ORD 2023-12 The Hive PD - Adopted ORDINANCE NO. 2023-12 TO APPROVE THE GENERAL DEVELOPMENT PLAN FOR THE 177.5+ ACRE THE HIVE PLANNED DEVELOPMENT ON THE EAST SIDE OF WEST MARTINTOWN ROAD BETWEEN KNOBCONE AVENUE AND INTERSTATE 20 WHEREAS, within the guidelines of the North Augusta Development Code, a General Development Plan for property within a designated Planned Development zone (PD) requires Planning Commission review and subsequent recommendation to City Council for review and approval; and, WHEREAS, the North Augusta Planning Commission, at its March 16, 2006, regular meeting, reviewed the subject application and voted to recommend that City Council approve the General Development Plan for the 177.5± acre Planned Development previously known as “Hamrick Farms”; and, WHEREAS, Ordinance 2006-03 was approved by the City Council on April 17, 2006, application was approved as “Hamrick Farms” a mixed-use development on nine tracts in up to nine phases; and, WHEREAS, the North Augusta Planning Commission, approved a resolution for application PDM21-003 to amend the general development plan on December 16, 2021; and, WHEREAS, an application has been received from Stanley Martin Home, LLC requesting approval for a General Development Plan for a tract of land zoned Planned Development (PD) containing 177.5± acres located on the east side of Martintown Road between Knobcone Avenue and Interstate 20; and, WHEREAS, the developer, Stanley Martin Homes, LLC of Columbia, South Carolina, proposes a mixed use development on seven tracts in up to nine phases; and NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF NORTH AUGUSTA, SOUTH CAROLINA, IN MEETING DULY ASSEMBLED AND BY THE AUTHORITY THEREOF, THAT: I. The General Development Plan for the 174.5 acre The Hive Planned Development is hereby approved as outlined below and as shown on the attached plat and identified as "Exhibits Al and A2" as prepared by Cranston LLC dated March 9, 2023. The General Development Plan Narrative for The Hive as prepared by Cranston LLC, dated March 10, 2023 attached hereto as "Exhibit B", represents the intent of Stanley Martin Homes, LLC and addresses the requirements of the Ordinance for a Planned Development. 1. Scope of Development: The scope of development described in the General Development Plan for The Hive Planned Development and described herein shall be the maximum level of development allowed. The land uses permitted in The Hive Planned Development shall be limited to those described in this ordinance. Minor Modifications: Minor modifications to the development plan and program for valid land use planning and reasonable development reasons, i.e. mix of uses, number and location of buildings, development schedule, setbacks, parking, and landscaping, etc., may be approved by the Planning Commission at the time of subdivision approval for any portion of a phase or site plan approval for an individual parcel. 2. Flex Density and Intensity: Up to five (5%) percent of the total residential density or commercial square footage allocated to a parcel may be deducted from the total permitted for that parcel and redistributed to one or more other parcels designated for the same use provided the total density or intensity of a recipient parcel is not increased by more than ten (10%) percent. B. Development Program: Parcel Permitted Uses Area in Maximum Density (units per gross acre}or Intensity (gross Acres building area in sg. ft. 1:2per acre} A Quadplex / Townhome Residential 16.2 5.7 dua B Single-Family Detached 16.1 2.5 dua C Single-Family Detached 43.9 3.0 dua D Single-Family Detached 14.0 2.6 dua E Multi-Family Residential 24.0 16.0 dua F Retail, Restaurant, Office, Financial Commercial 27.1 10,000 sf/acre G Greenspace 33.2 NA C. Parking Requirements: The minimum parking ratio for commercial uses shall be 3.0 spaces per 1,000 gross square feet of building for all uses except restaurants which require 6.0 spaces per 1,000 gross square feet. The maximum parking ratio permitted for all uses except restaurants shall be 4.0 spaces per 1,000 gross square feet. Any commercial parking provided in excess of the maximum ratios shall be on a pervious surface approved by the Planning Commission at the site plan stage. Loose gravel and compacted crusher run will not be approved. Appropriate sod over a stabilized surface may be approved. Shared parking calculations within and between commercial parcels will be considered and are encouraged. The minimum parking requirement for residential uses shall be as provided in the North Augusta Development Code. D. Development Standards: Development standards applicable to individual commercial parcel site plans shall be as specified in the C-3, General Commercial, District, except as provided for in this section and in other sections of this ordinance: 1. All setback lines shall be measured from the property line, buffer line or parcel line, whichever provides for the greater setback. 2. The side setbacks on the parcels in Tract F, may be zero on lot lines interior to the project where the structures on two or more parcels are constructed immediately adjacent to each other (with a common wall). 