lane through the existing road network (Haley Drive and Bentley Drive). Internal sidewalks provide connection to the Walnut Lane Greeneway Connection. Topography – Phases IV and V are relatively flat, having been previously graded. Utilities –The property has existing water line and sanitary sewer lines serving the development. Any extension or connection will be made per City standards. Floodplain – The subject property does have federally designated floodway. Any construction within these areas must meet federal, state, and local standards as certified by the Floodplain Administrator. Drainage Basin – This site is located within the Pole Branch Basin, one of the City’s largest basins. The basin is currently under development pressure. The upper basin borders Highway 25 and Walnut Lane and encompasses Austin Heights and Bergen Road communities. Water sampling is good. Stream integrity is poor, as the basin is not effective at transporting current loads of stormwater during heavy storm events. SECTION 6: STAFF EVALUATION AND ANALYSIS Staff has determined that the modifications requested qualify as a major modification to the existing PD GDP, ORD 2003-31. Staff finds that this modification is generally in compliance with the original design intent of the property and supported by the Comprehensive Plan. Section of the NADC prescribes project information that must be addressed by the Staff and Planning Commission in the review of General Development Plans for proposed Planned Developments. Staff findings related to each issue follow. 1. Type of PD proposed, physical characteristics of the land, relation of the proposed development to surrounding areas and existing and probable future development. Bentley Place has been under construction as an attached townhouse development. The majority of the property has been developed as one-story residential units. The land is level floodplain and appropriate for the uses proposed by the Planned Development. 'EXHIBIT A' Project Staff Report PDM24-002 Bentley Place IV & V PD Mod Prepared by: Kuleigh Baker Meeting Date: November 20, 2024 Page 5 of 8 2. Relation to major roads, utilities and other facilities and services. The proposed road network provides direct access for Bentley Place residents to the adjacent commercial property, reducing trip generation on Walnut Lane between the two sites. Major intersection improvements to Walnut Lane at US 25, including turn lanes, signalization, and pedestrian circulation, were previously completed. 3. Adequacy of evidence of unified control and suitability of any proposed agreements, contracts, deed restrictions, sureties, dedications, contributions, guarantees, or other instruments, or the need for such instruments, or for amendments in those proposed. The applicant will provide any required deed restrictions, deeds of dedications, and guarantees required by the NADC during the Final Plat process for the Major Subdivision. 4. Compliance of the general development plan with the provisions of this Chapter, the suitability of plans proposed, and the desirability of conditions on the approval, waivers, or amendments, if any, with reasons therefore. The applicant has provided an approved narrative that describes the existing and proposed development of the property. The general development plan provides a working plan that will be used as a basis for subsequent major subdivision plat application upon approval of the minor modification to the approved General Development Plan and Ordinance. 5. Desirable specific modifications in regulations or the Comprehensive Plan as applicable in the particular case based on determinations that such modifications are necessary or justified in the particular case. Any recommended modifications shall be supported by demonstration that the public purpose of the Comprehensive Plan, PD District or other regulations would be met to at least an equivalent degree. No modifications in regulations contained in the NADC or the Comprehensive Plan are necessary. 'EXHIBIT A' Project Staff Report PDM24-002 Bentley Place IV & V PD Mod Prepared by: Kuleigh Baker Meeting Date: November 20, 2024 Page 6 of 8 Section 5.7.4 of the NADC stipulates that the Planning Commission should consider the following factors in making a recommendation to the City Council: 1. The relationship of the request to the Comprehensive Plan. The use and density in Bentley Place is consistent with the Mixed-Use Classification in the Future Land Use Map of the 2021 Comprehensive Plan and is appropriate for a Planned Development. 2. Whether the request violates or supports the Comprehensive Plan. The overall Bentley Place Planned Development also supports section 4.5, Focus New Development in or Near Mixed-Use Activity Centers so that every resident is within walking distance of activity centers and public space. 3. Whether the permitted uses would be appropriate in the area concerned. The development is located adjacent to the traditional downtown area of the City and to the residential areas surrounding. The permitted uses specified in the PD are the same uses permitted in the City’s Downtown zoning districts. 4. Whether adequate public facilities such as roads, water and sewer facilities, drainage facilities, and schools and other public services exist or can be provided to serve the needs of the development. Public facilities are available and adequate to serve the remaining development. Much of the required installation of water, sanitary sewer, and storm sewer facilities has already occurred. Electrical, gas, telephone, and cable utilities have been extended into the property. The property is served by the Aiken County School District. Based on these findings, Staff recommends approval of the PD general development plan as proposed. These changes will be presented as a draft ordinance for City Council to adopt if recommended by the Planning Commission. A draft ordinance approving the modified General Development Plan is attached. Language proposed to be added to the ordinance is underlined. Language proposed to be deleted is struck through. 