110220 Council Mtg Mins Adopted North Augusta *- ,/ SoLith Ccarohnc►'s Ritlerfront MINUTES OF NOVEMBER 2,2020 Robert A. Pettit, Mayor J. Robert Brooks, Councilmember Pat C. Carpenter, Councilmember Fletcher L. Dickert, Councilmember David W. McGhee, Councilmember Eric H. Presnell, Councilmember Kevin W Toole, Councilmember • ORDER OF BUSINESS REGULAR MEETING The regular meeting of the City Council of the City of North Augusta of November 2,2020 having been duly publicized was called to order by Mayor Pettit at 7:03 p.m. and then adjourned at 7:57 p.m. Per Section 30-4-80,(e)notice of the meeting by email was sent out to the current maintained "Agenda Mailout' list consisting of news media outlets and individuals or companies requesting notification. Notice of the meeting was also posted on the outside doors of the Municipal Center, the main bulletin board of the Municipal Center located on the first floor, and the City of North Augusta website. Mayor Pettit rendered the invocation and the Pledge of Allegiance. Members present were Mayor Pettit, Councilmembers Brooks, Carpenter, Dickert, McGhee, Presnell and Toole. Also in attendance were James S. Clifford, City Administrator; Rachelle Moody, Assistant City Administrator; Kelly F. Zier, City Attorney; Cammie T. Hayes, Director of Finance and General • Services;Richard L.Meyer,Director of Parks,Recreation,and Tourism;John C.Thomas,Director of Public Safety;Thomas C. Zeaser,Director of Engineering and Public Works; James E. Sutton, t • Director of Public Services; Libby E. Hodges, Director of Planning and Development; J.D. McCauley,Manager of Human Resources;Ricky Jones,Manager of Information Technology;and Sharon Lamar, City Clerk. Members of the public and media were also present. The minutes of the Study Session and Regular Council meeting of October 19, 2020 and the minutes of the Public Hearing for the Proposed Annual Consolidated Budget for Fiscal Year 2021 of October 19, 2020 were approved by general consent. ITEM 5. PRESENTATION: Hometown Hero Banner Project—Aiken County Veterans Council Lowell Koppert, Aiken Council Veterans Council Chairman,and Linda Caldwell, Aiken County Hometown Hero Banner Project Director,presented certificates of appreciation to the Mayor and Council to recognize the City's participation with the Hometown Hero Banner Project. ITEM 6. PROCLAMATION: National American Indian Heritage Month—November 2020 Mayor Pettit proclaimed November 2020 as National American Indian Heritage Month in the City. Dr. Celeste Spence, representing the North Augusta Chapter of the Daughters of the American Revolution,was in attendance to accept the proclamation. • Please see a copy of the proclamation below: PROCLAMATION NATIONAL AMERICANINDIANHERITAGE MONTH WHEREAS, the contributions of American Indians have enhanced the freedom, prosperity, and greatness ofAmerica today; and WHEREAS, Native American Awareness Week began in 1976 and recognition was expanded by Congress and approved by President George H. W Bush in August 1990, designating the month of November as National American Indian Heritage Month; and WHEREAS, in honor of National American Indian Heritage Month, community celebrations as well as numerous cultural, artistic, educational and historical activities have been planned. NOW THEREFORE, I, Robert A. Pettit, Mayor of the City of North Augusta, South Carolina, do hereby proclaim November, 2020 as NATIONAL AMERICAN INDIAN HERITA GE MONTH • 2 • in the City of North Augusta, South Carolina, and urge all our citizens to observe this month with appropriate programs, ceremonies and activities. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and caused the seal of the City of North Augusta, South Carolina, to be affixed this 2nd day of November, 2020. ITEM 7. PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT: Ordinance No. 2020-18 — Amending Article 13, Signs, of the North Augusta Development Code, Chapter 18 of the City of North Augusta, South Carolina Code of Ordinances; Ordinance—First Reading A. Remove from Table There was not motion to remove the ordinance from the table. Mayor Pettit requested the item be returned to the Planning Commission for further review at its December 2020 meeting. He suggested the Planning Commission consider the use of electronic signs based on road classification instead of zoning. A copy of the tabled ordinance is below: ORDINANCE NO. 2020-18 • AMENDING ARTICLE 13 SIGNS OF THE NORTH AUGUSTA DEVELOPMENT CODE, CHAPTER 18 OF THE CITY OF NORTH AUGUSTA, SOUTH CAROLINA CODE OF ORDINANCES WHEREAS, on December 17, 2007, by Ordinance 2007-22, the North Augusta City Council adopted the North Augusta Development Code which is consistent with the City's Comprehensive Plan and which incorporates all City zoning and land development regulations; and WHEREAS, pursuant to Section Text Amendments in Article 5, Approval Procedures, of the North Augusta Development Code, any person, property owner, board, commission, department or the City Council may apply for a change in zoning ordinance text; and WHEREAS,the North Augusta Planning Commission, following a June 18,2020, public hearing, reviewed and considered a request by the Planning and Development Department to amend Article 13,entitled"Signs,"of the North Augusta Development Code to allow electronic readerboard signs for certain permitted non-residential uses in residential districts. The Planning Commission report has been provided to City Council for consideration. WHEREAS,the Mayor and City Council have reviewed the request as well as the report from the Planning Commission and has determined that the change to the text of the • Development Code is appropriate. 3 • NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF NORTH AUGUSTA,SOUTH CAROLINA,IN MEETING DULY ASSEMBLED AND BY THE AUTHORITY THEREOF, THAT: I. The North Augusta Development Code, Chapter 18 of The City of North Augusta, South Carolina Code of Ordinances, Providing for New Zoning and Land Development Regulations for the City of North Augusta, South Carolina, is hereby amended and shall read as described in the following section. The section of the Code affected by the proposed amendment is identified by the section number. A. Article 13, Signs, is amended to read: a 13.8.3 Signage Allowed for Non-Residential Districts and Uses 1. Electronic Readerboards i. Shall be used only in the Office Commercial (OC), General Commercial (GC),Thoroughfare Commercial (TC), and Industrial (IND)districts and for any non-residential use allowed in a residential district. ii. Must have a dark or black background. iii. Shall not display any animation, scrolling, flashing, or the appearance of animation or other prohibited sequence of lighting. • iv. Electronic Readerboards are prohibited in the Neighborhood Preservation Overlay. b. Table 13-2 Non-Residential Sign Area: All Signs Wall Signs Freestanding Signs Maximum TOTAL Maximum SF Maximum SF of all signs is is the lesser Maximum SF is the lesser of SF,if not the lesser of of G or H otherwise B,or C, or D E or F specified A B C D E F G H I 1 K — E — E E v 01 E ,� m W n C C W j s '� Y = S H 'y� .... N CO 6 �„ N Y Use or Zoning District* ` « a m y m m e c « A g a A g a a ° a g = 4 ^ g a 13. Electronic Readerboards No -- -- — — -- -- -- -- - maximum c. Any other needed formatting will be edited to reflect new page numbers, titles or item numbering associated with the text changes outlined herein. • 4 • IL All other Ordinances or parts of Ordinances in conflict herewith are, to the extent of such conflict, hereby repealed. III. This Ordinance shall become effective immediately upon its adoption on third reading. DONE,RATIFIED AND ADOPTED BY THE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF NORTH AUGUSTA, SOUTH CAROLINA, ON THIS DAY OF 12020. ITEM 8. FINANCE: Ordinance No. 2020-28 -Adopting a Budget for Fiscal Year 2021 Containing Estimates of Proposed Revenues and Expenditures by the City of North Augusta, South Carolina, for the Budget Year Beginning January 1,2021, and Declaring That Same Shall Constitute the Budget of the City of North Augusta for Such Budget Year; Ordinance—Final Reading On the motion of Councilmember Carpenter, second of Councilmember Presnell, Council agreed to consider on final reading an ordinance to adopt a budget for fiscal year 2021 containing estimates of proposed revenues and expenditures by the City of North Augusta, South Carolina, for the budget year beginning January 1, 2021, and declaring that same shall constitute the • budget of the City of North Augusta for such budget year. There were no comments. The first reading of the ordinance was approved with a 7-0 unanimous vote. Please see a copy of the proposed ordinance below: ORDINANCE NO. 2020-28 ADOPTING A BUDGET FOR FISCAL YEAR 2021 CONTAINING ESTIMATES OF PROPOSED REVENUES AND EXPENDITURES BY THE CITY OF NORTH AUGUSTA, SOUTH CAROLINA, FOR THE BUDGET YEAR BEGINNING JANUARY 1. 