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070620 Council Mtg Backup Materials
North �� Aug ustgX South Carolina's Riuerfront CITY COUNCIL MEETING BACK-UP MATERIALS FOR JULY 6, 2020 Administration Department Q North August South Carolina's Rioerfrunt Interoffice Memorandum TO: Mayor and City Council FROM: Rachelle Moody Interim City Administrator DATE: July 1 2020 SUBJECT: Regular City Council Meeting of June 6 2020 REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING UNFINISHED BUSINESS ITEM 5. PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT: Resolution No. 2020-24—Authorizing the City of North Augusta to Enter into a Professional Planning Services Contract with Orion Planning + Design, LLC, to Perform Planning Services Related to the North Augusta Development Code Evaluation and Re-Write Remove from Table: A resolution to authorize the City of North Augusta to enter into a Professional Planning Services Contract with Orion Planning+Design,LLC,to perform planning services related to the North Augusta Development Code evaluation and re-write was tabled unanimously by Council at the June 15, 2020 regular Council Meeting. A motion to remove the item from the table is required for further consideration. Resolution: If Council's agrees to remove the resolution from the table, a resolution has been prepared for Council's consideration to authorize the City of North Augusta to enter into a professional Planning Services Contract with Orion Planning+Design,LLC, to perform planning services related to the North Augusta Development Code evaluation and re-write. Please see ATTACHMENT#5 for a copy of the proposed resolution. NEW BUSINESS ITEM 6. FINANCE: Ordinance No. 2020-17—Amending the Budget for Fiscal Year 2020 Containing Estimates of Proposed Revenues and Expenditures by the City of North Augusta, South Carolina, for the Budget Year Beginning January 1, 2020, and Declaring That Same Shall Constitute the Amended Budget of the City of North Augusta for Such Budget Year;Ordinance—First Reading An ordinance has been prepared for Council's consideration to amend the budget for (� fiscal year 2020 containing estimates of proposed revenues and expenditures by the City of North Augusta, South Carolina, for the budget year beginning January 1, 2020, and declaring that same shall constitute the amended budget of the City of North Augusta for such budget year. Please see ATTACHMENT#6 for a copy of the proposed ordinance. A copy of the amended budget has been included in your packet to be inserted into your 2020 Budget binder. ITEM 7. PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT: Planning Commission Recommendation Memorandum#20-017 and Project Staff Report:RZT20-001 Article 13: Signs, Text Amendment; Receipt of Information by Council On June 18, 2020, the Planning Commission reviewed application RZT20-001, Article 13: Signs, Text Amendment. The application proposed a text change regarding electronic readerboard signs put forward by Be Ye Holy Ministries. The Planning Commission did not recommend the changes. Please see ATTACHMENT#7 for Memo#20-017 and a copy of the staff report. ITEM 8. ADMINISTRATION: Resolution No. 2020-28 -Recommending Individuals Wear Face Coverings in Public Buildings and Retail and Food Service Establishments A resolution has been prepared for Council's consideration to recommend individuals wear face coverings in public building and retail and food service establishments. Please see ATTACHMENT#8 for a copy of the proposed resolution. ITEM 9. ADMINISTRATIVE REPORTS ITEM 10. PRESENTATIONS/COMMUNICATIONS/RECOGNITION OF VISITORS A. Citizen Comments:At this time,citizens may speak to Mayor and City Council regarding matters not listed on the agenda. B. Council Comments: ITEM 11. ADJOURNMENT ATTACHMENT O RESOLUTION NO. 2020-24 AUTHORIZING THE CITY OF NORTH AUGUSTA TO ENTER INTO A PROFESSIONAL PLANNING SERVICES CONTRACT WITH ORION PLANNING+DESIGN, LLC,TO PERFORM PLANNING SERVICES RELATED TO THE NORTH AUGUSTA DEVELOPMENT CODE EVALUATION AND RE-WRITE WHEREAS, the City of North Augusta desires to retain the services of Orion Planning+Design,LLC,to provide services related to the evaluation and rewriting of the North Augusta Development Code; and WHEREAS,two(2)firms responded to a"Request for Proposals"and proposals were reviewed and scored by a committee of elected and appointed officials and city staff; and WHEREAS, based upon the ranking of the firms, it has been determined that Orion Planning+Design, LLC, was the preferred