'EXHIBIT A' Project Staff Report PDM24-002 Bentley Place IV & V PD Mod Prepared by: Kuleigh Baker Meeting Date: November 20, 2024 Page 7 of 8 Following is a summary of the changes proposed with this revision: • All of the units will be 3 or 4-bedroom units in Phase IV &V instead of 2-bedroom units • All of the units will be two-story instead of one-story in Phase IV & V • All of the units will include a two-car garage (16 ft wide) in Phase IV & V • Exterior elevations will include a mix of shakes, board and batten, and lap siding. No brick will be installed. • End units in Phase IV & V will be reduced from 38’x66’ to 24’x46’ • Interior units in Phase IV & V will be reduced from 26’x66’ to 24’x46’ 'EXHIBIT A' Project Staff Report PDM24-002 Bentley Place IV & V PD Mod Prepared by: Kuleigh Baker Meeting Date: November 20, 2024 Page 8 of 8 SECTION 7: ATTACHMENTS 1. Maps 2. Application Materials 3. Public Hearing Notice 4. Existing PD Ordinance 2003-31 5. Proposed PD Ordinance 6. Phase IV & V Concept Plan cc C. E. Dudley, PE, via email G. B. Sharma, via email Cayle Anderson, Crawford Creek Communities, via email 'EXHIBIT A' PENN SHADO W R O C K W A L N U T BUTTERFLY W A L N U T G R O V E B E N T L E Y M I L L S T O N E E D G E F I E L D ED G E F I E L D FOXFIRE DAMBY BU R N ING TREE H A L E Y OL D W A L N U T B R A N C H Aiken County, SC, Maxar, Microsoft ± 014028042056070 Feet Path: H:\kbaker\ArcGIS\Planned Developments\PDM24-002 Bentley Place IV and V\PDM24-002 Bentley Place IV and V.aprx Aerial Map Application Number PDM24-002 Bentley Place Section IV & V TPN 010-10-02-042 9/23/2024 10:35 AM Subject Parcel 'EXHIBIT A' 5 1 6 53 0 528 516 512 514 52 0 51 4 538 514 52 6 51 8 5 3 4 5 2 2 5 2 4 536 5 3 4 53 2 51 4 50 8 51 0 544 54 0 520 542 510 50 8 504 5 1 2 524 52 4 5 4 0 53 6 522 50 4 506 50 6 5 1 0 51 2 5 1 8 508 538 508 Topography Map Application Number PDM24-002 Bentley Place Section IV & V TPN 010-10-02-042 ± 011022033044055 Feet 9/23/2024 10:35 AM Path: H:\kbaker\ArcGIS\Planned Developments\PDM24-002 Bentley Place IV and V\PDM24-002 Bentley Place IV and V.aprx Map Key Topo2ft Topo2ft Bentley Place Section IV & V Subject Parcel 'EXHIBIT A' PENN S HAD O W R OCK O L D W A LN UT BR AN C H NOR THRIDG E WALN U T ED G E F I E L D ED G E F I E L D BU T TE R FLY BE N T L E Y C H E R RYLAUREL MIL L S T O N E M I L L W A L N U T G R O V E ST J U L I A N OUT P OS T R ED BU D FOXFIR E DAMBY BURNING TR E E W ALN UT WALNUT A N D R EWS H A L E Y MEROVAN 0200400600800100 Feet Map Key Zoning ZONING Outside of City Zoning R-14 - Large, Lot Single-Family Residential R-7 - Small Lot, Single-Family Residential GC - GeneralCommercial TC - ThoroughfareCommercial PD - PlannedDevelopment CR - Critical Reserve P - Public Bentley Place Section IV & V Bentley Place Section IV & V 9/23/2024 Path: H:\kbaker\ArcGIS\Planned Developments\PDM24-002 Bentley Place IV and V\PDM24-002 Bentley Place IV and V.aprx Zoning Map Application Number PDM24-002 Bentley Place Section IV & V TPN 010-10-02-042 Zoned PD, Planned Development ± Subject Parcel 'EXHIBIT A' 'E X H I B I T A' 'E X H I B I T A' PROPOSED MODIFICATIONS BENTLEY PLACE – PHASES IV & V BENTLEY DRIVE AIKEN, SC TAX APRACEL NO. 010-10-01-042 11.82 ACRES May 13, 2024 1.Current approved plan provides that 100% of the units will be two-bedroom units. We’d like to propose a revision to allow 100% 3- and 4-bedroom units in Phase IV & V. 2.Current approved plan provides that 100% of the units be one-story. We’d like to propose a revision to allow 100% of the units to be two-story in Phase IV & V. 3.Current approved plan provides no garages. We’d like to propose that 100% of the units will consist of a double car garage (16’) in Phase IV & V. 4.We are proposing to build the Brighton and Brookside Plans (or similar product) atached hereto. The exterior eleva�ons will be a mix of shakes, board and baten and lap siding and will not replicate the drawings atached hereto. We propose that no brick is to be installed. 5.We’d like to propose that all lot sizes in Phase IV & V be reduced to the following: a.End Units: Current Plan is 38’x66’, we propose this to be reduced to 24’x46’ b.Interior Units: Current Plan is 26’x66’, we propose this to be reduced to 24’x46’ Cayle Anderson, Designated Agent Date T: 844-649-9716400 Northridge Road Suite 325 Atlanta, GA 30350 T: 706-210-9981201 Insperon Drive P.O. Box 632 Grovetown, GA 30813 05/13/2024 'EXHIBIT A' City of North Augusta, South Carolina Planning Commission Public Hearing Notice The North Augusta Planning Commission will hold its regular monthly meeting at 6:00 PM on Wednesday, November 20, 2024, in the Council Chambers located on the 3rd floor of the North Augusta Municipal Center, 100 Georgia Avenue, to receive public input on the following applications: PDM24-002 – A request by Bentley Place IV & V, LLC to modify the Bentley Place Planned Development to allow two-story, three and four-bedroom homes with garages on reduced lot sizes in phases IV and V of the subdivision. The request affects approximately 11.86 acres at the terminus of Haley Dr. and Bentley Dr. zoned PD, Planned Development, TPN 010-10-02-042. Documents related to the application will be available for public inspection after November 13, 2024 in the office of the Department of Planning and Development on the 2nd floor of the Municipal Center, 100 Georgia Avenue, North Augusta, South Carolina and online at www.northaugustasc.gov. All members of the public interested in expressing a view on this case are encouraged to attend or provide written comments to planning@northaugustasc.gov by Noon on November 20th. CITIZEN ASSISTANCE: Individuals needing special assistance or a sign interpreter to participate in the meeting are asked to please notify the Department of Planning and Development at 803-441-4221 at least 48 hours prior to the meeting. 