061724 Council Mtg Mins Adopted Page 1 of 7 MINUTES OF JUNE 17, 2024 Briton S. Williams, Mayor Jenafer F. McCauley, Councilmember – Mayor Pro Tem David B. Buck, Councilmember Pat C. Carpenter, Councilmember David W. McGhee, Councilmember Eric H. Presnell, Councilmember Kevin W. Toole, Councilmember REGULAR MEETING The Regular meeting of the City Council of the City of North Augusta of June 17, 2024 having been duly publicized was called to order by Mayor Williams at 6:00pm and also streamed online for public viewing at “City of North Augusta – Public Information” on www.Facebook.com and on the “City of North Augusta Public Information” on www.YouTube.com. Per Section 30-4-80, (e) notice of the meeting by email was sent out to the current maintained “Agenda Mailout” list consisting of news media outlets and individuals or companies requesting notification. Notice of the meeting was also posted on the outside doors of the Municipal Center, the main bulletin board of the Municipal Center located on the first floor, and the City of North Augusta website. Mayor Williams rendered the invocation and the Pledge of Allegiance. Members present were Mayor Williams, Councilmembers Buck, Carpenter, McCauley, McGhee, Presnell, and Toole. Also in attendance were James S. Clifford, City Administrator; J.D. McCauley, Assistant Administrator; Chief Junior Johnson, Director of Public Safety; Tommy Paradise, Director of Planning & Development; Ricky Jones, Manager of Information Technology; and Kayla Ferguson, Manager of Human Resources. Page 2 of 7 ITEM 4. APPROVAL OF MINUTES: The minutes of the City Council Meeting of June 3, 2024, and Study Session of June 10, 2024, were approved as submitted by general consent. ITEM 5. PROCLAMATION: a. The Caravan for Disability Freedom and Justice 2024 – 25th Anniversary Mayor Williams read the Caravan for Disability Freedom and Justice 2024 – 25th Anniversary and presented the proclamation to the Jensen Jennings Individual and Systems Advocacy Specialist for Walton Options. (See Attachment #5a) ITEM 6. PERSONNEL: a. Jeffery Holloway, Retirement – Recognition of Service to the City of North Augusta Mayor Williams recognized Jeffery Holloway. He stated that he started his career with the City of North Augusta on November 12, 2019 within the Sanitation Department as a Vehicle Operator II. During his 5- year tenure with the City of North Augusta he worked collecting and hauling yard waste from the route and transporting debris to the landfill. He added that while an outstanding employee he was a great team member always willing to help other staff members and willingness to fill various vacant rolls within the organization; as to maintain our level of service to the Citizens of North Augusta. Mayor Williams congratulated Jeffery Holloway on his retirement. b. William Fokes, Retirement – Recognition of Service to the City of North Augusta Mayor Williams recognized William Fokes and noted that he is not able to attend tonight’s meeting and read the statement provided by the Department of Engineering and Public Works into the record. (See Attachment #6b) Mayor Williams presented the plaque to Stormwater Superintendent Tanya Strickland on his behalf and congratulated Williams Fokes on his retirement. OLD BUSINESS ITEM 7. PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT: Ordinance No. 2024-09 Amending Article 5, Use and Use Conditions, of the North Augusta Development Code, Chapter 18 of the City of North Augusta, South Carolina Code of Ordinances – Second Reading No public comment. Administrator Clifford clarified that the ordinance is a correction within the development code to place the conditions in the correct area. It was moved by Councilmember McCauley, seconded by Councilmember McGhee, to approve Ordinance No. 2024-09 Amending Article 5, Use and Use Conditions, of the North Augusta Development Code, Page 3 of 7 Chapter 18 of the City of North Augusta, South Carolina Code of Ordinances – Second Reading. Unanimously Approved. (See Attachment #7) ITEM 8. PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT: Ordinance No. 2024-10 To Change the Corporate Limits of the City of North Augusta by Accepting the Petition Requesting Annexation by the Landowners and Annexing ± 3.65 Acres of Property Located on Lamback Way and Owned By IV-CO LLC – Second Reading No public comment. Administrator Clifford stated that items #’s 8 and 9 are linked with one annexing the portion into the city and then amend the zoning of the property. Staff recommends approval. It was moved by Councilmember Buck, seconded by Councilmember Carpenter, to approve Ordinance No. 2024-10 To Change the Corporate Limits of the City of North Augusta by Accepting the Petition Requesting Annexation by the Landowners and Annexing ± 3.65 Acres of Property Located on Lamback Way and Owned By IV-CO LLC – Second Reading. Unanimously Approved. (See Attachment #8) ITEM 9. PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT: Ordinance No. 2024-11 To Amend the Zoning Map of the City of North Augusta, South Carolina by Rezoning ± 3.65 Acres of Land Owned by IV-CO, Aiken County Tax Parcel No. 012-11-14-001 from P, Public Use to R-14 Single Family Large Lot – Second Reading No public comment. It was moved by Councilmember Carpenter, seconded by Councilmember Buck, to approve Ordinance No. 2024-11 To Amend the Zoning Map of the City of North Augusta, South Carolina by Rezoning ± 3.65 Acres of Land Owned by IV-CO, Aiken County Tax Parcel No. 012-11-14-001 from P, Public Use to R-14 Single Family Large Lot – Second Reading. Unanimously Approved. (See Attachment #9) ITEM 10. PARKS & RECREATION: Ordinance No. 2024-12 Authorizing a Restructuring of Personnel for the Department of Parks & Recreation – Second Reading No public comment. Administrator Clifford stated that items # 10 and 11 are similar as they are moving part-time employees to full-time status and are revenue neutral with a slight increase in the FY2025 budget. It was moved by Councilmember Presnell, seconded by Councilmember McGhee, to approve Ordinance No. 2024-12 Authorizing a Restructuring of Personnel for the Department of Parks & Recreation – Second Reading. Unanimously Approved. (See Attachment #10) ITEM 11. FINANCE: Ordinance No. 2024-13 Authorizing a Restructuring of Personnel for the Departments of Public Services and Public Works – Second Reading No public comment. It was moved by Councilmember McCauley, seconded by Councilmember Carpenter, to approve Ordinance No. 2024-13 Authorizing a Restructuring of Personnel for the Departments of Public Services and Public Works – Second Reading. Unanimously Approved. (See Attachment #11) Page 4 of 7 NEW BUSINESS ITEM 12. PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT: Ordinance No. 2024-14 To Amend the Zoning Map of the City of North Augusta, South Carolina by Rezoning ± 128.79 Acres of Land Owned by James M. Ford, et al, Aiken County Tax Parcel No. 021-17-01-001 from R-10, Medium Lot, Single-Family Residential to R-7, Small Lot, Single-Family Residential – First Reading Administrator Clifford reviewed the tract of land with Council and explained the request of the rezone is to have R-7 throughout the entire u-shaped parcel. Public Comments: Wayne Jones, non-resident, stated that he is requesting reconsideration and for Council to see from their standpoint. He noted he provided a letter to Council. (See Attachment #12PC – Jones) He commented that he not opposed to growth, however, he is against the infringement to their property and use of the roads. He commented on items within the Planning and Development Staff Evaluation and Analysis (item #’s 3, 4, and 9). He added that they can build in R-10 why change to R-7. James Maher, non-resident, stated that he is opposed to the zoning change and highlighted items from his email sent to Council. (See Attachment #12PC – Maher) He added that in addition to the letter he has an addition to the petition presented at Planning Commission as the last on had 68 signatures and now the petition has 116 signatures (See Attachment #12e) Phyllis Britt, non-resident, stated that she has three grandchildren that live on Northridge Road. She noted that her concern is the connection of the Northridge Road as there is a light at this road as the other entrances would not. She pointed out that the build would be for 400 units, however, you would have double the traffic as there would be two in a unit, so 800 vehicles coming through the light daily. Brian Redd, non-resident, stated that the community of North Augusta has been their home for 32 years and that his wife made a comment to him that if this development is built they are moving. He commented that the build would destroy the area as well as add to the traffic issue. Byron Crytzer, non-resident, stated he has lived there for 34 years and is a part of the North Augusta community. He commented on the increase of noise pollution and water runoff issue. He highlighted on an accident that occurred a couple years back near where the development is to be placed. Andrew Lewis, non-resident, stated he has been at his cul-de-sac residence for six years and they do not need the cars coming between North Ridge road and Howard Mill. He noted that the City would not pay for their streets to be repaved/maintained as they are Aiken County roads. He added that with all of the development to be going in that the City’s Schools will not be able to handle the increase of capacity and is not fair to the children. Gary Woody, non-resident, stated that Blanchard Road is difficult to pull out of currently at 5:00pm. He added that he does not want smaller lots built on top of them as their lots are 1 to 2-acre lots. Dan McCurry, non-resident, stated he has lived at his residence for 22 years and reminded the Council that at the Planning Commission meeting that the rezone was unanimously rejected. He added he liked the suggestion of connecting their subdivision with the Greeneway and stated the opinion to have that as a prerequisite. Page 5 of 7 Beverly Simpson, non-resident, stated that she has been at her residence since 1987. She noted how she enjoy the City’s area currently. She asked why the City is wanting R-7 builds versus R-10 builds and added that her lot is a 1-acre lot. Frank Byers, non-resident, asked if the City has considered that the water system and the plant to purify water is probably undersized as well as the sewage disposal plant. He added that this should be an R-14. Ernest Duncan, non-resident, stated that he has lived at his residence since 1992 and provided his background. He commented that the Planning Commission discussed and voted no and feels that he Council should do the same and vote no. Leigh Polzella, Land Specialist of BRD Land & Investment, spoke on the Plan Comparison pictures which was discussed at the June 17, 2024 Council Study Session and displayed the Kimley-Horn Highlights information. (See Attachment #12 – HIGHLIGHTS) She stated that the Planning Commission had not seen the comparison slide. (See Attachment #12 – HIGHLIGHTS, page 9) She noted that the plan on the right (By-Right Plan) consisted of 630 units versus the plan on the left where they minimalized townhomes (Rezoning Plan). She talked about adding more natural buffers and a secondary access. In addition, she emphasized that they are trying to be thoughtful and considerate and has reached out to the State Park to make walkable. She added that there is a mix of varying lot sizes that families, single parents, and civil servants could afford. She acknowledged the runoff issue and they will need to address as they are doing their due diligence to improve. Joe Robertson of Kimley-Horn highlighted on the draft traffic analysis. (See Attachment #12 – HIGHLIGHTS, page 