072621 Study Sessioin Mins Adopted • North
South Carolina's Riuerfront
Briton S. Williams, Mayor
J. Robert Brooks, Councilmember
Pat C. Carpenter, Councilmember
Jenafer F. McCauley, Councilmember
David W. McGhee, Councilmember
Eric H. Presnell, Councilmember
Kevin W. Toole, Councilmember
The Study Session of July 26, 2021 for the City Council of the City of North Augusta, having been duly
publicized,was called to order by Mayor Williams at 6:00 p.m.and also streamed online for public viewing
at the City Facebook page: "City of North Augusta — Public Information" and City YouTube page: "City of
North Augusta Public Information." The Study Session adjourned 6:42 p.m.
Per Section 30-4-80(e) notice of the meetings was sent out by email to the current maintained "Agenda
Mailout" list consisting of news media outlets and individuals or companies requesting notification.
Notice of the meetings was also posted on the outside doors of the Municipal Center, the main bulletin
board of the Municipal Center located on the first floor, and the City of North Augusta website.
Members present were Mayor Williams, Councilmembers Brooks, Carpenter, McGhee, and Toole.
Councilmembers McCauley and Presnell were absent.
Also in attendance were Rachelle Moody,Assistant City Administrator; Kelly F.Zier,City Attorney;Cammie
T. Hayes, Chief Financial Officer; Thomas C. Zeaser, Director of Engineering and Public Works; Richard L.
Meyer, Director of Parks, Recreation, and Tourism; James E. Sutton, Director of Public Services; John C.
Thomas, Director of Public Safety; Thomas L. Paradise, Director of Planning and Development; J.D.
McCauley, Manager of Human Resources; Ricky Jones, Manager of Information Technology and Sharon
Lamar, City Clerk.
ITEM 1 CITY COUNCIL MEETING: Items for the Augusta 2 2021 Council Meeting-Council
• Discussion
City Administrator, Jim Clifford, led Council's discussion of items for the August 2, 2021 regular meeting.
Minutes of Study Session of July 26,2021
Please see ATTACHMENT#1 for a copy of the proposed DRAFT items.
City department directors and managers provided departmental updates.
Please see ATTACHMENT#2 for a copy of the"Department Details July 26, 2021."
(A) Mayor Williams shared some reflections and announcements related to current opportunities in the
City of North Augusta. He announced:
• The next Public Power Hour is Monday,August 2 at 5:00 pm in Council's Chambers.
• The next Meet the Mayor is Tuesday, August 3 at 6:00 pm at the SRP Credit Union at 1070
Edgefield Road. Councilmembers Jenafer McCauley and Kevin Toole will also be attending.
• The City website now has a "Mayor's page" — www.northaugusta.net/mayor. This page
includes the Mayor's VLOGs, as well as, information about Public Power Hour and Meet the
• Spring 2022 River Event suggestion forms are available on the City's website and in printed
The Mayor thanked the volunteers form First Baptist Church North Augusta and True North Church
who provided hospitality for the 1000's of participants in this year's Nike Peach Jam. He also read a
• thank you note from Will Buchanan concerning a recent Miracle League presentation.
(B) Focus Item: Riverside Village at Hammond's Ferry—Council Update
Cammie Hayes, Chief Financial Officer, updated Council on the economic development of Riverside
Village at Hammond's Ferry. Please see ATTACHMENT#313 for a copy of her presentation.
In closing, Mayor Pro Temp Brooks announced he had spoken with Rep. Bill Hixon during the weekend
and received an update on the proposed traffic signal at Martintown Road and Bergen Road. SCDOT has
ordered a longer "arm" for the signal lights. This action has delayed the project until September —
APPROVED THIS�1 DAY OF Respectfully submitted,
Sharon Lamar
Brit n .Williams City Clerk
May r
Au ustau'�
Sairh Carolina's Izuerfrortr
August 2, 2021 -5:00 p.m. - Municipal Center-100 Georgia Avenue, 3rd Floor- Council Chambers
August 2,2021-6:00 p.m.-Municipal Center-100 Georgia Avenue, 3rd Floor-Council Chambers
The Public Power Hour and regular City Council meeting will be streamed for public viewing online at:
• "City of North Augusta-Public Information" on www.Facebook.com
• "City of North Augusta Public Information'on www.YouTube.com
CITIZEN COMMENTS: Citizens may speak to Mayor and City Council on each item listed on this agenda. The Mayor will call for
comments prior to Council's discussion.Speakers shall give their name and address in an audible tone of voice for the records.Speaker
Forms are provided on the credenza at the entrance to the Council Chambers.Speakers desiring that the minutes indicate that they
addressed Council on a specific topic should complete the form. The form will be included as part of the minutes of the meeting.
