070620 Council Mtg Mins Adopted North
South Carolina's Werfront
Robert A. Pettit, Mayor
J Robert Brooks, Councilmember
Pat C. Carpenter, Councilmember
Fletcher L. Dickert, Councilmember
David W. McGhee, Councilmember
Eric H. Presnell, Councilmember
Kevin W Toole, Councilmember
The regular meeting of the City Council of the City of North Augusta of July 6, 2020 having been
duly publicized was called to order by Mayor Pettit at 7:02 p.m. and streamed online for public
viewing at the City Facebook page: "City of North Augusta — Public Information" and City
YouTubc page: "City of North Augusta Public Information' then adjourned at 8:02 p.m. Per
Section 30-4-80,(e)notice of the meeting by email was sent out to the current maintained"Agenda
Mailout" list consisting of news media outlets and individuals or companies requesting
notification. Notice of the meeting was also posted on the outside doors of the Municipal Center,
the main bulletin board of the Municipal Center located on the first floor, and the City of North
Augusta website.
Mayor Pettit rendered the invocation and the Pledge of Allegiance.
Members present were Mayor Pettit, Councilmembers Brooks, Dickert, McGhee, Presnell, and
Toole. Councilmember Carpenter was absent.
Also in attendance were Rachelle Moody, Interim City Administrator; Kelly Zier, City Attorney;
Cammie Hayes, Director of Finance and General Services; John C. Thomas, Director of Public
C Safety; Richard L.Meyer,Director of Parks,Recreation and Tourism; Libby Hodges, Director of
Planning and Development;J.D.McCauley,Manager of Human Resources;Ricky Jones,Manager
of Information Technology;and Sharon Lamar, City Clerk. Members of the public and the media
were also present.
The minutes of the Study Session and City Council Meeting of June 1, 2020; the minutes of the
Study Session and City Council Meeting of June 15, 2020; and the minutes of the Special Called
City Council Meeting of June 22, 2020 were approved by general consent.
Mayor Pettit announced the City's support of the high school graduating Class of 2020. This
year's commencement, recognitions, and celebrations were very different due to the COVID-19
pandemic. The City purchased a street banner at the cost of$539.99 to recognize the seniors.
Funds from the City Council Contingencies account and the City Community Promotions account
were used for the banner. The City also sponsored the Aiken County Public Schools Graduations
with$500.00 of funds from the City Council Contingencies account.
ITEM 5 PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT: Resolution No. 2020-24—Authorizing
the City of North Augusta to Enter into a Professional Planning Services Contract with
Orion Planning+Design LLC to Perform Planning Services Related to the North Augusta
Development Code Evaluation and Re-Write
Resolution No.2020-24 was tabled at the July 15, 2020 regular City Council Meeting. On the
motion of Councilmember Dickert, second of Councilmember Presnell,Council unanimously
agreed to remove the item from the table.
On the motion of Councilmember McGhee,second of Councilmember Toole, agreed to consider
a resolution to authorize the City of North Augusta to enter into a Professional Planning Services
Contract with Orion Planning+Design, LLC to perform planning services related to the North
Augusta Development Code evaluation and re-write. There were no comments from citizens or
Council. The resolution was approved with no dissenting votes.
A copy of the proposed resolution is below:
WHEREAS,the City of North Augusta desires to retain the services of Orion Planning+
C Design, LLC,to provide services related to the evaluation and rewriting of the North Augusta
Development Code; and
C WHEREAS, two (2) firms responded to a "Request for Proposals" and proposals
were reviewed and scored by a committee of elected and appointed officials and city staff; and
WHEREAS,based upon the ranking of the firths,it has been determined that Orion
Planning+Design, LLC,was the preferred contractor; and
NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Mayor and City Council of the
City of North Augusta, South Carolina, in meeting duly assembled and by the authority thereof
that the City is authorized to enter into professional planning services contract with Orion Planning
+ Design, LLC, to provide planning services related to the rewrite of the North Augusta
Development Code.
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the City Administrator is authorized to execute
such documents as necessary to enter into said contracts for an amount not to exceed $164,700,
including a 10% contingency amount, and travel reimbursements. The project will be funded by
not more than$120,000 from existing capital project funds and the balance from budgeted FY20
Planning Department Professional Services funds.
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED the City Administrator, in consultation with the
Mayor, is hereby authorized to convene a Steering Committee to provide guidance as the project
proceeds, whose structure and participants will be designated at a later date.
ITEM6. FINANCE• Ordinance No 2020-17—Amending the Budeet for Fiscal Year
2020 Containing Estimates of Proposed Revenues and Expenditures by the City of North
Augusta South Carolina for the Budget Year Beginning January 1,2020, and Declaring
the Same Shall Constitute the Amended Budget of the City of North Aueusta for Such
Budget Year
On the motion of Mayor Pettit,second of Councilmember Brooks, Council agreed to consider on
first reading an ordinance to amend the budget for fiscal year 202 containing estimate of
proposed revenues and expenditure by the City of North Augusta, South Carolina, for the budget
year beginning January 1, 2020,and declaring the same shall constitute the amended budget of
the City of North Augusta for such budget year. There were no comments from citizens or
Council. The first reading of the ordinance was approved unanimously.
A copy of the proposed ordinance is below:
WHEREAS,in accordance with the Laws of South Carolina,and the Ordinance of the City
of North Augusta,the City Administrator prepared and submitted to the City Council a Balanced Budget
for the budget year beginning on January 1, 2020, and ending on December 31, 2020 which was adopted
December 2,2019;and
WHEREAS,the City has determined that amendments to the General Fund and Riverfront
Central Core Funds are necessary at this time due to the current outbreak of the 2019 Novel Coronavirus
WHEREAS,a public hearing has been held on said budget amendment,as required by law.
Section 1. The City Council hereby amends the 2020 Fiscal Year Budget, designated as
Ordinance No. 2019-14, for the conduct of the business of the municipal
government of North Augusta for the budget year, January 1,2020,to December
31,2020 as follows:
C Decrease General Fund Revenue $740,135
Decrease General Fund Expenditures $740,135
Decrease Riverfront/Central Core Expenditures $462,150
Section IL That in all other respects, except as hereby and heretofore amended, the Budget
for the City of North Augusta for the fiscal year beginning January 1, 2020, and
ending December 31,2020,shall remain in full force and effect.
Section 111. All Ordinances or parts of Ordinances in conflict herewith are,to the extent of such
conflict,hereby repealed.
Section N. This Ordinance shall become effective immediately upon its adoption on second
and final reading.
ITEM 7 PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT: Planning Commission Recommendation
Memorandum#20-017 and Project Staff Report: RZT20-001 Article 13: Signs,Text
Amendment; Receipt of Information by Council
^ By general consent, Council received for information Planning Commission Recommendation
Memorandum#20-017 and Project Staff Report: RZT20-001.
O ITEM 8 ADMINISTRATION• Resolution No. 2020-28—Recommending Individuals
Wear Face Coverings in Public Buildings and Retail and Food Service Establishments
On motion of Mayor Pettit, second of Councilmember Dickert, Council agreed to consider a
resolution to recommend individuals wear face covering in public buildings and retail and food
services establishments. Councilmember Dickert expressed an opinion that the City should lead
by example. He made a motion to amend the resolution. The motion was seconded by
Councilmember Toole. Councilmember Dicken's amendment was as follows:
"NOW, THEREFORE, masks shall be wom by everyone within city facilities or portions of city
facilities where social distancing cannot be maintained"
Kelly Zier, City Attorney, questioned that Councilmember Dickert's amendment would be an
addition to the proposed resolution to which Dickert answerer. "Yes."
Citizen Comments were made by:
Perry Holcomb
Kelly Zier, City Attorney,recommended Council determine this is an exigent circumstance due
to the current public health state of emergency. Mayor Pettit then made a motion, seconded by
Councilmember Dickert, for Council to consider this action to be required for the protection
public health.
O Citizen Comments were made by:
Ryan Abel
Councilmember Dickert restated his amendment as:
"NOW, THEREFORE,masks shall be wom by everyone within city buildings or portions of city
buildings where social distancing cannot be maintained"
j Councilmember Toole maintained his second on the amendment.
Citizen Comments were made by:
Brandy Mitchell
The motion that the amendment to the resolution is the result of an exigent circumstance due to
4 the protection of public health was approved on a 5-1 vote. Councilmember Presnell voted
against the motion.
Council attention then returned to the amendment on the floor.
I Citizen Comments were made by:
Wes Summers
OCouncilmember Presnell expressed concern about who will enforce the amendment.
C Councilmembers Toole, Dickert, and Brooks voted in favor of the amendment. Councilmember
Presnell,Councilmember McGhee and Mayor Pettit voted against the amendment. The motion
to amend the resolution failed with a tie vote.
Council then returned to the original resolution and Rachelle Moody, Interim City Administrator,
read aloud Resolution No. 2020-28.
Citizen Comments were made by:
Perry Holcomb
Councilmember Presnell recommends those who have medical conditions and are at risk to wear
mask;however, he does not personally choose to wear mask and does not support the resolution.
Council voted to approve the original resolution with a 5-1 voted. Councilmember Presnell
voted against.
A copy of the proposed resolution is below:
WHEREAS,the 2019 Novel Coronavirus ("COVID-19") is a respiratory disease that can
Cresult in serious illness or death by the SARS-CoV-2 virus;
WHEREAS, on March 13, 2020, the President of the United States declared that the
COVID-19 outbreak in the United States constitutes a national emergency;
WHEREAS, also on March 13, 2020, the Governor of the State of South Carolina issued
Executive Order 2020-08, declaring a State of Emergency based on a determination that the
COVID-19 poses an actual or imminent public health emergency for the State;
WHEREAS, the Governor has subsequently declared a continued State of Emergency in
Executive Orders 2020-15(March 28),2020-23 (April 12),2020-29(April 27),2020-35(May 12),
2020-38 (May 27), 2020-40(Jane I1); and 2020-42(June 26, 2020);,
WHEREAS,South Carolina is experiencing a dramatic increase in the number of identified
new COVID-19 cases,and as of June 30,2020,the total number of persons affected are as follows:
Jurisdiction Confirmed Cases Deaths
State of South Carolina 36,267 735
Aiken County 387 10
City of North Augusta 131
(zip codes 29841 & 29860
Source (7-1-2020): httos•//www sedhec goy/infectious-diseases/viruses/coronavirus-disease-
OWHEREAS, health authorities, including the CDC, the Surgeon General of the United
States, and DHEC have recommended the use of face coverings as a means of preventing the
spread of COVID-19; and
NOW, THEREFORE, it is strongly recommended and encouraged by the Council of the
North Augusta, South Carolina as follows:
1) Face Coverings be worn by all customers while inside the enclosed area of any Public
Building and Retail Establishment; and
2) Retail Establishments should require staff to wear Face Coverings while working in areas
open to the general public and areas in which interactions with other staff are likely in
which social distancing of at least six feet cannot be observed; and
3) Foodservice Establishments should require staff who interact with customers (including,
without limitation,delivery personnel)to wear Face Coverings while working.
4) "Face Covering,"in this resolution means a uniform piece of cloth,fabric,or other material
that securely covers a person's nose and mouth and remains affixed in place without the
use of one's hands. Face Coverings include, but are not limited to, bandanas, medical
masks, cloth masks, scarves, and gaiters, provided that they we worn such that they
securely cover the person's nose and mouth.
v 2020.
There were no Administrative Reports.
Please see the attached Speaker Forms, if completed, for the July 6, 2020 Council Meeting.
A. Citizen Comments were made by:
Chris Hawkins
Perry Holcomb(no speaker form)
Jim Huff
Brandy Mitchell
Ryan Abel (no speaker form)
Brandy Mitchell (no speaker form)
B. Council Comments:
CCouncilmember McGhee commented that the work of the Calhoun Park Committee is very
important and certainly a priority to him.
Councilmember Dickert reminded the citizens in attendance that Council unanimously approved a
resolution last year that stated they did not support the language of the Meriwether Monument. He
also commended the group that demonstrated at Calhoun Park for their peaceful protest.
There being no further business, Council adjourned at 8:02 p.m.
APPROVED THIS 20th DAY OF Respectfully submitted,
.�Mh.O'JYi �AmLah/
Sharon Lamar
Robert A.-Pettit City Clerk
AGENDA ITEM/TOPIC: �l`� C "'14 ! '' ✓ <<' �V�� ' -'^�� I'
(For example:l support the resolution because ...(
CY Nr .
My name is Chris Hawkins. I'm a proud resident of North
Augusta. I was born and raised right here in North Augusta.
I am here tonight because the city of North Augusta is not a
progressive city. Some people may see the new amphitheater
as a sign of progressiveness. I look at the name of the
veterans park and I see the name of a white supremacist,
Wade Hampton. Some people may see the ball park on the
river as a sign of progressiveness. I look at the name of John
C. Calhoun Park — a man who advocated for slavery — and I
see a monument that talks about the ideals of white
This hateful monument honors Thomas McKie Meriwether as
a man who "exemplified the highest ideal of Anglo-Saxon
civilization. By his death he assured to the children of his
beloved land the supremacy of that ideal."
I believe this monument is worse than the Calhoun statue that
was removed in Charleston. The Calhoun statue, which was
recently taken down after 123 years, certainly deserved to be
taken down. That statue, however, doesn't have the racist and
supremacist rhetoric that the Meriweather Monument has
When I see that statue, I see a town — my hometown — that
upholds this idea that whites are superior. I see a town with
residents who think this type of behavior is OK and defend the
idea of white supremacy with all their might. These folks have
the nerve to attend church on Sundays. They smile, they
worship, they pray to God, and the entire time, they scoff at
the very notion of tearing down a symbol of hate and
This city has known about this shameful monument for nearly
three years. The city partnered with historians and came up
with an extensive report about the events of the Hamburg
Massacre. The massacre was not a noble cause — it was the
beginning of a violent campaign that emphasized Black voter
suppression and eradicated civil rights for Black Americans. I
am embarrassed for my hometown because we have
admitted there is a problem; however, we have not corrected
that problem.
The problem isn't just the Meriwether monument — the
monument is a symptom. The problem that we have in North
Augusta has been a problem ever since a part of this time
was known as Hamburg. The problem is that we have not
shown our Black brothers and sisters in this community that
their lives matter.
When we marched in North Augusta, we marched with people
of all walks of life. We marched with people who believe that
the Meriwether monument has no place in North Augusta
because it SOLELY represents the idea of white supremacy.
Your failure to tear down this monument shows that you are
willing to continue in the supremacist legacy of this town.
There is NOTHING progressive about that. Understand that
your willful decision to retain this monument is more telling of
the core values of North Augusta than it is of the people in this
town who want it removed. It's time to finally do the right thing
and take the Meriwether monument down.
Corrine Boykin This monument is a disgrace.A thriving black community was destroyed the likes of
Rosewood and Tulsa. It represents the epitome of white supremacy. I am deeply saddened. Tear it down.
Alison Frazzetta 1 believe that historical monuments have a place for educational history. But from my
research on the Menwether Monument... it should go!
Rachel Carter Definitely needs to go. Blatant white supremacy. Doesn't deserve any spot light
Jo Angela Edwins Long past needing to go. It's the poster child of racist monuments and should be used
as an example to change state laws that protect such abominations.
Kristie Heath Putt I was not familiar with this statue until recently but the inscription on it is honoring the
Ione white man killed in an attack on a black militia. He was praised for giving his life to insure whites
would basically remain"the supreme race." (maintain that time periods lifestyle for future generations)I
cannot remember the exact wording but the whole premise behind it is pretty gross. I am all for preserving
history but maybe this statue could move to a muesem.
Timothy L. Brightharp Take It down, it has no place in 2020s society.
Kymberlie Anderson Take it down)Why would anyone want to keep this monument up?
Satchel Dickson y'all keep saying it's history but it's literally a monument erected for a man who died
while preserving white culture in south carolina.
Christina D'Angelo The grammar on that thing is a mess—and poorly laid out—oh,and a charming
reminder of a people who literally fought to own other human beings.Yeah, so there's that. Replace it.
David Matos Mark Cuckerberg No, it's worse—the language on the monument is outright white
Barbara Owens The words on the side of the Merriwether monument are particularly offensive. If you
aren't familiar with N,go look before you comment. Our city council, mayor and his committee have been
putting this off for two years now. Enough.
Lee Moss McCowan I'm not for destroying monuments, but look at the history behind this one and read
the words on it. It doesn't represent North Augusta to be in such a prominent place. It's an
embarrassment to the city.
Christy Nichols Vickery-Wren I don't know why this thing was even created, Ohh yeah I do, not for
anything really important.
Kristina Desrosier Weaver So excited to be a part of destroying the racism in America!
Cathy Fenn Third panel of the Hamburg memorial, "In life he exemplified the highest ideal of Anglo-Saxon
civilization. By his death he assured to the children of his beloved land supremacy of that ideal"This is
blatantly racist. it's disgusting and I don't know why anyone would think this is okay.
Jennifer Jiggs Moore This monument is the historical equivalent to giving one to Dylann Roof. Both turds
deserve to be forgotten.
Remarks have also been given by Eric Presnell and Kevin Toole.They are in support of the
removal.The Mayor is as well.
Unify North Augusta
Recipient: City of North Augusta
Letter: Greetings,
Meriweather Monument Removal
Name Location Date Comment
Dnlly McCurry Augusta,GA 2020-06-10 "I believe this is a continuation ofracism.It needs to be removed"
Jackson Webb North Augusta,SC 2020-06-10 'This is obvious.The-we should keep it up to make sure history
doesn't repeat useir argument Is preposterous.If you need a
monument to remind you not to be a horrible human being,then
maybe you need to readjust your own life.The people it affects the
most are telling us Its embarrassing and hurtful.Why shouldn't we
listen?How will anything ever change N nothing ever changes?"
Melissa Pull Augusta,GA 2020-0610 11:is a symbol ofwhite supremacy.Ifwe truly oppose those ideals,
then protecting it Is notjustifiable."
Keelyn Bowman Augusta,GA 2020-06-11 "Highlighting our areas racist past is hurtful and not healing.In a
time where we should all be pulling together to ensure POC are
treated with dignity and respect and receive equal treatment these
monuments just divide us."
Malcolm Bauer Vincemowry NJ 2020-06-11 "Monuments that whitewash history are a problem.We must
acknowledge history to change the present and future"
Katelyn May Laurens,SC 2020-0611 "Black lives matter"
Sarah Warren Grovetown,GA 2020-0611 "It supports white supremacy"
Carl Harrell Athens,GA 2020-0611 "Take it down.NOW"
Shannel Keaton Aiken,SC 2020-0611 "Because It should be gone,and everything it stands fore'
Nikita Hanif Aiken,SC 20200611 "Remembering our history is one thing,however,glorifying
history built on the backs of slaves and slaughter does not have a
place In the future 1 wish to see for my children.The time for change
Is now."
202006-11 "This monument is not a memorial.It is not a historical marker.It in
no way communicates the history of the Hamburg Massacre.It is a
self-described monument to white supremacy.It is not a figurative
or metaphorical monument to white supremacy-it is a literal
monument to white supremacy and the furtherance of that"ideal.^
Having a monument to the furtherance and endurance of white
supremacy In this prominent,central location in North Augusta
communicates the notion that that North Augusta and its people
fight for the endurance of white supremacy.We explicitly fight
against the lie of white supremacy.A monument to the furtherance
of white supremacy only belongs in a place that is committed to
white supremacy.This is not that place.It does not belong here."
Adel Council Augusta,GA 2020-0611 "Black Lives Matter"
Ted Stoddard Fort Worth,TX 20200611 "It's right/
Uab WRietal 4bill Agwfal 2020-06-11 1 mean is this even a question?TAKE IT DOWN
Name Location Date Comment
Sarah Day Aiken,SC 2020-06-11 'The time for change is nowl"
Maqueda Hill North Augusta.SC 2020-06-11 'This needs to be removed!"
Michelle Davis Summerville,SC 2020-06-11 "This monument should be removed."
Justin Baker Evans,GA 2020-06-11 "I support the removal ofthis monument."
Jodi Wells Aiken,SC 2020-06-11 "Our generation has had enough!Racism stops with usl!ll"
Claudia Ridgrwy 2020-06-11 "In 2020 there is no place for such public displays of racism and
division!We are better than that!"
Raelene Vautrin Augusta,GA 2020-06-11 'The right thing to do."
Ashley Slade Bowie,MD 2020-06-11 "What about the black men that lost their lives"
Nick Gosey Columbia,SC 2020-06-11 -1grew up in North Augusta,returned there for a few years after
college.When I learned what this monument is it broke my heart.
Remove this monument to hate."
Annlsha Tanksley Savannah,GA 2020-06-11 "Its time to remove these monuments that represent hate"
Cherie Jones Greenbelt MD 2020-06-11 "it's disgusting and as an African American,i should not have to
continue to see these ideals glorified in this way."
KAren Johnson Clemmons,NC 2020-06-11 "Karenjohnson"
Eecea"AaolptiNeW -+ flmth AslglwspE 2020-06-11 "In the middle of North Augusta,the town l call home,there stands
a very tall monument which as a child,I'd always thought was just
a mini version of the spire in d.c....but as an adult I've read it and
learned that it was errected in North Augusta as a memorial to
blatant white supremacy.Please look up the Hamburg Massdtre.If
you call North Augusta home,please speak up to have this terrible
monument in the heart of our community done away with.Read the
story.Change North Augusta's heart to one of love and unity.Make
your voice heard."
Michelle Melton Charleston,SC 2020-06-12 "Removing these monuments to white supremacy is a sign of good
faith to our entire nation that we are ready to heal and finally be a
United States"
Stephen Perry Key West,H. 2020-06-12 -Change is much needed In my community.#®"
Brandy Mitchell North Augusta,SC 2020-06-12 "PLEASE GEr RID OF THIS STATUE.H is a disgrace to the City of
North Augusta.It is a huge middle finger to the African Americans
who live In this city.The spirit of which it was erected will continue
as long as It is made to stand."
Leslie Creech North Augusta,SC 2020-06-12 "The removal ofthis monument is overdue."
Tiffany Montalvo North augusta,SC 2020-06-12 "This is long overdue.I remember being taught the history of NA in
Tecpile school,but never learned about all this until I Was an adult"
Name Location Date Comment
Carlen Chambliss Mi0ville,NJ 2020-0612 "<a href="mailto:dadene697@gmaii.com"
Jo Edwins Florence,SC 2020-06-12 'This is one ofthe most egregiously racist monuments rve seen,
and it appalls me that it sits in my hometown."
-*dwlpwew -<.a.+u+IbgkM9fAil aiC 2020-06-12 "This has no place in This city"
oletha Tinto aiken,SC 2020-06-12 'Its an ugly reminder.Needs to go."
Christine Stawinsky Charlotte,NC 2020-06-12 "Change in our country is long overdue."
Jamie 2ibman Augusta,GA 2020-06-12 "It's ridiculous that we even have these lost cause monuments on
public display anymore.No one wants to forget history.We want
to remember history and not repeat it.These monuments could
be housed in a museum.They do not need to be on public display
where the inference is the state approves of it's message.What
message are you sending?"
George J.AlexanderJr. Edgefield,SC 2020-06-12 "As the great grandson of the founder of North Augusta I would
like to see this monument and Its message removed from the city.
Having lived my entire life In the area,It does not reflect my feelings
as a citizen here.It really needs to go."
George J.Alexander Jr. Edgefield,SC 2020-D612 "As the great grandson ofthe founder of North Augusta Iwould like
to see this monument go.It does not reflect the heart ofthe city I
grew up in.As a life long citizen of chis area and a follower ofJesus
Christ,I would like to see it go."
vaWrl ,Wk North AMWA"SC 202U-06-12 "All remnants of oppression should be In museums.Not public
monuments.It gives the choice to go view that part of history"
Wendy Shellenbarger Evans,GA 2020-06-12 'This is abhorrent.May this man the in obscurity in the pages of
dusty book."
Russell Fernandes Augusta,GA 2020-0612 "ICs 2020"
silas battle Augusta,GA 2020-06-12 "I grew up in this area and 1 am ashamed that it hasn't let go of its
horrid and shameful past'
iY�YYbYtYOt-<,w_.wmAboalinlimpWAAC 2020-06-12 "I don't want my hometown to be known for a racist monument"
Micheal Law Augusta,GA 2020-06-13 "The infrastructure of systemic racism needs to be dismantled now."
Heather Dunaway Evans,GA 2020-0613 "BLM"
Emily Martin North Augusta,SC 2020-06-13 'This monument is indecent and champions evil men with ml
hearts.it's time to let it go."
Kelley Kryshwlowych North Augusta,SC 2020-0613 'This monument has upset both me and my husband since we first
moved to North Augusta,over 25 years.It ABSOLUTELY embodies
white supremacy and is an embarrassment to this town.One year
at the Christmas tree lighting,our eldest daughter(then 9)read the
text on Ne monument and had many questions about the meaning.
It needs to be taken down and displayed in a museum dedicated
Name Location Date Comment
to how things once were,not how they are now.We NEED to take
�rZ actions steps toward progress against racism.'-
acism."CATHERINE EASON Chicago,IL 2020-06-13 'This wrong and needs to come down."
Linda Williams Kansas City,MO 2020-0413 'These statues need to come down"
George Warty Hephzlbah,GA 2020-0413 "Justice"
Daisy Lanham Augusta,GA 2020-06-13 "It needs to go,exalting Anglo-Saxon,excluding all other races."
Ton Augusta,GA 2020-06-13 "North Augusta is better than this!"
Gary Favour Trenton,SC 2020-0413 "I find racism abhorrent.A monument glorifying"Anglo-Saxon
civilization"and plainly stating the supremacy thereof is
unacceptable In any town.That this monument is one of the most
prominent in North Augusta is almost unbelievable-but there it
sits,right in the heart of downtown.The monument should be kept
in a museum'
Anslayjones Tallahassee,FL 2020-0413 "Here we are in history.Take the shit down."
Danielle Davidson Grovetown,GA 2020-0413 "Needs to go."
Redd Harris Grovetown,GA 2020-0413 "BLACK LIVES MATTER IIW'
Eric Houston North Augusta,SC 2020-0413 TTSTIMEP
Brandy Fox North Augusta,SC 2020-06.13 "There is no history but HATE behind this monument to a white
racist who murdered black national guards for marching in a 4th of
July parade.I'm tired of being ashamed of where 1 come from!Take
this hateful piece of trash down"
Kyle Shellenbarger Augusta,GA 2020.0413 "This is gross on a superior level."
Kelsey Davis Lacey,WA 2020-06-13 "It literally says he died in the support of white(Anglo-Saxon)
Supremecy.This needs to come down.This man may be mourned by
his family but he's a murderer and shouldn't be mourned by the rest
of us."
Cory Clasen Roswell,GA 2020-0413 "Who the fuck puts up a monument for murdering peopleT????"
Helen Bradberry Augusta,GA 2020-0413 "Memorials for the Confederacy are memorials for racism,slavery,
and imurtutlonalizet oppression."
Beau croxton Evans,GA 2020-0413 "Because white supremacy should not be celebrated,it should be
Stephen May Honolulu,HI 2020-06-13 'This blatant racist statue is an insult to what the United States and
our Constitution stands for."