2021, AND DECLARING THAT SAME SHALL CONSTITUTE THE BUDGET OF THE CITY OF NORTH AUGUSTA FOR SUCH BUDGET YEAR WHEREAS, in accordance with the Laws of South Carolina, and the Ordinance of the City of North Augusta, the City Administrator must prepare and submit to the City Council a Balanced Budget for the next budget year to begin on January 1, 2021, and end on December 31, 2021; and WHEREAS, a public hearing has been held on said budget, as required by law. NOW, THEREFORE BE IT ORDAINED BY THE MAYOR AND CITY • COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF NORTH AUGUSTA,SOUTH CAROLINA,IN MEETING DULY ASSEMBLED AND BY THE AUTHORITY THEREOF,THAT: 5 • Section 1. The City Council hereby adopts the 2021 Fiscal Year Budget, incorporated by reference as though it were set out herein in its entirety, for the conduct of the business of the municipal government of North Augusta for the budget year,January 1, 2021, to December 31,2021. Section II. The transfer of budgeted amounts between functional areas of expenditures or expenses shall be approved by City Council; however, transfers of budgeted line items within the functional areas of expenditures or expenses not to exceed $5,000, may be approved by the City Administrator as long as total expenditures or expenses do not exceed appropriations in the functional area. Management can also over expend appropriations,with the City Administrator's approval,at the line item and department level,as long as the total expenditures or expenses do not exceed appropriations of the functional area. Functional areas are: General Government;Public Safety; Public Works; Parks, Recreation, and Tourism; Sanitation Services; Stormwater Utility; and Water and Wastewater. Section III. The Mayor or City Administrator may authorize the expenditure of an amount not to exceed$500 at any one time from the Council Contingencies Account without prior approval of the City Council provided that any such • expenditure is reported in the minutes of the next Council meeting. Section IV. The City Council must approve expenditures from the following funds: Sales Tax I, Sales Tax 11, Sales Tax III, Sales Tax IV, Street Improvements, Transportation Improvement, Capital Projects, Riverfront/Central Core Development, Depreciation, Contingent, Construction, Tax Increment Financing, and the North Augusta Public Facilities Corporation unless otherwise previously budgeted. Section V. The City Administrator may execute all necessary documents relating to the lease purchase financing of equipment specifically authorized and identified in the 2021 Budget. The financial institution selected for 2021 lease purchase financing shall be selected based upon competitive bidding in conformance with the City's purchasing procedures. Section VI. All Ordinances or parts of Ordinances in conflict herewith are,to the extent of such conflict, hereby repealed. Section VII. This Ordinance shall become effective immediately upon its adoption on second reading. DONE, RATIFIED AND ADOPTED BY THE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF NORTH AUGUSTA, SOUTH CAROLINA, ON THIS _ DAY OF • 12020. 6 ITEM 9. FINANCE: Ordinance No. 2020-29—Levying the Annual Tax on Property in the City of North Augusta, South Carolina for the Fiscal Year Beginning January 1, 2021, and Ending December 31,2021; Ordinance—Final Reading On the motion of Councilmember Dickert, second of Councilmember Brooks, Council agreed to consider on final reading an ordinance to levy the annual tax on property in the City of North Augusta, South Carolina for the fiscal year beginning January 1, 2021, and ending December 21, 2021. Mayor Pettit stated the annual tax will remain unchanged from 2020. There were no other comments. The ordinance was approved on first reading with a 7-0 unanimous vote. Please see a copy of the proposed ordinance below: ORDINANCE NO. 2020-29 LEVYING THE ANNUAL TAX ON PROPERTY IN THE CITY OF NORTH AUGUSTA, SOUTH CAROLINA, FOR THE FISCAL YEAR BEGINNING JANUARY 1,2021, AND ENDING DECEMBER 31, 2021 BE IT ORDAINED BY THE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF NORTH AUGUSTA,SOUTH CAROLINA, IN MEETING DULY ASSEMBLED AND BY THE AUTHORITY THEREOF,THAT: • Section I. The annual tax for the fiscal year(budget year) 2021, beginning January 1, 2021, and ending December 31, 2021, is hereby imposed and levied for general corporate purposes upon all the taxable property of the City of North Augusta. Section II. The period for which the tax levy is due on all taxable property, except for motorized vehicles, shall be from January 1, 2020, to December 31, 2020. Section III. The period for which the tax levy is due for all motorized vehicles which are required to be licensed by Section 53-3-110, Code of Laws of South Carolina, shall be from January 1, 2021, to December 31, 2021. Section IV. The tax levy imposed upon all taxable property shall be 72.00 mills to the General Fund and 1.5 mills to the Capital Projects Fund for a total tax levy of 73.5 mills. Section V. All Ordinances or parts of Ordinances in conflict herewith are,to the extent of such conflict, hereby repealed. Section VI. This Ordinance shall become effective January 1, 2021. • 7 • DONE, RATIFIED AND ADOPTED BY THE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF NORTH AUGUSTA, SOUTH CAROLINA, ON THIS DAY OF , 2020. ITEM 10. PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT: Ordinance No. 2020-30—To Amend the Zoning Map of the City of North Augusta, South Carolina by Rezoning f0.45 Acres of Land Owned by Jeffrey S. Martin, Aiken County Tax Parcel#007-16-01-001, 1132 Frances Street from R-10, Medium Lot, Single Family Residential, to GC, General Commercial; Ordinance—Final Reading On the motion of Mayor Pettit, second of Councilmember Presnell, Council agreed to consider on final reading an ordinance to amend the zoning map of the City of North Augusta, South Carolina by rezoning t0.45 acres of land owned by Jeffrey S. Martin,Aiken County Tax Parcel #007-16- 01-001, 1132 Frances Street from R-10, Medium Lot, Single Family Residential, to GC, General Commercial. Councilmember Toole announced his recusal from this vote due to a professional relationship with the party that would benefit, if approved. There were no comments from citizens. The first reading of the ordinance was approved with a 6-0 vote and 1 recusal Please see ATTACHMENT#10 for a copy of Councilmember Toole's recusal statement. Please see a copy of the proposed ordinance below: • ORDINANCE NO. 2020-30 TO AMEND THE ZONING MAP OF THE CITY OF NORTH AUGUSTA SOUTH CAROLINA BY REZONING t .45 ACRES OF LAND OWNED BY JEFFREY S. MARTIN, AIKEN COUNTY TAX PARCEL 4007-16-01-001, 1132 FRANCES STREET FROM R-10, MEDIUM LOT, SINGLE FAMILY RESIDENTIAL, TO GC, GENERAL COMMERCIAL WHEREAS, on December 17, 2007, by Ordinance 2007-22, the North Augusta City Council adopted the North Augusta Development Code and a citywide Zoning Map which is consistent with the City's North Augusta 2017 Comprehensive Plan; and WHEREAS,pursuant to Section 5.3,North Augusta Development Code,the North Augusta Planning Commission may recommend amendments to the Zoning Map, provided such amendments are consistent with the City's North Augusta 2017 Comprehensive Plan; and WHEREAS, the North Augusta Planning Commission, following an August 20, 2020, public hearing, reviewed and considered a request by WTC of Martintown, LLC, to amend the Official Zoning Map of North Augusta from Medium Lot, Single-Family Residential (R-10) to General Commercial (GC). The staff report and results of this hearing have been provided to City Council. NOW THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE MAYOR AND CITY • COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF NORTH AUGUSTA,SOUTH CAROLINA,IN MEETING DULY ASSEMBLED AND BY THE AUTHORITY THEREOF,THAT: 8 • I. A parcel consisting of f.45 acres owned by Jeffrey S. Martin, is hereby rezoned from R-10, Medium Lot, and Single-Family Residential to GC, General Commercial. Said property is Aiken County tax map parcel # 007-16-01-001 located at 1132 Frances Street and specifically identified on Exhibit "A" attached hereto. II. The Official Zoning Map for the City of North Augusta is hereby amended to reflect this rezoning. III. All ordinances or parts of Ordinances in conflict herewith are,to the extent of such conflict, hereby repealed. IV. This Ordinance shall become effective immediately upon its adoption on second and final reading. DONE, RATIFIED AND ADOPTED BY THE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF NORTH AUGUSTA, SOUTH CAROLINA, ON THIS DAY OF 12020. ITEM 11. PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT: Ordinance No. 2020-31 —To Amend • the Zoning Map of the City of North Augusta, South Carolina by Rezoning f2.02 Acres of Land Owned by Hardy Land,LLC Aiken County Tax Parcel#005-19-06-005,from PD, Planned Development,to R-5,Mixed Residential; Ordinance—Final Reading On the motion of Councilmember Toole, second of Councilmember Brooks, Council agreed to consider an ordinance on final reading to amend the zoning map of the City of North Augusta, South Carolina by rezoning t2.02 acres of land owned by Hardy Land, LLC Aiken County Tax Parcel#005-19-06-005,from PD, Planned Development, to R-5, Mixed Residential. There were no comments. The first reading was approved with a 7-0 unanimous vote. Please see the copy of the proposed ordinance below: ORDINANCE NO. 2020-31 TO AMEND THE ZONING MAP OF THE CITY OF NORTH AUGUSTA, SOUTH CAROLINA BY REZONING t 2.02 ACRES OF LAND OWNED BY HARDY LAND LLC AIKEN COUNTY TAX PARCEL#005-19-06-005, FROM PD PLANNED DEVELOPMENT,TO R-5, MD(ED RESIDENTIAL WHEREAS, on December 17, 2007, by Ordinance 2007-22, the North Augusta City Council adopted the North Augusta Development Code and a citywide Zoning Map which is consistent with the City's North Augusta 2017 Comprehensive Plan; and • 9 • WHEREAS,pursuant to Section 5.3,North Augusta Development Code,the North Augusta Planning Commission may recommend amendments to the Zoning Map, provided such amendments are consistent with the City's North Augusta 2017 Comprehensive Plan; and WHEREAS, the North Augusta Planning Commission, following an August 20, 2020, public hearing, reviewed and considered a request by Glynn Bruker, to amend the Official Zoning Map of North Augusta from Planned Development (PD) to Mixed Residential (R-5) The staff report and results of this hearing have been provided to City