Citizen comments are limited to five minutes.
CITIZEN ASSISTANCE: Individuals needing special assistance or sign interpreter to participate in the meeting, please notify the
Administration Department 48 hours prior to the meeting.
• 4. APPROVAL OF MINUTES: Regular City Council Meeting minutes of July 19, 2021;Study Session minutes of
June 26, 2021
5. PUBLIC SAFETY: Presentation to Department of Public Safety from Pedego Electric Bikes of Aiken
6. CITY COUNCIL: Recognition of Municipal Elected Officials Institute of Government 2021 Graduates
7. EASEMENT: Ordinance No.2021-08-Granting Easements across City Property Located on Georgia and
Carolina Avenues to Adjoining Property Owners Who Rely upon Such Easements to Provide Access
to Their Properties;Ordinance-Second Reading
8. ANNEXATION: Ordinance No.2021-09-To Change the Corporate Limits of the City of North Augusta by
Accepting the Petition Requesting Annexation by the Landowners and Annexing±0.5 Acres of
Land Located on Carriage Lane and Owned by Gore&Gore Investment Properties, LLC;
Ordinance-First Reading
9. ANNEXATION: Ordinance No. 2021-10-To Change the Corporate Limits of the City of North Augusta by
Accepting the Petition Requesting Annexation by the Landowners and Annexing±14.3 Acres of
Property Located Along Edgefield Road and Owned by QuikTrip;Ordinance-First Reading
10. ENGINEERING AND PUBLIC WORKS: Resolution No.2021-32-Authorizing a Professional Services Contract for
• Geotechnical Engineering Services for the Knobcone Avenue Sidewalk
• A. Citizen Comments -At this time, citizens may speak to Mayor and City Council regarding matters not listed on
the agenda. Speakers shall give their name and address in an audible tone of voice for the records. Speaker
Forms are provided on the credenza at the entrance to the Council Chambers.Speakers desiring that the minutes
indicate that they addressed Council on a specific topic should complete the form. The form will be included as
part of the minutes of the meeting. Citizen comments are limited to five minutes.
B. Council Comments—
South Carolina's Riuetfront
Thank you for attending tonight's meeting of the North Augusta City Council.
To assure every citizen's privilege to speak to City Council and to maintain proper decorum
the following sections of the City's Code of Ordinances are reprinted.
Sec.2-57. Order and decorum generally
(a) By council members.While the council is in session,the members must preserve order and decorum,and a member
• shall not,by conversation or otherwise,delay or interrupt the proceedings or the peace of the council,or disturb any member
while speaking or refuse to obey the orders of the council or its presiding officer,except as otherwise herein provided.
(b) By other persons.Any person making personal,impertinent, or slanderous remarks or who shall become boisterous
while addressing the council shall be forthwith,by the presiding officer,barred from further audience before the council,unless
permission to continue be granted by a majority vote of the council.
Sec.2-58. Sergeant-at-arms
The public safety director or such members of the public safety department as the director may designate,shall be sergeant-
at-arms of the council meetings.They shall carry out all orders and instructions given by the presiding officer for the purpose
of maintaining order and decorum at the council meeting. Upon instructions of the presiding officer,it shall be the duty of
the sergeant-at-arms,to place any person who violates the order and decorum of the meeting under arrest,and cause such
to be prosecuted under the provisions of this Code,the complaint to be signed by the presiding officer.
Sec 2-62 Addressing council--Permission required;exceptions
Any person desiring to address the council shall first secure the permission of the presiding officer so to do.
Sec.2-63. Same—Procedure
Each person addressing the council shall step up in front of the rail,shall give such person's name and address in an audible tone
of voice for the records,and unless further time is granted by the council,shall limit the address to five(5)minutes.All remarks
shall be addressed to the council as a body and not to any member thereof.No person,other than the council and the person
having the floor,shall be permitted to enter into any discussion,either directly or through a member of the council,without the
permission of the presiding officer. No question shall be asked a council member except through the presiding officer.
