083120 Virtual Special Called Study Session Backup Administration Department North Augusta sal lh Carohnats Rkx!rftmt Interoffice Memorandum TO: City Council FROM: Robert A.Pettit,Macer DATE: August 28 2020 _ SUBJECT: VhmW Special Called S n K Session efhlorAay,August 31,2020 The City of North Augusta will conduct a virtual Special Called Study Session on Monday, August 31,2020 at 6:00 P.M.using GoToMeeting online conferencing software.The virtual Special Called Study Session will be streamed online for public viewing at • City Facebook page:To access,visit wwv.faoebodc.cosn'cihvfnonhaugustaor search"City of North Augusta Public Information"on www Facebook cora • City YouTube page:To access,visit t�i{ps'tiwww vountbe cochanneVUCRLLD cnO68YROuUGaE 22O or search "City of North Augusta Public Information'on www.YouTube.com The following is among the topics for discussion and review: ITEM 1 PUBLIC SAFETY: Fire Station I—Council Update Jim Clifford, City Administrator, and Rachelle Moody, Assistant City Administrator, will update Council on the progress of Fire Station I including the projected construction timeline. ITEM 2. PUBLIC SAFETY• Public Safety Headguarters-Council Update Jim Clifford and Rachelle Moody will provide Council an update on the design status of Public Safety Headquarters,as well as,cost estimates for designs. ITEM ADMINISTRATION: 13"Street Bridge Replacement—Council Update and Discussion Council will receive updates from Jim Clifford and Rachelle Moody on the current design and funding options for the 13s'Street Bridge Replacement. City of North Augusta New Public Safety Fire Station #1 Progress Update August 2020 • Design Status — The Design work is underway. The Programming Phase, Conceptual Schematic and Design Development Phases are complete. Regular project meetings are being held to provide NAPS feedback to Designers. Construction Drawing phase is ongoing. • Permitting and Bidding - This will follow Design Completion. • Construction Status -This will follow Permitting, Bidding and Contract Award. • Furniture, Fixtures and Equipment (FF&E) Status — All of these items have been budgeted and the next stage of planning will start once the Construction Phase is underway. • IT/Communications — This Fire Station will be set up just like Station #3 with IT and communication technology built into the station. • Project Budget—The Project budget is $3.8M. • Schedule — Preliminary timeframe for project completion is Early Summer 2022 (Difficult to determine schedule risks from COVID-19, these may push the project into the Late Fall 2022). • Renderings and Site Plan — Included with this update. I 4 I I �v r taw >x S Y a -i �z i f y Y Y'9116Eb1[CIVI'ZN16i \ �� F City of North Augusta New Public Safety Headquarters Progress Update August 2020 4 COURT • Design Status — The Design work is underway. The Programming Phase, Conceptual Schematic Design Phases are complete. Regular project meetings are being held to provide NAPS feedback to Designers. We are getting some estimates completed to confirm cost range and bringing exterior elevations to City Council for review. Once