RES 2023-34 Interest Earned Expenditure Request for Transfer Station AdoptedRESOLUTION NO. 2023-34 AUTHORIZING MULTIPLE EXPENDITURES FROM FUND 36 ANCILLARY TO THE REGIONAL SOLID WASTE TRANSFER STATION PROJECT WHEREAS, in August 2020, the State of South Carolina received a $600 million settlement as result of litigation against the U.S. Department of Energy related to plutonium located at the Savannah River Site (SRS); and WHEREAS, in July 2022, the State FY 2022-23 Appropriations Act, proviso 118.19 (72) appropriated a portion of the litigation settlement funds to the City of North Augusta for, among other projects, $2,000,000 for a Regional Solid Waste Transfer Station; and WHEREAS, City Council passed Resolution 2022-55 which formally acknowledged this and other City projects selected for funding and designated allocations to be held in Fund 36 - Savannah River Settlement Appropriations Act until expenditures were made in accordance with Council approval; and WHEREAS, in February 2023, the City was advised that Aiken County would manage litigation settlement funds on behalf of the City and only disperse project funding to City upon receipt and approval of a “Draw Request” for a cash advance or reimbursement; and WHEREAS, in May 2023, the City submitted and received its first draw request of the principal for the transfer station totaling $199,650: and WHEREAS, the litigation settlement funds allocated to the City of North Augusta have been and continue to be invested in an interest bearing account in the local government investment pool (LGIP) prior to relase to the City for expenditure; and WHEREAS, interest earned on the City’s invested settlement funding is available for City expenditure upon approval of a “Draw Request” by Aiken County and transferral into City Fund 36; and WHEREAS, the City has identified ancillary projects associated with the Regional Solid Waste Transfer Station project as outlined in Attachment 1 and has submitted a “Draw Request” of accrued interest for the ancillary project costs; and WHEREAS, funds totaling $1,800,350 remain available from the principal to be drawn for implementation of the Regional Solid Waste Transfer Station project. NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Mayor and City Council of the City of North Augusta, South Carolina, in a meeting duly assembled and by the authority thereof, that: 1. The City Administrator is authorized to execute such documents as necessary to procure the identified equipment and execute projects in accordance with City procurement policy. ATTACHMENT 1 Ancillary projects associated with the Regional Solid Waste Transfer Station project: Project / Equipment Amount Description Transfer Trailer $130,000 For transport to landfill Track Excavator $160,000 Direct support to transfer station Residential Bulk Truck $100,000 Direct support to transfer station Camera System $35,000 Monitoring system for the facility Paving project $250,000 Pave upper and lower portions of the facility Transfer station scale $120,000 Covers replacement parts or new scales Total $795,000