ORD 2023-26 Rename Parks and Recreation Dept AdoptedORDINANCE NO. 2023-26 AN ORDINANCE AUTHORIZING AND IMPLEMENTING THE NAME CHANGE FOR THE DEPARTMENT OF PARKS, RECREATION, AND TOURISM TO THE DEPARTMENT OF PARKS AND RECREATION BY AMENDING ARTICLE X OF THE CODE OF ORDINANCES, SECTION 2-230 – 2-236 WHEREAS, responsibilities related to tourism promotion was added to the Department of Parks and Recreation via Ordinance 2015-25; and WHEREAS, tourism promotion and activities have grown and evolved beyond the City’s initial efforts and capabilities; and WHEREAS, Mayor and City Council desire to formally and officially establish the Department of Tourism and have said Department be included under Chapter 2 of the City Code; and WHEREAS, the existing Department of Parks, Recreation, and Tourism will now be known as the Department of Parks and Recreation; and WHEREAS, it would be appropriate to change the name of such commission to the North Augusta Department of Parks and Recreation Advisory Commission. NOW THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED by the Mayor and City Council for the City of North Augusta, South Carolina, in a meeting duly assembled and by the authority thereof, that: I. Article X, to include Sections 2-230 – 2-236 are deleted in their entirety. II. That the Article and Sections shall be reestablished and hereafter designated as follows: Article X. Department of Parks and Recreation; Director of Parks and Recreation, and Parks and Recreation Advisory Commission. III. Sections 2-230 – 2-236 shall be as follows: Sec. 2-230. There shall be an officer of the city known as the Director of Parks and Recreation, who shall be appointed by the mayor, upon recommendation of the city administrator. Sec. 2-231. The director of parks and recreation shall be the head of the department of parks and recreation and shall perform such duties as may be required for such department. Sec. 2-232. The director shall be responsible for the administration and management of the department and shall report directly to the city administrator in connection with such administrative duties. Sec. 2-233. The general duties of the director of parks and recreation shall be to plan, promote, organize, and supervise a comprehensive municipal recreation program and activities and administer the same in the interest of the entire community and shall (1) Supervise the recreational use of playgrounds, play fields, recreation centers, aquatic facilities, ball diamonds, and such other recreation areas and facilities as may be made available to carry out the city's recreation program. (2) Conduct and supervise any form of recreational, cultural, or social activity that will employ the leisure time of the citizens in a wholesome and constructive manner. Sec. 2-234. There is hereby created the North Augusta Parks and Recreation Advisory Commission which shall be an advisory body to the city council on matters pertaining to parks, playgrounds, and recreational facilities within the city. Sec. 2-235. a. The parks and recreation commission shall consist of five (5) persons appointed by the mayor and approved by city council. The director of parks and recreation, shall serve as an ex officio member. Of the five (5) members first appointed, two (2) shall be appointed to a term of four (4) years, two (2) for a term of three (3) years, and one for a term of two (2) years. Thereafter, all members shall be appointed for four-year terms. Vacancies shall be filled for an unexpired term in the manner in which the original appointments are required to be made. b. All members of the commission shall be residents of the city. Sec. 2-236. The parks and recreation advisory commission will recommend to the mayor and city council methods of recreation that will employ the leisure time of the citizens of the city in a constructive and wholesome manner. The commission will serve as an additional liaison between the citizens and city government and as a measuring tool or instrument for determining direction and success of programs, and will offer support for budgets and grant procedures. This Ordinance shall become effective immediately upon its adoption on second and final reading. All Ordinances or parts of Ordinances in conflict herewith are, to the extent of such conflict, hereby repealed.