Council. NOW THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF NORTH AUGUSTA,SOUTH CAROLINA,IN MEETING DULY ASSEMBLED AND BY THE AUTHORITY THEREOF, THAT: II. A parcel consisting of f2.02 acres owned by Hardy Land, LLC, is hereby rezoned from PD,Planned Development to R-5,Mixed Residential. Said property is Aiken County tax map parcel# 005-19-06-005 and specifically identified on Exhibit"A" attached hereto. IL The Official Zoning Map for the City of North Augusta is hereby amended to reflect this rezoning. V. All ordinances or parts of Ordinances in conflict herewith are,to the extent of such • conflict,hereby repealed. VI. This Ordinance shall become effective immediately upon its adoption on second and final reading. DONE, RATIFIED AND ADOPTED BY THE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF NORTH AUGUSTA, SOUTH CAROLINA, ON THIS DAY OF ,2020. ITEM 12. FINANCE: Ordinance No. 2020-32 — An Ordinance to Amend Section 15 Articles 1 and V of the City of North Augusta Code of Ordinances Related to Business Licensing; Ordinance—Final Reading On the motion of Councilmember Dickert, second of Mayor Pettit, Council agreed to consider on final reading an ordinance to amend Section 15 Articles 1 and V of the City of North Augusta Code of Ordinances Related to Business Licensing. Jim Clifford, City Administrator, explained the State of South Carolina is moving to require a standardized state-wide business licensing ordinance. The adoption of this ordinance will put the City in compliance with that requirement. There were no other comments. The ordinance was adopted on final reading with a unanimous vote of 7-0. Please see the copy of the proposed ordinance below: • ORDINANCE NO. 2020-32 10 • AN ORDINANCE TO AMEND SECTION 15 ARTICLES I AND V RELATED TO BUSINESS LICENSING WHEREAS,Chapter 15,Article I of the City of North Augusta Code of Ordinances provides for matters related to obtaining a business license with the City of North Augusta; and, WHEREAS,this Article was codified in 2008 with no revisions since then; and, WHEREAS, the Municipal Association of South Carolina developed a "model business license ordinance"that is in compliance with state and federal law and other best practices of business licensing; and, WHEREAS, the "model business license ordinance" provides standardization of business licensing among municipalities across South Carolina; and, WHEREAS, Mayor and City Council believe that it is appropriate for the City of North Augusta to revise this Ordinance concerning business licensing in conformity with the "model business license ordinance" as put forth by the Municipal Association of South Carolina; and, WHEREAS, Mayor and City Council believe the deletion of the current Article I in its entirety and replacement of same with a revised version is appropriate. • WHEREAS,Mayor and City Council also believe the deletion of the current Article V in its entirety is appropriate as it is now included in the revised Article I. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED by the Mayor and City Council of the City of North Augusta, South Carolina, in meeting duly assembled and by the authority thereof, that: I. Section 15, Article I, entitled BUSINESS LICENSES and Section 15, Article V, entitled RETAIL TELECOMMUNICATIONS SERVICES are hereby amended by deleting the entire sections as they are currently drawn and inserting in its place the following, so that such Ordinance, when revised, would read as follows: See. 1. License Required. Every person engaged or intending to engage in any calling, business, occupation or profession, in whole or in part,within the limits of the City of North Augusta, South Carolina, is required to pay an annual license tax for the privilege of doing business and obtain a business license as herein provided. Sec. 2. Defmitions. The following words,terms and phrases, when used in this ordinance, shall have the • meaning ascribed herein: 11 • "Business"means a calling, occupation,profession, or activity engaged in with the object of gain,benefit or advantage, either directly or indirectly. "Charitable Organization"means an organization that is determined by the Internal Revenue Service to be exempt from Federal income taxes under 26 U.S.C. section 501 (c)(3), (4), (6), (7), (8), (10)or(19). "Charitable Purpose" means a benevolent, philanthropic, patriotic, or eleemosynary purpose which does not result in personal gain to a sponsor, organizer, officer, director, trustee or person with ultimate control of the organization. "Classification" means that division of businesses by major groups subject to the same license rate as determined by a calculated index of ability to pay based on national averages, benefits, equalization of tax burden,relationships of services, or other basis deemed appropriate by the Council. "Gross Income" means the gross receipts or gross revenue of a business,received or accrued, for one calendar or fiscal year collected or to be collected from business done within the Municipality, excepting therefrom income earned outside of the Municipality on which a license tax is paid by the business to some other municipality or a county and fully reported to the Municipality. Gross income for agents means gross commissions received or retained,unless otherwise specified. Gross income for insurance companies means gross premiums written. • Gross income for business license tax purposes shall not include taxes collected for a governmental entity, escrow funds, or funds which are the property of a third party. The value of bartered goods or trade-in merchandise shall be included in gross income. The gross receipts or gross revenues for business license purposes may be verified by inspection of returns and reports filed with the Internal Revenue Service,the South Carolina Department of Revenue,the South Carolina Department of Insurance, or other government agencies. "License Official" means a person designated to administer this ordinance. "Licensee"means the business,the person applying for the license on behalf of the business, an agent or legal representative of the business, a person who receives any part of the net profit of the business, or a person who owns or exercises control of the business. "Municipality"means the City of North Augusta, South Carolina. "Person" means any individual, firm, partnership, LLP, LLC, cooperative non-profit membership, corporation,joint venture, association, estate, trust, business trust, receiver, syndicate,holding company, or other group or combination acting as a unit, in the singular or plural, and the agent or employee having charge or control of a business in the absence of the principal. Sec.3. Purpose and Duration. • The business license levied by this ordinance is for the purpose of providing such regulation as may be required for the business subject thereto and for the purpose of raising 12 • revenue for the general fund through a privilege tax. Each yearly license shall be issued for the twelve-month period of May 1 to April 30. The provisions of this ordinance and the rates herein shall remain in effect from year to year as amended by the Council. Sec. 4. License Tax. A. The required license tax shall be paid for each business subject hereto according to the applicable rate classification on or before the due date of the 30th day of April in each year, except for those businesses in Rate Class 8 for which a different due date is specified. B. A separate license shall be required for each place of business and for each classification or business conducted at one place. If gross income cannot be separated for classifications at one location, the license tax shall be computed on the combined gross income for the classification requiring the highest rate. A license tax based on gross income shall be computed on the gross income for the preceding calendar or fiscal year, and on a twelve-month projected income based on the monthly average for a business in operation for less than one year. The tax for a new business shall be computed on the estimated probable gross income stated in the license application for the balance of the license year. The initial tax for an annexed business shall be prorated for the number of months remaining in the license year.No refund shall be made for a business that is discontinued. • Sec. 5. Registration Required. A. The owner, agent or legal representative of every business subject to this ordinance, whether listed in the classification index or not, shall register the business and make application for a business license on or before the due date of each year;provided, a new business shall be required to have a business license prior to operation within the Municipality, and an annexed business shall be required to have a business license within thirty (30) days of the annexation.A license for a bar(NAICS 722410) must be issued in the name of the individual who has been issued a State alcohol, beer or wine permit or license and will have actual control and management of the business. B. Application shall be on a form provided by the License Official which shall contain the Social Security Number and/or the Federal Employer's Identification Number,the business name as reported on the South Carolina income tax return,and all information about the applicant and the Licensee and the business deemed appropriate to carry out the purpose of this ordinance by the License Official. Applicants may be required to submit copies of portions of state and federal income tax returns reflecting gross receipts and gross revenue figures. C. The applicant shall certify under oath that the information given in the application is true,that the gross