contractor; and NOW THEREFORE,BE IT RESOLVED by the Mayor and City Council of the City of North Augusta, South Carolina,in meeting duly assembled and by the authority thereof that the City is authorized to enter into professional planning services contract with Orion Planning + Design, LLC, to provide planning services related to the rewrite of the North Augusta Development Code. C BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the City Administrator is authorized to execute such documents as necessary to enter into said contracts for an amount not to exceed $164,700, including a 10% contingency amount, and travel reimbursements. The project will be funded by not more than $120,000 from existing capital project funds and the balance from budgeted FY20 Planning Department Professional Services funds. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED the City Administrator,in consultation with the Mayor,is hereby authorized to convene a Steering Committee to provide guidance as the project proceeds, whose structure and participants will be designated at a later date. DONE, RATIFIED AND ADOPTED BY THE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF NORTH AUGUSTA, SOUTH CAROLINA, ON THIS DAY OF , 2020. Robert A. Pettit,Mayor ATTEST: O Sharon Lamar City Clerk SHORT FORM AGREEMENT FOR CONSULTING SERVICES © (Standard agreement based on Appendix B,Planning Advisory Service Report Number 443, Standards of Professional Practice,American Planning Association,Chicago,IQ Orion Planning + Design,a Montana based LLC,agrees to provide the City of North Augusta, South Carolina the following professional services and the City of North Augusta contracts for such services and agrees to fully engage in the project ar described in the attached scope of services.Services shall be compensated by the City of North Augusta for the fees and on the terms and conditions set forth herein. 1. PURPOSE The purpose of this agreement is to provide professional planning services to City of North Augusta to audit and rewrite is zoning code as described in the attached scope of services. 2. PARTIES The parties to this agreement are City of North Augusta,hereinafter referred to as"Client,"and Orion Planning + Design,hereinafter referred to as"Consultant" 3. SERVICES Consultant shall provide the services to achieve the purposes of the project as described in the attached scope of services. 4. STANDARDS OF PROFESSIONAL PRACTICE Consultant shall exercise and adhere to the standards of professional practice as developed and adopted by the American Institute of Certified Planners set forth in Planning Advisory Service Report Number 443,Stan- dards of Professional Practice, American Planning Association as well as the Code of Ethics of the American Institute of Certified Planners.Said standards are incorporated herein by reference. 5. COMPENSATION For the services rendered and products produced, City of North Augusta shall compensate Consultant as fol- lows: Manning Services $143,100.00 Reimbursable Travel Expense $7600.00 Contingencies (10%) $14,000.00 Total (Not to Exceed) $164,700.00 j Services will be invoiced monthly based on percentage of work completed.Normal office supplies consumed in the course of the project are not reimbursable.City of North Augusta agrees to pay said invoices within 30 jdays of submission. 6. TERMINATION City of North Augusta or Consultant may terminate this agreement without cause at any time upon 10 days written notice. Consultant shall provide a final invoice for any uncompensated work completed prior to ter- mination.Said invoice shall be payable by City of North Augusta under the terms of Section 5.Compensation. ORION PLANNING=DESIGN- 1 7. COMPLETE AGREEMENT/AMENDMENTS This agreement constitutes the complete agreement between the parties. It may be amended only in writ- Oing executed in multiple counterparts, each of which shall be considered an original. When executed, this agreement shall be binding upon and inure to the benefit of the parties and their respective successors and assigns. IN WITNESS WHEREOF,the parties have executed this agreement separately,on the dates indicated by their respective signature blocks below. If the date of this agreement becomes material for any reason,the date of execution by Client shall be considered to be the date of the agreement. , [Date] Robert L. Barber,Sr.,FAICP, Partner Orion Planning+Design [Date] Rochelle Moody, Interim City Administrator City of North Augusta,South Carolina 2 NORTH AUGUSTA DEVELOPMENT