ORD 2020-19 Adopted ORDINANCE NO. 2020-19 AMENDING ARTICLE 4, SUPPLEMENTAL USE REGULATIONS, OF THE NORTH AUGUSTA DEVELOPMENT CODE CHAPTER 18 OF THE CITY OF NORTH AUGUSTA, SOUTH CAROLINA CODE OF ORDINANCES WHEREAS, on December 17, 2007, by Ordinance 2007-22, the North Augusta City Council adopted the North Augusta Development Code which is consistent with the City's Comprehensive Plan and which incorporates all City zoning and land development regulations; and WHEREAS, pursuant to Section Text Amendments in Article 5, Approval Procedures,of the North Augusta Development Code,any person,property owner, board, commission, department or the City Council may apply for a change in zoning ordinance text; and WHEREAS, the North Augusta Planning Commission, following a July 16, 2020, public hearing, reviewed and considered a request by the Planning and Development Department to amend Article 4, entitled "Supplemental Use Regulations," of the North Augusta Development Code to allow cottage kitchens as a Home Occupation. The Planning Commission report has been provided to City Council for consideration. The Mayor and City Council have reviewed the request as well as the report from the Planning Commission and has determined that the change to the text of the Development Code is appropriate. . NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF NORTH AUGUSTA, SOUTH CAROLINA, IN MEETING DULY ASSEMBLED AND BY THE AUTHORITY THEREOF, THAT: I. The North Augusta Development Code, Chapter 18 of The City of North Augusta,South Carolina Code of Ordinances,Providing for New Zoning and Land Development Regulations for the City of North Augusta, South Carolina, is hereby amended and shall read as described in the following section. The section of the Code affected by the proposed amendment is identified by the section number. ORDINANCEMENDING THE NORTH AUGUSTA Page 2 DEVELOPMEW CODE—APPLICATION RZT 20-000 A. Article 4, Supplemental Use Regulations, Section 4.14, Home Occupations, is amended to read: 4.14.1 Standards Home occupations are permitted in any dwelling unit subject to the following provisions: a. The appearance of the dwelling unit shall not be altered. b. The home occupation shall not affect the residential character of the neighborhood and shall not be conducted in a manner which would cause the premises to differ from its residential character either by the use of colors, materials, construction, lighting, signs, increased traffic or the emission of odors, sounds, or vibrations. c. No outdoor display of goods or outdoor storage of equipment or materials used in the home occupation shall be permitted. d. The home occupation shall not involve the use of advertising signs on the premises or an any other advertising medium which calls attention to the fact that the dwelling unit is being used for a home occupation except for an identification sign which shall conform to the requirements for signage in a residential zoning district permitted pursuant to Article 13, Signs. e. The home occupation shall be conducted solely by resident occupants of the dwelling unit and one (1) additional employee or volunteer. f. The home occupation shall be conducted entirely within the dwelling unit or within in an accessory structure located on the same parcel as the dwelling unit except for those necessary outdoor activities related to the care of children. No more than twenty five percent (25%) of the gross area of the dwelling unit shall be used for the home occupation. g. A home occupation which utilizes an accessory building, whether attached or detached, shall not occupy a floor space greater than five hundred (500) square feet. h. The use of electrical or mechanical equipment that would change the fire rating of the dwelling or create visible or audible interference in radio or television receivers or cause fluctuations in line voltage outside the dwelling unit is prohibited. i. The home occupation shall not involve the use of commercial vehicles for delivery of materials to and from the premises. j. The home occupation does not generate additional traffic in excess of ten (10) vehicle trips per day or otherwise increase traffic or on street parking that would be inconsistent with a residential area. k. No direct on premises selling of retail goods shall be allowed except that non-durable articles (consumable products) that are incidental to a service, which service shall be the principal activity in the home occupation, may be sold on the premises. Telephone solicitation is permitted. I. The preparation of ready for consumption meals or specialty foods, specifically prepared for fresh delivery or catering or consumption at another location provided that any and all required state health and restaurant approvals and licenses have been obtained and are maintained as required for .'Cottage Kitchens" as defined by state health agencies. (Adopt (xx,xx,2020, Ord2020-xx) b. Animal hospitals, kennels, stables, hospitals, or obedience/training schools; c. Restaurants; d. Automobile and/or body and fender repair; e. (deleted) f. Repair, manufacturing, and processing uses; however, this shall not exclude the home occupation of small scale skilled trades including a dressmaker,tailor gunsmith,jeweler, watchmaker, etc., where goods are not manufactured for stock,sale or distribution; g. Construction trades where activities or the storage of materials or equipment associated with the conduct on the business are conducted on the premises; and h. Service trades where automobile or truck fleets are customary to the conduct of the business. B. Any other needed formatting will be edited to reflect new page numbers, titles or item numbering associated with the text changes outlined herein. II. All other Ordinances or parts of Ordinances in conflict herewith are, to the extent of such conflict, hereby repealed. III. This Ordinance shall become effective immediately upon its adoption on second reading. DONE, RATIFIED AND ADOPTED BY THE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL OF THE I NORTH AUGUSTA, SOUTH CAROLINA, ON THIS `i'((/ DAY OF 2020. First ReadingLU-S+ Irl"o`i0,70 Robert A. Pettit, Mayor Second Readin -'/A d ATTEST: 4LAX 1V O�AiYh. Sharon Lamar, City Clerk