RES 2020-31 Adopted o RESOLUTION NO.2020-31 RESOLUTION IN SUPPORT OF LEGISLATION REGARDING THE NEW SAVANNAH BLUFF LOCK AND DAM WHEREAS, the New Savannah Bluff Lock & Dam and its associated park, amenities, and impoundment of the Savannah River have served as an important resource and feature for the City of North Augusta, South Carolina and Augusta, Georgia since its completion in 1937, providing water supply,recreation,economic value,and enhanced quality of life in and surrounding North Augusta;and WHEREAS, the City of North Augusta desires that the New Savannah Bluff Lock&Dam and its associated park, impoundment and amenities be available for future generations of its citizens, and in particular the pool elevation of the reservoir created by the New Savannah Bluff Lock & Dam be maintained as it has been historically,at or near elevation 114.5 feet NAVD88;and WHEREAS,North Augusta's desire to ensure that the New Savannah Bluff Lock&Dam and it associated park,impoundment and amenities are available for future generations is shared by the governments and citizens of The State of South Carolina;Aiken County, South Carolina; and Augusta, Georgia.The City iterates its support expressed in Resolution No.2019-1, "A Resolution in Support of Option 1-1 for the New Savannah Bluff Lock and Dam as Presented by the Army Corps of Engineers as a Mitigation Project for the Savannah Port Deepening"for maintaining the pool elevation as it has been historically at or near elevation of 114.5 NAVD88 and directing that"Any and all measures should be undertaken by the Mayor and City Administrator to ensure that the present pool be maintained", and WHEREAS,the U.S.Army Corps of Engineers("Corps"),current owner of the New Savannah Bluff Lock&Dam,determined in October 2019 that it would remove the New Savannah Bluff Lock& Dam and construct an in-river structure resulting in significant lowering of the river pool elevation; threatening the water supply of cities and industries,recreation,economic value,and enhanced of quality of life for citizens; and affecting the park managed by Augusta.The February 2019 field demonstration test conducted by the Corps showed that water levels in the Savannah River resulting from removal of the New Savannah Bluff Lock & Dam would negatively impact North Augusta residential neighborhoods and threaten water supplies, and WHEREAS, Congressional representatives have introduced or are considering introduction of legislation that would provide for the New Savannah Bluff Lock & Dam and its associated park to remain in place; and WHEREAS,the proposed legislation provides for conveyance of the New Savannah Bluff Lock & Dam jointly to The City, Aiken County, and Augusta, Georgia and include in the fiscal year September 30, 2020 or September 30, 2021 an appropriation of$53 million as a Federal cost share to The City, Aiken County, and Augusta, Georgia for the purpose of any construction, operation, maintenance,repair,and rehabilitation necessary for the New Savannah Bluff Lock&Dam; and WHEREAS, under the proposed legislation the transfer of the New Savannah Bluff Lock & Dam would occur no later than September 30,2021 or within six months of the date of appropriation of funds required for the Federal cost-share, thus providing that time for assessment by The City of the benefits and costs of acceptance of the New Savannah Bluff Lock&Dam and federal cost share; and NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED by the Mayor and City Council for the City of North Augusta, South Carolina, in meeting duly assembled and by the authority thereof, that North Augusta 1 0 0 supports the proposed legislation described herein and authorizes the Mayor and City Administrator to take such actions as is necessary to support the legislation though technical, legal and other support. The City Clerk is requested to provide this resolution to the appropriate Congressional delegation for consideration and inclusion in the record for Federal legislative process. DONE, RATIFIED AND ADOPTED BY THE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF NORTH AUGUSTA,SOUTH CAROLINA,ON THIS Wlh DAY OFTiter,2020. Robert A. Pettit Mayor l.,O ATTEST: A4A -k OIA� XAAL Sharon Lamar City Clerk