050321 Council Mtg Back-up Materials 00 North AugustaLAT/ South Carolina's Riuerfronr CITY COUNCIL MEETING BACK-UP MATERIALS FOR MAY 312021 r ! r North 1 ~� AUgUSta ti urli r:urr lilt it `6airrh1au Interoffice Memorandum TO: Mayor and City Council FROM: Jim Clifford,City Administrator DATE: April30 2021 SUBJECT: Virtual Regular City Council Meeting of May 3, 2021 VIRTUAL REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING ITEM 5. RETIREMENT: Jackie Hill,Retirement-Recognition of Service to the City of North Augusta On behalf of City Council and City Staff, I would like to congratulate Public Utilities Technician Jackie Hill on his well-deserved retirement and thank him for 30 years of dedicated service. Jackie began his career with the City in 1990 as Utility Worker in the Public Utilities Department. He spent his entire career in the Public Utilities Department where he had provided exemplary technical service and worked with multiple City divisions throughout his tenure. Jack has dedicated his career to serving the citizens of this City as a front line maintenance and construction technician of essential City utility services. Jackie's hard work and dedication to serve is an example we should all strive to follow and will truly be missed by his City family. Our well wishes and thoughts are with Jackie and his family for happiness and good fortune throughout his retirement. Again, congratulations on your well-deserved retirement! ITEM 6. RETIREMENT: Nancy Payne,Retirement—Recognition of Service to the City of North Augusta North Augusta Parks, Recreation, & Tourism Department Supervisor of Facilities and Special Events, Nancy Payne is retiring after 28 years,9 months, and 14 days of service. Nancy was hired in 1992 as special events coordinator and was put in charge of the Jack-O-Lantern Jubilee, the North Augusta July Fourth celebration, spring festivals, all classes such as gymnastics,tap and ballet, crafts, firearm safety, CPR and first aid Nancy was hired in 1992 as special events coordinator and was put in charge of the Jack-O-Lantern Jubilee,the North Augusta July Fourth celebration, spring festivals, all classes such as gymnastics,tap and ballet,crafts, firearm safety, CPR and first aid classes, painting,Christmas and Easter Egg ornaments. kids' exercise classes,yoga, summer playground program and senior citizens activities. Nancy then transitioned to managing the North Augusta Community Center in addition to some of her previous duties.Nancy describes her job as having fun. She has been blessed to meet so many wonderful people in our community in addition to meeting famous people like former Presidents George H. W. Bush and George W. Bush, Senator John McCain,and former South Carolina Governors Carroll Campbell, David Beasley,Mark Sanford and Nikki Haley.Nancy fondly remembers all the guest speakers at the mayor's prayer breakfasts,such as former Georgia head football coach Mark Richt,former Clemson head football coach Ken Hatfield, and former NFL player and college football coach, Bill Curry. Nancy moved over to the brand new Municipal Center in 2009 to manage the Palmetto Terrace Ballroom in addition to her community center responsibilities.Nancy has played host to so many birthday parties, wedding celebrations, high school proms,Masters Parties and retirement parties. If you have lived in North Augusta for long it is almost certain that you have attended a function that Nancy Payne has hosted or catered. She is the ultimate customer service representative for the Parks, Recreation and Tourism Department. Thanks, Nancy, for all you have done to make the city of North Augusta special! ITEM 7. PROCLAMATION: National Travel and Tourism Week NATIONAL TRAVEL & TOURISM WEEK WHEREAS,the Power of Travel has been a consistent driver of North Augusta,South Carolina's economy and workforce;and WHEREAS,a robust travel industryprovides significant economic benefitsfor the nation,generating more than$2.6 trillion in economic output in 2019, with$1.1 trillion spent directly by travelers in the U.S.; and WHEREAS, travel has been the foundation of a healthy workforce, serving as one of the largest private- sector employers in the U.S., supporting 17 million jobs in 2019;and WHEREAS, spending by travelers has aided state and local governments alike,generating S180 billion in tax revenue in 2019 to support essential services and programs; and WHEREAS, travel and tourism-dependent businesses and organizations, 83% of which are small businesses, are responsible for welcoming visitors from all around the world to explore North Augusta, South Carolina and all our country has to offer; and WHEREAS, last year, the coronavirus pandemic devastated every sector of the travel industry with staggering declines in 2020 compared to 2019, affecting every community in the country, including North Augusta, South Carolina; and WHEREAS, the travel industry cannot recover without the full return of leisure and business travel, as well as meetings and events, by both domestic and international visitors, and WHEREAS, the rebound of travel will drive the rebuilding of the U.S. economy and American workforce; and WHEREAS, the Power of Travel will revive North Augusta, South Carolina and the United States and drive us forward to a more prosperous future; and NOW, THEREFORE, I, Mayor Robert Pettit, do hereby proclaim May 2-8, 2021 as National Travel and Tourism Week in North Augusta, South Carolina, and urge the citizens of North Augusta, South Carolina to join me in recognizing the critical role this industry plays in North Augusta, South Carolina. ITEM 8. PUBLIC SAFETY: Resolution No.2021-17—Authorizing a Permit for Construction Work A resolution has been prepared for Council's consideration authorizing a permit for construction work at Fire Station i t 311 W. Martintown Road. Please see ATTACHMENT#8 for a copy of the proposed resolution. ITEM 9. ZONING: Planning Commission Recommendation Memorandum #21-017: Rezoning Application RZM21-001 Highland Springs School; Receipt of Information by Council At the April 15,2021, Planning Commission meeting,the Planning Commission reviewed the rezoning for application RZM21-001 Highland Springs School for parcel 023-05-01-003. The Commission unanimously recommended a P, Public Use, zoning for the parcel. This memorandum is being presented for Council's receipt of information. There will be discussion at a future Study Session before the first reading of the ordinance. Please see ATTACHMENT#9 for a copy of the memorandum,staff report,draft ordinance and Exhibit A. ITEM 10. ELECTION: 2021 Municipal Election—Certification of Official Results,Municipal Election Commission,Council Acceptance—Motion Certification of the following candidates has been received from the Municipal Election Commission. These candidates have been declared elected to the office of Mayor and City Council under provisions of Section 7-13-190 of the South Carolina Code. Receipt of the official results by motion of Mayor and Council is requested. The results are as follows: Briton S. Williams—Mayor Pat Carpenter—Councilmember Jenafer Forward McCauley—Councilmember David McGhee-Councilmember Please see ATTACHMENT#10 for a copy of the letter of certification. ITEM IL CITY COUNCIL: Recognition of Retiring Mayor Robert A.Pettit and Retiring Councilmember Fletcher Dickert Mayor Pro Tempore David McGhee will recognize retiring Mayor Robert A. Pettit and retiring Councilmember Fletcher Dickert. ITEM 12. CITY COUNCIL: Oath of Office—Councilmember Pat Carpenter,Councilmember David McGhee,Councilmember Jenafer McCauley,and Mayor Briton S.Williams The Oath of Office for the newly elected Mayor and City Councilmembers will be administered by Judge Thomas Murphy. Please see ATTACHMENT#12 for a copy of the Oath of Office. ATTACHMENT #8 RESOLUTION NO. 2021-17 AUTHORIZING A PERMIT FOR CONSTRUCTION WORK WHEREAS, the City of North Augusta is in the process of constructing Fire Station 1 at 311 W. Martintown Road ("Project'); and WHEREAS, Sec. 12-21.