RES 2022-09 Adopted RESOLUTION NO. 2022-09 AUTHORIZING A GRANT APPLICATION TO THE STATE OF SOUTH CAROLINA PARKS RECREATION & TOURISM DEPARTMENT FOR FEDERAL FUNDING ASSISTANCE TO SUPPORT A PROJECT SUBMITTED UNDER THE LAND AND WATER CONSERVATION FUND (LWCF) PROGRAM AS PROVIDED IN THE LWCF ACT OF 1965, AS AMENDED WHEREAS, under the provisions of LWCF, federal funding assistance is requested to aid in financing the cost of the Sharon Jones Amphitheater Rest Area Project; and WHEREAS, Parks, Recreation & Tourism Department believes that this project meets the stated criteria for grant funding under the terms established by the State of South Carolina Parks, Recreation & Tourism Department (SCPRT), and any funding received from SCPRT will be used for the implementation of the referenced project; and WHEREAS, the City of North Augusta acknowledges that SCPRT grants, if approved, will be paid on a reimbursement basis, meaning that the City may request payment only after eligible and allowable costs have already been paid and remitted to vendors; and WHEREAS, the City owns the site and intends to develop or improve it for recreational purposes; and WHEREAS, any funds received from the SCPRT will be used for the sole purpose stated in the City's grant applications to SCPRT; and WHEREAS, the City assures that any facility developed with financial aid from the LWCF program must be placed in use for the funded purpose, and be retained in such use in perpetuity unless otherwise provided and agreed to by the City, SCPRT, and the National Park Service (NPS); and WHEREAS, the City acknowledge that LWCF grants are federal funds and, as such, the City must comply with all applicable federal laws; and WHEREAS, this Resolution becomes a part of a formal application to SCPRT and NPS, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF NORTH AUGUSTA, THE MAYOR CONCURRING,THAT: The Director of Parks, Recreation and Tourism or his designee, is hereby authorized to submit applications for and on behalf of the City of North Augusta, in such counterparts as are necessary, to the State of South Carolina Parks, Recreation & Tourism Department, for financial assistance in the amount set forth in the "Grant Request" column below: Proposed Projects SCPRT Grant Match Total Program Request Category Sharon Jones LWCF $300,000 $300,000 $600,000 Amphitheater Rest Area The $300,000 of SCPRT grants requires a dollar for dollar match. DONE, RATIFIED AND ADOPTED BY THE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF NORTH AUGUSTA, SOUTH CAROLINA, ON THIS 7-th DAY OF Fe.byu&rj 2022. Briton . Williams, Mayor ATTEST: / —1a ru" U}4R� Sharon Lamar, City Clerk