010421 Virtual Study Session Mins Adopted • North `% Augusta South Carolina's Riuerfront MINUTES OF JANUARY 4, 2021 Robert A. Pettit, Mayor J. Robert Brooks, Councilmember Pat C. Carpenter, Councilmember Fletcher L. Dickert, Councilmember David W. McGhee, Councilmember Eric H. Presnell, Councilmember Kevin W. Toole, Councilmember ORDER OF BUSINESS • VIRTUAL STUDY SESSION The virtual study session for the City Council meeting of the City of North Augusta of January 4, 2021, having been duly publicized, was called to order by Mayor Pettit at 6:03 p.m. and streamed online for public viewing at the City Facebook page:"City of North Augusta—Public Information" and City YouTube page: "City of North Augusta Public Information." The study session adjourned at 7:01 p.m. Per Section 30-4-80(e) notice of the meetings was sent out by email to the current maintained "Agenda Mailout" list consisting of news media outlets and individuals or companies requesting notification. Notice of the meetings was also posted on the outside doors of the Municipal Center, the main bulletin board of the Municipal Center located on the first floor, and the City of North Augusta website. Members present were Mayor Pettit, Councilmembers Brooks, Carpenter, Dickert, McGhee, Presnell, and Toole. Also in attendance were James S. Clifford, City Administrator; Rachelle Moody, Assistant City Administrator; Kelly F. Zier, City Attorney; Cammie T. Hayes, Director of Finance and General Services; John C. Thomas,Director of Public Safety; Thomas C. Zeaser, Director of Engineering and Public Works; Richard L. Meyer, Director of Parks, Recreation, and Tourism; Lillian E. • (Libby) Hodges, Director of Planning and Development; Ricky Jones, Manager of Information Technology and Sharon Lamar, City Clerk. Minutes of Study Session of January 4,2021 • ITEM 1. CITY COUNCIL AGENDA: Items on the January 4. 2021 Council Agenda- Council Discussion City Administrator, Jim Clifford, led Council's discussion of the January 4, 2021 regular meeting agenda. ITEM 2. FINANCE: Capital Proiect Sales Tax I—Council Discussion Jim Clifford, City Administrator, led Council in a discussion of the project and funding list of Capital Project Sales Tax I. (See ATTACHMENT #2A) A balance of approximately $112,000 remains. Tom Zeaser,Director of Engineering and Public Works,has suggested using those funds to replace the wooden structure bridge that was built on the Greeneway in 1998 near the Bark Park. He recommends a steel bridge with a concrete deck which would require little to no maintenance over the life of the bridge. (See ATTACHMENT #213) Based on Council's comments and discussion, Mr. Clifford will ask staff to continue to invest time in vetting this option and return with more specific information for Council's consideration ITEM 3. ENGINEERING AND PUBLIC WORKS: LED Lighting—Council Discussion Scott Neely, Dominion Energy South Carolina, briefed Council on the potential use of LED lighting in the City. In his presentation Mr. Neely compared the current light sources with the proposed LED lighting highlighting the advantages of the newer technology. Dominion Energy • is currently offering an incentive contract to reduce the City's LED monthly cost. Council reacted affirmatively to the