(c)(9) of the City of North Augusta Code of Ordinances restricts construction work to between the hours of 7:00 a.m. and 6:00 p.m. on weekdays only; and WHEREAS, the Ordinance specifically provides for the Council to grant a permit to work outside of such hours in the case of urgent necessity in the interest of public safety and convenience; and WHEREAS,the City has received a request from its contractor,Clifton Construction, to perform work outside the above hours for the specific purpose of placing and finishing concrete; and WHEREAS, this request is to allow work to begin as early as 3:00 a.m. and continue until 9:00 p.m., on weekdays only, between the dates of May 24 and June 18, 2021; and WHEREAS, Council believes it to be in the best interest of the Project to permit the extended work times as requested. NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Mayor and City Council of the City of North Augusta, South Carolina, in meeting duly assembled and by the authority thereof that, Clifton Construction is permitted to perform construction work at Fire Station 1, between the hours of 3:00 a.m. and 9:00 p.m., between May 24 and June 18, 2021,weekdays only. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED THAT THE City Administrator may extend the dates of this permit, upon request by Clifton Construction, in the event of inclement weather or other unforeseen delay. DONE, RATIFIED AND ADOPTED BY THE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF NORTH AUGUSTA, SOUTH CAROLINA, ON THIS DAY OF 2021. Robert A. Pettit, Mayor ATTEST: Sharon Lamar, City Clerk ATTACHMENT #9 Department of Planning And Development Memorandum # 21-017 City of worth Augusta To: Jim Clifford, City Administrator From: Libby Hodges, Directo '- Subject: Highland Springs School Rezoning Date: April 16, 2021 At the April 15, 2021, Planning Commission meeting, the Planning Commission reviewed the rezoning for application RZM21-001 Highland Springs School for parcel 023-05-01-003. The Commission unanimously recommended a P, Public Use zoning for the parcel. Attached you will find copy of the staff report and attachments for the case. The request is being forwarded for consideration at the next available City Council meeting. Please contact me with any questions. Department of Planning `(-)rill "~ and Development AuusM " � Proiect Staff Report RZM21-001 Highland Springs School Prepared by: Kuleigh Baker Meeting Date:April 15, 2021 SECTION 1: PROJECT SUMMARY Project Name Highland Springs School Applicant Aiken County Public Schools Address/Location Off Belvedere Clearwater and Old Sudlow Lake Road Parcel Number 023-05-01-003 Total Development Size ± 51.2 acres Existing Zoning PD, Planned Development Overlay NA Traffic Impact Tier Tier 3 Proposed Use School Proposed Zoning P, Public Use Future Land Use Mixed Use SECTION 2: PLANNING COMMISSION CONSIDERATION This application is being forwarded to the Planning Commission according to the following sections of the North Augusta Development Code: Rezoning—Any property owner, city board, commission, department or the City Council may apply for a change in zoning district boundaries (rezoning), excluding applications for conditional use districts as set forth in §5.4. An amendment to the Official Zoning Map may be initiated by filing an application that conforms to Appendix B, Application Documents, with the Department. The application shall be signed and filed by the owner or, with the owner's specific written consent, a contract purchaser or owner's agent of property included within the boundaries of a proposed rezoning. Before any application is accepted by the Department, it is recommended that the applicant meet with a representative of the Department.The purpose of the pre-application meeting is to discuss the procedures and requirements for a rezoning request. During the conference, the Department will identify the submittal requirements. 1 Project Staff Report RZM21-001 Highland Springs School Prepared by: Kuleigh Baker Meeting Date:April 15,2021 5.3.5 Decision The Director shall transmit the application to the Planning Commission for consideration at the next regularly scheduled monthly meeting following receipt of a complete application, provided that the complete application is submitted at least thirty(30)calendar days prior to said meeting. Notice of the public hearing shall be provided as set forth in §5.1.3. The Planning Commission shall approve or deny the zoning amendment in accordance with the procedures for a legislative hearing as set forth in § Due to the request for rezoning to P,Public Use,the following criteria for rezoning are required: 3.6.4 P, Public Use District Standards and Review Criteria Review Criteria for Rezoning—In reviewing an application for a proposed P, Public Use District,the Planning Commission and City Council shall consider the following: a. Inter-jurisdictional Analysis—A review to determine the extent to which an interjurisdictional approach may be appropriate, including consideration of possible alternative sites for the facility in other jurisdictions and an analysis of the extent to which the proposed facility is of a citywide, countywide, regional or state-wide nature, and whether uniformity among jurisdictions should be considered. b. Financial Analysis—A review to determine if a negative financial impact upon the City of North Augusta can be reduced or avoided by intergovernmental agreement. c. Special Purpose Districts—When the public facility is being proposed by a special purpose district including a school district,the city should consider the facility in the context of the district's overall plan and the extent to which the plan and facility are consistent with the Comprehensive Plan. d. Measures to Facilitate Siting—The factors that make a particular facility difficult to site should be considered when a facility is proposed, and measures should be taken to facilitate siting of the facility in light of those factors including, but not limited to: 1.The availability of land; 2. Access to the transportation network; 3. Compatibility with neighboring uses; and 4.The impact on the physical environment. Page 2 of 9 Proiect Staff Report RZM21-001 Highland Springs School Prepared by: Kuleigh Baker Meeting Date:April 15,2021 Planning Commission Action Requested: The Planning Commission shall provide a recommendation to the City Council according to NADC§ Planning Commission's recommendation will then be forwarded to the City Council for their consideration. SECTION 3: PUBLIC NOTICE Per NADC Table 5-1, a notice of the rezoning request and scheduled date of the Planning Commission public hearing was mailed to property owners within 200 feet of the subject property on March 29, 2021. The property was posted with the required public notice on March 31,2021. A public notice of the rezoning request and scheduled date of the Planning Commission public hearing was published in The North Augusta Star and on the City's website at www.northaugusta.neton March 31, 2021. SECTION 4: SITE HISTORY The subject parcel was annexed by Ordinance 84-17 on October 1, 1984. At the time of annexation, the parcels were zoned R-3, Residential and OSP, Open Space Preservation. On January 8, 2001,The Mayor and City Council adopted Ordinance 2000-30 rezoning±1485 ac from R-3, Small Lot, Single-Family Residential to PD, Planned Development. Ordinance 2001-05 created the PD General Development Plan for the "Blanchard Park Planned Development". Modifications have been reviewed but none have been approved since that time. Page 3 of 9 Proiect Staff Report RZM21-001 Highland Springs School Prepared by: Kuleigh Baker Meeting Date:April 15,2021 SECTION 5: EXISTING SITE CONDITIONS Existing Land Use Future Land Use Zoning Subject Parcel Vacant Mixed Use PD, Planned Development North Vacant Mixed Use PD, Planned Development South Single-Family Mixed Use/Low RD, Residential Multi-Family Residential Density Development; RUD, Rural Residential Development, RC, Residential Single- Family Conservation (Aiken County, Outside City Limits) East Single-Family Low Density AP, Agricultural Preservation; RUD, Residential Residential Rural Development (Aiken County, Outside City Limits) West Single-Family Low Density LID, Urban Development(Aiken Residential Residential County, Outside City Limits) Access—The subject parcel has access from Belvedere Clearwater and Old Sudlow Lake Road. Topography —The subject parcel slopes towards the South with the highest elevations lying at the North of the property. Utilities —Water and wastewater lines will have to be extended to the site. Utilities are served by the City of North Augusta. Floodplain—The property is located in an area of minimal flood hazard. Drainage Basin — The parcel is located in the Mims Branch Basin, the only remaining