3. The impervious surface area for any one parcel shall not exceed 80%. The overall impervious surface area for the overall project is limited to 60%. 4. The maximum height shall be 75 feet. Development standards applicable to residential areas shall be as provided in the ZDSO for R-2, Medium Lot Single-Family Residential, R-3, Small Lot Single-Family Residential, and R-4, Multi-Family Residential Districts as described in the ZDSO and applied to parcels at the time of concept plan approval. E. Plan Approval Process: Subsequent to the adoption of this ordinance the following plan approval steps shall be required in the order listed prior to the issuance of development permits. 1. Master Utility Plan - Master plans for water distribution; sewage collection; and stormwater quality, detention and drainage shall be developed and approved prior to or coincidental with the initial phase concept plan. The level of detail provided in the master utility plans shall be determined by the Project Engineer and City Engineer. 2. Master Circulation Plan - A master circulation plan that incorporates the conclusions of the SRS Traffic Engineering study shall be developed and approved prior to or coincidental with the initial phase concept plan. The Master Circulation Plan shall include and address the possible timing of potential connections across the McKnight/Hull commercial property to Martintown Road. The Master Circulation Plan shall include a master pedestrian circulation plan that shows the general alignment of Greeneway extensions and connections through the property and to the property lines and shall show the locations of sidewalks. 3. Wetlands Delineation and Mitigation - A wetlands delineation, permit and any mitigation plans approved by SCDHEC and the US Army Corps of Engineers shall be submitted prior to or coincidental with a Concept Plan for any phase that contains jurisdictional wetlands. 4. Phase Concept Plan - A concept plan for each tract identified in the General Development Plan shall be prepared for Planning Commission review and approval prior to or coincidental with the first preliminary plat application for each phase. The phase concept plan shall include an overall circulation system design, utility systems designs, anticipated mix and intensity or density of uses, proposed or draft master covenants and restrictions for the tract, and buffer delineation. The tract concept plan must indicate how the development of the phase will interrelate with the other phases in the development. 5. Preliminary Plat - Preliminary plats for sections or sub-phases of each phase will be processed and reviewed in accordance with the applicable provisions of the Zoning and Development Standards Ordinance, this ordinance and the General Development Plan Narrative for Hamrick Farms. 6. Final Plat - Final plats for sections or phases of each tract will be processed and reviewed in accordance with the applicable provisions of the Zoning and Development Standards Ordinance and the approved preliminary plat. 7. Site Plan - Site plans for individual parcels approved in a final plat for any portion of a tract will be processed and reviewed in accordance with the applicable provisions of the Zoning and Development Standards Ordinance, the general development plan ordinance and the General Development Plan Narrative for Hamrick Farms. F. Utilities: Water and sewer tap fees for each parcel shall be determined in accordance with the City Code provisions related to utility extensions. G. Land Dedication: Land dedicated to the City in conjunction with the development will include road rights-of-way, utility easements and drainage ways in accordance with the applicable provisions of the Zoning and Development Standards Ordinance. The City will consider accepting the designated open space that the applicant is willing to dedicate in addition to the required dedications. H. Vehicular Access and Circulation: Stanley Martin shall implement the mitigation recommendations contained in the SRS Engineering traffic study in conjunction with each development phase when the trips generated by the phase (or the sum of trips generated by all approved phases) create the impacts requiring mitigation. 1. The development on any parcel may proceed until the total trip generation reaches the threshold identified by SRS Engineering that warrants the required off site improvement. Upon initiation of construction of an off-site improvement additional development on any tract may resume to the extent the initiated off-site improvements mitigate the traffic impacts of the additional development. 2. Access across the McKie parcel to Knobcone Avenue has not been secured at this time. If the applicant obtains the access right of way in the future, it shall be considered approved as part of General Development Plan (Alternative A). The balance of the McKie property is not a part of this General Development Plan at this time. However, it may be added to the General Development Plan and incorporated into Phase F if acquired by the developer. The Planning Commission may approve the inclusion of the McKie property into the General Development Plan and the uses allowed on the land added. 