these items are completed, we will move into the Design Drawing and Construction Drawing phase. • Permitting and Bidding -This will follow Design Completion. • Construction Status -This will follow Permitting, Bidding and Contract Award. • Furniture, Fixtures and Equipment (FF&E) Status — All of these items have been budgeted and the next stage of planning will start once the floor plans and elevations are finalized. • IT/Communications —This will be one of the most complex IT and communications projects the City has ever engaged in. The project team will start detail planning of the IT and communications pieces in the Fall 2020. • Project Budget— Based on the recent Schematic Design Drawings estimate, the project budget range will be discussed in City Council Study Session. • Schedule — Preliminary timeframe for project completion is Early Spring 2023. (Difficult to determine schedule risks from COVID-19, these may push the project into the Late Fall 2023). • Renderings and Site Plan — Included with this update. 9 � e �' 4v #, w L 'f � v n r= r_1 r-r t_. y PO LZCE � d ` rNORM { Elv,a mr . -- EYJRRRA CAPITAL PROJECTS SALES TAX N PROJECTS Russia, Proposed Proles AllnratbnPer Furidbg AROMIon Reuisedivading Priority RefereNum Charge. Abortion 1 Headquarters DevNppori 1015001000 600,000 11,100,000 2 Software and Technology Enhancements for a Gtieen information Portal,Record Keeping& 575,000 - 575,000 Storage,Thosallon Processing,Accounting and Financial Repnrtmg 3 Gateways and Wayflnding Enhancements(Highway l@ Martintown Imed,East Buena Vista 11150.000 - 1,353,IXq @ highway 1,Ed&field Road @ Georgia Avenue,1-20 @ Mammonist Road) 4 Acovitles Center Improvements(walking track,workout mourn,chillers and boilers,IT connectivity) 700.000 - 700,000 5 Park Improvements[ballpark fields and street lighting,Creighton Park playground equipment) 1$00,00 - 115001000 6 Community Center Upgrades(roof,liotio&flooring,At equipment,paving) 150" - 150000 7 Greeneway Maintenance and C.—w UvJy 650= - 650,000 R Stmmwiter Infrastructure lmpmvumems(sea listing) 1,500,000 - 1,500,000 9 Downtown Greece.,Connector 901),000 - 900,000 1� Street Resurfidng Program(see listing) 1,450,000 - 1,450,000 11 Road Itcoamiruction Program gee IDEAL) 3,000,000 - 3,000,000 12 Wastewater infrastructure improvements,(see listing) 3,500p00 - 3,500,000 13 Safety and Security Improvements for the Municipal Building 425.1)00 - 425,001) 14 Finance Department Lobby Improvements for Cmen Transactions 100,000 100,000 15 Dowmown fisherman and Vehicular Traffic and Salary Enhancements signage,median;sidewalks) 300,000 300,000 16 Georgia Avenue Undergrounding Utilities 700,000 - 701 17 Fre Apparatus 1,000,000 (601,000) 40DAW 1R Martintown Road at US l Interchange Design and improvements 2.0001000 - 2,0(l 19 New Savannah Bluff Lock&Dam 500,000 - 500,000 $ WIMA00 $ - $ 30,700,000 FAA . PARSONS P10013927 SR 4/US 25BU Bridge Replacement Over Savannah River at South Carolina State Line Project Binder July 6, 2020 Project Location Map 9Thiuyr `,r M 7NAVAAUtom.