semi- undeveloped natural basin in North Augusta.The Mims Branch basin drains a large undeveloped area located off of Highway 25 from Ascauga Lake Road to Blanchard Road and is bordered by Old Sudlow Lake Road. This basin is considered a "representative basin' for City Stormwater sampling since it is in a relatively undeveloped area and is not impacted by industrial, commercial or residential use.The preliminary physical stream assessments at Mims Branch indicated that it effectively transports the current load of stormwater. Each segment assessed scored higher than other streams in the city due to the location of the stream, topography, and current land use which is mostly "undeveloped" wooded terrain. Water quality sampling results indicated that pollutant loads entering the stream were minimal. Page 4 of 9 Project Staff Report RZM21-001 Highland Springs School Prepared by:Kuleigh Baker Meeting Date:April 15,2021 SECTION 6: STAFF EVALUATION AND ANALYSIS Staff provides the following information for context related to the Commission's deliberation. Descriptions and commentary added by staff will be italicized. The Public Use District is described as the following in Article 3 of the North Augusta Development Code: 3.6.4 P, Public Use District Purpose — The purpose of this district is to provide suitable locations for land and structures in the city of North Augusta used exclusively by the city of North Augusta, Aiken County, the State of South Carolina, the United States, or other governmental jurisdictions and their instrumentalities; and as such shall be used in accordance with such regulations as may be prescribed by the government or instrumentality thereof using the property. This district is also applicable to land owned by public utilities and public service providers of water, sewer, electricity, natural gas,telephone,cable and internet and improved or utilized for the delivery of the public service(power generating ortransforming stations,transmission and distribution lines and facilities, switching stations, etc.). Property owned by public utilities and utilized primarily for office, customer service or retail sales is not appropriate for the Public Use district. If Public Use zoned property is sold to a private individual or individuals, such property shall be rezoned to a classification that is compatible with the surrounding area. (Rev. 12-1-08; Ord. 2008-18) Applicability—A P, Public Use District, designation may be applied to a use located on property used or reserved for a civic or public institutional purpose or for a major public facility, regardless of ownership of the land on which the use is located. A P, Public Use District designation may not be applied to government-owned property that is leased to a nongovernmental agency for a use other than a governmental service or for a use that supports a primary civic or public institutional use. Permitted Uses—The uses listed in Table 3-7 are permitted in the P, Public Use District, subject to the issuance of a conditional use permit as required by Article 5,Approval Procedures. Public lands that are reserved or designated for environmental protection, open space or other natural state should be zoned in the CR, Critical Areas District, rather than the P, Public Use District. Procedures—A site plan is required for uses permitted in the P, Public Use District,to the extent required by law. The site plan may be submitted concurrent with an application for rezoning. However, the Planning Commission and City Council may attach additional conditions to the approval of the district subject to a development agreement. In lieu of the application submittal requirements specified in Article 5, Approval Procedures, the applicant for rezoning to a P, Public Use District,shall address each of the review criteria of this section in their application materials. Page 5 of 9 r . Proiect Staff Report RZM21-001 Highland Springs School Prepared by:Kuleigh Baker Meeting Date:April 1S,2021 3.6.4.S Standards and Review Criteria 3.6.4.S.1 Review Criteria for Rezoning — In reviewing an application for a proposed P, Public Use District,the Planning Commission and City Council shall consider the following: a. Inter-jurisdictional Analysis—A review to determine the extent to which an interjurisdictional approach may be appropriate, including consideration of possible alternative sites for the facility in other jurisdictions and an analysis of the extent to which the proposed facility is of a citywide, countywide, regional or state-wide nature, and whether uniformity among jurisdictions should be considered. Aiken County voters passed a bond referendum on May 1, 2018. The proposal was made based on current capacity limits in Aiken County schools and planned growth in the area. The bond referendum included several other school improvements within Aiken County which are also experiencing capacity issues. The applicant states that the proposed middle and elementary school site is regional based on current population and projected growth. b. Financial Analysis—A review to determine if a negative financial impact upon the City of North Augusta can be reduced or avoided by intergovernmental agreement. There is not another partner agency that will reduce the need for this facility. The Aiken County school district provides public education for all residents of Aiken County. The applicant states that schools are tax-exempt but the school district will payfor utilities and infrastructure that may be utilized by future residential and commercial development in the area. c. Special Purpose Districts—When the public facility is being proposed by a special purpose district including a school district, the city should consider the facility in the context of the district's overall plan and the extent to which the plan and facility are consistent with the Comprehensive Plan. The parcel is not located within any special purpose district or any special district plans that would be affected by a public facility. There are two portions of the 2017 North Augusta Comprehensive Plan that have been reviewed for this report: The Future Land Use Map and the written goals and objectives. Page 6 of 9 Project Staff Report RZM21-001 Highland Springs School Prepared by:Kuleigh Baker Meeting Date:April 15,2021 The 2017 Comprehensive Plan Future Land Use Map classifies the subject property as Mixed Use. However, it should be noted that the Future Land Use Plan does not appear to designate any additional land in the P, Public Use District, anywhere on the map. Failure to designate tracts of land with this designation appears to be an oversight, however, the need to rezone any property to "P"would not necessarily have been anticipated at the time the map was made. Given that the map does not designate additional land for institutional uses, the Comprehensive Plan does seem to anticipate the possibility of locating public facilities in residential districts. Chapter 11, Implementation Strategies, Future Land Use Categories(p.189) states in the description of Institutional, Government and Public Facilities that some facilities "... may be developed in some residential, most commercial and mixed use districts including planned developments and traditional neighborhood developments." d. Measures to facilitate Siting—The factors that make a particular facility difficult to site should be considered when a facility is proposed, and measures should be taken to facilitate siting of the facility in light of those factors including, but not limited to: 1. The availability of land; P, Public Use, zoning is intended to provide suitable locations for land and structures in the City used exclusively by governmental jurisdictions. Schools, academic, continuance, alternative, adult, colleges and universities, and technical, trade, and other specialty schools uses are allowed in the P, Public Use District. 2.Access to the transportation network; The proposal should have limited effects on the existing road network.Any negative effects will be mitigated prior to construction. The property has direct access to both Belvedere Clearwater Road and Old Sudlow Lake Road. Safety reviews of traffic and any signalization that may be needed will be coordinated with SCDOT at the time of construction. This is similar to requirements for any other developer. 