'EXHIBIT A' H:\E&CD\Trakit Scans\Planned Development - PD or PDM\PDM24-002 Bentley Place IV & V\ORD 2003-31 Greystone PD.doc ORDINANCE NO. 2003-31 TO APPROVE THE GENERAL DEVELOPMENT PLAN FOR THE 24.14  ACRE GREYSTONE PLANNED DEVELOPMENT LOCATED GENERALLY ON THE NORTH SIDE OF WALNUT LANE APPROXIMATELY 800 FEET WEST OF US 25 WHEREAS, within the guidelines of the North Augusta Zoning and Development Standards Ordinance, a General Development Plan for property within a designated Planned Development zone (PD) requires Planning Commission review and subsequent recommendation to City Council for review and approval; and WHEREAS, an application has been received from the Nordahl Development Company of South Carolina, Inc., requesting approval for a General Development Plan for a tract of land zoned Planned Development (PD) containing 24.14  acres located generally on the north side of Walnut Lane approximately 800 feet west of US 25; and WHEREAS, the North Augusta Planning Commission, at its October 9, 2003, meeting, reviewed the subject application and voted to recommend that City Council approve the General Development Plan for the 24.14  acre Greystone Planned Development. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF NORTH AUGUSTA, SOUTH CAROLINA, IN MEETING DULY ASSEMBLED AND BY THE AUTHORITY THEREOF, THAT: I. The General Development Plan for the 24.14 ± acre Greystone Planned Development is hereby approved as outlined below and as shown on the attached plan and identified as ‘Exhibit A’ as prepared by Southern Partners, Inc. dated August 20, 2003 and revised October 2, 2003. A. Scope of Development: The scope of development shown on the General Development Plan for the Greystone Planned Development and as described herein shall be the maximum level of development allowed. The land uses permitted in the Greystone Planned Development shall be limited to those described in this ordinance. B. Development Program: The development will provide 154 one story single-family townhome residential units developed primarily in four unit structures. Approximately fifty percent of the units will provide two bedrooms. The other fifty percent will provide three bedrooms. Twenty- five percent of the units will include a one-car garage. The development will be constructed in four phases as follows: 'EXHIBIT A' ORDINANCE TO APPROVE GENERAL Page 2 DEVELOPMENT PLAN H:\E&CD\Trakit Scans\Planned Development - PD or PDM\PDM24-002 Bentley Place IV & V\ORD 2003-31 Greystone PD.doc Phase Units Location Additional Features I 37 SE Quadrant Main entrance, Common area / park II 37 SW Quadrant III 34 NE Quadrant Secondary entrance IV 46 NW Quadrant C. Plan Approval Process: Each phase of the development shall be submitted and approved as a preliminary plat and, after completion of development, a final plat in accordance with the applicable provisions of the Zoning and Development Standards Ordinance. D. Minor modifications: Minor modifications to the development plan and program, i.e. mix of units, number and location of buildings, development phasing, height, setbacks, parking, and landscaping, may be approved by the Planning Commission at the time of preliminary plat approval for a phase. E. General Development Standards: 1. Maximum building height one story 2. Front setback varies 3. Minimum distance between buildings 30 feet 4. Rear setback (from adjacent property lines) 20 feet 5. Parking 2.5 spaces per unit F. Other Development Conditions: 1. Stormwater Master Plan: Prior to or in conjunction with the preliminary plat submission for phase 1 a stormwater management plan shall be submitted that addresses issues identified by the City Engineer, the need for stormwater detention and maintenance of the joint residential/commercial detention area. Such plan shall also address the transfer of storm water to the city’s existing regional detention pond. Reliance on the use of the existing open ditch across other properties shall require that the city be indemnified in the event of damage to other properties. 2. Traffic Analysis: A detailed traffic analysis proposing an appropriate design for the intersection of the loop road with Walnut Lane shall be prepared. The traffic design shall provide for adequate storage and turning movements on both the loop road and Walnut Lane. 'EXHIBIT A' ORDINANCE TO APPROVE GENERAL Page 3 DEVELOPMENT PLAN H:\E&CD\Trakit Scans\Planned Development - PD or PDM\PDM24-002 Bentley Place IV & V\ORD 2003-31 Greystone PD.doc 3. Street Design: The loop road and parking as shown on the general development plan shall be constructed to the City’s street construction standards and shall be dedicated to the City between the curbs. The perpendicular parking spaces adjacent to the street shall remain private and shall be managed and maintained by the homeowners association. The final plats and the subdivision covenants shall specify that the parking spaces are to remain private. The loop road shall be extended to the property line of the commercial parcel on the east side of the project. 4. Land Dedication: A fifty-foot strip of land adjacent to Walnut Lane shall be dedicated to the city to provide for the extension of the future Walnut Lane Greeneway extension from Butlers Mill to US 25. 5. Sidewalks: Sidewalks shall be constructed on both sides of the loop road between the parking spaces and the front of the units. Sidewalks shall also be constructed to connect the development with the future Walnut Lane Greeneway extension and the commercial area east of the project. 6. Covenants and Restrictions: The subdivision covenants shall specify that garages shall not be converted to bedrooms or living space. 