possibility. Concern was expressed due to Downtown and neighborhood decorative street lighting not benefiting with the proposed contract. Jim Clifford, City Administrator,will continue to seek follow-up information about the decorative streetlights. The study session adjourned at 7:01 pm. E THIS / DAY OF Respectfully submitted, 02 Sharon Lamar Robe A. Pettit, Mayor City Clerk • ATTACHMENT #2A Chesterfield Street(Richland Avenue to Hampton Avenue) • Abbeville Avenue(York Street to Sumter Street) York Street(Park Avenue to South Boundary Avenue) Laurens Street(Park Avenue to South Boundary Avenue) Valley Road(Richland Avenue intersection) $900,000 for construction of the Aiken Center for the Performing Arts $400,000 for construction of Public Safety Station#5 $7,651,740 for the construction of recreational facilities 3. S7,522,905 for the following projects within the City of North Augusta with estimated costs: $150,000 for expansion of the Recycling Center $760,000 for Riverview Park improvements $130,000 for completion of Summerfield Park S80,000 for development of Walnut Lane Park $1,600,000 for the reconstruction of various city streets $850,000 for resurfacing city streets S t,100,000 for improvements to city drainage systems $752,905 for construction of sidewalks $1,500,000 for development of the Greenway Extension $600,000 for development of the Downtown 4. $451,466 for the following projects in the City of New Ellenton with estimated costs: $435,000 for the construction of a new Civic Center to house police, fire, city and community functions • $16,466 for the paving of Evans Field walking track 5. $327,874 for the following projects in the Town of Wagener with estimated costs: $80,000 for the renovation of the Downtown Pavilion $220,000 for improvements to the Staley Road Sewer System $22,000 for the purchase of a new police car $5,874 for beautification project for Seivem Road 6. $299,534 for the following projects in the Town of Jackson with estimated costs: $139,584 for improvements to the Town Hall and Community Center $50,000 towards the purchase of a new fire truck $50,000 for improvements and lighting for the Town Park and baseball field $35,WO for landscaping projects for Highway 125 and Main Street $25,000 for the purchase of a tractor and related ez!ipment for landscaping maintenance work 7. $72,030 for the following projects in the Town of Salley with estimated costs: $6,000 for upgrading the tennis court $600 for upgrading the basketball court $25,000 for development of a walking track $9,030 for renovation of the Town Hall $31,400 for construction of permanent public restrooms 8. $67,831 for the following projects in the Town of Bumettown with estimated costs: • $4,831 for the construction of sidewalks SAOrd Capital Projects Sales Tm.doc 6 } � r ` • BRIDGESUMMARY Connector Pedestrian Bridge 70'Span x 12'Width Deck Type:Concrete Bridge Finish:Weathering Steel 70' TOP VERTICAL DIAGONAL * CHORD CONCRETE OTTOM CHORD LFLOOR BEAM ABUTMENT BRIDGE ELEVATION r E 1 r a PRE M NARY /®�t�� Tail,graphic Nlmmalbn and Militia.nalneO 6 tons plans is arMmal¢In rent..Tw plans.attentions manor h.bean desalmad euknallsoNI a'MyVW EemnMbaluywa Wnenl ingM1NerelalFre aM papMbrel msnror.TM EeIaNSIMubEIn IIMN plans;have Ee9n V