RES 2024-12 CPST V Identifying Projects AdoptedCountry Club Property Park Establishment and Improvements 3,000,000$
Downtown Development and Improvements (pedestrian and vehicular traffic safety improvements,
downtown greeneway connector, utilities undergrounding, property acquisition, amenities)6,500,000$
Park Improvements (Summerfield, Riverview Park, Creighton, Maude Edenfield)2,750,000$
Martintown / Rt 1 / 5th Street bridge beautification and improvements 500,000$
Fire Truck/apparatus replacements. Two ladder trucks, one engine, one support Truck 5,470,000$
Martintown Road Traffic Study Implementation 3,000,000$
Automated Meter Reading (AMR) system 2,988,586$
Nancy Carson Library Improvements 500,000$
Riverview Park Activities Center Improvements 750,000$
Road Resurfacing 3,000,000$
Road Reconstruction 3,000,000$
Stormwater System Improvements 1,500,000$
Camera System and associated IT upgrades 575,000$
Fire Station 2 Upgrades 1,500,000$
Carrsville Historic Area Improvements 500,000$
Tourism Facilities and Assets (Community Center, Palmetto Terrace, Trolleys, Wayfinding)1,350,000$
Greeneway improvements and connectivity to include facilities 500,000$
Water treatment and distribution improvements 750,000$
Wastewater infrastructure improvements 500,000$
Design, development, and construction of Fire Station 4 and related fire trucks/apparatus 7,500,000$
Public Safety Training Center 2,000,000$
Public Safety - Replacement handheld, vehicle, and dispatch radio equipment 500,000$
TOTAL 48,633,586$
(Projects to be prioritized as the revenues become available)