3. The number and location of exterior access points, full turning intersections, right-in/right-out access points or other limited movement access points, and internal access points to individual parcels from the internal road network to be dedicated to the city shall be reviewed by the city's traffic engineer, SRS Engineering. Exterior access points shall be developed generally as shown on either Alternate A or B. Preliminary interior locations of the road network are shown on the general development plan. Necessary modifications to the location of access points to individual tracts shall be made at the time of concept plan consideration for each tract. Shared access points shall be provided wherever possible and practicable. 4. Off-site traffic improvements including the modifications to the alternative primary access intersections on Knobcone Avenue, potential access intersections on Martintown Road, modifications to the medians in Martintown Road, installation of deceleration lanes and others shall be the responsibility of the developer. Implementation of required off site traffic improvements shall precede or coincide with the construction of the phase or parcel generating the need for the off-site improvement 5. Signal and intersection improvements at Knobcone Avenue and Martintown Road and on Martintown Road at either the eastbound off ramp of Exit 1 or the existing access drive to the Hull Storey parcel will be the responsibility of the developer to meet the traffic requirements identified by SRS Engineering and required by SCDOT. (The signal on Martintown Road at the access drive to the Hull Storey parcel will be shared with the developer of the Hull Storey property.) Signals at both locations including poles and mastarms shall be in the style consistent with city policy. 6. Vehicular cross-access shall be provided between all commercial parcels, where possible and permitted by differences in grade. I. Pedestrian Circulation: Pedestrian connections between the various residential and commercial sections of the development shall be provided. 1. Any and all new sidewalks necessary along the Martintown Road and Knobcone Avenue rights-of-way must be six (6) feet in width and shall be installed no closer than six (6) feet from the back of the relocated curb. 2. Five (5) foot sidewalks shall be provided in the commercial areas on both sides of the street. Five (5) foot sidewalks shall be provided on at least one side of the street in residential areas. 3. Pedestrian walkways consisting of five (5) foot sidewalks shall be provided between all adjacent commercial parcels. Where grade differences require, stairs or steps shall be installed. 4. Pedestrian crossings of all roads, driveways, and internal circulation ways, both public and private, shall be treated with a differentiating pavement treatment. J. Buffers and Landscaping: Landscaped buffers, site landscaping and parking lot landscaping shall be provided in the development as described herein. Landscaping and buffer requirements and standards applicable to each Phase and parcel in the development and not otherwise prescribed in this ordinance shall be as provided for in the Zoning and Development Standards Ordinance. All buffers shall be landscaped with existing natural vegetation or new plant material or both to create a visually impenetrable screen. Title to the required buffers shall be retained by a property owners association or deed-restricted to prevent a change of use. Minimum buffer requirements between tracts and uses are: 1. One (1) street tree shall be provided per forty (40) feet of street frontage on both sides of the street within the right-of-way. The species will be determined at the Preliminary Plat stage. 2. The twenty-five (25) foot landscaped buffer required in the Highway Corridor Overlay District, the Martintown Road frontage, shall be measured from the property line in the final build-out scenario. Where deceleration lanes or other road improvements are required that may modify the existing property line, the buffer shall be measured from the new property line. Additional vegetation in accordance with an approved landscape plan pursuant to the Highway Corridor Overlay District requirements shall be installed. The required sidewalk may meander through the length of the buffer strip between newly installed trees and landscaping. The buffer shall be planted with an appropriate species of street tree with a minimum caliper of two (2) inches on no more than forty (40) foot centers. 3. A minimum twenty (20) foot wide Type C buffer is required between Tract A and existing lots that abut Knobcone Avenue or Wellington Road. Large trees, small trees, and buffer points should be planted as required by Table 10-6 Buffer Width and Landscaping Requirements of the North Augusta Development Code. 4. Individual buffer specific landscape plans shall be developed and submitted with the applicable parcel site plan that show the locations of any retaining walls and new slopes within the buffer and details how the buffer and retaining wall will be treated. Such landscape plans shall include any necessary or proposed fencing as well as landscape material. 