10) In response to Councilmember McCauley’s question Mr. Robertson stated that the increase of traffic from what it is currently to potentially be would be about 10-15% increase in traffic during peak hours. He clarified that it would be only for the rezoning plan. Discussion ensued relating to additional traffic lights, potential restricted deed by the developer, and the R10 versus R7 build out amounts. Each councilmember spoke on their opinions on the rezoning whether it be R7 or R10. It was pointed out that the traffic, stormwater, roads, etc. will all be reviewed by SCDOT, DHEC, County, etc. prior to building. In addition, it was pointed out that some of them would like more information on the restricted deed brought up by the developer. Mayor Williams clarified that he Council is voting on the zoning aspect. Council thanked the public for coming out to speak to them on this item. It was moved by Councilmember Presnell, seconded by Councilmember Carpenter, to approve Ordinance No. 2024-14 To Amend the Zoning Map of the City of North Augusta, South Carolina by Rezoning ± 128.79 Acres of Land Owned by James M. Ford, et al, Aiken County Tax Parcel No. 021-17-01-001 from R-10, Medium Lot, Single-Family Residential to R-7, Small Lot, Single-Family Residential – First Reading. Vote: 4 – 3 with Nays from Mayor Williams and Councilmembers Carpenter and McCauley. Approved. (See Attachment #12) Page 6 of 7 ITEM 13. ADMINISTRATION: Resolution No. 2024-25 Authorizing a Permit for Construction Work Administrator Clifford stated that this is an exception to policy to work outside the normal hours allotted within the City’s ordinance. Public Comment: Fletcher Dickert, Georgia business, explained that concrete pourers need early hours due to concrete temperature with the air temperature. He noted that some may need to be done at night due to the thickness of the concrete to be poured. He added that pours typically take about 2 hours. In addition, they will notice the City 24-hour notice prior to each pour. It was moved by Councilmember McGhee, seconded by Councilmember Buck, to approve Resolution No. 2024-25 Authorizing a Permit for Construction Work. Unanimously Approved. (See Attachment #13) ITEM 14. ENGINEERING & PUBLIC WORKS: Resolution No. 2024-26 Resolution No. 2024-26 Authorizing the City of North Augusta to Purchase and Install Outdoor Electrical Pedestals No public comment. Assistant Administrator McCauley stated that resolution is for the upgrade of pedestals along Georgia Avenue. It was moved by Councilmember Presnell, seconded by Councilmember McCauley, to approve Resolution No. 2024-26 Authorizing the City of North Augusta to Purchase and Install Outdoor Electrical Pedestals. Unanimously Approved. (See Attachment #14) ITEM 15. ADMINISTRATIVE REPORTS No report. ITEM 16. PRESENTATIONS/COMMUNICATIONS/RECOGNITION OF VISITORS: A. Citizen Comments: No comment. B. Council Comments: Mayor Williams highlighted on the following: • Downtown Greeneway Connector Ribbon Cutting – June 20 at 5:45pm – Corner of West & Bluff Ave • Center Street Tunnel Mural Ribbon Cutting put on by North Augusta Forward – June 25 at 5:00pm o Artist – Jason Craig PROCLAMATION THE CARAVAN FOR DISABILITY FREEDOM AND JUSTICE 2024 WHEREAS, The Caravan for Disability Freedom and Justice 2024 is traversing the continental United States to bring awareness of the need for a more accessible and inclusive society for all; and WHEREAS, on June 22nd of this year it will be the 25th anniversary of the Olmstead Decision, a landmark Supreme Court case, which found that individuals who have disabilities have a right to receive state funded services and support in the community rather than be forced to stay in an institution to receive state funded services and support; and WHEREAS, yearly on July 26th Americans who have disabilities celebrate their independence, as it is the anniversary of the signing of the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA 1990). The ADA enumerated and affirmed the rights of individuals who have disabilities. Simply put, it stated that individuals who have disabilities have a right to equal access to work, play, and to participate fully in society; and WHEREAS, 1 in 3 adults in South Carolina have a disability. This includes disabilities which cause mobility issues, cognitive issues, emotional and mental issues, blindness, and deafness; and WHEREAS, it is the responsibility of all of North Augusta’s citizens to acknowledge and recognize that it is not disability that is the problem, but old attitudes and unjust barriers that often keep individuals with disabilities from reaching their individual potential; and WHEREAS, every North Augusta citizen can be a part of the solution that allows for a more accessible and inclusive society for all by, becoming an ally, being advocate, hiring individuals who have disabilities, and most importantly, by insisting that people who have disabilities have a real seat at the table where decisions and policies are made; and WHEREAS, the City of Augusta commends state and local agencies, nonprofit organizations, businesses, and individuals who make an effort to spread awareness for access and inclusion. NOW, THEREFORE, I, Briton S. Williams, Mayor of the great city of North Augusta, do hereby proclaim and acknowledge THE CARAVAN FOR DISABILITY FREEDOM AND JUSTICE 2024 to encourage all citizens, government agencies, private businesses, non-profit organizations, and other groups to join in efforts to make North Augusta one of the most accessible and inclusive cities in America. ______________________________ Briton S. Williams, Mayor City of North Augusta ATTACHMENT #5a Page 1 of 1 City of North Augusta Retirement Announcement William “Bill” R. Fokes II Start Date: March 23, 2012 Retirement Date: June 5, 2024 Bill began his career with the City of North Augusta in the Property Maintenance department as a Grounds Worker in 2012. In 2016, he moved over to the Stormwater Department as a Vehicle Operator. He was promoted to his current position as Heavy Equipment Operator in 2020. Bill has been remarkable in his positions with the city. He has impressed all that have worked alongside him by showing everyone his enthusiasm and energy no matter the weather or job at hand, and his capability and strength to get any job done. Everyone that works with Bill has quickly learned he works, and works hard to get a job done. At the end of his working career, we would like to share some of his previous accomplishments. Bill grew up in Florida, attended Junior College at Tallahassee where he minored in Physics, he then went on to Florida State University and earned a Bachelors in Criminology. Still seeking knowledge, Bill then went to Germany where he lived and studied Civil Engineering at the Max Planck Institute for Physics and Astrophysics in Munich. Prior to coming to the city, Bill spent 4 years working in Rector, Arkansas creating agricultural runoff infrastructure using new laser guided ditching technology. This was just after the failure of his first retirement in 2007 after 21 years of public service with the Florida Department of Environmental Protection (Beaches and Coastal Systems) in Tallahassee where he assessed post hurricane damages and inspections of rebuilds. Retirement at that time turned out to be more challenging than he anticipated, so he felt he had to get back to work. Prior to that, Bill also owned a residential construction company for 10 years early in his career. So back to it he went 17 more years, 12 of them with us. We want thank Bill from the bottom of our hearts for his commitment to service of community; for 12 years for the citizens of North Augusta, but also his overall 38 years of outstanding public service during his career. Bill enjoys, playing guitar, roller and ice hockey, scuba diving, and also loves duck hunting, camping and fishing. We hope he now will enjoy some of those hobbies with his beautiful companion and best friend Jazmine, a wolf dog that never leaves his side. Thank you Bill! After 48 working years, this time, enjoy your retirement, you have earned it, again! ATTACHMENT #6b Page 1 of 1 ORDINANCE NO. 2024-09 AMENDING ARTICLE 5, USE AND USE CONDITIONS, OF THE NORTH AUGUSTA DEVELOPMENT CODE, CHAPTER 18 OF THE CITY OF NORTH AUGUSTA, SOUTH CAROLINA CODE OF ORDINANCES WHEREAS, on December 18, 2023, by Ordinance 2023-32, the North Augusta City Council adopted the North Augusta Development Code and a citywide Zoning Map which is consistent with the City’s North Augusta 2017 Comprehensive Plan; and WHEREAS, pursuant to Section 18.11.2 Text Amendments in Article 18, Text Amendment, of the North Augusta Development Code, any person, property owner, board, commission, department or the City Council may apply for a change in zoning ordinance text; and WHEREAS, the North Augusta Planning Commission, following a May 15, 2024 public hearing, reviewed and considered a request by the Planning Department to amend Article 5, Table 5.1 entitled “Use Matrix” of the North Augusta Development Code to change residential the uses permitted in the Downtown Mixed Use 1 (DTMU1) and Downtown Mixed Use 2 (DTMU2) zoning district. The Planning Commission report has been provided to City Council for consideration. WHEREAS, The Mayor and City Council have reviewed the request as well as the report from the Planning Commission and has determined that the change to the text of the Development Code is appropriate. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF NORTH AUGUSTA, SOUTH CAROLINA, IN MEETING DULY ASSEMBLED AND BY THE AUTHORITY THEREOF, THAT: I. The North Augusta Development Code, Article 5 of The City of North Augusta, South Carolina Code of Ordinances, Providing for New Zoning and Land Development Regulations for the City of North Augusta, South Carolina, is hereby amended and shall read as described in the following section. The section of the Code affected by the proposed amendment is identified by the section number. A. Table 5.1 will be amended to prohibit duplexes, multi-family, quadruplexes, single- family detached, single-room occupancies, and triplexes in the Downtown Mixed Use 1 (DTMU1) district. B. Table 5.1 will be further amended to permit duplexes, quadruplexes, single- family attached, and triplexes as a conditional use and single family detached as a permitted use in the Downtown Mixed Use 2 (DTMU2) district. C. Any other needed formatting will be edited to reflect new page numbers, titles or item numbering associated with the text changes outlined herein. ATTACHMENT #7 Page 1 of 2 II. All other Ordinances or parts of Ordinances in conflict herewith are, to the extent of such conflict, hereby repealed. III. This Ordinance shall become effective immediately upon its adoption on second reading. DONE, RATIFIED AND ADOPTED BY THE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF NORTH AUGUSTA, SOUTH CAROLINA, ON THIS ______ DAY OF JUNE, 2024. First Reading Briton Williams, Mayor Second Reading ATTEST: Jamie Paul, City Clerk ATTACHMENT #7 Page 2 of 2 ORDINANCE NO. 2024-10 TO CHANGE THE CORPORATE LIMITS OF THE CITY OF NORTH AUGUSTA BY ACCEPTING THE PETITION REQUESTING ANNEXATION BY THE LANDOWNERS AND ANNEXING ± 3.65 ACRES OF PROPERTY LOCATED ON LAMBACK WAY AND OWNED BY IV-CO LLC WHEREAS, Section 5-3-150(3) of the Code of Laws of the State of South Carolina provides that: "Notwithstanding the provisions of subsections (1) and (2) of this section, any area or property which is contiguous to a municipality may be annexed to the municipality by filing with the municipal governing body a petition signed by all persons owning real estate in the area requesting annexation. Upon the agreement of the governing body to accept the petition and annex the area, and the enactment of an ordinance declaring the area annexed to the municipality, the annexation is complete"; and WHEREAS, the Mayor and City Council of the City of North Augusta, have reviewed the petition of the landowners requesting that their property be annexed into the City and determined that such Petition should be accepted and the property annexed into the City; and WHEREAS, the property is situated within the area of the North Augusta 2021 Comprehensive Plan and recommended for Commercial Retail by that plan as specified in the Land Use Element. WHEREAS, the annexation request and zoning classification has been reviewed by the Planning Commission which has recommended annexation of the property with + 3.65 acres to be zoned R-14, Single Family Large Lot. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED by the Mayor and City Council of the City of North Augusta, South Carolina, in meeting duly assembled and by the authority thereof that: I. The Petition of the landowners is accepted and the following described property shall be annexed into the City of North Augusta: A parcel of land, with all improvements thereon, being in the County of Aiken containing + 3.65 acres and appearing on that plat prepared and recorded in the Office of the Register Mesne Conveyance Aiken County in Record Book 64 at page 429, including all adjacent right-of-way. Tax Map & Parcel No.: 012-11-14-001 The property to be annexed is also shown on a map identified as “Exhibit A” titled “Map of Property Sought to be Annexed to the City of North Augusta” prepared by the City of North Augusta. ATTACHMENT #8 Page 1 of 3 II. The zoning classification shall be +3.65 acres as R-14, Single Family Large Lot III. All Ordinances or parts of Ordinances in conflict herewith are, to the extent of such conflict, hereby repealed. IV. This Ordinance shall become effective immediately upon its adoption on second and final reading. DONE, RATIFIED AND ADOPTED BY THE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF NORTH AUGUSTA, SOUTH CAROLINA, ON THIS ______ DAY OF JUNE, 2024. First Reading Briton Williams, Mayor Second Reading ATTEST: Jamie Paul, City Clerk ATTACHMENT #8 Page 2 of 3 05010015020025 Feet 4/22/2024 Path: C:\Users\lreese\Documents\ArcGIS\Projects\MyProject36-Lamback Way\MyProject36-Lamback Way.aprx ANX24-001 MAP OF PROPERTY SOUGHT TO BE ANNEXED TO THE CITY OF NORTH AUGUSTA ± EDISTO PAL M E T T O M I L L T H A X PA L M E T T O PK W Y C H A L O N PAL M E T TO L AMBACK AUDUB O N POW E R H O U S E EXHIBIT A Outside City Inside City TPN 012-11-14-001 Approximately 3.65 acres ATTACHMENT #8 Page 3 of 3 ORDINANCE NO. 2024-11 TO AMEND THE ZONING MAP OF THE CITY OF NORTH AUGUSTA, SOUTH CAROLINA BY REZONING ± 3.65 ACRES OF LAND OWNED BY IV-CO, AIKEN COUNTY TAX PARCEL NO. 012-11-14-001 FROM P, PUBLIC USE TO R-14 SINGLE FAMILY LARGE LOT WHEREAS, on December 18, 2023, by Ordinance 2023-32, the North Augusta City Council adopted the North Augusta Development Code and a citywide Zoning Map which is consistent with the City’s North Augusta 2017 Comprehensive Plan; and WHEREAS, the property owner, IV-CO, LLC has requested the property be rezoned from P, Public Use to R-14 Single Family Large; and WHEREAS, the North Augusta Planning Commission, following a May 15, 2024 public hearing, reviewed and considered a request by IV-CO, LLC to amend the Official Zoning Map of North Augusta from P, Public Use to R-14 Single Family Large for an approximately +3.65 acres consisting of tax parcel 012-11-14-001 and has issued their recommendation. The staff reports and the recommendation of the Planning Commission have been provided to City Council. NOW THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF NORTH AUGUSTA, SOUTH CAROLINA, IN MEETING DULY ASSEMBLED AND BY THE AUTHORITY THEREOF, THAT: I. A parcel consisting of +3.65 acres owned by IV_CO, LLC, is hereby rezoned from P, Public Use to R-14, Single Family Large Lot. Said property is Aiken County tax map parcel 012-11-14-001 and specifically identified as Exhibit “A” attached hereto. II The Official Zoning Map for the City of North Augusta is hereby amended to reflect this rezoning. III. All ordinances or parts of Ordinances in conflict herewith are, to the extent of such conflict, hereby repealed. IV. This Ordinance shall become effective immediately upon its adoption on second and final reading. ATTACHMENT #9 Page 1 of 3 DONE, RATIFIED AND ADOPTED BY THE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF NORTH AUGUSTA, SOUTH CAROLINA, ON THIS ______ DAY OF JUNE, 2024. First Reading Briton S. Williams, Mayor Second Reading ATTEST: Jamie Paul, City Clerk ATTACHMENT #9 Page 2 of 3 LAMBAC K EDISTO POW E R H O U S E PAL M E T T O PAL M E T T O P R-7 RZM24-003 TO BE REZONED TO R-14 LARGE LOT, SINGLE-FAMILY RESIDENTIAL TO THE CITY OF NORTH AUGUSTA 07515022530037.5 Feet 5/17/2024 ± Path: C:\Users\lreese\Documents\ArcGIS\Projects\MyProject36-Lamback Way\MyProject36-Lamback Way.aprx EXHIBIT A Outside City Limits A portion of TPN 012-11-14-001 to be rezoned to R-14, Large Lot, Single-Family Residential ATTACHMENT #9 Page 3 of 3 ORDINANCE NO. 2024-12 AUTHORIZING A RESTRUCTURING OF PERSONNEL FOR THE DEPARTMENT OF PARKS & RECREATION WHEREAS, in accordance with the Laws of South Carolina, and the Ordinance of the City of North Augusta, the City Administrator prepared and submitted to the City Council a Balanced Budget for the budget year beginning on January 1, 2024, and ending on December 31, 2024, which was adopted on November 6, 2023; and WHEREAS, the City has determined that a restructuring of personnel for the Department of Parks & Recreation is necessary to expand upon the direction of the 2024 Parks & Recreation Master Plan that states that the department is currently short 4 full-time employees and recommends the addition of a Center Program Coordinator for the Riverview Park Activities Center as one of the new positions. WHEREAS, this restructuring is to be done within the authorized total appropriations for personal services expenses of the Department of Parks & Recreation as adopted by City Council on November 6, 2023. WHEREAS, the purpose of the proposed Parks & Recreation Department reorganization is to put a greater emphasis on security and to provide more full-time professional resources at the Riverview Park Activities Center. WHEREAS, such reorganization will delete 2 part-time center coordinator positions in exchange for 1 full-time employee, center program coordinator, for the Riverview Park Activities Center. WHEREAS, the reorganization will not create any negative impact on the 2024 Budget due to the elimination of the 2 part-time positions and salary savings from vacancies in the department in the 2024 Budget year. NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED by the Mayor and City Council for the City of North Augusta in meeting duly assembled and by the authority thereof that: Section 1. The City Council hereby authorizes a restructuring of personnel for the Department of Parks & Recreation as follows: Fund Current Position Current Pay Grade Proposed Position Proposed Grade 10-4330/RVP Activities Center PT Center Coordinator $14.60/hr. Delete PT Center Coordinator $14.60/hr. Delete New Request Center Program Coordinator 10 ATTACHMENT #10 Page 1 of 2 Section 2. That in all other respects, except as hereby and heretofore restructured, the Budgeted positions for the City of North Augusta for the fiscal year beginning January 1, 2024, and ending December 31, 2024, shall remain in full force and effect. Section 3. All Ordinances or parts of Ordinances in conflict herewith are, to the extent of such conflict, hereby repealed. Section 4. This Ordinance shall become effective immediately upon its adoption on second and final reading. DONE, RATIFIED AND ADOPTED BY THE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF NORTH AUGUSTA, SOUTH CAROLINA, ON THIS ______ DAY OF JUNE, 2024. First Reading Briton Williams, Mayor Second Reading ATTEST: Jamie Paul, City Clerk ATTACHMENT #10 Page 2 of 2 ORDINANCE NO. 2024-13 AUTHORIZING A RESTRUCTURING OF PERSONNEL FOR THE DEPARTMENTS OF PUBLIC SERVICES AND PUBLIC WORKS WHEREAS, in accordance with the Laws of South Carolina, and the Ordinance of the City of North Augusta, the City Administrator prepared and submitted to the City Council a Balanced Budget for the budget year beginning on January 1, 2024, and ending on December 31, 2024, which was adopted on November 6, 2023; and WHEREAS, the City has determined that a restructuring of personnel for the Departments of Public Services and Public Works are necessary to improve efficiency and effectiveness of operations. WHEREAS, this restructuring is to be done within the authorized total appropriations for personal services expenses of the below listed fund accounts as adopted by City Council on November 6, 2023. WHEREAS, the purpose of the proposed Public Services and Public Works Departments reorganization is to encourage employment and make the position more desirable for qualified applicants. WHEREAS, such reorganization will delete the part-time Permit Clerk position in Building Standards and the part-time Customer Service II position in Utilities Finance fund in exchange for 1 full-time employee, Customer Service Clerk, for the Municipal Building. WHEREAS, the reorganization will not create any negative impact on the 2024 Budget due to the elimination of the 2 part-time positions and salary savings from the vacancy in the Utilities Finance fund in the 2024 Budget year. NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED by the Mayor and City Council for the City of North Augusta in meeting duly assembled and by the authority thereof that: Section 1. The City Council hereby authorizes a restructuring of personnel for the Departments of Public Services and Public Works as follows: Fund Current Position Current Pay Grade Proposed Position Proposed Grade 10-4050/Building Standards PT Permit Clerk 7 Delete 21-4250/Utilities Finance PT Customer Service II 9 Delete 21-4250(50%)/10-4050(50%) New Request Customer Service Clerk 8 Section 2. That in all other respects, except as hereby and heretofore restructured, the Budgeted positions for the City of North Augusta for the fiscal year beginning January 1, 2024, and ending December 31, 2024, shall remain in full force and effect. ATTACHMENT #11 Page 1 of 2 Section 3. All Ordinances or parts of Ordinances in conflict herewith are, to the extent of such conflict, hereby repealed. Section 4. This Ordinance shall become effective immediately upon its adoption on second and final reading. DONE, RATIFIED AND ADOPTED BY THE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF NORTH AUGUSTA, SOUTH CAROLINA, ON THIS ______ DAY OF JUNE, 2024. First Reading Briton Williams, Mayor Second Reading ATTEST: Jamie Paul, City Clerk ATTACHMENT #11 Page 2 of 2 1 June 12, 2024 PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT: Ordinance No. 2024-14 Mayor Williams and North Augusta City Council Members, I listened with interest to the presentation made by Ms. Leigh Polzella of BRD Land and Investments on Monday evening, June 10th and the discussion about the potential Rezoning of Tax Parcel 021-17-01-001 with the City Council. While it was quite informative, I found some key points were not thoroughly discussed and other points were not discussed at all. 1. She was very eager to show you the Plat for the Rezoning Plan under R-7 that was submitted to the Planning Commission and the By-Right Plan that could be used if the R-7 rezoning is allowed as requested. However, she failed to show what the Plan would look like if the Rezoning was denied, and the requested Tax Parcel was left R-10 and not rezoned. As you know, R-7 minimum lot size is 7,000 square feet with the Residential Intensity being 7 dwellings per acre and the R-10 minimum lot size is 10,000 square feet with the Residential Intensity being 4.5 dwellings per acre. This requested change in zoning from R-10 to R-7 would allow for approximately one third more homes to be built in the area they are asking to have rezoned. 