071921 Council Mtg Discussion Items North Augusta South Carolina'S Riverfront DISCUSSION ITEMS FOR JULY 19, 2021 CITY COUNCIL MEETING The documentation provided herewith consists of advance draft materials for review by Mayor and City Council. Such documents may be revised prior to the actual Council meeting before any formal consideration of some by Mayor and City Council. Said documents may also be revised by way of a proper amendment made at the Council meeting. These documents are informational only and not intended to represent the final decision of the Council. DepartmentAdministration North Augusta South Caroluxr:5 Riverfront Interoffice Memorandum TO: Mayor and City Council FROM: Jim Clifford,City Administrator DATE: July 16,2021 SUBJECT: Regular City Council Meeting of July 19,2021 REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING ITEM S. PERSONNEL: Employee of the Quarter-April,May,June 2021 - Bill Fakes and Lamar Harvey The City of North Augusta Employee Recognition Committee would like t0 recognize the employees of the quarter for April, May, June 2021, Bill Fokes, Heavy Equipment Operator and Lamar Harvey, Foreman, with the Stormwater management Division of the Engineering and Public Works Department. Lamar Harvey started his employment with the City of North Augusta on August 4, 1999 as a Heavy Equipment Operator for Streets & Drains. He was promoted to Traffic Signal Technician in November 2010, transferred to Vehicle Operator III in January 2020, and promoted to Stormwater Management Foreman on July 22, 2020. Bill Fakes began his employment with the City of North Augusta on May 23, 2012 as PT Grounds Worker 11 for the Property Maintenance Department. He was promoted to full time Grounds Worker II in January 2013, transferred to Vehicle Operator I for Stormwater Management in June of 2016, and promoted to Heavy Equipment Operator I in February of 2020. Bill Fakes and Lamar Harvey with the Stormwater Management Division are doing excellent work within the city to inspect, maintain and map our storm systems. They report to duty every day with a "can do" attitude and ready to tackle whatever jobs that they are assigned or discover. Storm drain cleaning is their main activity along with the new electronic tracking of our system. Every day they are out in the streets mapping or solving blockage or other problems to keep water flowing correctly without taking pollutants with it to the streams and river. Tuesday, June 1, they were doing just that when they noticed a resident on the ground along the Greeneway near the amphitheater.They immediately went to the aid of the resident who had fallen and had injuries. The resident was a long way from home and her injuries would have prevented her from making it home on her own.The resident was beyond grateful for their kindness and called it"a God given charitable spirit." The City of North Augusta is appreciative of our employees working every day in all types of conditions, but it is especially nice to see that they are also paying attention to the surrounding areas and residents within their eyesight. When someone was in need,as in this case,they quickly responded to assist. Both Lamar and Bill deserve to be noticed this quarter for their work and for their gallantry in making sure a citizen alone and in need,was quickly assisted. North Augusta is blessed to have people like Bill and Lamar representing the City. Lamar Harvey recently retired from the National Guard and has had several tours of duty in Iraq,returning from his last tour this time last year to take the foreman position in the Stormwater Department. He has spent his entire career in public service both with the military as a retiree now and also 22 years with the city. Bill Fakes has spent most of his career in Public Service as well working in the state of Florida as a building inspector for many years and now for the past 9 years with the city. They are a blessing for sure and proving their worth on the staff in the Stormwater department. Bill Fokes and Lamar Harvey are a tremendous asset to the Engineering and Public Works Department and the City of North Augusta workforce. Congratulations to Bill Fakes and Lamar Harvey, our employees of the second quarter of 2021. We have a plaque for you and monetary prize of$50. ITEM 6. PROCLAMATION: Parks and Recreation Month—July 2021 Mayor Williams will recognize July 2021 as Parks and Recreation Month in the City. PARKS AND RECREATION MONTH WHEREAS, parks and recreation programs are on integral part of communities throughout this country, including North Augusta,South Carolina;and WHEREAS, our parks and recreation are vitally important to establishing and maintaining the quality of life in our communities, ensuring the health of all citizens, and contributing to the economic and environmental well-being of a community and region;and WHEREAS, parks