5. Fencing provided within the buffers located on or near the property lines between the commercial and residential uses may be permitted. The Planning Commission shall approve the height and style of the fence at the site plan stage. The fence shall be no less than five (5) feet in height. If a vinyl coated black chain link fence is proposed, a climbing vine or jasmine will be required to be planted at the base of the fence to provide a vegetated screen. Alternatively, a solid fence made of wood, vinyl, metal, or masonry may be constructed. 6. Commercial parking lot landscaping shall be designed to maximize the pervious surface area within the parking area and provide no less than one tree for every ten spaces. 7. Each commercial structure developed shall be provided with foundation/perimeter landscaping between the structure and access drives and sidewalks (excluding loading areas). Landscaping material installed along walls with no fenestration shall be selected and maintained to screen large expanses of blank wall K. Applicable Standards for Review: The information contained in the General Development Plan shall supplement the provisions of this ordinance and shall be used in the review of subdivision and site plans for projects within Hamrick Farms. In the event of a conflict between the provisions of this ordinance and the content of the General Development Plan, the provisions of this ordinance shall prevail. General design criteria and development standards (parking, landscaping, etc.) applicable to each phase of the development and not otherwise prescribed in the General Development Plan or this ordinance shall be as provided for in the Zoning and Development Standards Ordinance as it may be amended. L. Additional Provisions: Addition conditions applicable to the development are: 1. Design guidelines for the homes to be constructed in Tract A will be included in the covenants and included with the preliminary plat submission. 2. Vinyl siding will not be used as an exterior wall material for homes constructed in Tract A. 3. Proposed or anticipated covenants and deed restrictions on the parcels to be sold, property management arrangements for leased areas and the management of common areas shall be described in accordance with the approved conditions on the General Development Plan and provided in conjunction with the concept plan and plat submission for each phase. 4. Commercial area and parking lot lighting shall be kept to as low a height as possible and screened or "cut-off' from adjacent residential areas or public streets to avoid illumination of and glare onto residential property or public streets. Exterior lighting details shall be included with each site plan application, including a description of the lighting levels during business versus non- business hours. 5. Outdoor display and sale of merchandise is prohibited on any commercial parcel within the development. However, outdoor merchandise display and sales areas associated with retail or any other use may be approved by the Planning Commission as part of a site plan. 6. Overnight or extended parking of tractors, trailers, or railroad/truck shipping containers shall be confined to designated areas behind buildings. No tractor, trailer, container, or recreational vehicle parking shall be permitted on or in any parking area, circulation corridor or outdoor sales and display area. 7. Excessive noise associated with any use in the development including loading, unloading, trash compaction, building maintenance, parking lot or landscaping maintenance or any other activity shall be prohibited between the hours of 11:00 p.m. and 6:00 a.m. 8. The architectural design of commercial structures shall be improved to provide finish masonry walls and traditional masonry detailing on all elevations unless waived by the Planning at the site plan stage. Waivers may be approved for loading, maintenance, screened storage and other areas shielded from public view. 9. Stormwater detention areas shall be fenced for safety and landscaped to shield the fencing, rip rap, and drainage structures. Black vinyl clad chain link fence shall be installed below the upper edge of each detention area in a manner as to be obscured by the landscaping on top of the detention area. 10. Signage size shall be permitted as provided for in the ZDSO. The sign panels shall be darker in color than the lettering and graphics. 11. The developer shall provide a maintenance guarantee supported by a letter of credit for the site landscaping on a commercial parcel after the landscaping is compete but prior to the issuance of a certificate of occupancy. Such maintenance guarantee and letter of credit shall be valid for a period of not less than one year from the date of the final certificate of occupancy and shall equal 20% of the cost of the installed landscaping as determined by the city.