2. She indicated that there would be two points to access to Ascauga Lake Road and that they had done a Traffic Study. However, she failed to indicate what that study revealed - good or bad. As a person who has lived in this area for over 35 years, I can attest to the fact that it will not be positive. Prior to the Stoplight being put at Ascauga Lake Road and Sudlow Lake Road there were numerous accidents (and quite a few since then) on an all too frequent basis. 3. She addressed the fact that BRD had a conference call to interested parties prior to the Planning Commission Board Meeting. This is true. There was a conference call on March 6, 2024, where those that called in listened to their proposal. I was one of the callers that listened to their plan. In this presentation we were told that there would be approximately 2.5 units per acre. They were unsure about what would happen to Ascauga Lake Road (whether it would remain the same or be widened). The roads issue would be left up to North Augusta City and SC DOT to determine but they felt a turn lane would be all that was needed. It was stated that there would be no impact from Stormwater runoff or drainage, Wetlands would be preserved, and all would be good because they would make sure it was taken care of. 4. Ms. Polzella told the board that she was not a builder and the job of BRD Land and Investment was not to build homes or develop the land, and that they would not be involved with the project until the end. They are strictly pre-development. According to their website (https://www.brdland.com/) this is exactly who they are: ATTACHMENT 12PC - Jones Page 1 of 4 2 “Founded in 2018, BRD Land & Investment saw a large gap in the homebuilding industry and sought to create a solution through its principal partners’ extensive experience in the land acquisition and development industry. BRD Land & Investment has the capacity and expertise to deliver large-scale land projects for single family and multifamily builders. By utilizing and applying a “production mindset” to land, BRD Land & Investment offers a unique service to homebuilders by considering their biggest pain points and risks. We manage the entire pre-development lifecycle from identifying, qualifying, and acquiring land, to methodically undertaking due diligence activities, and finally, obtaining all entitlements and permits necessary for construction so our clients can do what they do best … build.” This means that they can use their “production mindset” to have the land rezoned and utilized in a manner consistent with R-7. Unfortunately for us, Ms. Polzella and the company can take the money and run back home. Meanwhile, we will have to live with the mess that is left behind. Future builders can do as they wish when they come in to develop the property under the R-7 zoning ordinance. Facts as we know them and items of concern: a. R-10 allows for Residential Intensity of 4.5 dwellings acres. There are no R-10 or R-7 size properties in this immediate area. b. The possibility of Ascauga Lake Road being widened within the next six years is not realistic. Access to Ascauga Lake Road from two new intersections will be a nightmare at best. The current intersections (Blanchard Road, Whitehall Road, and Country Place Drive) that come into Ascauga Lake Road between Sudlow Lake Road and Highway 25 are testament to that fact. c. Stormwater Runoff is already a major concern from just beyond the intersection of Blanchard Road and Ascauga Lake Road. See the Aiken Standard, May 1, 2017, about the “Settlements reached for some North Augusta residents in I-520 suit”. While we would hope this would not be an issue in the future, this is a real possibility. We still have water runoff problems in this area when we have heavy rains. Talk to the people who live in the area. With additional construction and clearing of land, this would only increase. https://www.postandcourier.com/aikenstandard/news/settlements-reached-for-some- north-augusta-residents-in-i-520-suit/article_cefe0c61-1577-5183-8b5f- 44e2b1866f60.html d. I cannot address the wetlands issue but know that there was a problem in the past with Misty Lake having to be dredged and the dam being rebuilt due to runoff during the same time as listed above. Silt fences are only as good as those that install and maintain them. ATTACHMENT 12PC - Jones Page 2 of 4 3 e. Buffers were discussed between the new subdivision and Sudlow Crossing, but nothing was laid out to make this definitive. However, in the Master Plan the initial owner of the property has a large buffer around his property to prevent encroachment. They are protected and we are not. This is where you come in. f. I do not have children in the Aiken County School District. However, this area is in the North Augusta High School District. The build out of this community in 4 to 6 years will have an immediate impact on all immediate and future plans within the school systems in this area. g. Road access through Sudlow Crossing is a point of concern. We were initially told in the Planning and Zoning Meeting that this would not be an access point. However, in times of emergency, access could be granted by a waiver by Aiken County, and this would lead to a future that is uncertain. It was even proposed in your Study Session that this would be ideal and relieve the traffic flow in this new subdivision. Ms. Polzella even stated that this was a possibility. A comment had been made in the Study Session on Monday Night, about a dirt road that was having trouble being worked on. It turns out this road is under the Aiken County Road System. h. At no time was the Law Enforcement, Fire, and EMS resources of the community discussed. This is an outlying area removed from any of your North Augusta City resources for Law Enforcement, Fire, and EMS. i. Sewer and Wastewater Treatment Facilities were not discussed. What plans have been made to address these issues? j. I also listened with interest to the comments made by the City Council Members. Some were in favor of having this sent back to the Planning Commission. If I remember correctly, Ms. Polzella was the one that stated that her group wanted to move forward to City Council and have a vote on their proposal. She stated that the owners of the property were eager to resolve the sale and move forward. If they are so eager, why the request for rezoning? Could this be a matter of financial gain and the difference between a small return or a large return on the sale of the property? While I understand that premise, I will defend my position to not allow our small subdivision to be swallowed up by the greed of others. Personal Reflections: Now a little about who I am and what I represent. I am a retired veteran and businessman. I worked and ran a business in North Augusta for quite a few years. I have lived in North Augusta off and on since 1983 and have lived in my current residence in Sudlow Crossing since 1988. ATTACHMENT 12PC - Jones Page 3 of 4 4 Sudlow Crossing is a Small Subdivision of approximately 60 homes. Sudlow Crossing is comparable to other Subdivisions in the area. Barclay Estates, Country Place, Palmetto Place, and Carolina Pines all have building lot sizes that are very similar. These lots are approximately one acre lots, some slightly smaller - some larger. When we first bought our home, we were in what was called Phase I of Sudlow Crossing. Needless to say, Phase II was never built. Phase II was to be in the area under consideration for rezoning at this time. The Major Roads of Ascauga Lake Road, Sudlow Lake Road, Blanchard Road, and Country Place Road all have intersections in the area with dense traffic flow. Numerous traffic accidents have occurred at each of these intersections over the years. The addition of almost 500 homes and 1,000 vehicles in this location and two additional intersections within ½ mile of these major intersections would create a burden on local traffic and safety to the residents and travelers alike. We were ecstatic when we finally got a stoplight that allowed us to get out of the subdivision. The roads in Sudlow Crossing are County maintained roads and we have had problems getting work done on them in the past. If the traffic from this new subdivision is allowed to travel through here, heaven only knows what we will have on our hands. I understand that I cannot stop this from happening even if the rezoning request is denied. However, it is better to have land zoned R-10 adjacent to your property than land zoned R-7. I know why my home and those of my neighbors are built on the size lots they are on (septic tanks and county water system). While I cannot stop growth and change in my small world; I can ask for some consideration. Rejecting this rezoning would be the lesser of the two evils for those of us in Sudlow Crossing. I appreciate that you would allow me to give my opinion on this matter of rezoning given the fact that I do not live in the City of North Augusta. WE are Neighbors. I would welcome the opportunity to discuss this with any of you that desire my input. Thank you for your time and consideration. Sincerely, R. Wayne Jones 2106 North Ridge Road North Augusta, SC 29841 ATTACHMENT 12PC - Jones Page 4 of 4 From: Jim Maher Sent: Tuesday, June 25, 2024 5:00 PM To: Paradise, Tommy <TParadise@northaugustasc.gov>; Williams, Briton <BWilliams@northaugustasc.gov>; McCauley, Jenafer <jenmccauley@northaugustasc.gov>; Carpenter, Pat <Carpenter@northaugustasc.gov>; Presnell, Eric <epresnell@northaugustasc.gov>; Buck, David <dbuck@northaugustasc.gov>; McGhee, David <DMcGhee@northaugustasc.gov>; Toole, Kevin <KToole@northaugustasc.gov> Cc: Joy Britt ; Wayne Jones ; Emily Poole Subject: Concerning Ordinance 2024-14 Mr. Mayor and Council persons, Over the last couple of months you have been tasked with going over a tremendous amount of documentation concerning this ordinance. Some of it from concerned citizens and neighbors to the property that is requested to be rezoned, and a majority of documents and building plans from the developer BRD Land and Investment. (BTW this company told you that they will not be doing the development themselves but handing it over to someone else.) Many of their documents amount to smoke and mirrors attempting to hide the simple truth, as you are not voting on any "Plan" only the zone change. So I would like to present one piece of new information that has not yet been displayed to you. Attached is a very simple spreadsheet that spells out exactly how many units can be built without the zone change and how many can be built with the zone change. The numbers speak for themselves. I once again plead with you to not allow this zone change or our neighborhood will be gone forever. If you have any questions regarding this please feel free to contact me. Thanks for your consideration Sincerely, James Maher ATTACHMENT #12PC - Maher Page 1 of 2 Ordinance 2024-14 analysis Current zone Parcel Numbers #Acres/parcel Green Space Buildable acres R10 Max # units R7 Max# Units R10 021-17-01-001 128.71 60 68.71 309.195 480.97 R10 units/acre 4.5 R10 021-18-01-003 12.43 5 7.43 52.01 52.01 R7 010-20-01-002 52.56 14 38.56 269.92 269.92 R7 units/acre 7 R7 011-08-03-003 4 1 3 21 21 Total 197.7 80 652.125 823.9 Max w/o change Max w/change AT T A C H M E N T # 1 2 P C - M a h e r Pa g e 2 o f 2 AT T A C H M E N T 12 e Pa g e 1 of 7 AT T A C H M E N T 12 e Pa g e 2 of 7 AT T A C H M E N T 12 e Pa g e 3 of 7 AT T A C H M E N T 12 e Pa g e 4 of 7 AT T A C H M E N T 12 e Pa g e 5 of 7 AT T A C H M E N T 12 e Pa g e 6 of 7 AT T A C H M E N T 12 e Pa g e 7 of 7 Ascauga Lake Rd Neighborhood City Council Meeting June 17, 2024 AT T A C H M E N T #1 2 - HI G H L I G H T S Pa g e 1 of 12 Rezoning Team •BRD Land & Investment •Leigh Polzella •Kimley-Horn •Sara Shirley, L.A.