CODE REWRITE SCOPE OF SERVICES PROPOSED SCOPE OF WORK back as warranted. The project manager and key members of the Orion Team will participate remotely OPhase 1:Project Launch to discuss issues and objectives with City Staff. Phase 1 sets the foundation for the code update and Deliverables for Phase I helps to ensure that the overarching goals expressed Final Work Plan in the RFP are met. During this phase the Orion Team Public Participation Plan will.establish effective working relationships with City Project website/web page and associated media Staff and the steering committee, providing the op- content portunity for meaningful collaboration on the overall project approach, solidification of the project time- frame, and buy-in on public engagement activities Phase 2:Code Audit&Recommendations and intended outcomes. Note: All references to the Phase 2 is focused on the completion of the code Development Code in all phases includes Appendix A audit using the 2017 Comprehensive Plan and other Definitions but excludes all other appendices. An op- relevant adopted policies and plans to conduct an tional update of appendices B through G is discussed in-depth analysis of the existing Development Code. in the section immediately following the scope. This phase will also include an analysis of best practic- es in code development from similarly situated juris- Task 1.1:Work Plan Development.The Orion Team dictions nationwide as well as a comprehensive user will coordinate with City Staff to develop a work plan survey. The audit will provide detailed recommenda- (draft and final)that encompasses the life of the proj- tions based on the insight gained from these many ect, identifying key decision points, team communi- facets of analysis. cation strategies, anticipated time-frames for meet- ings and outreach, and roles and responsibilities of Task 2.1: Plan Review. The Orion Team will review all team members, as well as review of time-frames all applicable plans and policies, to inform the con- Oand local support necessary for a successful code up- tent of the audit and update. A key part of this review date process. During this time the establishment of will be an assessment of the current plan-code rela- steering committee should occur and clear roles and tionships and recommendations for ways to better responsibilities communicated to those involved. implement the 2017 Comprehensive Plan through a revised code. Access to existing ArcGIS data for pur- Task 1.2:Public Participation Plan. The Orion Team poses of analyzing current build-out scenarios and will work closely with Staff to create a draft Public Par- bulk/dimensional impacts resulting from the existing ticipation Plan (draft and final) for the code update. Development Code standards will be necessary for This will serve as the outreach framework for the life this task. of the project and will be designed to inform com- munity stakeholders and the public about the code Task 2.2: Code Review. The Orion Team will work update.The strategy will Flesh out all aspects of pub- with City Staff to review sections of the existing De- lic engagement activities recommended in this pro- velopment Code and recommend draft revisions to posal and will include time-frames, team roles and content and format. We will identify ways to simplify, responsibilities, intended outcomes, and materials streamline,and better organize code text,graphic el- and support needed, as well as methodologies for ements,and administrative processes. communicating with key stakeholders and the public via the project website, social media, and traditional Task 2.3: City-wide Team Tour (Tript). The Orion print media. Team (up to five), led by City Staff, will tour the city to get a better feel for existing zoning application, Task 1.3:Kick-off Meeting(Virtual).The OrionTeam current conversations and geographies related to the will hold a virtual kick-off meeting with City Staff and future land use mapping process,underscore existing © the Steering Committee to go through the Work Plan areas of contention,frequent variances or procedural and Public Participation Plan and discuss current is- conflicts, and to generally gain a better understand- sues related to the Development Code, the existing ing of city dynamics and locations that will require code framework, desired outcomes, and other feed- special consideration throughout the code update ORION PLANNING=DESIGN- 3 process. audit report. The report will summarize stakeholder and survey feedback