7. Central Common Area: The design of the improvement to the central common area shall be submitted and approved by the Planning Commission prior to or in conjunction with the preliminary plat for phase 1. 8. Perimeter Fencing: A six-foot privacy fence shall be constructed on the west and north property lines and, depending on the final stormwater detention design, near the east property line. The type and design of the fence shall be approved by the Planning Commission in conjunction with the preliminary plat for phase one. 9. Landscaping: Landscaping according to city standards shall be included on the preliminary plat and installed in each phase as developed. G. Applicable Standards for Review: General design criteria and development standards applicable to the development and not otherwise prescribed in the General Development Plan or this ordinance shall be as prescribed in the Zoning and Development Standards Ordinance as currently adopted or as it may be amended. 'EXHIBIT A' ORDINANCE TO APPROVE GENERAL Page 4 DEVELOPMENT PLAN H:\E&CD\Trakit Scans\Planned Development - PD or PDM\PDM24-002 Bentley Place IV & V\ORD 2003-31 Greystone PD.doc II. All ordinances or parts of Ordinances in conflict herewith are, to the extent of such conflict, hereby repealed. III. This Ordinance shall become effective immediately upon its adoption on third reading. DONE, RATIFIED AND ADOPTED BY THE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF NORTH AUGUSTA, SOUTH CAROLINA, ON THIS ______ DAY OF __________________, 2003 First Reading Lark W. Jones, Mayor Second Reading Third Reading ATTEST: Donna B. Young, City Clerk 'EXHIBIT A' ORDINANCE XX TO APPROVE THE GENERAL DEVELOPMENT PLAN FOR THE 24.14 ± ACRE GREYSTONE BENTLEY PLACE PLANNED DEVELOPMENT LOCATED GENERALLY ON THE NORTH SIDE OF WALNUT LANE APPROXIMATELY 800 FEET WEST OF US 25 WHEREAS, within the guidelines of the North Augusta Zoning and Development Standards Ordinance, a General Development Plan for property within a designated Planned Development zone (PD) requires Planning Commission review and subsequent recommendation to City Council for review and approval; and WHEREAS, an application has been received from the Nordahl Development Company of South Carolina, Inc., requesting approval for a General Development Plan for a tract of land zoned Planned Development (PD) containing 24.14 ± acres located generally on the north side of Walnut Lane approximately 800 feet west of US 25; and WHEREAS, the North Augusta Planning Commission, at its October 9, 2003, meeting, reviewed the subject application and voted to recommend that City Council approve the General Development Plan for the 24.14 ± acre Greystone Planned Development. WHEREAS, an application has been received from Bentley Place IV & V, LLC requesting approval for a General Development Plan for a tract of land zoned Planned Development (PD) containing 24.14± acres located generally on the north side of Walnut Lane approximately 800 feet west of US 25; and WHEREAS, the developer, Bentley Place IV & V, proposes a development of five phases; and WHEREAS, the North Augusta Planning Commission, at its November 12, 2024 meeting, reviewed the subject application and voted to recommend that City Council approve the General Development Plan for the 24.14 ± acre Bentley Place Planned Development. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF NORTH AUGUSTA, SOUTH CAROLINA, IN MEETING DULY ASSEMBLED AND BY THE AUTHORITY THEREOF, THAT: 1. The General Development Plan for the 24.14 ± acre Greystone Planned Development is hereby approved as outlined below and as shown on the attached plan and identified as 'Exhibit A' as prepared by Southern Partners, Inc. dated 'EXHIBIT A' August 20, 2003 and revised October 2, 2003. A. Scope of Development: The scope of development shown on the General Development Plan for the Greystone Planned Development and as described herein shall be the maximum level of development allowed. The land uses permitted in the Greystone Planned Development shall be limited to those described in this ordinance. B. Development Program: The development will provide 154 one story single- family townhome residential units developed primarily in four unit structures. Approximately fifty percent of the units will provide two bedrooms. The other fifty percent will provide three bedrooms. Twenty-five percent of the units will include a one-car garage. The development will be constructed in four phases as follows: The development will provide 108 one story single-family townhome residential units developed primarily in four-unit structures and 56 two story single-family townhome residential units developed primarily in two, three, four, and five unit structures. Approximately sixty-five percent of the units will provide two bedrooms. The other thirty-five percent will provide a mix of three and four bedrooms. Twenty- five percent of the units will include a one-car garage and thirty-five percent of the units will include a two-car garage. The development will be constructed in five phases as follows: Phase Units Location Additional Features I 37 SE Quadrant Main entrance, Common area/ park II 37 SW Quadrant III 34 NE Quadrant Secondary entrance IV 46 31 NW NE Quadrant V 25 NW Quadrant C. Plan Approval Process: Each phase of the development shall be submitted and approved as a preliminary plat and after completion of development, a final plat in accordance with the applicable provisions of the Zoning and Development Standards Ordinance. D. Minor modifications: Minor modifications to the development plan and program, i.e. mix of units, number and location of buildings, development phasing, height, setbacks, parking, and landscaping, may be approved by the Planning Commission at the time of the preliminary plat approval for a phase. 