083120 Virtual Sp Called Study Session Mins Adopted • North Augusta South Carolina's Muerfront MINUTES OF AUGUST 31, 2020 Robert A. Pettit, Mayor J. Robert Brooks, Councilmember Pat C. Carpenter, Councilmember Fletcher L. Dickert, Councilmember David W. McGhee, Councilmember Eric H. Presnell, Councilmember Kevin W Toole, Councilmember ORDER OF BUSINESS • VIRTUAL SPECIAL CALLED STUDY SESSION The Virtual Special Called Study Session for the City Council meeting of the City of North Augusta of August 31, 2020, having been duly publicized, was called to order by Mayor Pettit at 6:00 p.m. using GoToMeeting online conferencing software and streamed online for public viewing at the City Facebook page: "City of North Augusta — Public Information" and City YouTube page: "City of North Augusta Public Information"and recessed at 8:06 p.m. Per Section 30-4-80(e) notice of the meetings was sent out by email to the current maintained "Agenda Mailout" list consisting of news media outlets and individuals or companies requesting notification. Notice of the meetings was also posted on the outside doors of the Municipal Center, the main bulletin board of the Municipal Center located on the first floor, and the City of North Augusta website. Members present were Mayor Pettit, Councilmembers Brooks, Carpenter, Dickert, McGhee, Presnell, and Toole. Also in attendance were Jim Clifford, City Administrator; Rachelle Moody, Assistant City Administrator; Kelly F. Zier, City Attorney; Cammie Hayes, Director of Finance and General Services; Richard L. Meyer, Director of Parks, Recreation and Tourism; Thomas C. Zeaser, • Director of Engineering and Public Works; John C. Thomas, Director of Public Safety; Libby Hodges,Director of Planning and Development;Ricky Jones,Manager of Information Technology and Sharon Lamar, City Clerk. The members of the public and the media were provided access to the meeting via live-streaming video. Minutes of Study Session of August 31,2020 • ITEM 1. PUBLIC SAFETY: Fire Station 1—Council Update Jim Clifford, City Administrator, directed Council to the New Public Safety Fire Station #1 Progress Update. (See ATTACHMENT #1) He reminded Council the project budget is $3.8 million. The project will be bid in October with plans for an early 2021 groundbreaking. He cautioned that COVID-19 may impact progress. Mark Chostner, Capstone Services, LLC, explained in response to suggestions for area property owners the property line buffers have been have been doubled since the initial plan was presented. Councilmember Carpenter encouraged Council to visit and walk the property. She also stressed that Council should communicate with the neighbors. Mayor Pettit stated he believes the City has been reactive and incorporated many of the neighboring property owners' suggestions. Councilmembers McGhee and Presnell shared they have walked the property and had conversations with the adjoining property owners. Councilmember Dickert commented he is proud of the changes staff and designers have made. Councilmember Toole added the neighbors input has been used in the design and it looks good. Councilmember Dickert questioned a rectangular figure on the drawing. Mark Chostner stated that figure is the underground water storage feature that is planned instead of a detention pond on the property. Councilmember Dickert was very pleased and added "this is an expensive feature", that will be an asset to deter mosquitoes,etc. Councilmember Presnell asked if Chief Thomas and Public Safety are satisfied with the plans. Chief Thomas