RES 2024-02 Sharon Jones Amphitheater Additions Funding AdoptedRESOLUTION NO. 2024-02 A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE BUDGET AND FUNDING SOURCE FOR THE CONSTRUCTION OF THE SHARON JONES AMPHITHEATER EXPANSION & REST AREA WHEREAS, City Council adopted Resolution 2023-28, selecting Cranston Engineering as the city’s design & engineering services Sharon Jones Amphitheater Additions; and WHEREAS, City Council adopted Resolution 2023-38, which selected R.D. Brown Construction Company, Inc. as the City’s General Contractor for the Riverside Village Boat Dock, Overlook, Sharon Jones Amphitheater Rest Area and Sharon Jones Amphitheater Expansion Project; and WHEREAS, the City staff, Cranston Engineering, and R.D. Brown Construction Company, Inc. have conducted further design reviews and value engineering to minimize costs; and WHEREAS, City Council adopted Resolution 2024-01, which set aside $575,000 in SLFRF funds for the construction of the Sharon Jones Amphitheater Expansion and Rest Area; and WHEREAS, the City has been awarded $264,391 from the South Carolina PRT Land and Water Conservation Funds for construction of the Sharon Jones Amphitheater Rest Area and $150,000 from the South Carolina PRT Undiscovered Grant Program for the Sharon Jones Amphitheater Expansion; and WHEREAS, the funding source for the Sharon Jones Amphitheater Additions will be derived from SLRF, South Carolina PRT Land and Water Conservation Funds, and South Carolina PRT Undiscovered Grant funds in the total amount of $989,391 with $905,971 set as the GMP with R.D. Brown Construction, Inc. and the remainder for design costs, FF&E, and project contingency costs. NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Mayor and City Council of the City of North Augusta, South Carolina, in a meeting duly assembled and by the authority thereof, that: 1. The Council authorizes the City Administrator to enter into a contract amendment with R.D. Brown Construction for a GMP amount of $905,971 for the construction of the Sharon Jones Amphitheater Expansion and Rest Area. 2. The City Administrator is authorized to direct the immediate start of construction of the Sharon Jones Amphitheater Expansion and Rest Area. 3. The Council authorizes the City Administrator to finalize and execute any agreements in regards to the construction and project completion of the Sharon Jones Amphitheater Expansion and Rest Area. 4. Expenditures of $575,000 from SLFRF, $150,000 from the South Carolina PRT Land and Water Conservation Fund, and $264,391 from the South Carolina PRT Undiscovered Grant Program are approved for the construction of the Sharon Jones Amphitheater Expansion and Rest area.