RES 2024-49 Work Hour Resolution - Debris Removal and Repairs - Public and Private AdoptedRESOLUTION NO. 2024-49 AUTHORIZING A NOISE PERMIT FOR GOVERNMENT AND PRIVATE CONTRACTED CREWS TO REMOVE STORM DEBRIS AND CONDUCT REPAIRS RELATED TO HURRICANE HELENE WHEREAS, the City of North Augusta has experienced significant storm damage due to Hurricane Helene, resulting in substantial damage and debris across both public and private properties within the city limits; and WHEREAS, timely removal of storm debris and repairs to damaged properties are critical to ensuring the safety, public health, and welfare of the residents of North Augusta; and WHEREAS, Sec. 12-21(c)(9) of the City of North Augusta Code of Ordinances restricts construction work to the hours of 7:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. on weekdays only; and WHEREAS, the Ordinance allows the Council to grant a permit for work outside of these hours in cases of urgent necessity for public safety and convenience; and WHEREAS, the City of North Augusta and other government agencies, as well as private entities, have contracted with crews to assist in the removal of said debris and to conduct repairs, requiring extended working hours to complete the tasks in a timely manner; and WHEREAS, in order to facilitate the efficient removal of storm debris, mitigate potential hazards, and expedite necessary repairs, it is necessary to provide an exemption from the City’s noise ordinance for the duration of these operations; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Mayor and City Council of the City of North Augusta, South Carolina, in a meeting duly assembled, that: • Noise Ordinance Exemption: The City of North Augusta hereby grants a noise ordinance permit to government-contracted and private-contracted crews for the purposes of storm debris removal and property repairs related to Hurricane Helene. • Hours of Operation: Authorized debris removal and repair operations may take place from sunrise to sunset, Monday through Sunday, for a period of 180 days, beginning on October 21, 2024, and ending on April 19, 2025. • Scope of Exemption: This exemption applies exclusively to noise generated by debris removal activities, repair work, and the equipment associated with the contracted crews and does not permit excessive or unnecessary noise unrelated to these tasks. • Permit Duration: The noise ordinance exemption will remain in effect for the specified 180-day period. The City of North Augusta reserves the right to extend, modify, or terminate this permit as deemed necessary.