answered, "Yes." Councilmember Presnell also confirmed with Mark Chostner the site was approved and would not require more boring. Rachelle Moody, Assistant City Administrator, shared she has added a page to the City's website,northaugust.net/FS 1, for the public to receive timely updates on the project. A time lapse camera will be added on the property when construction begins and linked to the webpage. • ITEM 2. PUBLIC SAFETY: Public Safety Headquarters— Council Update Jim Clifford, City Administrator, began the update with by announcing a national estimator has reviewed the current plans for the Public Safety Headquarters project and returned a higher than expected number for construction, $12.6 million- $14.3 million. (See ATTACHMETN#2) One option to consider is removing the Municipal Court portion from the project. However, removing the Court facility would result in a delay of the project by at least six months to adjust the plans. Mark Chostner, Capstone Services, LLC, reminded Council it was their guidance that led to including the Court with Headquarters. Chief Thomas and his Captains have reviewed the plans at least 12-14 times to capture as much multi-use spaces, as possible, and to insure there is no wasted space. The original plan contained 50,000 square feet; the current plan has been revised and is now 35,000 square feet. There are 146 parking spaces allowed. The designers are taking a pause to await Council's direction. Mayor Pettit stated $11,100,000 is set aside in CPTS IV for the Headquarters project. After comments and discussion of all Councilmembers, the consensus is to keep moving forward with the Municipal Court portion included in the project. Council agreed to reallocate CPST IV funds to continue. Councilmember Dickert would like to see the building moved closer to the corner. Councilmember McGhee agreed,but does not want to cause a delay in the project. Councilmember Presnell asked if the funds from the sale of the Flythe Property would be deposited back into CPST IV. Cammie Hayes,Director of Finance and General • Services, answered, "Yes." Minutes of Study Session of August 31,2020 ITEM 3 ADMINISTRATION: 13" Street Bridge Replacement— Council Update and • Discussion Jim Clifford, City Administrator, relayed to Council the State of Georgia is the lead on the 13"' Street Bridge Replacement project and is providing funding for a basic bridge. The City of North Augusta needs to decide if it wants more aesthetics added. There is no hard funding line yet from the State of South Carolina or Aiken County. GDOT has suggested several possible additions with scope costs. (See ATTACHMENT #3) Council discussed the various options and commented on their preferences. In order to organize Council's thoughts and wishes,Mr. Clifford will send an email Tuesday, September 1,to request Council to rank their order of preferences for negations at an interstate the morning of Wednesday, September 2. Mayor Pettit reminded Council there is no meeting of Monday, September 7 due to the Labor Day holiday. The next meeting will be Monday, September 21. Councilmember Eric Presnell has pictures and information related to a boat dock at the amphitheater he will share at the next meeting's study session. P OVED THIS DAY OF Respectfully submitted, 2020 Sharon Lamar • Rob A. Pettit, Mayor City Clerk • ATTACHMENT #1 City of North Augusta New Public Safety Fire Station #1 • Progress Update August 2020 P - - • Design Status — The Design work is underway. The Programming Phase, Conceptual Schematic and Design Development Phases are