income is accurately reported, or estimated for a new business, without any unauthorized deductions, and that all assessments, personal property taxes on business property and other monies due and payable to the Municipality have been paid. • 13 • Sec. 6. Deductions,Exemptions, and Charitable Organizations. A. No deductions from gross income shall be made except income earned outside of the Municipality on which a license tax is paid by the business to some other municipality or a county and fully reported to the Municipality,taxes collected for a governmental entity, or income which cannot be included for computation of the tax pursuant to State or Federal law. The applicant shall have the burden to establish the right to exempt income by satisfactory records and proof. B. No person shall be exempt from the requirements of the ordinance by reason of the lack of an established place of business within the Municipality, unless exempted by State or Federal law. The License Official shall determine the appropriate classification for each business in accordance with the latest issue of the North American Industry Classification System (NAICS)for the United States published by the Office of Management and Budget.No person shall be exempt from this ordinance by reason of the payment of any other tax, unless exempted by State law, and no person shall be relieved of liability for payment of any other tax or fee by reason of application of this ordinance. C. A Charitable Organization shall be exempt from the business license tax on its gross income unless it is deemed a business subject to a business license tax on all or part of its gross income as provided in this section. A Charitable Organization, or any for-profit affiliate of a Charitable Organization,that reports income from for-profit activities, or unrelated business • income, for Federal income tax purposes to the Internal Revenue Service shall be deemed a business subject to a business license tax on the part of its gross income from such for-profit activities or unrelated business income. A Charitable Organization shall be deemed a business subject to a business license tax on its total gross income if(1) any net proceeds of operation, after necessary expenses of operation, inure to the benefit of any individual or any entity that is not itself a Charitable Organization as defined in this ordinance, or(2) any net proceeds of operation, after necessary expenses of operation, are used for a purpose other than a Charitable Purpose as defined in this ordinance. Excess benefits or compensation in any form beyond fair market value to a sponsor, organizer, officer, director,trustee or person with ultimate control of the organization shall not be deemed a necessary expense of operation. Sec.7. False Application Unlawful. It shall be unlawful for any person subject to the provisions of this ordinance to make a false application for a business license, or to give or file, or direct the giving or filing of, any false information with respect to the license or tax required by this ordinance. See. 8. Display and Transfer. A. All persons shall display the license issued to them on the original form provided by • the License Official in a conspicuous place in the business establishment at the address shown on 14 • the license. A transient or non-resident shall carry the license upon his person or in a vehicle used in the business readily available for inspection by any authorized agent of the Municipality. B. A change of address must be reported to the License Official within ten(10) days after removal of the business to a new location and the license will be valid at the new address upon written notification by the License Official and compliance with zoning and building codes. Failure to obtain the approval of the License Official for a change of address shall invalidate the license and subject the licensee to prosecution for doing business without a license. A business license shall not be transferable and a transfer of controlling interest shall be considered a termination of the old business and the establishment of a new business requiring a new business license,based on old business income. Sec. 9. Administration of Article. The License Official shall administer the provisions of this article, collect license taxes, issue licenses,make or initiate investigations and audits to insure compliance, initiate denial or suspension and revocation procedures, report violations to the municipal attorney, assist in prosecution of violators, produce forms,make reasonable regulations relating to the administration of this ordinance, and perform such other duties as may be duly assigned. Sec. 10. Inspection and Audits. • A. For the purpose of enforcing the provisions of this ordinance,the License Official or other authorized agent of the Municipality is empowered to enter upon the premises of any person subject to this ordinance to make inspections, examine and audit books and records. It shall be unlawful for any such person to fail or refuse to make available the necessary books and records. In the event an audit or inspection reveals that the licensee has filed false information, the costs of the audit shall be added to the correct license tax and late penalties in addition to other penalties provided herein. Each day of failure to pay the proper amount of license tax shall constitute a separate offense. B. The License Official shall have the authority to make inspections and conduct audits of businesses within the Municipality to insure compliance with the ordinance. Financial information obtained by inspections and audits shall not be deemed public records,and the License Official shall not release the amount of license taxes paid or the reported gross income of any person by name without written percussion of the licensee, except as authorized by this ordinance, State or Federal law, or proper judicial order. Statistics compiled by classifications are public records. Sec. 11. Assessments, Payment under Protest.Appeal. A. If a person fails to obtain a business license or to furnish the information required by this ordinance or the License Official, the License Official shall examine such records of the business or any other available records as may be appropriate, and conduct such investigations • and statistical surveys as the License Official may deem appropriate to assess a license tax and penalties as provided herein. 15 • B. A notice of assessment shall be served by certified mail or personal service.An application for adjustment of the assessment may be made to the License Official within five (5) days after the notice is mailed or personally served or the assessment will become final. The License Official shall establish a uniform procedure for hearing an application for adjustment of assessment and issuing a notice of final assessment. C. A final assessment may be appealed to the Council only by payment in full of the assessment under protest within five (5) days and the filing of written notice of appeal within ten (10)days after payment pursuant to the provisions of this ordinance relating to appeals to Council. Sec. 12. Delinquent License Taxes, Partial Payment. A. For non-payment of all or any part of the correct license tax,the License Official shall levy and collect a late penalty of five (5%)percent of the unpaid tax for each month or portion thereof after the due date until paid. Penalties shall not be waived. If any license tax remains unpaid for sixty (60) days after its due date,the License Official shall report it to the municipal attorney for appropriate legal action. B. Partial payment may be accepted by the License Official to toll imposition of penalties on the portion paid;provided,however,no business license shall be issued or renewed • until the full amount of the tax due, with penalties, has been paid. Sec. 13. Notices. The License Official may, but shall not be required to,mail written notices that license taxes are due. If notices are not mailed, there shall be published a notice of the due date in a newspaper of general circulation within the municipality three (3)times prior to the due date in each year. Failure to receive notice shall not constitute a defense to prosecution for failure to pay the tax due or grounds for waiver of penalties. See. 14. Denial of License. The License Official shall deny a license to an applicant when the License Official determines: A. The application is incomplete, contains a misrepresentation, false or misleading statement, evasion or suppression of a material fact; or B. The activity for which a license is sought is unlawful or constitutes a public nuisance per se or per accidens; or C. The applicant, Licensee or prior Licensee or the person in control of the business has been convicted, within the previous ten years, of an offense under a law or ordinance regulating • 16 • business, a crime involving dishonest conduct or moral turpitude related to a business or a subject of a business, or an unlawful sale of merchandise or prohibited goods; or D. The applicant, Licensee or prior Licensee or the person in control of the business has engaged in an unlawful activity or nuisance related to the business or to a similar business in the Municipality or in another jurisdiction; or E. The applicant, Licensee or prior Licensee or the person in control of the business is delinquent in the payment to the Municipality of any tax or fee; or F. The license for the business or for a similar business of the Licensee in the Municipality or another jurisdiction has been denied, suspended or revoked in the previous license year. A decision of the License Official shall be