miasma W reprefientwmmenly both.."I...blles.Tmmam n.Englneedng d.Mngs,eM as saran Medelells may vary In lbe final deslpn la your paned depending an many vedabas that a.aelnbd In yomgnel mope of vmM eM epedgcaWns. a,aaa a Connector®70'Span x 12'Width +aa+N '��+m+e - -- C'���NTECH' �—CONTINENTAL' m ... esmGE= Waterworks Park Greeneway Bridge ENGINEEHO SO[AfflI LLC Pedestrian Bridge _ �' '�� wysu..pdaegrsuaam,ewcnesr,waaMes DYOO' North Augusta,South Carolina X0 wre wonwrax er epanv.lvz wxmN. elaaseyumis Iwa 1 4 CONCRETE_ BOTTOM BRACE DECK CHORD DIAGONAL FLOOR SIDE DAM BEAM DECK BRACING FRAMING BRIDGE PLAN r a as 9npNc ig,oa ruN".,a mnlarron,mesa plane le ecMmrvda In auto..Tin ad.Missions and sedbiu Mre been dergbpeE summatluelly In a way um demur,eeahe your orrant IWO In a rabl"and goo Mmonal menrer.To dnhlb lMuded In drone plena baw Ceen uletled to woodland commonly built comtnNon assemblies.These an not EpylneeMg drawings,and as swab.dw Molls may very In me Mel design for your amid dependlna on merry sedebbs Net en seletledhynor fleet seeps of wank and speplMellona. .poRwaLLmsla ruAua V, Connector®70'Span x 12'Width s N awa+,aeVV// ^ _ Cy NTECH' -CONI NENTAC P w DNIDGE Waterworks Park Greenaway Bridge bale """Made fNGINEEafD .E..,.i LLC www.cwNtl,E9.aem pdm.m, Pedestrian Bridge wye am.vow a..saade w.dcnm.abdaEgm DYOe° pa,a �aNmao .rNrl a „BNa„a ,,,,,,,, ,,,,w,e North Augusta,South Carolina 2 4 R 12' TOP CHORD SAFETY PICKET RUB RAIL DIAGONAL c VERTICAL CONCRETE DECK TOE PLATE (BY OTHERS) BOTTOM CHORD BRACE DIAGONAL SECTION E c TtagreMe,lmwmenon asd dearsm 1.an he.dead aadamaM In rehire.The pens.elev.We andseal.ns nev.Urea deueroped tmomatluey to ewer metdaemeeam yo.r care I modem a reldim,tad dagmmonel mamm,me dears emmedln M.plena have Been sebciN to represent commonly bWlt mnseedlm assembled.These amnm Englre.dng Emwmga.and as such.the media may very In the Fail design for ydurla.Ieddepeming on many vadablds Net ere attended In tour fast scope W wade and asedgmtbns. aPw mMall+°ms u.' \I' _ CaINTEYHa —CONnNEN.nr Connector®70'Span x 12'Width �'.ahad L.�.. ENGINEEEEG SOudNON5 MC a"100E= Waterworks Park Greenaway Bridge m oyes — m°et -- come. m1mmm Pedestrian Bridge tl]SGMd Pdaapr.L side.W.WnILMW.OXeY+W D`r°Be p G.rE �yeaXesaaeP.eX ar as..11. St..,... an«sN.ePaa >.x a North Augusta,South Carolina 9 4 END VERTICAL END FLOOR BEAM CONCRETE DECK FORM DECK CONCRETE DECK (BY OTHERS) LATERAL LONGITUDINAL BOTTOM CHORD REINFORCING REINFORCING I L ABUTMENT BASE PLATE r I rc SETTING PLATE w Z > FLOOR LOj ANCHOR RODS > BEAM BEARING SIDE VIEW CONCRETE DECK REINFORCING INFORMATION PROVIDED FOR REPRESENTATION ONLY. ACTUAL BEARING DIAGRAMS TO BE BASED ON FINAL DESIGN. CONT% x6"NOM IRON WOODS® CLEAR ALL HEART RUB RAIL S4S GALVANIZED FORM DECK L 1Y4 x1Y4 xY xS"LG r W/(2)OY4"x 1Y"LG ZINC e PLATED CARRIAGE BOLTS AT VERTICAL EACH FORM DECK DETAIL RUB RAIL DETAIL /®� TmflrWM1nmrormamnem tlenescomelnminnesepwnemematicnnaeee.lMplem.N.,am...an me M1aw me,ad, In design demoningan your cvnMNthan a Nemevtl pippanaWmennw.nngetplbinc4,pe01n Veee plane M1evp beau xgLIMI�� ,wRY \'U l wb[1N to repnwm commonly CWtl mnelnelnn eszmmMln.1MN en nm ErglneeM1np Enxvge,eM ee euuT,IM1e tlenlM1 may very In Me priel Ees'gn ror yaurnpfed Eepantllnp on many vatleblea IM1eI