RES 2021-23 Adopted RESOLUTION NO.2021-23 ESTABLISHING AND AGREEING TO PARTICIPATE IN THE LOWER SAVANNAH REGIONAL HOME CONSORTIUM WHEREAS, the Congress of the United States has enacted the Cranston-Gonzales National Affordable Housing Act of 1990 (hereinafter the "Act') which created the HOME Investment Partnerships Program (hereinafter the "HOME" Program) to provide funds to states and local governments for affordable housing assistance with the flexibility to decide what kind of housing assistance or mix of housing assistance is most appropriate for local needs; and WHEREAS,the City of North Augusta, South Carolina has affordable housing needs;and WHEREAS, the City of North Augusta, South Carolina desires to increase affordable housing opportunities for its present and future residents,particularly for very low-income persons; and WHEREAS,the City of North Augusta, South Carolina desires to enter into affordable housing development activities which are directed toward the above general purposes, and for those reasons, wishes to seek such federal funding as may be available to it pursuant to the Act; and WHEREAS, the City of North Augusta, South Carolina desires to enter into the affordable housing activities and has determined that joint action with other units of local governments that choose to participate in accordance with the"Inter-Governmental Agreement Establishing the Lower Savannah Regional HOME Consortium"the terms of which are incorporated by reference and such relevant HUD regulations and requirements as may now or hereafter be in effect would benefit the City of North Augusta, South Carolina; and BE IT FUTHER RESOLVED that City Administrator, James S. Clifford, of the City of North Augusta, South Carolina is hereby authorized to sign the"Inter-Govemmental Agreement Establishing the Lower Savannah Regional HOME Consortium FY 2021-2024" on behalf of the City of North Augusta, South Carolina as well as other documents necessary to form the Consortium and to carry out and fulfill its purposes for FY 2021-2024. DONE, RATIFIED AND ADOPTED BY THE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF NORTH AUGUSTA, SOUTH CAROLINA, ON THIS Rlr* DAY OF JUNE, 2021. B n S. Williams,Mayor ATTEST: V,441im Sharon Lamar, City Clerk Scanned to Laserfiche Date: By: Repos it0 12-E 20� I D LSRHC FY 21-24 Renewal Authorization Municipality/County name: L';6£ Nor�ush _/Will remain a member in the Consortium Opts out of Consortium membership Resp ctfully Submitted, Ames S. CG-rford C1. y Administrah�r