RES 2020-32 Adopted RESOLUTION NO. 2020-32 TO AUTHORIZE A MEMORANDUM OF AGREEMENT WITH THE SOUTH CAROLINA DEPARTMENT OF JUVENILE JUSTICE(SCDJJ) TO PROVIDE SECURE DETENTION SERVICES FOR JUVENILES (PERSONS UNDER THE AGE OF SEVENTEEN)WHO ARE CHARGED WITH COMMITTING CRIMES WITHIN THE CITY OF NORTH AUGUSTA WHEREAS, the South Carolina Constitution and state and federal law, mandate that juveniles (persons under the age of seventeen) who are held in detention be confined in separate and distinct facilities from adults (persons seventeen years of age and older) similarly confined; and WHEREAS, the City of North Augusta does not operate or manage its own detention facility for juveniles,or otherwise have such a facility available to it for the detention of juveniles; and WHEREAS,the SCDJJ operates a facility for the detention ofjuveniles,along with an may of other residential placements for juveniles, who are awaiting their return to another jurisdiction or state,or awaiting their adjudication and/or dispositional hearings in the Family or General Sessions Courts of this State, which have passed all necessary state inspections or approvals, and are suitable for the detention of juveniles; and WHEREAS,the General Assembly has mandated that"the governing body of the law enforcement agency having original jurisdiction (over) where the offense occurred" be responsible for paying a portion of the costs of the detention services forjuveniles provided by SCDJJ, who are charged with committing crimes within the governing body's jurisdictional limits; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Mayor and City Council of the City of North Augusta, South Carolina is authorized to enter into the Memorandum of Agreement for the Detention of Juveniles as identified and attached hereto and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the City Administrator is authorized to execute such Agreement. DONE,RATIFIED AND ADOPTED BY THE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF NORTH AUGUSTA,SOUTH CAROLINA,ON THIS THE i DAY OF AUGUST,2020. Robert A. Pettit, Mayor ATTEST: 4IQk0�L py"X44/ Sharon Lamar, City Clerk MEMORANDUM OF AGREEMENT FOR THE DETENTION OF JUVENILES THIS AGREEMENT is made this I"day of Jully,2020,by and between the South Carolina Department of Juvenile Justice (SCDJJ) by and through its duly authorized employee and the governing body of City of North Augusta, hereinafter referred to as City of North Augusta,by and through its duly authorized official and/or employee; WHEREAS, the South Carolina Constitution and state and federal law, mandate that juveniles who are held in detention be confined in separate and distinct facilities from adults similarly confined; and WHEREAS, City of North Augusta does not operate or manage its own detention facility for juveniles, or otherwise have such a facility available to it for the detention of juveniles; and WHEREAS,SCDJJ operates a facility for the detention ofjuveniles,along with an array of other residential placements for juveniles, who are awaiting their return to another jurisdiction or state, or awaiting their adjudication and/or dispositional hearings in the Family or General Sessions Courts of this State, which have passed all necessary state inspections or approvals, and are suitable for the detention ofjuveniles; and WHEREAS, the General Assembly has mandated that "the governing body of the law enforcement agency having original jurisdiction (over) where the offense occurred" be responsible for paying a portion of the costs of the detention services for juveniles provided by SCDJJ, who are charged with committing crimes within the governing body's jurisdictional limits; NOW THEREFORE,in consideration of the mutual promises contained herein,it is agreed as follows: SCDJJ will admit into its Juvenile Detention Center in Columbia,and detain such juveniles in this Center, subject to its design/operational capacity and any limitations set forth in Section 63-19-830 (A), those juveniles who are charged with committing criminal/status offenses within the jurisdictional limits of the above listed entity and who have been/am: 1. qualified to be placed in secure detention (as determined by Section 63-19- 820 03),which the local law enforcement entity wishes to have detained prior to a detention hearing before the Family Court; or 2. ordered to be taken into custody and detained by the Family Court or other lawful authority; or JUVENILE DETENTION MEMORANDUM OF AGREEMENT Page 2 of 3. 16 years old or younger who have been waived to the Court of General Sessions to be tried as adults; or 4. 