• . u a Nqueln RIYNw®II 2 Design & Structural Project Description The proposed project involves the replacement and widening of the existing SR 4/US 25BU bridge over the Savannah River. The proposed bridge would be located along the existing alignment to minimize environmental and right- of-way impacts along the project corridor. The project's total length is about 2,900 feet beginning approximately 500 feet south of the bridge at the signalized SR 4 / Reynolds Avenue intersection and ending roughly 900 feet north of the bridge. PARSONS 3 Design & Structural (Cont'd) WaIMm D¢Slpn Feneae5, SR INS 25BU-I]^SireelfGwlplm,Gemma Av (SOUth Flmcllowl Claaslncaum:Hua't¢alAmhcN CaOna) wllee iRp a rap0aW TypimSwlbn: Gem a lONn AM1II(he NUnN&dLLmae a (21aM1m aldtee Q lan Wh01 lh weh MfWIV)) wtaMMtIMI .tore Nhd e t aR.e Waw a u,a MV 15,1110t toMI nMdlm M t,,o i d mqm w(nn0naul -MWIan WNnh 1-nl6 TYPe Oil to 11A myW 20.nrnlaW mm an npwalwM dMIM4 VO W auaa medm Mh TyMTf3m. Idaw Mlm Ty0e1 Canttets 8ae0ral (ace,Cmcrela MaaW1 m mMd . -Shatlasr Width lfi) WA &n GA &Il(0800)W IN 1R!(W0 )de the Olwide MR SC. 11u111VI)v so.MwUw Bald Arw Wldal 1^ 104en ratan Cores SI N ^4aK Oublae Shodam Slops IN) WA 65518 avec6 884 831N'iVnpnVW) vW 8.175.= Paved melds Shoulder w(th -h WA WA 211 fawom CIOe,WON,mm manllw C910, Mw lne -Skkwdke l-h) eallhl R5 Sn MmbnMmelwallhOU olmwo GA side MR5 to 10.1tw0othekea - uplury Elm 12HI it-n WA vddml Blko AccommWmi" WA Sharetllpe para SnmduO wlhl nm Meaminp0uW0 o_n Me mA r0stw m ) 35 mn ]5 nVha. Desi I Spew lmPh) WA a5 45ft h Radu� r Dote drva 0xft 755.n SC spao-h M mommum sommovaum aN aae '.O%NC 3A,% Rate °5 1 .BO IISm 1 W e as Maelmun 41rade1++1 Wlh) 7N,0111#10 a]K SRSnlpertow fumy) Access Cmud ey Pomli B not Rarnut VMrcle WA J 1 t,-o kr 05atomt VOMMI cmowl wddim' WA tpn t8'+1"SC• clod Vwicb WA WA PevemeM NMA NMA Accadalp to ommt G0O dW polcy dapplimNe mca "W SCDOT HQh y DBsW Wt Figure 21 3Aand 2l 3B �Acwrdha to SDOT Hio w Deeipn Mmud Sac W 8.51 Ile,10(Poetm spew m 5ngh Iwetnah dom nl SOW) Amad,010 GDOT&Id0e Mawel Tada 2].3 1.1 and S=T HIO WT,Design wv'm Figw 22.N a PARSONS Design & Structural (Cont'd) Bridge ID # 245-0009-0 over Savannah River Existing Proposed Bridge Length: 1510 feet Bridge Length: 1462 feet Bridge Roadway Width: 54'-0" Bridge Roadway Width: 64'-0" Bridge Deck Width: 62'-10" Deck Width: 86'-7" 11 spans of steel beams and 19 12 spans with 5 spans over river (BT- spans of Reinforced Concrete Deck 78 (FIB-72) girders), 7 spans over Girders. land (BT-54 girders). The existing bridge consists of four The proposed bridge will consist of 12-foot travel lanes and a sidewalk four travel lanes (11-foot inside and on west side of the bridge. No 12-foot outside lanes). 8-foot median. median, 10-foot shared use path (west side) and 6-foot-6-inch sidewalk (east side) PARSONS 5 TYPICAL SECTIONS - ROADWAY ,le eF /fn IF 1 nnUx /Fr /M er � O cum 11 1 f1Y,5/I pltl . HgTuf.c' Ix¢e. r Pglgl.yMFylpfil vMrtS TANGENT SECTION .. 'ArT RNA1 ' - ervER yof,. p'IF 4eNu✓R gtne9d' GENERAL NOTES: OSEE COOT DETAILS T-25 FOR SHOULDER RUMBLE STRIP DETAILS. OSEE COOT DETAILS P-7 FOR PAVEMENT EDGE TREATMENT DETAILS. Oj SODDING PARSONS 6 Typical Sections - Bridge Pier Arrangement BRIDGE .......... ...................................... ....»