'EXHIBIT A' E. General Development Standards: 1. Maximum building height one story 2 story 2. Front setback varies 3. Minimum distance between buildings 30 feet 4. Rear setback (from adjacent property lines) 20 feet 5. Parking 2.5 2.86 spaces per unit F. Other Development Conditions Standards: 1. Stormwater Master Plan: Prior to or in conjunction with the preliminary plat submission for phase 1 a stormwater management plan shall be submitted that addresses issues identified by the City Engineer, the need for stormwater detention and maintenance of the joint residential/commercial detention area. Such plan shall also address the transfer of storm water to the city’s existing regional detention pond. Reliance on the use of the existing open ditch across other properties shall require that the city be indemnified in the event of damage to other properties. 2. Traffic Analysis: A detailed traffic analysis proposing an appropriate design for the intersection of the loop road with Walnut Lane shall be prepared. The traffic design shall provide for adequate storage and turning movements on both the loop road and Walnut Lane. 3. Street Design: The loop road and parking as shown on the general development plan shall be constructed to the City's street construction standards and shall be dedicated to the City between the curbs. The perpendicular parking spaces adjacent to the street shall remain private and shall be managed and maintained by the homeowner’s association. The final plats and the subdivision covenants shall specify that the parking spaces are to remain private. The loop road shall be extended to the property line of the commercial parcel on the east side of the project. 4. Land Dedication: A fifty-foot strip of land adjacent to Walnut Lane shall be dedicated to the city to provide for the extension of the future Walnut Lane Greeneway extension from Butlers Mill to US 25. 5. Sidewalks: Sidewalks shall be constructed on both sides of the loop road between the parking spaces and the front of the units. Sidewalks shall also be constructed to connect the development with the future Walnut Lane Greeneway extension and the commercial area east of the project. 6. Covenants and Restrictions: The subdivision covenants shall specify that garages shall not be converted to bedrooms or living space. 7. Central Common Area: The design of the improvement to the central common 'EXHIBIT A' area shall be submitted and approved by the Planning Commission prior to or in conjunction with the preliminary plat for phase 1. 8. Perimeter Fencing: A six-foot privacy fence shall be constructed on the west and north property lines and, depending on the final stormwater detention design, near the east property line. The type and design of the fence shall be approved by the Planning Commission in conjunction with the preliminary plat for phase one. 9. Landscaping: Landscaping according to city standards shall be included on the preliminary plat and installed in each phase as developed. G. Applicable Standards for Review: General design criteria and development standards applicable to the development and not otherwise prescribed in the General Development Plan or this ordinance shall be as prescribed in the Zoning and Development Standards Ordinance as currently adopted or as it may be amended. II. All ordinances or parts of Ordinances in conflict herewith are, to the next of such conflict, hereby repealed. III. This Ordinance shall become effective immediately upon its adoption on third reading. DONE, RATIFIED AND ADOPTED BY THE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF NORTH AUGUSTA, SOUTH CAROLINA, ON THIS DAY OF , 2024. First Reading: Second Reading: Briton S. Williams, Mayor ATTEST: Jamie Paul, City Clerk 'EXHIBIT A' NREFERENCE No. 2 TAX PARCEL No. 010-10-02-042, CONSISTING OF 11.86 ACRES, FOR CONSTRUCTION OF 57 TOWNHOMES, LOCATED AT BENTLEY PLACE IN THE NORTHERN PART OF NORTH AUGUSTA, AIKEN COUNTY, SOUTH CAROLINA CCBENTLEY PLACE IV & V, LLC SHEETREV. CODESCALE:ORIGINAL DATE:REVISION DATE:PREPARED FOR MARCH 15, 2019 A I GINENRC.ECHUNRSTEIGERDER WARDDDUDLEYEEPROFESSIONALNo. 5331LOOASTN 6° 45' 05" W 727.53' (PHASE V) P H A SE I I I PHASE III 20 ' M . B . L . 20' M.B.L. 20 ' M . B . L . 20 ' M . B . L . PHASE I PHASE I S 59° 49' 54" E 750.89' N 5 9 ° 4 9 ' 5 4 " W 56 . 3 6 ' S 6 ° 4 5 ' 0 5 " E 64 . 8 7 ' S 6 ° 4 5 ' 0 5 " E 72 7 . 5 3 ' ( P H A S E V ) REFERENCES:1. PLAT FOR NORDAHL, TRACTS "A" AND "B" BY SOUTHERN PARTNERS, INC., T.M.GRAHAM, RLS,DEC. 27, 2005, RECORDED IN PLAT BOOK 51, PAGE 75, RMC, EXCEPTIONS NOTED.2. PLAT OF BENTLEY PLACE, PHASE I, BY STAR SURVEYING, SEPTEMBER 14, 2006, RECORDED IN PLAT BOOK 52, PAGE 184, RMC. - BEARINGS TAKEN FROM THIS PLAT.3. CONSTRUCTION PLANS BY BLUEWATER ENGIN-EERING, DATED , APPROVED AND PERMITTED BY THE CITY OF NORTH AUGUSTA 4. TOPOGRAPHICAL SURVEY BY CONSTRUCTION SUPPORT SERVICES MAY, 2024 EX I S T I N G D R I V E EXISTING PAVEMENT SD C 2 - S W T EX I S T B O X TE = 5 1 7 . 1 0 ' EE = 5 1 6 . 1 0 ' IE = 5 0 8 . 3 0 ' FI N I S H T O P HO L D E E SD C 3 - D W T EX I S T B O X TE = 5 1 7 . 5 6 ' EE = 5 1 6 . 5 6 ' IE = 5 0 8 . 8 0 ' FI N I S H T O P HO L D E E EX I S T I N G SD C 4 - W I TE = 5 1 8 . 7 0 ' WE = 5 1 7 . 7 0 ' IE = 5 1 0 . 1 0 ' LO C A T E & VE R I F Y EX I S T SD C 6 WE I R IN L E T EX I S T SD C 1 - F E S IE = 5 0 5 . 0 0 ' EX I S T I N G SD C 5 - W I TE = 5 1 7 . 8 5 ' EE = 5 1 6 . 9 0 ' IE = 5 1 0 . 0 ' EXIST. 24" SD EX I S T I N G D E T E N T I O N P O N D EX I S T I N G D E T E N T I O N P O N D EX. 24" SD EXIST. 24" SD EX I S T SD C 7 JB X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X XBL O C K HH (E X I S T I N G ) BL O C K TT (E X I S T I N G ) BL O C K W (E X I S T I N G ) BL O C K J (E X I S T I N G ) BE NTLE Y HA L E Y D R I V E PAYTON DRIVE DRIVE 26' R/W EX I S T I N G D R I V E X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X EX I S T I N G SD D 5 - S W T TE = 5 1 7 . 6 ' IE = 5 0 8 . 