Sec.2-64. Persons authorized to be within rail
• No person,except city officials or their representatives shall be permitted within the rail in front of the council chamber without
the express consent of the council.
" 'c 1M
for July 26,2021 Au usta
g Jl
South Curojinuls Riverfront
• Utility Updates
8/2 Cycle 1 Due Date
8/4 and 8/5 Cycle 2 Disconnect
• Utility staff will be inspecting water distribution system valves from July 28 through October 31,
• Utility staff will be conducting smoke testing of the wastewater pipe system in the Downtown
area from August 2—August 20, 2021. Staff will deliver notices to customers within the test
area.Smoke testing is a method used to locate defective pipes that may allow ground or surface
water to enter into the collection.
• On Wednesday July 28, 2021, Property Maintenance will be spraying for mosquitos in the
Hammond Hill&Rapids Subdivisions.
• A Board of Zoning Appeals meeting is scheduled for Thursday,August 5, 2021.
• The Department of Public Safety will receive a Police Bike donation from Pedego Electric Bikes of
Aiken at the City Council meeting on August 2.
• Graduation for firefighters is scheduled for August 6 at Aiken City Public Safety.
• H.3094 Open Carry with Training Act goes into effect on August 16.
• Station#1 update...delivery of steel has been delayed 3 weeks.
• Nike Peach Jam recap: Big thank you to First Baptist Church and True North Church for supplying
over 250 volunteers to provide hospitality to the players, coaches, NCAA coaches, and staff over
13 days.Their efforts go a long way in making North Augusta the favorite stop on the tournament
schedule. Great job by our PRT staff working long hours and maintaining that customer service
positive attitude. Staff will be working this week to gather economic impact data from our North
Augusta businesses.Augusta Sports Council and CVB will be working on data for the CSRA.
• Rapids HOA Sidewalk
City crews have installed approximately 1000'of sidewalk, leaving 550'to do. Work continues
this week.
• West& Buena Vista Brick Paver Repair
Several of the brick pavers on the southeast corner have become displaced, resulting in tripping
hazard. The bricks will be re-set this week.
• 1435 Brookgreen Ave Sinkhole
A sinkhole has developed in the roadway over a storm pipe on Brookgreen Avenue. Crews will
be excavating around a storm structure to repair that problem.
• Knobcone Curb
Streets & Drains will be removing and replacing a section of curb on Knobcone Ave this week.
The work will require a temporary road closure and detour, and intermittent lane closures
throughout construction (2-3 days). This work is being done to partially address the drainage
problem at that intersection which causes recurrent potholes. This work will not solve the
problem, but is just the first step towards a permanent solution.
• Detention Pond Maintenance
Crews will be performing detention pond maintenance in Gregory Landing, Woodiawn Place,
and Hidden Hills. This work includes activities such as mowing, line trimming, removal of
trees/vegetation/sediment, and chemical herbicide application. Residents may hear mowing or
construction equipment and chainsaws,and may experience odors associated with the
• herbicide treatment.
• 907 Fairway Avenue Drainage Ditch
Crews will be repairing an eroded drainage ditch in rear of properties between Fairway&
Crestview Avenues.
Environmental Systems Operator IV—
Water Production
Grade: 15
Salary/Pay Rate: $21.78/hour
Closing Date: 08/16/2021
Environmental Systems Operator Trainee-
Water Production
Grade: 7
Closing Date:08/16/2021
Public Safety
Grade: UN
• Salary/Pay Rate: $9.43/hour
Closing Date: Until Filled
Ground Worker If—
Property Maintenance
Grade: 6
Salary/Pay Rate: $14.03/hour
Closing Date: Until Filled
Public Safety Officer—
Public Safety
Grade: 15
Salary/Pay Rate: $20.38/hour
Closing Date: Until Filled
Utility Worker 1 (2)—
Water/Wastewater Operations
Salary/Pay Rate:$12.30/hour
Closing Date: Until Filled
Code Compliance Officer—
Grade: 15
Salary/Pay Rate: $21.78/hour
Closing Date:08/09/2021
Voluntary Continuing Disclosure
North Augusta Public Facilities Corporation/City of North Augusta Series 2017B
. Voluntary Filing for the Fiscal Quarter Ended June 30, 2021
The following information is being provided by the City of North Augusta,South Carolina(the "City")as a voluntary
disclosure and not as a disclosure required by any continuing disclosure undertaking made pursuant to the obligations of SEC
Rule 15c2-12 (the "Rule"). Furthermore, this filing is not made in connection with a purchase or sale of securities and
accordingly is not intended to contain all information material to a decision to purchase or sell obligations of the City or the
North Augusta Public Facilities Corporation(the "Corporation"). In providing this notice, neither the City nor the Corporation
makes any representation with respect to the materiality of the information herein to any investor. This filing speaks only as of
its date and neither the City nor the Corporation is under any obligation to update or provide future voluntary filings except to
the extent the information contained herein is also provided in accordance with a disclosure undertaking pursuant to the Rule.
