ORD 2022-11 Adopted Apporving Gen Dev Plan for Highland Springs ORDINANCE NO. 2022-11 TO APPROVE THE GENERAL DEVELOPMENT PLAN FOR THE 1,368±ACRE HIGHLAND SPRINGS PLANNED DEVELOPMENT GENERALLY LOCATED EAST OF US 25 AND SOUTH OF ASCAUGA LAKE ROAD WHEREAS, within the guidelines of the North Augusta Zoning and Development Standards Ordinance, a major modification of the General Development Plan authorized by Ordinance 2001-05 for property within a designated Planned Development zone (PD)and such major modification requires Planning Commission review and subsequent recommendation to City Council for review and approval; and WHEREAS,an application has been received from Hunter 34,LLC requesting approval for a major modification of a General Development Plan for a tract of land zoned Planned Development (PD) containing 1,368±acres located generally east of US 25 and south of Ascauga Lake Road; and WHEREAS, the developer, Hunter 34, LLC, of Spartanburg, South Carolina proposes a mixed use development on seven tracts in twenty-five phases; and WHEREAS, the North Augusta Planning Commission, at its January 25, 2001 regular meeting, reviewed the subject application and voted to recommend that City Council approve the General Development Plan for the 1,368±acre Highland Springs Planned Development. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF NORTH AUGUSTA, SOUTH CAROLINA, IN MEETING DULY ASSEMBLED AND BY THE AUTHORITY THEREOF,THAT: L The General Development Plan for the 1,368± acre Highland Springs Planned Development is hereby approved as outlined below and as shown on the attached plat and identified as 'Exhibit A' as prepared by Cranston Engineering Group, PC, dated May 9, 2022, and revised on May 27, 2022. The General Development Plan Narrative for Highland Springs as prepared by Cranston Engineering Group, PC, dated October 2000, revised January 2001 and May 2022, attached hereto as `Exhibit B', represents the intent of Hunter 34, LLC, and addresses the requirements of the Zoning and Development Standards Ordinance for a Planned Development, A. Scope of Development: The scope of development described in the General Development Plan for the Highland Springs Planned Development and described herein shall be the maximum level of development allowed. The land uses permitted in the Highland Springs Planted Development shall be limited to those described in this ordinance. I. Minor Modifications; Minor modifications to the development plan and program for valid land use planning reasons, i.e. mix of uses, number and location of buildings, development schedule, setbacks, parking, and landscaping, etc., may be approved by the Planning Commission at the time of concept plan approval for a tract,subdivision approval for any portion of a tract or site plan approval for an individual parcel. 2. Flex Units: Up to five(5%) percent of the total residential density allocated to a tract may be deducted from the total permitted for that tract and redistributed ORDINANCE APPROVE GENERAL DEVELOPM& PLAN Page 2 HIGHLAND SPRINGS to one or more other tracts provided the total density of a flex unit recipient tract is not increased by more than ten(10%)percent. Tracts B,Village Center, and G, General Commercial,may be the recipients of flex units. B. Development Program: Plan Former Description Area in Maximum Average Designation Tract Acres Densfh / Density Designation Intensity A A, B,C Heavy 257 17,424 sf N/A Commercial per acre / Light (40%) Industrial B D Village 25 21,780 sf N/A Center per acre (50%) C F. G, H Mixed- 569 8 duo 4 duo Residential D E, I Mixed 198 15 dua 6 dua Residential E J Mixed 156 l5 dua 6 dua Residential F K Greenspace 1 33 3 dua 1.5 dua G L General 20 21,780 sf N/A Commercial per acre (50%) Development Prolzram Definitions: Dua-dwelling units per acre Maximum density-The maximum number of units that may be constructed per acre on a parcel or in a single subdivision excluding open space. Average Density-The total number of units that may be constructed per gross acre. Total Density - The total number of units that may be constructed on a tract. Intensity-The total number of gross square feet of non-residential building that may be constructed per acre. C. Permitted Uses: Plan Former Description Uses Designation Tract/ Designation A A,B, C Heavy Permitted - Professional, medical Commercial and financial office; Educational Light Institutions (primary through Industrial graduate, public and private); Churches, places of worship, religious institutions; Bed and breakfast inns; Hotels and motels; Restaurants and fast food; ORDINANCE TAPROVE GENERAL DEVELOPMEO PLAN Page 3 HIGHLAND SPRINGS Commercial trade and technical schools; General business services including duplicating, printing, mailing services, blueprinting, film development; Public and private transportation services and facilities; Commercial recreation; Commercial or public parking; Armories including military training; Auto and truck sales and rental including indoor repairs and disassembly; Light assembly of premanufactured parts - wholesale and retail; Distribution businesses- wholesale and retail; Light manufacturing including processing and assembly; Research laboratories; Warehousing; Primary, secondary and convenience retail; and Accessory uses to any permitted use. Prohibited - Heavy manufacturing; hazardous material storage;salvage operations; adult entertainment; outdoor sales and service of any construction material or heavy equipment; any outdoor storage or sales other than auto and truck sales. For all uses noise, odor, vibration, glare,vapor, fumes,dust, etc. shall meet or exceed the performance standards prescribed in the applicable Development Codes in effect when submitted for site plan approval. B D Village