en a&ecleE In ymrflnel amps Mwwk eM epeclllmlbnc �/ CONTECH' �-COxnxWill' Connector®70'Span x 12'Widfh °e�ea ++�e 6GIGGE= Waterworks Park Greenaway Bridge ' hype pgfl ENGINEERED S MIONS LLC .ra."y`ad m,,,�, Pedestrian Bridge ° WIi6GMn PmYp..BWe aW MMPwIe.pNeY9e GYp1yo w ,,,e,e,rep ,,,,,�,,,,yM North Augusta,South Carolina 4 4 -w Conversion TWO IT ONty 4_0nN 011�1%,oN4i riJVND Porn P.IWRARY CHARLFSTON SNEPHERD'S CROOK ProgramHID to LED YRd k e Dominion Energy �OnllnlOn ��/ D C) 2 m z --i w .. Background .. • HID • HighPressureSodium-Orange i Conversion Program � • Metal Halide-White --• • Mercury Vapor—Blue,Green HID >a • LED � -- 6 r White light • Differences in HID and LED Technologies r ; q • Bulb • —e 1 y - - Solid State „ • Discrete • Chip on Board — Uniformity (Less Shadows) Uniformity (Light where you want it) I. r n � 4��{'n. �,Cd1�ar�r`bp7.1<<4� Auil'T ro ail Color Impact Concept • Need - Municipalities want to move to LED • Issue - LED pricing still more expensive than HID •Solution - LED conversion contract with incentives �i HPS Application LED Application Eligible Fixtures 0 © Contract Details • Rate 17—Municipal Street Lighting • Existing and New , "_„ �, .ir ->V • 10-year contract • OH fed on wooden poles • UG fed roadway - • 5-Year incentive to reduce the LED monthly cost • No decorative -� f ..,fi• • Incentive amounts at time of contract continue for life of contract f r" i+. O • Incentives may be lowered for future contracts • Assumption - End of 5 years, LED non-incentive rate will r w++ be lower than HID HID cost rising, LED steady or ± decreasing Advantages • Better quality lighting Iva „m., I+ NXaMAWi/•1. 1 • Uniform(less shadows) W. Iv1a,o% w• �• • D.. • Color Impact closer to daylight [�nen11ED (w•enlNro 3•'AM M•WnM P°MaXn Xelcu]lamr SMMPw MwNYWn Du.p IFOGWIn n• 5w 2&M WWCkM IM. [muNMN (Px]Itlui•I 1...3DN.1 (]•1•�I ealL"'A2 iMnM 3MM LOM • No upfront charges W n1gO4n ]3w $ I.N631 ]]gWMVDOCX S 13"'M W S 1.N W.N $ 1.%>Ji $ 3].YO L. • MG ]n $ ]aN M..PS v N S S V M 9 1.N S 3Lg0 $ % 4 U Lid lgl AIMDr Rx 4 9.U].N 13AVMSDicN $ ].Min 44 4 i.W $ 1AI'mU.Ja 4 3IMN $ ILM 7, % " RD w ]]1.13 3%WXMCOIM $ IN.M % LID $ U. $ 5n. ! M I.IN • At or below current total monthly cost M 1M 2. ! DDIJI 33W]XMMSM $ NY 3gf $ 0.3] $ U. 4 MM?2 ! "711 ,m N3 AMDn 1 $ <MM IfOW XM WgM g aMD M1 S c.11 S I,M11g S 3,Wd1 $ ".. fl M N AM il•w 4 %3.% MV 61p�OM $ 2%.11 UI S 633 $ ..Q $ ]55.3] $ ...M 0&b3 N AIM :,«. %ng• XMCDgM 1%-01 1.• 4 A33 s M.•1 g �.% >9.N • Ability to add additional lighting at 1W g,D.1wg IS "M. UD],1 s +•L$M N N11N same monthly cost • Communicating Node • Automatic notification of failure • Future—On/Off capabilities - • Future—Dimming capabilities ITT Comparable Fixtures Comparable Fixtures �r --- _ t. Better-Roadway Pattern � HPS 15,000LUMens - L I HP �115,000 Wine - 1 pg�yy�_ i Roadway Pattern nme $ ' Private Light Pattern LE LLED-8,600 Lumens • Deployment Details Next Step •Getting contracts now *Contract -Full deployment starting •Identify any additional lights January 2021 wanted •May take some months to -Identify lumen increase areas get to you New LED Projects Rate 17 Conversion Questions? -Prepayment options available for Capital a ' Dollars A, • Extended Terms • NSSF Money can be used ,n for infrastructure