* •Contact with questions: 704-954-8273, Sara.Shirley@kimley-horn.com •Andrew Loftin, P.E. (Engineering) •Joseph Robertson, P.E. (Traffic) AT T A C H M E N T #1 2 - HI G H L I G H T S Pa g e 2 of 12 Rezoning Process •Concept plan submitted –February 20, 2024 •Voluntary Neighborhood Meeting –March 6, 2024 •Summary report provided to Staff •Planning Commission –March 20, 2024 •Notifications sent from City •Recommends decision to City Council •City Council Study Session –June 10, 2024 •City Council Hearing and Decision (2 meetings) •Notifications sent from City AT T A C H M E N T #1 2 - HI G H L I G H T S Pa g e 3 of 12 Next Steps •Construction Plan Design and Approval (approx. 1 year) •Plans are seen/reviewed by: •City of N Augusta •SC DHEC (Department of Health and Environmental Control) •SC DOT (Department of Transportation) •Aiken County School Board •Build-out approx. 4 -6 years AT T A C H M E N T #1 2 - HI G H L I G H T S Pa g e 4 of 12 Current Zoning AT T A C H M E N T #1 2 - HI G H L I G H T S Pa g e 5 of 12 Future Land Use Plan City of North Augusta 2021 Comprehensive Plan AT T A C H M E N T #1 2 - HI G H L I G H T S Pa g e 6 of 12 Ascauga Lake Road Neighborhood Rezoning Plan One rezoning request –R-10 to R-7 (128.79 acres being rezoned) (197.7 acres entire neighborhood) 312 proposed lots in parcel being rezoned 490 proposed lots (entire neighborhood) 104 Townhomes, 386 Single-Family Detached 2.48 DUA Required Open Space: 11.5 AC Provided Open Space: 80.1 AC AT T A C H M E N T #1 2 - HI G H L I G H T S Pa g e 7 of 12 Ascauga Lake Road Neighborhood By-Right Plan 631 proposed lots (entire neighborhood) 360 Townhomes, 271 Single-Family Detached 3.2 DUA Required Open Space: 14.5 AC Provided Open Space: 50+ AC AT T A C H M E N T #1 2 - HI G H L I G H T S Pa g e 8 of 12 Ascauga Lake Road NeighborhoodRezoning Plan Ascauga Lake Road NeighborhoodBy-Right Plan Plan Comparisons AT T A C H M E N T #1 2 - HI G H L I G H T S Pa g e 9 of 12 West Access •Add Eastbound Left-Turn Lane•Add Westbound Right-Turn Lane East Access•Add Eastbound Left-Turn Lane Ascauga Lake Rd at Sudlow Lake Rd/Howard Mill Rd •Optimize traffic signal timings to accommodate additional traffic Trip Generation Estimate 303 AM Peak Hour Trips 412 PM Peak Hour Trips Proposed improvements subject to change pending review/approval from SCDOT, Aiken County and City of North Augusta Initial Traffic Impact Analysis recommendations AT T A C H M E N T #1 2 - HI G H L I G H T S Pa g e 10 of 12 Initial Utility Extension Plan AT T A C H M E N T #1 2 - HI G H L I G H T S Pa g e 11 of 12 Questions? AT T A C H M E N T #1 2 - HI G H L I G H T S Pa g e 12 of 12 ORDINANCE NO. 2024-14 TO AMEND THE ZONING MAP OF THE CITY OF NORTH AUGUSTA, SOUTH CAROLINA BY REZONING ± 128.79 ACRES OF LAND OWNED BY JAMES M. FORD, ET AL, AIKEN COUNTY TAX PARCEL NO. 021-17-01-001 FROM R-10, MEDIUM LOT, SINGLE-FAMILY RESIDENTIAL TO R-7, SMALL LOT, SINGLE-FAMILY RESIDENTIAL WHEREAS, on December 18, 2023, by Ordinance 2023-32, the North Augusta City Council adopted the North Augusta Development Code and a citywide Zoning Map which is consistent with the City’s North Augusta 2017 Comprehensive Plan; and WHEREAS, the property owner, James M. Ford et al, has requested the property be rezoned from R-10, Medium Lot, Single-Family Residential to R-7, Small Lot, Single-Family Residential; and WHEREAS, the North Augusta Planning Commission, following a March 20, 2024 public hearing, reviewed and considered a request by Leigh Polzella-BRD Land & Investment to amend the Official Zoning Map of North Augusta from R-10, Medium Lot, Single-Family Residential to R-7, Small Lot, Single-Family Residential for an approximately ±128.79 acre consisting of tax parcel 021-17-01-001 and has issued their recommendation. The staff reports and the recommendation of the Planning Commission have been provided to City Council. NOW THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF NORTH AUGUSTA, SOUTH CAROLINA, IN MEETING DULY ASSEMBLED AND BY THE AUTHORITY THEREOF, THAT: I. A parcel consisting of +128.79 acres owned by James M. Ford et al, is hereby rezoned from R-10, Medium Lot, Single-Family Residential to R-7, Small Lot, Single-Family Residential. Said property is Aiken County tax map parcel 021-17-01-001 and specifically identified as Exhibit A attached hereto. II The Official Zoning Map for the City of North Augusta is hereby amended to reflect this rezoning. III. All ordinances or parts of Ordinances in conflict herewith are, to the extent of such conflict, hereby repealed. IV. This Ordinance shall become effective immediately upon its adoption on second and final reading. ATTACHMENT #12 Page 1 of 3 DONE, RATIFIED AND ADOPTED BY THE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF NORTH AUGUSTA, SOUTH CAROLINA, ON THIS ______ DAY OF JULY, 2024. First Reading Briton S. Williams, Mayor Second Reading ATTEST: Jamie Paul, City Clerk ATTACHMENT #12 Page 2 of 3 W H I T E H ALL P ALMETTOPKWY ASCAU G A L A K E LAUREL LAKE INTE R STATE 2 0 PALMET T O P RINCE W ILLIAM N O R T H R I D G E SUDLO W L A K E C O U N TRY P L A C E PINE BARK C A N T O N INTE RST A TE20 S TE P HENS RIDG E L A N D HO W A R D M I L L NO RTH RI DGE B L A N C H A R D MA P L E W O OD FRANKLIN BL A CKH AW S O U R W O O D ASH F ORD PALM ETTO 04258501,2751,700212.5 Feet Map Key Zoning PD R-10 R-7 <all other values> Exhibit A NorthAugusta Ascauga Lake Drive Exhibit A North AugustaAscauga Lake Drive 3/14/2024 Path: H:\E&CD\GIS_Projects\RZM24-001 Exhibit A.aprx EXHIBIT A Application Number RZM24-001 Tax Parcel Number 021-17-01-001 A request to rezone approximately 128.79 ac from R-10, Medium Lot, Single-Family Residential to R-7, Small Lot, Single-Family Residential ± Subject Parcel TPN 021-17-01-001 approximately 128.79 ac to be rezoned R-7 ATTACHMENT #12 Page 3 of 3 Department of Planning and Development Project Staff Report RZM24-001 North Augusta-Ascauga Lake Drive Prepared by: La’Stacia Reese Meeting Date: March 20, 2024 SECTION 1: PROJECT SUMMARY Project Name North Augusta-Ascauga Lake Drive Applicant Leigh Polzella-BRD Land & Investment Address/Location Along North Ridge Road Parcel Number 021-17-01-001 Existing Zoning R-10, Medium Lot, Single-Family Residential Overlay NA Traffic Impact Tier 3 Proposed Use Townhouses Proposed Zoning R-7, Small Lot, Single-Family Residential Future Land Use Residential Single Family SECTION 2: PLANNING COMMISSION CONSIDERATION Section 18.11 of the North Augusta Development Code (NADC) provides uniform procedures for processing changes to the Official Zoning Map. The Planning Commission must use the criteria established in NADC Section 18.11.5 to evaluate each application. These criteria are further analyzed in Section 6 of this report, but are as follows per NADC Section 1. The size of the tract(s) in question. 2. Whether the proposal conforms with and furthers the goals of the Comprehensive Plan, other adopted plans, and the goals, objectives, and policies of this Chapter. Specifically, the Planning Commission shall consider the goals stated in §1.3. ATTACHMENT #12 - P&D PROJECT REPORT Page 1 of 30 Project Staff Report RZM24-001 North Augusta-Ascauga Lake Drive Prepared by: La’Stacia Reese Meeting Date: March 20, 2024 Page 2 of 8 3. The relationship of the uses envisioned under the proposed zoning and the uses currently present in adjacent tracts. Specifically, the Planning Commission shall consider the following questions: a. Is the proposed rezoning compatible with the surrounding area? b. Will there be any adverse effects on the capacity or safety of the portion of street network influenced by the proposed rezoning? c. Will there be any adverse effects on existing or planned public utility services in the area? d. Will the proposed rezoning cause parking problems? e. Will the proposed rezoning generate environmental impacts such as excessive storm water runoff; water, air, or noise pollution; excessive nighttime lighting; or other nuisances? 4. Any recent change of character in the area due to installation of public facilities, other zone changes, new growth trends, deterioration and development. 5. The zoning districts and existing land uses of the surrounding properties. 6. If the subject property is suitable for the uses to which it has been restricted under the existing zoning classification. 7. If the rezoning is compatible with the adjacent neighborhood, especially residential neighborhood stability and character. 8. The length of time the subject property has remained vacant as zoned, if applicable. 9. If there is an adequate supply of land available in the subject area and the surrounding community to accommodate the zoning and community needs including, but not limited to, affordable housing and economic development. 10. If the existing zoning was in error at the time of adoption. As referenced in item (2) above, NADC Section 1.3 states the following: 1.3. Comprehensive Development Code The Development Code as established in this Chapter has been made in accordance with a comprehensive plan for the purpose of promoting health, safety, and the general welfare of the community. It is intended to consolidate in one place and in logical order, without unnecessary duplication, the city’s regulations pertaining to land use and development. It is designed to make it possible for all of those concerned with land use and development to have access to all relevant city legislation in one convenient Chapter that is capable of being published and distributed as a separate and comprehensive segment of the Code of Ordinances, City of North Augusta, South Carolina, hereinafter referred to as the City Code, as a whole. The specific objectives of this Chapter are: 1.3.1 To protect the health, safety and general welfare; and ATTACHMENT #12 - P&D PROJECT REPORT Page 2 of 30 Project Staff Report RZM24-001 North Augusta-Ascauga Lake Drive Prepared by: La’Stacia Reese Meeting Date: March 20, 2024 Page 3 of 8 1.3.2 To promote new development forms that complete neighborhoods that: a. Are designed at a human scale by controlling massing and design that respects the architectural vernacular of North Augusta; b. Foster communication among neighbors and connectivity to the larger community by allowing compact development patterns, interconnected street systems, short blocks; c. Include or reinforce central places, such as North Augusta’s traditional downtown and neighborhood commercial centers, civic gathering places, and open space; d. Encourage walking and biking by the layout of blocks and streets; e. Accommodate vehicular travel without allowing parking lots and streets to dominate the built environment; f. Provide a mix of housing types, including housing affordable to all households and housing arrangements that foster neighborliness; g. Provide a variety of spaces, including outdoor and passive outdoor uses, which become part of the public realm; h. Design streets as outdoor rooms, with attention to pedestrian and bicyclist safety as well as to the safety of motorists; i. Includes neighborhood design that responds to the natural, cultural and historic context; j. Protect and preserve places and areas of historical, cultural, or architectural importance and significance; and k. Are the result of a planning process that is inclusive and involves opportunities for negotiation between the designer and the City. Planning Commission Action