3. Compatibility with neighboring uses; and While the surrounding properties are mostly zoned residential, there are very few available properties within North Augusta that will not have some impact on Page 7 of 9 Project Staff Report RZM21-001 Highland Springs School Prepared by: Kuleigh Baker Meeting Date:April 15, 2021 existing residential properties. The surrounding area includes a mix of residential, institutional, and commercial uses at differing intensities and densities. 4. The impact on the physical environment. Any development will be required to meet all state standards for runoff capture and treatment. The following development standards and uses are permitted in the P, Public Use, district: § Development Standards — Uses within the P, Public Use District, are not subject to the dimensional standards of§3.5. However, such uses are subject to the landscaping standards of Article 10, and the parking standards of Article 12. (Rev. 7/15/19, Ord. 19-06) TABLE 3-7 USES PERMITTED IN THE P, PUBLIC USE DISTRICT A B C D LBCS Function LBCS Permitted Uses Code Structure NAICS Code Code 1. Fire, sheriff, and emergency services 6400-6430 4500-4530 922120 2. Government offices or other governmental civic uses or facilities such 6200 - 6221 92 as courts and city halls 3. Libraries 4242 4300 519120 4. Museums, galleries 712110 5. Maintenance of government buildings and grounds, including equipment 2450 561210 storage 6. Open space, park or active recreational 5500 712190 uses operated on a non-commercial basis 7. Post office 6310 491 8. Recreation centers 5380 3200 713940 9. Schools, academic, continuance, alternative, adult, colleges and 6124-6140 4220 6113 universities, and technical, trade, and other specialty schools 10. 2211 Public utility storage and service yards 2450 2212 2213 11. Sewage treatment plant, pump stations, 4340 6300-6314 22132 or lift stations 6350-6356 Page 8 of 9 Project Staff Report RZM21-001 Highland Springs School Prepared by: Kuleigh Baker Meeting Date:April 15, 2021 A B C D LBCS Function LBCS Permitted Uses Code Structure NAICS Code Code 12. Solid waste collection centers, solid 562111 waste transfer stations, recyclable 4343 562119 materials, yard waste and similar items 13. Water supply facilities including pump stations, dams, levees, culverts, water 6200-6290 221310 tanks, wells, treatment plants, reservoirs, and other irri ation facilities 14. Service providers of water, sewer, electricity, natural gas, telephone, cable and internet and improved or utilized for 221 he delivery of the public service (power 4300 6000 517 generating or transforming stations, transmission and distribution lines and facilities, switching stations, etc. SECTION 7: RECOMMENDATION Staff is not required to make a recommendation to the Planning Commission regarding rezoning requests.The Department has determined the application is complete. The Planning Commission may recommend approval or denial of this request according to NADC § 5.1.3. SECTION 8: ATTACHMENTS 1. Aerial Map 2. Topography Map 3. Current Zoning Map 4. Proposed Zoning Map 5. Future Land Use Map 6. Public Hearing Notice 7. Ord. 2001-05 8. Application Documents cc Kevin Chipman, Aiken County Public Schools, via email Tilden Hilderbrand, Hass & Hilderbrand, Inc., via email Page 9 of 9 P.f Y1'} FF P l /ICR4'4w}'ri^M't� M`� RTy M: . m � '• _1�fy�iY Zl V l '�I J" N y�-y �/ f � d 6 \ 4,yru .p' w #4 CD Or CD ' JP. K"i .� ' ley r '�¢. ` ". t• r '�r� \ O - � i • N �"r •N4. � � � Ilk !` ^ �,fi. per. mot' ♦e ���y � a ,• {pD.. - \ vry �+� . � /' O �� � > - rt" °. ."e • r':" �yl.n'r . t 'tip-'' ,� +'" \may�:� \ � r A��+. Q C) Z I yM. «e :+ �' ny ♦yam/ c U �� .: • wit: II« ! y. .sw.. � r �' . � �� W �/ I Vu � y ^. .. a .n. -M` � vim` ,tit �." r�;.►'. : J1,,. � l� f f 430 ,y6 O � �y N 470 ADO o m N 280 ,Ly0 '0 30 0 S O 390 38 2 330 O� 30° 310 V O Q 0 n / I Subject Parcel TPN 023-05-01-003 Approximately 512 acres Fp 2Q° FRFc �Fy R� aQo 9�c,p ? 2j° 220 a0 N North~j Topography Map w�E AU USta J1 Application RZM21-001 S04411)COMHIIr9 Ri1wrffrMu Tax Parcel Number 023-05-01-003 330 1&5 0 330 Feet Date: 4/5/2021 PD, Planned Development o� SQ Subject Parcel TPN 023-05-01-003 Approximately 51.2 acres `cRF C`�Fq Rcy R Outside City Limits NOrtl� Current Zoning Map Application RZM21-001 All 11S1c1 _ Tax Parcel Number 023-05-01-003 „o ss o „oFee, PD, Planned Development p Date: 4/5/2021 PD, Planned Development Proposed Zoning P, Public Use 0 0 Subject Parcel TPN 023-05-01-003 e�c<L Approximately 51.2 acres FOF Ric Rry R Outside city Limits -•—� Proposed Zoning Map AU North Application RZM21-001 w NOrd� �E g Tax Parcel Number 023-05-01-003 1.5 U s 3M Feet SoulhCorol;l,tt' rr1 t,rt, 11 Proposed P, Public Use Zoning 9 Date: 3/22/2021 t fixed Use ago ono �^ Subject Parcel TPN 023-05-01-003 Approximately 51.2 acres eF�LF OF RF v �✓ Low Density Residential 9lF R i N North Land Use Map w�E \t IOI lsli� f Application RZM21-001 Tax Parcel Number 023-05-01-003 "° ss "°ree` Mixed Use Date: 4/5/2021 s North , Augusta-N .rt �caLtfh exuoiirx»'s Rie�=-_:- - Wirth 29,2021 t'!-V of N•i-TT!, N'. Q'.T RE: Requested rezoning of±51.2 acres of land located along Belvedere Clearwater and Old Sudlow Lake Road,Tax Parcel Number 023-05-01-003 from PD, Planned Development to P, Public Use. Please note: Your property is not included in the rezoning application. You are receiving this notice only because you own property within the notification area of the proposed project. Dear North Augusta Property Owner or Current Resident: Aiken County Public Schools has requested to rezone±51.2 acres of land located along Belvedere Clearwater and Old Sudlow Lake Road,Tax Parcel Number 023-05-01-003 from PD, Planned Development to P, Public Use. The North Augusta Planning Commission will hold a virtual public hearing to consider the rezoning application at 7 p.m.,on Thursday,April 15,2021,via GoToMeeting. Following the public hearing, the Planning Commission will prepare a recommendation for City Council consideration and action. Due to COVID-19, please visit www.nortttpLi_usta.net for any updates to meeting format,location or procedures prior to the meeting. Documents related to the application will be available after April 8, 2021 in the offices of the Department of Planning and Development, Municipal Center,2"d Floor, 100 Georgia Avenue, North Augusta,South Carolina and online at www_northaueusta.net Residents and property owners interested in expressing a view on these cases are encouraged to provide written comments via email to lannin northau-usta.net or by phone at 803-441.4221 by Noon(12 p.m.)on Thursday,April 15, 2021. A map of the project area is enclosed, along with a copy of the public hearing notice that will be published in The North Augusto Star on March 31, 2021. If you have any questions about this application or need additional information, please contact the Department of Planning and Development at 803- 441-4221. Sincerely, O • Libby Hodges,A Director of Planning and Development .II„IMgr�lsv, PbWvga prxMy I tlnPAle g a n is wTn\9 8.kkhgSn. Wl. F1 ,,l tarA>xi:x ioa xunan rtrsavices vw�h'!-3WIIcs .0 Gil G211Z Wl N 3.W1 i�'l 011i 3V]1.11-I. 3 C1Kit tYl3.'�-I.i3_^ <pll,f A(1l.0 A21 aIbYFLVn UIfNY NL,4014bK f)PI['Y AIYt.1i1 f2G11 w:4243 FW 8 3"I.i233 tax I#.'J MI.inn F.. YZ3+Li a:.>.? Fal Y:Y3 I 418n [Mace N 3..1 Y1f1 rux 9N.1s1.1cL1 F0%3\l.ii l.s'li3 F.n M3MI.Ai IP I _ Subject Parcel TPN 023-05-01-003 lk` Approrimately 51.2 acres 1, RF R Outside City Limits �� M Proposed Zoning Map North .