RES 2020-43 Adopted RESOLUTION NO. 2020-43 TO AUTHORIZE THE ISSUING OF A PERMIT TO MARIBETH WEIKLE AN DAVID WEIKLE FOR A MARCH TO SHOW SUPPORT OF LAW ENFORCEMENT ON GEORGIA AVENUE TO CALHOUN PARK ON OCTOBER 24. 2020 WHEREAS, Maribeth Weikle and David Weikle applied for a Demonstrations and Parades Permit to have a march to show support of law enforcement— `Back the Blue"; and WHEREAS, the event will begin at the Municipal Center parking lot at 100 Georgia Avenue then proceed to Calhoun Park, 100 W. Forest Avenue; and WHEREAS, the event will begin at 11:00 AM; and WHEREAS,the group desires to walk on Georgia Avenue; and WHEREAS, the Mayor and City Council have reviewed the request and find that the permit applied for is based upon a Constitutionally protected First Amendment Right, and at the time requested is not unreasonably detrimental to the health, safety, welfare or convenience of the residents of the City or other parties; and WHEREAS, such request has been timely made and complies with the Code of Ordinances for the City of North Augusta. NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Mayor and City Council of the City of North Augusta, South Carolina, in meeting duly assembled and by the authority thereof,that the request for a permit is approved as follows: 1. Time: Approx. 11:00 AM 2. Date: Saturday, October 24, 2020 3. Location: Municipal Center, 100 Georgia Avenue to Calhoun Park, 100 West Forest Avenue 4. Special Conditions: Public Safety must be involved to safely block/detour traffic. 5. Bond not required PONJE,RATIFIED AND ADOPTED BY THE MAYOR AND CITY OUNCIL OF/ HE C NORTH AUGUSTA, SOUTH CAROLINA, ON THIS DAY OF 2020. ROBERTA. P671T,MAYOR ATTEST: CeCAYt Lt i SHARON LAMAR, CITY CLERK