Assessed Value of Taxable Property
The assessed value of all taxable real and personal property in the City for each of the last five years available is set
forth in the following table:
Assessed Value of Taxable Property
Fiscal Year Ended Tax Personal
December31 Year Real Property Properryllj Total
2020 2019 $ 111,102,458 $ 33,204,209 $ 144,306,667
2019 2018 83,448,499 31,654,277 115,102,776
• 2018 2017 82,341,248 27,375,296 109,716,544
2017 2016 79,819,959 26,336,665 106,156,624
2016 2015 73,065,987 21,623,421 94,689,408
M Due to a law passed in 1980 by the S.C.General Assembly that provided for
the billing and collection of personal property taxes on motorvehicles on a
staggered basis according to expiration of the license tag,the City uses
different tax years for real and personal property taxes.
Tax Rates
• The millage imposed in the City in each of the last five tax years is set forth below:
Tax Rates
Fiscal Year Ended Tax Operating Debt Service Total City
December3l Yeari'i Millage Millage Millage
2021 2020 73.50 - 73.50
2020 2019 73.50 - 73.50
2019 2018 73.50 - 73.50
2018 2017 73.50 - 73.50
2017 2016 70.50 - 70.50
Due to a law passed in 1980 by the S.C.General Assembly that provided
for the billing and collection of personal property taxes on motor vehicles
on a staggered basis according to expiration of the license tag,the City
uses different tax years for real and personal property taxes.
City General Fund Budget
The original General Fund Budget for the fiscal year ending December 31, 2021 was adopted on November 2, 2020 by
City Council and is shown in the following table:
Annual General Fund Budget for Fiscal Year Ending 12/31/21
• Revenues
Ad valorem property taxes $ 7,854,050
Licenses and Permits 6,211,481
Fines and forfeitures 1,120,000
Charges for services 1,105,915
Intergovernmental 741,758
Miscellaneous 863,222
Transfers 1,366,672
Total Revenues $ 19,263,098
General Government $ 6,013,563
Public Safety 8,844,049
Public Works 1,645,806
Parks, Recreation and Tourism 2,759,680
Total Expenditures $ 19,263,098
Ten Largest Taxpayers in the City
The ten largest taxpayers in the City,the assessed value for the fiscal year ended December 31, 2020 of the taxable
�operty of each located within the City, and the amount of 2019 taxes paid to the City are as follows:
Ten Largest Taxpayers in the City 12/31/Z020
Taxpayer Assessed Value Taxes Paid
Ackerman Greenstone North Augusta $ 4,994,433 $ 366,356
S.C. Electric&Gas Co. 3,357,060 246,744
Allnex Industries, Inc. 2,689,303 197,664
Wal-Mart, Inc. 2,639,986 194,039
Graybul Ironwood LLC 1,493,040 109,738
SUS03 Augusta, LP 1,126,870 82,825
SRP Federal Credit Union 1,060,910 77,977
Halocarbon Chemicals, Inc. 1,018,980 74,895
CVS SC Distribution, Inc. 777,250 57,128
NHC Healthcare 711,050 52,262
Tax Collection Record of the City
The following table shows the amount of taxes levied for City purposes, including additions and abatements,taxes
collected as of December 31 of the year following the year in which the levy was made,and the amount of delinquent taxes
collected in the City for the fiscal years shown:
Tax Collection Record of the City
Collected within the Fiscal
Year of the Levy Total Collections to Date
Fiscal Year Ended Taxes Levied Percentage Collections in Percentage
December 31 Tax Year(" for Fiscal Year Amount of Levy Subsequent Years Amount of Lev
2020 2019 $ 10,606,540 $ 9,655,624 91.03% $ - $ 9,655,624 91.03%
2019 2018 8,460,054 8,404,331 99.34% 3,141 8,407,472 99.38%
2018 2017 8,064,166 8,018,222 99.43% 15,343 8,033,565 99.620%
2017 2016 7,484,042 7,446,013 99.49% 8,698 7,454,711 99.61%
2016 2015 7,026,901 6,992,988 99.52% 10,741 7,003,729 99.67%
I'I Due to a law passed in 1980 by the S.C. General Assembly that provided for the billing and collection of personal property
taxes on motor vehicles on a staggered basis according to expiration of the license tag,the City uses different tax years for
real and personal propertytaxes.