subject to appeal to Council as herein provided. Denial shall be written with reasons stated. Sec. 15. Suspension or Revocation of License. When the License Official determines: A. A license has been mistakenly or improperly issued or issued contrary to law; or • B. A Licensee has breached any condition upon which the license was issued or has failed to comply with the provisions of this ordinance; or C. A Licensee has obtained a license through a fraud,misrepresentation, a false or misleading statement, evasion or suppression of a material fact in the license application; or D. A Licensee has been convicted, within the previous ten years, of an offense under a law or ordinance regulating business, a crime involving dishonest conduct or moral turpitude related to a business or a subject of a business, or an unlawful sale of merchandise or prohibited goods; or E. A Licensee has engaged in an unlawful activity or nuisance related to the business; or F. A Licensee is delinquent in the payment to the Municipality of any tax or fee, the License Official shall give written notice to the Licensee or the person in control of the business within the Municipality by personal service or certified mail that the license is suspended pending a hearing before Council for the purpose of determining whether the license should be revoked. The notice shall state the time and place at which the hearing is to be held, which shall be at a regular or special Council meeting within thirty (30) days from the date of service of the notice, • unless continued by agreement. The notice shall contain a brief statement of the reasons for suspension and proposed revocation and a copy of the applicable provisions of this ordinance. 17 Sec. 16. Appeals to Council. A. Any person aggrieved by a decision,final assessment, proposed revocation, suspension, or a denial of a business license by the License Official may appeal the decision to the Council by written request stating the reasons therefore,filed with the License Official within ten(10)days after service by mail or personal service of the notice of decision, final assessment, proposed revocation, suspension or denial. B. An appeal or a hearing on proposed revocation shall be held by the Council within thirty (30) days after receipt of a request for appeal or service of notice of suspension at a regular or special meeting of which the applicant or licensee has been given written notice,unless continued by agreement. At the hearing, all parties shall have the right to be represented by counsel,to present testimony and evidence and to cross-examine witnesses. The proceedings shall be recorded and transcribed at the expense of the party so requesting. The rules of evidence and procedure prescribed by Council shall govern the hearing. Council shall by majority vote of members present render a written decision based on findings of fact and application of the standards herein which shall be served upon all parties or their representatives and shall be the final decision of the Municipality. Sec. 17. Consent, franchise or license required for use of streets. • A. It shall be unlawful for any person to construct,install,maintain or operate in, on, above or under any street or public place under control of the municipality any line,pipe, cable, pole, structure or facility for utilities, communications, cablevision or other purposes without a consent agreement or franchise agreement issued by the Council by ordinance that prescribes the term, fees and conditions for use. B. The annual fee for use of streets or public places authorized by a consent agreement or franchise agreement shall be set by the ordinance approving the agreement and shall be consistent with limits set by State law. Existing franchise agreements shall continue in effect until expiration dates in the agreements. Franchise and consent fees shall not be in lieu of or be credited against business license taxes unless specifically provided by the franchise or consent agreement. Sec. 18. Confidentiality. Except in accordance with proper judicial order or as otherwise provided by law, it shall be unlawful for any official or employee to divulge or make known in any manner the amount of income or any particulars set forth or disclosed in any report or return required under this ordinance.Nothing in this section shall be construed to prohibit the publication of statistics so classified as to prevent the identification of particular reports or returns.Any license data may be shared with other public officials or employees in the performance of their duties,whether or not those duties relate to enforcement of the license ordinance. • 18 • Sec. 19. Violations. Any person violating any provision of this ordinance shall be deemed guilty of an offense and shall be subject to a fine of up to $500.00 or imprisonment for not more than thirty (30) days or both,upon conviction. Each day of violation shall be considered a separate offense. Punishment for violation shall not relieve the offender of liability for delinquent taxes,penalties and costs provided for herein. Sec. 20. Severability. A determination that any portion of this ordinance is invalid or unenforceable shall not affect the remaining portions. Sec.21. Classification and Rates. A. The classifications of businesses included in each rate class are listed with United States North American Industry Classification System(NAICS) codes,by sector, sub-sector, group or industry. The Business License Class Schedule (Appendix B) is a tool for classification and not a limitation on businesses subject to a license tax. The business classification,pursuant to the most recent version of the Business License Class Schedule adopted by the council,most specifically identifying the subject business, shall be applied to the business. The License • Official shall have the authority to make the determination of the business classification most specifically applicable to a subject business... B. The license tax for each class of businesses subject to this ordinance shall be computed in accordance with the current Business License Rate Schedule, designated as Appendix A to this ordinance,which may be amended from time to time by the Council. A copy of the Class Schedule and Rate Schedule shall be filed in the office of the municipal clerk. APPENDIX A RATESCHEDULE INCOME: $0 - $2,000 INCOME OVER$2,000 RATE. CLASS BASE RATE Rate per Thousand or fraction thereof 1 $ 25.00 $ 1.10 2 $ 30.00 $ 1.25 3 $ 35.00 $ 1.40 4 $40.00 $ 1.55 5 $45.00 $ 1.70 6 $ 50.00 $ 1.85 7 $ 55.00 $2.00 8.1 $ 25.00 $ 1.10 • 8.2 $ set by State statute 19 • 8.3 MASC Telecommunications 8.41 $ 200.00 $ 1.60 8.42 $ 50.00 $ 1.60 8.5 $25.00 $ 1.10 8.61 $ 100.00 $ 1.60 8.62 $ 50.00 $ 1.60 8.7 MASC Insurance 8.81 $12.50+ $12.50 per machine 8.82 $25.00 $ 1.60 8.83 $12.50+ $12.50 per machine 8.91 $ 100.00 $ 5.10 8.92 $ 100.00 $ 2.10 8.93 $ 50.00 $ 1.25 8.10 $ 50.00+ $5.00 per table $ 1.30 NON-RESIDENT RATES Unless otherwise specifically provided, all taxes and rates shall be doubled for nonresidents and itinerants having no fixed principal place of business within the municipality. CLASS 8RATES • Each NAICS Number designates a separate sub-classification. The businesses in this section are treated as separate and individual subclasses due to provisions of State law,regulatory requirements, service burdens,tax equalization considerations, etc., which are deemed to be sufficient to require individually determined rates. Non-resident rates do not apply except where indicated. 8.1 NAICS 230000 - Contractors. Construction,All Tyaes [Non-resident rates apply] Having permanent place of business within the municipality Minimum on first$2,000.....................................................................................$25.00 PLUS each additional 1,000......................................................................$1.10 A trailer at the construction site or structure in which the contractor temporarily resides is not a permanent place of business under this ordinance. The total tax for the full amount of the contract shall be paid prior to commencement of work and shall entitle contractor to complete the job without regard to the normal license expiration date. An amended report shall be filed for each new job and the appropriate additional license fee per$1,000 of the contract amount shall be paid prior to commencement of new work. Only one base tax shall be paid in a license year. No contractor shall be issued a business license until all state and municipal qualification • examination and trade license requirements have been met. Each contractor shall post a sign in plain view on each job identifying the contractor with the job. 20 • Sub-contractors shall be licensed on the same basis as general or prime contractors for the same job.No deductions shall be made by a general or prime contractor for value of work performed by a sub-contractor. No contractor shall be issued a business license until all performance and indemnity bonds required by the Building Code have been filed and approved. Zoning permits must be obtained when required by the Zoning Ordinance. Each prime contractor shall file with the License Official a list of sub-contractors famishing labor or materials for each project. 