Permitted - Professional, medical Center and financial office; primary, secondary and convenience retail, restaurant; child day care facility; laundry; and multi-family residential Flex units above the first floor if allocated. Prohibited - Drive-through retail, gasoline service stations and auto oriented businesses. i C F.G, H, Mixed Permitted - Single-family Residential residential including detached patio homes; townhouses; neighborhood commercial as permitted in the Village Center; schools and ORDINANCE APPROVE GENERAL DEVELOPM& PLAN Page 4 HIGHLAND SPRINGS churches. Accessory uses to any permitted use. D E,I Mixed Permitted - Multi-family Residential residential including duplexes, townhouses, apartments, condominiums, single-family, and education. Accessory uses to any permitted use. E J Mixed Permitted - Single-family Residential residential including detached patio homes; townhouses; neighborhood commercial as permitted in the Village Center; schools and churches. Accessory uses to any permitted use. F K Green Space Permitted-Single-family detached residential; townhouses; condominiums; commercial recreation. Accessory uses to any permitted use. G L General Pemutted - Any uses permitted in Commercial the General Commercial District and accessory uses to any permitted use as prescribed in the applicable Development Code in effect at the time of plan submittal. Multi- family residential flex units above the first floor will be permitted if allocated. D. Development Standards: Applicable to individual parcel site plans. Minimum Setbacks Impervious Open Use Front Rear Side Height Area Space (Feet) (Feet) (Feet) (Feet) (Max.) (Min.) Max. General 25 20 10 45 75% 2S% Commercial Light Industrial 50 25 25 60 65% 25% Commercial 50 25 25 35 35% 85% Recreation Village Center 25 20 10 45 800/u 20% Residential ORDINANCE TGOPPROVE GENERAL DEVELOPMA PLAN Page 5 HIGHLAND SPRINGS - Single Family 20 20 5 40 N/A N/A -Patio Homes 20 20 0/8 35 50% 10% Duplexes 20 20 0.!8 35 50% 10% -Townhouses 20 20 0110 40 60% 20% 20 20 0/20 50 60% 20% Condotniniums - Apartments 20 35 30 50 60% 25% E. Plan Approval Process: subsequent to the adoption of this ordinance the following plan approval steps shall be required in the order listed prior to the issuance of any building permits. 1. Master Utility Plan - Master plans for water distribution, sewage collection and stormwater drainage and detention shall be developed in conjunction with the City Utilities Department and City Engineer and approved prior to or coincidental with the initial tract concept plan. The level of detail provided in the master utility plans shall be determined by the Project Engineer, City Engineer and Utilities Director. 2. Wetlands Delineation and Mitigation-A wetlands delineation,permit and any mitigation plans approved by SCDHEC and the US Army Corps of Engineers shall be submitted prior to or coincidental with a Concept Plan for any Tract that contains jurisdictional wetlands. 3. Tract Concept Plan - A concept plan for each tract identified in the General Development Plan shall be prepared for Planning Commission review and approval prior to or coincidental with the first preliminary plat application for each tract. The tract concept plan shall include an overall circulation system design, utility systems designs, anticipated mix and intensity/density of uses, proposed or draft master covenants and restrictions for the tract, and buffer delineation. The tract concept plan must indicate how the development of the tract will interrelate with the other tracts in the Highland Springs development. 4. Preliminary Plat - Preliminary plats for sections or phases of each tract will be processed and reviewed in accordance with the applicable provisions of the Development Code in effect at the time of submittal, this ordinance and the General Development Plan Narrative for Highland Springs 5. Final Plat - Final plats for sections or phases of each tract will be processed and reviewed in accordance with the applicable provisions of the Development Code in effect at the time of submittal and the approved preliminary plat. 6. Site Plan - Site Plans for individual parcels approved in a final plat for any portion of a tract will be processed and reviewed in accordance with the applicable provisions of the Development Code in effect at the time of submittal, this ordinance and the General Development Plan Narrative for Highland Springs. 6.a. The development will be mass graded to accommodate the density of commercial and residential units as approved in PD. ORDINANCE APPROVE GENERAL DEVELOPM* PLAN Page 6 HIGHLAND SPRINGS 6.b Lot sizes are not defined for the Highland Springs Development. The lot size will be a function of the maximum and average densities as provided, herein.Townhomes will have a minimum lot width of 20 feet. 7. Architectural Standards Ta. Concrete slab construction is allowed. 7.b. Exterior construction for the residential uses include masonry, fiber cement siding, and vinyl siding or any combination thereof. 7.c. Garages 7.c.1 Single Family, detached, garage size, placement, and access will be decided and regulated by the developer and/or builder. 7.c..2 Townhome and multi-family, front loaded garages will be allowed as follows: for units less 24 feet in width an 8 foot garage is allowed; for units greater than or equal to 24 feet in width a 16 foot garage is allowed. F. Land Dedication: Land dedicated to the City in conjunction with the development will include road rights-of-way, utility lift stations, utility easements and riparian buffers in accordance with the applicable provisions of the Development Code in effect and the time of dedication. The Contract for Services and Annexation between the Blanchard Tract property owners and the City dated May 7, 1985 and the General Development Plan Narrative for Blanchard Park also address the land to be dedicated to the City. Additional dedications will include: 1. Public Safety Facility - Three and one half(3'h) acres. 