complete. Regular project meetings are being held to provide NAPS feedback to Designers. Construction Drawing phase is ongoing. • Permitting and Bidding - This will follow Design Completion. • Construction Status - This will follow Permitting, Bidding and Contract Award. • Furniture, Fixtures and Equipment (FF&E) Status — All of these items have been budgeted and the next stage of planning will start once the Construction Phase is underway. • IT/Communications — This Fire Station will be set up just like Station #3 with IT and communication technology built into the station. • Project Budget—The Project budget is $3.8M. • Schedule — Preliminary timeframe for project completion is Early Summer 2022 (Difficult to determine schedule risks from COVID-19, these may push the project into the Late Fall 2022). • Renderings and Site Plan — Included with this update. • I I I i � I i I I I I I IT u I I = - V t, litp i 16 r- - I i i I i i I - i ' i I I i I • i i <C- `41n 4 i 14 vii, 2.1 Opt I . 'n tii•�";Rr a� t �S 4:+ •rY rf�K4i�V 8 ! n;w'� • v� t�{ • r 4t•L, - ' isl�l• i�,,�i(c1 � !7f f . ti tFk�,4•it � • �is ATTACHMENT #2 City of North Augusta New Public Safety Headquarters • Progress Update August 2020 .,.�- -7 ' • Design Status — The Design work is underway. The Programming Phase, Conceptual • Schematic Design Phases are complete. Regular project meetings are being held to provide NAPS feedback to Designers. We are getting some estimates completed to confirm cost range and bringing exterior elevations to City Council for review. Once these items are completed, we will move into the Design Drawing and Construction Drawing phase. • Permitting and Bidding - This will follow Design Completion. • Construction Status - This will follow Permitting, Bidding and Contract Award. • Furniture, Fixtures and Equipment (FFBE) Status — All of these items have been budgeted and the next stage of planning will start once the floor plans and elevations are finalized. • IT/Communications — This will be one of the most complex IT and communications projects the City has ever engaged in. The project team will start detail planning of the IT and communications pieces in the Fall 2020. • Project Budget — Based on the recent Schematic Design Drawings estimate, the project budget range will be discussed in City Council Study Session. • Schedule — Preliminary timeframe for project completion is Early Spring 2023. (Difficult to determine schedule risks from COVID-19, these may push the project into the Late Fall 2023). • 0 Renderings and Site Plan — Included with this update. A 1 ,t kr•' �dP 17 1 dY fi F l r:ryi 4 1 1 'f 1 J w 1 � 2 l ,� j nl�l M 1 11111 C, I yy III T ISEl 1 EXHIBIT A CAPITAL PROJECTS SALES TAX IV PROJECTS Funding Proposed Project AllocationPer Funding Allocation Revised Funding Priority --_ Referendum Changes Allocation.. 1 Headquarters Development 10,500,000 60D,000 11,100,000 2 Software and Technology Enhancements for a Citizen Information Portal,Record Keeping& 575,000 - 575,000 Storage,Transaction Processing,Accounting and Financial Reporting 3 Gateways and Wayfinding Enhancements(Highway 1 @ Martintown Road,East Buena Vista 11250,000 1,750,000 @ Highway 1,Fdge0eld Road @ Georgia Avenue,1-20 @ Martintown Road) 4 Activities Center Improvements(walking track,workout room,chillers and boilers,IT connectivity) 700,000 - 700,000 5 Park Improvements(ballpark,fields and street lighting,Creighton Park playground equipment) 1,500,000 - 1,504000 6 Community Center Upgrades(roof,lighting,flooring,AV equipment,paving) 150,000 - 150,000 