8.2 NAICS 482 - Railroad Companies—(See S.C. Code § 12-23-210) 8.3 NAICS 517311, 517312 - Telephone Companies: A. Notwithstanding any other provisions of the Business License Ordinance,the business license tax for "retail telecommunications services", as defined in S. C. Code Section 58-9-2200, shall be at the maximum rate authorized by S. C. Code Section 58-9-2220, as it now provides or as provided by amendment. The business license tax year shall begin on January 1 of each year. Declining rates shall not apply. B. In conformity with S.C. Code Section 58-9-2220,the business license tax for "retail • telecommunications services" shall apply to the gross income derived from the sale of retail telecommunications services for the preceding calendar or fiscal year which either originate or terminate in the municipality and which are charged to a service address within the municipality regardless of where these amounts are billed or paid and on which a business license tax has not been paid to another municipality.The measurement of the amounts derived from the retail sale of mobile telecommunications services shall include only revenues from the fixed monthly recurring charge of customers whose service address is within the boundaries of the municipality. For a business in operation for less than one year,the amount of business license tax shall be computed on a twelve-month projected income. C. The business license tax for "retail telecommunications services" shall be due on January 1 of each year and payable by January 31 of that year, without penalty. D. The delinquent penalty shall be five percent(5 %)of the tax due for each month, or portion thereof, after the due date until paid. E. Exemptions in the business license ordinance for income from business in interstate commerce are hereby repealed.Properly apportioned gross income from interstate commerce shall be included in the gross income for every business subject to a business license tax. F. Nothing in this Ordinance shall be interpreted to interfere with continuing obligations of any franchise agreement or contractual agreement in the event that the franchise or contractual agreement should expire after December 31, 2003. • 21 • G. All fees collected under such a franchise or contractual agreement expiring after December 31, 2003, shall be in lieu of fees or taxes which might otherwise be authorized by this Ordinance. H. As authorized by S. C. Code Section 5-7-300, the Agreement with the Municipal Association of South Carolina for collection of current and delinquent license taxes from telecommunications companies pursuant to S. C. Code Section 58-9-2200 shall continue in effect. 8.41 NAICS 423930 -Junk or Scrap Dealers [Non-resident rates apply] Minimum on first$2,000 .......................................................................................$200.00 PLUS Per$1,000, or fraction, over$2,000 ...............................................................$1.60 8.42 NAICS 522298-Pawn Brokers -All Types Minimum on first$2,000 ........................................................................................ $50.00 PLUS Per$1,000, or fraction, over$2,000 ..............................................................$ 1.60 8.5 NAICS 4411,4412 -Automotive,Motor Vehicles,Boats, Farm Machinery or Retail (except auto supply stores - see 4413) Minimum on first$2,000 .........................................................................................$25.00 PLUS Per$1,000, or fraction, over$2,000 ...............................................................$1.10 One sales lot not more than 400 feet from the main showroom may be operated under this • license provided that proceeds from sales at the lot are included in gross receipts at the main office when both are operated under the same name and ownership. Gross receipts for this classification shall include value of trade-ins. Dealer transfers or internal repairs on resale items shall not be included in gross income. NAICS 454390 -Peddlers, Solicitors, Canvassers,Door-To-Door Sales direct retail sales of merchandise. [Non-resident rates apply] 8.61 Regular activities [more than two sale periods of more than three days each per year] Minimum on first$2,000 .......................................................................................$100.00 PLUS Per $1,000, or fraction, over$2,000...............................................................$ 1.60 8.62 Seasonal activities [not more than two sale periods of not more than three days each year, separate license required for each sale period] Minimum on first$2,000 .........................................................................................$50.00 PLUS Per$1,000, or fraction, over$2,000...............................................................$ 1.60 Applicant for a license to sell on private property must provide written authorization from the property owner to use the intended location. 8.7 NAICS 5241 -Insurance Companies: Except as to fire insurance, "gross premiums"means gross premiums written for policies • for property or a risk located within the municipality. In addition, "gross premiums"shall 22 • include premiums written for policies that are sold, solicited,negotiated, taken, transmitted,received, delivered, applied for,produced or serviced by(1)the insurance company's office located in the municipality, (2)the insurance company's employee conducting business within the municipality, or(3)the office of the insurance company's licensed or appointed producer(agent) conducting business within the municipality, regardless of where the property or risk is located,provided no tax has been paid to another municipality in which the property or risk is located based on the same premium. Solicitation for insurance,receiving or transmitting an application or policy, examination of a risk, collection or transmitting of a premium, adjusting a claim,delivering a benefit, or doing any act in connection with a policy or claim shall constitute conducting business within the municipality, regardless of whether or not an office is maintained in the municipality. As to fire insurance, "gross premiums"means gross premiums (1)collected in the municipality, and/or(2) realized from risks located within the limits of the municipality. Gross premiums shall include all business conducted in the prior calendar year. Gross premiums shall include new and renewal business without deductions for any dividend, credit, return premiums or deposit. • Declining rates shall not apply. NAICS 52411 -Life,Health and Accident...................................... 0.75% of Gross Premiums NAICS 524126 -Fire and Casualty.......................................................2%of Gross Premiums NAICS 524127 -Title Insurance ............................................................ 2% of Gross Premiums Notwithstanding any other provisions of this ordinance, license taxes for insurance companies shall be payable on or before May 31 in each year without penalty. The penalty for delinquent payments shall be 5% of the tax due per month, or portion thereof, after the due date until paid. Any exemptions in the business license ordinance for income from business in interstate commerce are hereby repealed. Gross income from interstate commerce shall be included in the gross income for every business subject to a business license tax. Pursuant to S.C. Code Ann. §§ 38-45-10 and 38-45-60,the Municipal Association of South Carolina,by agreement with the municipality, is designated the municipal agent for purposes of administration of the municipal broker's premium tax. The agreement with the Association for administration and collection of current and delinquent license taxes from insurance companies as authorized by S.C. Code § 5-7-300. • 23 • [The South Carolina General Assembly, in order to ensure consistency with the federal Non-admitted and Reinsurance Reform Act of 2010 ("NRRA"), ratified an act(Rat#283) on June 28, 2012,amending S.C. Code §§ 38-7-16 and 3845-10 through 3845-195. The act establishes a blended broker's premium tax rate of 6 percent comprised of a 4 percent state broker's premium tax and a 2 percent municipal broker's premium tax. The act states a municipality may not impose on brokers of non-admitted insurance in South Carolina an additional license fee or tax based upon a percentage of premiums.] NAICS 713120 -Amusement Machines, coin operated (except gambling) - Music machines,juke boxes, kiddy rides,video games,pin tables with levers, and other amusement machines with or without free play feature licensed by SC Department of Revenue pursuant to S.C. Code §12-21-2720(A)(1) and (A)(2)— [Type I and Type II] 8.81 Operator of machine ................................................................................$12.50/machine PLUS.............................................................................................$12.50 business license for operation of all machines (not on gross income). [§12-21-27461 8.82 Distributor selling or leasing machines (not licensed by the State as an operator pursuant to §12-21-2728) - [Nonresident rates apply.] Minimum on first$2,000...................................................................................... $25.00 PLUS Per$1,000, or fraction, over$2,000...........................................................$1.60 • NAICS 713290 -Amusement Machines, coin operated, non-payout Amusement machines of the non-payout type or in-line pin game licensed by SC Department of Revenue pursuant to S.C. Code §12-21-2720(A)(3) [Type III] 8.83 Operator ofmachine ................................................................................$12.50/machine PLUS............................................................................................$12.50 business license for operation of all machines (not on gross income). [§12-21-2720(B)] 8.82 Distributor selling or leasing machines (not licensed by the State as an operator pursuant to §12-21-2728) - [Nonresident rates apply.] — Minimum on first$2,000...................................................................................... $25.00 PLUS Per$1,000, or fraction, over$2,000...........................................................