061421 Study Session Memo with Attachment North -`( Augusta\ South Carolina's Riuerfront CITY COUNCIL STUDY SESSION MEMO JUNE 1452021 Administration Department North "--* Au usta g South Carolina's Muerjront Interoffice Memorandum TO: Mayor and City Council FROM: Jim Clifford, City Administrator DATE: June 11, 2021 SUBJECT: Study Session Date of Monday,June 14, 2021 A study session of the North Augusta City Council has been scheduled for Monday. June 14, 2021, at 6:00 p.m. in the Municipal Center, 100 Georgia Avenue, Yd Floor-Council Chambers. The Study Session will be streamed for public viewing online at: • "City of North Augusta—Public Information" on www.Facebook.com • "City of North Augusta Public Information"on www.YouTube.com The following is among the topics for discussion and review: ITEM 1. CITY COUNCIL MEETING: Council will discuss and provide guidance on the proposed items for the June 21,2021 City Council meeting. Please see ATTACHMENT#1 for a copy of the DRAFT items. ITEM 2. DEPARTMENT DETAILS: City department directors and managers will share departmental updates. ITEM 3. MAYOR'S MATTERS: (A) Mayor Williams will share his "Mayor's 100 Day Plan" for the City of North Augusta. (B) FOCUS ITEMS: i. The RECing Crew—Presentation to Council ii. Public Safety Headquarters—Council Update ATTACHMENT#1 North August South Carolina's ftiuetfront DRAFT: CITY OF NORTH AUGUSTA REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING June 21,2021—6:00 p.m.—Municipal Center—100 Georgia Avenue, 3rd Floor-Council Chambers The Power Hour and regular City Council meeting will be streamed for public viewing online at: • "City of North Augusta—Public Information" on www.Facebook.com • "City of North Augusta Public Information" on www.YouTube.com CITIZEN COMMENTS: Citizens may speak to Mayor and City Council on each item listed on this agenda. The Mayor will call for comments prior to Council's discussion. Speakers shall give their name and address in an audible tone of voice for the records. Speaker Forms are provided on the credenza at the entrance to the Council Chambers. Speakers desiring that the minutes indicate that they addressed Council on a specific topic should complete the form. The form will be included as part of the minutes of the meeting. Citizen comments are limited to five minutes. CITIZEN ASSISTANCE:Individuals needing special assistance or sign interpreter to participate in the meeting,please notify the Administration Department 48 hours prior to the meeting. 1. CALL TO ORDER: 2. INVOCATION AND PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE: 3. ROLL CALL: 4. APPROVAL OF MINUTES: Council Meeting Minutes of June 7, 2021 and Study Session Minutes of June 14,2021 5. PERSONNEL: Patrick Yonce,Retirement—Recognition of Service to the City of North Augusta UNFINISHED BUSINESS 6. CITY PROPERTY: Ordinance No. 2021-06—An Ordinance Granting an Easement to Dominion Energy South Carolina, Inc.for Placement of Facilities to Serve Fire Station One; Ordinance—Second Reading 7. CITY CODE: Ordinance No. 2021-07—Amending Section 12-21 of the Code of Ordinances for the City of North Augusta by Establishing Specific Exceptions to Said Section; Ordinance—Second Reading NEW BUSINESS 8. PARKS, RECREATION AND TOURISM: Resolution No. 2021-22—Authorizing Proceeds from the 2021 North Augusta vs. Midland Valley Baseball Game at SRP Park to be used to Purchase New Batting Cage Nets at Riverview Park 9. ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT: Resolution No. 2021-23-Establishing and Agreeing to Participate in the Lower Savannah Regional HOME Consortium 10. PUBLIC SAFETY: Resolution No. 2021-24—Authorizing Receipt of Proceeds from Project Lifesaver of North Augusta and Designating the Proceeds for the Project Lifesaver Program 11. PUBLIC SAFETY: Resolution No.2021-25—A Resolution to Adopt the Update of the Aiken County Multi- Jurisdictional Hazard Mitigation Plan for 2021 12. ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT: Resolution No.2021-26—A Resolution to Commit the City of North Augusta's Participation in a Retail Recruitment Training Program 13. ADMINISTRATION: Resolution No. 2021-27—To Authorize the City to Enter into an Agreement to Become a Host for the Veteran's Local Government Management Fellowship Program 14. ADMINISTRATIVE REPORTS: 15. PRESENTATIONS/COMMUNICATIONS/RECOGNITION OF VISITORS: A. Citizen Comments-At this time, citizens may speak to Mayor and City Council regarding matters not listed on the agenda. Speakers shall give their name and address in an audible tone of voice for the records. Speaker Forms are provided on the credenza at the entrance to the Council Chambers.Speakers desiring that the minutes indicate that they addressed Council on a specific topic should complete the farm. The form will be included as part of the minutes of the meeting. Citizen comments are limited to five minutes. B. Council Comments— 16. ADJOURNMENT North u sS Au a4\05/ South Carolinas RJueJfront Thank you for attending tonight's meeting of the North Augusta City Council. To assure every citizen's privilege to speak to City Council and to maintain proper decorum the following sections of the City's Code of Ordinances are reprinted. Sec.2-57. Order and decorum generally (a) By council members.While the council is in session,the members must preserve order and decorum,and a member shall not,by conversation or otherwise,delay or interrupt the proceedings or the peace of the council,or disturb any member while speaking or refuse to obey the orders of the council or its presiding officer,except as otherwise herein provided. (b) By other persons.Any person making personal,impertinent, or slanderous remarks or who shall become boisterous while addressing the council shall be forthwith,by the presiding officer,barred from further audience before the council,unless permission to continue be granted by a majority vote of the council. Sec.2-58. Sergeant-at-arms The public safety director or such members of the public safety department as the director may designate,shall be sergeant- at-arms of the council meetings.They shall carry out all orders and instructions given by the presiding officer for the purpose of maintaining order and decorum at the council meeting. Upon instructions of the presiding officer,it shall be the duty of the sergeant-at-arms,to place any person who violates the order and decorum of the meeting under arrest,and cause such to be prosecuted under the provisions of this Code,the complaint to be signed by the presiding officer. Sec.2-62. Addressing council--Permission required;exceptions Any person desiring to address the council shall first secure the permission of the presiding officer so to do. Sec.2-63. Same--Procedure Each person addressing the council shall step up in front of the rail,shall give such person's name and address in an audible tone of voice for the records,and unless further time is granted by the council,shall limit the address to five(5)minutes.All remarks shall be addressed to the council as a body and not to any member thereof.No person,other than the council and the person having the floor,shall be permitted to enter into any discussion,either directly or through a member of the council,without the permission of the presiding officer.No question shall be asked a council member except through the presiding officer. Sec.2-64. Persons authorized to be within rail No person,except city officials ortheir representatives shall be permitted within the rail in front of the council chamber without the express consent of the council.