7 Greenaway Maintenance and Connectivity 650,000 650,000 R Stormwater Infrastructure Improvements(see listing) 1,500,000 - 1,500,000 9 Downtown Greeneway Connector 900,000 900,000 10 Street Resurfacing Program(see listing) 1,450,000 1,450,000 11 Road Reconstruction Program(see listing) 31000,000 - 3,000,000 12 Wastewater infrastructure Improvements(see listing) 3,500,000 - 3,500,000 13 Safety and Security Improvements for the Municipal Building 425,000 - 425,000 14 Finance Department lobby Improvements for Citizen Transactions 100,000 - 100,000 15 Downtown Pedestrian and Vehicular Traffic and Safety Enhancements Isignage,medians,sidewalks) 300,000 - 300,000 16 Georgia Avenue Undergrounding Utihtles 700,000 - 700,000 17 Fire Apparatus 1,000,000 (600,000) 400,000 18 Martintown Road at US 1 Interchange Design and improvements 2,000,000 - 71000.100 19 New Savannah Fluff Lack&Dam 500,000 500,000 $ 30,700,000 $ - $ 30,700,000 . PARSONS P10013927 SR 4/US 25BU Bridge Replacement Over Savannah River at South Carolina State Line Project Binder July 6, 2020 Project Location Map .J d4.i. 2 0 Design & Structural Project Description The proposed project involves the replacement and widening of the existing SR 4/US 25BU bridge over the Savannah River. The proposed bridge would be located along the existing alignment to minimize environmental and right- of-way impacts along the project corridor. The project's total length is about 2900 feet beginning approximately 500 feet south of the bridge at the signalized SR 4 / Reynolds Avenue intersection and ending roughly 900 feet north of the bridge. PARSONS 3 Design & Structural (Cont'd) 61AI11Ipitr Ct6Slllu Cedl10^` :'rR4tUF=Qh4L l.i I: ILc:'d•,PI LI: �:el'I�,�':,:dll FgI1G1141U11 L.Ia6111i1nIi11C^vL it il'ka§ 4ilf/glnl! ea4ny eaaunLl 1 411c Pfy r�Afltl Typical Swim (0CH IRAfi tit iiu lild'S hl 1 - till �,gcnan -(•Illlpl Of l:1 L:.IIH: F 1I; Ilf 1'.11ii(II � .. Will,mahm .h Ir-1_;:p.. 1F11p ot.I-. In I -n n';il:t.ii IL ��-' N MedlmlWI4114140ATYI bhkl h(;3,e4 iG-nl-ni,�l II4W1 fl11nThT� I Shinihlei W141I11 I it) N-n c.A �'r1 - h 1""`'"""`•_ (1111611k1 R.}•. 11Ln 51.' L. _ .Ai - BoWal No Width I n) Io.loll -- L-loss - - � ti+,(n! �'aYgll d d.o • VU161de 3110114101 Slopn MW fb.A 11lY-,;,vel 1119106 S11011101 WN4h •fil ih Ia:+ _ _... - SC SNIP•5-114111110 . SNIow41k5IJVim"Mm4n/1 5.11 tvhh`-P aa;nvy n,nhliiidal q-,e :ole GA 514@-Min N I4 IQ-h on 4401 NnN15 . Amulary 4lnec ni 4ne+i-. 1,,•p �. , &'NpIYI 5hitl0i1n50paH1 • 9IN0 ArCOmmndnp01t5 RIA ;11 - Pust641G -a,ol9v Nflh1 _ - Jc C1e51 115 .6n Iln h f✓tA 111 MIIIIIIIIIIn nlItO11L111.41'J6 ,_bt71141111;41 - RaNusldli - ).15 P,SO MaRmmm Sul e1616vah(m 1:, q i�:int RaIO „ Idd�,y'til Itl:ifl eq - p171 MaN1n1111n iifet(161'd aifl' 11'61 I4Po 7^.ldlllllll - - i11V6 Q Ae1055 C.41111 1 &',J.'e til 6- nOjvjll Rj P' ll _ . C1e610%otim6 04i_Lf�_ - 1 dSk'I mlicaj(,*,xInc6.,.6, f5'h"4AI R1A In-T, Rnl140MI Avenne 161-1"SCS ChRi,venirl0 N:+ PlvolnenlType HNIA -IIA .ACCOrQII1Q t4 CUltklll 0K) 41651(11111011Sj it OrVIINIIN6 ACCOWro11 i0 SCOOT HIQn'wny 17651Qn MalKA P100 31 1A tM)n:11h 1 AetonNnQ 10 BOOT hlQllwayy C owls M:in4al Union h.`v I III m 1(i�2,.616114va g 16§rv,Ie66INA 4. Q(I speed! •ACC0101nQ 4+!;ili1;IT 8rr4®e Mal1llm Tillie 1 1 1.1 flhd GIC;EI(91 YIQIhYaY[;661116 f is/161;',1 PI&Irt 4 PARSONS Design & Structural (Cont'd) Bridge ID # 245-0009-0 over Savannah River Existing Proposed Bridge Length: 1510 feet Bridge Length: 1462 feet Bridge Roadway Width: 54'-0" Bridge Roadway Width: 64'-0" Bridge Deck Width: 62'-10" Deck Width: 86'-7" M 11 spans of steel beams and 19 12 spans with 5 spans over river (BT- spans of Reinforced Concrete Deck 78 (FIB-72) girders), 7 spans over Girders. land (BT-54 girders). The existing bridge consists of four The proposed bridge will consist of 12-foot travel lanes and a sidewalk four travel lanes (11-foot inside and on west side of the bridge. No 12-foot outside lanes). 