as well as outcomes of the Ori- Task 2.4: Key Stakeholder Roundtables (Trip 1). onTeam'S in-depth evaluation of the existing code. A .m Orion Team members will host a series of roundta- best practices analysis will set the stage for specific ble discussions with key stakeholders and code users recommendations on the structure and substance of (both internal and external)to gain insight on current the updated Development Code, including an evalu- content, processes, and procedures to better under- ation of optionsforone or more codetypologies such stand how the code is working and identify areas for as form-based, performance, hybrid or Euclidean. A possible improvement. final step-by-step strategy on the organization of the code update-essentially what to tackle first, second, Task 2.5: Steering Committee Meeting (Trip 1). third,etc.-will also be included in the audit findings. During Trip 1, the Orion Team will meet with mem- bers of the steering committee to provide an update Task 2.9. Presentation of Audit Recommendations on the audit process and initial findings for consider- (Virtual). Members of the Orion Team will present ation. the code audit recommendations to City Staff, the steering committee, and the Planning Commission Task 2.6: Code Survey. With input and assistance by virtual meeting at the conclusion of this phase. from City Staff,the Orion Team will develop a survey Deliverables for Phase 2: that will further inform issues and opportunities pres- entinthe current Development Code. The survey will . Public outreach materials and summaries, be developed in two parts. One survey will be geared . Draftand FinolAudit Report toward external users of the code and distributed to . Content for web page andsociol media developers,architects and engineers,members of the planning community, recent applicants, and mem- bers of the public identified as core stakeholders in this process. A second survey will be developed and Phase 3 is centered on the drafting of the Develop- administered to City employees who work with the ment Code and will incorporate multiple rounds of code on a regular basis. The survey will be comprised review. The public will be engaged at key junctures of 12-15 questions help determine code use and pri- throughout the drafting process to ensure residents orities are for the new code. Survey results will be and stakeholders are informed and have the opportu- collected over a period of 4 to 6 weeks and analyzed nity to comment. As soon as possible in this process, for overlap and consistency. Results will be provided if not before,the City will need to authorize and fund for Team, staff, and steering committee use to build the optional appendix update detailed in the section consensus throughout the update process. that follows this scope if it is to work in concert with the update to implement City policy. Ideally,updates Task 2.7:Best Practice Analysis. The Orion Team will to the appendices, as needed, should occur at the draw on our professional experience in code review same time as the adoption of the updated Develop- and development to provide examples of up to three ment Code. best practice examples for the code update priorities identified through Task 2.6. Examples will be drawn Task 3.1: First Code Draft and Review.The Orion from comparable cities experiencing similar growth Team will create an initial draft of code elements and development characteristics as North Augusta based on the final audit recommendations,with guid- and speaking with code users and administrators on ance and input from City Staff. Precedent imagery their experiences and recommended approach that and graphics will be used to convey design concepts may be relevant for the update. included in the code during the drafting stages. The Orion Team will meet with City Staff by phone and Task 2.9.Code Audit and Recommendations. The video conference multiple times during this initial © Orion Team will summarize our findings from tasks drafting task to review progress and gain feedback 2.1 - 2.7 as well as our recommendations on ap- on core elements of the code. proach to the code update in a final comprehensive 4 NORTH AUGUSTA DEVELOPMENT CODE REWRITE SCOPE OF SERVICES Task 3.2: Second Code Draft and Review. Based on • One public review draft of the Development feedback from task 3.1,the Orion Team will refine the Code initial draft and prepare a second, revised draft of the • Final draft Development Code O code for review by City Staff and the steering