Requested: The Planning Commission may recommend approval or denial of this request according to NADC § 18.11.4. The Planning Commission’s recommendation is then forwarded to the City Council for their consideration per NADC § SECTION 3: PUBLIC NOTICE Per NADC Article 18, a notice of the rezoning request and scheduled date of the Planning Commission public hearing was originally mailed to property owners within 200 feet of the subject property on February 23, 2024. The property was posted with the required public notice on February 28, 2024. A public notice of the rezoning request and scheduled date of the Planning Commission public hearing was published in The Augusta Chronicle and on the City’s website at www.northaugustasc.gov on February 28, 2024. ATTACHMENT #12 - P&D PROJECT REPORT Page 3 of 30 Project Staff Report RZM24-001 North Augusta-Ascauga Lake Drive Prepared by: La’Stacia Reese Meeting Date: March 20, 2024 Page 4 of 8 SECTION 4: SITE HISTORY The subject parcel is currently vacant, with the property being annexed in to the City in August 2003. The property is intended to be used for a future single-family detached and townhouse development. The applicant is requesting to rezone ±128.79 acres, TPN 021-17-01-001, from R- 10, Medium Lot, Single-Family Residential to R-7, Small Lot, Single-Family Residential to facilitate the subdivision. SECTION 5: EXISTING SITE CONDITIONS Existing Land Use Future Land Use Zoning Subject Parcel Vacant Residential Single-Family R-10, Medium Lot, Single- Family Residential North Interstate N/A N/A South Vacant/Single- Family Residential Residential Single-Family RD, Residential Development/R-10, Medium Lot, Single-Family Residential East Vacant Open Space Preservation UD, Urban Development West Vacant Residential Single-Family R-7, Small Lot, Single-Family Residential Access – The property currently has access from within Sudlow Crossing Phase 1 by North Ridge Road and Howard Mill Road. However, the conceptual plan provided by applicant provides access through adjacent parcels, TPN 021-18-01-03 and 010-20-01-002, which are controlled by applicant and will provide direct access to Ascauga Lake Road. Topography – The majority of the parcel consists of dry upland habitat, with a stream and low wet area running along the northeastern portion of the parcel. Utilities – Water and sanitary sewer are available along Ascauga Lake Road. Floodplain – The property is not located in a federally designated floodway. Drainage Basin – The parcel is located in the Franklin Branch Basin. ATTACHMENT #12 - P&D PROJECT REPORT Page 4 of 30 Project Staff Report RZM24-001 North Augusta-Ascauga Lake Drive Prepared by: La’Stacia Reese Meeting Date: March 20, 2024 Page 5 of 8 SECTION 6: STAFF EVALUATION AND ANALYSIS Staff provides the following information for context related to the Commission’s deliberation. Descriptions and commentary added by staff will be italicized. 1. The size of the tract in question (§18.11.5). The total acreage of the requested rezoning is approximately 128.79 acres. 2. Whether the proposal conforms with and furthers the goals of the Comprehensive Plan, other adopted plans, and the goals, objectives, and policies of the Development Code, §1.2 (§ The Comprehensive Plan Future Land Use Map shows this parcel as Residential Single Family. The Comprehensive Plan Goal 4.3 prioritizes infill development. Existing infrastructure and amenities are available. Strategy 6.2 generally supports provision of varying home types to provide a more varied housing stock to attract and retain a more diverse population. The property is easily connected to other residential developments in the area, with the Sudlow Crossing Phase 1 neighborhood adjacent to the proposed neighborhood. 3. The relationship of the uses envisioned under the new zoning and the uses currently present in adjacent tracts. In particular, the Planning Commission shall consider whether as stated in NADC § a. The proposed rezoning is compatible with the surrounding area; The surrounding area contains mostly residential development just south of the subject property. The property is located just south of Interstate 20 and has a proposed state park to the east (Misty Lake property) and west of the property is undeveloped. There are several residential neighborhoods in the general vicinity of the subject property, with commercial development closer to the intersection of Ascauga Lake Road and Edgefield Road. The proposed rezoning is compatible with nearby development. b. There will be any adverse effects on the capacity or safety of the portion of street network influenced by the rezoning; Any negative effects on traffic flow will be mitigated prior to construction. The overall townhouse development will require a Traffic Impact Analysis (TIA) to be submitted as required by NADC §10.5 for consideration with any major subdivision preliminary plat application. ATTACHMENT #12 - P&D PROJECT REPORT Page 5 of 30 Project Staff Report RZM24-001 North Augusta-Ascauga Lake Drive Prepared by: La’Stacia Reese Meeting Date: March 20, 2024 Page 6 of 8 c. There will be any adverse effects on existing or planned public utility services in the area; Any infrastructure improvements must be provided by the developer. A determination of the adequacy and availability of potable water and sanitary sewer will be analyzed by the City Engineer at the time of major subdivision preliminary plat approval. This application may be approved subject to the deferral of development until all public facilities are deemed available and adequate. Staff does not anticipate any issues with the provision of utilities. d. Parking problems; or Parking will be required to meet City standards at the time of site plan approval. Any waivers or variances must be addressed by the Board of Zoning Appeals, as applicable. Guest parking and recreational vehicle parking must be addressed. e. Environmental impacts that the new use will generate such as excessive storm water runoff, water, air, or noise pollution, excessive nighttime lighting or other nuisances. Noise and lighting will be subject to the standards of the Development Code and Municipal Code, as applicable. 4. Any recent change of character in the area due to installation of public facilities, other zone changes, new growth trends, deterioration and development (§ The surrounding area has not seen any significant recent zoning changes; however, at the corner of Ascauga Lake Road and Edgefield Road, a convenience store with gasoline sales is proposed in the vicinity of the subject parcel, along with Alidade, which is situated near I-520. The Ascauga Lake Road corridor is an important thoroughfare to numerous residential developments and serves as a connector from Graniteville to Edgefield Road, where Edgefield Road connects to I-20, and I-520. This development will be similar in character to the surrounding area. 5. The zoning districts and existing land uses of the surrounding properties (§ The proposed development is zoned R-7 and R-10 and will consist of single-family townhouses and single-family detached homes. The surrounding properties are zoned mostly for residential use. The proposed residential use provides additional housing options in this part of the City. Open spaces and green spaces provided in the plan allow ATTACHMENT #12 - P&D PROJECT REPORT Page 6 of 30 Project Staff Report RZM24-001 North Augusta-Ascauga Lake Drive Prepared by: La’Stacia Reese Meeting Date: March 20, 2024 Page 7 of 8 additional recreational opportunities. The proposed development is compatible with surrounding area and existing developments. 6. Whether the subject property is suitable for the uses to which it has been restricted under the existing zoning classification (§ The subject property is suitable for residential development. 7. Whether the rezoning is compatible with the adjacent neighborhood, especially residential neighborhood stability and character (§ There are currently a mix of housing types and densities along Ascauga Lake Road, with majority of housing outside of the City limits. The proposed townhomes and single-family detached homes would be compatible with existing multifamily and single- family homes in the vicinity. The adjacent parcels are zoned R-7 and R-10, which is suitable for townhomes and single-family homes. 8. The length of time the subject property has remained vacant as zoned, if applicable (§ The current site is undeveloped and has been zoned R-10, Medium Lot, Single-Family Residential since the adoption of the Official Zoning Map with the 2008 North Augusta Development Code and the adoption of the 2023 North Augusta Development Code. 9. Whether there is an adequate supply of land available in the subject area and the surrounding community to accommodate the zoning and community needs including, but not limited to, affordable housing and economic development (§ The change in zoning from R-10 to R-7 will diversify the available land for market-driven uses. There are not many large, undeveloped parcels within the City Limits in the surrounding area with R-7 zoning classification with the exception of the adjacent parcel, which already has R-7 zoning classification. 10. Whether the existing zoning was in error at the time of adoption (§ The subject parcel is in an area where most the surrounding area lies outside of the City limits. The adjacent parcels that are within the City Limits have mixed zoning districts and does not appear to have been an error at the time of adoption. ATTACHMENT #12 - P&D PROJECT REPORT Page 7 of 30 Project Staff Report RZM24-001 North Augusta-Ascauga Lake Drive Prepared by: La’Stacia Reese Meeting Date: March 20, 2024 Page 8 of 8 SECTION 7: RECOMMENDATION The Department has determined the application is complete. Staff recommends that TPN 021- 17-01-001 should be rezoned from R-10 to R-7. The Planning Commission may recommend approval or denial of this request according to NADC § 17.4. SECTION 8: ATTACHMENTS 1. Aerial 2. Topography 3. Current Zoning 4. Proposed Zoning 5. Public Hearing Notice 6. Application Documents cc Leigh Polzella-BRD Land & Investment, via email ATTACHMENT #12 - P&D PROJECT REPORT Page 8 of 30 STEPHENS B L A N C H A R D SU D L O W LA K E N O R T H R I D G E Y U C C A ASCAUGA L A K E HOW A R D M I L L NO R T H RID G E LAUREL LAKE BUCKTHORNE C O UNTRY P LACE FRANKLIN INTERST A T E 2 0 BL A C K H A W INTER S T A T E 2 0 S O U R W O O D PALMETTO PKWY ASH F O R D P A L M E T T O Aiken County, SC, Maxar, Microsoft ± 03507001,0501,400175 Feet Path: C:\Users\lreese\Documents\ArcGIS\Projects\North Augusta-Ascauga Lake Drive Rezoning\North Augusta-Ascauga Lake Drive Rezoning.aprx Aerial Map Application Number RZM24-001 Tax Parcel Number 021-17-01-001 2/22/2024 9:31 Subject Parcel ATTACHMENT #12 - P&D PROJECT REPORT Page 9 of 30 444 402 26 8 276 428 246 3 7 2 394 44 2 3 2 2 37 0 248 432 254 35 0 324 3 9 2 33 0 284 3 9 8 334 390 288 43 0 266 404 38 2 4 2 4 408 272 4 4 2 290 2 5 6 24 6 270 4 2 2 26 4 26 8 342 452 3 5 8 32 6 290 448 35 0 27 8 2 4 8 3 5 8 300 344 27 0 390 27 8 310 292 2 7 2 266 396 274 4 0 4 44 6 346 27 4 40 6 40 6 3 0 6 320 42 0 440 352 2 6 8 444 35 6 2 9 8 292 47 6 4 3 0 46 8 456 274 458 25 0 4 3 2 368 354 270 448 37 0 46 2 30 6 29 4 3 5 2 352 26 0 3 5 4 3 0 8 46 0 434 364 422 356 288 25 0 3 6 6 4 4 0 350 456 446 46 0 43 0 25 2 440 25 4 272 290 43 8 296 348 306 32 6 43 6 25 6 434 4 3 6 444 26 4 25 6 4 5 8 4 6 6 424 2 5 8 2 8 4 2 8 6 27 2 3 8 8 438 280 4 0 0 38 6 46 4 296 2 5 8 4 5 4 384 426 332 320 282 382 346 362 2 6 0 3 8 0 37 8 294 252 372 360 482 376 374 4 3 4 428 44 2 452 360 3 4 4 4 4 6 26 2 42 4 324 35 8 242 462 4 5 0 4 4 0 3 5 6 3 0 8 3 3 6 348 3 0 8 33 8 4 0 8 354 468 470 310 340 464 472 312 316 466 31 0 410 314 438 316 4 7 4 476 296 