� Application RZM21-001 W E Au USt � Tax Parcel Number 023-05-01 003 „� ,� ogre South rLmy"I'S Ibue� ` Proposed P, Public Use Zoning Date: 3/2212021 City of North Augusta, South Carolina Planning Commission VIRTUAL PUBLIC HEARING NOTICE The North Augusta Planning Commission will hold a virtual public hearing at its regular monthly meeting beginning at 7:00 PM on April 15, 2021, via GoToMeeting, to receive public input on the following application: RZM21-001—A request by Aiken County Public Schools to rezone ±51.2 acres located along Belvedere Clearwater and Old Sudlow Lake Road, TPN 023-05-01-003 from PD, Planned Development to P, Public Use. Documents related to the application will be available for public inspection after April 8, 2021 in the office of the Department of Planning and Development on the second floor of the Municipal Center, 100 Georgia Avenue, North Augusta, South Carolina and online at ww, rthauausta.ne� All members of the public interested in expressing a view on this case are encouraged to provide comments to plan ning(d)northaugusta.ne� or by phone message at 803-441-4221. CITIZEN ASSISTANCE: Individuals needing special assistance or a sign interpreter to participate in the meeting are asked to please notify the Department of Planning and Development at 803-4414221 at least 48 hours prior to the meeting. Due to COVID-19, please visit www.northaugusta.net for any updates to meeting format, location or procedures prior to the meeting. ORDRCVNCE NQ_2901-{x5 TO APPRoyE TiiE GROERAL.DEVEL OPMEN PLAN FOR THE 1.513 &=ACRE BLANCRARD PARK PLANNED DEVELOP \T GE'�RALLY LOCATED EAST OF LTS 25 AND SWI711 OF ASCAUGA LAKE,ROAD WHEREAS, within the pdelin, of the North Augusta Zoning and Development Standards Ordinance, a General Development Plant for property oriffim a designated Planned Development zone (PD) requires Planning Commission review and subsequent recommendation to City Council for review and approval;and WHEREAS, an application has been received from Triple Crown propmbes, LLC,requesting approval for a General Development Plan for a tract of land zoned Planned Development (PD) containing 1,513.8± acres located generally east of US 25 and south of Ascauga Lake Road; and WHEREAS, the developer, Triple Crown Properties, LLC, of Ninety-Se, South Carolina proposes a mixed use development on twelve tracts in twenty-five phases;and WHEREAS,the North Augusta Planning Commission, at its January 25,2001 regular meeting, reviewed the subject application and voted to recommend that City Council approve the General Development Plan for the 1,513.8± acre Blanchard Park Planned Development. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF NORTH AUGUSTA, SOUTH CAROLINA, IN MEETING DULY ASSEMBLED AND BY THE AUTHORITY THEREOF,THAT: 1. The General Development Plan for the 1,513.8± acre Blanchard Park Planned Development is hereby approved as outlined below and as shown on the attached plat and identified as `Exhibit A' as prepared by Cranston, Robertson and Whitehurst, dated February 21, 2001. The General Development Plan Narrative for Blanchard Park as prepared by Cranston, Robertson and Whitehurst, dated October 2000 and revised January 2001, attached hereto as 'Exhibit B', represents the intent of Triple Crown Properties, LLC, and addresses the requirements of the Zoning and Development Standards Ordinance for a Planned Development. A. Scope of Development: The scope of development described in the General Development Plan for the Blanchard Park Planned Development and described herein shall be the maximum level of development allowed. The land uses permitted in the Blanchard Park Planned Development shall be limited to those described in this ordinance. 1. Minor Modifications: Minor modifications to the development plan and program for valid land use planning reasons, i.e. mix of uses, 0RDD4ANKX TO APT20VE GENERAL RAL DEVELOPMEW PLAN Pav 2 BLAN :E ARD PARK atamI and location of buildings, devefap ment s setl0*3 PM&Mg and landscaprag etc-, may be appcu vied by die Plawmg Co roes 2C flee time of CO8CP' phi approval for a k3cl siAidivision approval for any portion of a tract or site ptan appt>ttnal for an individ3al parcel. 2_ 1-524 The Bc>W Jotaes The acquisition of I-S"rigi"f way cr the detrrm;ir :on of a final alignment of 1-520 across the Blanchaad Pair propem may Mats the need to modify the General Development Plan. :Mlodificatims to the developooent plan including the»onfiguranon of tracts, realigum ut of plaoned reads OF utility systems, and the distribution of density and intensity of development may be approved by the Planning Commission to accommodatc ttse Bobby Jones Expressway The PlIg Commission may rot, however, approve modifications to the General Development Plan that would modify the list of permitted uses or increase the overall and combined density or intensity of development. 3. Flat Units_ tip to five (5%) percent of the total residential density allocated to a tract may be deducted from the total permitted for that tract and redistributed to one or more other tracts provided the total density of a flex unit recipient tract is not increased by more than ten (too/.)percent Tracts D, Village Center, and 1., General Commercial, may be the recipients of flex units. B. Develooment Proeram: Tract . Deseriution Area in Maximum Average Total i Acres Density/ Density/ i I lLnsi Intensi A Heavy Commercial! 59.3 17,424 sf per acre (40%) 1,033,000 sf i Light Industrial I, B Heavy Commercial! 89.8 17,424 sf per acre (400/6) 1,565,000 sf Light Industrial C Heavy Commercial/ 112.5 17,424 sf per acre (40%) 1,960,000 sf Light Industrial �—D Village Center 25.5 21,780 sf per acre (50%) 555,000 sf (5 dua flex units) (128 flex units) iE i Mixed Residential 151.9 15 dua 6 dua 911 units F Mixed Residential 154.2 8 dua 4 dua 617 units G I Mixed Residential 189.6 8 dua 4 dua 758 units "vE GEitiER AL E}EV I I f lPktEN-L PI-AN = s first floor i a-i Prohibited Dr-ae-da• out retail, grschne service sta,ow and j Sses. u i l E,I Mixed 1 Permitted - iti-fay aE Residentia! i towr scs, a toll any permitted c F,G,$, NExed Permitted - 5 =-g-:-family residential incheding det =auo J Residential homes; townhouses; neighborhood commercial as permitter -- Village Center, schools and churches- Accessory uses to a- permitted use- K Golf Course! Permitted - Single-family detached residenIIal; townhouses; : Green Space condominiums; commercial recreation- Accessory uses to any permitted use. L General Permitted - Any uses permitted in the C-3, General Commercial, Commercial District and accessory uses to any permitted use. Multi-family residential flex units above the first floor will be permitted if allocated. The Highway Condor Overlay District standards shall apply- D. Development Standards: Applicable to individual parcel site plans. Minimum etba Use Front Rear Side Height Impervious Open (Feet) (Feet) (Feet) (Feet) Area(Max.) Spa(Min) n ax. . General Commercial 25 20 10 45 75% 25% Light Industrial 50 25 25 60 65% 25% Commercial Recreation 50 25 25 35 35% 85% Village Center 25 20 10 45 80% 20"/n Residential -Single Family 25 20 5 35 N/A N/A Patio Homes 25 20 0/8 35 50°/n 10% Duplexes 25 20 018 35 50% 100/n -Townhouses 25 20 0/10 35 60% 20% ORDLN MWE TO APPROVE GE?a AL DEVELOPML\""f PLAN Page 5 BLAVCMALRI2 PARK 25 20 OW 45 609v ii 209L - A 25 35 ' Ito 45 6W 25% 1r, Plan Apasoval Process: subsegaMM to the adootion of this ftdinmce the follavring pbn approval steps shall be required in the order listed prior to the�-s*ancz of any building permit_ fl_ blaster Utility Plan — Master Plans for water distribution. sewage coBec ion and Ao nnwater dramage and detenarin sLatt be developed m conjunction with the City Utilities Departmeat and City Engineer and approved prior to or coincidental with the initial tract concept plan. The level of detail provided in the master Utility plans shall be determined by the Project Engineer, City Engeneer and Utilities Director. 2. wetlands Delineation and fi&tigation—A wetlands delineation,permit and any mitigation plans approved by SCDHEC and the US Army Corps of Engineers shall be submitted prior to or coincidental with a Concept Plan for any Tract that contains puisdic Tonal wetlands. 3. Tract Concept Plan — A concept plan for each tract identified in the General Development Plan shall be prepared for Planning Commission review and approval prior to or coincidental with the first preliminary plat application for each tract. The tract concept plan shall include an overall circulation system design, utility systems designs, anticipated mix and intensity/density of uses, proposed or draft master covenants and restrictions for the tract, and buffer delineation. The tract concept plan must indicate how the development of the tract will interrelate with the other tracts in the Blanchard Park development. 