com- • Stakeholder and public outreach materials and mittee. summaries • Content for web page and social media Task 3.3: Zoning Map Update. During this phase of the project,minor adjustments to the Official Zoning Phase 4:Code Adoption Map (two drafts) as may be indicated by the update will be mapped by City Staff using the City's GIS data. Phase 4 includes all of the tasks related to formal on The OPD Team will consult and assist in identifying view, public hearings,and code adoption. The Orion potential changes. Team will be available to assist City Staff throughout the adoption process.At this point in the process,our Task 3.4: Stakeholder Review and Feedback(Vir- goal is for staff to be fully capable of,and comfortable tual) Following a second round of drafting,and with with, public presentations of the code and the ques- a 75-80% draft prepared, Orion Team members will tions that will be asked. Such capability and comfort conduct a series of up to six targeted discussions on indicate that staff is prepared for the administration core concepts and draft language with keystakehold- and enforcement that will follow adoption. er groups, including the design and development community. Additional feedback from these virtual Task 4.1: Creation of an Executive Summary. The meetings will be incorporated into the next round of Orion Team will create an executive summary of the drafting. code update for use by staff, the Planning Commis- sion, and City Council. The executive summary will Task3.5: Public Review Draft Preparation. The Ori- highlight key changes and how the changes overall on Team will create a public review draft of the code, align with the audit findings. oincorporating input from Task 3.4 as directed by City Staff and Steering Committee members. This draft the PlanningCFormal Presentation Orionof the Draft Code to - will be shared with the public and presented to stake- the Planning Commission.The Orion Team will sup- holders for review and comment in Task 3.6 by City port City Staff in their presentation of the final draft Staff. code to the Planning Commission through the prepa- ration of presentation slides and materials. Com- Task 3.6: Public Review Draft Workshops + En- ments and feedback received from both Planning gagement. Staff will host a public workshop (or Commission members and members of the public drop-in event) to formally introduce the code draft, will be recorded and incorporated,as directed by City walk through changes and scenarios,explain the up- Staff,following the hearing. date process to date, answer questions, and solicit feedback, as needed and desired by the City..The ex- Task 4.3:Formal Presentation of the Draft Code to act format of the workshop(s) or event will be deter- the City Council. Following a recommendation from mined as the update process unfolds. The Team will the Planning Commission, the Orion Team will sup- provide materials, talking points, and presentation port City Staff in their presentation of the final revised slides. draft code to City Council through the preparation of presentation slides and materials. Comments and Task 3.7: Final Code Draft.The Orion Team will cre- feedback received from Council members and mem- ate a final draft of the code incorporating public feed- bers of the public that are recorded will be incorpo- back and final edits from Tasks 3.1-3.6,as directed by rated in the final code document following the public City Staff and the Steering Committee.The Team will hearing pursuant to City recommendation direction. © present the final draft in virtual meetings to staff,the Task 4.4: Final Adopted Development Code. The steering committee,and the planning commission. Deliverables for Phase 3: Orion Team will prepare the final code package inclu- • Two preliminary drafts of the Development Code sive of changes made during the adoption process. ORION PLANNING=DESIGN- 5 the audit and update. Task 4.5: Staff and Board Training(Trip 2). The Ori- Oon Team will provide one day of training to City Staff The City will be responsible for printing large- and Board members following code adoption,as nec- scale maps and materials for use in workshops/ essary and desired. meetings and will make and distribute hard cop- ies of drafts and final products as needed and de- Deliverables for Phase 4: sired. • Presentation materials • A revised draft of the final draft Development Code • The final adopted Development Code package, including all associated graphics, tables, maps and illustrative content developed