8-foot median. median, 10-foot shared use path (west side) and 6-foot-6-inch sidewalk (east side) PARSONS 5 0 0 0 TYPICAL SECTIONS - ROADWAY r,-7 GENERAL NOTES: OSEE GOO( OFTAILS T-25 FOR SHOULDER RUMRLt 5f RIP DETAILS. OSEE GDOT DETAILS P-7 FOR PAVEMENT EDGE TREATMENT DETAILS. OSODDING PARSONS 6 Typical Sections - Bridge Pier Arrangement BRIDGE Y. we.. . . T TI C 5: I 4 ' r/•:.a r r: a a a r : [a.:r. .....-.irararre.r.r[.[....r.r.... ..5. • 'ilrva.r::ay. r�a.:a.ia:[:a:ra:v::•:vi:.:..rv.a::[:u.v.rrr:r�r[r...aava:vv..v..[.va:.v:::a::[:rr:r rr::::::::: .•....a �:.:v:r:[:::::.:v ........... ... . ............ — i I ...Fl M r :.••.r.• I I I/. Ir:. I: rl..... •.. y - r— n Nlnl /IY r 1 Lnm Ful . PARSONS eF to L ul 1 1 I' H: «N •„• 1 k r'' - III.IN 11111, ! nr m n HorLV.61.r — I r �.4• ul -n •I . u F ni ... r7-77. 7, PARSONS Typical Sections (Cont'd) BRIDGE ........ , ........ .........._...., ..wl. Illunleullf 111..._... ,.. ,: ..i.. .i..: ...,: ..-. !_,...i. ...... .:,: . ....._. �.....1...� .. -: . ; ...1_. � 1. . ....1...... .. , I - . t.v.: SII'-7II F=� PAR50NS 1 tl¢� I r.•Y , LI 9 Pin IIuW blP Ill .I M it e:: : .tll � .... fu •� .: ... ... PARSONS s 0 0 0 Concept Layout - Alternate 513 ti •14:^M(1x11 LIJV41Y WOrr•;I. � a�[M1 I:h1NIY �� � �,� tirlrlX.:AIIf(IIIP .r .• i v [ r nuc. • 1 •phl / � kRS CCOMCOM:rRu!'lrr,n -1 � 1 t i a 1 r•. L .. n .. � 1 // .u• ni. ... ° .r :I �. INTI] NE fl1 .t YExIF A !1. LLULNP SR 4 / US 25 BUS BRIDGE OVER SAVANNAH RIVER GDT PARSONS xAYnExIAxuA nr ,lxE PI N0.9013927 .ix LM1 lA•xtA O YX.NxO NE v.rn .xr.A•uu uu¢w, umlAolwwrcxl D .xuxixognr•wE[xa YI V ,. xlx uvnxgmr YJxE AY. O OPTION 56 PLAN &12 FOOT LANE SNARED USED PATH w/u/lino PUN VIEW wuwwRno. xxmExl.un 'ERSI xa ARCA - 0001 B PARSONS Other Project Considerations • Maintenance of Traffic During Construction • Staged Construction along with Lane Reduction to one lane in each direction • Offsite Detour • Trail Connections Box Culvert Bypass - Connection for Georgia Trails Trail Connections from Shared Used Path and Sidewalks on the Bridge - SC Side. • Aesthetics Texas C411 rail proposed for parapet along with decorative fence and lighting Viewing platforms Staircase Access to Trails from Bridge Faux/Architectural Arch Haunched Steel Girders with longer spans Under Deck Bridge Lighting PARSONS 10 Staged Construction BRIDGE LF-_7 p 11 1, -411 L L T -T PARSON5 LAI' I'Ll PARSONS 11 • 0 0 Staged Construction (CONT'D) BRIDGE i X. , IJ r 111 .1J•a A•f. o �nl rnr. 1 wa up: uW14 1 ,•. „ If,1'I.•M 1 PARSONS L LY n�• ( p. t-.'r. Lr•IJ � r I•.H-f'r.'c Intl • r. Nk . M1� -rll d- L.c.•_r n1v1- PARSONS 12 0 Offsite Detour �v PI 0013927 SR4/U525 SAVANNAH RIVER BRIDGE REPLACEMENT y •QY,=y �° _ '`" + •k. l eve f' t ;'°:fir " ta a � ; 1 " y .✓ � 8 I � t � - t $ t4�(.,� >! ySJMq�M''��+ ,J • ,�..' � !+ ..�M r � s 3yaY� � t'' r tTC1 - ,. •i yr IP V- it PROPOSED DETOIJR POUT[ !D ^". . �13 I m� v THROUGIIUSi M Yt ! e ti 1 . 