4. Preliminary Plat—Preliminary plats for sections or phases of each tract will be processed and reviewed in accordance with the applicable provisions of the Zoning and Development Standards Ordinance, this ordinance and the General Development Plan Narrative for Blanchard Park. 5. Final Plat — Final plats for sections or phases of each tract will be processed and reviewed in accordance with the applicable provisions of the Zoning and Development Standards Ordinance and the approved preliminary plat. 6. Site Plan —Site Plans for individual parcels approved in a final plat for any portion of a tract will be processed and reviewed in accordance with the applicable provisions of the Zoning and Development Standards Ordinance, this ordinance and the General Development Plan Narrative for Blanchard Park. 1 V c GENERAL DEV'F- _ _ paw ., -`->ri_ cite a- rt= and and stern -_:_: -- - - ! cd e _ _ _ _. ot>te mt--z - G be p_ c the Zc-_ MI L_Uffer5 shall x both_a ShA be en- re:5 "-^1 by a pr I. } Ow = - . restnctec := prevent a c -s_ of use. M=Mum bud—rey�ec�`s = eea tract a,..z. usa are. =dusuial I Residential—Itiot lei than one hundred (100) fee. of lan._z__aed buffer shall be prodded on all light Industrial tracts as sep-_..on from all residual, apes space, Village Center and cosy erciat recreation tracts and uses, both mternal and external to Blanchard Park. 2. Light industrial / Commercial — Not less than fifty (50) feet of landscaped buffer shall he provided on all Light Industrial tracts as separation from General Commercial tracts and uses, both internal and external to Blanchard Park- e. Residential i Residential — Not less than one hundred (100) feet of landscaped buffer shall be provided as separation between residential tracts,both internal and external to Blanchard Paris. 4. Spine Road — The four lane primary roadway in the development (Blanchard Park Boulevard on the General Development Plan) and the two lane access road to Ascauga Lake Road shall be bordered by a landscaped setback/buffer within the Light Industrial tracts of not less than forty (40) fee? In all other tracts the landscaped setback,'buffer from the spine road shall be not less than twenty-five (25) feet 5. US 25 — The landscaped <_etbackfouffer from US 25 shall be not less than twenty-five (25) feet in accordance with the provisions of the Highway Corridor Overlay District. K. Parking Reouirements: All uses shall provide on-site parking as required by the Zoning and Development Standards Ordinance. The Planning Commission may approve or require less than the minimum specified by the Zoning and Development Standards Ordinance when an adequate shared parking supply is available and when desirable to minimize or reduce impervious surfaces. L. Annexation: The 40t acre `Cash' parcel that provides the primary access to Blanchard Park is specifically included in the Genera' Development Plan although it has not been acquired by Triple Crown Properties and is not located within the City limits. The `Cash' parcel provides the primary access to the Sight industrial tracts of the development. No concept plans I YiT GElu-E--,,,AL DE-VELOPMEN"E PLAN Fags S Lhe`Case'parcel has bees `Cash' parcel v6in es Park Gene:^al t€e Genua' Development Plan I. 4pszi cable s = _ _ __ -`oration contained is the General :)-'ekTmew Plan Narrative for Bla:.:-ard Park shall suppke---: -:= '":'• s-:-s of this ordinance and in the review of trait _c _ :, s_`_c::ision " site plans for pr _: thin Blydnehard Parr In the event of a conflict between the provisions of this ordinance and ;� cord of the General Development P!an or the General Development Plan Narrative for Blanchard Park, the provisions of this ordinance shall prevail- General design criteria and development standards (parking,landscaping, etc-)applicable to each phase of the development and not otherwise prescribed in the General Development Plan, the General Development Platt Narrative or this ordinance shall be as prescribed in the Zoning and Development Stardards Ordinance. L All ordinances or parts of ordinances in conflict herewith are, to the extent of such conflict,hereby repealed. III_ This Ordinance shall become effective imaediately upon its adoption on third reading. DONE, RATIFIED AND ADOPTED BY THE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF NORTH AUGUSTA, SOUTH CAROLINA, ON THIS DAY OF ANk-H , 2001. i First Reading 3- S- 0 1 Lark W. Jones, Mayor Second Reading 3-S-OJ Third Reading 3-K- 0f ATTEST: — Donn, .ity Clerk) el�leuma•nansuc }g.'.,lamarun 'l�w w. ••ow••.__--•.—.— CSL� ����•• GENERAL f]k rF4QPMENT PIAN BLANCHARD PARK Iwnm nwoar aoum ueouw 'v t 1p y ^eL -TALF!' C—RQI_Kfl PROPERTI[S M yy° —ti.. `�M m-•-- � '� - t a � /� : 1. .o YY!! u vnl n a N M ° FED a 12001 .yam .. -— `, ppQ Q-per fk t1.,4i a 'v erwi \ 'SiF1'�n._ ......... \ _ t•- .nl,o � tlr \\'•• M ,¢• •INIli.1.Y...NI aV w. `+' qt+ wiu renNar- I _ � � •+�� 1 n '' .� ^ewln i�,u�aini°iw1•aw ��o.wnta mae .aoel�l�amu`�n f1 ggyq ll�lfi�,.___._. IYWtRWae+mW Y+m ly� 1 ill i� �,.awen. 11a�,a��p[� a.rrc'aa n„N mw .as •.J lNW1MItei NT•Y NVIIOb NNI_ U'a l!_I PYWMY_ _ •InV 11aC Ig11W 11 INTL KaA MINar�NRMYtklr Wn Iew �j� ••.\` ft �„ .Weluq 1Paaa lRVlaale IMI r•``�� :�. . .. , ' tt5{'IMtt '✓l�I� ii•R'u°F.'dl'a" m.. � 6T'r � '� •,, .' yJ v},,,, 1 'I ; \. '"nW �.lai u'li'1�1�'��r _ 6 � � '3"'. � `�\ ` • + ..®VN�tfl_ i '� . 'wti tl~w Y�de hl�w,�.a Ma 0,$31C� � ...y�. lye +C ^��.J wrl •.ww . � InW naal O.11M IIMJIINMaNPY YPFa EXHIBIT A �C {'` ''.. '"w , .• .'�"'_' ' 1 i ,uml mlYn xaan tuYerwtca ..e•.".� � -�- .t. ...rmtran r.ta \1� rr1�7 a . ��♦fad♦♦♦��a\�L4��� �;i ♦♦♦i'O �♦u i�• 4� nlulP a�4 Il R♦d♦ �♦♦P p♦r `�L.r 1 IQ � ♦ L _ i �lr.CJ1 TaQ ♦♦♦♦ P VU gip{Lii r .r1. 09 00 , �'� _ Q11.Ii�l/r,lI1`I, 'Li �`♦� U�♦��♦ Ja 44iln�Q�• s4 ./ C�i'�t47�$ ���+q! b4.:{J,��U p Lys��?: • • s#�t� � I l! i �Pr}}"� ♦O� iMC. p 4�{P�q��494�y�LI•S � �a4':fC.r4 +1 �37� / � i•rirr.�:��� "'.r� i0 ♦♦�`r6� ':i� � . F"w'6x 'xwTy )n1`l," n � � •* ♦.a�r I r III �♦A♦ 1{n��i 4��•• '"'� ♦ .d ! l %�F� '� 1 �i Irr•'nr�i! ! N rr4:���pr♦ { ♦� `' 1 Tr In! !���!r'rr%!d N!{�•i pp{'rL16 E?11IBIT B GENERAL DEVELOPM EN-7 PLAN NARRATIVE For BLANCHARD PARK Prepared for Triple Crown Properties, LLC Ninety-Six, South Carolina Prepared by Cranston, Robertson & Whitehurst, P.C. ENGINEERS -PLANNERS -SURVEYORS P.O. Box 2546 -452 Eris Street Augusta,Georgia 30903 October,2000 Revised November,2000 Revised January, 2001 Cbapter I >.i ceneaal The- Btanchn h tact bras ac)g6red by Triple Croum Ptoprrties. LLC. 50. Redhrtd ) ape, t�irtety-S Sou&Carolina 29666.(W)227 2W is i�*x8,a ad it consists of some 1�.CirJ tyres of un€Ee�tioped laasd eeeeetally within the- city tintits of North Augusm in Aiken County. South Carolina. The tract is located W the %vest of U-S_ tiigirnay 23, sour' o.`Ascaoaa Late Roan, south of Blanchard Rt d,east and%vest of Old Sudlow Lake Road and north of S.C.t-tieP:Way 9-126 as shown in Figure 1. The ow-ter of the-property wishes to dewlap the lamb for nti_x uses and to[hat end wishes to re-zone the property as a Planned Development District (PD) according to the requirements of the City of No_th Augusta Zoning Regu!ations- When the property was annexed into the City by a previous Owner,fie annexation agreement provided conditions whereby the City would provide sanitary sewer to the east side of P.:e property while Pee Oxvner would pay an additional sewer fee for each lot. This agreement still binds the current Owner and the City. 1.2 Purpose of Narrative The purpose of this Narrative is to describe in writing the factors and characteristics which affect site planning. the existing and proposed infrastructure, the principals utilized in the desi_r.of the development and the specific elements of the proposed plan. It is the intent that this narrative together with the General Development Plan drawing will fully suffice to meet the requirements for submittal in the re-zoning of the property to a PD district. Ch. 1 Pg. 1 lot Water S?'stern. There is also a poctcrtm ofdw t 3d(gin a000g tie east sib of Oid Stec- Road which could be served by the Rree Ell Wattt god Se%x—m Cry. Iri... by mea^< :_._ existing&inch inain along Old Spklow Laic Rcad. A more recent deeelopmen!,however,will provide vcaeter to the overall tact The City has acquired easement and has begun inswHing a necv24 Bch-nact-+r train tvitich pill trarerse a_=rent deal o€it-& Blanchard Tract in an easem-e t esserrsally running parallel ttith and contiguous to the Cotonial Pipeline easement shown on the General Derelovaxnt Platt This line trill provide a loop to reinforce the overall North Augusta system with the added benefit of providing adeg•.rate service to dne Blanchard Trait_ Construction should be completed within the next six months. 