in native dig- ital formot(s) EXPECTATIONS OF THE CITY The following is a brief description of the services and tasks the Orion Team would expect the City to pro- vide. • The City will create and manage a project web- page and will provide additional content for post- ing as needed. © City Staff will provide a comprehensive and timely review of, and direction on, the development of all draft materials. • City Staff will promptly provide all relevant policy documents currently in effect and clarify provi- sions and implementations of those documents as needed. • The City will coordinate all staff,steering commit- tee, stakeholder, and public outreach meetings, and will ensure all required legal notice is met and necessary formal minutes are created. • City Staff will prepare and present all official staff reports to the Planning Commission and City Council. • City Staff will lead presentations to the Planning Commission and City Council required for formal consideration and adoption. - • City Staff will provide all GIS data necessaryforthe analysis of current plans and code, and data rele- vant to variances,appeals, rezonings and permits that illustrate or impact code administration and enforcement issues that need to be addressed in 6 NORTH AUGUSTA DEVELOPMENT CODE REWRITE SCOPE OF SERVICES Budget Phase 1: Project Launch Task 1.1:Work Plan Development $1,110 Task 1.2: Public Participation Plan $1,110 Task 1.3:Kick-off Meeting(VIRTUAL) $2,950 Travel Phase 1:Total $5,170 Phase 2: Code Audit & Recommendations Task 2.1: Plan Review $4,600 Task 2.2:Code Review $14,375 Task 2.3:City-wide Team Tour(Trip 1) $9,360 Task 2.4: Key Stakeholder Roundtables(Trip 11 $4,125 Task 2.5: Steering Committee Meeting(Trip 1) $2,475 Task 2.6:Code Survey $2,000 Task 2.7: Best Practice Analysis $3,600 Task 2.8. Code Audit and Recommendations $8,425 Task 2.9. Presentation of Audit Recommendations (VIRTUAL) $3,500 Travel $5,000 Phase 2:Total $57,460 Phase 3: Code Drafting Task 3.1: First Code Draft and Review $29,750 Task 3.2: Second Code Draft and Review $12,350 Task 3.3: Zoning Map Update $2,400 Task 3.4: Stakeholder Review and Feedback(Trip 4) $7,920 Task 3.5: Public Review Draft Preparation $6,270 Task 3.6: Support Material for Public Review Draft Workshops+ Engagement $4,600 Task 3.7: Final Code Draft $3,300 Travel - Phase 3:Total 1 $66,590 Phase 4: Code Adoption Task 4.1:Creation of an Executive Summary - $5,310 Task 4.2: Formal Presentation of the Draft Code to the Planning Commission(material $1,180 prep) Task 4.3: Formal Presentation of the Draft Code to the City Council (material prep) $1,180 Task 4.4: Final Adopted Development Code $2,360 Task 4.5: Staff and Board Training $8,850 Travel $2,600 Phase 4:Total $20,810 Contingency $ 14,000 Total Budget $164,700 ORION PLANNING*DESIGN- 7 Projected Schedule The schedule below illustrates by task the projected 16 month timeline for the completion of the project. MONTH 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 PUBLIC ENGAGEMENT WILL OCCUR THROUGHOUT THE PROJECT Phase 1 Task 1.1 Task 1.2 Task 1.3 Phase 2 Task 2.1 Task 2.2 Task 2.3 Task 2.4 Task 2.5 Task 2.6 Task 2.7 Task 2.8 Task 2:9 Phase 3 Task 3.1 Task 3.2 Task 3.3 MJ% Task 3.4 Task 3.5 Task 3.6 Task 3.7 Phase 4 Task 4.1 Task 4.2 Task 4.3 Task 4.4 Task 4.5 8 NORTH AUGUSTA DEVELOPMENT CODE REWRITE SCOPE OF SERVICES ATTACHMENT #6 © ORDINANCE NO.2020-17 AMENDING THE BUDGET FOR FISCAL YEAR 2020 CONTAINING ESTIMATES OF PROPOSED REVENUES AND EXPENDITURES BY THE CITY OF NORTH AUGUSTA, SOUTH CAROLINA, FOR THE BUDGET YEAR BEGINNING JANUARY 1, 2020, AND DECLARING THAT SAME SHALL CONSTITUTE THE AMENDED BUDGET OF THE CITY OF NORTH AUGUSTA FOR SUCH BUDGET YEAR WHEREAS,in accordance with the Laws of South Carolina,and the Ordinance of the City of North Augusta,the City Administrator prepared and submitted to the City Council a Balanced Budget for the budget year beginning on January 1, 2020, and ending on December 31, 2020 which was adopted December 2,2019;and WHEREAS, the City has determined that amendments to the General Fund and Riverfront Central Core Funds are necessary at this time due to the current outbreak of the 2019 Novel Coronavirus Disease("COVID-19");and WHEREAS, a public hearing has been held on said budget amendment, as required by law. NOW,THEREFORE BE IT ORDAINED BY THE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF NORTH AUGUSTA,SOUTH CAROLINA,IN MEETING DULY ASSEMBLED AND BY THE AUTHORITY THEREOF,THAT: Section 1. The City Council hereby amends the 2020 