16 years old and charged as an adult with committing a Category A-D felony or any felony offense which provides for a maximum term of imprisonment of fifteen years or more. Acceptance and retention of detainees in its Juvenile Detention Center will be on a space available basis and will be in accordance with admission and detention criteria established by SCDJJ. In addition,City of North Augusta agrees to remove any detainees accepted and detained under criteria 3 and 4 above,on or within one week after that detainee's 17' birthday. City of North Augusta agrees to assign an open Purchase Order Number to be effective from July 1,2020 to June 30,2021. City of North Augusta agrees to comply with Section 63-19-1610 of the South Carolina Code of Laws which provides, "local governments utilizing the juvenile detention services provided by the Department of Juvenile Justice must pay the department a per diem of fifty dollars a day per child." Accordingly, City of North Augusta will pay SCDJJ $50.00 per 24-hour day per child. (Detention periods of between from 1 to 23 hours shall be charged as a K day charge of$25.00). Payments to SCDJJ will be made on a monthly basis as the costs accrue. SCDJJ agrees to bill City of North Augusta on a monthly basis; said bills to be sent on or before the 15" day of the month after the month where the costs are incurred, with payment to be made on or before the first(I") day of the following month. If City of North Augusta fails to make payment within 30 days of receipt of an invoice for detention services, SCDJJ may take any and all available measures to collect on the outstanding debt. SCDJJ agrees to periodically provide City of North Augusta with a report on City of North Augusta's use of the SCDJJ Detention Facility. This report will reflect the status ofjuveniles being detained for periods greater than 30 days. Pursuant to South Carolina Code Section 63-19-360, the "local law enforcement agency having jurisdiction where the offense was committed" shall be responsible for transporting all juveniles to and from DJJ's Juvenile Detention Center. However, a local law enforcement entity may enter into agreements with other local law enforcement agencies or other entities for transporting of ajuvenile to and from SCDJJ's Juvenile Detention Center, and the fact that a particular local law enforcement agency or entity transports a juvenile to or from SCDJJ shall not be determinative as to which law enforcement agency hasjurisdiction over the offense committed or necessarily obligate the governing board of the transporting entity to pay for the cost of that juvenile's detention. In accordance with Act#571 of 1990, relating to Juvenile Detention and consistent with the criteria outlined in DJJ Community Services Policies and Procedures (SCDJJ Detention Screening Process; Policy Number F-7.0),no juvenile shall be placed in and/or transported to,a SCDJJ detention facility until law enforcement has notified SCDJJ and SCDJJ has conducted a detention screening,or until a Family Court Judge has determined that placement in secure detention is appropriate. JUVENILE DETENTION MEMORANDUM OF AGREEMENT Page 3 of City of North Augusta shall provide the SCDJJ Juvenile Detention Center with all relevant information pertaining to the juvenile, including medical history/limitations/pre-existing conditions, known psychological and psychiatric problems, charges pending before the court, and completed screening or detention forms if such records or information are in the possession of, or otherwise known to,the transporting law enforcement agency. Additionally,upon arrival at the SCDJJ Juvenile Detention Center, the transporting officer shall complete and sign SCDJJ's Local Law Enforcement —Detention Verification Form,which certifies the juvenile's eligibility for secure detention pursuant to S.C. Code of Law § 63-19-820. SCDJJ's Juvenile Detention Center shall have the right to refuse admission when a juvenile is presented for placement without an appropriate detention order signed by the Court or detention referral papers, completed and signed by a SCDJJ employee or screening agent. SCDJJ's Juvenile Detention Center shall also have the right to refuse admission when ajuvenile is deemed inappropriate by the Center for placement due to psychological/psychiatric problems, age, history, not meeting referral/admissions criteria,indications of alcohol or other drug intoxication,medical condition which requires emergency or immediate medical care or treatment or for any other reason which puts the Center at risk, should such ajuvenile be accepted. SCDJJ shall not be financially responsible for the cost of medical care provided to ajuvenile detained in its juvenile detention center for any injury, illness, condition,or medical need that pre-existed the juvenile's admission to its Detention Center. Detention services provided by SCDJJ shall commence upon execution of this contract and terminate, unless this contract is reauthorized and renewed, on July 1, 2021. Either party may cancel this agreement upon thirty(30)days'written notice. Sums paid or payable under this contract shall not exceed S for fiscal year 2020-2021 as determined by both parties. However, if juveniles continue to be presented for secure detention by City of North Augusta once the above budgeted amount has been reached, City of North Augusta agrees to pay for the cost of any additional detainees as provided for in the paragraph addressing detention rates. APPROVED: Adm rms�aiorrlanager(y Freddie B.Pough,Director (or other Authorized Official) South Carolina Department of Juvenile Justice 16' - ;LoDZ> July 1,2020 Date Date