and recreation programs build healthy, active communities that aid in the prevention of chronic disease, provide therapeutic recreation services for those who are mentally or physically disabled, and also improve the mental and emotional health of all citizens;and WHEREAS, parks and recreation programs increase a community's economic prosperity through increased property values,expansion of the local tax base,increased tourism, the attraction and retention of businesses, and crime reduction;and WHEREAS, parks and natural recreation areas improve water quality, protect groundwater, prevent flooding, improve the quality of the air we breathe, provide vegetative buffers to development, and produce habitat for wildlife;and WHEREAS, our parks and natural recreation areas ensure the ecological beauty of our community and provide a place for children and adults to connect with nature and recreate outdoors,and WHEREAS, the City of North Augusta recognizes the benefits derived from parks and recreation resources NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY the Mayor and City Council of the City of North Augusta, South Carolina that July 2021 is recognized as Park and Recreation Month in the city of North Augusta. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and caused the seal of the City of North Augusta, South Carolina, to be affixed this 19th day of July, 2021. ITEM 7. FINANCE: Resolution No. 2021-30 — Authorizing the Receipt of the Coronavirus Local Recovery Fund Allocation from the State of South Carolina as Appropriated by the American Rescue Plan Act of 2021 A resolution has been prepared for Council's consideration authorizing the receipt of the Coronavirus Local Recovery Fund from the State of South Carolina as appropriated by the American Rescue Plan Act of 2021. Please see ATTACHMENT#7 for a copy of the proposed resolution. ITEM 8. FINANCE: Resolution No. 2021-31—A Resolution Approving a Reprioritized Project and Funding List for Capital Project Sales Tax IV(CPST IV) A resolution has been prepared for Council's consideration to approve a reprioritized project and funding list for Capital Project Sales Tax IV. Please see ATTACHMENT#8 for a copy of the proposed resolution and Exhibit A. ITEM 9. BOARDS AND COMMISSIONS: Stadium Advisory Board—Appointments by the Mayor (Reccipi ofinfortnalion by Council) The Mayor wishes to appoint the following individuals to the Stadium Advisory Board: Jim Clifford, City Administrator David McGhee,City Council Member Tom Zeaser, Director of Engineering and Public Works As defined in the stadium license agreement the role of the advisory board is to maintain vigilant and cost effective management of the public-private partnership for the operations to the stadium and approve capital expenditures funded by the major capital maintenance fund. Two additional members will be appointed by GreenJackets Baseball LLC. Cammie Hayes, Chief Financial Officer, will serve as Staff Liaison for financial management of the major capital maintenance fund and procurement matters related to stadium expenditures. Please see ATTACHMENT#9 for a copy of the Mayor's letter to the Green Jackets Baseball LLC. ITEM 10. CITY PROPERTY: Ordinance No. 2021-08— Granting Easements across City Property Located on Georgia and Carolina Avenues to Adjoining Property Owners Who Rely Upon Such Easements to Provide Access to Their Properties; Ordinance—First Reading An ordinance has been prepared for Council's consideration on first reading granting easements across City property on Georgia and Carolina Avenues to adjoining property owners who rely upon such easements to provide access to their properties Please see ATTACHMENT#10 for a copy of the proposed ordinance and supporting documents ATTACHMENT#7 RESOLUTION NO. 2021-30 AUTHORIZING RECEIPT OF THE CORONAVIRUS LOCAL FISCAL RECOVERY FUND ALLOCATION FROM THE STATE OF SOUTH CAROLINA AS APPROPRIATED BY THE AMERICAN RESCUE PLAN ACT OF 2021 WHEREAS, the American Rescue Plan Act of 2021 (ARPA) appropriated funding to States for distribution to non-entitlement units of local government (NEUs);and WHEREAS, the City of North Augusta is a NEU as defined by APRA and is allocated $11,871,089.22 per final allocations released by the U.S. Department of Treasury; and WHEREAS, funding will be distributed in two tranches to the City by the State upon request and receipt of the State's payment from the U.S. Department of Treasury; and WHEREAS, Fund 35, American Rescue Plan Fund, is to be established for receipt of the City's allocation as well as expenditures as appropriated by City Council in accordance with guidance adopted by the U.S. Department of Treasury. NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED by the Mayor and City Council for the City of North Augusta in meeting duly assembled and by the authority thereof that the City of North Augusta will