Fiscal Year Budget,designated as Ordinance No. 2019-14, for the conduct of the business of the municipal government of North Augusta for the budget year, January 1, 2020, to December 31,2020 as follows: Decrease General Fund Revenue $740,135 Decrease General Fund Expenditures $740,135 Decrease Riverfront/Central Core Expenditures $462,150 Section II. That in all other respects, except as hereby and heretofore amended, the Budget for the City of North Augusta for the fiscal year beginning January 1, 2020, and ending December 31,2020,shall remain in full force and effect. Section III. All Ordinances or parts of Ordinances in conflict herewith are, to the extent of such conflict, hereby repealed. Section N. This Ordinance shall become effective immediately upon its adoption on second and final reading. i O © AN ORDINANCE AMENDING THE BUDGET Page 2 FOR THE CITY OF NORTH AUGUSTA DONE, RATIFIED AND ADOPTED BY THE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL,OF THE CITY OF NORTH AUGUSTA,SOUTH CAROLINA,ON THIS DAY OF JULY,2020. First Reading Robert A.Pettit, Mayor Second Reading ATTEST: Sharon Lamar, City Clerk ATTACHMENT #7 Department of Planning North And Development Augusta Memorandum # 20-017 SOalh Carojina'S Rwerfroni To: Rachelle Moody, Interim City Administrator From: Libby Hodges, Director*1 Subject: Text Change for Be Ye Holy Ministries, RZT20-001 Date: lune 22, 2020 At the June 18, 2020, Planning Commission meeting,the Planning Commission reviewed application RZT20-001, a text change regarding electronic readerboard signs put forward by Be Ye Holy Ministries. Attached you will find copy of the staff report and attachments for the text change.The Planning Commission did not recommend the changes. The request is being forwarded for consideration at the next available City Council meeting. Please contact me with any questions. Department of Planning North Aggusta and Development Soun, CarofinoLsaia!rJro,v Project Staff Report RZT20-001 Article 13: Signs,Text Amendment Prepared by: Kuleigh Baker Meeting Date:June 18, 2020 SECTION 1: PROJECT SUMMARY Project Name Article 13, Signs; Electronic Readerboards Applicant Be Ye Holy Ministries, Inc. Proposed Text Amendment A request by Be Ye Holy Ministries, Inc. to revise Article 13: Signs. The request is to allow Electronic Readerboards for certain non-residential uses within allowed within residential districts and to increase the allowed sign area. SECTION 2: GENERAL DESCRIPTION Be Ye Holy Ministries,Inc.has requested that the Planning Commission review proposed changes to North Augusta Development Code Article 13: Signs. The request is to allow Electronic Readerboards for certain allowed commercial or institutional uses within residential districts and to increase the percentage of allowed area for readerboards. SECTION 3: PLANNING COMMISSION CONSIDERATION The Planning Commission is being asked to review the request for a text amendment based on the following provisions of the North Augusta Development Code: Legislative and Advisory Hearings — The purpose of a legislative public hearing is to provide the public an opportunity to be heard consistent with the adoption procedures provided by statute. Unlike quasi-judicial hearings, a legislative proceeding does not require due process protections such as the right of the parties to offer evidence, cross-examination, sworn testimony; or written findings of fact. Like quasi-judicial hearings, legislative hearings are public hearings preceded by notice to interested parties. Public hearings are required for legislative review hearings such as amendments to a comprehensive plan, amendments to this Chapter including the zoning provisions of this Chapter and the Official Zoning Map, and applications for ,... a Planned Development. The order of the proceedings for a legislative hearing shall be as set 1 Project Staff Report RZT20-001 Signs,Text Amendment Prepared by:Kuleigh Baker Meeting Date:June 18,2020 forth in § Testimony may be presented by any member of the public, but need not be submitted under oath or affirmation.The Planning Commission and Board of Zoning Appeals may establish a time limit for testimony. 5.3.2 Applicability This section applies to any application for an amendment to the text of this Chapter or for an amendment to the Official Zoning Map. An amendment to the Official Zoning Map which reclassifies property from one zoning district to another is known as a "rezoning." A change to the text of this Chapter is referred to as a "text amendment'. 