RES 2020-56 Adopted RESOLUTION NO.2020-56 A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING DISTRIBUTION OF A ONE-TIME BONUS PAYMENT TO EMPLOYEES IN LIEU OF A MERIT BASED INCREASE IN 2020 AND AUTHORIZING DISTRIBUTION OF A 2%MERIT BASED EMPLOYEE PAY INCREASE IN 2021 WHEREAS, on December 2, 2019, City Council adopted a balanced budget for the fiscal year beginning on January 1,2020,and ending on December 31,2020 which included a 2%merit based employee pay increase effective July 1, 2020; and WHEREAS,the City determined that amendments to the General Fund and Riverfront Central Core Funds were necessary due to the outbreak of the 2019 Novel Coronavirus Disease ("COVID-19"); and WHEREAS, on July 20, 2020, City Council adopted a balanced budget adjustment retaining the 2% merit based employee pay increase with the implementation date subject to review of the City's financial performance amidst the COVID-19 pandemic; and WHEREAS, upon review of the City's current financial performance as of October 31, 2020, the City estimates a transfer of surplus to the Capital Projects Fund in excess of the amount transferred in the prior year,and WHEREAS,the City wishes to proceed with a one-time 1%bonus payment to eligible employees in lieu of the budgeted 2%mid-year retroactive merit based increase for 2020; and WHEREAS, on November 2, 2020 City Council adopted a balanced budget for the fiscal year beginning on January 1,2021, and ending on December 31, 2021 that includes the 2% merit based increase originally anticipated to be distributed in 2020. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Mayor and City Council of the City of North Augusta, in meeting duly assembled and by the authority thereof,that: I. Funding for the one-time 1% bonus payment to eligible employees is to come from the City's operating funds not to exceed$90,000 from the General Fund, $5,000 from the Stormwater Fund, $16,000 from the Sanitation Fund,$19,000 from the Utilities Fund and$600 from the Riverfront/Central Core Fund. 2. Implementation of a 2% merit based employee increase will be effective with the first full payroll in January 2021 and will be distributed based on annual performance evaluations for 2020. 3. Funds for the one-time 1%bonus payment in 2020 and 2%merit based increase in 2021 shall be distributed in accordance with the criteria presented in Exhibit A. DONE, RATIFIED AND ADOPTED BY MAYOR ND TY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF NORTH AUGUSTA,SOUTH CAROLINA,ON THIS THE DAY 020. Ro rt A. ttit, yor ATTEST: IH'�`"�64X4A) Sharon Lamar,City Clerk EXHIBIT A Eligibility Criteria for a One-Time Bonus Payment I. Employee must be an active employee at the time of distribution and have a hire date prior to October 1 of the bonus year. 2. Employee must have met standards on their most current performance evaluation. 3. Full-time employees with hire dates prior to July I of the bonus year will receive 100%of the bonus payment. Part-time employees with hire dates prior to July I of the bonus year will receive 50%of the bonus payment. 4. Full-time employees with hire dates of July 1 to September 30 of the bonus year will receive 50%of the bonus payment. Part-time employees with hire dates of July I to September 30 of the bonus year will receive 25%of the bonus payment 5. Any deviation from these criteria are to be reviewed by the Human Resources Manager and approved by the City Administrator. Eligibility Criteria for a Merit Based Pay Increase 1. Employee must be a full-time active employee at the time of distribution. 2. Employee must have had an annual performance evaluation and met standards for the year prior to the distribution. 3. Merit is not to be in addition to other merit increases such as salary adjustment on grade, promotion,or raise budgeted to begin in the distribution year. 4. Any deviation from these criteria are to be reviewed by the Human Resources Manager and approved by the City Administrator.