RES 2021-15 Adopted RESOLUTION NO. 2021-15 AUTHORIZING FUNDING FOR THE POLE BRANCH INTERCEPTOR PIPE REPLACEMENT WHEREAS, the pole branch interceptor was constructed to provide wastewater collection services to undeveloped properties located to the north of I-20 within North Augusta's city limits; and WHEREAS, the pipeline also provided conveyance service to Edgefield and Saluda County from 1994 to 2009 exposing various infrastructure components to high levels of hydrogen sulfide gas; and WHEREAS,the continued sulfide exposure resulted in equipment malfunctions, pipeline failure and extensive damage to concrete manholes,pumps and electrical components which the City has been rehabilitating in phases; and WHEREAS, in October 2020 while conducting utility easement inspections, a large sink hole within the area of US-25 and Scott Drive was discovered impacting the pole branch interceptor; and WHEREAS, inspections identified several structural defects within the pipeline including a hole allowing groundwater and sand infiltration into the collection system; and WHEREAS,point repairs are being made from operating expenses of the Utility Operations and Maintenance Fund; and WHEREAS,due to the internal condition of the pole branch sewer pipe, funding for open excavation and replacement of 1,294 feet of pipeline is hereby requested for Council approval. NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED by the Mayor and City Council for the City of North Augusta, in meeting duly assembled and by the authority thereof, that the total project budget shall not exceed $88,000 with funding to be transferred from the Utility Depreciation Fund into the Utility Operations and Maintenance Fund to rehabilitate the pole branch interceptor. DONE, RATIFIED AND ADOPTED BY THE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF NORTH AUGUSTA, SOUTH CAROLINA, ON THIS 543 DAY OF APRIL, 2021. Robert A. Pettit, May r ATTEST: ,d x, �e"X a t� Sharon Lamar, City Clerk