$1.60 8.91 NAICS 713290-Bingo halls, parlors— Minimum on first $2,000 .................................................................................... $100.00 PLUS Per$1,000, or fraction, over$2,000...........................................................$5.10 8.92 NAICS 711190-Carnivals and Circuses - Minimum on first$2,000 .................................................................................... $100.00 PLUS Per$1,000, or fraction, over$2,000...........................................................$2.10 • 24 • 8.93 NAICS 722410 -Drinking Places,bars,lounges, cabarets (Alcoholic beverages consumed on premises) Minimum on fast$2,000...................................................................................... $50.00 PLUS Per$1,000, or fraction, over$2,000...........................................................$1.25 License must be issued in the name of the individual who has been issued a State alcohol, beer or wine permit or license and will have actual control and management of the business. 8.10 NAICS 713990-Billiard or Pool Rooms, all types .......... $5.00 or$12 per table Minimum on first$2,000...................................................................................... $50.00 PLUS Per$1,000, or fraction, over$2,000...........................................................$1.30 NAICS 22112-Electric Power Distribution............................ See Consent or Franchise NAICS 22121—Natural Gas Distribution ............................... ...See Consent or Franchise NAICS 517110—Television: Cable or Pay Services using public streets.........................................................................See Franchise II. The NAICS Numerical Index is an attachment to this ordinance and incorporated herein. • III. All Ordinances or parts of Ordinances in conflict herewith are, to the extent of such conflict, hereby repealed. IV. This Ordinance shall become effective immediately upon its adoption on second reading. DONE, RATIFIED AND ADOPTED BY THE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF NORTH AUGUSTA, SOUTH CAROLINA, ON THIS DAY OF , 2020 ITEM 13. PARKS,RECREATION AND TOURISM: Resolution No.2020-52—Naming the Amphitheater in Riverside Village as the Sharon Jones Amphitheater On the motion of Mayor Pettit, second of Councilmember Toole, Council agreed to consider a resolution to name the amphitheater in Riverside Village as the Sharon Jones Amphitheater. Mayor Pettit recommended the resolution be amended to include the phrase,"in an amount not to exceed $10,000.00", at the end of the second BE IT FUTHER RESOLVED paragraph. On the motion of Mayor Pettit, second of Councilmember Dickert, Council voted 7-0 to unanimously amend the resolution. • 25 • At the request of Councilmember Dickert,Mayor Pettit read aloud the entire text of the resolution. Each Councilmember expressed their support of the resolution. Citizen Comments were shared by: Ryan Abel, Don Rhodes, and Milledge Murray. Council approved the resolution with a unanimous vote of 7-9. A copy of the proposed resolution is below: RESOLUTION NO. 2020-52 NAMING THE AMPHITHEATER IN RIVERSIDE VILLAGE AS THE SHARON JONES AMPHITHEATER WHEREAS,the late, great singer Sharon Jones lived her early years in North Augusta, as a child first displayed her singing talent in a North Augusta Baptist Church Christmas play as a singing angel; and became a resident of North Augusta in her final years; and WHEREAS, Sharon Jones' extraordinary talent was finally recognized at age 40 while singing professionally in the New York City area; and WHEREAS, Sharon Jones was the lead singer for the soul band,the Dap-Kings,for 20 years; and WHEREAS, Sharon Jones and the Dap-Kings sparked the soul music revival, defined the sound of modern soul, and received a Grammy nomination for their album Give the People What They • Want, and WHEREAS, Sharon was widely acclaimed as the "Female James Brown," and her dynamic performances and sensational albums made her a fan favorite around the world; and WHEREAS, Sharon's battle with pancreatic cancer, which ultimately took her life in 2016 at age 60, was the subject of the inspirational 2016 documentary, "Miss Sharon Jones!"; by the two- time Academy Award winning filmmaker Barbara Kopple; and WHEREAS, the amphitheater in Riverside Village was envisioned as a venue for vocal and instrumental concerts by local and national performers. NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Mayor and City Council of the City of North Augusta, South Carolina, in meeting duly assembled and by the authority thereof, the Riverside Village Amphitheater shall be named the "Sharon Jones Amphitheater," and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the City Administrator is directed to have appropriate signage designed, manufactured, and erected identifying the amphitheater as the "Sharon Jones Amphitheater" and to prepare one or more plaques highlighting the life, career and accomplishments of Sharon Jones and prominently display same at an appropriate location(s),and; BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED funding for the above signage and plaques shall come from the Capital Projects Fund in an amount not to exceed$10,000.00. DONE,RATIFIED AND ADOPTED BY THE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY • OF NORTH AUGUSTA, SOUTH CAROLINA, ON THIS DAY OF NOVEMBER, 2020. 26 • ITEM 14. PARKS, RECREATION, AND TOURISM: Resolution No. 2020-53 — Authorizing Funding for the Rehabilitation and Resurfacing of Portions of the Greeneway On the motion of Councilmember Brooks,second of Councilmember Presnell,Council considered a resolution to authorize funding for the rehabilitation and resurfacing of portions of the Greeneway. There were no comments from Council or citizens. The resolution was adopted with a unanimous vote of 7-0. A copy of the proposed resolution is below: RESOLUTION NO. 2020-53 AUTHORIZING FUNDING FOR THE REHABILITATION AND RESURFACING OF PORTIONS OF THE GREENEWAY WHEREAS,the Department of Parks,Recreation and Tourism applied for,and was awarded a grant from the State of South Carolina Department of Parks, Recreation and Tourism Recreation Trails Program,in the amount of$100,000,to re-surface/re-pave a portion of the North Augusta Greeneway; and • WHEREAS, the adopted 2020 Annual Municipal Budget included $25,000 matching funds in the General Fund(10-4310-387); and WHEREAS, the adopted 2020 Annual Municipal Budget included an additional $35,000 in the River&ont/CC Redevelopment Fund (19-4325-387) for "Greeneway Paving Upgrade"; and WHEREAS, there remains a balance of $11,904.69 in the Riverfront/CC Redevelopment Fund (19-4325-387) unspent from the previous phase of the Greeneway Paving Upgrade; and WHEREAS, the adopted 2021 Annual Municipal Budget includes an additional $35,000 in the Riverfront/CC Redevelopment Fund (194325-387) for "Greeneway Paving Upgrade". NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED by the Mayor and City Council for the City of North Augusta, in meeting duly assembled and by the authority thereof, that the total project budget shall be $206,904.69 with $106,904.69 funded by the Riverfront/CC Redevelopment Fund and $100,000 to be reimbursed by SCPRT. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the $25,000 matching funds in the 2020 General Fund Budget shall be transferred to the Riverfront/CC Redevelopment Fund. • 27 • DONE, RATIFIED AND ADOPTED BY THE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF NORTH AUGUSTA, SOUTH CAROLINA, ON THIS DAY OF 12020. ITEM 15. PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT: Resolution No. 2020-54—Accepting a Deed of Dedication for the Streets, Water Distribution Systems, Sanitary Sewer, and Associated Easements and Rights of Way,Along with a Maintenance Guarantee and Letter of Credit for Hammonds Ferry Phase A4 On the motion of Councilmember Carpenter, second of Councilmember McGhee, Council agreed to consider accepting a Deed of Dedication for the streets, water distribution systems, sanitary sewer, and associated easements and rights of way,along with Maintenance Guarantee and Letter of Credit for Hammonds Ferry Phase A4. There were no comments from Council or citizens. The resolution was adopted with a unanimous vote of 7-0. A copy of the proposed resolution is below: RESOLUTION NO. 2020-54 ACCEPTING A DEED OF DEDICATION FOR THE STREETS WATER DISTRIBUTION SYSTEM, SANITARY SEWER,AND ASSOCIATED EASEMENTS AND RIGHTS OF WAY,ALONG WITH A MAINTENANCE GUARANTEE AND LETTER OF CREDIT, • FOR HAMMONDS FERRY PHASE A4 WHEREAS, HF Developers, LLC has developed Hammond's Ferry Phase A4, according to the requirements of the North Augusta Planning Commission and the City, and owns the streets, utilities and easements; and WHEREAS, pursuant to § of the North Augusta Development Code, the Director of Planning and Development and the City Engineer approved the final subdivision plat for recording on July 30, 2020, and WHEREAS, it is the policy of the City that, upon approval of a final subdivision plat, the City will, following inspection by the City's Engineering department, accept a deed of dedication for utilities, etc. for the purpose of ownership and maintenance when said deed is accompanied by a maintenance guarantee; and WHEREAS, a maintenance guarantee and supporting cash deposit accompany the deed; and WHEREAS, the City Engineer has made final inspection of the subject improvements and these improvements meet City standards. • 29 • NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Mayor and City Council of