1 ' I IE = 5 0 8 . 0 ' O 7 7 ' 2 4 " R C P @ 0 . 7 8 % EX I S T . S D G 1 - F E S TW I N 3 6 " , I E = 5 0 4 . 0 0 ' CO N S T R U C T E D 2 0 1 9 SD G 2 - F E S TW I N 3 6 " IE = 5 0 4 . 1 0 ' EX I S T I N G 90 L F T W I N 3 6 " RC P @ 0 . 1 1 % (E Q U A L I Z E R ) IN S T A L L E D 2 0 1 9 1" = 50' OR AS SHOWN E X IS T I N G EXIST. 24" SD EX I S T SD C 8 SW T EX I S T SD C 9 SW T EXIST. 18" SD EXIST. 20' DRN. EASEMT EXIST. 20' DRN. EASEMT EX I S T I N G U N D E R D R A I N CA P T U R E - S E E D E T A I L EXISTING HAYLEY DRIVE - 26' R/W EXISTING BENTEY DRIVE - 26' R/W EXIST. 30" SD NO T E : C O N T R A C T O R TO R E M O V E E X I S T I N G SI L T F E N C E A N D P L A C E RI P R A P P A D , 2 0 ' X 2 0 ' AUGUST 13, 2024 #5RB #4 R B #4RB CMF#4 R B#4 R B#4RB #4 R B #4RB CYCLONE FENCE #5RB #4RB EX. 24" CCP SD #5 RBF PHASE V PH A S E I V VICINITY MAP 1" = 2000'WALNUT LANEBENTLEY DRHALEY DRSRPBENTLEYPL IV & V EDGEFIELD RD - US 25 I - 20EXIT 5N EX I S T RI P R A P PA D O N BA N K 2ND PRINTING BL O C K T BL O C K S BLOCK X BLOCK V BLOCK W BL O C K Y BL O C K K BL O C K L BLOCK MBLOCKNBLOCK O BLOCK P BL O C K Q BL O C K R BL O C K U 23 ' - 8 " 10 ' 8' X X X X X X X X X X X X GR A S S CO N C 15' 46' 16 ' CO N C S I D E W A L K CO N C C U R B 22 ' A S P H A L T D R I V E CO N C C U R B 15 ' M B L 25' MIN. CO N C R E T E PA R K I N G & DR I V E W A Y TO W N H O M E RE S I D E N C E 2 - S T O R Y TY P I C A L L A Y O U T 2 S T O R Y T O W N H O M E 23 ' - 8 " 10 ' 8' X X X X X X X X X X X X CO N C 15' 46' 16 ' CO N C S I D E W A L K ( H O A ) CO N C C U R B 22 ' A S P H A L T D R I V E CI T Y CO N C C U R B 15 ' M B L 25' MIN. CO N C R E T E PA R K I N G & DR I V E W A Y (H O A ) TO W N H O M E RE S I D E N C E 2 - S T O R Y TY P I C A L L O T L I N E 2 S T O R Y T O W N H O M E LO T L I N E LO T L I N E LOT LINE LOT LINE 61.0' TOTAL 1" = 2 0 ' 1" = 2 0 ' BUILDINGS PREVIOUSLY TO BE LOCATED HERE ARE MOVED TO PHASE IV, DUE TO POSSIBLE WET, HYDRIC SOILS AND HIGH WATER TABLE. CONDITIONS HAVE NOT BEEN VERIFIED IN FIELD. AS A PART OF THIS CONFIGURATION, HALEY DRIVE IS TO RETURN TO THE STRAIGHT ALIGNMENT INITIALLY PROPOSED.PROPOSED SITE LAYOUT AS REQUESTED BY CRAWFORD CREEK COMMUNITIES EX I S T I N G 3 0 I N C H ST O R M D R A I N A G E SY S T E M EX I S T I N G 1 8 " & 2 4 " ST O R M D R A I N A G E SY S T E M EXIST. 30" SD 'E X H I B I T A' SE A L : SH E E T N O . OF DI S C L A I M E R : DR A W N B Y : SC A L E : RE V . D A T E RE V . N O . RE V I S I O N C H A N G E S : ST A R T D A T E : SU B D I V I S I O N C O L L E C T I O N : TH I S C O P Y R I G H T E D D E S I G N I S TH E S O L E P R O P E R T Y O F T H E HA R T W I N G R O U P , I N C . A N D M A Y NO T B E U S E D O R R E P R O D U C E D WI T H O U T T H E E X P R E S S E D WR I T T E N C O N S E N T O F T H E HA R T W I N G R O U P , I N C . CA U T I O N : O N L Y A Q U A L I F I E D DE S I G N E R , A R C H I T E C T , CO N T R A C T O R O R S T R U C T U R A L EN G I N E E R S H O U L D A T T E M P T TO M O D I F Y T H I S P L A N . AND MAY NOT BE REPRODUCED, PUBLISHED OR USED IN ANY WAY WITHOUT THE WRITTEN PERMISSION OF THE HARTWIN GROUP, INC.C COPYRIGHT 2017 THE HARTWIN GROUP, INC. --- THESE DRAWINGS AND ITS REPRODUCTIONS ARE THE PROPERTY OF THE HARTWIN GROUP, INC. 252 BLACK BIRCH PASS, LILBURN, GA. 30047 PHONE: (770) 231-2344 FAX: (888) 415-2782 COVER SHEET BROOKSIDE MH A R T A- 0 1 BR O O K S I D E PR O J E C T D E S C R I P T I O N SI N G L E F A M I L Y R E S I D E N C E TY P E O F C O N S T R U C T I O N TY P E V - B R E S I D E N T I A L C O N V E N T I O N A L L I G H T - F R A M E WO O D C O N S T R U C T I O N - NO N - S P R I N K L E R E D OC C U P A N C Y C L A S S I F I C A T I O N SI N G L E F A M I L Y H O M E - A T T A C H E D 09 / 2 0 / 2 0 2 1 'E X H I B I T A' 9'-118" 7'-0"7'-0" 8'-118" HD R GR A D E 1S T . F L R . PL A T E 2N D F L R PL A T E HD R 12 10 6: 1 2 P I T C H AS P H A L T S H I N G L E S 6: 1 2 P I T C H 12 10 FI B E R C E M E N T S H A K E SI D I N G , T Y P . 14 " x 2 4 " R E C T . V E N T , T Y P . BR I C K V E N E E R , T Y P . 8" S Q . C O L U M N , T Y P . 10 " S K I R T B R D . W/ D R I P C A P , T Y P . 1X 4 W D . T R I M 4" C O R N E R B R D . , T Y P . FI B E R C E M E N T SI D I N G , T Y P . 8" B R I C K S O L D I E R CO U R S E , T Y P . 6:12SLOPE12" O.H.6:12SLOPERIDGE9:12SLOPE9:12SLOPE 6:12SLOPE 6:12SLOPE6:12SLOPE 12" O.H.6" O.H.6" O.H.RIDGE3'-0" 6: 1 2 P I T C H AS P H A L T S H I N G L E S HD R GR A D E 1S T . F L R . PL A T E 2N D F L R PL A T E HD R FI B E R C E M E N T SI D I N G , T Y P . 9'-118" 7'-0"7'-0" 8'-118" 10 : 1 2 P I T C H AS P H A L T S H I N G L E S 126 12 6 9'-118"7'-0"7'-0"8'-118"HDRGRADE1ST.FLR.PLATE 2ND FLR PLATEHDR FI B E R C E M E N T SI D I N G , T Y P . BR I C K VE N E E R , TY P . BR I C K VE N E E R , TY P . 10:12 PITCHASPHALTSHINGLES126 12 6 9'-118"7'-0"7'-0"8'-118"HDRGRADE1ST.FLR.PLATE 2ND FLR PLATEHDRFIBER CEMENTSIDING, TYP. FI B E R C E M E N T SI D I N G , T Y P . SE A L : SH E E T N O . OF DI S C L A I M E R : DR A W N B Y : SC A L E : RE V . D A T E RE V . N O . RE V I S I O N C H A N G E S : ST A R T D A T E : SU B D I V I S I O N C O L L E C T I O N : TH I S C O P Y R I G H T E D D E S I G N I S TH E S O L E P R O P E R T Y O F T H E HA R T W I N G R O U P , I N C . A N D M A Y NO T B E U S E D O R R E P R O D U C E D WI T H O U T T H E E X P R E S S E D WR I T T E N C O N S E N T O F T H E HA R T W I N G R O U P , I N C . CA U T I O N : O N L Y A Q U A L I F I E D DE S I G N E R , A R C H I T E C T , CO N T R A C T O R O R S T R U C T U R A L EN G I N E E R S H O U L D A T T E M P T TO M O D I F Y T H I S P L A N . AND MAY NOT BE REPRODUCED, PUBLISHED OR USED IN ANY WAY WITHOUT THE WRITTEN PERMISSION OF THE HARTWIN GROUP, INC.C COPYRIGHT 2017 THE HARTWIN GROUP, INC. --- THESE DRAWINGS AND ITS REPRODUCTIONS ARE THE PROPERTY OF THE HARTWIN GROUP, INC. 252 