receive an allocation of Coronavirus Local Fiscal Recovery Funds from the State and will designate such allocation for expenditures in accordance with guidance as adopted by the U.S. Department of Treasury by the American Rescue Plan Act of 2021. DONE, RATIFIED AND ADOPTED BY THE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF NORTH AUGUSTA, SOUTH CAROLINA, ON THIS DAY OF JULY, 2021. Briton Williams, Mayor ATTEST: Sharon Lamar, City Clerk R_ESOL_UT1ON NO. 2021-31 ATTACHMENT#8 A RESOLUTION APPROVING A REPRIORITIZED PROJECT AND FUNDING LIST FOR CAPITAL PROJECT SALES TAX IV (CPST IV) WHEREAS,a referendum on the reimposition of the Capital Project Sales Tax in Aiken County was held on November 6, 2018 and resulted in the voters' approval of the ballot on reimposition of the tax and the Aiken County Council declared the results of the Referendum in Resolution Number 18-1 1-178 approved by Council on November 14, 2018; WHEREAS, the City of North Augusta included 19 projects totaling $30,700,000 in funding in the referendum which were approved by voters; WHEREAS, the City of North Augusta has elected to reprioritize certain projects in order of performance and reallocated funding among certain projects; WHEREAS, the City of North Augusta City Council is required to approve all reprioritization of projects and funding and submit reprioritized project list to Aiken County; and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the City of North Augusta projects and funding allocations are hereby prioritized as listed on the attached Exhibit A; BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the City of North Augusta shall submit this reprioritized capital project and funding list to the Aiken County. DONE, RATIFIED, AND ADOPTED BY THE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF NORTH AUGUSTA, SOUTH CAROLINA, ON THIS DAY OF JULY 2021. Briton S. Williams, Mayor ATTEST: Sharon Lamar, City Clerk EXHIBIT A CAPITAL PROJECTS SALES TAX IV PROJECTS Funding Initial Project Revised Prolacl AllocallonPer Funding Allocation Revised Funding Pdorlty Piwrity Referendum Changes Allocation 1 1 Headquarters Development 10500,000 600,000 11.100.000 2 3 Software and Technology Enhancements for aCitizen Information Portal,Record Keeping A S7S,000 575,000 Storage,Transaction Processing,Accounting and Financial Reporting 3 4 Gateways and Wayfinding Enhancements(Highway 1 et Martintown Road.East Burma Vista 1,250,00C /.250,000 Highway 1,Edgelield Road @ Georgia Avenue,1.20 @ Martintown Road) 4 5 Activities Center Improvements(walking track,workout room,chillers and boilers,IT connectivity) 700,000 700,000 S 6 Park Improvements(ballpark,fields and street lighting,Creighton Park playground equipment) 1.500.000 1,50,000 6 7 Community Center Upgrades(roof,lighting,flooring.AV equipment,paving) 250.000 150,000 7 8 Greeneway Maintenance and Connectivity 65D,000 650,000 8 9 Stormwater Infrastructure Improvements(see luting) 1.500,000 1,500,000 9 10 Downtown Gaeeneway Connector 900,G00 900.000 10 11 Street Resurfacing Program',see listingl 1,450.000 1E50,000 11 2(b( Road Reconstruction Program(see listing) 3,000,000 - 3,000,000 12 12 Wastewater Infrastructure improvements(see listing) 3,500.000 3.500,000 13 13 Safety and Security Improvements for the Municipal Building 425,000 425.000 14 14 Finance Department Lobby Improvements for Citizen Trensaclbns 100,000 - 100.000 15 15 Downtown Pedestrian and Vehicular Traffic and Safety Enhancements(sienage,medians,sidewalks) 300,000 - 300.D00 16 16 Georgia Avenue Undergrounding Utilities 700,O00 700,D00 17 17 Fire Apparatus 1,000,000 (600,000) lai 400.000 18 18 Martintown Road at US 1 Interchange Design and Improvements 2.000.000 2.000,00D 19 19 New Savannah Bluff Lock g Dam 500•000 500O00 S 30,700,000 S - S 1017001= ;Ai Amendment 1 Resolution 2020-09 Ibi,Amendment 2 Resolution 2021-ra ATTACHMENT#9 Nortl�i �� til 1 I•I n,I,Ifx'I.IN„l.Nlll Augusta .nll ,ll Cl.l. South Carolina's muerfront City of North Augusta July 15, 2021 Green Jackets Baseball, LLC ATTN: Jeff Eiseman 187 Railroad Avenue North Augusta, South Carolina 29841 email address:jeisemarrggreenjacketsbaseball.com RE: Stadium License Agreement between Green Jackets Baseball, LLC and the City of North Augusta. South Carolina. Article XXIII — Board of Advisors Dear Jeff: As you are aware,the Stadium License Agreement established a Board of Advisors in Article XXI11. Such Article provides that the stadium and its operations shall be overseen by such board. Pursuant to the terms of the License Agreement, the Mayor of the City is to appoint three (3) representatives with the Licensee/Green Jackets Baseball, LLC appointing two(2) representatives. Although, this board has not previously specifically organized and met, it is established by the Agreement and I believe that it is appropriate that we move forward with naming the Board of Advisors