2?2 Sanitary Sewer Service There is presentiv no collection system in place to se.ve the Blanchard Tract by gravity sewer. There is a sewer line under construction along Ascauga Lake Road into which the sanitary sewer could be pumped by means of installing a lift station oa the Blanchard Tract property. A more recent development with regard to sutitary sewer involves the decision by the City of North Augusta and Edgefieid County to install a trunk sewer up Mims Branch through the Blanchard Tract and on to U.S.25. This line is intended to provide a main sewer interceptor into which Edgefield County can pump sewage to the Horse Creek Treatment Plant. Design is currently undencay to prepare plans for construction of this line. Conversations with the North Augusta City engineer indicate that the line is expected to be completed around spring 2002. Ch. 2 Pg. 4 BLAKCHARD PARK TABLET 4,,M 6rrMD USES IN HEAVY CON 1ERC5AL(LIGHi'INDUSTRIAL F.i Ei. 1. office Bmii€ings- 2. Ede r :nsurutio is Pdm&Y thaw¢resf'.ate,V-"i`alai ptmate_ 3. Churches,places of wocsblp,aad religious irstitutiprk 4. Bed and Lr�-fst inns. 5. Motels and ho ek 6_ Restaurants(including Drive-Through Windmvs) 7 Commercial schools and schools providing adult training in any of the arts. sciences,trades,and professions. S. General business services such as duplicating and printing shops,addaessin_,and mailing services,blueprints and frt.n development. 9. Public and private transportation services and facilities. 10. Armories for meeting and training of military organizations. 11. Auto or truck rental,providing there are no major repairs or disassembly- 12. Commercial establishments that involve the light assembly of pre-manufactured parts sold to retail or wholesale distributors. 13. Distributor businesses. 14. Light manufacturing uses,including processing,and assembly plants. 15. Laboratories and other facilitiesfor research in enclosed buildings,both basic and applied, conducted by or for any individual organization or concern, whether public or private. 16. Warehousing and wholesale establishments. 17. Accessory uses to any of the above. PROHIBITED USES I\HEAVY COMMERCIAL/LIGHT INDUSTRIAL AREA 1. Heavy manufacturing uses,hazardous material storage,salvage operations,adult entertainment, outdoor sales and service of construction material and heavy equipment are specifically prohibited. 2. For all uses noise, odor, vibration, glare, vapor, fumes, dust, etc. Shall meet or exceed performance standards as set forth in Article 3.g.4 of the Zoning and Development Standards Ordinance for the City of North Augusta. DNA{D0.0.E5"D�DL\CEL`0000.'t04 blanatud uau O�anaugai�^iacd 0.w�m+na fiylu bhuaal yti,.M - -shams as Pod IL .As y as m- o large po: l rift be co.siracs*d = _ _= = ect in tY.rs area errand alstt indil de 5:ng-te farm y hvusin a =c _ _ :5 �M:y acre and art average dcastg Q.`1.5 un::,acre_ Tbe tra_l systrem aiScc SSCd eiIScniere M ttras nrliatis-e Will atso traverse this a,-e- In the event that age—FeMnse proves unfeasible from:a - _- ='ecor smsd point.the an za could remain a _seen area with iirnited 16vv density resiotkitial &--%vk ffl'C—M not e-`tceed'M'_- a nurcirnnirn of a units per acre- Fnv u atly,it is nderstood that d"Cty cvoAdtf accept and dee24ols a?0E? acre passive park in the area. 3.2 c Setbacks Setbacks for the various areas within the tract will be those associated w th the sane type o`development(e.g. single (amity residentiai) as are currentt} ¢_i\e z in toe zoning ordinance for the City of North Augusta_ The exception of the above %ill be that the side setback frern adjoining residential districts will be 30 feet and from all other districts 10 feet. A further difference o;:l be property within the light industrial zones along the spine road- The spine road wilt ha%e a 40 foot ;ardscaped buffer in the light industriai areas behind which%%ill be a 40 foot setback on the front of each parcel. Table 2 shows setbacks and other development parameters for the various uses. 33 tvlarlceting Strategy It is anticipated that the owner of this tract will develop the first portion of the spine rond in the light industrial area and will market some or all of the light industrial pods. The niixed residential pods will likely be sold in 40 or 50 acre tracts, or larger. to individual developers for subsequent design and development. These individual tracts will likely then be deve',oped in stages Ch. 3 Pg. 5 Chapter 4 DFMGN PRIP' GIPLES- 4A Interconneethity 4.1.1 }?off Sfsery - It is the intent of this Plan that the interr4ai read systems in the v=^ious pods be pirartned arw desimted so as to create an interconnectivity bmveen the various sections to facilitate the free flow of vehicles throughout the overall development tmct_ This can most easily be accomplished by minimizing the number and length ofcul-de-sacs and planning for icooed,or grid, road systems. As pods develop adjacent to exsting developed and undeveloped land the interconnectivity to these areas st:ould be considered in light of topographic conditions,compatible adjoining uses,safety and other factors. However,where an industrial road is adjacent to an existing residential area, the developer plans no inter-connectivity. One example of such a location is the right-of-way into %hitehall Road. _ 4.1 2 Pedestrian All roads will have concrete sidewalks which will provide for an interconnectivity of the various development pcds. Beyond that,additional pathways will be needed to connect park and buffer areas so as to provide an overall interconnection of these facilities. The General Development Plan schematically shows the nature of the pedestrian routes, but the actual design and location will depend on the layout of individual pods. Ch. 4 Pg. 1 Water-Service w rrr serer shill be obtrsw+d from the r-ew hrM a+i-r3 00e3SttUM-d ac- _ _ _.r by the City of'North Au fnividtW arr—s to be&-ct[��i r:; _ '_e drsiger~d s_ :__: «ater leres are iooped and cross coanected to t.Wte var:oi.5 pods so as to PF3� _ - the tML 'Water n'stcBrs sill be designed accOeing to -couch Ca-C&--m Deoa:uuert of Health Md Encittsrtrtxtetal Camol requirements as well as those of the City of forth Ate=k:st Contemporaneously v_idt the first ph se of development a ntastzr osVrall syatef plan will be sub+nitted to the City for approval. Ric-plan will show the general concept for main 1--utes, but ssili not have details of individual pods since these will be develo sed at the time of 40 to 50 acre tracts are developed. 5.3 Sanitay Sewer Service Sanitary server service for the majority of-le tract will be by gravity nosy to the new trunk line to be constructed jointly by Edgefield County and the City of North Augusta in a 50 foot easement adjrcent to the riparian buffer along Mims Branch. In the event that the lakes shown on the plan get constructed, the sewer and easement will be rerouted around the lakes, or will be otherwise protected in place as agreed to by the City. l;:the interim, should this line not be in place for the Phase t development of light industrial areas, a temporary sewer lift station will be constricted and a force main will be utilized to transport the sewage to the ne+v line being constructed in Ascauga Lake Road. Once the gravity line has been installed, this lift station will be taken out of service and gravity flow will be established. There are a few areas on tite overall tract which do not drain towards Mims Branch and which may require individual lift stations as they are - - - - - Ch. 5 Pg. 2 TRAFFIC VOLVPIE - .-VS AGE DAILY TRAFFIC L ys Arm pe•sii•r&foftw-vcx T"yaits TeimsV ak ADT Tots]1602 A 59.3 17.4_N SRAcre t AJi o SF 73000 S-F. 7-13 1 g $9.9 17,424 SF6Aae ,565.*W SF T61000 S.F_ io.955 f 112.5 17.424 SFFAcre 1,9wo''o SF MOW Sf. I3.720 © 255 2t,730SFtAccc 555,°.10OSF 5WIWOS-F. 27,730 E 151.9 6PAcre 4t E IO 9,110 F 1542 VAre 617 i0 C170 G IS9.6 VAcre 759 10 7.580 H 2O0.4 6/Acre i 700 10 12,000 f 46.4 &Acm 278 10 2780 j 154.9 4lAcre 6i9 f0 6,190 61• 1.5(Acre 92 10 92 L, 252 2 090 SF/Acre 549,000 SF SO11004 SF 27.450 TOTAL 131,556 Trips •Assumes that only 20%of golf courselgretn area has single family houses. a Ch. 6 Pg. 3 North Application for Development Approval y Au Vista Please type or print all information .South Carolina's Riuerfronr Staff Use Application Number A Z aLO_,1 Date Received / Review Fee i1 JJ: Date Paid iy ti t. Pmjeet papas ) FrMe Sa rr project Addressq eeati Bye Ctemirxater Roac Total Project Acreage 5120 Current Zoning M Tax parcel Nar nber(s) A poMon of M-17-01-€1®1 Z AppillicaintIlOwner liarrre Aiken County Public Schools Applicant Phone - Mil'arg Address 61 Given Street City Aiken ST Sc zip 296(}5 Email 3. Is there a Designated Agent for this project? X Yes No If Yes,attach a notaraed Designation of Agent forta.