030121 Virtual Study Session Memo Administration Department
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South Carolina's Mverfront
Interoffice Memorandum
TO: Mayor and City Council
FROM: Jim Clifford, City Administrator
DATE: February 26,2021
SUBJECT: Virtual Study Section Date of Monday,March 1,2021
The City of North Augusta will conduct a virtual Study Session on Monday,March 1,2021
at 6:00 P.M. using GoToMeeting online conferencing software. The virtual Study Session
will be streamed online for public viewing at:
• City Facebook page: To access,visit
www.facebook_com/citvofnorthaugusta or search"City of North Augusta—
Public Information"on wwwYambook.com
• City YouTube page:To access, visit
https:/h+%%x%.Noutube.com/channel[UCRLLD cnO68YR0¢UGaE 220or
search"City of North Augusta Public Information"on www.YouTube.com
The following is among the topics for discussion and review:
ITEM 1. CITY COUNCIL AGENDA: Items on March 1,2021 Council Agenda-
Council Discussion
At this time, any questions related to the agenda scheduled for tonight's meeting may be
ITEM 2. FINANCE: City of North Augusta Current Utility Bonds—Council
Cammie Hayes,Chief Financial Officer, will lead Council in a discussion related to the
opportunity to refund the City's current utility bonds.
ITEM 3. PARKS,RECREATION AND TOURISM: Riverside Village Boat Dock—
Council Discussion
Rick Meyer, Director of Parks, Recreation and Tourism,will lead Council in a discussion of
the plans for the Riverside Village boat dock.