........,..r....r...................,»,..,».. ..........»»,......r...,r.r.... ._ . _ { w nM,Ixmm�nnwwnumPIIII.IN XIr.rinnnnununlNI�M11111.NNr..... ........ Oxrtllrrr rllNllXrl rXInIIX1m _... .... T { $IR w,r � Y.PrNN Y �xY .. .... .... w. „x 1 t: 7 "v.S'f. .N`w—..'..N 4.NXwd6tSP�'"'S:lr:+;.Y -..x�. 7T ;';!} gfPIR IM{NfN of rgINiPON4rI0N Y"'"°'w:°rw�.i.ur'�'•d4{{r3�"�SYI%`.mcTe��'1`+.�'�' w Nnr.wrw Y wM.lu fw[rdn 1 ntiP 5rR[{Ir dVFP S.VINP1x RIKP BENI NCSS Y[IIGN xeVu\ulNY.wm 5u..-NI(M egyH1Y !'p1Y:, ,.m Iu rxnv Yrw � Nw.<MrMtrA ..X.�..».... r.IPY NYU q...,.IGGt,":^YSYi..a At,I ,.... • � .. a.0 r grYlm 1 i'Cr.uYn. .0� fr v m r NP NI�.1.1{ PARSONS 7 Typical Sections (Cont'd) BRIDGE ' . ;i. t yµrq n i n NC a+rawx� ^ tl O � `w«.rrr ww,x ® � u.xtl.x� @ ` •.,rn:w.rr. un ' •� ELE1Ltl PARSONS I II III 1 i PARSONS a Concept Layout - Alternate 513 9� n Y Rix x _ J- } ra. r �I is _ �,,... . . • Yid � p I w j M / ` f x r B LE4E0Q °' SR 4 / US 25 BUS BRIDGE OVER SAVANNAH RIVER GDOT PARSONS rYmfx O PI X0.0%3931 Tit--L Rl«i;:c.a::c� r`�" � Normx o �` �^ '� OPT]ON 58-11612 FOOT LANE SHARED USED PATH aRlii�uvP PLAN VIEW 0001 PARSONS Other Project Considerations Maintenance of Traffic During Construction Staged Construction along with Lane Reduction to one lane in each direction Offsite Detour Trail Connections Box Culvert Bypass - Connection for Georgia Trails Trail Connections from Shared Used Path and Sidewalks on the Bridge - SC Side. Aesthetics Texas C411 rail proposed for parapet along with decorative fence and lighting Viewing platforms Staircase Access to Trails from Bridge Faux/Architectural Arch Haunched Steel Girders with longer spans Under Deck Bridge Lighting PARSONS 10 Staged Construction BRIDGE �aPwr�s^sr�;n'�t'ra.v.; �rtiros al 14 nrew seer rw . 1.sr.c Pxau <w.w.u.+r.w.<•w.•x Wrw Ntl .rjn raw l�.;rMV!�I.xYY1Fp1�VYryr MgMwrw.M 9•it .moi R rY WiIIMM SwF��.�F�M � NR • � � '� � x rN.,r.wws.tlrwiwMVSY.wrw.aY- � O.w.w awryl ®9urtl awry.rn w tlwN O w.•.niw rw vnrrn r Sirtf [ t[MS}fi cl riM .or. .' 'Wi2YR rlrrtlfO rH. r� P^ lsomm A'w'.tq'tdrt0.t; _ wyy sue a rrm< KFWF IN€Nf I# MAW fMiip(IN 9rtue.ww Fwr=wref s wFw xw fw.IWr wrr eanrEFl 4Argyi s of Sr $P 1 m1 vott rdVE. SPPPNPr.MVP P[MMMtl r"TIMEE UQ13;ti YMIr PARSONS u Staged Construction (CONT'D) BRIDGE WWIW WM rW1pwlWyaM MYW I�eRIW ef5r W M M�!(�y i L eu t •r.�f Me4,_""Wlreri iAix r11HY. n _ _ 1� 4mKMr WWeWM ..... A 1M p rl�aarar frefeA aW eM M W e ra rrn- SiffL �tM5iMu 11M r 4 f W ns error[ qew ueenwe ONe wrrw ...... ...... _4G7 PARiONi AAWSA7 p"6S, U€PNRIMLNI 9F IP6N§PpNII.ININ vertllaW M.w.Wrtfw WYWrM far.�aWr rpypr(ffo wncr eoNf{pI Ff V(N1 rF ap ar T. ITAKET M "V'M.MI16N plfpllf.VlD [fXMeY Qp19je w K••na 4rM PARSONS 12 Offsite Detour .