RES 2021-35 Adopted RESOLUTION NO. 2021-35 DESIGNATING AN AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE AND CONTACT PERSON FOR PURPOSES OF THE AMERICAN RESCUE PLAN ACT OF 2021 WHEREAS, the American Rescue Plan Act of 2021 (ARPA) appropriates $19.53 billion to States for distribution to nonentitlement units of local government (NEUs), which are local governments typically serving a population under 50,000; and WHEREAS, the City of North Augusta, South Carolina (the Municipality), is an NEU for purposes of ARPA and expects to receive funding pursuant to the ARPA appropriation; and WHEREAS, ARPA requires that the Municipality designate an Authorized Representative to approve and sign documents, make certifications required by ARPA, and otherwise act as the Municipality's designated and lawfully appointed agent for purposes of ARPA; and WHEREAS, ARPA further requires that the Municipality designate a Contact Person to receive official communications and notice related to ARPA; and NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED as follows: Section 1. James S. Clifford, the City Administrator of the Municipality, is hereby designated as the Municipality's Authorized Representative pursuant to ARPA. The Authorized Representative is hereby authorized and directed to do all things necessary (including without limitation to sign documents, make certifications, make regular reports to council and otherwise act on behalf of the Municipality) to receive and expend funds pursuant to an appropriation by council and ARPA rules. The Authorized Representative's contact information is: James S. Clifford City Administrator 100 Georgia Avenue,North Augusta, South Carolina 29841 P.O. Box 6400, North Augusta, South Carolina 29861 (803) 441-4202 jclifford@northaugusta.net Section 2. Cammie T. Hayes, the Chief Financial Officer of the Municipality, is hereby designated as the Municipality's Contact Person pursuant to ARPA. The Contact Person's contact information is: Cammie T. Hayes Chief Financial Officer 100 Georgia Avenue, North Augusta, South Carolina 29841 P.O. Box 6400,North Augusta, South Carolina 29861 (803) 441-4202 chayes@northaugusta.net DONE, RATIFIED AND ADOPTED BY THE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF NORTH AUGUSTA, SOUTH CAROLINA, ON THIS 2oth DAY OF Seotenber 12021. T Br n . Williams, Mayor ATTEST: ,51-�1.N.61U p��y►tehi Sharon Lamar, City Clerk