outstanding Indebtedness
Outstanding Indebtedness 12/31/2020
General Obligation Debt $
Tax Increment Debt 43,271,000 Includes Series 2017A Bonds *see note below
Outstanding Installment Purchase Revenue
Bonds 68,800,000 Series 2017E Bonds *see note below
Outstanding lease Purchase Obligations
2021 1,012,753
2022 836,339
2023 619,866
2024 349,232
Subtotal 2,818,190
Interest (118,386)
Present Value of minimum lease payments 2,699,804
Revenue Debt
Water and Wastewater Bonds,Series 2014A 9,707,341 Matures February 1, 2035**see note below
Water and Wastewater Bonds,Series 2015A 8,394,490 Matures December 1, 2036**see note below
*The North Augusta Public Facilities Corporation purchased the City's 2017A TIF Obligation ($43,246,000 outstanding as of
12/31/2020) pursuant to which the City makes semi-annual payments to the Corporation from TIF Revenues.These payments
are assigned to the Trustee for the Series 2017E Bonds and provide a credit against installment payments due in each year.
The City's legal debt margin as of 12/31/2020 equaled$11,544,533.
�**On 4/21/2021 the City refunded Series 2014A and 2015A bonds with the issuance of Waterworks and Sewer System
evenue Refunding Bond,Series 2021 with a par amount of$17,689,000.
Identified Sources of Installment Payments
General Obligation Bonds The City is authorized by the State Constitution to incur general obligation indebtedness
without voter approval in an amount not exceeding eight percent of the assessed value of all taxable property in the City for
any corporate purpose of the municipality.As of 6/30/21 the City's entire eight percent capacity is available.
On November 6, 2018,a favorable bond referendum was held in the City of North Augusta authorizing the City to issue
not exceeding$10,250,000 of general obligation bonds as part of a favorable Capital Projects Sales Tax referendum. These
bonds were issued in 2020 to construct and equip a public safety headquarters and bond payments will be made from
revenues collected from the capital projects sales tax.
General Obligation Bonds
Fiscal Year Amount
2021"' $10,250,000
2020 10,250,000
Local Hospitality Taxes City Council, pursuant to the Local Hospitality Tax Act and the Hospitality Tax Ordinance,
established a uniform hospitality tax,which imposed,effective December 1, 1998, a one percent (1%)tax on the sales of
0a epared meals and beverages, including alcoholic beverages, beer and wine,at businesses within the City. Effective
ecember 1, 2017,the hospitality tax rate was raised to the maximum of two percent (2%)with collections beginning in
nuary 2018. The reduced collections in 2020 are related to the outbreak of the 2019 Novel Coronavirus Disease("COVID-
Local Hospitality Taxes
Increase in
City Collections
Hospitality over Prior
Fiscal Year Taxes Fiscal Yea,
20211st&2nd Qtr III $1,053,119 N/A
2020 1,692,819 -5.33%
2019 1,788,174 11.13
2018 1,609,103 118.67
2017 735,845 3.18
2016 713,152 7.27
2015 664,804 9.68
2014 606,121 5.86
Local Accommodations Taxes City Council, pursuant to the Local Accommodations Tax Act and the Accommodations
Oax Ordinance established a local accommodations tax,which imposed, effective December 1, 1998, a three percent(3%)tax
n furnishing of accommodations to transients within the City. The reduced collections in 2020 are related to the outbreak of
Local Accommodations Taxes
(Decrease) in
City Collections
Accommodations over Prior
Fiscal Year Taxes Fiscal Year
20211st&2nd Qtr(I) $ 116,573 N/A
2020 137,752 -39.86%
2019 229,047 109.96
2018 109,092 98.70
2017 54,904 7.86
2016 50,904 3.68
2015 49,099 (11.39)
2014 55,410 9.88
Tax Increment Revenues The TIF Act authorizes municipalities to incur indebtedness for the purpose of redevelopment
in areas which are or which are threatened to become blighted and to fund the debt service of such indebtedness from the