3 1 8 282 280 314 480 282 320426 436 348 280 43 4 298 432 410 436 412 30 2 3 3 0 300 322 478 412 434 3 0 4 414 3 1 6 3 2 8 4 1 6 418 486 320 318 32 8 244 478 3 1 6 474 4 7 0 484 464 276 462 482 46 0 458 2 3 0 45 6 45 4 23 4 236 2 3 2 452 238 240 480 450 244 45 4 45 0 47 8 246 Topography Map Application Number RZM24-001 Tax Parcel Number 021-17-01-001 ± 03006009001,200150 Feet 2/22/2024 9:31 AM Path: C:\Users\lreese\Documents\ArcGIS\Projects\North Augusta-Ascauga Lake Drive Rezoning\North Augusta-Ascauga Lake Drive Rezoning.aprx Map Key Topo2ft Topo2ft North Augusta-Ascauga Lake Drive Subject Parcel ATTACHMENT #12 - P&D PROJECT REPORT Page 10 of 30 ASCAU G A L A K E C A N T O N L AUREL LAKE P RINCE W ILLIA M N O R T H R I D G E INTERS T A T E 20 P I NE B ARK STEPHENS MAP L E W OOD HO W A R D M I L L NO RTH RI DGE R I D G E L A N D PAL M ETT O RED M A PL E B L A N C H A R D SU D L O W LAK E FRANKLIN BLA CKH AW S O U R W O O D C O L O R A D O ASHFORD C O U N T R Y P L A C E PALMETTOPKWY I N TERST A T E 2 0 04258501,2751,700212.5 Feet Map Key Zoning PD R-10 R-7 <all other values> North Augusta-Ascauga Lake Drive North Augusta-AscaugaLake Drive 3/11/2024 Path: C:\Users\lreese\Documents\ArcGIS\Projects\North Augusta-Ascauga Lake Drive Rezoning\North Augusta-Ascauga Lake Drive Rezoning.aprx Zoning Map Application Number RZM24-001 Tax Parcel Number 021-17-01-001 Zoned R-10, Medium Lot, Single-Family Residential ± Subject Parcel ATTACHMENT #12 - P&D PROJECT REPORT Page 11 of 30 ASCAUGA L A K E PALMETTOPKWY LA U REL LAKE I N TER S T AT E 2 0 PA LMETT O PRINCE WILLIAM N O R T H R I D G E SUDLO W LA KE P I N E B AR K B L A N C H A R D R I D G ELAN D I NT E R ST A TE 2 0 ST E PHEN S HO WA R D M I L L NO RT H RI DG E B I G C O N E FRANKLIN BLACKH AW S O U R W O O D CO U N T R Y P L A C E ASHF ORD PAL METTO 04258501,2751,700212.5 Feet Map Key Zoning PD R-10 R-7 <all other values> North Augusta-Ascauga Lake Drive North Augusta-AscaugaLake Drive 2/22/2024 Path: C:\Users\lreese\Documents\ArcGIS\Projects\MyProject33\MyProject33.aprx Proposed Zoning Map Application Number RZM24-001 Tax Parcel Number 021-17-01-001 To be zoned R-7 Small-Lot Single-Family Residential ± Subject Parcel TPN 021-17-01-001 to be zoned R-7 ATTACHMENT #12 - P&D PROJECT REPORT Page 12 of 30 City of North Augusta, South Carolina Planning Commission Public Hearing Notice The North Augusta Planning Commission will hold its regular monthly meeting at 6:00 PM on Wednesday, March 20, 2024, in the Council Chambers located on the 3rd floor of the North Augusta Municipal Center, 100 Georgia Avenue, to receive public input on the following applications: RWA24-001 – A request by the City of North Augusta to abandon a right-of-way known as Wanninger Run in the Riverside Village development between Esplanade Avenue and Brissie Drive. RZM24-001- A request by Leigh Polzella - BRD Land & Investment, to rezone approximately 128.79 acres located along North Ridge Road, TPN 021-17-01-001 from R-10 Medium Lot, Single-Family Residential to R-7, Small Lot, Single-Family Residential. PDM24-001 – A request by Greenstone Hammond’s Ferry, LLC for a major modification to the Hammond’s Ferry Planned Development. The project area encompasses ±195 acres located west of Georgia Avenue between the North Augusta Greeneway and the Savannah River. The purpose of the modification is to adopt an updated Hammond’s Ferry Planned Development General Development Plan to recognize changing conditions in Phase B, the Riverside Village area, and reinforce the standards and regulations that apply to new construction in Hammond’s Ferry. Documents related to the application will be available for public inspection after March 13, 2024 in the office of the Department of Planning and Development on the 2nd floor of the Municipal Center, 100 Georgia Avenue, North Augusta, South Carolina and online at www.northaugustasc.gov. All members of the public interested in expressing a view on this case are encouraged to attend or provide written comments to planning@northaugustasc.gov. CITIZEN ASSISTANCE: Individuals needing special assistance or a sign interpreter to participate in the meeting are asked to please notify the Department of Planning and Development at 803-441-4221 at least 48 hours prior to the meeting. ATTACHMENT #12 - P&D PROJECT REPORT Page 13 of 30 X 01-29-2024 704-609-0418 Leigh Polzella X North Augusta - Ascauga Lake Drive sara.shirley@kimley-horn.com29715SCFort Mill 580 Kingsley Park Drive, Suite 125 704-333-5131 Sara Shirley, RLA (NC 1958)Kimley Horn: 00000696 Kimley-Horn and Associates, Inc. leighp@brdland.com29715SCFort Mill 234 Kingsley Park Drive, Suite 110 Leigh Polzella 021-17-01-001 R-10128.79 AC (As per survey) N Ridge Road, North Augusta, SC 29841 DocuSign Envelope ID: 378F7D27-235B-43B6-95A0-81F8047EB35F 2/19/2024 ATTACHMENT #12 - P&D PROJECT REPORT Page 14 of 30 Designation of Agent Please type or print all information This form is required if the property owner is not the applicant. IHeirth Ar-l Ltsfi) "s(;l{#}Itiur::rfirtrr 1, ProjectName North Augusta - Ascauga Lake Drive N Ridge Road, North Augusta, SC 29841Project Addressllocation Project Parcel Number(s)021-17-Ot1A 1 2. Property Owner Name James M. Ford OwnerPhone 706-829-4850 Mailing Address 777 Wesl Port Court City [Vlartinez GAST zip 30907 Email 3. Designated Agent Polzella Relationship to Owner Developer Firm Name BRD Land & lnvestment Phone Agent's Mailing Address 234 Kinqslev Park Drive,Suite 1 10 City Fort tvlill ST sc zip 29715 Email leighp@brdland.com Agent's Signature Date 4. I hereby designate the above-named person (Line 3) to serve as my agent and represent me in the ced application er Signature Date 5. Sworn and subscribed to before me on this d / o* lrl ,r/er 242 4**n &(za z--f Com mission Expiration Date day of JA^v 20 2/. Staff Use Only Application Number Date Received My Commislion Exoi ra,tt zt'2d DocuSign Envelope ID: 378F7D27-235B-43B6-95A0-81F8047EB35F 2/19/2024 ATTACHMENT #12 - P&D PROJECT REPORT Page 15 of 30 Tommy Paradise, Director Planning & Development Department City of North Augusta 100 Georgia Avenue 2nd Floor Municipal Building North Augusta, SC 29841 February 26, 2024 Dear Mr. Paradise: We are officially submitting this rezoning request for Parcel 021-17-01-001 on behalf of BRD Land & Investment in order to accommodate the development of a single-family neighborhood as permissible by the R-7 zoning district. Sincerely, Sara Shirley, PLA Kimley-Horn 580 Kingsley Park Drive, Suite 125, Fort Mill, SC 29715 ATTACHMENT #12 - P&D PROJECT REPORT Page 16 of 30 AT T A C H M E N T #1 2 - P& D PR O J E C T RE P O R T Pa g e 17 of 30 AT T A C H M E N T #1 2 - P& D PR O J E C T RE P O R T Pa g e 18 of 30 AT T A C H M E N T #1 2 - P& D PR O J E C T RE P O R T Pa g e 19 of 30 AT T A C H M E N T #1 2 - P& D PR O J E C T RE P O R T Pa g e 20 of 30 AT T A C H M E N T #1 2 - P& D PR O J E C T RE P O R T Pa g e 21 of 30 AT T A C H M E N T #1 2 - P& D PR O J E C T RE P O R T Pa g e 22 of 30 AT T A C H M E N T #1 2 - P& D PR O J E C T RE P O R T Pa g e 23 of 30 N/ F JA M E S M I C H A E L F O R D N / F J A M E S M I C H A E L F O R D (P A R C E L - A ) N/ F L A R R Y E . W A T T S (L O T - 9 A ) N / F MU T I M E R D E V E L O P M E N T L L C ( L O T - 8 A ) N/ F M I N N I E Y E L D E L L H I G H T O W E R ( L O T - 1 0 A ) N/ F MI N N I E Y E L D E L L HI G H T O W E R (L O T - 1 1 A ) N/ F AI K E N C O U N T Y N / F D A P H N E Y S H A N T E W A R E ( L O T - 1 6 A ) PI N : 0 2 2 - 0 5 - 0 2 - 0 0 3 D B : 4 6 7 1 PG : 1 7 5 3 PB : 1 8 PG : 2 4 N/F RIC H A R D K N I G H T S S R . (L O T - 1 7 A ) N/ F ER N E S T L . & S A N R A Y . D U N C A N (L O T - 1 8 A ) N/F SA M U E L C M O R G A N T R U S T A G R E E M E N T (L O T - 2 0 A ) N / F R A C H E L S . M O R G A N ( L O T - 2 1 A ) N/ F A L L E N I . W Y L D S ( L O T - 2 2 A ) N / F C H R I S M . P A R A D E E & T E R E S A L . H U P K A (L O T - 2 3 A ) N / F J O Y B R I T T ( L O T - 2 4 A ) N / F D A N I E L R . & J O I C E M . M C C U R R Y (L O T - 1 0 D ) N/ F R O B E R T A N D R E W & K E R R I L Y N N L E W I S ( L O T - 1 1 D ) N / F D A M I O U N M . V A L E N T I N E (L O T - 1 2 ) N/ F B R U C E A . & B O N N I E L . W I L L I A M S (L O T - 2 7 D ) N / F J A M E S P . M A H E R & R O N N A M . H I L T Z (L O T - 2 1 B ) N/ F P E A R L I E C O O K ( L O T - 2 0 B ) N/ F DO N A L D S . & B A N O L L A L . S M A L L S ( L O T - 1 9 B ) N/ F F R A N K H . & J U N E R . B Y E R S ( L O T - 1 8 B ) N / F L A R R Y K . O ' N E A L ( L O T - 1 7 B ) N/ F H A Z E L C . G R E S H A M (L O T - 1 6 B ) N/ F S H E R L Y N C O B B S (L O T - 1 5 B ) N / F W I L L I A M K . M I S L I V E T S ( L O T - 6 B ) N/ F C H A R L E S E . & CA R O L Y N B . B Y R D (L O T - 5 B ) N/ F ST A R K L E N T . S M I T H (L O T - 4 B ) N / F F O R D L I V I N G T R U S T N / F D A N I E L S A M O N S K Y J E N N I N G S & C A R O L A N N L O N G N/ F S C D E P T O F P A R K S R E C R E A T I O N A N D T O U R I S M N / F S C E L E C T R I C & G A S C O N / F D O M I N I O N E N E R G Y S O U T H C A R O L I N A I N C N/ F J A M E S M . F O R D N/ F AB I G A I L & T E R R Y A D A M S (L O T - 7 A ) N/ F R A Y M O N D & P A T S Y G . M A T H I S N / F HO W A R D L U M B E R C O M P A N Y N/ F F O R D L I V I N G T R U S T N/ F J A M E S M . F O R D N / F F O R D L I V I N G T R U S T N/ F F O R D L I V I N G T R U S T N/ F JA M E S M . F O R D A S C A U G A L A K E R O A D ( S - 3 3 ) 6 6 ' R / W NORT H R I D G E R O A D 5 0 ' R / W HOWARD MILL ROAD 50' R/W I N T E R S T A T E 2 0 R / W V A R I E S A S C A U G A L A K E R O A D ( S - 3 3 ) 6 6 ' R / W AS C A U G A L A K E R O A D ( S - 3 3 ) 6 6 ' R / W N/F LE O N A R D K . & J U L I E K . M O O R E (L O T - 1 9 A ) N/ F DA N I E L S A M O N S K Y J E N N I N G S & C A R O L A N N L O N G N/ F F O R D L I V I N G T R U S T I N T E R S T A T E 2 0 R / W V A R I E S WE T L A N D WE T L A N D WE T L A N D WE T L A N D WE T L A N D WE T L A N D WETL A N D WE T L A N D WE T L A N D WE T L A N D RO W A C C E S S T O B E P R O V I D E D T O ST A T E P A R K P R O P E R T Y AM E N I T Y AR E A A S C A U G A L A K E R O A D RE S E R V E D F O R ST O R M W A T E R MA N A G E M E N T RO A D A (60 ' R / W ) RO A D B (60 ' R / W ) RO A D C (60 ' R / W ) RO A D D (60 ' R / W ) ROAD A (60' R/W) ROAD E (60' R/W) ROAD F (60' R/W) ROAD G (60' R/W ) RE S E R V E D F O R ST O R M W A T E R MA N A G E M E N T RE S E R V E D F O R ST O R M W A T E R MA N A G E M E N T I N T E R S T A T E H I G H W A Y 2 0 A S C A U G A L A K E R O A D RO A D I (60 ' R / W ) R O A D H (6 0 ' R / W ) R O A D J ( 60 ' R / W ) RE S E R V E D F O R ST O R M W A T E R MA N A G E M E N T RESE R V E D F O R STOR M W A T E R MANA G E M E N T 38 7 38 8 38 9 39 0 39 1 39 2 39 3 39 4 39 5 39 6 39 7 39 8 39 9 40 0 40 1 40 2 40 7 40 8 40 9 41 0 41 1 41 2 41 3 41 4 44 6 44 5 44 4 44 3 44 2 44 1 44 0 43 9 45 4 45 3 45 2 45 1 45 0 44 9 44 8 44 7 43 0 42 9 42 8 42 7 42 6 42 5 42 4 42 3 43 8 43 7 43 6 43 5 43 4 43 3 43 2 43 1 41 5 41 6 41 7 41 8 41 9 42 0 42 1 42 2 46 2 46 1 46 0 45 9 45 8 45 7 45 6 45 5 40 6 40 5 40 4 40 3 46 6 46 5 46 4 46 3 47 0 46 9 46 8 46 7 47 4 47 3 47 2 47 1 47 8 47 7 47 6 47 5 48 2 48 1 48 0 47 9 48 6 48 5 48 4 48 3 49 0 48 9 48 8 48 7 0 Fe b r u a r y 2 0 , 2 0 2 4 NO R T H 10 0 20 0 40 0 60 0 NO R T H A U G U S T A CO N C E P T U A L R E Z O N I N G P L A N NO T E : P L A N I S C O N C E P T U A L I N N A T U R E A N D S U B J E C T T O C H A N G E B A S E D O N F I N A L D E S I G N A N D A P P R O V A L S . SI T E D A T A T A B L E 01 1 - 0 8 - 0 3 - 0 0 3 , 0 1 0 - 2 0 - 0 1 - 0 0 2 , 02 1 - 1 7 - 0 1 - 0 0 1 , 0 2 1 - 1 8 - 0 1 - 0 0 3 ( P A R T I A L ) 19 7 . 