2. Parks — Appropriate land for neighborhood parks in the ratio of not less than seven hundred (700) square feet per gross acre of residential development in the locations generally shown on the General Development Plan. Land to be dedicated for parks shall be located in close proximity to residential areas,may be located within or adjacent to required buffers, and should be located on pedestrian walkways and trails. The location of land to be dedicated shall be determined mutually by the City and Hunter 34, LLC at the time of Tract Concept Plan submission. Parks shall be developed by the City. G. Vehicular Access and Circulation: Primary access to the Highland Springs Development shall be via US 25 and Interstate 520 along the spine road to Old Sudlow Lake Road. . Additional access to the several residential tracts will be provided via Old Sudlow Lake Road. Interconnectivity between the various tracts of the development and between the development and neighboring tracts and subdivisions shall be provided wherever feasible and practicable. Truck traffic from the light industrial and commercial tracts through the residential tracts o through adjacent residential areas will be discouraged through roadway,access and circulation system design. H. Pedestrian Circulation: All roads in the development shall include pedestrian path on each side. For the majority of the site this will be concrete sidewalks, however, a multi-use trail will be provided on one side of the arterial road and connector roads in lieu of the concrete sidewalk. This will provide interconnectivity betweet the various residential tracts with each other, the Village Center Tract, the Genera Commercial Tract, parks, commercial recreation uses and any other pedestria trails in the vicinity. ORDINANCE T*PPROVE GENERAL DEVELOPMEO PLAN Page 7 HIGHLAND SPRINGS I. Buffers and Landscapine: Landscaped buffers, site landscaping and parking lot landscaping shall be provided in the development as described herein. Landscaping and buffer requirements and standards applicable to each use and tract of the development and not otherwise prescribed in the General Development Plan or this ordinance shall be as prescribed the applicable Development Code in effect at the time of plan submittal. All buffers shall be landscaped with existing natural vegetation or new plant material or both to create a visually impenetrable screen. Title to the required buffers shall be retained by a property owners' association or deed-restricted to prevent a change of use. Minimum buffer requirements between tracts and uses are: l. Light Industrial/Residential -Not less than fifty(50)feet of landscaped buffer shall be provided on all Light Industrial tracts as separation from all residential, open space, Village Center and commercial recreation tracts and uses. both internal and external to Highland Springs. 2. Residential / Residential - Not less than forty (40) feet of landscaped buffer shall be provided as separation between residential tracts, both internal and external to Highland Springs. 3. Spine Road - The two-lane divided primary roadway in the development (Arterial Road on the General Development Plan shall be bordered by a landscaped setback/buffer within the Mixed-Residential (Pod C) tracts of not less than forty(40) feet. In all other tracts the landscaped setback/buffer from the spine road shall be not less than twenty-live(25) feet. 4. US 25 — The landscaped setback/buffer from US 25 shall be not less than twenty-five (25) feet in accordance with the provisions of the Highway Corridor Overlay District. K. Parking Requirements: All uses shall provide on-site parking as required by the Development Code in effect when submitted for approval The Planning Commission may approve or require less than the minimum specified by the applicable code when an adequate shared parking supply is available and when desirable to minimize or reduce impervious surfaces. L. Applicable Standards for Review: The information contained in the General Development Plan and the General Development Plan Narrative for Highland Springs shall supplement the provisions of this ordinance and shall be used in the review of tract concept, subdivision and site plans for projects within Highland Springs. In the event of a conflict between the provisions of this ordinance and the content of the General Development Plan or the General Development Plan Narrative for Highland Springs, the provisions of this ordinance shall prevail. General design criteria and development standards (parking, landscaping, etc.) applicable to each phase of the development and not otherwise prescribed in the General Development Plan, the General Development Plan Narrative or this ordinance shall be as prescribed in the Development Code in effect on the date of submittal. M. The Traffic Impact Analysis titled "Traffic Impact Study Highland Springs Development'for Cranston Engineering Group,PC dated May 18,2022 is included in this ordinance by reference ORDINANCE T&PROVE GENERAL DEVELOPM110 PLAN Page 8 HIGHLAND SPRINGS II. All ordinances or parts of ordinances in conflict herewith are, to the extent of such conflict, hereby repealed. IIL This Ordinance shall become effective immediately upon its adoption on second reading. DONE, RATIFIED AND ADOPTED BY THE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF NORTH AUGUSTA, SOUTH CAROLINA, ON THIS IS+ DAY OF ,e 91 2022 First Reading TL11 IB . R0-1 A -- B on S. Williams, Mayor Second Reading Auquiri RA ATTEST: Sharon Lamar, City Clerk