dditional tax revenues which result from such redevelopment. Under the TIF Act, all property taxes of all taxing jurisdictions
posed and collected within the Redevelopment Project Area in excess of the amount attributable to the "total initial
equalized assessed value"of all taxable real property in the Redevelopment Project Area shall be paid to the municipality
which shall deposit the taxes into a special tax allocation fund for the purpose of paying redevelopment project costs and
discharging the obligations incurred in the payment of such costs. Certain portions of the taxes deposited to or otherwise
subject to deposit to the special tax allocation fund are disbursed to overlapping taxing entities in accordance with agreements
between the City and political subdivisions pursuant to which they agreed to participate in the TIF on a modified basis.As of
6/30/21,$2,027.51 has been disbursed to overlapping taxing entities.The Tax Increment Revenues table below includes
special assessments billed and collected on the City's property tax bills. The special assessments are further defined in the MID
Assessments section following.
Tax Increment Revenues
Fiscal Year City TIF Revenues %Growth
20211st&2nd Qtr III $ 3,769,283 N/A
2020 1,716,832 113%
2019 804,992 7
2018 751,052 22
2017 613,831 19
2016 516,829 14
2015 453,983 9
• 2014 417,373 N/A
MID Assessments The municipal improvement district(MID District) consists of certain parcels owned by the private
developers within the TIF District where private improvements will be constructed. The City has imposed a special assessment
on the parcels in the MID District owned by the private developers. The special assessment has been set on an annual basis at
an amount equal to an estimate of the TIF revenues that will result from the private improvement specified in the Master
Development Agreement. 2020 was the first year the special assessments were billed and payable. These assessments are
due to the City no later than May 1 in the year the special assessments are billed to avoid penalty.As of the date of this report,
all outstanding taxes,special assessments, penalties and interest,as applicable, have been collected on all parcels in the MID
MID Assessments
Fiscal Year Ended MID MID
December3l Tax Year Assessments Receipts
20211st&2nd Qtrl'I 2020 $ 777,779 $ 1,547,627
2020 2019 1,183,327 413,479
Parking Revenues Parking revenues are received from certain parking facilities owned or operated by the City
�cluding the Medac Deck, Hotel Deck and various lots owned by the City. Revenues received are netted against expenditures
ncurred for operations and maintenance of the parking facilities. The reduced collections in 2020 are related to the outbreak
of COVID-19.
Parking Revenues
Net %
Fiscal Year Amount Growth
20211st&2nd Qtr Ill $ 36,012 N/A
2020 40,380 -69%
2019 128,499 18
2018 108,985 N/A
Stadium Revenues Stadium revenues are received from Greenlackets Baseball for performance license fees, retail
space rent,corporate naming rights,and stadium rent. The Greenlackets Baseball 2020 season was canceled on June 30, 2020
along with all Minor League Baseball teams. Admissions tax payments are received from the South Carolina Department of
Revenue (SCDOR).
Stadium Revenues
• Performance Corporate
Admissions License Fees Retail Space Naming
Fiscal Year Tax(5) (2) Rent(3) Rights(4) Rent(3) Total
20211st&2nd Qtr Ill $ 584 $ 4,286 $ 100,000 $ - $ 250,000 $354,870
2020 12,696 74,894 100,000 100,000 250,000 537,590
2019 71,244 64,884 100,000 100,000 250,000 586,128
2018 18,336 - 100,000 100,000 250,000 468,336
Ul Revenue stream due 1/31/xx of each year for the prior calendar year
(3)Revenue stream due 4/1/xx of each year
(4( Revenue stream due 12/31/xx of each year
(s) Payments received throughout the year from SCDOR
Please refer to the City of North Augusta's Comprehensive Annual Financial Report for additional information about the City.