�. IRI 0013927 3R4/V325 SAVANNAH RIVSR gNiON AiIAgA]OM lop PIN W13927 BRIME OVER IAVMlYA#I WE 1]1 ti\ 1c 1 / �i er PROPO$CD DCTOVq 60UTC a � � TII0.0U511 U$L Sfl}21 Sg210_A-2 MRC$ Y� 4-# 1� 1 Y? y� LASVol a Y Y l ALTERNATIVE-1 A.2-Mile Additional Detour length for Motorist Traveling from(US25/USIBroad Street Intersection)Augusta,GA to(SR230)North Augusta,S[ PARSONS as Additional Scope Costs COST Total Georgia South Carolina Aesthetics Faux Arches $ 5,000,000 $ 2,500,000 $ 2,500,000 1 Under Deck Lighting $ 750,000 $ 375,000 $ 375,000 Decorative Lighting on Bridge $ 200,000 $ 100,000 $ 100,000 Decorative Relief on Bridge Elements $ 250,000 $ 125,000 $ 125,000 Pedestrian Stairs(2 Towers) $ 500,000 $ 250,000 $ 250,000 Decorative Fencing $ 400,000 $ 200,000 $ 200,000 Trail and Pedestrian Connectivity Box Culvert Trail Connections(GA) $ 1,000,000 $ 1,000,000 - Sidewalk&Shared Used Path Connectivityto existing trails(SC) $ 1,000,000 - $ 1,000,000 Bridge Structure Haunched Steel Plate Girders(Increase span lengths) $ 2,500,000 $ 1,250,000 $ 1,250,000 TOTAL $ 11,600,000 $ 5,800,000 $ 5,800,000 Assumptions 1. Estimate considers that Aesthetics and Trail& Pedestrian Connectivity items listed above will be separate from PI 0013927 2.Textured and Color Coating Costs for were removed from the above table to eliminate the redundancy with colored lighting and based on coordination with GDOT Bridge Office as it shared future maintenance concerns.This will provide an overall cost savings of$1.15 Million 3.All estimated costs listed are construction costs. 4. Cost for each considers 10%for Engineering& Inspection,15%for Contingencies,and 25%for Ancillary Items. 5.Ancillary items includes;Grading complete,traffic control items,and temporary construction staging costs. 6.Costs are planning level and will be further refined as engineering design is progressed into preliminary and final. i PARSONS Project Rendering Birds Eye-View � r Ve AAA w F, s z y . PARSONS u Q., • bIMl11 � 3�'r . . pep exip: ueae� rte�aifs€tl� b 1 � I11Linl;nll'�„'�V`pl 3 Project Rendering Drone View with Trail Connection - Georgia Side 1 f .. f n PARSONS Project Rendering Culvert ATrail connection A �i PAPSONS ,h I � i� r I i�iijiiiijiiiii Project Rendering Ground View with Staircase jiijh�. .9!! III rh ry Project Rendering Ground View with Piers with Aesthetic Lighting 141 i PARSONS Project Rendering River View with Aesthetic Lighting n PARSONS Project Rendering Drone View with Trail Connection - Georgia Side with Aesthetic Lighting ,z PARSONS Project Rendering Ground View - Staircase with Aesthetic Lighting PARSONS PARSONS Otherldeas s delivering a better world ■ „ Other Ideas Haunched Steel Plate Girders & Decorative Relief on Bridge Elements Q •s r PARSONS Otherldeas Faux Arches & Haunched Steel Plate Girders UZ ��. PARSONS Otherldeas SharedPaved Used Path P Yliti PARSONS +.1 x i WW f_n a sp IIS �.� .ni':. Epi • p.ec. . "fir%'mr Other Ideas Parapet and Fencing - PI 132980-, Walton County AP,n.r.,ol F!, F1 4� =,1 = .o. 4C n. SEE DECK PLAN _ FOR POST SPACING STANDARD POST TOP TL " t z'Exps 1 6"PICXET PRESTRESSED POINT PICKET TBP iC C SPACING.TYP. (REFER TO MFG.SP€C.1 t A {I 'OX RAIL BRACKET L• i .---Awe v _ ATTACH BLACK 'I$"X IV,'U-CNANNEL RAIL METAL MESH TO }INDUSTRIAL DRIVE RIVET FENCE DETAIL MAX.OPENING 3• _ -SOWRE POST-QUARE PICKET POST NT. "SQUARE PICKET NON-SHRMM PORTLAND CEMENT GROUT. TROWEL TO PROVIDE POSITIVE DRAINAGE. Q . I r a5t 1 I I LJ 6J I E�0 QMP PARSONS y