the City of North Augusta, South Carolina, in meeting duly assembled and by the authority thereof, do hereby accept a deed of dedication for: ALL those certain streets and roadways located in Hammonds Ferry Section A4 shown and designated as a portion of Lafayette Street (45'R/W and R/W varies), Brick Pond Alley (24'R/W), a portion of Kennesaw Alley (24' R/W), Preservation Loop (R/W varies), a portion of Heirloom Alley (24' R/W), a portion of Railroad Avenue (66' R/W), a portion of Tin Pan Alley(24'R/W),a portion of Arrington Avenue(R/W varies),a portion of Blue Clay Drive(R/W varies)and a portion of Taft Alley(24'R/W) as shown and delineated on a plat of Hammonds Ferry Section A4 prepared for HF Developers, LLC by Cranston Engineering dated April 14, 2019 and recorded August 6, 2020 in the Office of the RMC for Aiken County, South Carolina, in Plat Book 62, at Page 294 ("Section A4 Plat"). Reference is made to said plat, which is incorporated herein by reference, for a more complete and accurate description as to the metes, bounds and location of said property. LESS AND EXCEPT ALL that certain piece, parcel or lot of land being shown and designated as Tract A containing 1.79 acres,more or less, also shown as Railroad Avenue (50' R/W proposed) on a plat prepared for North Augusta Riverfront Company, LLC by Cranston Engineering Group, P.C. dated April 22, 2009 and recorded August 4, 2009 in the Office of the RMC for Aiken County, South Carolina, in Plat Book 54, Page 751. • Reference is made to said plat, which is incorporated herein by reference, for a more complete and accurate description as to the metes, bounds and location of said property. TOGETHER WITH ALL those certain tracts located in Hammonds Ferry Section A4 shown and designated as Tract F containing 710 square feet, more or less, and Tract G containing 3,407 square feet,more or less,as shown and delineated on the Section A4 Plat. Reference is made to said plat, which is incorporated herein by reference, for a more complete and accurate description as to the metes, bounds and location of said property. TOGETHER WITH all (a) curbs and gutters located within the aforesaid right of way of the streets and roadways; (b) sidewalks located within the aforesaid right of way of the streets and roadways; (c) sanitary sewerage collection systems including lift stations located on the property shown on the Section A4 Plat; (d) storm water collection system including storm water detention areas located on the property shown on the Section A4 Plat; ( e) greenways or other pedestrian connections outside the road rights-of-way but located on the property shown on the Section A4 plat,and(f)a perpetual and non-exclusive easement and rights-of-way for potable water, sanitary sewage and storm water collection systems located on the property shown on the Section A4 Plat. BEING a portion of the property conveyed to HF Developers, LLC by deed of North Augusta Riverfront Company,LLC dated December 12, 2015 and recorded December 15, 2015 in Record Book 4583, Page 585, Aiken County Records as corrected by deed dated December 21, 2015 and recorded December 28,2015 in Record Book 4584, Page 1938 in • the Office of the RMC for Aiken County, South Carolina. 29 • Tax Map & Parcel: Portions of 007-13-01-008; 007-13-01-010; 007-13-01-011; 007-13- 19-004 BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that a Maintenance Guarantee and check in the amount of$174,000 are hereby accepted. DONE, RATIFIED AND ADOPTED BY THE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF NORTH AUGUSTA, SOUTH CAROLINA, ON THIS DAY OF ,2020. ITEM 16. PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT: Planning Commission Recommendation Memorandum #20-030 and Project Staff Report: RZT20-003, Special Exceptions in Neighborhood Preservation Overlay; Receipt of information With no discussion Council accepted the Planning Commission recommendation Memorandum #20-030 and Project Staff Report: RZT20-003, Special Exceptions in Neighborhood Preservation Overlay for information. The memo and report will be considered at a later regular Council meeting. ITEM 17. ANNEXATION: Ordinance No. 2020-33—To Change the Corporate Limits • of the City of North Augusta by Accepting the Petition Requesting Annexation by the Landowners and Annexing f14.3 Acres of Property Located Along Edgefield Road and Owned by Jo M. Pinner,Norman M. Pate, and Joseph H. Pate At the request of the petitioner and on the motion of Mayor Pettit, second of Councilmember Toole, Council agreed to table an ordinance to change the corporate limits of the City of North Augusta by accepting the petition requesting annexation by the landowners and annexing f14.3 acres of property located along Edgefield Road. The ordinance was table with a unanimous vote of 7-0. A copy of the tabled ordinance is below: ORDINANCE NO. 2020-33 TO CHANGE THE CORPORATE LIMITS OF THE CITY OF NORTH AUGUSTA BY ACCEPTING THE PETITION REQUESTING ANNEXATION BY THE LANDWONERS AND ANNEXING f 14.3 ACRES OF PROPERTY LOCATED ALONG EDGEFIELD RD AND OWNED BY JO M. PINNER,NORMAN M. PATE, AND JOSEPH H. PATE WHEREAS, Section 5-3-150(3)of the Code of Laws of the State of South Carolina provides that: "Notwithstanding the provisions of subsections (1) and (2) of this section, any area • or property which is contiguous to a municipality may be annexed to the municipality by filing 30 • with the municipal governing body a petition signed by all persons owning real estate in the area requesting annexation. Upon the agreement of the governing body to accept the petition and annex the area, and the enactment of an ordinance declaring the area annexed to the municipality, the annexation is complete'; and WHEREAS, the Mayor and City Council of the City of North Augusta, have reviewed the petition of the landowners requesting that their property be annexed into the City and determined that such Petition should be accepted and the property annexed into the City; and WHEREAS,the zoning classification recommended for the properties proposed for annexation has been reviewed for consistency with the Future Land Use Classification of the properties as specified in the Land Use Element of the North Augusta 2017 Comprehensive Plan; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED by the Mayor and City Council of the City of North Augusta, South Carolina, in meeting duly assembled and by the authority thereof that: I. The Petition of the landowners is accepted and the following described property shall be annexed into the City of North Augusta: A parcel containing t14.3 acres located along Edgefield Road, as shown on a plat made for Norman M. Pate and Jo M. Pinner by Tripp Land Surveying, Inc., dated • May 7, 2013, and recorded in Misc. Book 57, Page 203, records of Aiken County, South Carolina, including all adjacent right-of-way. Tax Map & Parcel No.: 011-07-01-003 The property to be annexed is also shown on a map identified as"Exhibit A"titled "Map of Property Sought to be Annexed to the City of North Augusta" dated October 1, 2020 and prepared by the City of North Augusta. II. The zoning classification shall be GC, General Commercial, as shown on a map identified as"Exhibit B"titled"General Commercial Zoning of Property Sought to be Annexed to the City of North Augusta"dated October 1, 2020, and prepared by the City of North Augusta. III. All Ordinances or parts of Ordinances in conflict herewith are,to the extent of such conflict,hereby repealed. IV. This Ordinance shall become effective immediately upon its adoption on second and final reading. DONE, RATIFIED AND ADOPTED BY THE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF NORTH AUGUSTA, SOUTH CAROLINA, ON THIS • DAY OF 12020. 31 • ITEM 18. ADMINISTRATIVE REPORTS: Assistant City Administrator, Rachelle Moody,reported the Parks, Recreation, and Tourism event, Drive-Boo Trick or Treat, on October 30, 2020 was a huge success. The event was supported by many local sponsors and was attended by at least 500 automobiles including about 1000 children. ITEM 19. CITIZENS COMMENTS/RECOGNITION OF VISITORS: A. Citizen Comments: There were no Citizen Comments B. Council Comments: Councilmember Dickert reminded everyone that Tuesday, November 3 was Election Day and encouraged citizens and Council to vote. Councilmember Dickert also suggested Council plan a follow-up discussion on Walter Goldsmith's presentation at a future study session or perhaps at the 2021 ENVISION retreat. There being no further business, Council adjourned at 7:57 p.m. AJ)P• ROVE THIS'd-DAY OF Respectfully submitted, 01 Sharon Lamar R e A. i City Clerk Mayor • 32 ATTACHMENT #10 RECUSAL STATEMENT Member Name: �`�eJ ✓1 /Co(e Meeting Date: f ' O a - =I-0=-o Agenda Ittem: Section (( Number: Topic: _PIOA IAx �Wit,I' jj e& The Ethics Act, SC Code§8-13-700,provides that no public official may knowingly use his office to obtain an economic interest for himself, afamily member of his immediate family, an individual with whom he is associated, or a business with which he is associated. No public official may make,participate in making, or influence a governmental decision in which he or • any such person or business has an economic interest. Failure to recuse oneselffrom an issue in which there is or may be conflict of interest is the sole responsibility of the council member (1991 Op. Atty. Gen. No. 91-37.) A written statement describing the matter requirin-z action and the nature of the potential conflict of interest is required Justification to Recuse: Professionally employed by or under contract with principal Owns or has vested interest in principal or property Other: icvleleo�aq Date: I- Od �c ember Approved by Parliamentarian: