070620 Council Mtg Agenda Augusta South Cmo0n0ls Poverfront AGENDA: PUBLIC HEARING July 6,2020—Municipal Center-100 Georgia Avenue,3rd Floor-6:45 P.M. FINANCE: Proposed Annual Consolidated Budget Adjustment for Fiscal Year 2020 AGENDA: CITY OF NORTH AUGUSTA REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING July 6,2020—Municipal Center—100 Georgia Avenue,3rd Floor—FOLLOWING PUBLIC HEARING-7:00 P.M. COVID-19 SAFETY PRACTICES: (1)Please do not enter Council Chambers if you are feeling sick or you have a sick family member at home.(2)Clean your hands before entering and avoid touching your eyes,nose and mouth.(3)Choose a seat on an open row. (4)Space at least two seats between you and others.(5)Choose a seat at the end of a row new the wall if you plan to address Council. CITIZEN COMMENTS: Citizens may speak to Mayor and City Council on each item listed on this agenda. The Mayor will call for comments prior to Council's discussion. Speakers shall give their name and address in an audible tone of voice for the records. Speaker Forms are provided on the credenza at the entrance to the Council Chambers.Speakers desiring that the minutes indicate that they addressed Council on a specific topic should complete the form. The form will be included as part of the minutes of the meeting. Citizen comments are limited to five minutes. SECURITY: (1) Any person addressing Council may bring paper documents, handouts, etc. to the microphone. If desired, such handouts may be delivered to the City Clerk or if requested, a City staff member will distribute to Council members. (2) If the speaker desires to utilize non-paper items for demonstration purposes,any such items MUST be cleared by Public Safety before being taken to the microphone area. (3) Items requiring this clearing by Public Safety would include but not be limited to pocketbooks, briefcases,sacks,boxes,or any similar containers. This requirement would apply whether or not such items are to be utilized in the presentation. CITIZEN ASSISTANCE: Individuals needing special assistance or sign interpreter to participate in the meeting,please notify the Administration Department 48 hours prior to the meeting. This meeting will be streamed online for public viewing at: • City Facebook page:To access,visit www facebook.wm/citvofnorthaueusta or search"City of North Augusta—Public Information"on www.Facebook.com • City YouTube page:To access,visit Imps//wvovvoutube.com/channcl1UCRLLD cnO68YROzUGaE 220 or search"City of North Augusta Public Information"on www.YouTube.com 1. CALL TO ORDER: 2. INVOCATION AND PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE: 3. ROLLCALL: 4. APPROVAL OF MINUTES: Study Session and Regular Meeting minutes of June 1,2020; Study Session and Regular Meeting minutes of June 15,2020; Special Called Meeting minutes of June 22,2020 UNFINISHED BUSINESS 5. PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT: Resolution No.2020-24—Authorizing the City of North Augusta to Enter into a Professional Planning Services Contract with Orion Planning+ Design,LLC,to Perform Planning Services Related to the North Augusta Development Code Evaluation and Re-Write A. Remove from Table B. Resolution NEW BUSINESS 6. FINANCE: Ordinance No.2020-17-Amending the Budget for Fiscal Year 2020 Containing Estimates of Proposed Revenues and Expenditures by the City of North Augusta,South Carolina,for the Budget Year Beginning January 1,2020,and Declaring that Same Shall Constitute the Amended Budget of the City of North Augusta for Such Budget Year;Ordinance—First Reading 7. PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT: Planning Commission Recommendation Memorandum M 20-017 and Project Staff Report: RZT20-001 Article 13:Signs,Text Amendment; Receipt of Information by Council 8. ADMINISTRATION: Resolution No. 2020-28—Recommending Individuals Wear Face Coverings in Public Buildings and Retail and Food Service Establishments 9. ADMINISTRATIVE REPORTS 10. PRESENTATIONS/COMMUNICATIONS/RECOGNITION OF VISITORS A. Citizen Comments: At this time, citizens may speak to Mayor and City Council regarding matters not listed on the agenda. B. Council Comments 11. ADJOURNMENT