and formally establishing this Board. The appointees by the City are as follows: I. Jim ClitTord,City Administrator 2. David McGhee, City Council Member 3. Tom Zeaser, Director of Engineering and Public Works I would request that Green Jackets Baseball, LLC move forward with making its appointments to this board. If you could provide me with that information, 1 will forward it to Jim Clifford who would then be able to contact all of the parties and hopefully schedule an Organizational Meeting shortly. In the event that you would desire to discuss any of this with me, please give me a call at your convenience. Sincerely, Briton S. Williams Mayor, City of North Augusta Cc: Mr. Christian B. Schoen 3820 Northside Drive Atlanta, Georgia 30305 eschoen@greenstone-properties.com .vlroblsl�IMW PanWInR•bcw•IgMIMnI 4bRY1nNIRL Wilk xbtlu 1411NINIR vrmtlun4v PNantc Ynikn.Prrmall[xl INnuln Ocxxm'ep MIA,11111Yk. ,' W11111 i_NIl I951,' W,l.Hl i22 1 1 W\{y1.A'£+:1 IXIM'1•W)L. 1422l f11&1- 21. 4ThY[Lvn IIIIY WCI+II IMIi IMIY[ WCl.iil 11J11 WMI lAl r_I lilt W[I HI 41W1 [RIYI M[I{il iMC: I'.\ W[I.iil 4112, 4•IC W11.411'j A 1.., W[1 H14I'll ORDINANCE NO. 2021-08 ATTACHMENT q10 GRANTING EASEMENTS ACROSS CITY PROPERTY LOCATED ON GEORGIA AND CAROLINA AVENUES TO ADJOINING PROPERTY OWNERS WHO RELY UPON SUCH EASEMENTS TO PROVIDE ACCESS TO THEIR PROPERTIES. WHEREAS,originally what is now known as Calhoun Park was a Square bordered by West Forest Avenue on the North and Jackson Avenue on the South with residential properties on the East and West; and WHEREAS, with the construction of Georgia Avenue and Carolina Avenue, what was previously a Square known as Calhoun Place was divided into three(3) parcels; and WHEREAS, the parcel between Georgia and Carolina Avenue became known as Calhoun Park and the remaining parcels on each side of Georgia and Carolina Avenue that were originally a part of Calhoun Place are unnamed but are properties that are titled to the City; and WHEREAS, the adjoining properties on Carolina and Georgia Avenue have always utilized these parcels to have ingress and egress to their property; and WHEREAS, it is common that when real estate is being purchased or mortgaged, that a requirement is that ingress and egress access be confirmed; and WHEREAS,currently there are five(5)properties, four(4)on the Georgia Avenue side and one(1)on the Carolina Avenue side that require an ingress and egress easement across the City Property to verify and confirm that there is access to either Georgia Avenue or Carolina Avenue; and WHEREAS, the Mayor and City Council have determined that it is appropriate to formally confirm and grant ingress and egress easements across City Property to the parcels in question. NOW,THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED by the Mayor and City Council of the City of North Augusta, South Carolina, in meeting duly assembled and by the authority thereof, that: I. Parcel No. 007-10-07-001 known as 708 Carolina Avenue is hereby granted the right of ingress and egress across the property belonging to the City known as Tax Map and Parcel No. 007-10-09-002 in accordance with the Exhibit attached hereto marked Exhibit A and incorporated by reference. 2. That Parcel No. 007-10-07-001; 715 Georgia Avenue; Parcel No. 007-10-07-006; 713 Georgia Avenue; Parcel No. 007-10-07-005 711 Georgia Avenue and Parcel No. 007- 10-07-004 709 Georgia Avenue are specifically granted ingress and egress to Georgia Avenue across property belonging to the City known as Tax Map and Parcel No. 007- 10-07-007, in accordance with the attachment hereto marked Exhibit "B" and incorporated by reference. 3. That the walkway.sidewalk in front of 715 Georgia Avenue across the City's property is also granted an easement. 4. All easements granted are non-exclusive but shall be considered appurtenant to the properties indemnified. 5. That the City Administrator is specifically authorized to execute any further deeds or documents necessary to carryout the intent of this Ordinance. 6. This Ordinance shall become effective immediately upon its adoption on the second and final reading. 7. All Ordinances or parts of Ordinances in conflict herewith are to the extent of such conflict hereby repealed. DONE, RATIFIED AND ADOPTED BY THE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF NORTH AUGUSTA, SOUTH CAROLINA, ON THIS _ DAY OF , 2021. First Reading: Second Reading: BRITON S.WILLIAMS,MAYOR ATTEST: SHARON LAMAR,CITY CLERK ATTACHMENT#10 .wv . • k �T ' � M, h } N �� {�5• � � S�� `i �� `y, ��^� y � , •III s • ,A • .:« Y �' �v,:. it 4� r�=1�^. E FQrestA�a w At- Nil e,a ^ 1 f 3J G r enL !1 x K' t I� 1, 1 1777777 North Augusta. South Carolinas Riuerjront r •fix 1�-_ -- -�. . :: fN Forest Ave E Forest Ave YJ� r � � v wR�'E fp.rOF k _,. •' ' q t} Jackson lc�ye�� r* E.� ' 1 �a1 N North AugJ 1sta� Proposed Easements South Carolina's Riuerfront ®`