080320 Council Mtg Agenda nugulap South Cmollros Wuerfrom AGENDA: CITY OF NORTH AUGUSTA REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING August 3,2020—Virtual Meeting-7:00 P.M. The City of North Augusta will conduct a virtual City Council Meeting on Monday,August 3,2020 at 7:00 P.M. using GoToMeeting online conferencing software.The virtual meeting will be streamed online for public viewing at: • City Facebook page:To access,visit www.faccbook.com/citvofnortliaugusta or search"City of North Augusta—Public Information"on wwwYacebook.com • City YouTube page:To access,visit httns,//wwwvoutubecom/ghanneVUCRLLD cnO68YROaUGaE 22O or search"City of North Augusta Public Information"on www.YouTube.com CITIZENCOMMENTS: Due to the current State of Emergency declared by the Governor in the State ofsouth Carolina as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic and Ordinance No.2020-14 adopted by City Council on June 1. 2020,citizen comments will not be accepted during the virtual meeting.Citizen comments about specific agenda items or matters not listed on the agenda may be submitted by email to the City Clerk, Sharon Lamar, at slamat r(Anorthauausta.net. Comments received by Noon on the day of the meeting will he read aloud into the record by the City Clerk and will be included as part ofthe minutes. 1. CALL TO ORDER: 2. INVOCATION AND PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE: 3. ROLL CALL: 4. APPROVAL OF MINUTES: Study Session and Regular Meeting minutes of July 20,2020 NEW BUSINESS 5. PUBLIC SAFETY: Resolution 2020-32—To Authorize a Memorandum of Agreement with the South Carolina Department of Juvenile Justice(SCDJJ)to Provide Secure Detention Services for Juveniles (Persons under the Age of Seventeen)Who are Charged with Committing Crimes within the City of North Augusta 6. PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT: Planning Commission Recommendation Memorandum#20-021 and Project Staff Report:RZT20-002 Article 4,Supplemental Use Regulations: Home Occupations;Receipt of Information by Council 7. ADMINISTRATIVE REPORTS: 8. PRESENTATIONS/COMMUNICATIONS/RECOGNITION OF VISITORS: A. Citizen Comments:At this time,citizen comments submitted via email to the City Clerk by 12:00 noon on Monday, August 3,2020 regarding items not on the agenda will be read aloud by the City Clerk to Mayor and City Council. B. Council Comments 9. ADJOURNMENT