5R230_41 r. ayf IVA (P ( � a. r c!I 'i ,f'•,rM 1ta✓:1'✓'MJM•P• jtif(IN r .p t'�III I' ..iw. -m,ra m i. •t ll,a s., if � 2; 1 � � ��n" 7 u '�i t ;� r 1•�"14r�` �.i.' I^��,. , , ` ALTERNATIVE-1 4.2-Mlle Additional Detour Length for Motorist Traveling from(US25/US10road Street Iptersecti9H)Augusta,GA to 15112301 NpiIh Augg5p,S[ sa PARSONS Additional Scope Costs COST Total Georgia South Carolina Aesthetics Faux Arches $ 5,000,000 $ 2,500,000 $ 2,500,000 1 Under Deck Lighting $ 750,000 $ 375,000 $ 375,000 Decorative Lighting on Bridge $ 200,000 $ 100,000 $ 100,000 Decorative Relief on Bridge Elements $ 250,000 $ 125,000 $ 125,000 Pedestrian Stairs(2 Towers) $ 500,000 $ 250,000 $ 250,000 Decorative Fencing $ 400,000 $ 200,000 $ 200,000 Trail and Pedestrian Connectivity Box Culvert Trail Connections(GA) $ 1,000,000 $ 1,000,000 - Sidewalk& Shared Used Path Connectivity to existing trails (SC) $ 1,000,000 - $ 1,000,000 Bridge Structure Haunched Steel Plate Girders (Increase span lengths) $ 2,500,000 $ 1,250,000 $ 1,250,000 TOTAL $ 11,600,000 $ 5,800,000 $ 5,800,000 Assumptions 1. Estimate considers that Aesthetics and Trail & Pedestrian Connectivity items listed above will be separate from PI 0013927 2. Textured and Color Coating Costs for were removed from the above table to eliminate the redundancy with colored lighting and based on coordination with GDOT Bridge Office as it shared future maintenance concerns.This will provide an overall cost savings of$1.15 Million 3. All estimated costs listed are construction costs. 4. Cost for each considers 10%for Engineering& Inspection, 15%for Contingencies, and 25%for Ancillary Items. 5.Ancillary items includes; Grading complete,traffic control items, and temporary construction staging costs. 6. Costs are planning level and will be further refined as engineering design is progressed into preliminary and final. PARSONS r fry_ - ,.� •.A+• 1+I�• a� y Y' n., �r M YYI \. y n � ✓M � � � 7ti1 l . iJ .rte Ye i i r r� S jD• �4�'r 4k' �� rd' Project Rendering round View with Piers ' I � fir �O I NO - dt7Add�E II � '.I I IIIII I! , MASONS . _ 'f f - .�}' .i�/ 'x�, � Itis '�•`✓ .. • lT`�� t F .. �.r; 0 0 0 Project Rendering Drone View with Trail Connection - Georgia Side AM i J►I SII - Iflif: .. .• T+ 111°M 1vIL"' ;Y�1 x.91{5 I �6 OA ; 17 PARSONS • 0 Project Rendering Culvert Bypass - Trail Connection - Georclia Side F' d 1 .1jil 1 ,11 ! 41 , �. aY. s�Mll1■�dq � - 1 J ; 4 POP Y I Y'y�✓ " Y Y 3 .1 •AJwn.a"'.. . ..r�Ll In RRF { f F r ar why .r u PARSONS 0 0 0 Project Rendering Ground View with Staircase f w, ��..�.--,-,fir.-•---�� � � YYYY �►s,�^% '' 1�, i AT 19 PARSONS F , J ' My • y ! V IrffJ�iYA►'n r I/If�0fN111eef�f�y II 1 I ilI� II III :aI Ei a6'�l' �I a �•. V` s .I r; � � r1 .N,f - , r9. � i�; •SAY n law 4� '�'s3Pryyy t M 101 NEFF 'v}'a __ .a�sG _ tee _ �� -a►a." =':� Project Rendering Connection Lighting -)rone View with Trail M 22 PARSONS r M rf 1 n {I { II Project Rendering Ground View - Staircase with Aesthetic Lighting TO 23 PARSONS 1 n J Iln1(UfiH �xV� � , t PARSONS Otherideas delivering a better world ,� 0 0 0 Other Ideas Haunched Steel Plate Girders & Decorative Relief on Bridge Elements 0. a 25 PARSONS 0 0 0 Other Ideas Faux Arches & Haunched Steel Plate Girders 65C _ Y n mw 26 PARSONS Otherldeas SharedPaved Used Path Y. 1. IF i i41� luglu 11RI� � s n�nln.ee■�J .uea Ain PARSONS 0 Other Ideas Parapet and Fencing - PI 132980-, Walton County SFr HFCK -I A?[ - fGH 1'O;I `i"A111IIq �i RuUAI#q PG51 IGI' 171 Frfgs o' FICKET Pi+Lp7HF55FP. "Odd 19[KF I' FIW �C SPACING+TYP. IHEFER TG MFG.SPEG•: HAIL F'+A(KLI I aCl R,HG AI ISI 1 BL Alf K I a/a a Iia_' L GIA`InIL, N611 Mi TAI Mr- - If+IUI,IRIA .1HI`F HIVE I fENCE UE AIL: MAY, ).F A 141, !,IiJA9F 1`105T STAFIf)ARiI F•G5T qT. 6 `1t1.IAHF -CRF' YIP. K 110NILAHU :EIl Ull i F.IW 1G ^iW YIOF POSITur "GAAIAI,i. I , I PARSONS