7 A C R E S * 45 0 0 3 C 0 3 1 0 E R- 7 : 0 1 1 - 0 8 - 0 3 - 0 0 3 , 0 1 0 - 2 0 - 0 1 - 0 0 2 R- 1 0 : 0 2 1 - 1 7 - 0 1 - 0 0 1 , 2 1 - 1 8 - 0 1 - 0 0 3 DE V E L O P M E N T D A T A : TO T A L S I T E A R E A : TA X P A R C E L I D : ZO N I N G D A T A : ZO N I N G D I S T R I C T : FE M A F L O O D P A N E L : LO T I N F O R M A T I O N 49 0 TO T A L L O T S : SI T E *A S P E R S U R V E Y F R O M H & C S U R V E Y I N G , I N C . PR O P O S E D : VI C I N I T Y M A P SC A L E : N T S NO R T H 52 ' X 1 2 0 ' L O T S 62 ' X 1 2 0 ' L O T S 21 7 16 3 * 2 2 ' X 1 0 5 ' L O T S 10 4 OP E N S P A C E : RE Q U I R E D : 1 1 . 5 A C ( 5 0 1 , 7 6 0 S F ) PR O V I D E D : 8 0 . 1 A C 78 ' X 1 3 0 ' L O T S 6 EX I S T I N G : R- 7 : 0 2 1 - 1 7 - 0 1 - 0 0 1 2. 4 8 D U A PR O P O S E D D E N S I T Y : AM E N I T I E S T O B E P R O V I D E D M A Y I N C L U D E B U T A R E N O T L I M I T E D T O C L U B H O U S E , PO O L , T O T L O T ( P L A Y G R O U N D ) , B E N C H E S , L A N D S C A P E D A R E A S , A N D P O C K E T P A R K S . AC T U A L A M E N I T Y P A C K A G E T O B E D E T E R M I N E D A T T I M E O F S I T E P L A N S U B M I T T A L . RE Q U I R E D S E T B A C K S : 15 ' M I N . 0' O R 5 ' 15 ' M I N . 15 ' M I N . FR O N T : SI D E : CO R N E R S I D E : RE A R : 5' M I N . - 2 5 ' M A X . 0' O R 5 ' 15 ' M I N . 5' M I N . - 2 5 ' M A X . FR O N T : SI D E : CO R N E R S I D E : RE A R : R- 1 0 Z O N I N G D I S T R I C T : R- 7 Z O N I N G D I S T R I C T : PALMETTO PK W Y I- 2 0 N A S C A U G A R D TY P I C A L S I N G L E - F A M I L Y L O T D I M E N S I O N S SC A L E : N T S TY P I C A L T O W N H O M E L O T D I M E N S I O N S SC A L E : N T S NO T E : M I N I M U M L O T S E T B A C K S A R E S H O W N , B U T I N A L L C A S E S M A Y B E I N C R E A S E D A S N E E D E D A T T I M E O F SIT E P L A N S U B M I T T A L . . VI C I N I T Y M A P SC A L E : N T S NO R T H EX I S T I N G : R - 1 0 (T O R E M A I N ) EX I S T I N G : R - 7 (T O R E M A I N ) EX I S T I N G : R - 7 (T O R E M A I N ) PA R C E L I D : 0 2 1 - 1 7 - 0 1 - 0 0 1 EX I S T I N G : R - 1 0 PR O P O S E D : R - 7 * R E Q U E S T I N G V A R I A N C E I N M I N I M U M T O W N H O M E W I D T H A S P A R T O F T H I S RE Z O N I N G A P P L I C A T I O N . 1 , 0 2 4 S F X 4 9 0 U N I T S AT T A C H M E N T #1 2 - P& D PR O J E C T RE P O R T Pa g e 24 of 30 N Augusta Residential Neighborhood ARCHITECTURAL ELEVATIONS CityofNorth Augusta, SC NOTE: Elevations are conceptual in nature, provided to show design and style intent; actual building elevations will be provided at time of building permit submittal. BRD Land & Investment February 20, 2024 ATTACHMENT #12 - P&D PROJECT REPORT Page 25 of 30 N Augusta Residential Neighborhood PRECEDENT AMENITY IMAGES City of North Augusta, SC NOTE: Images are conceptual in nature, provided to show design and style intent; actual amenities will be designed at time of site plan submittal. BRD Land & Investment February 20, 2024 ATTACHMENT #12 - P&D PROJECT REPORT Page 26 of 30 AT T A C H M E N T #1 2 - P& D PR O J E C T RE P O R T Pa g e 27 of 30 AT T A C H M E N T #1 2 - P& D PR O J E C T RE P O R T Pa g e 28 of 30 AT T A C H M E N T #1 2 - P& D PR O J E C T RE P O R T Pa g e 29 of 30 AT T A C H M E N T #1 2 - P& D PR O J E C T RE P O R T Pa g e 30 of 30 Department of Planning And Development Memorandum # 24-009 To: James S. Clifford, City Administrator From: Tommy Paradise, Director Subject: Rezoning Application RZM24-001 Ford Tract-Ascauga Lake Road Date: June 5, 2024 On March 29, 2024 the Planning Commission heard a request from Leigh Polzella of BRD Land & Investment to rezone approximately 128.79 acres located along North Ridge Road, TPN 021-17-01-001 from R-10 Medium Lot, Single-Family Residential to R-7, Small Lot, Single- Family Residential. After hearing public comments, the Planning Commission unanimously recommended to City Council to not to approve the rezoning request. Following this meeting, a request was made to meet with the City Administrator from the applicant. On April 24th a meeting with Leigh Polzella, applicant, and Kelly Mobley was held with the City Administrator, Mr. Clifford, and the Planning Director, Tommy Paradise. During this meeting the City was presented with a conceptual plan of what could be constructed with the current zoning to compare with what BRD Land & Investment was proposing. A copy of what can currently be built by right under the current zoning is attached to this memo so that it can be compared with the conceptual plan submitted, which was not available at the March 29th Planning Commission meeting. ATTACHMENT #12 - P&D MEMO Page 1 of 2 AT T A C H M E N T #1 2 - P& D ME M O Pa g e 2 of 2 Ascauga Lake Rd Neighborhood City Council Meeting June 17, 2024 ATTACHMENT 12 - Ascauga Lake - Presentation Page 1 of 12 Rezoning Team •BRD Land & Investment •Leigh Polzella •Kimley-Horn •Sara Shirley, L.A.* •Contact with questions: 704-954-8273, Sara.Shirley@kimley-horn.com •Andrew Loftin, P.E. (Engineering) •Joseph Robertson, P.E. (Traffic) ATTACHMENT 12 - Ascauga Lake - Presentation Page 2 of 12 Rezoning Process •Concept plan submitted –February 20, 2024 •Voluntary Neighborhood Meeting –March 6, 2024 •Summary report provided to Staff •Planning Commission –March 20, 2024 •Notifications sent from City •Recommends decision to City Council •City Council Study Session –June 10, 2024 •City Council Hearing and Decision (2 meetings) •Notifications sent from City ATTACHMENT 12 - Ascauga Lake - Presentation Page 3 of 12 Next Steps •Construction Plan Design and Approval (approx. 1 year) •Plans are seen/reviewed by: •City of N Augusta •SC DHEC (Department of Health and Environmental Control) •SC DOT (Department of Transportation) •Aiken County School Board •Build-out approx. 4 -6 years ATTACHMENT 12 - Ascauga Lake - Presentation Page 4 of 12 Current Zoning ATTACHMENT 12 - Ascauga Lake - Presentation Page 5 of 12 Future Land Use Plan City of North Augusta 2021 Comprehensive Plan ATTACHMENT 12 - Ascauga Lake - Presentation Page 6 of 12 Ascauga Lake Road Neighborhood Rezoning Plan One rezoning request –R-10 to R-7 (128.79 acres being rezoned) (197.7 acres entire neighborhood) 312 proposed lots in parcel being rezoned 490 proposed lots (entire neighborhood) 104 Townhomes, 386 Single-Family Detached 2.48 DUA Required Open Space: 11.5 AC Provided Open Space: 80.1 AC ATTACHMENT 12 - Ascauga Lake - Presentation Page 7 of 12 Ascauga Lake Road Neighborhood By-Right Plan 631 proposed lots (entire neighborhood) 360 Townhomes, 271 Single-Family Detached 3.2 DUA Required Open Space: 14.5 AC Provided Open Space: 50+ AC ATTACHMENT 12 - Ascauga Lake - Presentation Page 8 of 12 Ascauga Lake Road NeighborhoodRezoning Plan Ascauga Lake Road NeighborhoodBy-Right Plan Plan Comparisons ATTACHMENT 12 - Ascauga Lake - Presentation Page 9 of 12 West Access •Add Eastbound Left-Turn Lane•Add Westbound Right-Turn Lane East Access•Add Eastbound Left-Turn Lane Ascauga Lake Rd at Sudlow Lake Rd/Howard Mill Rd •Optimize traffic signal timings to accommodate additional traffic Trip Generation Estimate 303 AM Peak Hour Trips 412 PM Peak Hour Trips Proposed improvements subject to change pending review/approval from SCDOT, Aiken County and City of North Augusta Initial Traffic Impact Analysis recommendationsATTACHMENT 12 - Ascauga Lake - Presentation Page 10 of 12 Initial Utility Extension Plan ATTACHMENT 12 - Ascauga Lake - Presentation Page 11 of 12 Questions? ATTACHMENT 12 - Ascauga Lake - Presentation Page 12 of 12 RESOLUTION NO. 2024-25 AUTHORIZING A PERMIT FOR CONSTRUCTION WORK WHEREAS Sec. 12-21.(c)(9) of the City of North Augusta Code of Ordinances restricts construction work to the hours of 7:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. on weekdays only; and WHEREAS the Ordinance allows the Council to grant a permit for work outside of these hours in cases of urgent necessity for public safety and convenience; and WHEREAS the City has received a request from Allen+Batchelor Construction to perform work outside these hours specifically for placing and finishing concrete; and WHEREAS this request covers the period from June 24 to October 31, 2024, for the Augusta Oncology Project at 150 Bluff Ave and the Beacon Bluff Project at 200 Georgia Ave; and WHEREAS the Augusta Oncology Project at 150 Bluff Ave anticipates six (6) nighttime or early morning concrete pours, and the Beacon Bluff Project at 200 Georgia Ave anticipates four (4); and WHEREAS although the area is predominantly commercial, the Council has carefully considered the impact on neighboring residents and assures that their needs will continue to be taken into account when work is performed; and WHEREAS the Council believes that permitting extended work hours is in the best interest of the projects due to the need for lower air temperatures during concrete pours to ensure the quality of the concrete. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Mayor and City Council of the City of North Augusta, South Carolina, in a duly assembled meeting, that Allen+Batchelor Construction is permitted to perform construction work outside the hours specified in Sec. 12-21.(c)(9) of the City of North Augusta Code of Ordinances. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the contractor must provide at least a 24-hour notice to the City before each instance of work outside the hours permitted by Sec. 12-21.(c)(9) of the City of North Augusta Code of Ordinances. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the City Administrator may extend the dates of this permit upon the contractor's request in the event of inclement weather or other unforeseen delays. DONE, RATIFIED AND ADOPTED BY THE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF NORTH AUGUSTA, SOUTH CAROLINA, ON THIS ______ DAY OF JUNE, 2024. Briton S. Williams, Mayor ATTEST: Jamie Paul, City Clerk ATTACHMENT #13 Page 1 of 1 RESOLUTION NO. 2024-26 AUTHORIZING THE CITY OF NORTH AUGUSTA TO PURCHASE AND INSTALL OUTDOOR ELECTRICAL PEDESTALS WHEREAS the Engineering Department solicited sealed bids for the purchase of Outdoor Power Pedestals in accordance with the City’s procurement policies; and WHEREAS the bids were publicly opened and read at 11:00 a.m. on Thursday, June 13, 2024, in the presence of all interested parties; and WHEREAS the Director of Engineering & Public Works, Mr. Thomas Zeaser, P.E., and his team have thoroughly reviewed and evaluated all proposals received; and WHEREAS the bid from Gexpro was the lowest bid, meeting all the specifications and requirements set forth in the Invitation for Bids at the bid amount of $18,679.55; and WHEREAS the City intends to use its contract electrician, G&G Electrical Services, for the installation of the pedestals, at an estimated cost of $13,750. NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED by the Mayor and City Council of the City of North Augusta, South Carolina, in a meeting duly assembled and by the authority thereof that: 1. Gexpro shall be awarded the contract for the purchase of Outdoor Power Pedestals at the bid amount of $18,679.55. 2. The Council authorizes total expenditures up to $35,000 for materials, contract services and any other related incidentals and/or contingencies BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that this purchase shall be funded within SLFRF Expenditure Request #12 – “Downtown Improvements”. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the City Administrator is authorized to execute such documents as necessary to facilitate this purchase in accordance with the City’s procurement guidelines. DONE, RATIFIED AND ADOPTED BY THE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF NORTH AUGUSTA, SOUTH CAROLINA, ON THIS ______ DAY OF JUNE, 2024. Briton Williams, Mayor ATTEST: Jamie Paul, City Clerk ATTACHMENT #14 Page 1 of 1