Lectoria Sullivan North Augusta,SC 2020.0413 "ICs time for changel!The time for change is now!!This is long over
Chris Fowler Augusta,US 2020-06-13 "We need this change"
Name Location Date Comment
Leah Wade Easton,MD 2020-06-14 "I'm not racist"
Shalma Gronch North Augusta,SC 2020-06-14 'The-history-on this monument is a bunch of lies and white
supremacist agenda.It needs to come down."
Sharina Harrell Houston,TX 2020-06-14 "I grew up in North Augusta and my family,last name(Vinson),still
resides In North Augusta.This is long overdue."
Carla Moore Augusta,GA 2020-06-14 "It is an embarrassment.This honors Just out and out murder."
Shantel Hunter Beech Island,SC 2020-06-14 "Freedom of speech"
Brennan Francois North Augusta,SC 2020-06-14 'This monument represents white supremacy in a city that does not
believe that."
Devay Dandy North Charleston, 2020-06-14 'This is clearly a disturbing relic of a hate filled time.It needs to go."
Axel Hawkins New Castle,KY 2020-06-14 'I do not know how In the hell this is still up.Its a blatant attempt
to Intimidate black people Into submission and should never have
been put up in the first place."
Tiffany Mueller Ann Arbor,MI 2020-0614 'This is a disgusting statue."
Amanda Fleischmann Dover,NH 2020.06-14 "Black lives matter!"
Crystallones Augusta,GA 2020-06-14 "YVe can't continue to celebrate and honor transgressions against
Melissa Hayes North Augusta,SC 2020-06-15 "ICs important for our community'
Bobbi Hughes Harold,KY 2020-06-16 "This is bullsh*t and needs destroyed.Its 2020 and the racists need
to castrate themselves before they reproduce again"
Wanda Watson Atlanta,GA 2020-06-16 'ENOUGH Is ENOUGH"
Bryan Timms Greenwood,SC 2020-06-16 'This statue should have never existed in the first place"
Brittany Williamson Aiken,SC 2020-06-17 "I'm signing because I'm embarrassed that this monument is still
standing.This Is not what Meriwethers or South Carolinians stand
LaToya Harris Augusta,GA 2020-06-17 "Its past timel"
Melvin Hodges Chicago,IL 2020.06-17 "I am black and have dealt with racism"
Katrina Phoenix Augusta,GA 2020-06-17 "Things must change."
David Menwether Powder Springs, 2020-06-17 'As a Meriwether,I stand against the racism demonstrated by this
GA monument and the life of the man Ino doubt a relative of mine)
who stood for white supremacy.This monument to that should be
n-- removed."
Name Location Date Comment
Mabry Clements North Augusta,SC 2020-06-17 This Monument is NOT what our Community or this Nation stands
for.it needs to be removed now.'
Stacy Burke North Augusta,SC 2020-0617 "This monument is on the comer of my street.ICs embarrassing
to have something this offensive so close to my home,where I'm
trying to raise my children to have respect for all people"
Asian Volpe Aiken,SC 2020-0617 "ICs long overdue"
Dee Bell St.Helena Island, 2020-06-17 "As a native of Alken County,I am appalled that this racist
Sc monument still stands.It needs immediate removal!"
Valerie Jackson Midland,GA 2020-06-17 'It's time for a change"
Cassandra Fralix Iexington,Sc 202606-17 "As the Mernwether ancestor stated,"This monument does not
represent what we(or any decent human beings)value today.It
must be removed.""
Jamie Noll Chesapeake,VA 2020-0617 'Take It down!"
,.bkwAu4AVAs1a4C 2020-0617 "Because condoning and glarifying HATE makes no sensel History is
no Jurtlflcatlon for displaying such toxicity!"
Brenda Brisbin Aiken,SC 202606-17 "This monument to white supremacy is an atrocity.it never should
have existed and it must be removed Immediately.North Augusta is
better than this."
Roberto Aragon Athens,CA 2020-0617 'This monument should be removed."
M.Harris Aiken,SC 2020-0617 "It's very disrespectful and offensive"
Agnes Norton North Augusta.SC 2020-0617 'Humanity."
Laura Bagwell Aiken,SC 20260617 'This monument is a relic ofthe idea ofwhlte supremacy.It must
Megan Fife us 2020-0617 "Black lives matter)Take down this ugly,racist monument!"
Maunce Aiken,SC 2020-0617 "What this statue represents is an atrocityllll Take it down!"
Jessica Hill Woodland Hills,CA 2020-0617 'l grew up in Aiken,and monuments like this have had their time.
This kind of vicious and small-minded hatefulness has no place in
the future of our community.We are better than this.We can find
better things to honor and lift up."
Elizabeth Welch Leesburg,VA 20200617 "Lived Mere most of my life,and been fighting to take this down.My
college paper was on the Hamburg Massacre and this monument.It
needs to come down."
Kim Ray Aiken,SC 2020-0617 'This monument does not represent the historic truth ofthe
events surrounding the death of the men imrolved in the Hamburg
Massacre.It offends the conscience and does not reflect the values
�" of the community."
Name Location Date Comment
Susan Monaco Seaford,NY 202D06-17 'To honor a person who Supported white supremacy is in no way,
what we in the U.S.should be proud of."
Deborah Thomason Aiken,SC 2020-06-17 "This monument is racists and needs to be removed."
carol brockington Aiken,SC 2020416-11 "I am against racism and this man was a racial bigotfl"
Sharon Resnoad Columbia,MO 2020-06-17 "1'm friends with a modem relation ofthe Medwether"honored"in
this atrocity and join him In calling for its removal."
Hope Blaess North Augusta,SC 2020-0618 'This monument has no place Standing in 2020.it is a tribute to
hatred and racism and should came down."
Latasha Corley Aiken,SC 2020-0618 "There is no peace until all lives are created equal.Black Lives
Evelyn Davis Morgan Hill,CA 2020-06-18 "Wow.I just scanned the incredible amount of historical
documentation submitted by Mayor R.A.Pettit and I am absolutely
staggered in an emotionally sad and angry way by the events that
preceded the making of this monument and what it represents.
I feel that the blatant endorsement of white supremacy that is
engraved on this obelisk should never be viewed by children who
would not understand and many who would be(and have been)
deeply hurt by this visually impressive monument that espouses
white supremacy as an ideal.in this case,I feel the monument
should undergo a removal ceremony which may be added to the
long documentation of the Meriwether Monument and added to
future history books.It will not be forgotten.I am not a current
resident of the area,but spent several lovely years there as a Ft
Gordon dependent.l am also an artist and I know that monuments
are protected.Thars why we must be very careful what we,the
people,choose to Install in our public places.It represents us to the
rest of the"
54 2020-06-18 "I'm signing this petition as a member of this community who is sad
and ashamed everytime I drive past this.If I feel that way I can't
imagine what its like for the black people in our community to see
this daily.....its time it goes.In fad way over do"
Latrelle Pollard Aiken,SC 2020-0618 "This disrespectful monument needs to be removed PeriodT."
joshualones Wilmington,NC 2020-0618 "It's a racist statue and the time has come to make real change."
Kathee Cammoa Augusta,GA 1020-06-18 "rm signing because this monument does not reflect the values of
this community."
Stacy nelson cniumbia,SC 2020-0618 "No racist should ever be memorialized.EVER"
Gabriela Garcia Columbia,SC 2020-0618 'Also not protected by the Southern Heritage Am So there is really
absolutely no reason this statue shouldn't be removed.Easier to
remove it than pass some as legislation to protect it."
Madison Abercrombie Aiken,SC 2020-06-18 "rm against racism in my state."
Name Location Date Comment
Emma Ellis North Augusta,SC 2020-06-18 "I'm signing because the thought ofthis monument makes me
nauseous.You put up monuments to things you want to honor.I do
not honor this display of white supremacy."
Lia Fricke Grovetown,GA 2020-0618 "I'm ashamed to have this in the area I live and call home.Let's get
rid of it and make the world a brighter place."
Hannah Rogers Lakeland,FL 2020-06-18 "Because kindness"
Chloe Campos Evans,GA 2020-06-18 "This is wrong and should not be publicly displayed.Lei's be
better than this.As a northern girl I'm absolutely appalled by this
Stephanie Barnhizer Boulder,CO 2020-06-18 "Even relatives ofthis monument want it removed,and have
requested their friends sign to have it removed:'
Katherine Moore Longmont CO 2020-06-19 "Racism must the in this world.Let's start with ifs symbols."
Maryjackson Perry Hall,MO 2020-0619 "1'm signing because the stories behind this are appalling."
Sarah Guthrie Lorton,VA 2020.0619 "This monument is the epitome of the problematic memorials
glorifying past racist acts that exist and needs to be removed
Jennifer Allen North Augusta,SC 2020.06-20 This racist display that glorifies white supremacy has got to go!"
Christopher Corbett Evans,GA 2020-0620 '-fired of racial injustice"
Seth Brantley North Augusta,SC 2020-0620 "BLACK LIVES MATTERI11"
Brooke Wirtz Hemlock,MI 2020-0620 "Born and raised in NA.This needs to go."
Sabrina Paige Augusta,GA 2020-0620 "It's more than time for a change."
Linda Rayner Keaau,HI 2020-0620 "Ne seen KKK rallies around this horrible thing.Ive wished it gone
foryeaml Long passed dmeO"
Jilhan Bradley Fayetteville,NC 2020-0620 "I am from Augusta,GA and Fm ashamed to have this monument in
the CSRA.It needs to be removed as soon as possible."
Michael Borders Columbia,SC 2020-0620 "Been wanting to take this statue down foryears.It is incredibly
disrespectful to both our black neighbors In Aiken County,as well as
a dishonor to the black soldiers that served our country with pride
and we're just doing their duty.This monument says that these
soldiers did not deserve to hold that pride and that they were not
equals with white Americans.This Is fundamentally not true and not
who we are.Take down the statue and destroy it"
Trish Fine Augusta,GA 2020-06-20 "Monuments like this continue to represent white supremacy and
must be removed."
Abigail Minor El Paso,TR 2020-06-21 'I lived in the CSRA for more than 15 years,and this white
supremacist monument Is an affront to justice and equity,and more
importantly,to the many Black folks who call the area home.There
can be no excuse for leaving it up."
Name Location Date Comment
Beverlee Nichols North Augusta,SC 20201 "I'm signing because l don't believe in the'highest ideal of
Anglo-SaMon civilization...(and)to the children of his beloved land
the supremacy of that ideal.""
Kerri Toole north August;SC 2020-06-21 7understand that will never understand.However,I stand with
Lori Gibson North Augusta,SC 2020-06-21 "As a resident of North Augusta,I'm appalled by this racist,white
supremacist monument!It should be removed.This is not what we
stand for as Americans!"
Khushbu Amin Stone Mountain, 202006-21 "Right thing to do!"
Heather Griffin Augusta,GA 2020-0622 'Sick racial anglo Saxon slave trader monuments/verbiage have no
place in this society of equal men.Take it down!"
Corinne Francis Chicago,IL 2020-06-23 "things like this should not be carved into stone.it is a part of our
history,YES,and we must acknowledge it and learn from it so that
It never happens again,but we should not be honoring this.we
should not have monuments dedicated to and praising this."
Ann Robinson Pace,FL 2020-06-23 "Irs time to end white supremacy."
Sam Grad Augusta,GA 2020-06-23 "Its beyond time for it to go.Remember the Buffalo Room up the
street?No difference.Hate."
Amy Grove North Augusta,SC 20201 "This monument has no place in this town.Its racist and hurtul."
Katie Comfort Gainesville,US 20200624 'White supremacists shouldn't be memorialized"
Monika Pena Anaheim,CA 20200625 "WHY HAS THIS BEEN UP FOR SO LONG?!"
victorla sharp Augusta,GA 2020-O6-26 "because H she can see the Injustices then there is some hope for
Lori Pacino La Canada 2020-0629 "I want to be on the right side of history."
DINAH LIGHTSEY Atlanta,GA 2020-01 "We shouldn't honor and glorify something that is disgraceful."
Cheryl Dean Augusta,GA 20201 "I grew up and raised my children in NA.l[aught hundreds of
children in NA.This obelisk with the words as inscribed needs to be
removed or the words removed.The REAL,COMPLETE story needs
to be told.-
Benjamin Westafer Plano,U 202007-09 "We have to do better by each other."
Todd Gillespie Rock hill,SC 2020-07-04 "This monument stands for hate and I do not feel that North
Augusta wants to be represented by hate."
Charmain Brackett Augusta,GA 2020-07-04 '1 never knew this monument existed until I saw the petition.This
µ' doesn't represent the ideals of our communities.It should be
Name Location Date Comment
Greg Bush North Augusta,SC 2020-0704 "It's pretty obvious what this monument represents and I hate that
in 2020 ifs still standing where it is.Its time."
Elizabeth Phillips North Augusta,SC 2020-07-04 "l agree,time for change.North Augusta is culturally diverse.This
land belongs to all of us,not just white people.But ALL colors,races,
and cultures."
Andrewjones Aiken,SC 2020-07-04 "This is a no-brainer.And,most Importantly,I am saddened that
It has taken recent events for me and others to wake up and even
realize that garbage like this monument Is right in our backyard."
jeff5cott Florence,SC 202007-05 'when the original intention is rotten...put it in cartel or take it off
public display"
change.org Signatures
Unify North Augusta Name Lornlen Dale
Brandy Mdahell NOMAUguaa,g[ 30HL0610
AS Webb AVem,GP ab.-Ab1.
.. rr beyO.", Anna Cory US 2@00610
Mesrueaner Monument xemoval
p5nky.Wams New VaK NY 201U0610
CynNla E,Ie GranIRv111e,SC 20260610
,been Allen North AuguSla,H NROL610
DBIIy M[Curry Aul GA ID11Y0610
may Sia. Hall GA 20300610
Iaegon.. All Aug.S).x 202006/0
Tr¢rylones N-1—n.W 2ea"ll
Lauren Makin Al G4 3020-0610
tell EXwaM augusla,GA Al
Jay Harvry AAM,. 20200610
Ialmn laXun MlSA N2006t0
xal, We Mgum,(SAY 20202610
Eemry EP" Augum,GA yl
all Pulnnl rWso.GA 2020-0510
All coml SWRIe,WA 2..".
,ol Ggmore Tamp.EL 20IDL610
Mral AmpkBB - NortIAugusla.X 2gi0-0410 1
Aft. Localon Dm Nan1e —'a" CaP
Mar,Wnlek me Ang—I CA So20L5IDEaran Warton Gmaetown,GA ,0200611
Iou'PAPE EVanSW 2L302610 Poll.a.Wn A.,mm,GA 20..11
Tawantla loll.- Heph[ioah,GA ..10 AXelable Berfleld go.SA 2020-0611
'MaNd.Gal NOM AugusO,US 21HU'al"- Pimek Lry
yneh-Hm All SA .11WmPme,Hall Nati 020L6
Wool SC 211 CarlX —II A[ —GO, X302611
May,Bowman wgusra GA 202026-11 Marmal Augual 2020L611
Olds Hawklm NOM WAgool St ..11 Pmmalol Wol GA 20200611
pxrcoal No.hgnb,SC 2A.11 Pamela light xephaffi l.GP 20202611
Iwhyun Lee Stint Lwls,Ml 30A2611 UTYmlka Gl— —meneeNlle,W 2020SS11
Heam Xer N., - HOull 2➢202611 NYWmk ',NwNMrgl@LX 20M06111`
Dara deal ."WI" Vbbo 1 all Brats Aul GP 2@D2611
xem Neel EVaniW 20M0611 All Bonnn .1,ra VA ID202611
luNn Whealer Galnesall 20202611 Daniel Bmwn Aul Abe 20200611
Lums Wieker Al GA lames..A snow Augo.,GA 20200611
Malcolm Baux Vmeen.,Nl 20200611 ama,Yeadell Lamema,W M202611
Morgan.anna North Auguso,X 20200611 PWAMI P[hnq GA 202l
Oared Hanna North Atoll SC ID20L611. Al..CamelNaPa do.us 20M0611
Nalelyn May Lauren,SC 2020-W-11 mvon Peymo, CollryPark US
PaUS ID200611
Ionahan Hanna NOM August,SC MME --11mmons Char'l NC M202611
'la/ [mrtnryGodde Dallas 1A S,mYI 11 M1aly Hakes Pugust,CA 2030A6-11
(rvnnry Vwng AikenSC 2020L611 Idleonal Nomb"uat.X 20300611
mm-oal Martino.GA 202006-11 TerrynlhOfa Wall U1 10.AS 11
Ell leutlpn Yw N. Ln.tlpn Qare
Hurry Damon Anni US zo]00&n Artesia Hum'lon, Saint Paul,US 2020.06.11
LOOK Orgal CHURCH,MU 2020-MUl Reese"Hiff SmRetlalq US 20200611
za_ Zoe som Cenver,US 30300611 laMkl MaesFCPupeto Concept.NC 20300611
ell Joe-Leta Column.,US ;gpi ArdreaANarea Intlhnapoll,US 3NO611
Mnyra anal NasnNIIC US ..H Anna Ling Qt.ny NV 20812011
Mggie 01111nge MGIIen,US MN0611 MiMIIVIIR"B" "Ey"'AUS
al 2L2P0611
NalaAt..,,US 20300611 CMeaE:.. Noun,SC 2@zinal
Laurie Carlly Har,ey US 21Md611 Oanil Pa.VIEn,US 20200611
Sylna Slynarskl New BeElortl,US MMN11 SNnPSl xenon Aker,SC 202( 11
ollvla NNn UYpAtlebur$US ZGSB 11 nal w Urcolq US 20202011
Chloe Darling San Anonlq US 20200611 Hlkib Hanll AMM,SC 30250611
Joseph MaNnez Iaa vegu.US 2030,0611 Tivicel all PAPUA.US 30300611
cells Ed—.P Tuaon.US 2020{611 .tats mltAell hithavile.US M iDuall
.,I.,eran US 20NF0611 1 ChMCopelanEll Ian....US 20200611
MIK.O.Gonaaxa Tao;US M300611 ".Bell NwMAugral 20209611.
Emily pine ChaMw,US 2020.11 Stephanie yame North ALl SIC 20200611
JWela Hy a Fa NnN AuyAAX 2026"6,0 Cri slaccox North AUguata SC 2020-0611
Hannah re OE Houston,US .300611 Celina Sargusingn College Pa rk MD 2020 0611
Melod,Sonsury Redmond US Muni LIzth Wave, Evans.GA .300611
ndaapar4s Boo Ill US 3.00611 Shelley SUAL, AugusU,GA 20200611
Sri PnsOurg,US 302006-11 Joseph Walling—IN A...46 GA 20300611
Emily SaWry San Diego,US 00.06-11 Oil P1R North"i 20111
Npna Pollen Chan xme Leatlen 0.a
Port.Freeman vepni CA 302006-11 mamolm Williams US 20250611
PegizildC Atlanto,Cd 2.006-11 While Higgs AtAky Ile,MO 20200611
Melalm Thomas Augul GA 302(y0611 IA,I,n Bohe... North A,IguID,X 20200611
CO.Ill Augural GA Jagnal Megan.—anNorth Auguala.SC .30-0611
Sartra,Hand Atm,X 20a0i 11b—Ivan, Grovetown GA 30200611
..,.a hi GreenNlle Ic 20300611 Lennie WaItoAs NORhAua..,X )CC.11
Nickolae VlnEdso Stere no Pan,WI 20200611 Braarabxens North A.g.aq SC 203D0611
AEr.na Could Auon—,GA 30200611 CraLelh ire nam, Musa,Oman 2020 06-11
Monique Porter Augm4,GA 202006-11 RE StoEEand Port Worth T% 20300611
Smhllppa 0kam[ xWIhM4r0.X 30200611 IDoma,Ana in Oenaer CO .0.11
BROOKE MCSWNN Buttressing,sC 2.OL611 Sarah McIntosh Wil6am,mn 5t 2020W11
Meknie Clnk Hessen IO 30200611 Amy Smith Fremon,OH 202006-11
CrysNINry Fon Gordon.GA 2020L611 Gablelle Pews hi Augura,X 20200611
Barregi AIkeRX MZ50611 lassie Leal San Mmnim US 20200611
hers Horne A......Cd M2O0611 Prese,galmon North Aug111 3.00611
Tern Wener Nanr AuguN.X 20200611 Satin Day Aikens SC 3020-0691
CIaM Fox No On Allgu,o SC 2.OG611 USe,WeE4 NOM AogusrySIC 3020-0611
Ramel Carter Gmvemwn W z.0-0611 Ill FJ is Peoria,US .200611
pntlna St Ming NOM Augu„a.X 2.00611 Sara,southern OA-,,CO 20SID-0611
Rerecu SUUAHAr Allenoale SC 202006.11 AMOInMeSullraan North Augui SC M200611
Areb Schsma Aogu516 GA 202006-11 A.selzi Bronx,US 2.1006-11
OJLanmhu—sed No.Augusta SC yll 11 _ bsslm OMs North Augual5C 2020 W11
Name Ussuhn Btle Meme twtlun UeY
BarGgsseggems NOM/aiyYeX ZOMU411 Amanda Ste— EranA GA MIDIll
MyrtEa MB NprNNgusu,X 2wDubn l—d-sanm«k almon'senshy,US 20.11
Stephanie RDEenx Kelh...SC MO..11 ne"Ijusace OkWh—.Cltg US ZO 0&11
lyn[lones augusm.GA 2020.0611 Amanda Salameno MCWahen.US 3030Uf-11
Trds Will Grwe[own,W M200611 Prin pain Hampton,US MIDI-11
sial.. Blunt Chi,Us 2020.611 'Anllunnpson Cense,US 2020-0611
Lauren Pluto My Ne Beach,sC 20205611 sofia al Alexandria,US 20IDo611
Mu lle OaMs SulY.N."q sC 202 11 Gavin G.1l Nee Volk Us ."III
KHsee Whght G."n,W 3@00611 SSalle, saselM Beach,US 2020.6.11
111aha Wahers US 2@00611 Faye lopes D,...US 26IDM11
mahan house Manauss,US 2..Il Bran Cana, Yal Us ..Ill
Shea Manln RDanoke,US 2001611 Emily Wlnlohm0n Usual ULy.US 2020U611
Margarlla Bedon Lnameal U5 20NL0611 Lyda Lndi.,sculs.US 2020-0611
hill Baler Diane,GA mn-g611 CNX Ushe, ,Al Us 2N0.DI11
.ends Gal Groel 5A 20200611 .Aura Masterson SaMllwPph,US 202 1
,.Hh Baker Evan,GA 2025.11 PorticaT I us Zll200611
Mon eafnc®gmaiLmm Mldul US 2000611 Thomas srymanklewa Buchanan.US 2020A611
genas6 maestre auguna.GA 20200611 Sean Puhafl MIamL US M20-0611
fussn Ammons Helena,US 3@00611 9erta NaMdd Cedar CA,US 20M0611
John MancusD Enfield,CT 20200611 P nSuular Hudson,US .11
Mlll6b.l. Oh-un. 1 20202611 Jammelyn Hughes las Vega,US N1300611
Oamarls Behan Bewrt,US 20200511 Melanie Al Nke6X ID20.OI11
X4M Wedge, Oeb NMM Iandess .... .Oats
MAheIkW US 20300611C " :Npl/laple{OK 20,10"1Tt
MitloN RAY.11 Atlanta us 2020-0611 Mi,asheManzoor Atlhn W. 2020.11
Smnsnne O.C.C,,US 3020-0611 Necok lane Main,sC $IIM'0611
ashivaguilar HA.US 211M0611 lX ,Sh.d Augu9d,GA 21800611
usual Samos SnNMlle,us 20200611 Nichdas NPnil Nevarmul 2020-0511
Gabrielle HeraIl Kissimmee.us lMMa"',eg 1E. . Mme.
Padlel I.." Mufriss oTN 20202611 slmare Pring'. Makavaao, D 20202611
leMbeR Guelph,US 20ID2611 Byrm Mmdy FairliAVA 20M2611
Ira&adlry Bellmavrt,US 20MC6-11 Wil BeMHanlson Rak1g14 NC .111
Oahy Cumv .0—Us ID200611 Angels Dennis ..rk NJ 2020.611
Melina Buds'.. Lax Mgeks,us 2V300611 LW Hall Evlin,GA 202026-11
Simone Ndwn Ann"lle.US 20200611 Joe ID--ii Naxhvllle,TN 30IDOF11
Faeienne L na—A, Jersey.'Us 20N.DB.11 Dlonae Tumer Nonn AmS.,zc 2a.Ill
Karen Anderson Logan US 202006-11 Kcenen BUN Nonhaaiguna.X MD-11
Nlose Glbein NOM AU,l 2020-0611 Ken Green Bel—INC 2020 D6-11
fodi Wells Aiken SC 2020 06 11 ]cone young Applevalley,MN .2D 11
Cassie Mirgsnesx Borns,NY 302006-11 Tnexa Jackxon Indiana h,.lN 2@00611
Usage insignias NMh Augusta, 20200511 John Harvey Bondi Augusts,SC 30302611
Ida Wells NaN M�l l;SC 2020-0511 Tnnnen P Sparrow onand¢a 2020-06-n
An.Ben Norco wgusm.SC 20200611 Kada T2gre N.AUl. 20200611
Jame,Had, In-,GA mm 0611 Marxda L Born] C—tral 156P NY 2ozD.6-il
Baelene Vautnn Auguxta,GA IDZOd611 Carne Haney Bell,Vernon,US 202000-11
name Ltlalbll Dap"
bab" Im1m
2ea' La
Imnd,Bomesburg SING Sion,MO So2�C611 "Baha¢" 40" . I?IYM4rynA11G :: a xwBaNif
CharleSpmax PlswOway,NJ 311204611 Itarol S[MaaR Padres[¢..is. ybaul 11
jC ypylpp Vtlma hui BaNlmore,MD 2020-0611
Clustln... MadlmnTN 2gla'a 1 rylB ab Na9M114NC 2@0-0fi11
lannie0wens Sell FL 2.00 11 Isaiah Cox Brxkll e,NY 2020-SIT1
Norada Thomas lacksomi116 NC 2@OC611 R¢Duelle Snal Damn.bU .20011
Twlghla NIM Us"WA 202SOS11 OeMacus Williams NMportNews,W 203/0611
Pam Golden FM Wayne,IN 2@Dd611 Cherlelones Greenbelt MD 2021-0611
Wesson Mercier Mama,CA 202006-11 Bull browT Simeon FOrtWayne,IN 20200611
Ashlq Slade BCM',MD 202040611 CVMHUBROWN CHAPLESTON,SC 20M Se 11
Ted seasona ale goal Cze "I'l 1 CVIdad ONa WaadsMCk Ga 1020-0611
ghlam Twanund Sul 20260611 Baoglna bill Ocearode,CA 2020-0611
LN«rk Rey IuekN.Nc 202006-11 HH'Sllverskln BmuNn,NY z@0M11
Nick Gosey Columbia,SC 20200611 TIRanymaman Wakbr[MD Iml
Annisla Temse, Savannah,GA 20.-0611 Vona Sims Mam;W 2020-0611
JameFCVry NWm Aagu9aX 21200611 M111 LeMaskn Mllene,TX 2020-0611
BerNtlMe Hampton EmokIy,NY 242Dd611 NArenlohnson ClemrlW6.NC H30L611
T Ramos WCodhridge.VA 2@006-11 Zachary6rlgat OutIMU,NC 20B04611
Amanda COnahan Beall GA 20200611 Man Roberson HouRDo,has 20260611
Casundra Han. Alabama 20..I, lei PAnun NwNIugUlal 2030061/
Metal Fu muck Evans.GA 20N-0611 Cymhia Hall Omaha,HE 202006-11
Jamie Kennedy Goose Creek,SC 20202011 CynMla Che. Iso TDwn,Barrels 30Z0 0611
Nam. Lyatlen D. name LanWn teat!
.manlN Neber GranlMllgX 20.0611 Wbable, enson HFPHB..GA 2020406.1]
Sie< Smsterm MC Ares Rales,PA 202040611 SydneyAMepumas Thomawllk,US 202O-0S12
HeW er M6innH Agusta,GA NNM11 Ill ruddy Is,Dem,01 NID0612
Caleb Wilkersal US N260S11 Sonia Loll Del MD NA 0612
Y lolm+on
North SC 21W0611 ,1 Creamn RMtlen AtknO.US MO0612
Gel Mmiani Chatlarte,US 2020-06-12 dmma nulWa Panpano Beach,US ISHB.12
CDoy Slrarp Columbia,MO 1g26D612 Noe-Ill-d". B<IMkweo US .20-0612
Merrell¢Melton Charlesmn SC 3021 20:2 Camllne Makmla Garland,lls .200612
.Whey Henson Nonb MRum,11 30260512 Linda Vola Beech Island,SC .20-0612
less..Mrcawley Gmnne Cly US 2030.06II Emily Call, Corvallis,US 3Dy.Il
Amy Walklns Area—.GF 2WDO612 'Palye Harden NwU AuguN,X ;ggi
layean HmKOn Nearby Augums.Gk Imz 612 Mdanm Mdkr north sugusta.X 3020-012
P"Bill NOMMgroul 20.5612 ChavelMte Robin— Nath Mousse,SC 20.-0612
Windy Biggs lBhm Mllq NC yg.la "I'lleC Calumbl;SC 11214112
RI[Mrd Bush CNdotte.NC .260612 wronNmJ North Augusts.SC .200612
Beagle shmize the, EnsemblCX 20200612 Mdolas Maaln Granuevple.SC 20200512
MIM BmI Charon NC 20230 12 Jennie Waher Augusta.GA .200612
a.—a, Carl SC 20.42012 Arran.Momoya Ell
US .200513
Brands Harris AugusY.W 20210612 Bemany Perez Dallas,US 213006.12
ranVelars Ba.", 3@00612 BaUael Gulledas HoNl AuguN.Sc ..46-03
Sumal Uddn Hawlhomq US 2020JWII ii HNY'Gonzalen CD.shrim,IS 202006-12
Carlssa Smith All HE .x00612 Loula Sco6 NwM aug"—.BE .26012
name LoLxlon Oate I NNne Lxatlon aLa
Si Lamben ANen,SC 202006-12 1 helenalemer Berkel"us M2046R
Valble Mune Poco no"'Mor US 2020.0612 Audlry,Be Kr barye a1C US V.Sl1E
lennifer pmy or.August.SC 2020.612 Siad Rello MaNneLW 20200612
croon Voungyen Roy,UT 2020 0612 AprII VaId. Idgma High,US 20200612
-abl sauxi ale Tryon,US 2020 D6-12 Mxaylan MMeil1 Nooddy, a.SC 20decal
misako wangpa Seattle.US 2020 06-1E Deloreslobnson COIumEIa.SC 2020.612
/ylly l(env NwN M1puY6X 20200612 Cban'Curry NoM1"bass H M00612
Savannah..Is EB'sear G US 2020-0612 III Mrincee Dennis Clever,SC ,020.6.12
gl—ill Charll NC EBE0.0642 Mel,.Manln Brood,or US 2@0 0613
..hal.G V2aylan E,US 3@0.0643 'n—' ion Iii Go MaG6-1E
11elssa]..on GrovemwnW 20200612 Nnnler Tomss Neal AugaiG,H M0dS12
Ruder S SpaudIng manta.GA 20200612 11 M00re Ante US 20200612
Dire Carothers Famnngbn,or 2020.612 S1MnMenWp Nmol Ar'..SC 20200612
Stephen Gerry May Voll FL ...bE Culmen Midget NM11 ral SIC 20300612
Ruben Santlwhhes MetmpolR US 2020061E Amba Llvingston C"""lL 2020.612
John Wllllams Acerb,DA =)GOri Mdlsa V@4 San lm%US 2020 0612
'rota calrocce, AuguN,W 2020.612 Delaney Gould VallbmNwn.US 20=0.642
Halle Barnenms Nentlallall%US x@0.612 RosalMd,Ilauneia Virginia BeaelL US 202046.12
Deme Perry HwN NgWa.X 20200612 1HMryMrxldwTeryM Bad a112Wa.H 20005-12
No Martlnez Chicago,US .0.0612 Marcos Thurmond MullreeSbmo TN 20200612
Whllne,lausrese Augum.W 201 lnsten wlkox Orang%US S02 .6-1E
Areke Freeman All SC 20ID.6R With Cantly Nen Bern,US M20M-12
NYne LpnNM Dab Nm LNatlon Bale
Ni Chro lrsi muffau.,NI 20204612 Angellq ue SM— San hay,US x@00612
Gabrielle WwtlarE AugusG,(SA 202006II Cnar Coi Los Angek;US N200612
Katie Spragg SavannaRW 20200612 Oee CM1atlry Molecule,US 2020.612
..Is,Canino Arl G)k 20300612 Brandon Martinez Garver;US =03046.12
,..i Ntlman GrovemwnW 20204612 Audrey Gnffn la'.wenceiille,W E02ROG12
Andrew pair Charlotte NC 2020-06 2 Gai06u'm HwN asolH 2020051E
Sarah Green onglnla Sol VA x0200612 Ellubelhlan6 north Augl SC ]0100612
Irzgueyn Koon ColumhldX 20200612 Tertem'e Harry Chatlntan.SC 2020.612
fdYyllLan Sppy
goods Boggess,SC .2000612 Goal Sands Wasningtory DC 202006-Ix
Anne Menroth Waterford,CT 2021-12 Mvlalbace. N.Arrguffi,H 2OL1#12
Bnllarry Anderson Ao Unts W 2020 M-12 Alerandna lee Menden,US 30200612
Lui.Furbures Glenoale.A2 2@00613 Chance klchnn.. GOrdanrl OR .0.61E
Lonna Hobbs Nashylll%TN 2@00612 he Cdxlns FlreH
oren , 2O212
WbbyS Houal US 20x0L612 Alexandra duller 1.Drecall US 2020 0612
Shayna Wallop Columbus,US 2020.6-12 Undeee Md NOM.0 ,SC 20200612
Rau Spauld erg Panorama Pry,US 2@005-12 Albedo Genome San Dimas.US —g-12
Isabela Bishop Ap%US Sobi .,on Nunn Beech Island,SC 20212
Medegl are GWllaume Naw Pork US 20ID.612 Scabbed ONNr1 NOMM1guSQ5C 20200612
Feel 0aap Nerds" N,H 2004612 salla hi Beech island.SC 20200612
Ronna Vlllaha Seattle,Ui N..6-12 Orshawa Garvin Evan,US 2@0 0612
Saccula Clark Lay Vega;US A.CA 12 i DmmM1y Davis Lawrenceville,W 20200612
Sarni Gala 105Arsi US a20 be 1E W111 Gllmare Adam;W 20200612
xMle Location oau zeros Lxatlon gau
WxBManan North Auroras,Sc zOz606a Earan wm us 2WOC412
clear,memo bren,gt xoz0-06.12 Mary9e wy - W.Nml.us 2 sci
Courtney Chl Athens.US ..bel VmrenLMNMeII Malu].W 202006-02
Em Er Mslln ",US 2@00613 Jamie ZlEman assail Ge 30300612
Bill b.merman jaudwillq FL 2020068 Odnna Wlllnms Oathal US 2020-064
all Joseph Hushe ed.FL 2020068 cneylmes N6rUport.M 2030061E
Calla Huenenbeck PMIIIpsEurg.NJ M3 12 Belllnry GalemEkxslti BuMalo,Us 30ID0612
Michelle Arn Wake Fear NC 30300612 nxary Bill Las VegaL US M0.0612
Jan Co.. AlkeM1 SC 2@00612 '.awal IIIeBl. ',xTNrM1y11YX ..I yM06AY
eyypaJYSwOvplJao NMh/alpeM.X ,30)00w Newern'IanE Nottingham.Us E0M0612
Julie Toole BUIord.W X..12 alliejonnsm mmquere,US 20300612
Elmir Bush Mguz4.W 2020064 an",or Mg'mi,W 30400613
$emidr. Franklln.N 20NY0612 :b day
Fnointler W<IIWry Hlle.US 2.0064
CMrtlne Sla¢Amky Colaorde,NC 2020068 Isla Been DunragX 20(a 12
HCSe Ryan Soordeadog US 20200fi 1$ EMIn Joel Van Mars,US 3112.64
..no.Coaprkso Lawrenceallle.W 20200612 Shannon BdNMn Acke dul 2020068
Celene Smith sm"'ea,W 2020568 Cameron Green ONroIt US 42.12
CFnrtopna PawlaWu Now Augusta.SC M200611 Nadia C pleaudelh.US 2020-064
R,hm,rd Pajela Washington OC ID200612 RenalNrgia NOw MguN.X 2gNYLY
Tarrekka Simmons PlepanJnaU 2020-0612 Es'Clahe" AuanG,W $0$0068
.on..Sam. With MgusU,sC "O 12 Jeeanne Mitchell IaM'bo,US M200612
ROBIN GOLDEN (harloore,Nigeria 2020068 rMIllah malaney Bishop,US 2D20061E
N... Lata Nen OMe N. Locallen tM
Brooke Costley Isrg,NO 202006-I2 Hi Hi Haty,us 2@00612
enn tluenez Sem11e,US 20400612 Hid.Shao-c-, Marietta,W 20205612
Henn Pa, Nath Mgurs,X .0`0612 Paulette lsaar Hom¢tea6 FL 2020-C 612
fohanna Orton Fugues,GA 3@056-12 Suzanne Faming NOM AugusU,X 4@0564
"b"Mi."I'mor ry. Etlgefield SC 2020 06-12 HwUerlamar North AuquA;X 20300612
Noble Chisel Malhal—lie US 2020 be 12 Derek or, P.,6A 20200612
notNliaguzman Bronx,US ID20064 Cou rtn ey Care us 20200612
Slmeon MOEaehin Blomongton,US 2020564 dark Bellre North Augus4,sC MB.42
ANI,Nen., mads August,SC 20k?0568 There-Nord Melmeaka,IN zsld.1-12
Porohelasnaylohmmn Errol 11 202056-12 Daphne Lakhan coal Augu9a,RC EON-0613
MpuM SgIIIgMN! nor supports.PC 1s%30OS4 Cyrille SpnngsteaE 0reek.,Ms 20200692
Vanes 1G Mitltllttawru US 2@0068 -,,am.Mann Grc—b ¢W 2010 be12
ZOeykdrl Chatham,US 3M006II Red Brooks RannOW 202006-12
Enka Whole Newark US 20200612 it Suddn GM+er boom.,.,SC .200E-12
Meme Oanlel Lanham,US 20200512 Maik Byod Norio Mill SC .20068
Alison Ramsry Losing.,11 20405612 Anna Deegan Aiken,SC 2020%12
BradlryM 08th;us 2020068 John Balowin Slbrrb— lle.SC 20.M12
EluabNUAl Philadelphia.US ..0612 Mary Smn Valenfine aulisbn.SC 20NF0612
" GMs Hoselik Us NN-06.14 ILryWMIe NMsMyookX 2040064
0atlan Lop. paschal US .300612 Nyso Chem- Hs hosoan GA 2 O0 6-12
NW WIngAon Miuourl Cry,US .2 ulama clerk Now MguAa.SC 31)200612
Ask O'Callaghan Aland Park,US .36068 Jantl Whit Inman 11 20IDA692
Hknn LwYan OW klkllx Iuntlm Orta
XION Wwsoo Will SC W..12 a1115on MglaM Murray,US z02SOS12
Marie..... Mail SC 2020061E Savannah Hnlq Am— N30U612
MaXhew Threatt Simpsonville.SC 424612 Shamans Hams Co ielV3 202040612
Wengl Soutimearm, Nal GA 20lDeMSanchea Tucson.US 2020412
Ty Cam311n NpUINpyY,u 24111"I Crmhia Mi Atlam;w 2204612
Ral MaC+Ma xoM lu2lMa,se Emiylones Srntesbao,w 2o2Do612
sher lFema Mei Augusta.. 4200612 Maxhell..In. AR"alUs 2@00612
Commit Peck Martlnezw 202-0612 Mace Segura Norm Auyuna SC 20204612
Barbara Ming SbreShorgW 2246.12 s.la,Came Augusta,W 2.2N go 2
Lisa Gran Hill ", 22412 Karen Lesko North AuguN,SC 2200fi-ti'
Rai Nlchartlwn ever,CA 224612 unten Farmer e1heni,GA 2020-06.12
IInk Caddick makeM1w 2020-0612 Pnyleiha nlen Aiken,SC 202.12
Range Grumman Wmovenever.It 202006-12 Jessica Pani Sanfine US 202b0612
B., AugusgW 202 0612 look Swale, Aiken,SC 4Nb612
Robert Hulse Nans.W 29200612 Camen Hank ball North Augusta,US 2024612
Julie Rochelle mlumbu;Ui 4204612 Jasamine Stewart Augl CA 2020564
Mithein all Augusta.US 202048 Severe 5elvry Joe Vegas,US 2020L612
Ammeas Warren Arctic SC 2020412 All Cherry an,,GA 20g6464
Alv 011rxr
"u.,take 24412 Care All Palmdale US 2200612
Shal Hamilton Aiken.SC 2020512 Nina Hunser Evans.. MM Da
{OaltIMiOtKO'..". .v dYOalFI/al{f0" 2@OMMI Sarah Gtimu mmn.,usg SC D.2
Brandy Balk Nex Ellemoq SC 2020412 Nathaniel Poor Maple Valle,,US 20200612
Name Location oaG Ma Lamtlon Oa.
Kalhrivne Heath 1,1oa,GA 2020-06-i2 lamie Mirack NOM Augusta,SC 202044
Teresa Johnson Evans,GA 2til da-Cowers aden SC 20206-12
NmmmSkhr North Must SC 2200612 Waneihia Ma Mew, Aiken,SC 4200612
Alerts Ferguson Va ncouver,els ID20064 Ki i.Shivers Alhens,W 4200612
Rohertinne Atlanta,CA 420-0612 ki n(l NOM Augusta.SC 204412
%rvialiihvkon Aug.iU,GA d@00612 Ashley Clarke lank SC 220612
BaaMun RN Nonh,Wi SC 2020064 Tyler BeM lck,on kuynl Car kgra -12
Unita PNry NaM Augusg SC 2200612 Tylermplovall august.. 203D4612
Danielle Le Bow Aiken SC 22-0612 Ryan Wlban Augusg GA 42564
E Nlcholai@s Partial,NC 220412 Oanielleslane Port St Jas,FL 2020413
Pamela Hams MartinRW 220812 Amanda Randolph ArqugW 202413
Emenck Stone I.I.NC 2200612 TrItla Imeer Eareen Grort.0 220613
larval WU ren ..RA,'4,1 2360612 Me1mk Melvil larva,.,US 2@04613
Meera Dame Groetwn GA 2020612 Coven 01'Ligmak ell Alenndrla.US 20204643
Sank Laughlin Aiken,SC 20200612 Izaya Hodge, nail US IREM he 13
Real sook rt North Auguae.SC 4444 MIWe1Shn" NOM Augusg US 30200613
Monique tan coral spring;FL 202006-I2 MMelle Arg.era Pmvideme US 2.00613
Denise LaVem Columbia,SC 20234642 Rachel Raiser Anal CA 2020-0643
Noelle 56th Aden SC 20200642 Tho ranmis North Augusg 5C 2020413
Katie Pon, Imams Augusg SC 2044612 CIHJamem, ADMEN SC 20204643
Matthew urmi Seerh l,land SC 2020 CA 12 demetrWs naawhie noM augusly SC 20200613
MaryWxlFes North Antal SC 22.12 OJ Anderson Indian Trail,NC 2@04643
Name kerI[IM mY I.. Name LWtlM a..
Emilt''nal Olympia,US 201 Emaky Mahn Nall AugmalX 2@OM13
all Sigers Augmo,CA ...t3 GSI'emergent Clossuwn,W 20200613
Eal llaw AshusU.W 2@00613 Chris Kryshadde"m kamm ancesou MM0613
AsMryClark Eastmp,us 20300613 "I'll
Peno erg rasl Gmaetown.W .."S
Smi Aguilar Los AlgeleS US 201 Lisa mr-a lln Aiken 5C 2020G613
Arabs Segura Augi CA 21ri Ilium Cary Halt, AR'l A 2[ 13
Seam O Connor Alto .CA 202b06-13 " 1INIH NiYslIO1MN INb111 N1].Ri.X 20MOS13
Cootie lNtIXY NMNNquw,X 20300613 NreM1On Hamison Mgus ,GA MC,06,13
OeboraF K Duluth,US rakel DW Augusw.W 2020L6-13
'mita King Engineer GA 20204613 VannarHsml[F AuguN.W E0E00613
Reamer Dunaway Dow,CA 20200613 SMtley Kays Evan,GA 20200613
Chrisse Bartle AugUl(Or 20200613 Rebe[u Taylor Common,US 2 D-Uhl3
Theresa ydl MaMmal IL 30300613 GTNERINE CASON Chicago,IL 2020-0613
suffin McTUIXer Russellvlllq US 2020-0613 Coleman Young San natural,.. 2020 Ce 13
Terran eBrooks Rollet US E0E0-0613 Cara MWPf W0M/aguMSC .20-0613
Loreen Hourne Palos Hills,US 202055-13 Thomas Gardiner Augusta.GA .200613
Jennifer RRE— Plymoulh,ME 302P0613 Win M[Laughlln Eugene,US 2020L6-13
NHde1S WVUr Mguds,SC .300613 Carla Keesee Amanda,GA 20300613
q[MrtPmdarpraN Nwdl AugleLLX 20200613 Malo NOTHARdeara.X 20200613
Audra Rodln,on Grayson,GA 2020 Or 13 Linda Williams Yareas City,NO .2.113
MenaMa Elaabr augustaW lli.2.613 Me GralOo - San Amm�loGA 20EOG613
Mena Nall flbrenard Gunlemllle,US 2020.0613 George WaNy XepM1ZIWR W ID20-0613
Nam La(atlorr D. Nam IxaWn Oaaa
Bum Pendergrast neem Eland,SC 20300613 Ami Lewis Gmretmen,GA 3X006.13
Madison Green Sharpmr,GA E020L613 NM C NNNNgpsgX M200613
oxan TewoMe Plano,US 3030L613 EIIen Mal Aomm.CA 2.2.Ce l3
Chr.M[RTmld NorlM1 AuiSC 3112006-13 Thomas Nguyen San Doi US 203006-13
S1mnM[kNm Noon Amman,5C 103150613 KiMae Ilrklmhz MOIIH.US EOM-0613
Nanry andferry Hanson Aiken SC .2.113 Sandi Rallen GravetoxnW 30200613
motsa Egg US 2miA Ni[k Noxell San Frandsro.0 ME0U613
Windsor Armor Nall Primal 20300613 " 'CgMU%VegMn HOMAugWt;X 20.)-13
Gsa Sim, Iaakzonvill e.FL 2SIDR.13 I Fred Freon ahki GA 30200613
walla PaOaral No.AuguW.SC 202D0611 Haydae Ngo Smyrna GA 20200613
Tenesal WfiRe Nall Audi SC 2X0-0613 Pairk lanes Auguzl . 2020-0613
modes Lanham AugulCA E020A613 HnniMWMPM NpNMquYLX X1200613 .
Jim,Yun On AugusO,GA 20..13 MYyMd.Has .MIguWX 2E.6613'
Ill AmmenorCA 2020-OS-13 Kelly Gluxk Se"LOUT;US "da"di
Amanda addleurme Clads Hair SC .200613 Sarah almoton SC LOuii US .200613
WTiMH Parhm Nall"torm. Stephanie Prou .,a,Lou,US .2006-13
Keallie Mol Augi GA Eiki 3NIamy Pherson suguslb US E020+J613
EmerSoo Janes Kemosha US 20B6W-13 amanda whaaquea A Halla.US 20.0613
KELCANNAH HOEUNG Lowell,US 20loDi Cil Greene Jarommille,US 20200613
.rand Mahn MmNNamark,X 2X00613 Kaldu Murry IndlanapollZ US ..0613
Mya Tutt Auguna.W ..Ill Nal aafura Norahaw,N X 20.-0613
,milymoiga AMirada US 30300613 Amle Casal MaNne;W 2.0.13
Wna 1.[nMn OebNara IautlOY: Bases
lBarn Point Pleasant US 2o20Ab13 Wean Purim Partial., CarsC",,Nr M200613
natal suns, ..pont WA 2@OU613 MsquaNa Circ Colndru;US 20.."
Donegal Hlgglns Began US 20205413 Shane Wncieac Graxlaer4W 20200613
sea hindnea Wllmll man.US20$00613 Pn"W"'es malltllassee.I MG-Bill
End.,cpM1arWon Cherago,US 20200613 fllrymla Rubel AuguN,GA 20205413
..Xolmes Mgue4W 20200613 Ensure Pare Boslan.US 28202013
LesEy HurGUo Teary,Us ...13 .01,freaman HeCwry,US MM-0 13
.'anon FrvM1man US 2020-0613 OesM1dyh Bruwn .WyRa.W 20200613
Gary Favor mremon.SC 202D0613 BnU.,Palmen Chamnooga,mH MM5413
(Chloride Usual, US 20merl Oamelle lMriEson Groanden.W 202011613
Bunco Bandsman.US 2@006-03 John Hayes Augusq GA 20200613
Pare Parl Wacertod.U3 M"2013 Aring Near,. Hda`( kUS 20200613
Isa Jones Evans,W 20200613 Shane ard,Pearson Aiken.X 2205613
Mrs.Hlgad. BeitlsNAq US20260613 Cheryl P-1-1 AuguA;W 202006-13
Bahamas.s an— ..U.'US 20200613 Sruvma Lloytl Both sguN,SC 202006-13
Stephanie Plnaburgh,US 20205613 Klm Wells Sant Loui,US 202006-13
Javen unor Ardnra,US "200613 Cardona Donnellan mallahasue FL 20200613
Melissa Pmverhar ,Wer, "Bst.W 20200613 Briant Cllfloro No-.WgaW.SC 20202013
Lee brgunjr Nohnor IL "M 0613 JuanN Mihhell Conyers.. 20200613
Maresa Sharpe St isms.US 2@00613 BJ Bishop Cape May.W 20In 8613
Stephanie Ill Columbia,SC 20260613 Binational, Galnrse Ile,US 20200613
Mmr Be Leon Meger rearVOn,X "Mi 13 Pel Halls Grmetovm.GA 20200613
xama Location Gate Noma La[stlen bate
XeatM1er Williams Nonll srgusU,SC ..13 GabreaM AtlanU,W 202006-13
Morsel,Unions H.U.Augusta.X M2Bri jeanne Breeden lone,US .2n.13
Julian'Meyers Charleston,SC 202006.13 YOrina Emiry North Augusta.SC 20202013
April Wllllam5 Orlando.US 2020-06-13 Dean Wllllams LltnoMaW 202606-13
TrEany Fackrell Aiken,5t 2.1B CS 13 Ell Homer Chapin,X 20200613
lyssa Williams st"us.3C "26W13 BlearCMhoe Charlott,NC 2@00613
Lam.h,s.NI.n Harker Freight,US SC s.13 Megan., AuguN.W 2@60613
Nick Buller Nmlh hguzla,SC 2020.0613 Cordell Crease Hyattmller US 2020-06-13
Jasmine Campbell NOM Augusta.SC 20204D613 EIIJan soca North Nrgua4 SC 20202013
Billie Man, North August,SC 202006-13 Paul Harvey K111"Ile,G 2020 Burl
Isle Bmoy GranneWlq SC 2020-M-13 Podn,MMk Headed rWgrNa.X MM0613
,ane ", Tampa,FL .2606-13 i Urn...rajohnson Radia nt US 3@00613
junine Wilson August,US 202DG613 HrII..n— "BN.GA 20202013
Wry WeuCeIX Sandi Us 2020-0613 CIq CwNTMa NerUl Augupoi 20astri
Mail session GosMawgW 202006-13 Tammy Bobo Msn111gton,DC 20200613
E.XouRT Nonh Nrgunal 2021-0613 BanderFern Auguana,Ga 200.0613
Eaho COMay AugusOUs 2026D6-13 pr"e"en Damm.. .200613
Jeremiah Intel Augum,GA 2D200613 an Bugner asalW 20204S613
laueen cholar Germane.OH 2020.06,13 Byan Moran U3 20200613
je,..Femoris. North August,SC rmr Gla Kase Can sl.1 us .260613
Stephanie Moore Plant Can FL ..he-13 1a0ue"W"Boodn Gm S-- M20W13
Jamv Bush Perri sic 20MS613 EliaabMh Ingle Geaattu , ..Is
Name Location mai NO" anran oaa
NImIe FnNance NOnb Algona,SU 20200613 Shen Mryers North AugUM.SC 2020-0613
common.Zea, Nwm Areal zC ZU3D0613 5a,he Fresno- ercnanec NY 2020 C6-t3
Saran AllGi CA 20200413 Anna Vanderilouwe Coya a,"GA 202006-13
Carol GOR Aiken,it 30200613 WIIIyn on. NalM1 am"Ne.X 2/1200613
.Organ Peeen Nonn adn's1a 3C .20 13 Kole Mai Comes,US 20200613
Renee ShoalBallwi,US 30IDO613 3ulia SmM North"U.,SC 20200413
dada Robinson Lake Wonq US 20200613 memele Bi 1]OSEowne.PA 2020X13
pori Wamng NaM AugUN,SC 2020X13 GRUKOGray AuguM GA 20200613
James Payne Alevannna,. 202006-13 Repar ass injor,parrearan AugusgW 20200413
ams—Cook Nomp Assisi X ..I TnazSim. Ari US 2000613
Nalaihalaba0 aple 1 2Wo-0613 Iasonya Benjamin HlpM1ill Gas 2020X13
Brandynoa North Auguyl SC 2030X13 SNxn Keene Okhnama Cily.OK 211200613
Sara SouNMIX Nunn Augom,SC ...'a jennikr Poulos Haccory,US 20200613
Amanda Il 13 2@0
o6-13 Malmo Nyle Washingen,OC 2020X13
Shared"ormic Pam.US 202006-13 BOA'an 01— 3pam5e,US 2013
Knln Montgomery XdM Organic.Sit: 2.0.13 Lee Xounon NOM"usgX 202006/3
Za,M1 Tal In Aflanla GA 20200613 Christophe,Grabau S1.Lapped,US .2.113
Be.A Lanel Uz Sul 06 GO gatlo Nes,Pon N[M1ry,US 2@0X13
Ben GarNorthm9 NoAugum,SC 20200613 Xra ShBlcnSNrgj AuyYa.Ger 20200613
Thomas PBMer All— SC 210.0613 alltla marry, IttsEurg.US 2000413
Hemel-Anche Martinet GA 3020.0613 Joshua Xaa Gedgla M20406-13
Carly Chante Waynesboro CA 2020X13 M.amrt Xoleall US 200X13
Name I..ion panel Xama Laeatlan .1e
LV Snarler Columboz,Ui 20200693 aides Han North Augi Sic 20200613
SaM,a Ourm Nonh Augusta SC 20200613 unaljah Gockelt Philadelphia,US 20200613
Edam Salter Saint LouIS US 20100613 SRRBonneau Iran,point Ui 102006-13
.an.1, us 3020X13 lrinM any Gray NOAugUSM SC 2020X13
Farm Hudgurerdays M1 CFillollesvllk,VA 2020X13 She BallaN Blythexood.SC 20200613
Miry Fan Xenneaw,W 20200613 Sal Inch au uds.W 20200613
Printer brady Savannah,Gk M200613 Helen BnUdeny AuguM.GA 2000613
lkarnerileul Nlama.W 20thal Ruth Nugent Aualp.Gs 200X13
'IL<<a a3lwNaL elplSAaplgay . •..y®pg613e cal Yarcx PartL US 211.X13
Jennie SMParl us ..0613 WYllam Paseott 4mv lope agral
LOry Smith Augual GA202pril dans Cmalla Xou..,US 20gUpel
Xe6ey DANS Iaay,WA 20.0613 Yuanna Cale CIMIand.US MM0613
8 Martoa Naga c ] 8. ., emma wllaon Auto .US 20200613
sSh,S,nn Lawarvsduew cal ANjandra Ramos XrversndsUS 200.0613
JuninS neon Br.",Us 2020613 Carryar Cooper Cherame,US 2020613
Alyx loam US ..0613 ilrana MMdlelpa NOM NguN.SC 2000613
Iaebuel CodMn.US .00613 Melissa tri Derl CO 20200613
fame Mardis Instal A 200X13 Ierla Whim San Anamao.iX 20.0613
`rn� Corydeun Poy%NIU GA ..X13 J6uene aaNnM.W 2000613
ia1/IOerSleo Minion YIIa Rica,W ..0513 MarlSal Rhera miles,us .200613
Brian Mrs" Pon Washington,US 2000613 anna and,real Columbla.SC 200X13
Fmly'GmaNlne Oak it,.,US 200X13 Saympargee Caen, auguN.W 2020X13
NnrM LuaWn OaM NwM Lao1MIl: wu
,an..Cwm Woos l GW 2o2D0613 monomial Oasis Nell US 26200613
san-Varyuez BMI.,,3C 3030dFi3 Ialmel Have Vork US 2020W13
eeau ,—on Evans,Ga 2020L6t3 Nan Oeder a0ama,W 20200613
zera da— 3anfoM,US 20.d 13 Sams Ohildess Wen WenNNer,US "260613
,ni GMn fMbom111e.US 20"0613 Kemgan HaMlmme Meal US M3U0613
IMNook Grcnobwo.W M2 13 Natbankl bases US 20MOS13
CNrks Dennis San Pancal US "20{613 offs as a..",US 20200613
Oanlelleibomas MgusU,W "200613 Sal Peacller SCNtse le.US M20t613
Heather Peterson MarHand Height,US "200613 UIIsm Bermudl San Mal 2l
PaM1er BlxWum Can..,NC "200613 AHJJm Eidson Augusta.Ga MM0613
lom-Mrs— CwMF.U3 20200613 Wantedus Tllman Cow,US 202Ol
WC Med Hampton Bal us MM9613 POCM1elle agmoy ."he".US MMC613
Mail Orman Padua Italy MM0613 lade Doming Tampa U3 2020-0613
Na Brack buN Saint Paul,US "200613 Sonab SNM1 Dallas,US MNl
NavanguNara MEl US 20200613 loan Plke NwIb"Uhm 5C 20"-0613
Ory Ulaml PLmingham,US 20"0613 Ao Oer Coyle G rib ,US MM613
veno is" Saint Charles,US "200613 like Smtt Sainl Louis.US 2d..13
Emma SlnOair Olympla,WA MID0613 Stamen May Honolulu,HE 202 13
.WDRUWua Miami.US 21 Nell Psamde ....US 20"0613
Sees Patterson Ponder SoolW "204613 Yurlle Rkll Savannah,W "200613
.halal—made Aul Ga U3.13 Nlkkl Wllllams Jackmm111eR 2Jadsdd 3
Kal Coleman sredenIXsbu,VA M20l EnnJi Urpmitt NasIMIk,1N EOM0613
Nnle lautlm pab Nemo Lxatlm You
Maya Widlowiuder Bangor,US 20200513 Leah Debauno Sanlose,US 20200613
John C,Smaks Way,W M204513 lenONer Savona Augurs;GA 2@00613
bmtems' a Onbno.US MM0613 Grryam Hayes AugUaMDA 20260613
1-11-ma l.h CreekW 2@00613 AOM Modoo NmIONgatlu,X "200613
JammerE kalmil US 20200613 Kristin Aubuchon AIkMSC 20"dF13
HaaNer SOMs La sal Oo 20"0613 John Omoan NkalSC M200S13
Wnrylee TN•c Us doll Caroline Dodd CumuRW 21"0613
Jason Pearson august,Ga 25.13 carnnglo,all Tusuloou.US MM0613
Mn.Mcm GIIOerlsvllle,US 20260613 Geneaa 01. "tesla,US .0.13
LeraMasuIIMn Nom August;X 2@00613 Evan Lyles San MmniplX 20"2613
Laura Kessh d Waveny hallo 2020-06-13 ISO,faNer .,.a..US MM0613
.1,.d North. IJSIL,3C M26Wi3 made head Oak Hill,US .11
lancechau North H011yw000.US 202606-13 Elena Mendenhall Uullam,M 20200513
ELuabelh Caudill 2...L.,EL 2020-0613 allmn Minor All Charles,IL 20l3
Johan all BmoksNlle,U3 20"4613 Olhleen Smale Huntingmn Beach,US 20M 0613
NNIk Mry Use Val US 20"0613 rkarem Wllllamrs on ar,.,SC "200513
Brryanna Guadarnma Ndlmd.VA 20200513 Iia 1 Olympia.WA 2WOC6.13
Joseph Bearden Dal 20200&13 Wislm an. K—ss City.US 2L200513
Canname Dobbins ...GA "202613 ladelohnson Bemomage.US ..'D
Nlanm.1 Mail W MNOil Annals me Long Beth US M20d613
0nanna Gamer Saitial CRy,US 2daml OLuyla WasNngmn adem.U3 20"0610
Smash dbeda Sherman Oab,US "201613 Chert Rutgers NanxW "20YS14
Name Leampon oaa Mune Lxatlm Oafs
Glanna Mepandc Andres,US 20200614 U.,Rhone Augus Ea 20IDO6f0
StepN"' eM.Mwtw Nonn Anboul.SC ab.-1a N10UMo Cmlry Law-aneMlle,GA SISSM N
Leanera Ma",Onsio San Antonio,US 202006-t4 Toyla knight Asnallle US digiti
SKx Uu atm North. fyX 3@Od6M Jacob Crude, Cdumnla,SC 20200614
Shaun Hinds Nashoule,US Stee 10 Cloudy Mnmill NOM Augus SE 20200616
Cri Craven Gmy,GA 20IDL614 III Harrell Xousmi US 202006-14
Manna Raynaud Mounnln Nem,US 2@00614 actin Made N.Aua..Sp Mcc-he 4
Brian King Code,.11"US 20200616 Gabriel Pat— Mamna.GA 201
Iacon yllrya MwIFMIgYHe.A 20M06-04 Ellzauch Henderson .—NH 20200614
Cw1u HiN NUMMIguPa.X 20260614 10ann me, NoM AUgui SC 2020W14
Corrie Hemm Auger GA 20IDA64d Aaron Mille/ COnmq U6 201
Nle0na Shan A1gU#a,GA 2030.06-14 Amanda Lope/ Gm Kir), 20200644
RxheIIONO¢k Auguste,Gess 202006-I4 lenoter Campbell FaSIM111e.W 20204694
AisnmaM Mandaganl Suga/Und,US M2006-14 I Julia Hope Nonn ALguaddl 2@00614
NNCEMGOOBSN AUGUTA GA 20200614 NIISIyn 0aV15 Algusn,W 20200614
Shaphanle Ysy Nbbe"U . H30W14 Tern Nooke/ Name,EC 20Missi
Ind.Bennet Grachile,US 2020Star 4 SM1Nble learMa FryeLlMlle US 2020A614
Lamle Tubon Alken.X 200-lobi Shan Hannah adambi ..'sai
Sh M Gwldl Np01ILgl/R;X 20021061E li MeyuNiOe Pence Hannah US 2020-0614
Janice Brown Summenllle,US 20200614 T/cyLM, Grm —n,GK 20200614
Leah Wade Easton,MU 2@0.0602 Olablmpe Madran Owings Mllb,US 202006-14
Fellalty Remennl GranhollnX 2W006M WhantldavpWa MOMAugmt6X 20200614
`e Mame N. LOiNMN labor
AIW—Mora Husband,US 2021 Pal/iOi Sarson Alhamba,US 202SI
Rosetashle EMme Mlamh US 20205614 Sha dHunter Beachlslabli 20.14
MImyM .—Name US 20M0614 Ebony Moon Fa IIS Church.115 SM00614
Patlenn keMsen Else Fau CLIra,US M2.4 G.w Monose[ Saint Louis,US 2020L614
Jonathan Canadian mile,US 2020061st When Campbell souldole.US 20020614
prealh mMem Quit,,Us 20200614 Laura Truman wavharnle US 20200614
Sheldon Povreu Smery Creek US 2020hal maaaie War Hshea,US 20204514
Gaunel Brown hear I Late H1 MMS614 Be.,,.. Ahem. 20MM14
Reagan StringMlnw GIIFen,US M.14 Oman HmeReld, Lim Pau"US MM0614
Cana Moon AU..CIA M201W14 Tlnamarla Bndeey At..W M200614
AMya Grant US 20200614 Nasha(pecer ma'arkeL US 2020M-1st
UT4dfohnnn Chicago Heights.US 20200614 Anoka Chnslaphers Helendale,US 20204614
IoluNan Garcia Los MgHe;US 2020561E "baht Mabe K.aogonLX 20M'0614
MaNeHln BahWale HaphnWn,til Medici Franeeso OeRleneo Augusn.W 20204514
Lesf SeelaMMs Sarbase US .14 Cldllla Moreno Lh Lake City,US Miscal
Sadie Clardy Noomen1e,IN 202005,14 Gldannl Meld W¢Ukegan,US 20200514
amen Firmin Los Argela,US MM0614 Mnandrh hrMMez GrartmwnW 20200614
Erred inry PomanaX 2020561st vela Wllums Fort WOM,US M2006H
- '
premeditation Bols¢ID M2boarl OanM Hunon &oa",US MMU614
4e/mdxnni sh¢hry BPMsMk,US 211.14 Chameka Moorer US M20L644
Uar"Nan WlnneM,US 2020061/ Alli Carr OkMhoma Cltg US 20200614
T"aALTMAN AtlangW 20M{614 I$ hank Baler Kornai,WgWU.X 2025-0614
fYma Leuan ame Nm LwYm BkLa
then.Mask conal 2020-06.14 masa Oil Canyon Country.US 302 14
Ananal.rea sent...Us 2020 M-14 saem eAlr bureau S[oaam.UN 2020-0614
fawn Wlllams Uarglle,XC 202006-1a Imserine Ramp' Pon Consul US 2026o64
Bebeaa KTltlrck Manho,US 3020,0614 Chris Eamonaa Loul.11...US 20ID0614
Penelope Goode Olympla,WA loi TunnMWllumson Warne,W 3@0-0616
Ckae Preswll oromllE TO 2020 OS 14 IN Deman Augu"b 2020HC6-04
fenmler Fork .Augusry sC 20."r Tarry MGMeek Fana,W 2020,0614
Saran.I.On Nonn AuguaaX 20 sol Lorean Allen Palm Harom,US .20X14
magali Basile los.,Ui 203006.14 nany Gomaka Ross krgm,us 2a.fkl4
Abgan Use. Norm Auguess.. 2020-0614 uNTalpur ReraMI US 202.114
Samek 1. Park Oly.us 3020-0614 sopnk Grumer Colombo,us 3@0,0614
Paige PaI Au .,Go 2020X14 MXeMa Grey Bronkyn,US 3020-0614
May plana Spnrgkls.US 2a2adSls Tiffany 0uraeo YzmNrpl0n,X ...14
NINIThads Anfierok US X200614 len Nolln Evan;W 20X0410
kNel Soong Gamen Can US 02130-0611 Sue Rickey AtUnta.W .040614
SeepNnle Ud.O D.,US 2020060 I aMony NMholomm Nonn Augusta,SC bel
MEe PaolHla Stan.US X20{40 Mary Snelwn Warner Robins,W 202006-14
Sophia XermnaM Ifl—e,by 20M 14 Cermta 1-11 US 30200614
Laura Rogers Gresham,US .20060 NAENETSIMPSON Nortm mail 202.6,14
AlberlaMen Nelson ALI K .3606.4 Brennan Franm'rs He Au'U",sC 3030 NO 14
fame Farmer small .W 30204614 I Oevay Land, Nrnn Cnadicamn,SC 201
Nkky laarterce Sobs Mwnlain,US 20204614 Neal Shape. Augurs GA 20200614
NYIN Loeaelnn game Rima LOCaUPII bap
Crsp Patten Dams,US 2020060 Amanas .k hman. Doyen NX 3020-0416
01cnl Rhone Go—.—.W 2@0,060 Temll kaMela call ask 3020X14
Don Xaralsrn Oak naNap US 2020X0 Am)Paa Grm2wvm,W .200614
Unary Cook NMN Npma.SC 20.OS14 kQle Men WCMbede.WA .02040
plana Der,ean Beaumont,US 20IDO614 fmmy OeLaar ktNemem,PA 2020-0414
Auaumn.pale kifi A 30.X0 Crystal Klemm Wrlem,GA burl
Leancear lm US .XXli kpMj.Nns XwNAuguagX 2D2(N14
MonmMidon Blacksburg.. .200614 Aamn Hoag Ooaep US 202(1
AmI Xm'kins New Calan. 203p0614 RXrmmel ..n.SC E03p0414
To XelamrtkF PlaraW m,Ausoalla X.XO NaDUNBAl3 FORT WORT..i% 2030-0614
BM Miaalewn Okhndna City Us 2.0bi Snanron Fkming samr.NC ..X14
.M3) an EEIsoq US 202.14 X024..Mann, Paanox.Aske lia 2.X14
"realeGmx FrMeadsburq Us 20.,0614 Pamela Severson Eau Dam,off ..X14
SRphmk Potentials SWNkl Dia .X0614 no Xoom Wamn,Us 28.14
Flbi Famrs Rabbi.Us 2(.060 Michael WMo LmmMWLW 3@0060
Nenniae Allen UNK'su,Us 3@00614 Theas". Plbaburyh,US 2020040
Srlagettejohnson Saint Label 30200614 Iamea R, Oana;W 20204614
Caay Taylor Tuualrcsa,. .20X14 MarMnn MLCraae FreaennoR CaraEa 30200614
^TI%any Mueller Am AM M1 ..1 4 AuMla Grersom Nen York US 2@0W14
salaw,AUUBGmgo, Aknu,W XMOSL an-.O Maple kll,Wr .26041.
&aloe Bim aa11m,US 20X0614 sera Uua lin Omyu,US .N,06-14
..a.bool Courmy ClYb MIAs,IL 20200614 Ellaaklh Rollins "Wea.W 2@00614
al Leratlm de. Mmlm MMmMn Bad
iandi Felber Garland.US 20NL4A angled. m
a@mg Stn Fgntls ,US 2020.0614
IL Mcdon MldbtMan.US m20.0S1a Fdbanna wrommaon SMewport.I 30200614
Matthew W.M. WawbacM.,,US 20200514 Berlin Moncez De W Unmade,US 20200614
H—m-Nehand— Pull Go 20200614 .'m.111. MIUON.US 2.114
JOU,O'Grien Jenklmoim,US 2020L614 Had PaeauekK US 20204614
"IRS.Webb Rtr,amn Ill FL 20204614 IeremyaamUre M.GA 202006-14
Wel meted' lows llq Ui 2020=14 Emma is[M1IG AIIMIMa.US 20=0614
Deland,Rocc Sa=t Peters.US =20-0614 Nancy Monarrez Los Mgeks,US 20200614
luzhua. Fvere0.wa 20200614 Helenlones "mal CA 20200614
Sara Free. Oice"US 202=.14 Wndiae Morgan -Reenow.C0 20204614
We,loin Fwt Worth,US 2020-0614 kyden W—rdz Cortland US 202006-/4
Melina Doglc MOocR US 20200614 IaOMDUlenez Charge,US 20200614
Iacguellne GrlRln CrczKW Mm 14 ..ad.ml Wrcn;W MR 14
senna Call US 20200614 Cwmond Hill Bron¢US 2020=14
Rotel Mcwmara C/aM Prall US 20204614 IWjormon GNtt1aPn,CA 20200614
psmine Smaac CALUMUTX N..14 well FMrther Arlinglan.US ..6-14
Madelelne laCombe Sllwrcale WP 20=0614 AyMen Ryes H"arc,US 20200614
Elena Caze Boaborough,MA .00 14 Fatma Droll Sanlose.US 20200614
anoR lllnz north vO,atUS 20mL614 Edo'aHm Ewmm.GA 2020-0614
Ch.zi ingrum Ma15 Landing.US 20204614 S1e2n Page GRIINIIe,GA .=0614
MaMaw Duron EnIZE US 2020=14LU-M
ue ""'i.US 20200614
TamaU larx Buffalo.US 20200614 .RJan Wkland,US =204614
N. LyWpn gKa Mame Loatlbn Dow
A mbar Coleman Rentasbuq.US M.644 Co,Cazzell Ammwak,01 mm-0614
Cendare2ukas .Wgmtl 20200614 RdMyn Stewart Fayettrville.US 2020L&14
ley mnme Ce N'm,US 2020=14 Im...on NwIhMill 20.=14
CryNilones "morar0' ..14 Halle mnmpwn Emorund,Us 202006-la
RhNw Cask wmardson,US 2020=+4 MdreylaCobmn .1.1 GA 20200614
Nicdene Bmm Ids Vtyaz,US 20200614 Sharon smech M.,SC 20200614
.wroy M..— NIanG,US 2.00614 Algne'I Pent, model US =200614
E llzaoem Manazr. Feama,Us 2020L614 1wR Goommi % NR0L6+4
Plytla Minding NPINMpua4X 20=4614 f Nctorla 2hang Hol 2...14
Ioywl—n Us =20=14 .rya Nghav Nwxottl,US 20200614
KaNa BUN Lake Gomel US 20.4 Loolei Camonell Mainvak.US ..6-14
@slree Cobert Spokane.WA 20=0614 Sadra Wms wam.ka US M20 14
IaNanolhoun S[Lau."US 20200614 Fubl Gahan LcdI US M2 14
CMloopher Rasa Los MgNex US 20204614 Nathan Schlninger Alm Chark;US 2020-0614
Rimberl U lq Go 20.06-14 Will Fury Charlotte,US 20M0614
Grow Keane Dell US =20060 Gin EI1Mn Olympla WA =NL0614
Iacksaa Nguyen laNw alle.US 2.00614 bora Cooper US MM461S
&pnnaa... GnmxlwR GP 20204614 Emilem,...a Housmn.US 20200615
KHha Poles Nmldk Ui 2020-0614 wRIin M00dy MIIIIngmR US 2020-061S
%eimminry MNempoon St Loub,US .14 CouMq Barnes LOW ROM US ...Rl
.me led- Esmntlldq US =200614 Jordan Crunawalt Winona,US 20M-061S
Haiy Maurer bm Raos,US 2.80614 wt.Rubb Wwetvvn,GA 20200615
NMIa Lafalbn DAY NMIIa LMAYan Mara
Sonya ussions Vfilminglort NC 20200615 Mi[belle Hi[NN .'sua ;US 20M06-15
Ilabe[n PuenRS godun red,Us M30U615 Harp"oraegmlller 61Mn,uS ar"' 5
a. Ital-kak Ann.1 US 20"0615 David Munoz AugusaW 20202015
`Susan Page real GA Z@OMIS goutsal lan[a.Ar,US ID200615
TammyWe115 .00,US 20200615 BraMnn kUrG-W MOnaukeP.Us 20200615
fennN"Lugo US M30W15 B[bb)CN
aems; Portland,US 20100fi 15
Ouesele Houston Fort Myer;US 2020,615 Ana tdtl0 Bernard.US 2020,615
tonna AEMns M'xpm[,US 2020,615 UMP'S. o5 AuguN,W 20202015
San Humin SaIMn.U5 IDMOS15 tauten Housman Aiken.X 2@OU615
amanik West New York,us M20U615 Doul Wed Oregon,US 20200615
"She GriMM Alvoq OH 20200615 Matlelim-lerl Slmmerful US 2030,615
JGDGlana Hrval US 20204615 Ayesra Pitman "Mail 20200615
notal Sano Cru,US BUY.1" 1P-nor Im.,US 2020-0615
Taylor ,6onaalo Salm Chad.,US .11A$all Potterer 'nogg us 20200615
1u54n Wasrkngmn Saint Louh US MO.Or1s Igly BrIms ....11,Us 202006+5
Near Mlms Cyprer,US 20200615 MatlI50n Pannell MmeR US 20202015
SMrleyuir-ou Floating,US "202015 $iake CruEup Gai06viIk.US 20200615
....MMn Be...US "200615 Venii.WSH Hdlyv.CWL FIL 20200615
Gram rout Dimond CI ..US 20200615 En.Mejm OSM MN,US 20200615
wtby Carpenter Audi us 20:aL6+s m an Glaul ou %MASS,us 20200615
POSangel MaNnex Hartlsrurg.US 20"-0515HImIeC San 01"Jo,US 2010-0615
Dana Some koteebue US 20200615 Mi Fal Mlaml Us =0ID 15
Xama meal DAb Noun Luton 00
Maddie5lmon Honolulu,US 20200615 Amantla Yeager On.ron,MD 20200615
Mehn'w 6mnm Columba;OH 202OUHI CIgrD AlMnta,G1 20200615
Mat.kend- Syracml US 20200b15 .....AlejanEm Delano,US 20200615
ThDm Eunus US 20200b15 inaloAkoms WCMIand Hall US 111.5
Y,luong Tualatin,US .rz 15 Mmse Serrano AIbIn,US 20200615
6anston Pry Portland US 20100615 IU[rel Larsen "and,us 2010, 15
.MH. Manninu.n.US 20200615 MIMeil Wells NMeryX 2020.15
Karina,[pea wilened Las Vegas,US N2 15 aSMryamsta Mode on.US 20202015
femM DUB August,CIA 202g.061S Elea MiMIIe Nonr Miami,US 202DObis
Bryan Her...res, use Angeles,u5 20200615 Dlma mover Monroe Ul 20100b15
tlmberlyperry GranIual 20200615 Abanna I.M. BloomingWM US 20202015
Mi Capers Fam.GA 2010,615 MARCUS HAYES Slanal eUS 20"2015
GntiwW GrtemWro,US ..IS Rrianne Nexswn Wllmrgton,US NNIOb15
AmaX Bourne BrmMyn,US N1POb15 Ay.Peres Pawru[ke,US momer'5
Inge ReSlryAmMk August,GA 20200615 Lynda Makes MI US NN4615
AmYNetaM" Sal US 2020615 Adelaide Lent BT"a",US 20200615
Anne rary Norl US 202di Albers Wn Colorado spring,US 20200615
Kole Sk,[M1r Gremwod.US N2 15 krsa,2eal Dallas,US 202 06-'S
1Mrge Agerall ghermle.Us 2 lir lennner HoterNM wdgwanod,Us 20280 11
But Holt CMrINh,US Mr-gal EmdYVal Nd York,US NIDffi-15
Umar MWMne Gsurgel,US 20200615 FMeIISa Hl NoM/wguall Sit, 302OUHI
Tina Moraw AsrMIIe NC 203 'S Guam.Garcia US 2020L6 15
N. burn DM I Xama LeuXm Laza
Tymnrnwn MgWz.W 20Ngi Lam NNb Nel hgW4tt 20 0 ,S
..In EN— S do'Earlid,US E4EDd615 Anlzba Moore AUGUM US IDIDA615
^, Roberline..I Qe1ssY US EGrl15 Y, Reatling.PA 20M1-0615
Mary ialwe Cbkagq lL 20206 ThIla Calllgems Nyxk Us LIM is
feannenter ilex Voh,Us 20.15 Nana Mldgin Port Angeka,US EOMOSIS
Nih LaEmn Mlimi,US 2G.iS Oriamai lmka PMM6ell US 20M ,S
Pal FIxPe,,DN 202 1S WxkylOWi NwNAupXY.tt EIIDUbu
SORaW.YY NernanEu Robnert Par.us 20200615 dom,01gUin MURNIS In1eL U5 W200615
Lea Lm AWIM US 2020-0615 Mra Glaman Cfiealerr lUS EOEDC615
loyal Ferni Yonl us 20200615 IoaM Gbeller UnalUS 20205615
April Buennorm, Long Sol US ID20L615 Dtlry.Ul Tuan,US 2@0615
ode Tulsa,Us 202115615 Buff Duml Columbill 012D061s
taxman man, Pbmi US 20NFOG15 Ambei Nex York US 20200615
Will M[Mrage,US 2020A615 CnerlGibWn Columbia,US mdL is
Samuel Tokpa Char Rapids,US z030061s Snnnlaon Bainbrlage lelana.US EOEOC61s
Magnan Panella B¢Npagq Us 2@OU615 Maerc.AE BMrsltle,US 2...S
Amara.BNera Ma.,US .2G.15 Sn All NM Vork US 2M0.06-I5
Ummed MLCNmaM SlaNnnur,US ...iS CNUrtI,a'Mllims lB US 20M6-15
Erin SWlivan marble.US 2.20-0615 Em*Radiogram Marra,US 20200615
Pahl Varsal Co..US 2020-0615 Sara 05Wrne Y,U,Oa.11,US MOL615
Enca Ortega Kaon,US 2020-0615 Maiim B.romilein WeMeralkl6,US 20200515
Meabrabin llanman Los All US 20205615 GaMTumer Fanballstow.,US 20M0615
NYne Wa1M ll Xame LMatlM M1
Stephanie Gabne, MxSMa,US 2NOC615 D peal AUgu.,W 20200516
Emily Raymond 911hMa US ZaO l5 1aahr-Mack Ruril US 2G.,6
Aaron.--mer US 20M-0IiS Edgar Nickson Augum,GP 20260616
Fannia Pak.. Club,Nsu.us 20 iS plNly,"i .AbduTY SC 20200616
lilfan, Atlanta,Us M200616 Geneoaa.Gabbart Anchorage,us ..6,16
Kal01 LUG,us M205616 Nrtand,Fair Mlnnapol;US ME00616
Ann Gamble W)nmxood,US 20200616 Keilon MA., Grylnobl US 2..16
graze mlN[h so,ramemo,u5 2020 616 Don Wrchert dlando,FL 20M616
All—abler SWughlory US Raehel Roundnee NaNYW,NY MIDO616
BaNv'Xugh. Nal KY MM-0S16 Kim Camon Lawrtnmilk,US ..116
,draw.Scoo wrin ani AS M200616 Y-1,XMdnds Phoenix,US .016
Deaanshi Gupta Prim.US MM-0616 Norah BkdenWpp Nasal U5 M200616
Walla Wa[aon Los ArgNM CA 20200616 Pamah PrpNn RMherar,US E020M16
Sevayka Ce or Fort..a Gal Us ...GI16 ANKy A" RN"i US MM0616
ail WMifer Unlan Ciir- 2G.16 Ell.Raabaa MIIXRmwn,US .16
Charearoar nlr Cmryers,W ME 00616 Pearl Ill Milwaukee,US ME00616
Emily Unal ll ALl Go, MM0616 1.11h BUR, CN.,.,n,US Np04616
YarkeLlu Rme Teurar,US 20205616 Denise Galro .WainxrighG US MMiK16
ryan Simmons Men US tial lcelleW bar lw u5 2020-0616
Mayo Mewling Marna,GA 20M-0616 Cimllle Brmm Bmnk US 20.lG
.1.In. US MM0616 Trylor Wallace gmyxovm.US M."o
AugusnneM Mi,kagb,,US M20-0616 NdryeSylh Emm,US MM061fi
Ne1M LMItlM Yah Mem LMIYan DNa.
Amara SalSou1L Eign,US 2020 W16 Taylor Hawkins Las Angeles.US 2@Y05-I6
Malty Green MEnvep us 20mO6n6 Rete tial Us 20204616
Anna Galla, Mill CA 2020-0616 .UV any 0iMO.US 202 .016
Saran Tal Crum,US 202D4616 rarollne Mya EIkMgC US H3a4HL16
Win Mlhson NOMNBYW.SC 20200fiA6 Helene Gmen Tuuon,US 2020.0616
Lennart Mabry SellW 20204&:6 CMlre Glhvl Hsners.US 2020-0616
Sierra Shaming Sol US 20..11 CAUMAlbert Eel us 2020.0516
Ma0'6enfay Phoeri 20M 16 MNMel Vil '.hav011 US ..Ei
Iauren R. goongbrook US 2030-0616 Jai Hall Horli US ..6-16
akar llmenh Egg Harbor TonnsM1iO.US 202DW16 jrra Ou,nn Srig.US 36300616
RaUielWM1am Fnmon,Us 20204616 ii 0uinttm Dallas,US 20204616
LII,Nbem CdumbIL US 20204616 Chirla lur Canal LmM P%Us 2020-0616
lan.Peron Minneapolh US Mll 16 Gennenee Payes shrug,US 20360616
Pamela gran Charnel 20M 16 Wahl, FarmingMry US ..El
MagglePre Soaker,US 20204616 Colin Marpnnon Eam Hampton.US 3@00616
Logan Oennban Al US M20061a SMaine. ...US ID204616
Alyma Name MemgHIs.TN 20204616 lehohn Front Pasatlena.US 21XMM16
ANIy,Moore Choi US 20204616 1..0-Bunon Hill",Us 2020-0516
Bryson S.I. Trial US 20200616 NIM Vega O1an6o FL 20M 16
UnaRMaOu HwlN auq.NO SC 20200516 Lori Mann Brooklyn.US NZL0616
Mgeorm Cnemlkwa 11 ar.0.16nnea Manage.US .00616
Story RobeBiUS 20200616 Brittany SlmpsOn Fan MPH,US ZU304616
NW Mearde0 Yttm
a Nae Loolow Deal
.,an bo— Greenwma.SC ..U6-16 E.Cali Mlaalebwn.US ZOZOO6V
SolMaaluaren, .—i Us 2@0-06-16 Welp tonna de, US 20ID0S1Z
Wsan Vlllagomea .—a WA .."S MIM Shin Stmkon.US 2@00612
TaCPanna Robertson Hausbn.US 211 why Nina SUSES+,Us 202011612
jmenn Wllkm Sone Peters,Us 20200616 Bradly Roarguer go.,GA 20200612
MaalsonVY Pal US2@0.Wtfi Ava Uhalle HigMana.US 20N14612
lar—Key Beedh Nand,SC 2@00616 CasOnao PMlogene BnEgep04 US 20200612
"Yaral Call US 20200616 Syn OePNm US 20200612
Hoare nRoaaguei FUllenon,US .ID Ur Cassius Wi Albuqueryue.US M.17
CemseANersm ignore,US 20200416 DaWa WOm US 201
Darrell Mlller Wllmingtw4 Us 20304616 Morgan Wallaam Houton.US .2 0612
Carl Bain sai Us 202006-16 Emna Pumbagen HIIIsbi US 20200612
Masiaytaylor SaUarl Us 20204616BMUn,Wm
llllason AIeeR SC AXL0412
Dal Fontan.US 20200616 Meknrlafohnion real SC 20Ul
CheM[Mmes Kennesaw,US 20200612 Cal Hanna "i 20200612
E—SaShi Osuo.MN 20200612 Tess Chandler SINereal WA 2@00612
Use Dean Ch, iO).US 20200612 SMena 1. Alkmr.sC 20A4612
SandraCharger Mistian Yup,US aN.12 LasMUNa Ponn Las Angeles,US .I 12
Molly Cunningham Virago.US 2020069 Theresa Stephens Han.NY MMa6.12
lean Lynn MITI Creek US ID ,E.12 hwa all nan;W 202006-12
Dyne..Swer, ...US M200612 grand.Feemrter Auguna.W Mal
HOPE OBERMUNN0'MCZ UNOEHHUall US Z02D069 Na011e Greene leanni MM0612
N. vessel O.a xxp LauWn osis
Martex Ppplm Las waeS.us 2o2006n canrinratlNon no. hen.w 2020Cfi-n
M"IIESa YIIgi bnesttU S' 3030-061] S+nnna Palmer Cnarmae,NC m26o6n
CWnnnryOlrveNa Bntlgesse,US 20202617 Serves Viladona .heater.Ue 2000617
Ler Wa6 Ms..GA 206 17 RebKG Conner Waldorf.MO M.117
Karel Pene GA.US WI 17 2a1eheus Miles Means,GA 20200617
Sher. A— Ini SC M0d617 Ergas ship. NkehX 2020L61J
Jarelle Burhard Augu.N,GC MID 17 .,,is BoEertson Cueenv2J,Us 20200617
Zlav Fehml Bloomneld Hills,Us ID200617 Temkops Belvue 1.1derR,us 20IDv*7
AUEysmuh Ojai,us 20M2617 buten Buyer Vemon 11111s.IL 2020-0617
ereaphmon�iNes Chespers,US 2020-0.17 Sean Murphy Augustus.Sp 20200617
LurySherldan Ann Arbor,US 20=0 7 Mona Geary MgusO,GA 200061)
Asahia CMlevge warts le.Sc 030-061] Lauren SGshi Se001i GA 3U30-0 17
A[meener ileo Woedi US 2B2o06t] Monque Burgess lati Beach,SC 21200617
KBIUALYALLEN ONrolp Ml 2020561] Armon Henke West area.Beach,FL 2020vpnI7
Aspen Hunt Lake Osxeg,US 2000617 Cemlle Ma, Mad..US 2020061]
AIIIem H6anlhrerht HunM111q Us 2600617 Benp.In Uneven Aflen,X 20200617
CellnerSrnal Sherwood.,US .0069 Hlevillams SIMr Spring,US MOUW17
Nahamy Nega Union Cry,US ID200617 EUMIM.Morris Gari NC 2020561)
PMIIp Va1111amwn Alken.SC 20ID0617 Bonnie Buyer Wine 2030561]
mai pert ..n.SC 2020017 MMAna Havi CTkago,IL 2020-0617
luhregnlner unangtan,SC 2000617 Amner WaNen Greveren,CA 2020-0617
TamlMa Gore Cirleh,NC 2020017 Lauren George Lvingmn.iC 20XW617
NPme Lamle Oap Name Location Oa[e
Renetta Mertw'Hhee NM'Crash,1 2020 evi My,Well, oolhan.US 202006-1J
Nlmbnn Sari eaurWnwhs,US Ni Ronin Bngmon North Augusb,X •r. 2020617.
.U&MMwleamn xoMHyAa.X =7 SII TiAllen AIMn,Y 2@0061]
Lauren ChiNase,,",TN ID... I li Heaener&ksttln Groaelear,W mo17
One Pamer Wert Co.,Us ID3n061) Tamers MIXegm Noah Aug...SC 20]axW►
RufiuMa Ware Cori SC 2020L61] Grace Curtness Geneva,IL 20201
Petty Ritual Cranes City,US .1.11 Kaylee Butler Aiken.11 20200617
g.hel Gartea WM Cdurni SC ..is Ienn Miss anal"Ales,SC 20200611
Mendes Mani Neer,Us 2010067 Bell Br.., Irmo,SC 2020061]
Rats.Pnceme August.W .0-069 Mars Oa.ek Calaula GA 2020.&7
Bard MerreeNer Peeper Springs,GA 2020069 Adam Sturm NA.,upi SC 2017
Lamle Rlllingixonh FahNmO.W 20200617 ComOnceMlllam, North Measure.SC ...617
Hmx Anmx NMn.WguN,u NlOfb9 aWe Mmsuong rvortn Prguw,ie 211200.7
Claymn Bowen Nonh Mgi SC 2025067 para PUIXen Alkert SC 20205611
Sure.Muao 6maemwn GA 201 Anna Grier Larcooter,SC 2021
Monique Guerrero Long Beach,US 20200617 S.,Burke None Augi SC =0W1J
Mai Chi e.Augusta,SC 2020.6.17 Derya Martin Evan;GA 202006-1J
ManryOemer. North Argenta.SC 20ID.67 Aaron Volpe Aiken,SC 202D 0617
.-open Spivey North Prgual,SC 2020267 Aptness Oc,ry .Auguw.SC 2020061,
YoverGueeaCs Saudi US 302606-1) fern Alyn"-Pen, Greareger SC 2@6069
loon—lmm Noahluglera SC 2020M1I .,.,,n:"
ee Bxl SL Heleeu 6hntl,SC 2@60617
lignanerh Zinger North Nli IC 20250617 less:Gaugush US ..117
wme t«Rmn ma Name LttMbn ma
valena lac non Mlmana,6a 2020L61 7 anceluares Daman CIN KS 202006.17
Olenna ..a, Nnrt Aug-as SC M20E 17 Iavnlne Las[ Nam auguw,W 2u204gg7
IIXeyT DORq NOIenau'u5O,SC 2@OM1J DUVal—mere Aiken SC 20.1117
Kaitlyn Bmwn Durham,NC 2@006-17 A.Mahn N..W ..X =d0glog )
Ray.Smi. Aiken,IC MID-0612 H.B.FOs Area-,SC 2@Od6D
SIG Hoyt Oreenville,X 2@0.069 Wendy Bpttls BPENIWWO.CA M2 17
Suei Nora Augusta,GA =00612 Jamie Noll OrtwFAke,VA Ny2 12
Iames Wlgglns EVans.W 2020t69 I tormarly Haldrenk A.,SC NVOC 17
CM1UQ retina Plokens,SC 2020069 ImM1 Begurs CObrada Spring,CO 20IDM17
Eva Beatll Nom Aupusly SC ID26W97 Nelsey Xlll Portland OR Z...11
Christopher Frank A,..,GA 2020.06-9 CAasN VIIIIMns NDN Au,slas 211IDU4N
atlaM1JuWn Aian,SC W2D0617 destiny dye Gteensooro,NC 30200612
Cassandra Flags kkial SC 7020U69 Taidsma Durbin AIMn,SC 2020 617
CHM HMI Allen,SC 2020A617 Dard Frladain AIWe..W 2020L 17
Sonya Prke Auguste Go 2020A69 Aleos Doe Lad— SC 302011617
Saram MoM1Gum West Hartord,C 2020L 12 Charles young Norm August,11 3020 C6-1I
Davy Marva North Augusts BC 20205512 JudiL NOm Au9J SC M.DA-9
Baulk Timmerman Augusta,Jul ...17 Vakna Castillo most ANgusRX 2020.0rs17
Deborah Quaker Nom Augusta,SC 2@04611 Cake Peyaas Nom August.X .2O0617
jasmine Burns Augusta,DA 2020061) Omm NasOlh MaTnetW c.BIF I7
Sarm Mel Aden SC 302006.17 MaH Porter Nom"...Be 2..17
Andrea Wlk.., San Mron1p IX 2@0-06 9 Andrea Qudtl6 Nom dUbalta,SC 2020.069
Name Location Baa Name Lwtlon Diane
Anme WIN US 002046.17 POrscra Politick Nom Ai,, ySC 2026069
Angellm Rod North Augusta.X 30200617 Roberto Aragon Athens,GA 202046-9
Dewanna Hines Augusta,GA 2020 06-1J emgse,Williams Num Augusa SC 202.11
Wllnm mays Nom Augusu.5[ 2020X507 CM1ebea Oldey December.,NC 2020 on17
Mary Derrick swim AuguffiSC 20.4647 Anthony SWbbkfleld US X2O069
Bootle Bellamy Nom AugusO,SC .I OSI7 kmrm Beringer HanlsonWrg VA 20260617
mance deguiman cure.p.,k us 2@60617 SaGb..on Clarence,SC ID24069
Mary Heart ColumbuaW 20204612 M.Harris Aiken SC 202D0612
Douglas Glwaneni Columbia,X ID20O61) MkhaJl Clark Aug...,W M2613G07
Taney Newsome Aiken,5f 20200612 Mamery Carman k.AuguaG,X 3020069
CPIia.. CARJ st ..12 Ieffe"ou., August'GA mum 069
Chandler PMlllps PaoIL US 2262012 Bell,Desk, Evam,W 20200612
.Rama N. Oaan Sm,s,UB 2021b61) Hendon.Mark. gm.CA ..117
FN Cmry Atknla.GA M204612 Jolla Baden AkerW 2N04612
Amanda Vire NMI.SC 2@04612 Usk Sluus Helle,US M20461I
'Tabrk Rctt Nm0 Augma.X 'MM0612 keana Sanders Dkhcwna ON,ON 20204612
gagamaMW Np0l Auytta.Y 2 12 lrryelMns Augusa,M 20260612
NNenleimar Evans.W 28.17 TabalM1iAmatlla Nkeq SC 20360612
Xyen Watches. WallingAmi US 2030069 Nam Nortm Nom Augusa,SC 21126069
Laura Gutlerm, Brownsville.VS 3@00612 tkha Sims Nmen Augu#d.SC 2@0.ObV
Branca Brlsdn Alan,SC MM4612 Cdnnins Glwer Granitevllle,SC ID3006-12
Y[m,la OJ Cie...,11 2204612 pat murny Nmrolk VA 31130064I
Name LaeMIM mR xaT! LMatlOn aM
Fernandina Wanton w4ln,us 2020-06-17 "m Wnitworm Noun Aug do,SC BILL +T
Gerry amara NOM Mgiou"SC Mr.BE9] Mane Roxana sok AIXen,SC 29RO�on.7
F-Purle Baa., Argued.GA 30350611 I Mary Romero 11111111011,US ..0 7
Laura Bagwell al SC 2N00617 Eilean Prussman Aiken,iC 2020-06+1
Amanda Camaano Lerannal US 2B:.7 Sally Fen Aiken,SC 2020[61]
Reginald Alar, Gidi US 20300611 Samanina Welker No.Augue].SC 2020.17
Bilabia ldr No.,Aul SC 2020-069] Bew
tsyBryer GranduredgSC 20200617
Chelsea Taylor Hope Mill,NC 20200611 Ca0-knnlllgsSan Mtemal. 20.0611
I orha Wllhams Aiken,US 272006 1] Yal mckenon Aker.SC 2020061]
MeUnion, Ywoungron,US 201 MIa FaN Las MgeI4 US .200611
Colin Dural NOMfu9ustd Sc 2020.-1] lB,,I,loggim X6em,05 20200617
Megan File U5 20200617 Nim Pay Aiken SC mods
....B .,ht US TRR-0617 FronceFWneNbn .AUQXUX Sc 2030061]
ilrtomy Woodwand AIIarILLGA 20300617 PAIRICX WHITENING OXFORD,GA 2D20067
an.1. Wle Columbia SC 2@OM17 Amal Amnea Venire.US 202006-i]
FE'.Bmoki Uppe Madbom.MO 202 17 Max Romanmzkl Upland,IN 2020061]
Emi,Pgal Aiken,SC .260611 Tina Burch rbnh Auq+FM.. 30N10617
LmanmaAleeer Alkal 3@00617 Raul Oe Leon Mission US 27200&17
Maurice POxe2Nmer Near,SC 2028067 lane Dunbar EwLewil ,OR 203020-1]
twat.Hill gical WIN,CA 20200617 Fredericka Tocker +allahaeee.FL DINDBE 11
Ellvbeth Welch Lawburg VA 20300611 Shannon&o¢on Nunn Argued sC 21135067
Nlsha Gattis GranXMlla SC 2920 W11 SK+en Siebert August,.GA .28067
XarM Lowen.. Date xama Umadin BMe
Maria Hdmes Ad.Counwr SC 2025067 (axon Meriwe[her Manena,GA 2020.067
try Srotllohman US 2.00617 Madmi Bull Nonha xmgxl SC ..17-17
Miranda Chan Hwang New Yoh Cltp US 2.00617 Melinaa Nlen Houhion.DA 2@006-1]
Iavnence0'Sddw1 Aiken,SC 31120[61] THAMARAVdpe Aiken SC 2020.11
McNla Herri 6,ula MAN.US M.17 LindAy Mangrum Auguea GA .gal
Lee 5411in,mr-MIXusih NYM SC 20200611 Christopher Blume YarkMIIp US 2000617
11-1hy Cana Aiken,SC 2.6067 Navandrla Owed Nas.ftnig 20O80611
Donna Wed .Pal SC 20217061] No..Pn, Behan,US 3.0.11
LWS Paddial La Puente,US 2020.17 Rarhy Abscre Nmburgh,US 20280611
Mw,w,Lhaaot SpdngOeki,MA 208.17 Made Call AIkeM1 SC ...11
OgunkryoeeRffiatunde RlcnaNaortiX 2 11 Man Waningtm Homegrown NJ LIM067
Barry.—a Jami Plain MA NRCall Laura xanchede GNRRWRaX ..6-17
Mill Hew Xamabn US 20250617 Sudan Mauro seeking,NY 3.80&11
Cnerrylonneon Orange Park,FL 2020067 Hanna Lamb Salnc Paul.US 3.8[617
Alawandra MOMy North wil5C Drill Evan Bell Bufae.GA 202OOS7
HaNa Sulliaan Hephnbab,US 2.006-7 Patrick McPherson WakellNd.US 19.0617
Hayla Mirhel Malden,US 20200617 Sam Eller Nhany,US 20.061]
Hall Nom luqusO.X 2.0067 Nalmah Hainer Philadelphia.US 20200617
Denbe Brown Norruxx.GA 202006 7 Coal Bmadwarer No.Mguxu,MC 3Rbl
Rammy SmmBh Aik,Sr 10i lama Godlry Coprii 202006-1]
Megan Bmke Aiken.SC 20..7 CiN Walker Aiken SC 20200611
lennRnEwnhoweri Oala 11 2R28067 EmllylawX AU,uiDA 2.00617
N.. L n D. Name Lae.Wn. Oaae
IWNryn Squq' NWN Aupuar4 SC 3030 pxy1) SXaron M[kfoM Tek en,SC 2030Ub1]
Emlila flonan Hive rtavm,u5 A2006O Susan Small Clntlnv..OX 2020L 17
Hannan Giles Alevanntl6VA M30-0bl] Gale 11.1 Granl[eallk.SC 2020 Din11
Angela) Yan Clarks HIIL SC 20IDffi17 SmrtVln[ Columbia,SC 20200 61)
Jodie Baker Aiken SC ...17 AmanWwley Vnro"Ider,,us 30360617
Marin Rry Luges,,US 2020-069 .1 Hawkins North August.SC ...117
IerriSansonake North AuguzG,SC 2020.06.9 Lauren Cali Columbia,uS ..117
Brad Mermether Market,GA ...1] al,M<Ghtt N.AuguzgX L Her
Menem Hall, Aiken.11 .2008-1) Sharon Peanatl Columbia,NO 20200617
OawnNuersle Aiken,SC 2CIDa617 Naepdzon taken,. 20200617
rehabs Moment Ni August.SC 2ouri Juliana SmNh CMtlel SC 2@0069
Chl Tribunal Agent OC 201 Dark!Elder Axeq SC 20204617
Bert.Haas AiMn sI 20117 Gregg Nelson Grana[dllle.SC 202l
Julia Vu No.AA,G.SC 20204697 BVM Hodges CMrago,IL 30204tSH7
Oanklle V]alker A[Mnt.rill ...17 kabMt Tnpashy teary.US 20200617
coSSMy Mltlndup Raswell,US 2020851] Ap(I Hit North Augusq. 202E 0617
Julie Drayton Alam SC 3@g-06f] MMY V]nuammn A,."sC 2C2(i
MHanda l]nrarter-Mome OernC CO 2@00617 Maraca Real Aiken,SC 20304&17
[amlb—.hg.n AAen SC 2020U617 W.Hakglrs NorthAugust,. 2020fb1i,
Sry Velars US 200214617 Erluswnders saymeMle,NC 31120061]
ShHlq Ontlerchni Aiken,. 21120.17 Ak.Urn; us 2oracho ]
BobMttre Columbus,NO 2020#17 Abdo Gary othr,SC 20200b17
xY1N Laealen MY Nm La.tlon 0aa
1-1.Lapee Us 20cohni Ivxana Hill Cowmma SC 202 16
Matlos Cummings Aiken st IDIDA61] Monio crescent Uniory.J 20308898
CRARA NWMi N.AuguN.X 30300617 DeKesns lkynoldz NaM Augue"SC N1lOf$20
A.Mry Shaw C.,US 2030-059 Iamleswmingam 'ark-, US 3Jcahr 8
Jamb Baker Oak Park,US 2030.18 lwnne Long Hunlca'ua AL 20300618
Adtlana[hunts Carden Glave.US 2O..uk1. CaUry er .can North Ar'..SC naobei8
JoulynePrtped[ No.A guNy SC ewcuta 8 Yolanda Settles Trenton.sC .2.118
daniela lie Norm H,11,r od Us 3030L61e GUz.. at., Auznn,US 3.28.18
.b..Ra el ker .ken IC 2018 Cwrtnrylicurd Augusta,GA 202B.18
M icaafames Apopka,Us 2020Hki Jaelynn Curry No.AUI.. 3Sud \8
Trary Seatlea Charande.US 20201618 CaNyO Man QS Corney SC 20200618
Muhammad1. khourvlk.US ...18 Eric Bid, .ken,. 30300618
011vle Feel Ypsilanti Ml 20200618 Etlu M[Ramry Las Anil 20200618
No UMyJhrlhz— Wagner.us 20.0618 Mike Haggerty SwzWe,G, 30IDA61B
NaMlk Ooulgerakls .01.W 20260618 alezblekr, .11,Sprill SC 20200618
JennRer Ruiz Bea.i SC ID2usual Ck.— Tui RaMIn,US racki
Alisurgical Bo Aon US 20200618 VON Husid Abler.SC 20381618
rears"re. us 2020011. .Ibpe BlaeH NOM Adgu..SC 30206518
Patsy Feltlz Warreni SC 20200618 Cherie H.xln Aiken SC 20UO MID
N1mle. 1 then MIIL SC 2.0.18 biazha Curley Aiken In 202006-IB
YiNantla McCord AuguN,GA 2020.18 pnnikr Meafng N.Au'l SC c.."
Lynne Be. Wahkwa Xl 2020Ub18 Ezme Lao Di—US 2.1 1B
Name Wooden DM xame Lwrbn DN
int TYIwMggYYmNwcan*vO*A-�K-....:._.a-u=. 2@G0 18 andim Santa Barnegat US 2 04618
Tsunami Goa US 202044te matlagraham hukbmo.US 30200618
Mmpmn,Os 2020-06-10 Anna Lmartraid sI..US ..If.
fWtlh WIlttn TopAam.ME 2020.06-IB 81ans kai Use Bwtt
ltl ,Us 2@Od618
Meanie CofuM BHMNIk.US 202P0G10 ereta'nn Pome San ATonis,Us 3036Gfi-08
Frances Plckir Minneapgis.US 2030-0618 I.,k00kkon Anaon;US 3020L 18
Sarah VaMenlRrgen Mn AMr,MI 2020L618 Min,Shaffer NUM Au'I Sc 2020-0618
Jana aka Us 3@60640 anis,bell 6a Men Gmue,US 2020.6-18
Julia kane0obn Nashtllle.IN .21.1 IB Hanry Navarro Gonalea[US 3030L618
EseF)n Gaal MorganIilkG 202P0618 cry9a1 hartlm PONan4 US 2..1.
Gan Ung Meux,US 20204618 b1rNIe Word Alked,SC ..U.
Leslie Brooks, Aken,X 202006-18 Mahn Delgado elllmeson,US 20300618
faamin houses; PhOenq US Mild.IB Carl Pelrmelll Passion,US 20204610
ASFky Pena leery CIS,US 2Q01. A .16 Holmes Mlr'neapoK Us ID20-061a
Ton Hudo Colonels.. 20200618 Mrs opher Unions Alkan.SC 20204610
Liss Gallegos Asmia.Us 20200618 Nina Avnas SeaNe,us 20M0618
Slseree Sterling Chung.,Us 20204610 kelil1ford,on SpawnWrg SC 20200618
Tarin Hmks NOMAugussa. 2G..18 DeMarlo Urcwn Carrollton,US XQGak 10
1-11 Moore Los AnNI"A 20M 064. krona Pmien HephdWK GA ...i.
Nath Pusey Aiken,SC .3DGI 8 Was Stan. WIImlrglon.HC 2030-0618
Pena Biw Los Angeles.US 203P0618 lashiafones sidmingmn.HC 31RS0610
Jennifer AMhonry Columbia,SC 20204618 jasmine wrgas Newark.US 211MU618
Andean Mchohon Alden,sC 20204618 slaty nelson mlumbia,SC 2020-0618
Marty Lamphler Suwantt,GA 202d.l8 And—Hanson Bever,Hills,FL 0.U.
.1 assassin Us 2112dDsMlanna Fuller C."Sc 20300610
.1clah'reni Evan,Ga Id...10 j Emma.. A1pR. 3180-0618
Taylor Hill Garland US 3c Maf Moore Oemn,CO 1020 618
CMryl Munnry SeuanNh,CN 2020.0618 Lynn Burke AN. Auqu#a,W M30L61U
c1r.Wooden Auende.W 303016te Utah Oclddl Cee,CO 30300618
Jeong Yong Lee North August;. 30304610 Ufla Bed., MarcheRe[US 30200610
Allah ssnker eowmhi,Of 20204618 Chnsnan Osborn, Scion!Amain ID..U.
nouglas On. Noah Argus",SC 10100610 Maggie Anderson Longmonl CO 309L0698
Nath¢.Cammiv August;GA 3020061. Mogan Nelly NOMA"Lus, 2@04618
Chris olume Chanlonesuille VA .@ 1. Madison Nelson Farminglon,US 30300618
Print-Hemon Bradenton,FL 20264&10 Gom Sellmn Indlanapolls,IN 3W0-0618
Pusan Maws Ionmboro.W 20200618 .0111 Lundy a iefon,CO 20200619
Valerie BuEUA Nevndre,US 2Hi ludiN li Oemn.CO 3@0.061.
Ases Masan Adana.NA 24MW18 Oavq Millar Fns laudeNak.US 242.118
..'a.UaMh Haymarket VA 2@00610 CASEYPjuto Fort WE.Male,US 202D4618
Hannah launch Dear,,.GA ..E-1. Kul Nguyen pwnancesde,US 20300610
Jr,Nolan Nker,SC 202MG18 GaMk.ra... .1umbla,SC 302006-10
MebuAknWi NMhAugmy. 201 18 NUer Chrisllan Aoqua",W 3010-0618
Oeshe Al(G. San Mmnio.US ..de-18 sad"al MI CdUmhIy MO 2020-0618
ASMun OpMVee NPMAuquriX 1N606;18. Faye Nelson LalayMR CO 302P0618
Nana txarbn ORa NMa. lgOI1M OW
julleimmormin ong,SC 2020-0610 lorands-Mosso HNlake 'US MOOS-18
pcquie Vorroore Deme,CO ..I Rady Perial Comes,Us 3lol
..w MMhon AEervombie Alken.SC 2020L6-18 EssI.YercMm onals .pMd PA 2020-06-10
`a P.Johanson Us—,Co 20202018 Hlen Fuller lahm r,NY 20200610
III Sblwr ArguW.6A 20202018 UIy SmNI KUSPark,US 2o2D0618
Danielle Anwng ampMn,US 2020-0610 Chi-Umpps Ewn;GA 2020.0618
Emmafllh N."Ussa.SC M."S UO Marta Comand,US 20200618
Lla Fnrke Gru-m",GA 2020-0618 0.a—Gardens gool Sarva MargatlO,G 20sadl
go—he Srns Ewn,GP 2020 rr-18 Mica UDox AtlanyW 20200618
MMerti6umttr Xopklm,SC 2020%18 B WRI'B Xtl111AYp1YLX '20E Uah
goodd s NOhG'gusRX MMWIB Frim Armen08ni Fort MAN.US MID 1B
"ran Bess SaIIwN,US 20200618 NIse C0aHl16 Mmgmwwq M"/ 20260618
PWM EIOs NMX Augusta.SC 20200618 Erin l(WW FMM Du US US 21.'a
kun graham Cleveland.US 20200610 SapNnle Marshier Boull M24o0618
Nannair Rogers LakelanQ FL 202001.18 ..Najmola US 202041611B
RMIn none MWe9q US 2020-0618 Syrinry FON ..ft,,SC 20200618
lawn Posell DshoULIAL ..18 Sharon Dukes UN sra.GA 2020201.
Juan Pedro Reach.M sumer,US 20200618 Asrnes Patlerson counal SC 2020-0618
Paul PLI hantorough.NC .18 Markwaymer Auduse.GA 211.DG-10
Sydm,Vl,Nr Mhlnney,US 20200610 (Nryl Mason Ss Mahn,W 20200618
our Bmymn Round UNW.US 2@D06-00 Maal Sancohn Ro[Mdd,US 20200618
*As Hhdagorth UuisAle,KY 20200618 SwR MIRsell Goodigal 20200618
Rama Lauds Dap hands IVNsn Gab
Glenda Anguli Long Beach,US 20gD0610 Rulina heidword inothnk,US 20202010
Mamuh'.hmmon Message,US 202006.18 Jennlhr Caulklas ALI GA 21IMM18
lam-0lan Fon Lauderdale US 202006.18 amanda Stephens DuTam,NC 20200610
Em11y BUl Los angeles,G ID20M-18 Mil Hurdle Xanwer.MA 20200618
Jelin, a Anaheim,US 20200618 N'uhj.,h Newark,US IDIDA618
Mmbply Gel NOM Pugusy SG 20200608 Jusynr Polar &onR US Zo200618
Natant,ml LouAngeles.UN 20200618 wlMer.Ygd, Cedar CM.US 2@Goal
Maddie Siberstein Verrwn.111;IL 20200618 duan Haldridge Richmond,US md0 i8
Ellaadigh Bartels Lm sI Ca 20200618 UnN Swan GreehUJN,NC 20200618
Paullne Butler rune,MI 211 18 MNmel LeapsaoLL Cla hill,X 20ID-0618
Mead Robinwn N4n,X IDM0618 Leigh Mead— Dodge.AL 2020061.
Justin Vamv Mgusra.GA 2020D618 Amber..a. Them.. 202D0618
Pelliltha M<UrmlCk Gwdyeae US 2@00618 SmeIone— Ba4nGNd us 20202018
Tamika rdy N."..sC 202006w Joshua Mal aemwn.SC 2020061.
Thomas Win Pwanus.M 20200618 Wool Nsas null US 201
belch U6 Fsmndldo,US 20200618 A—ha and Pull GA 20202018
Neal Lmmis Whma US 2021 Ryan Kennedy GohnIGo 202110618
bGe LaDue SNd'm"co 2020�W18 OWa WUPM - Mwdr Audusw.X 20200618
n DeMain AkeryX 20IDW1a CR'Nyl FortMor,US 2D20066
I.— nre UWnsolls,US 202006.18 Call MWeer Rosined,US 1B
Jonah DudeRsarll GroreloweW 20200618 Aber... WTKxMer,US 2Uou onIS
SaNMOb Squlllxl PompanORanch.US 201 MlR Gen., is,NC 202006-10
Mama beatlen dab Nama Lanai - OaLe
Tn<Ia Oelban Cmmhlned leeks.Usz020.061e ormma.mer maYewda.Us zozOL619
goalEldrassa4 US 20300618 61en1ona Sauk,US 20119
I0-0619 BmmC U,
reo 4umee.Us 202rsom,han Char203o-06t9
EueO kMlands,US 211202619 Small eTnnmer Columbia,NO 302006-09
Claire Murphy algl US 30M0619 Caspinforcs BMna.Us ID200619
MMa2uFlri IMne Us 2oN40619 Boger Cons, .CAuns.lA W200619
VI<ky Hsu Naren<e,US 2(atra 9 Nlsha H.a /WIWm.US 3020L 19
Naimoli Augusta,W 20300619 AOby Morales Bei 'US 20N{K-19
Map Rtlxe AFIIngmr,US 20200619 FaIm hada MIe Mq US 30350619
Erin Cadhings Calumhla,IC IDID699 helenem"i AlWauemure.Us 20200619
Card orlggers Florence,SC 2@0-0619 fames Murphy North sq SC 2oID :
Susan..,. North AuguSla,SC 20350619 .,are Simi Henaerean,NV 201S,
Plmand.Harmer IntelUS 2020L619 Abigail Smith Lai US 2@b0619
m1phyAllred Winner Hams.Us 20302619 Haahankl Walker Monterey,C4 20300619
Weader. NORh AugustYSC S.WIC19 Harso...him Saint Cloud,US 2@ul
Bryce Philips CM<a9o,US 203 Lela Katharine Moore Longmont CO .202619
Jennifer filRh Tagalassee.FL 20200619 Shama PralOson KaWmRoo,US ID20-0619
Philip Murphy Manor.AB Mal Ned,Ula04 NW01 MquNy SC 30200 ND
What iffill NphareUa,US .300619 N.11 WmUnllla Puyallup US .."S'
Onarma all Were,US 20200619 Asset Parker efleen.re 30300619
Cmi Novel .ken SC 203006-09 Brmund.Bayley Apbs.G 2.026-19
Fyns Sakur.Us 20200619 Boman Kreal Bear,US 20202619
Maps LxNm D.. Name LaotlM B+b
Alem Bulr her Ancrim,US 2.00619 Myla Tromas Motors,ra 202el
Near Farlas Las Vegu,US 201 SaMna Lagan des...Us 3L300619
feslo.111 an US ID300619 Manene6111s N..m.US ..19
phjod still WhAesmne,Ui 3.02619 Kill Loul1m 311M0619
Cretinism Heath Creel US N20.0619 .Ickngdorn WJr..Us 2.00619
Smn Sol NoNMWdi.SC 3.al No.Mounts MPamora.US 20200619
odyn WIsms Clhaoem,US ID360619 ...Pabrwn SmItla US 2.00619
Norman 0ensmare Aul Cd 2.00619 Tay<WaIWn L<y Beach.Us 201
Mikael.Full .......c, 3.00619 Bahma Gayson Comm,CAL 2020M19
E4mbeth Llndwh Alien IC 20202619 Chares Bates alarm,W 211.40619
lapims Brcmr NmOrNqual 311a"0ia` raena Keeley metal us 20.1-0619
Catherine Brwm Wamm9k.iC 2.OM19 Hy Ommes hill o.Ough,US EIIM0619
fade Levers Cdumda,IC ..19 Matlry Kavanaugh WaMsao<s.US 2.00619
Pushed Arembomg Columbia,sC 3.00619 all Radw Los Angeles.US 2.00619
Peter Rumhazh un,US Neil CnterB ..,US Mol
Irma Kagan BuRag GWM,Us 20200619 J.Burke las AlgelgU 20201619
tonal Ferry B...Us.,US 3.00619 what Berson El Caton,US 2021
Nally Poag SulSt 2020L419 tarn Caraang Di City,US 2.11L619
Ta9uerm Bromon Perna,US 2.006-19 Commit,Liner sham Hill,PA ..5 i9
's,,,,, Keery Up. Saint WA 2.00619 Jamie We Walla Wale,WA 20Xs0619
Radne)Voung MaNn¢.W .40-0619 MaNa Webb Wyes f.",US 3.00619
Marylnason Perry.11.MO 20l -
N+ex L+Wbn DW Nen ImIMn. O+p
Th,Snot Myrtle BNtl,US 20204619 Sue Penske 9a0unIl IIV 2.1 19
,..an OMes EEwarWNlle US SO2O5949 dead XaoNl LauirMle.US ID20Y619
G eo/9e XFwr NHa.US 20260519 S,m,III Lorton,VA 3oz00619
Me"Btlnkly PNen,X x@60619 Make Rmvan Carye/[W Z@00619
Emelle Manning Calumbu[US 2020A619 Ernal ROMetlor Pden SC 2@OC619
Safina 1,US .204619 daym I. San MMnds,US 20aoM"
Mag Ford AlpM1areN.US 30a0M19 Myra Nae. MOMIe,AL
shellay knee. Aiken.SC 20M0619 SANOMSGLLW US 20NL0620
Susan Vanded Faanz.Go .ID 19 Clam ;Dings CO =CHW20
Alexandra Gregson Mairson.US 2@0A619 1.n10hn50n mme rock US 3101
Anna HolOr Um.US 20060619 'win Cunnln,min CM1adomi,Us 20260620
Mui Cde San INI 0 azaL i9 NNy Wmdll H.lwguSU,X H2UO6O
,malum RUM. cenwa.US 2@60619 ZarFaryO:" Easl Lansng,Us .,..0
HWAN[Mn N+tlnW Heights,US M260619 LydMlaOow Norcdawgus¢X 3U2UD52D
CwrtrcpGu9ln MIIIerdism.MO ..,IS J.—dr, s' Ghommen.w 30200620
Indigo Miranda Xder,US 20200619 Myra Bruen North Augu9[SC NNUSI
guadalupe AWla US 50204619 sekinia Veru Fomma,Us ID30O630
Tina Stesie Las AngeIM,US 20M0619 "iWlkve Endno,US 2@OC620
sora sonnets PlOnina ,W 20IN= Narrow Zen Fayeltmem,W 2031
John StoM10 widentanR US Z@U.0619 Carne Sebastian Oesma.US tki
.or.Mellon Modesto,US IDIDU619 Britbny H+Ms Ja/bon,SC .M0620
OmeVIIXe1t Mian/,W 20200619 Julk Mang Chadors,US 202DHW20
N. Lw[len D+Y Nam+ Lwrbd OW
Oatheal Veronia Sorry San Francine.US 30300650 Orally Mend— UM VelUS w..
Aquino GbNanahompd Soni dsourq u5 2...
S+mh Taylor Atlanto,US 201
lashNla Oamel Groryia 2021
TaMem Goldsmith Newark US wits t0
CFtlrtle Densmore Fam,W 30M0630
Memades Cook Olwmington,US ...
cemaacnrestlan Fort Lamemee.us 20z6o6210
imt,'uatm widow,na 20M06x0 VnMn+Gare; Hmtan.US 20.60620
Va.Munun aden,SC kewei
EIIubU Wllwn tinMkum Helgdt;MU 20300630
Uanna Wines Chicago,US 3@00630
Shcner0en; FOM Lauderdale US M260420
Emma mr. San AmOnM,US 305044..
41na rMha Fart.11L SC 3NOC620
Shmlka Ja mon Instead.US 2021
Jeremy OKte. Lemnnn,us z0z04620
Sake my sr iMtnrm.us NDOI
11M!�u Pgsd xpnnngytaa.Y. _ 36?°'°W'4.
kl oko. ray my,us xOM0620
cninodnercomm E.+nxw xoz6663o
Derek 9arkakw dry,City,US W2006M
Ma'Xay SlLwart allumMa.US M360630
along.salaaar Lomita.Us 2020-0430
Suzanne BnnrenWrg Al;nqW 3@026..
Mldmlle Tumer Aiken.X 30200630
OJlml htlt M;ml,US 3020-0S2I
Lesllefonah Lawrencedlle.US 20202630
may Banert Evans.W ID20U6M
Jessica gam; Mn woramino.US 211205630
i Efmbtth NarkyBookartl Ndm Augusla.X 2OAOL�,O
Brokk Ou/Mk ander Va/k US 20260620
seM Brantley Norch AugusnX 3010 0630
i+ylorgod-n Dery",US 2020LW20
Meagan Jonei North w,gwm,
ortM1Paigusn.SC 3020 0630
son wriee General us 203006201
in—liked— Hemlock.Ml 2@00620
Nenneo Gaw, Handled.Us 20360630
I Melissa Peyenga sain<dauL MN .@60630
Nzm/uaV SaameMo,US ID20M20
MEWNLISCIO CFadotte,NC 202046"
,MA» Leutl.tt Ball Wttn I.WNtt Bat
Meagan Cornot? ReMwd In 201 recall al VS 2021
..I'm.1. warnugmn US 202a-i ' Cnanene Farm AMantaw "'o' 30
alllStaRry Augu#;w 0300630 GabrkllaMami San Antonio.US =041WO
Sabrina Paige AuguN.w tool Abkyll Cunningnam Ano...U6 2021
An,eA Wngbt Schersme,M0 201 ShxM 6armaker Stony Brook US 20ID W2a
GqR BmIX Piremmt SC Nn.. IMewinal..I N-W-6*eWS I1g2BN�'N
Rob Hall MOMaomel 2@606. Iaurakl XMWr PaM1NII4 US 203POGID
Moment RabeRSOn Ball Ground,US 2@0U630 aaXIRi FNEen temVml U6 M300630
Lt.Payner Xeaill Xl 2020 Si Elkn Halla CrcIgMw4 MO thona o
Arlcka Moore GmMcum,w NIDM20 Ani Bonner Tacoma.US 20MOal
oaniNle Carden mai US N2 tm Nicole PoUWrr PayeOealle.NC M2.
Modken Furter Greemllle.US 202M. C.,Firm Clarkston.GA 420#N
Barbara Wood Adam,. N2006-N mltrellerteaens Coduraah.US 201
Suaybnce Aiken.SC 2020 6 0 Thelma Familia perm llq US NM0620
Carlo Pinto Weatherford US 3@04)6-20 Umllne Marcum lar"" IIq US 10thi
Vance,Wcharman laa
grtuale.US 302006th Iya Cnlg MauMiry US 20.0
pcl Bas Tune.US 420 6.20 Cindy Beryman Ransas City.MO tical
tyMJr Mal NwW Augusu.SC 2020-0620 li Atha Pope Fl Ceni US EWO06N
Tam.S. Hindi US 20200620 Adam McFall north Anginal SIC 31124062D
fIII.n Bradlry FayeP "l rNC E@OS6ID Mane-Hetrick Atlanta,GA 2020.0620
Irm reach Smtkhndge, A 2020-06-20 Sanh Bathe¢ NMh Augur. 2 ctmal
MpxRe Matllmn NMh AugustgS 202POH11 Ryan[Orders North Asill SC 20204620
N. LwWn mte Me" Laaalbn Date
NaO1p BOMers Seneo.S[ 202P0680 TlmoNy Thoma, Augl GA 20210620
Amh La creme South Qminu N2006N Melissa Pulnnl TanniI N20d620
PMlerce Brooks Midland T% 3@0U620 Camille Yoingm Gnyon Couni US 3030-06-20
Trac,OONers Aiken SC 202.0 Charles.. Nall Augum,SC 2WNO6.
Thai R'nera Aupuso,GA NN2620 SM1PIIey Shlnry Portland.US 202120
..M MGliduN NOMOuguwok. ...N Colonel Pratt Hopewell,VA 2020-06-20
Burdon Lee Bolling Sri In N3O0k. Rachel Han— NOM Au aaa.. .4064
Pobra Oaivs SNronNlk,US M30-06N1 .1.M[Miocuel Evan,GA 20Nd6N
Mlke Border, AIRer,Si N2O0. nlsh Fine AAAOTA GA N2aa6-20
Meg Buse, Corrers.GA 203aa60 mare arkar ea SINer Spmi US .20MN
Chanel Miranda Longls.nd O,US 2021 ammeenlunker Ourham.US timil
Bruce Xalstensgand Swami.SC ..Mn FgOWanc .AUWu,h St 20t1a06g1
fauna Marmunl Mehau Ourn Honolulu,US 20.06. mackenaie mblo Coachella.US .2DU631
E1ka.11, Ckanattr.SC 2020064 MOA,kar Palo,HIK US 20.U631
Maki Bolles Columbia.. 3020.20 Chis Emerlog AIkM SC 20NM21
Sophm ra ll Maamingtockh 201al Ales Rogado HanloN,US 2mrol
Ricky Oaths Gmvetcwn.w .M062o Neal Callander Mtleao.US Niki
Roo Vellum Kkslmmtt.Fit .3006th Ty.Itchen Phmma.US 20.0631
CNahryn Sane, Karl WA .20064 ...an Small Pompano Beach.US 20300621
SamSmith Alker,SC 2020.. AbkpllManor ElIa,O.TK ta0{621
MINCook Ramer So 2021 7 Brmr tamer 'NaMM154iI1fr...' ... ,.... •.•t.n91t1
nBell us 2020.. Chral.Halt Bhoukrt SC 2021
Name Looked- Da. NMM IMMIPII Dallas
nngepabe sa,jc,a US 2o2aC6a1 Metal Chandler channal.NC 2 2006 21
val ampor Monroe,US 2626 Ce 21 B/Mn kmom n1go, GreHuxry Us 20200621
beaker an.. Norm Pugusy'i 2N0.0S21 "Insfine Months San Mtanio.US 2020-0621
Masan Naincez vlaarkcmc.US 2D200621 Uffanl Song Sunni US 3@00621
Oysnonef aQ Magnolia,US3030L621 jamalS ith Washini SLS 202al-bi
lra Bngan Norm anal SC 2030-0621 porch as AugusaW 2021
Bevedee Nil Nunn lot.,sC 2020M31 lennl(A Got, Narki Naas,US Ea20-0S21
jamb uA lure Augusta,GP2020 Ofi81 H., .:In Evan;W 2@00621
AManns Cu4la WSlmpsanNII45C M200621 Mei Gibson North Ougusm,SC 203DIXN1
Mm Mm ganders.US 20300621 Nina Jannson Florida City Nonda,US 2020L6Q1
An,MerMl EvY6W 202.1 Hain Wrigm Suakin-,GA 202aW31
malknesmxart HollywOba,US NNU 21 Withal NOM Pu9urta,SC N2o-Obi
SheretTomer ..'her"US N200S21 Brett Parsons as kern.W 2020-0621
girth Incomes Auguna.DA Ma0631 Roche GnMng G., 20209621
heegan Phillips Miami US 2@0-0621 C/aae Yamer CN/10¢e,us 2020M21
con.jerne Motorola,US 20201 Ke4eajonea Wuglm lle,US Sill
Nil meuMer jxksonrilk US N204)621 %mk.AmMd GryeMNIIe,W 202 21
Nepal Gikon Dubin,US 201 jan OBeNk Bs,Shore.US 20XW621
hrnm Chrlitmaz 0¢0.Wt US 20209621 Country Moss Wake sorest NC 20200621
Tylems AUMIn,US 26200621 Iauryn Seltlon North Pugums,. 2020Cer un
SGr._. . .. ,. , ..,yM l me Dennis North Augulsx 20l
Us Oannemlan wryresboro,W 20260631 Ibben ssr— North gusts,SC 202acal
xaea LMbn Oara x.me LxeWn 0Me
as-Manning Poi OH 2axi0S21 LiaM Goss SCwsvOle,Us 20200621
Emma StlMhey Nex Mancomr,W N2D0621 Theo Coughbn Mingmn,US 20300621
MILLEgga Col AM TrenmR sC 2.00621 henna Bowman OIy,NC =04M21
Commoner Xormn Carbon 11,,US 2coc.1 Ella Rafal slening Real US 2020 1
IWlllryn Gaueay Indian Tran NC 2020M21 .—he avkri. ..m u.SC 20AO6Y
UnhMailing MembeM,NC 20N 21 entract er Enane.US 30360621
BnagellaeMntk Asgu#yW 2a1J0621 Ananahaguellne "Nathan,l% 202ao631
Done,S Ln Mtonio,US 2aM0621 Mnande Molees East BmnsHak US 20ID 0621
Wry Thad., .."us 20200621 Elomh Smith Nm Xai US M300621
Maya..Is— Litlkmn.US 20200621 Local Brwsseau Dallas,Us 20EOC631
Onanao drys terminal Us 28200621 ", ToN gasarsM HOM.YpuW SC 24]Uai041
Jan.Rembert MAMA Us 3o20.W21 Rachel Gsea Martem.1 20M 1
Sophia al OMon.TN EOM9621 Sonoma learl Cak Park,US ..I
Shelia Shaver Ah,SC 20M0621 VaIMe Orth Pannell VA 20M0621
k cards Osborne Al. 2g.F ' NNm ApWASC .. I
steel Kendall Park,US 20200631 Marilyn Gartia ONnau,US 20$0-0621
School Aran Stone MounUin,W ..I KaNMn Banner EnmSW 2astatal
CHre Manuel Us ..21 Manan Canpear New Orleans,us 201
-^ Anarea Lemus WMerMd US u(sha 1 Lynn Coral Del Bea.Shores.0. 2020-0621
hr/ Poll auanell Mac—,Wl 3Ogra 1 obacyner Wilkes Bang us 201
Yalryeh Mls Long Bea.,US 20260621 Fends Ml"— US 3020.0621
PMaNWeenm Manson,US 2@60621 Mrsh.kamber PIffi CIIy US 20200621
Neem Lead- Bale Mama LOu1br1 Mere
Sara,Combs final NC 20300633 psmine Dam Iftli US 30Bift'i
Caeca S,ernn Bri Arc—Vi 20300622 Oanld ParasolAs,Wm,US 3MOL6-22
Iaylee Secarm, Eugene,US 2020"0622 Kelt'Bwanim Haden,W 2020-0612
Maryhill Nati Augusu,SC 2020068 Arland Magical CIIM1brt US 2020-0522
Terev Wllfums NOM(wguW,SC 211240622 Baanlones shsq.Me,US 2M0-0S33
miss myu North Been,US 2034068 Xdly Clad Balladry US Attica 2
Sade M[M.. Spoicanq WA 20200622 aemAndarson NOM"baby SC 2020,06.22
Ciera Baan Basing Green,US .02 22 Are seldom C,ery Chase.MO 201
Iblelghlohnson Tyler.US 21 Aumn Buchsbaum Rodrville,Ui 20200&8
Oamha Pemben CdumGa 5C NMM33 Lyme Mba,ell hard, ugma
Au .SC 202046'22
Jose Morales common,US 3MD068 .,SheA Woo,bnbge.US .2..2
Hanna Sial WaIIIOgfmb US 2020,0622 Go,a Mude Adam",G4 2MmBl
KLyTi ..in.US 2026068 Xa',any Hamman.US 2021
SamarMa Main Merr111,US 2020-0622 Briw Nbertsbn Lessualle,US 20260522
moral BomM HBlyaaooE,US 2026058 T Harvgle NorN AuSuR;X 2M046y
NeMhea Wnaae, Bless,US 20260522 GISeIIe-1. Gmna,US 2020.22
grade maaR Sam Louis,US 30204522 William Aslaner NormAugual ='al
Mepharde Ventura San Franatro,US ..2 Tyler salters Baltimore,US 2002058
Samara Sacana AthnG,US Bol Mal Nesm Manasys.US 20266622
Nell Cook SMwnee US 2o2645II Tdalohnson u5 3@0028
ice Baum, Richmond,US MO-16-22 Usual ppbfsM GM HenPIr.US 3.0.22
Venae Albanla Cal US 202048622 MIHTMmu Faaebal US 20260622
Nam LWMOn Diane MSM rb
Lecan Be.
,.—.am MillerNDN August;SC 2026468 Anla Nelem Waterford,US 0220,0&8
me Kerchaenwecu Hanhoa,Cr 201 fm Staff o Lake Gael,US 2.0.8
Morgan Scraham Non,Audi SC oBi l.sue 6mda NMh Augmal SC .aft.
Kira King Santa Crw,Us 2020-0622 Terri BMke Martlnear GA ZM40622
Celine Bolla Lockport US 2.a 0632 Molly Swift "Unitd.W 2036458
.no-... N."U.,SC 2026068 Bobert WllaOc YRorclly,US M.2
Emlllana mare, res,US 20204622 Jawblohnwn Travelers Best SC 2620.8
Anyte Bonner Kelso,US E02045II Krkrina Wemr Bub".", 2E..
Sol.acmnen Saaramenro.US 3020-0622 CutisMeehar Pounaaln inn.SC Sch.2
AshlryBeshnM Abu9uecorl US ... AWaea�6Y. � ayMa6ay�,SB ...:'AymEty
..,an Newman Augusta,CA Z@605R ,jgyf11gQ4Yb. .. . r. 1MMY/aaKM+64. v.:, ..a.... dgg44A73
Bac,el B" .,us 2.6068 Bub lsw BaaFaburg,VA 2.04D8
Nanry Move NUUr Arguers.BC 32026068 KC School UB 20.0
Mail Yamng Marvel US 2020.33 Potlslle HHA—m Morro SC 20204622
Fmily Aa ves "more.GA 2020 N N beck" b '.MMLrMI. I LMBgF'Wu
bill Sanane Stmen bane.VS 2a2oa1. Madan hamen Cm Ory,US 2020468
Belandalones Ni Augusts.. 2... Camara Cowrrublas Barbar,US 20260523
Keain Bob— Pompano Beach,VS 3004622 Nal Tasnin 6ueeMNllagE US 2.0.8
caraymn Forbes Ba,,m.m US 2020L622 MNMyOaran MlWdelphla,US 3.0.8
Chloe GNWps NoMwguateSC ID204612 Abijandro cars 4aamlllq US 3.60622
..lee NMh Au,.SC 3.0028 Johanna Keele Ami GA 3.0458
Fall Handle, Evans.. 2020 H'22 krlsrygesommr heleeaksburg.US ..B
Nnle Ea[Nvn Otte Name Leullels DaY
Cal uex F[Issq US 202D0622 Maniqueldlmon 3pa[syl0nia,US 2020-0fiR3
Men Pace sulwn nty,u z03045Z2 wsarra Ane. sMron Hill,Us zoxoas2.3
f lesskaweee CampeelL US 2020-0622 Cnlmeeo Biles Auama,W z0A0Sz3
Leslie Read Miami,FL 20NC622 CMlstlre G—Mm Oak all US 211240623
Migl AEratluObo Me Lean.US 2910.2022 Nirlannfones mes"nlesEur,US 20200623
Vlw Corradno "UAdW 20zP0622 ManRyCmpa Mna"i FL .20.11
Nal I— laOuss l4 US ..g Summer.,,a Jessup,US 2020l
tlonna lwllli AIbM1 SC 202.3 NMM1e Walton NON,August,SC 2(l
laseeslmmms CdumGi,US 20204633 Monit Xanoum Cl CA 20204623
LeanneGmLrlc NMr—o63L 20M)Sll Lily Palatine,US 4200623
Wesley Turner Hepnxitialu GA 30NL n MatltlOAMtlty a....US 2020-0533
.11S.0arl Saint Lou4 US 20200623 Selma Aguila Luh Wassail US 2020-0523
Susan GlMon AulGA 2026-0623 .1.111te teal Smyl US 311200623
AO)son Spence,ill Florence.US 2020. lanae Bal MtRW 20200523
Usual yNal Heliport News,US 20200523 Nasty Murray Fal,.,. Mo..
Catlnne Francs Chicago,11 Mz60623 N,.Conal. XinlldMs.US 20IDL6z3
Earn CraMON MY ,CA 202066z3 I.,.sp.Iarl mlulon vall U3 M2P06z3
XIIsi Walb, Alvin.SE 20M-0633 Amella Kim LMAC iUS Mz606z3
XaE PaslieeE All US 2020-0623 "CaZontler AV9usfd,CA 30200633
Margen Nguyen An.Al us ... CM1aNSWalnxilght Na/Ymk us HVOl
Lnesmltn alial US 20200623 NU1aArentla Omalu,. 2...23
NmGeMHry8artan Evans,GA 20200623 Vwlmt Hjallo &nsyn.Us 20 L 23
Xaln LmMn OW MMs, Lesdpil.... Om
ConstMefonman Augusta,CA 2@00623 Huller NOrtb (nWlle,SC 20204623
Aima StaCNix.. ....lsWntl.IS 20200623 VON.GWM Bnul us 2020-0623
Ma O[naw.US M30A623 IoshN BlMm Pak Hill," 20l
Pepon Gore Hing,US 20204623 Wannl Sonill NM Pont RINry,US 20.6 gl
Nickolas Emery MarkVA US 20..33 Dankla Barriga 6aMen.—,US 202606-23
Colin Fuller L.Rock AN 20200523 Yepliank Glasson Nounn ALguuaX 2o.L633
Xmlt Must ..Augusta.SC 2N60623 N..Gamer Lakela,ke Ui 2D2D-0633
Saman[M1a Pellegtlno W-tfurc,US 2020L623 Rath C9'Iman bal Augusta.SC 20304633
MereGhn Ons Evans,GA 2020-0623 Sam G,atl Aug"'Ar GA 2..yl
Ma"As Its-,Us 20sa04623 CaleLlanes Bdinor¢k Us 20200633
Anmonylames Aiken,SC ... .'fury Oumay Nlington,US .200623
Inter Ounce Linminlon.W ..0623 HoGrtSaRafiNtl Annual US .300623
NMylonn Evans,GA .260623 Olivia._ PNbtlelpMa Us 2020.23
Eva NW Mlanl;US 2020.23 Ml Vogel Xminde.Vs 20.3
Samantha Sal Augusta CA 2020.23 Colleen IM- Fnr411 20200623
Emily Reiager Lynn,US .2006-23 Alysonfon. Yubry ON 20.4623
jivin hall rwM.ugum,SC 2@00633 Astgall GIwOn Fort MKISC .0l
wMtn,,levelanE Brusalm NY M2D0623 IanetWI1H— AUGUllCA .20.23
al Niekols Southampton,NY 20204623 KaW Noel US ...33
.�— V-sthy All Akan,SC 2020.23 An Ill Nowell,Us 2..L6z3
Sean meM1m & .NYL,NV 20..33 to iairal liar Hayward.US .2D06z3
Ann RAMNAn Pace,FL 20..23 I Gaulle Pall-, YYNA US 20200623
row kPFkWn Uan Nwlie bullwl Mp
EWAH CSJrEP Hal LP 20200623SRpM1ino Bale, "'U"bry,US
Xa 20XW633
tM1Mne VIkMs CarMtel,US 0@.0423 slava aNva]o as lI'll us MEOC623
Frank.B.' CaNsbatl,Us 20304623 Shpllm She,. SeuMpvL US 1020{45'13
` ar"on"N'en maul Plusan[us 2020,0633 6araMYiGei..•rc.:..:.r: .MlLYyrsC., a,a�mraavalipiY(♦3)
Naleemfmtlan PMMhIpM1ia.US .2006ll eivid.odone re,Blttryne.US 20200623
Iayme Lip*c Cel Vark,US 20zP0623 gnMu gmzaka Hartzm,US ...S
Mad..n a.Rd- . Hllsburiol US 202046]3 .1da aEuane leMerea4 us 2020.0623
sal Rod. LevingLal us 20200623 ft."kil ll ...US M2006'M
boaeIh HeMck R.ra NYMmr Locks.US 20200623 Emma laniing Tulare.US 2020[620
Luis Meeay Fort WCM,US 20201623 Parb Wemer Mount Pral It 2....
L.Herrera Nedeol US 20202023 Oil Magall gIMWI6.US 20zS06N
Undren Femanaz Con enr6 US 2020 . to lake Onnamandal Us 202P0634
Rul Taker Llme Our.US 20200623 Rnm sane, Erul 20200620
all levien Portland,US 20204623 stepnen Pitin- Augusta.GA 20202020
Anal Graber Flood.US 20204623 I—Deal ROMad Os 20200624
Vakrla Antolmez Ins Mgeks.US ...S Samamna SyNeeNr Brooklyn,Vs 202N621
HenryS...dS ae,.Us 20202023 IWP✓ry NOOA♦rv1y�YSLq-�.":..v nr..<nzu dY3Pgfa{a.
YRone Guerrero PnMtlelpnu.US 20200623 alliewnMmore MCWnI[Wurg.US MzoM"
TonylnezMa San foie US 2...S Raquel Diaz Grant,US 2020-0620
Amy Groox Naddia C Z02QUOVIII rasp Columba,US 2➢z006z0
Dal Rlvae AUmra.US 202046.23 Mlnnal2m1laz It US 20200620
Veronim Gilliland Albuquerque,us ..4623 Lina AW" Nexark US M.4
Nyne yayal pay Name LttaUon Oap
COO COpe Loa#Gro¢,US 2020462/ Manna..dd.nS ..H.S.lF 2020 US
CnnAnaMmk Sneadvile.US 20a.4624 U.line..' Wra zSzdl US 2@04620
Giarra Yknna VaIIq S<r., .204634 Madelyn Mclaln SfMeNIk.US 20200624
Taemy Vallln Moreno Bally,US 20.-M.N Avxy Laaby GlaAmbury,US .zOd620
thrill Our Weral US .HOCM MavN Garand.US 20200620
H patter Columb..US M20-0624 Lack Apd Loulvilk.US 20.46 4
Raul Sall In Monn,US oAde.M Aud,US 201.4
IOMan suneen—ki ampa,US 2020.0620 IryWe— Green Bay,Us 20204620
Micheyle Clark Clettknd US ..4634 i Lucinda Retai ky Chad.,SC ..der.
dedanrybannon Pad Ridge.US M.M24 suzanne Reek -1'—,It 20200621
...I Brisbw,US 202006U Oce Sew US 20200620
Patrick 6 S<rynania O'Neal .alias.US M2Dd6z/ Snelbin MaMzw Cnkago.US 20300620
MI.SINemmn Wesdnln.M,US 2@04620 Tenn Order WMM1ingmn,US 2 .#z0
Anlnany WraoOs Hemel,US 2024 4 Sara Elson FalrtaS VA .20.0620
Sa2alsnmeLMunammed Eau Orange,Us M2046d4 Ballet'Narded Grant US .2006.
larva alesao San Die,US 2S.der. Lar,lifardan lang9on.US 20200624
Rob Hanle, NaM AuguSO.SC .200624 Moia Vfl andson RMrsItle.US 20200624
baelyn Blsbap New Bmnawlak Us 0."01. fulls Candeno ..or,US 203d4zi
JeNpnslry Lae Vegas.US 2W00620 Samuel Mend, WnMeck US 202.,0620
.1,naztl norNwpu54X .2.. Cneryt kil lrt Montgomery,US 20.46.
Malaysia P. Odeon,US 2020.0bz4 MMn SeNaWlnir N—Hnle Park US 2020464
R Bregmas Noume,US 20204624 lonalnan Sad W15 Long Be Mn.Us .04(al
Nxm Leutlen Dab NUM Y[aWR Dttw
Melani'.n. NIaMa,US 3020-0 Lynne Nguyen Ids Vega;US 2020-0 4
Fallh lino Pecan,Mal,US ..4ss 34 Chad,,Michael San Maass.u5 EO...
I...Cmc Bake,nNo.US 2020.0620 "I'mn Russell Iflusboro,OR ID20.062a
Saluaollsi!MOaR .1kN1aMgU1LSL 4ACHKim N Rile Rguaya Minglon,US 2030-0624
Slluices HMning WIIi6,u5 20200624 Emily Thrash Boeemen.M3 202..
Deana Conaway SaMON.US 20202 4 Mata Maelas as Vega,US 20200624
R nouson.Us N0 . Enna Gartla PnlhdeloMd US 21H 24
.HNRnas SaanorE.US 20 0 24 SeolLfNes Hncucoek US 20ID 24
Dead,M veno Houston.US 202.. Idne GMEings Minimills,EI moo m
Tenoa Saerennn Los.1.1 US 2030L 24 GIIum Hamman GlMmtlw.s,UK 30M0624
Julie Mond We Pollees,US ID30M31 p+mM1 Egon CMVMIIe.US .1 15-24
Adan Why Palm Desert. .20 624 shaaena Ounn LawrencMlk.US Vs.
qOe Cpnlart Galnerville.us 303006. Na 00den Ohamon.US 2@O M
Alyanna Kennedy Jasper,US 30300624 Teds Wilkinson MrmMw,US 2020-06M
Worse Beanie San Francism.0 202.. RaphaN GaIMan US 202b 24
na[aly Calderon San Oleg..US 2020A624 Lisa Dywn Burbank,Dk ...24
DeSUAWW SPUR.WDaLdX 20300634 Melanie Wpea Pomona.u5 30300624
Naldan Frye Henderson,NV .E `Xbu Ggory SMrmb Sam.Mmiea,U M.
Kahn Panmeechao Cambridge,MP 2@006. 01...his hat. ld US MRSeM
Haleyann Had San Hands., Mo. Kaonp US 2030..
Fl..m.On, Los Mgek;US 2010 624 "Vemm Topeke,US 302006.
Kee,Dobbs Slryxr Sprin,,US Q2 24 IdurmV Woodland Hda,,US M20A624
xMN t«.eM Dw Neem, M.+IaR Dw
VlelorJlm.en oc...1I,US 30..25 Ain Ok us 20N4062s
R,R US .34DS25 Hannah16 Rancho Consul US 202006.
AynslryPanerson V.U.,US 2030.35 Wordy Eluanamo Cooper Sherman Oaks,G M.0625
TB I.—,US 30300625 ASM1Iry Wpean MWMRwn us 2020L 25
NnniFer Emmlus Kala.,, R .300635 Jenna Valkaz Jamul,us 2020 25
Sara T. Benelry,U 2030.35 Rami pmnman Honclul4 U5 2020.25
ONavahlinaluma SanBeranrdlnO,U ..0625 Alyssa Commu Houcal US 20.0625
M.nib no AmhNm,U ..S mind Pisan Miami Beach,US .300625
JMR .MI, Elknwa.d US 20200525 .,.line. Mdlnney,US ..0635
Ceksae Sml[h ArInglon Heighq US .300625 Wocchappin Reasons Rod,US .20.25
Reasons Hamman: '-mon Springs.us ME006E5 ...me Robinson US .2.1
.'URM Nonuser Boron Rouge,US 202., Michelle Peden. CertM,U .30.25
Mi metals, Fainc,US 20380635 Hannah Llearan MITI Milan US 20.06.
Erin Gea, Momreal,Canada ...35 aholrydum.re Ins Vega,US M.0635
Hana DR. RLIan0.U5 20M0625 Klara Ruffin Smnde,US 20 -0.S
Nora GY/eR ApplM.n,US 2@00635 Talya Wouke Pueblo,US ID200625
SaigeS Eresro.US 20200625 DanlelK.IPker T.m,US 3020063:
K"m CmdingIW u5 2@OffiQS Mn pnchebe Moment Pan,US 20..25
John Wllsw Kingmee,US 2@O WdS Chnssopher Higgins NewyIXIGW 2000635
eiuP.hquson Jd14 u5 M20.mi KrhIDnaEh &Wi,I H.,K, ..S
Ivan TOIIMe Des—Hoa Spins,. 2@P0635 Karagin Rude OmYa,US .300635
Emllyarane Hlghodessn.US .300635 Ieo HFny Oceam.US 202D0625
Nave L.itlell Dale Mine Lesas- DM
ONN—Anyamvu Monsey,Us zom#ss Okh",green. Ora""us 3IIZ0-0Szs
Lonaon LHnoi soumMrmn US Zo . Cassano.dlovme Lcming.u5 xozO06zs
N.MCGnm .....US ...a Wale Cheung .'US 20204625
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le Lovett. CMdreII.Us 3030L6xs NkM1 redr, CnnmBeath,US d Be20...
Pressing Malins"",US 20MO Imo Sensonny U..l..US ..ES
Nam,Manure. HJ US M30V6z5 pI WeM Mqusaw,W303D06x5
Natalia Thomas MIEEIeloxn.US z02046xs Marianne Bcon New Basal US .30-0625
Andreer." Dlburn,US 302..S Brlanna Unsnarl Pard Cm4 U5 =2 25
Lanefones Bmheater,US NIDM35 Arena Boyer Oak Park Us 30.OM
Greg Gorl Augusta, xO.. MCMew'.j.ho
Garner.US xON10635
Sara MelWM1 .1w,US .z 25 ylEhl.Maninei .,hwm Us z11hs0625
AP Alexander CBE,US 202.6625 Prtlanm Brono. Pon Charlotte,US M3606M
EPMn Chun' Wroon Hills,US 2020L 25 Ma0lson Bun Enid US 3@Olb]5
Chr4Msurld Anaheim US 2020-025 Nano Naes Austin Us 206 5
Maly. Atlanta.US 2OX-%-25 mare""anti "U'U'r,Us 211.06x5
Garen Despain Pineal US x0360625 mkah monkh. Us 2N60635
CUTeisha Penn, Shrevepo"Us .360625 enish NNCrtr Nneouuer,US M`Hof-5
Maus Urd.1 Bear,US .20-0635 Arnor Manu MMMetcwn Us 2.W25
Ass-PutlnN Hemtlon,US 2..S MnaIry MSMry Naw Chian,US 20M 2s
sreanne hrter ampbn,US ...2S MaC haT 'ohnno'salem,US MM063s
Payton Blngsam Blaby US MM-0585 Nlkolaos6- Sel air,US .6-25
Taylor Hentlreson CMogo,US 20.0625 Mna Hants Menial US =H06-25
Name Lwtlen Jr. N. LOaMen YaN
Joe Smith sound HII1,U5 .260625 BakheIM B.US x@06635
In...— sante Bora.US M06625 lantim Teague Durain,US ZH"`-
..rleMJ Elmhurst US 30300615 Eliah MllMr Menta.U5 20"..
wenn ashook Nasser"..vaNe.0 20x0Cfi-xS lanorm Beed Wawrgton,lis ..-0 25
MMenreYnant Antioe4 US 20zA06-25 Mark Edward Orlando,US MM0625
N andOn Mawatta-Smi r Al,M.,US M3O06]5 Shelter.'.an 9daJuranC Us 20360635
Nrs.Xulhert alisand US .30-0635 Ayaam Nhkr h Coh.M11e.U5 x03D6635
kaylsevaughan San Amonlc.US .360625 0.1.WMa as Cma;US .20L625
Ingasaps. Mourn Vermn,US 20MCb2s Martell..,.in CMago,US .02 25
Goa GaI.Mis LanIq US 0..5 Joan Rome. Lynn,US 2020.25
NansmaTarrai Orion,US MM.25 Audoan Pem. Nen Bdaln.US 3020.35
Magha Nair P...US M2 ZS N9alk Tal BelMrve,us M..a
CMME Mo.. Mlnnapoll;US Mz00621 Gr.c.Campabssc Prwplr,Us ID..a
$amen.Bemlglo Haversnaw,US 3.60625 Avian Ma San.-a..US MM.xS
Nabroo,flmenez sal U5 20206625 maker Mate Searle,US 2D20062.5
Ta Marsh sons Walk,Us .20.25 Afsky Masan-Banks Philadelphia,US 3020-0625
Lydia Palmer East Hampton.US . .. Morns Buford PayelanYlle.US .2 2s
Elaine Laron BkoNsonT MM0625 CM91 Palla'so N.Oreani US M2tL0625
,,ee-L HHensler, Nantucket US 20M.2s Gr
Randall r0ln Boo laton.Us .306635
( annl.p Boum Dmstavm,Us 202066.2s Rorke MaJn PONand,Us Mo.
Jarenfar erttkrvlue us .x6.25 Merin Lar rnla"Us 20...
T , CwdNe.US .M-0S35 Arty Marler Mlm"POUK US 20M..
Nwn IaMbn U. N. Legal ad
..,age Morenci Tnmeall,US 302oL62s Alice kobi Hamilton,Us 3030Cb16
Lzaanuzwamuncial Uma gz
Spnn .US x02G:6S C.,UNaa St george.US 2=.26
XdIryGreNing Betealto,Ui z030063S Grose Said- Las Vegax US ]0.0626
Emma com, CM1ry'enne.Ui 30N-0S25 Xaussa tliNlO PM1IUMIp1Ya.V5 30.0636
Ani ai Plblmi US 20200525 Dennis Comlon GaineSnllq FL 20200636
to.Hams NmLM1bOok US ...S ....—And. Grand Ali US ..26
Brenda Ballinger u5 2020#zS (gratF Ca6llan,US 2021
Rkaia AmM1ei Tuoan.US 20202635 Cilnk WAM1eRfiePJ,US 2020-0526
Siena leen t ptm,us .0 Oii Eafl HopdN Inallanapols,US N?O-p.6
Marissa Muare CndmwU,US .200626 t65 orMen Pa.Powdeneg US M2.d
Grace Nuhz Mi,US 2@0011 Elle Perot Rwn Lake.US 2020.6
J.Smine... NOMsloan.US 20202636 laiden Brli Di US ..126
MOUe Hi M n,US 2fici CeISb Brun OeMet US 10N 21
kamerine dcugM1eM1y Manaus.US 20260626 Xyller Pao NevmwC US Mr.
Megan Gomez "Prover US 20200636 MCM1rA Kama Manoke.US 201
Vaquelyn Carl Mw,US 20204626 Nary.Jordan GrvMown,US 2(cri
lana Perez ell US 20202626 Lamle Nolan Parkland,US ID2cL0626
Eilie Cupp Rock Wand US 2020.26 amani Ogunaeko Chicago Us 20300626
Marla Guzman courrnou,US NIMO526 Pman Culls BrazilUS M302626
Seemptum, Casper.US 303u... Ryt,.h cari US 2020.36
Yate WTipe Plattrro le.US 3036066 Rapn Dean Araeelm,US 66.0626
UIIan Xam Hazel Park,US 20200626 kalme wu nam&,mi US 660626
MdLm leutlm Dap Nm EN.
Heidi mi Agazza,US 20204626 EI UadNM1 Be[Mel Eugene,US 620.6
Drex&iker Rogers,US 2020 626 gon per. BNIOowe.US 2020-0626
aI SaMIN Tuekalwa US Jazal fin'i Hernandez ..land,US 66066
NISim,Evens Phil US ..W26 Sa,Bblse Pon Laudttdak.US 6360626
Marinol POdd,.. Seem,US 20200626 Mogan Mci cam Comer,US 2020.26
all Began .Sundry u5 6360626 Somme HatcM1er Humeri US 660636
..no PepinO Glen Bumle,US 20360636 li on carries Clty,US 630066
Nryla Lopez Haling,US 2060626 Mrknre Dunn HwStan.US 2(cei
oelle Ulum romade,US 66JK26 L¢zle 0und, Grand pi US 20N0626
ICi Wg Gladvry04 US 2020066 Anti Sappe Camp Hill,US 206-0626
ReMkaM1 1M1ezky Grace Clry,US 636066 Ezperanv Vaequ¢ Houston,US 6360636
Gwen CSM PONand,US 620-056 Sky Nay Portland US .20.26
Wan Nevrtan limmingRn.US 3M60636 Ansi Golgi Tmlarkana.US 3N0.26
alnseloomal. oPonomwroC US 2.00626 Claire WaeeMer FweSt Park.US 620.26
Pram.Le Page MB.9enU.US 2020.26 Nmn Sm1h Haiti US 620.2fi
Illlyflaad NaSFMIIe.US 3.00626 Home GaeCay Bacardi US 3.0.0636
LOgangll[o Omani at,US zo 0 26 ASMon Taybr Cladsuille,US 620.0626
Asell kelt C rl..US 2.60626 Units cg15 mlanMeS,US 201
"I.oonell Mount Clement,US 2060626 NOMra Hanger Perryton,US 630066
Pepe Big pleat Pepe Springfield US 6200626 620 cmd. Coupollle.US 2.0.6
rola in Gotten,US 206.36 TMN Maduelo! V",—US 6.066
Leo But6ucker Ozark.US zoti mottle rMrlguee Menike.US 6100626
Nkme LxaWn OaM NMM �w OM
Klee DerMd Mercer Eland US 203006$6 IaNasalouwe NdgeRcvvn,US M20d626
Quimmnan 9oNers Hill dry,Us E@09636 ASMry QIaz Applevalie,US 30IDL636
,a Ui Canon Las Vegu.US 30300636 Ruby Mrt
Xerreez Po ..US 211N106E6
Biimi Aguilar Xwa[an.US FOSE NaLMrine G,m—SVdided Parwrima Cky.us 20360636
jack Ggle Tamp,US 20300626 Gwendolyn Sumpter YUNfieN.US 3NOOfi3fi
Like Xguyen Ql Creek.us M M.E Rai Geneaka Burden,US 2020dS1fi
.be,. on BbomingLOn,US 20204636 Lauren SpMer GalnervlllC FL 202o.
'Whe calm Indonapoli;us 2020063fi olk gurt Honryny,US 2030-0626
Bruh Bruh Phi US NX-05-26 HI Bob kens.US X300626
ad,Seo m tick rotl US 30N40626 lm bald US 20360626
EIIy XBmat Edwardrvllle.US ID260636 LOW el, Huth US 202.6
Conde Hall San Ardania.US 2@0-0626 Frati Rl,deoper Wrlortanlle,US 2020 26
rose mo Delray Beach,US 2020-0626 gained hall New Ind,US 3030L636
Alejandra Ill Fori US 2020L 6 Enka M01 do AXlrgoi US 3020-0626
Eva Nam... La—dialUS 2021 lot Mama ChalfmL US 202011.6
aalyah raNON Rrck Hill,US 20200536 Xekn Ivory Holders-,US 2020062fi
Modon Xh Hamden,US 20200626 Mla.—Ua Long Beatl4 US 2026063fi
Amanda Mi Port Saint Lame,US 30300626 Prynn Mllry jakrsal ury,US 2020#26
Michel Kos Miami,US 20200626 Laura We L,,adli,us 30h00626
laryodell SeaU1e.US 30205636 K0 CNkgeallle,US 2020 6
Ledinl palal Beaaehoq US En.a6 Mg BIEak Need IDmwanM.US 20200636
Fall Nate Us 20200626 FIIIe Parkes NY,US 20200626
N. LeaWn OW NMIe lwMbn OkM
Eine Xodnguei ja[kson,US 20.. Patllel Almarai Ondift US 203606E6
Zoe Webh Aui US 20360636 NaGN Perez Lancaster,US N205626
Natalie Nnler Baton Rouge.lA 20200626 Simi NIMICh Iodlanapnke,,US 36360636
La—.Nan, NryIMa Bash,US 2021 Noah Foi Damnoudl us 20205636
M.I.Cuellar WasnllgLon.US 20205626 joie Long and,US 20205526
hada 1. Sei US ...26 lea XnCBMky Chicago,US 20 O 6
saran dud— IndLrgh,US 2020X26 Mchiel Began Senna Falls,US 20200626
neranlmTemaN Leeahurg.US 203dHei AMa Llgtl YmM,US M200636
molly peck WUMngton.US 3M60636 bInub Sheikh IMrmwe,US Mn.
Emily Wayne Zacha,US 3@00626 Mance demi Nm aiveq US 20202026
Al6mn Cresson Ayusb.6A 2020L 26 aahena Rivas LN[nMd Park US 20..2l
Campbell Layman CnederOeld.US 20200620 Xdah Angeles TuaRk US ...6
Ria Seagle Bethlehem,US 203D0626 MIIIam Nguym Sanjose.US 20Q.6
indent Dans B..kW US 2... Xud.dI MWIon,US MM5636
Zoe...of Muskrym.US 30205626 Manana Tnao Miami US 2020-0626
BMIamall fay211MIIS US Nhe.16 Lime,Fd— Sala Lake Clty.US 20 6 26
shat,ord. Austen.US 2020 . NaNa6e Guzman HIM PMersburg.US 20200626
Naraalum-do SprllgNeld.US 20200626 Za oelkers N...ugn,US ..6-26
Odmore Damon ill US =00636 IMunell Omaha.US 202056.
Y -011.Remy 11—ki US 2026063fi KeMdW eirWnd.US ME00636
Raked.Ysmp Monticello,US 201 IaUSm O'Bdm Cape May.US 20205436
Chile al Binghomran us Ellaaberh MUro NerlMod,US MM0626
Mama Lauwn oro Mwna Eeaawn out
A",., AsM1burnM1am,US N.. ye.A my More, IdSVega;US
xCastro ZOEOU626
CBU NMngmn.VS 303P0646 tiresome Lrart 1-mr.,US 2NB{62fi
Yolanda Cao,maser LOS
US 2020U626 Calle Springer NswburgM1,US ..-0636
Eva WPliams Sonoma.US 20200626 6Wkeen.Poral same".US 2 .unr36
jessl.0 ONntl4 US3@OG63fi Moral CURT Wen'all"Cm,,US tUNUH26
Emay PubU San Mmmo,US ..26 Hansmakrness Wrtemo,US ..6-26
somas alRtlwak evesMmG,US W2D 6 Ilam HoaN UI(ago,us NSaM646
Many.amaed RmM1eim.US 30300626 Mal,"KTRler Las Vegm,US 30300626
Mica Winn. Bmokram.US 20200626 Veromie Martin Akron,US 2020.-M
.11.E Hollywood,US 20200626 MlmbeRj Bruder Mr.Sendemem,]% 20200626
smily M1osser as Vega,US 3011.16 -0.WlMM1am Columbus.US .20-0626
.tryGsant.l. Pittsburgh,US .... yoloyes Tampa.US 20300526
E,w Gin PaIO Prior US a.200 26 Dahlia Rubens Jamaica Plem.US .2006.
M PeppnsHamlhon US 2tStol Nasom Stuart rale US Mo.
sell Coury HlgglnMlk.US 2@00626 BRnl.SObdnM10 Ell US 20200626
Oorald Tump Mal US 212006M Jal Croons os Harlingen.US 20..26
vuemel gul Flushry US 20211 5 6 N(urh sh" Augusu GA 30.0626
famine Summer .kat"..US 2020063fi kaNryT pM1MpS ClammOns,US 211.636
Alex Ellb .Metro.US ...26 DIIWM1Rker EImOd US 2@P062fi
Le Raddguea Dallas,US 20200626 valeMlna bpea Asbbum,US 2020L 26
Jo Garcia Englavmd,US .200626 Mary Face MUmen Fasserloon HIIU,VS 2000 m
Tay10rVMhR Tyler,US 2020-0626 M,M1XI YEIehy Sam&rn oms,US 2(oml
Mama Unontan Bata Nama Lmmlen Oap
Hi us,Yue Minnelpole,u5 30.W86 mr,.man Orlando.US 2@ 7
Ashieral Helsel US 30300626 Hannah Meninx lnAMget.,US 20.063]
Mary Pablo salt lake Cm,us 2...6 abby mouel Bowl us 2020#2]
laaquidia Agullar Los ArgMe;US 20210 26 Grace Huber Amismanwn.us 2020MP
Oaisba Me— orhnd,VS 20.S 26 Tae Emenlyue Fon Co111ns,US 20.0627
Union.Obalival sam,0 ...26 Blaine Monroe BUttonnlle,US 30.0621
Nirejal Jarhom01e.U5 .20 . ...all.urs. Mo it US 21800627
Bnana le Lancatuar US 20.0626 Tess Hart oma.,US .200627
PB r—'re<,,US ..0626 s(oLl Miner BurbMkG
manual gonURa [Irenpo2 us ..06 6 Marla R. Naw York US $0$OM3]
jOMa1M POSAOO er,lnla Bea(6.US 2.00626 Lagan Miller .ell US 202.2]
Andrew Wheal Por and.US 20200626 .,.,oHnson Hum .US 20200527
Anila Cooke NasM1ua.Us2@0063] IIIIy Moro Burbank US
Miss Hemanaea Mehr.US .20062] mlhn Gumala Smyrna.US .200622
anberaamebXm Win,us 202oo627 HoIIyALspaw Maraball,U6 2021)0627
Jenm.Peres, Yaelamr d.US .20062] CafsaNn sol Bumsd.us 20200627
Mi.Its. Chablis 1.11,US 2M..7 eelMGraerey Mart"US .0.
Michael Bautista Amm.us 20.062] dans ,Is b+MnkCA 2020.2]
Leslie PJ... ...US ..0632 �I Wrle assume Npwalk US ..06P
.,. Savona Gambeski Mliona lls.US ..0627 Joel Settadanarl Bmn,US ..0622
means aginst- Sanfxlnts.US ..a, H(klyn Puents Dallas,US ..0627
WIISan Ell Oakes San Annul US .2ml MSMry Tones MIeWm US 20.0627
BNM LWAlbll an Nome Larval Doti
uelanera Delgado Austin.US 20200621 ' Amnan,Herm north Aug-ra, 30200687
Emani Pro, spring,us ...a, Ymmdylames Coleraine,OS .1 11
Hannan Greaves good,US 20.0621 Nrlssel Lmle Wolf BIin,US 3020U627
Joseph Mala Bbs Ter la.Us 302.7 Hama M11. Colgae,US POWI06.27
Sarffi.- Los AngNes,US 2..0 27 Omm g.ham Jahuq Us ..0 7
se.-kaJlmmerson Mamnsou,US 2020.0627 name hair CinelnnaL US 20200621
Ill g Mona.Us 2020 27 Drymlenne Deem Camaded,Us 3020 -7
Solana Bay us NR606$7 Gall Berm. Boyarl NJ 20200627
SenOm Gmryapaulos CW`mdol us 2026062) Natalle Perm Brand..US .0.2,
Mariana Lopes Vol CMmgo,US 20200621 Megan Memo a.m...US 2020.27
Annika Grimm O'kh"US 2020.21 TB ClYmonC US 20.0627
Gral 1a0ghcaml US 20.0627 ChaOene Ramon San Otago,Us M.,
WIXAmenme Forked giver,US M.7 Hoku Janeasaer Xapaau.US M211.27
Bata pal BelnlMem,US 2020111 Trylwmessager OMahoma Cry,US 20211.27
Mali,Dorso, CBlumhuy us 2020U627 Annie PorteMNd Vlaklder ka.US 20200621
kil Us 201 SamC Birmingham.US 20.0621
Hyena Hanheck San Eranauo.US 2020627 David La AtwoM,us M2o V
Elio Hal lo, walM wane.us 2020627 Roper Healy sanJOsq US 2200627
Renee Sol Prca.US 2020-0631 RlLe Darden Gil Ui 2020637
Kenna Reed Edmond,US 2020.21 Chane RaMmmn Seal US 20.0621
hire. adarm,us Zo.17 Hellen Bonilla Nail US 20200627
Samantha Flora cal US M200S27 MatlNelne Felson NenH men,lis MO27
Nva lmrbn DW Neaa. MUWn Oap
Vanesp Orr Sho ing Heights,US 2010..81 Naalle.46n EI Pas,US .2606x1
Mika Gnnnems Dedham,US 2.0627 SrelN German. Old Lyme,US .1.7
onear lting Brooklya4 US 20200627 Darlene RandaNn Oalm,US .20.27
Lmma al Ombisge,US 2020-0621 Ell games NMMIIe,US 2@0.27
Pel Sapp Weaerville.Us 2W .27 A0,01ahle Houston,US 2.0621
O,jee PhImium Hauseon,US 2020.21 amnsirly Marline Grand%a1M,US 20..27
Mmyn HeMerwn Baklgh.US ap 0 21 Gary Willlams Duluth,Us 20 6 7
Adam, US 20.-0621 Amle Pers mr,,US .20627
me-Sodandi, Peril US .20067 shenlah eunninynm gvanam,US .2U627
Elena CMledge Chicago.US 2020.21 kwoma Munacn yeal US 2111
Samenihe An..... mpmr US 2020.21 man martme pars,us 2@O.P
George Elewer Sedum.Us ...27 irel"'oyen Wiener park Us 220627
Ullem Leder Palm Beaeh Garners.US sr.7 Eilyyader WhXMoux.US .2.7
MhIryWNeI Oak Park,Us MML62, kea+a Vemura HoustpL Us 20M.D
Cal Phipps Uhr,Lake,US 20200621 (Ale Briggs China spring,US 20200627
61n Mcmde Pinellas Park US .20.21 ...aa Cole Ceder PaM US 20..7
Amy Hernandez Garmala.Us 2020.21 Sophia Carroll Kva,Hl 20.0621
otho. gni Delaware.US .20627 emily Hansen Hendemnallq Us .20067
reneso porters Cedar Gmm,US 2020067 Jamelle 0avenport Salm peak us .26067
.� nikole gore tM%sour,,US .26067 Maddlealman Nrglnla Berch,US 2020L637
GaEy Mva Vienna.US .20-067 mo,Mm Oatawary. 220L V
DaaMsm lamEert CMmkess Us 2@0067 sari roque Orlando.Us M 7
Nana LoaMMll CM Mama "Ro"wa CardsXIkl Cham Motion Nee VS 201lulNni lemur SeuuLus.VS 20x406Yx
Jauslynn SXepbaN L,thai US al Asolas in 4mralp US 2020dbP
aue'effeas CAUR MW us 2020-0627 Pall ace"Wxa Bmadulew Help06,US M2006E7
Sara Lang Cary,US 20200627 danitlla bemanE¢ Bert M.US 2MO.27
Na'nlyn Baker Q.henAury,US MMS427 Whielk Hudson Savannah US 20..
Samanma Davin WNUf.IIs,US 211 C046i Mal lora... San Oleg..US 20.27
Brours,Husent Bln,h—.A US 20x270627 "Ardho Oall US MMObE]
Moll si Hotel US M..7 hathal Ryan W ren..US mhO 27
MArea MORe, .1tahl US 2020-06x7 Gabriela CaHlib Usecelle,US .x.P
,an pealed Milwaukee US 2020E 27 lagan ieisel middlemen,US 2020.06-27
madlsen Won W011eland.. Eoi Hanna Moll, Clarkson.US 20200627
Grave Nk Mlnnnapolie Us Zb.67 Ked"True LL =n.US 2000427
LUIS Semal ithei US MM 0627 bNnalms Semi US MxOCbP
Sam Oenlle US Mal ASCII Glasscod IeO.M1fleId US 2020�P
ii Conefo Coach,US Mz0.7 laMlyn Wwk. AmCISCIA,US 20a-06E]
MNlssa Sona Nw,US 20E0CbE7 wmpsucks South Wte,US 2000627
kale Nam New yok.US 20.-0627 madean.k carder San Career US 202096x7
Hada Jaber sMeaasEury,US 20200627 B.IW Mlaeles Mel,US 20200627
leaslaafobnson Orlando,US aE006-27 Erika fastWnd Cw[es MlnnespoGs,US .202027
PUlans Bruce Xunah"US 20x00627 Mana Ch— lorriesse,US 2...V
Omar Under PICASSO,,us 20200627 spongsbob squarepants kkbon Park US aISCal
Andrea Tertero udandeaft US 20x0{627 tabella SAM Salm Cloud,US .00627
xw Loratbn Cat. xxna bNtlnn Cab
rmma dowdeswe0 waanaw.US 0200627 Jessica land— BoonNne us x02006ze
fa,na'An r Preto,us 2.21 EaubAn Benson N .,W EOEDObze
Shannon Hill 0ouglaselk.US .200627 lulla]angnllo sol FL Z.R6o6 EB
Indle.parer CIFMge US 2020-0627 MMtlN Mullld Carmantown.MO .200528
mil,ayNc FullaMn,Vs 2.00627 jora aPson land rtr,Us 2020{6x8
J Tinel Knighton ..ale US x020L621 War— Wal Cas Moinm,US 2021
Chanelt green world US 20 0 27 Lemak Brooks Rockwall,US 2020-0528
,She Ri WM,Vs .NINE] .11 OMIxk WIIminglo,US ID2006x8
brlavu louno hands.Curamonad US 202 x8 Ayank'Mlliams M,rhAullle US 20200628
Melanie Hummm BnMrgham.US .200628 Fair.a. Tymne US M200bx8
.an.'SI-AS CraNke Us 202.1 aldd.thurm Phcene.OR 202006E
MiOaela MakhanG Whourgh US 20200628 SarahladWn US 20IJ
Uoid holes Muge.11e,us 20202028 Eoan Batts Raleigh,US MMOb28
rysdn wor land MNmre Pal Vs Mx00b2B kis* l.— 2Mrc,US 20200b.
Belinda Pana USSAryeIM US 20x00628 M&el Connery WyaMNW Us M200bx8
GonneTodd Burbank CA 20201 UneneH Aurora,US Incri
PalerSlby Carron,US E020Cb28 Calll,Carnal San Monla US 20200628
Paean,.k..,San SrymwC US .MO62H ShellryBrennan Mablend,US .00628
Manuel StaWan Culut,US .200b2B Kal Francis Bremeron.Us 20200628
Bina.,..M Mardnburg,US .200628 Weneki..A Neptune,US N20-0bx8
Baena Mallery Chula Vila,US 2N00bxB SOF.Fal kockanay,US N1x00bx8
Ariel Cohen Tuneval US 20206. Ioshda Place Temlula,US M.C.
Mama WNON OHa Nwni Local M+M
malas W9on Brooklyn.US 3020L 28 M.Samano Housmn,lX 3oM0638
Am,Cneman Philadelphia,US ...18 MV eerkane US Llroo63is
Zlentlne semen Ha Nor.US all Sada Saaaar saraj "US
mes Bary.US 202P062R Pytm Hollry Human ads.VS xN0U638
Pam GMy knneapoh,US 202... M'Hohn ken,u5 3030L638
Sean Cones Day[on.US 2020U628 sherarea Sneed fM Word,US 2020L62B
.Huldjl NlllGni Tulle,US E020C 28 VIII Mand-C US 20ad.
Mall el, Mal u5 3020.28 morgan Eressman Paddlon,US 2C..
Fade Coob Bra NC US 20200638 Nye No Oalay US 20IDL628
a"d Winter Hamen,US 2dM . I Hammes US 2IIMU638
6eaa Kern Ashland,US 20.. sees Eaker alMab.US 2030062/8
Ease Offal US 30204)15-38 Hope Gregory Wenecae US 2o3aW38
Iazmin Vasquei Albuquencue,US 30ED063B C., a.— New Wndual US M20L62H
kad login BakersOeld,US 303O.a 3s may.— Anal US 42PC63R
KeMnMmles Media,US 20204628 Emma Aamm Iadwa Hamm,US 2020-0628
limner WOP Bred,,US 30300638 LyhdreCabers Oall.S us 2020.28
.a ml Uint acul US 2020.38 Innis BUMMaii Perna,US 2020Mn
averene-b y Snail US 20x0.28 Kat alne Cin... Burbank.US 2020.28
Ayala smai Alan.US NM.L Padlck Maine San M4nb,U5 30.0628
Isabelle sil In calnd,US zol Linda Det Romano Camaro.IS 21R0O638
Undo Ooukin Idaho hells,US x03006ID El Mashes Cama,US 2@OL628
Rsar Camacha Miami,US N200628 Enka Lehman Fidel US ID200638
Hama Isatlon OSY Nall LwWn WO
Octan summand Hander,CT 2a.. Nyza Haols Clexla N,US 20200638
Rry Marah Websmn US 2020W2B Mann Fail Iacieum,US .00638
Cabinda SemM Cohen,US M30U62B Mne Grlesal Nor.R Paul.US 2020d428
Agana Mayes H.Charleston,US 203046x18 —.,.do mon.W..IS N1300G28
IiW/maMHm Clear Fall%US 30200628 Cu moor Bassi MITI Will,US 31.Il
,see., PannalOm US 30304638 no.Meal RMkuille.US 2WO.2H
Nall Salomon Saumnan,US z020061e Tl—Man Mandl omMo,US 2...
Caen Heugly Chmedp US .2d.2H Caen Splen Salm Loul;US 200.WID
Madan XenMa Rancho Curamemi US x030..38 Carmen Richard Cfil.go,us 20.0638
jennaphersralkes Pherson,US 20zP 062B Mill Mwra Lee Vrya;US 20260630
Hommrwe Hike Los Arpele;US x0360238 Alen GMq Ula Mo.US 203POS38
Iosh Hill Flagellum,US 2...1 Nkdl mwngrtaoq US .006218
Jamie 0ahlbeg fomite 1e US IDz.E akeemem. WasMngcon,US 3030.38
QManna Terlmm Tn hit US 3020.28 danlela.mpas Lm AnSlq US 2.00 28
hall Barnes Smoky..US 20200628 011UVkmria,US 2030-0628
GakI Nm.Us 30N.38 Kry1a XU Roanok,US 20x 25
earymarsanabrla Mill US .0 Uhi Semen.al moenb US 20Z6063B
Mid—AgolMi CharbR,US ..Ei Elise Houk US 2@068Q8
Carahi WBry Asheboro,US 20al Noun Reyes Comm; u.s.US 2020{628
pyla Anderson Clackamas.US 20200638 Wlian Forney Neartan Cante[US 3(30.38
Anna Hunan Glemlex,US Veemre Posomal US 2.0.38
Naalk Goldberg Pmsbu rgh,US 20..28 adrlam sbNla Chula Vba,US 3030.$8
Npm Lwtlen Cab Nnna laFpMH Cad
CbriatoPMr Garcia PggpwxE,US 3M0.2H E-ro'buskin Surpme,us 20..29
Carred Maumala E.,....I US 30204428 IQNnea oe'. w Loa Mgeks.US 211112006-29
area Fan. BukN,US 2@O WVa OanMj ..gNbkrM,US ...R
HarrighDundlbvger PonrbatmM.US 20N 063e Mun"m Lincoln.US ID300639
.-.Idlrump Eem..L Us Z020L636 Felltlajona Baaumon6 Us mob."o
Morgan WlBams MMonough.US 20204628 Parma Faxwad Co...US 203604n
lynne baker Oalrir US 202C.213 We LeiXbner EIMIMURUS 20200429
Sada Dan Redding,Us .IDOESM .� .._.
.Mber Carm Plwenl,US 20M.1 makado dennan Rmnerbrd Nf 30204429
ambersbaM1n Springfield US 30204428 kalecauth S ..'us 2030-04.
YRoria Cenidm San Mtn.,US IDmURS28 RIIry Green ch..,.,Us 211.9
Sophie Kim ru, ry W.Linn,Us 20.0428 Hula US 20NW639
NGVndra.."'.IS WP51on,US 203004ZB Jenna Gmnam Iungrviik,US 20300639
HIM-Xarbieon Cedillas US 2@046. MkCbell Washingtm Saint Lwb.US M300629
shad.lm'eiare Hewrk US 2@0U629 NatNnlel.Ror CumbMwN,US 2020..
"Hurn Mitchell Hep11aIWM1.CA 20204dr29 beck palmerPark CH,US 2020..
Xope Maryua Hi US 20ID.39 Sabra Warm, Rockville,US NI.9
juiiaa Celle M.E...US 202006. Lucretia Nelson Birmingham,US 20200629
NhuT rclmulc Nvado US 20200629 me Keene RNmmem"Us .3E029
Nrtor MaMnR Somme,Us 20200639 .1 Pram Oak a Wry us 2.0..
lendell.1, BmmL US 20204629 la'Myta room. SanrFRky,US 31RIIM39
lam'` ashcan.Nims, HR.Head Island,US 2020.29 gabby.drersn US 20200629
Name Indlbn Di Norrw bdtion Wd
5µM1 Ceees cls a,.,us 2Qd US 11 les9ra Snnlon ...n,US 20200629
janille Curds Ch-1.1.1 202006. Care Minas ..I.US ..9
Madekine BMes PoNand,us .304629 BeMany Phillips Mlnoob,US 3020..
PudreyGmyek Langtry,US 202 0 9 Melanie Cash. San Mtwl.,US 2....
'sadl uredo eadummille.Us 2020.29 KIRLPn Moyer job....US 3112006.
BeIC Garen Pasadena.US 20.W S` karisbma Sernaswk, Brooklyn.US 20200629
Magimimmr as umu Bothell.Us 30ZU 06. MaIWOMB WeMOM,US .200629
Quinn Chipman Enid.US .0UIal Mlannon Snuens ReNn,US .30.39
OmtOry Quinone Bmoktyn.Us 2020.39 Lauren Hames Ended,us 2020.29
Paige lawnlnak Green Her,Us 3@046m lonlanloo ie imine,US 302006.
Sophie Kee.r 0ry1on,US 20.-0629 normal,We Deman,US ..06-29
06baun Richmond Beirmore.US ..W29 Ine.m Orlando,Us 20NW639
Che.Xaller Near Blitumue.Us 201D06. Kendra Magdales San..I.,US ..9
Veronica POwNI Lm am elm.US 202O06M stacerpatino FManom US .2046a
..Me Kamal. Us 2.2.29 NrcI,Rang Phladelphla,Us 2020-0 29
Craran Gomeo Waeldni US ...29 Lilly Enflnger LOmR GNR,Us 21200629
Kmdll Lee US 202005. Merlmam Benton,US 2020069
Nora RommeMargm MiMaWa.US M.I. Oanlella Hernandez Lm Ngel-US 203046.
C'°'� Lon Pedro La Canada FllnNdgeU 2030.. ame Alemandn .1,Lad City.Us 2030.29
,.I Emnurens Romas Qtr..Us 2@00639 Morgan..IS ...116 US 20...
SerenRyAa. Las Vega,Us 202004. Ronnie Huna San FrantlAO,US 11--m
jaylen Barr4mosCollly Sunbur,,US 202046. this,Ernmers Exondldo,,US 2@04629
Rama LOWbII DW xYlla JatMLn ade
�>M TexmtN Farrand,us 201 Jenna Buyer B.I.,US 20ZO07Ua
'Ame Walter Fl Corrado.US 20202539 N—Cli Maca4W 20200)'Oa
Grace.,a Idke Formic US ZOZal Wesley Lat<n MaNneiW M200]N
Tessa GooEsm ..,,US ZOZ006ID Ralph Moms Agra SIB M360]La
MyAnEenon GlenEaM US 20x00639 IYTIM randefebRaCvts Ranieri ZO..B'-0e
NataOe Brink nonde[US 2R2Gl Amy Neutron ark SC 203007-04
IsiW.Benson Mlnnerapole,US 20x00625 L%Butler North PigusM.SC 21600325
Me-bMer Us 20200625 Janette easkelly Nashville TN 202007 nN
Tanya Flores Fountain Will US I.., Zak TME US x03007-04
Miry WBend, Trq,NY 202(1 Re He—Borne Augusta,GA 3020 B7So
Mantra that BurLank.CA .21 "—Nh Ruskin, North august'11 M200725 -
Pi us N2001L1 OINAN LIC—IY Anture GA 22.11
"Oh.TnoRe Lakexoud UX MMT01 Brantlon BaggO[t NOnh Augusta,iC Z.gB7 4
Home HlMenrand Thomson GA 202MZ]01 rima minolfo Aiken SC 202007 04
Wvenpon West 4acknewle US IDZO-0701 Wanda Thompson No.Augusts,SC 20300JL4
Wgkam Baine No.lwgusG,SC ..at By Timya Shm North AIRBUS..SC .0R`.-0e
.He turner, Augusta,G4 202001-02 Lately.NGef Month August sC 2020-0]-04
Nandi Mafa<TO'Ika WEh.11.1 us Z@OO1L3 Hannah Williams Grinnulthey US ZW00104
MEy..", soldier.US 20200743 Claire annaugh Augusta,GA 20200104
Yahlyn pehrson South Bend,Us xinta 3 Manor war. NwOl Augual SC 2UZ00104
MeredMm lags S.raraga,US ZON10J43 Cheryl Bean AuguzO,GA 2020010.
Me,.Lynn Portland,US NIDU703 Rate Sanders Arguing,Gd 20200104
xm Lamm gar x4425 LMaNpn wee
..an NY— Cnanon¢vlue VA 2026WM .1 Grown NOM Rui SC ZO3a074G
Bengoamin Westakr Plano.TJJ 2@OOJN TWtl Gillespie Rock bill,SC ZOZO O7p
Steven BNkh August CA 3 -C"P Wire hal Noin Aaegusta,SC ..704
Wh Groyer Augusta,W M.. Henry Oavls Coke—GA 3010ID-W
Monka Rainer US 2020-01N nlcolewright banks,W 2020.07-M
EI'mhMh Run l Argral GA 20250]-04 Chermain Bracken Augusta,AA 20200104
VMr Brannigan US 2025-07-04 Real Mad. North Acid SC 203001'sa
Luanne Clan,,.. A'...GA 20200)81 lylyen Sora'[[ Nonn August SC 2a'..
M.I.Shaw NrcWNIpiY(;X re -:e—c..:>ilDifialli Ashl,Wl,..r Auguna.GA .20.0704
Curren JOhnsmn Augusu,GA 2.01 .an Reef Augusta GA 2020 C7
Serle Chailey AuguMW 2@OA]44 uck Camillo el GreaemwnW 2030-0A04
RARVAIRS E00ASee, IDMWM MadalynS hnkin Auguce.GA 2@BO OJ44
Meg ThompsOmWebb Romer CM 20HI0)M OO slave, NOM Aaigust SC ZOZ0074st
Jay Harvry Graintyarle,SC ZOID010a She'dCbnmo Con..re,HC ID2ni.
Amy Buckley No.Auqusq SC 2021 Greg Bush NOM Augusts,SC 20200)00
Tanika Mason Evens.Cut 20200725 JwAtr Blair No.argosy. 20200104.
TraryWallace Yhgln.Bntlh,VA 20MOJ-04 .,on BUHeee North A.M.,SC 20200725'
Joe RYaefs Chkoetur no 2alde Bennis Harvey Brandon,FL Z02007L
fames Abraham such August,SC 20200725 Ryan Texan August GA ZN00704
Lames M<Gaw SavannabW 2020-11. Noth HtlmnxA Nei Yok.NY 2...
amber;,Gmbnd Angier.GA 20300125 Chris ConnMly "Wor.Ga. ZOSSBRI
Mary Wave NBM Mgust SC 3@Gai C/nth.0.cbeR St.,HE 20200);25
Nina u<aapn oau xun IUWan YNa
"i"l "I'il.. 3020mM "RareMeneaa Bmv,Us 2020-01-05
U."U.b PMNps bo rch na.SC NI]W]M Series.."." Fdl US 20con..
Brad KmB Aiken,SC ID30-07M brie Farrar PlalcNeµUS ..i'.S
jenrry Wngnt (,Jrs'a Ge 202007 01 Cameo Much Springflaid,US 203607-05
Mail tOn NOkh Augusta SC FrysUl Lonnky OR Tanaxare.Us ..71S
foam Coleman G—rel SC 30300]-M Nkb Sarl ju u U5 h0l
Brooke Wndy Mken.SC 20200]. ACbro"' North TMaxanE;US 20..
Karl Bell U'Uns.W 30360]-0a Mary McMahon OIMon,US 2030U7-05
I..Okks Binflcx2r.G 20300714 Polk Will OndMatl,US 2W.-SS
AnCrenfones Nken,SC 202001La Dona CIran. AuguagW 31120NL5
PwlVame AugGA 2020-07� Amy Brink CyprKs,US 2L200]Lfi
Austln AOel Cdumbia.SC ..U7 U5 Pilyn Sakir—cu Melbourne,US 20260]Lfi
BrUcameapaN Nbrbr Ry SC of U105 Marc Robinson Bellln Oak Park Us 2020U]Lfi
Kathryn Presnell sillW 202002-05 Komar SneIMIIq US =00I4D6
merealm vane Us 2W607L5 ban aoberman San Amnnlo,Us 2B2..
Jeff Stoll Florence SC 20204245 Border zecem fmna Os 20z0-0]4fi
Raven Bryart AugusO,GA 20200745 GuaNlupefW2z KMesn,US 31IM-02-0fi
care try Quincy IL 20HD705 mahnuceermOhamaay bnasal,US .2..
famesbarons Augusta.GA 202 00)05 Polge GraWm B.c.,US 202602
Brya SMk NmN ALgusb,SC W2D 07 W VIROtla Narv(J NMyaM CM,Us 20ID07M
Sam kosenberg Loll US 30IDOh05
Mike Barley Woodbine,US 202M7-05
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