BLACK BIRCH PASS, LILBURN, GA. 30047 PHONE: (770) 231-2344 FAX: (888) 415-2782 ELEVATIONS AND ROOF PLAN BROOKSIDE MH A R T A- 0 2 1 FR O N T E L E V A T I O N A SC A L E : 1 / 8 " = 1 ' - 0 " ( 1 1 " x 1 7 " S H E E T S I Z E ) SC A L E : 1 / 4 " = 1 ' - 0 " ( 2 2 " x 3 4 " S H E E T S I Z E ) 2 RE A R E L E V A T I O N SC A L E : 1 / 8 " = 1 ' - 0 " ( 1 1 " x 1 7 " S H E E T S I Z E ) SC A L E : 1 / 4 " = 1 ' - 0 " ( 2 2 " x 3 4 " S H E E T S I Z E ) ELEVATION NOTES:1.DO NOT SCALE PLANS FORCONSTRUCTION PURPOSES2.CONTRACTOR IS RESPONSIBLE FORVERIFYING THE ACCURACY OF ALLDETAILS AND DIMENSIONS.3.VERIFY WITH WINDOW MFG. ALLWINDOW SIZES AND EGRESS REQ.4.GUTTERS SHALL BE ALUMINUM ORGALVANIZED STEEL5.ALL ROOF OVERHANGS TO BE 12"UNLESS NOTED OTHERWISE.5 ROOF PLANSCALE: 3/32" = 1'-0" (11"x17" SHEET SIZE)SCALE: 3/16" = 1'-0" (22"x34" SHEET SIZE) 3 LE F T E L E V A T I O N SC A L E : 1 / 8 " = 1 ' - 0 " ( 1 1 " x 1 7 " S H E E T S I Z E ) SC A L E : 1 / 4 " = 1 ' - 0 " ( 2 2 " x 3 4 " S H E E T S I Z E ) 4 RI G H T E L E V A T I O N SC A L E : 1 / 8 " = 1 ' - 0 " ( 1 1 " x 1 7 " S H E E T S I Z E ) SC A L E : 1 / 4 " = 1 ' - 0 " ( 2 2 " x 3 4 " S H E E T S I Z E ) 09 / 2 0 / 2 0 2 1 'E X H I B I T A' 6: 1 2 P I T C H AS P H A L T S H I N G L E S 6: 1 2 P I T C H 12 10 12 10 9'-118" 7'-0"7'-0" 8'-118" HD R GR A D E 1S T . F L R . PL A T E 2N D F L R PL A T E HD R BR I C K V E N E E R , T Y P . FI B E R C E M E N T 'S H A K E " S I D I N G , T Y P . 10 " S K I R T B R D . W/ D R I P C A P , T Y P . 8" B R I C K S O L D I E R CO U R S E , T Y P . 6:12SLOPE6:12SLOPE 12" O.H.6" O.H.6" O.H.RIDGE12" O.H.RIDGE9:12SLOPE9:12SLOPE 6:12SLOPE6:12SLOPE6:12SLOPE 6: 1 2 P I T C H AS P H A L T S H I N G L E S HD R GR A D E 1S T . F L R . PL A T E 2N D F L R PL A T E HD R FI B E R C E M E N T SI D I N G , T Y P . 9'-118" 7'-0"7'-0" 8'-118" 6: 1 2 P I T C H AS P H A L T SH I N G L E S 126 12 6 9'-118"7'-0"7'-0"8'-118"HDRGRADE1ST.FLR.PLATE 2ND FLR PLATEHDR FI B E R C E M E N T SI D I N G , T Y P . BR I C K VE N E E R , TY P . BR I C K VE N E E R , TY P . 12 6 12 6 9'-118"7'-0"7'-0"8'-118"HDRGRADE1ST.FLR.PLATE 2ND FLR PLATEHDR 10:12 PITCHASPHALTSHINGLESFIBER CEMENTSIDING, TYP. FI B E R C E M E N T SI D I N G , T Y P . 1'-0" SE A L : SH E E T N O . OF DI S C L A I M E R : DR A W N B Y : SC A L E : RE V . D A T E RE V . N O . RE V I S I O N C H A N G E S : ST A R T D A T E : SU B D I V I S I O N C O L L E C T I O N : TH I S C O P Y R I G H T E D D E S I G N I S TH E S O L E P R O P E R T Y O F T H E HA R T W I N G R O U P , I N C . A N D M A Y NO T B E U S E D O R R E P R O D U C E D WI T H O U T T H E E X P R E S S E D WR I T T E N C O N S E N T O F T H E HA R T W I N G R O U P , I N C . CA U T I O N : O N L Y A Q U A L I F I E D DE S I G N E R , A R C H I T E C T , CO N T R A C T O R O R S T R U C T U R A L EN G I N E E R S H O U L D A T T E M P T TO M O D I F Y T H I S P L A N . AND MAY NOT BE REPRODUCED, PUBLISHED OR USED IN ANY WAY WITHOUT THE WRITTEN PERMISSION OF THE HARTWIN GROUP, INC.C COPYRIGHT 2017 THE HARTWIN GROUP, INC. --- THESE DRAWINGS AND ITS REPRODUCTIONS ARE THE PROPERTY OF THE HARTWIN GROUP, INC. 252 BLACK BIRCH PASS, LILBURN, GA. 30047 PHONE: (770) 231-2344 FAX: (888) 415-2782 ELEVATIONS AND ROOF PLAN BROOKSIDE MH A R T A- 0 4 1 FR O N T E L E V A T I O N A SC A L E : 1 / 8 " = 1 ' - 0 " ( 1 1 " x 1 7 " S H E E T S I Z E ) SC A L E : 1 / 4 " = 1 ' - 0 " ( 2 2 " x 3 4 " S H E E T S I Z E ) 2 RE A R E L E V A T I O N SC A L E : 1 / 8 " = 1 ' - 0 " ( 1 1 " x 1 7 " S H E E T S I Z E ) SC A L E : 1 / 4 " = 1 ' - 0 " ( 2 2 " x 3 4 " S H E E T S I Z E ) ELEVATION NOTES:1.DO NOT SCALE PLANS FORCONSTRUCTION PURPOSES2.CONTRACTOR IS RESPONSIBLE FORVERIFYING THE ACCURACY OF ALLDETAILS AND DIMENSIONS.3.VERIFY WITH WINDOW MFG. ALLWINDOW SIZES AND EGRESS REQ.4.GUTTERS SHALL BE ALUMINUM ORGALVANIZED STEEL5.ALL ROOF OVERHANGS TO BE 12"UNLESS NOTED OTHERWISE.5 ROOF PLANSCALE: 3/32" = 1'-0" (11"x17" SHEET SIZE)SCALE: 3/16" = 1'-0" (22"x34" SHEET SIZE) 3 LE F T E L E V A T I O N SC A L E : 1 / 8 " = 1 ' - 0 " ( 1 1 " x 1 7 " S H E E T S I Z E ) SC A L E : 1 / 4 " = 1 ' - 0 " ( 2 2 " x 3 4 " S H E E T S I Z E ) 4 RI G H T E L E V A T I O N SC A L E : 1 / 8 " = 1 ' - 0 " ( 1 1 " x 1 7 " S H E E T S I Z E ) SC A L E : 1 / 4 " = 1 ' - 0 " ( 2 2 " x 3 4 " S H E E T S I Z E ) 09 / 2 0 / 2 0 2 1 'E X H I B I T A' SLOPE 1/8" PER FOOT GA R A G E SL A B 4" C O N C R E T E S L A B ON G R A N U L A R F I L L MA I N SL A B 4" C O N C R E T E S L A B O N 6 M I L . V A P O R B A R R I E R ON 4 " M I N . G R A N U L A R F I L L 23 ' - 8 " 46'-0" 19'-4"7'-2"19'-612" 7'-6"38'-6" 18 ' - 8 " 5'- 0 " 1'- 4 " 16 ' - 0 " 1'- 4 " CO N C R E T E PA T I O 46'-0" 10 ' - 0 " 1' - 0 " 8'-0" 4" 4" 4" C O N C . CU R B BR I C K L E D G E , T Y P . 4" WH 7'-6"12'-91 2"25'-812" 3'- 1 1 " 14 ' - 5 12" 5'- 3 12" 1' - 1 1 12" 1'-10"4'-5" 10 ' - 4 " 10 ' - 8 " 13 ' - 0 " 1112" GR A D E BE A M , T Y P . 3' - 9 " 10'-8" INSTALL 1/2" DIA. ANCHORBOLTS @ 6'-0" O.C. & NOTMORE THAN 12" FROMCORNERS.4"8"1'-0"4" CONCRETE SLAB POUREDMONOLITHICALLY WITHTHICKENED SLAB 2x BEARING WALL W/P.T.PLATE, SEE PLAN8" DEEP x 16" WIDETHICKENED SLAB, SEE PLAN INSTALL 12" DIA. ANCHOR BOLTS@ 6'-0" O.C. & NOT MORE THAN12" FROM CORNERS4" CONCRETE SLAB POUREDMONOLITHICALLY WITH FOOTING4"GRADE 8"MIN.4" GRAVEL FILLCOMPACTED FILL16" WIDE x 20" DEEPMONOLITHIC CONCRETEFOOTING, SEE PLAN12" MINIMUMBELOW GRADE SE A L : SH E E T N O . OF DI S C L A I M E R : DR A W N B Y : SC A L E : RE V . D A T E RE V . N O . RE V I S I O N C H A N G E S : ST A R T D A T E : SU B D I V I S I O N C O L L E C T I O N : TH I S C O P Y R I G H T E D D E S I G N I S TH E S O L E P R O P E R T Y O F T H E HA R T W I N G R O U P , I N C . A N D M A Y NO T B E U S E D O R R E P R O D U C E D WI T H O U T T H E E X P R E S S E D WR I T T E N C O N S E N T O F T H E HA R T W I N G R O U P , I N C . CA U T I O N : O N L