(required If Applicant is not property owner) 4. EngineedArchttectfSurveyor Tilden 1-110denorand, P.E. License No. 122116 Finn Name Bass&HOderbrand, Inc Firm Phone 843649-1316 Firm MaiMng Address P.O. Box 3276 City Aiken ST SC Zip 29OD2 Email r Signature /i In Date 5. Is there any recorded restricted covenant or other private agreement that is contrary to, conflicts with or prohibits the use or activity on the property that is the subject of the application? X (Check one.) yes no S. In accordance with Section of the North Augusta Development Code, I hereby request the City of North Augusta review the attached project plans. The documents required by the City of North Augusta, as outlined in Appendix B of the North Augusta Development Code,are attached for the City's review for completeness. The applicant acknowledges that all required documents must be correct and complete t initial the compliance review process. 7. 3-3- 21 Applicant or De ignatted A nt Signature Date �I n A + 1nl`Oog61(1 Print Applicant or Agent Name 1no13 l Designation of Agent North}* Au Please usla type or print all information Sotah Carolina's Rioerfronr This form is required if the property owner is not the applicant. SfalfUse Only -- Application Number Z/7 -no I Date Received , 1- Project Name Highiand5prings Elementary/Middle School Project Address/Location Belvedere Clearwater Road Project Parcel Number(s) A portion of 022-17-01-001 2. Property Owner Name Aiken County Public Schools Owner Phone Mailing Address 61 Given Street- City Aiken ST SC Zip 2t180b Email 3. Designated Agent _Tilden Hilderbrand, P.E Relationship to Owner Engineer Firm Name Hass&Hilderbrand, Inc Phone 803-649-1316 Agent's Mailing Address P.O. Box 3276 City Aiken- _ _ _ ST/^SC Zip 29802 Email Agent's Signature _ v �-- Date 3/5 �: 4. 1 hereby designate the above-named person (Line 3)to serve as my agent and represent me in the refer—ced app!icatioo. Owne'f5rgnattlle Date � S. Swo n and subscribed to before me on this _ 3 day of 0ACad 1 20 N61thry Public 0 Commission Expiration Date r� Si uc ,t SOU7}f CA��\' 12013 u•nuru.uxPa`�. The zoning for this parcel is currently Planned Development(PD).The current owner, Aiken County Public School District hopes to build a school on the property. Since the remainder of the parent parcel is undeveloped and may not be developed for some time, it is much simpler to develop this parcel as a school under Public Use(P)zoning without PD requirements that were developed 20 years ago. • s HASS 8i:HILDERBRA-ND, INC. t33 Greenville St.,S.W. P.O. BOX 3z76 Aiken,SC 298o2-3276 Telephone: (803)649-1316 April 6, 2021 Ms. Libby Hodges,MCP Director Department of Planning and Development 100 Georgia Avenue North Augusta, SC 29841 Re: Highland Springs Rezoning Request G.I.S. 9 A portion of 022-17-01-001 Dear Ms. Hodges, In response to your email dated March 24,2021 we offer the following: 1. In response to your request related to inter jurisdictional analysis: the proposed use for the site is a middle and elementary school. This use is inherently regional and based on current population and projected growth. This site was specifically chosen to accommodate children in this region. 2. In response to your request related to financial analysis: schools are tax exempt regardless of their location. The School District will pay for utilities used. On this site, the School District will also pay for infrastructure that will be utilized by future residents and commercial development in the area. That development will benefit the City of North Augusta. 3. In response to your request related to Special Purpose Districts: based on discussions with the City Planning staff,development of the site as a school is in compliance with the City's comprehensive plan. 4. In response to your request related to measures to facilitate siting,the four factors(the availability of land, access to the transportation network, compatibility with neighboring uses and the impact on the physical environment) have been considered in the siting of this facility. The site has been reviewed by The City of North Augusta,Aiken County, The Office of School Facilities and the SC Department of Transportation. Please let me know if you have any questions or need any additional information. Sincerely, v� Tilden Hilderbrand, P.E. Cc: Kevin Chipman Engineering-Surveying -G.P.S.-Forestry&Land Planning Services I V W� (I L,7 1� a; .� /Oro- O ' ORDINANCE NO. 2021-xx TO AMEND THE ZONING MAP OF THE CITY OF NORTH AUGUSTA, SOUTH CAROLINA BY REZONING t 51.20 ACRES OF LAND OWNED BY AIKEN COUNTY BOARD OF EDUCATION AIKEN COUNTY TAX PARCEL#023-05-01-003 FROM PD PLANNED DEVELOPMENT, TO P, PUBLIC USE. WHEREAS, on December 17, 2007, by Ordinance 2007-22,the North Augusta City Council adopted the North Augusta Development Code and a citywide Zoning Map which is consistent with the City's North Augusta 2017 Comprehensive Plan; and WHEREAS, pursuant to Section 5.3, North Augusta Development Code, the North Augusta Planning Commission may recommend amendments to the Zoning Map, provided such amendments are consistent with the City's North Augusta 2017 Comprehensive Plan; and WHEREAS, the North Augusta Planning Commission, following a April 15, 2021 public hearing, reviewed and considered a request by Aiken County Board of Education, to amend the Official Zoning Map of North Augusta from Planned Development(PD)to Public Use (P) The staff report and results of this hearing have been provided to City-Cpuncil. NOW THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF NORTH AUGUSTA, SOUTH CAROLINA, IN MEETING DULY ASSEMBLED AND BY THE AUTHORITY THEREOF, THAT: I. A parcel consisting of±51.20 acres owned by Aiken County Board of Edication, is hereby rezoned from PD, Planned Development to P, Public Use. Said property is Aiken County tax map parcel # 023-05-01-003 and specifically identified on Exhibit"A" attached hereto. II. The Official Zoning Map for the City of North Augusta is hereby amended to reflect this rezoning. III. All ordinances or parts of Ordinances in conflict herewith are, to the extent of such conflict, hereby repealed. IV. This Ordinance shall become effective immediately upon its adoption on second and final reading. DONE, RATIFIED AND ADOPTED BY THE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF NORTH AUGUSTA, SOUTH CAROLINA, ON THIS DAY OF 2021. First Reading [NAME], Mayor Second Reading ATTEST Sharon Lamar, City Clerk EXHIBITA PD Planned Development P. Public Use �O SQ Subject Parcel TPN 023-05-01-003 6 Approximately 51.2 acres F<IFo to be rezoned P. Public Use FR�c c� R Outside City Limits // Application RZM21-001 North �~� Tax Parcel Number 023-05-01 -003 w�E Augusta A request to rezone approx. 51 .2 acres SrxnhComlinasltiirrfirxv from PD, Planned Development to F�� P, Public Use zoning Date: 4/16/2021 ATTACHMENT #10 `tit t'C '1 Municipal Election Commission P. O. Box 6400 North Augusta, South Carolina 29861 April 29, 2021 The Honorable Robert A. Pettit, Mayor City of North Augusta P.O. Box 6400 North Augusta, South Carolina 29861 Dear Mayor Pettit and City Council, We, the Municipal Election Commission of the City of North Augusta, hereby certify the following official results for the General Election conducted April 27, 2021: Mayor: Richard Adams—NOT ELECTED with 853 votes *Briton Williams - ELECTED with 2205 votes Councilmember: *Pat Carpenter- ELECTED with 2201 votes Richard Fletcher-NOT ELECTED with 352 write-in votes Trina Mackie—NOT ELECTED with 986 votes *Jenafer McCauley- ELECTED with 2299 votes *David McGhee - ELECTED with 2048 votes Sincerely, Ben Watson, Chairperson _(absent) Machela/Knox Carleton Vaughn *Winners noted with an asterisk ATTACHMENT #12 STATE OF SOUTH CAROLINA ) CITY OF NORTH AUGUSTA COUNTY OF AIKEN ) OATH OF OFFICE "As Mayor of the City of North Augusta, I will equally, fairly, and impartially, to the best of my ability and skill, exercise the trust reposed in me, and I will use my best endeavors to preserve the peace and carry into effect according to law the purposes for which I have been elected. So help me God." BRITON S. WILLIAMS Subscribed and sworn to before me this 3rd day of May, 2021. ATTESTED BY: Judge Thomas P. Murphy SWORN TO before me this 3rd day of May,2021. NOTARY PUBLIC FOR SOUTH CAROLINA My Commission Expires: as specified in South Carolina Code Section 5-15-150