Y A Q U A L I F I E D DE S I G N E R , A R C H I T E C T , CO N T R A C T O R O R S T R U C T U R A L EN G I N E E R S H O U L D A T T E M P T TO M O D I F Y T H I S P L A N . AND MAY NOT BE REPRODUCED, PUBLISHED OR USED IN ANY WAY WITHOUT THE WRITTEN PERMISSION OF THE HARTWIN GROUP, INC.C COPYRIGHT 2017 THE HARTWIN GROUP, INC. --- THESE DRAWINGS AND ITS REPRODUCTIONS ARE THE PROPERTY OF THE HARTWIN GROUP, INC. 252 BLACK BIRCH PASS, LILBURN, GA. 30047 PHONE: (770) 231-2344 FAX: (888) 415-2782 SLAB FOUNDATION PLAN BROOKSIDE MH A R T A- 0 6 1 SL A B F O U N D A T I O N P L A N SC A L E : 1 / 8 " = 1 ' - 0 " ( 1 1 " x 1 7 " S H E E T S I Z E ) SC A L E : 1 / 4 " = 1 ' - 0 " ( 2 2 " x 3 4 " S H E E T S I Z E ) 3 FOUNDATION SECTION - EXTERIOR WALLSCALE: 3/8" = 1'-0" (11"x17" SHEET SIZE)SCALE: 3/4" = 1'-0" (22"x34" SHEET SIZE)4 THICKENED SLAB SECTION - GRADE BEAMSCALE: 3/8" = 1'-0" (11"x17" SHEET SIZE)SCALE: 3/4" = 1'-0" (22"x34" SHEET SIZE) 4 3 1 1 2 / 1 0 / 2 0 1 8 09 / 2 0 / 2 0 2 1 'E X H I B I T A' KI T C H E N 9' C L G . F A M I L Y RO O M 9' C L G . UP 17 RISERS W/ 10" TREADS GA R A G E 9' C L G . FO Y E R 9' C L G . DI N I N G RO O M 9' C L G . CO A T S PA N T R Y 4 S H E L V E S PO W D E R 9' C L G . WH 23 ' - 8 " 46'-0" 19'-4"6'-0"2'-4"11'-4" 7'-6"13'-1"25'-5" 18 ' - 8 " 5' - 0 " 1' - 4 " 16 ' - 0 " 1' - 4 " 28 6 8 1L I T E EX T . D R . 13 ' - 0 " 10 ' - 8 " 5' - 4 " 5' - 4 " 36" DIRECT VENT FIREPLACE 4'-3"5'-612"2'-712"25'-5" 2020 FX.2020 FX. 5' - 4 12" 7' - 7 12" 2040 SH. 16 0 7 0 O . H . G A R A G E D R . 3'-412" E N T R Y PO R C H 8" S Q . CO L U M N CO N C R E T E PA T I O 10 ' X 8 ' 30 4 0 S H . 1'-10" 28 6 8 1H R . EX T . D R . 30 6 8 EX T . D R . 3'- 1 1 " 2' - 3 12" 3'- 8 12" 8' - 9 " 6" 3' - 6 " 9" 8" 4'-1"3'-412"3'-412"14'-7" 3050 SH.3050 SH.3050 SH. 7'-0" 2 4 6 8 3080 S.O. 2468 2468 2'- 6 " 2'- 1 0 " 3' - 6 " 1'- 1 " 13 ' - 9 " 4'-5"2'-0"5'-1"6'-612"5'-912" 2'-0" LI N E O F E L E V . C A B O V E SE A L : SH E E T N O . OF DI S C L A I M E R : DR A W N B Y : SC A L E : RE V . D A T E RE V . N O . RE V I S I O N C H A N G E S : ST A R T D A T E : SU B D I V I S I O N C O L L E C T I O N : TH I S C O P Y R I G H T E D D E S I G N I S TH E S O L E P R O P E R T Y O F T H E HA R T W I N G R O U P , I N C . A N D M A Y NO T B E U S E D O R R E P R O D U C E D WI T H O U T T H E E X P R E S S E D WR I T T E N C O N S E N T O F T H E HA R T W I N G R O U P , I N C . CA U T I O N : O N L Y A Q U A L I F I E D DE S I G N E R , A R C H I T E C T , CO N T R A C T O R O R S T R U C T U R A L EN G I N E E R S H O U L D A T T E M P T TO M O D I F Y T H I S P L A N . AND MAY NOT BE REPRODUCED, PUBLISHED OR USED IN ANY WAY WITHOUT THE WRITTEN PERMISSION OF THE HARTWIN GROUP, INC.C COPYRIGHT 2017 THE HARTWIN GROUP, INC. --- THESE DRAWINGS AND ITS REPRODUCTIONS ARE THE PROPERTY OF THE HARTWIN GROUP, INC. 252 BLACK BIRCH PASS, LILBURN, GA. 30047 PHONE: (770) 231-2344 FAX: (888) 415-2782 1ST. FLOOR PLAN BROOKSIDE MH A R T A- 0 8 1 1 2 / 1 0 / 2 0 1 8 1 1S T . F L O O R P L A N ( E L E V A & C ) SC A L E : 1 / 8 " = 1 ' - 0 " ( 1 1 " x 1 7 " S H E E T S I Z E ) SC A L E : 1 / 4 " = 1 ' - 0 " ( 2 2 " x 3 4 " S H E E T S I Z E ) 09 / 2 0 / 2 0 2 1 'E X H I B I T A' BA T H 2 8' C L G . BE D R O O M 2 8' C L G . BE D R O O M 3 8' C L G . L O F T / OP T . B E D R O O M 4 8' C L G . W. I . C . 8' C L G . O W N E R ' S SU I T E TR A Y C L G . O W N E R ' S BA T H 8' C L G . DOWN 17 RISERS W/ 10" TREADS LINEN 4 SH. 30 5 0 S H . 30 5 0 S H . 23 ' - 8 " 11 ' - 1 1 12" 11 ' - 8 12" 6'- 0 " 5' - 8 12" 6'- 0 " 5'- 1 1 12" 3'-6"42'-6" 12'-6"11'-8"12'-4" 46'-0" 16'-0"30'-0" 18 ' - 8 " 5'- 0 " 3050 SH. 2'-312"5'-6"2'-412"12'-4" 30 5 0 S H . 30 5 0 S H . 24 4 0 S H . 2'- 7 12" 2'- 4 12" 3' - 6 " 1'- 9 12" 5' - 1 0 " 3'- 6 " 13 ' - 4 12" 5' - 3 12" 4'- 0 12" 30 5 0 S H . 2'-412"1'-3"2'-412" 5'-812"6'-0" 2668 2668 2668 26 6 8 24 6 8 2468 OP T . 26 6 8 26 6 8 (2)2668 2X6 WALL 5'- 0 " 2' - 7 12" 4'- 4 " 3'- 8 " 3' - 5 12" 4' - 6 12" 2668 2468 2468 24 6 8 13 ' - 4 12" 5' - 3 12" 5'- 0 " 5'-6"2'-0" 2020 FX.2020 FX.2020 FX. 3'-912"2'-212"7'-412"4'-312" 1112"3'-4" 3'-312"7'-7" 2'-0" TYP. 2' - 0 " TY P . O W N E R ' S SU I T E TR A Y C L G . O W N E R ' S BA T H 8' C L G . 3'-6"12'-6" 17'-0" 18 ' - 8 " 5'- 0 " 30 5 0 S H . 30 5 0 S H . 24 4 0 S H . 2' - 7 12" 2' - 4 12" 3' - 4 12" 3'- 4 12" 11 ' - 1 0 12" 6'- 9 12" 2468 2468 24 6 8 3'-312"7'-7" 2' - 0 " TY P . 5'- 1 1 12" 5'- 1 1 12" SE A L : SH E E T N O . OF DI S C L A I M E R : DR A W N B Y : SC A L E : RE V . D A T E RE V . N O . RE V I S I O N C H A N G E S : ST A R T D A T E : SU B D I V I S I O N C O L L E C T I O N : TH I S C O P Y R I G H T E D D E S I G N I S TH E S O L E P R O P E R T Y O F T H E HA R T W I N G R O U P , I N C . A N D M A Y NO T B E U S E D O R R E P R O D U C E D WI T H O U T T H E E X P R E S S E D WR I T T E N C O N S E N T O F T H E HA R T W I N G R O U P , I N C . CA U T I O N : O N L Y A Q U A L I F I E D DE S I G N E R , A R C H I T E C T , CO N T R A C T O R O R S T R U C T U R A L EN G I N E E R S H O U L D A T T E M P T TO M O D I F Y T H I S P L A N . AND MAY NOT BE REPRODUCED, PUBLISHED OR USED IN ANY WAY WITHOUT THE WRITTEN PERMISSION OF THE HARTWIN GROUP, INC.C COPYRIGHT 2017 THE HARTWIN GROUP, INC. --- THESE DRAWINGS AND ITS REPRODUCTIONS ARE THE PROPERTY OF THE HARTWIN GROUP, INC. 252 BLACK BIRCH PASS, LILBURN, GA. 30047 PHONE: (770) 231-2344 FAX: (888) 415-2782 2ND. FLOOR PLAN BROOKSIDE MH A R T A- 0 9 1 1 2 / 1 0 / 2 0 1 8 1 2N D . F L O O R P L A N ( E L E V A ) SC A L E : 1 / 8 " = 1 ' - 0 " ( 1 1 " x 1 7 " S H E E T S I Z E ) SC A L E : 1 / 4 " = 1 ' - 0 " ( 2 2 " x 3 4 " S H E E T S I Z E ) 2 2N D . F L O O R P L A N ( E L E V C ) SC A L E : 1 / 8 " = 1 ' - 0 " ( 1 1 " x 1 7 " S H E E T S I Z E ) SC A L E : 1 / 4 " = 1 ' - 0 " ( 2 2 " x 3 4 " S H E E T S I Z E ) 09 / 2 0 / 2 0 2 1 'E X H I B I T A' 'EXHIBIT A' 'EXHIBIT A'