5.3.3 Initiation This Chapter, including the Official Zoning Map and any supporting map(s), may be amended from time to time by the City Council, but no amendment shall become effective unless it shall have been proposed by or shall have first been submitted to the Planning Commission for review and recommendation. Any communication purporting to be an application for a change shall be regarded as mere notice to seek relief until it is made in the form required. Upon receipt of any communication, the interested parties shall be supplied with the proper application form(s) by the Director. © ( Rezoning,does not apply, removed for brevity) Text Amendment—Any person,property owner, board,commission,department or the City Council may apply for a change in zoning ordinance text. A proceeding for approval of a text amendment may be initiated by filing an application with the Department. The application shall be signed by the applicant and shall include the language of the proposed amendment to the text of this Chapter and the justification for the proposed change. Before any application is accepted by the Department, it is recommended that the applicant meet with a representative of the Department. The purpose of the pre-application meeting is to discuss the procedures and requirements for a text amendment request. During the conference, the Department will identify the submittal requirements. 5.3.5 Decision The Director shall transmit the application to the Planning Commission for consideration at the next regularly scheduled monthly meeting following receipt of a complete application, provided that the complete application is submitted at least thirty (30)calendar days prior to said meeting. Notice of the public hearing shall be provided as set forth in §5.1.3. The Planning Commission shall approve or deny the zoning C Page 2 of 8 Project Staff Report RMO-001 Signs,Text Amendment C Prepared by:Kuleigh Baker Meeting Date:June 18,2020 amendment in accordance with the procedures for a legislative hearing as set forth in § At least ten (10) days' notice and opportunity to comment must be given to the public if the applicant is allowed to present oral or written comments pursuant to S.C. Code§6-29-760. The Planning Commission shall submit its recommendation to the City Council within thirty(30) calendar days, or other period required by law, after the initial hearing date(see S.C.Code§6-29-760(A).A majority vote is required for the Planning Commission to approve,approve with conditions, if applicable,or deny a rezoning or text amendment application. A recommendation of approval with conditions of a rezoning may be submitted only if a conditional use permit is requested pursuant to§5.5. The City Council shall consider the recommendation of the Planning Commission on each proposed rezoning and text amendment within thirty(30) days of receipt of the Planning Commission report. The City Council is not bound by the recommendation in making a final decision and may call for additional information and/or public hearing(s). No challenge to the adequacy of notice or challenge to the validity of a rezoning or text amendment, whether enacted before or after the effective date of this section, C may be made sixty (60) days after the decision of the City Council if there has been substantial compliance with the notice requirements of this section, with established procedures of the City Council and the Planning Commission and with S.C. Code §6-29. 5.3.6 Approval Criteria Whenever the public necessity, safety or general welfare justifies such action, the Planning Commission may recommend amendments to the text of this Chapter or changes to zoning district boundaries. The Planning Commission shall consider all of the factors specified in this section,at a minimum, in reviewing an application for a rezoning.The Planning Commission shall consider the factors specified in§ in reviewing an application for a text amendment[see above]. The Planning Commission is being asked to review the proposed text changes and provide a recommendation of approval or denial, which will be forwarded to the City Council. Section does not provide additional standards for review or analysis. C Page 3 of 8 Pmiect Staff Report RZT20-001 Signs,Text Amendment C Prepared by:Kuleigh Baker Meeting Date:June 18,2020 SECTION 4: PUBLIC NOTICE A public notice of the text amendment request and scheduled date of the Planning Commission public hearing was published in the North Augusta Star and on the City's website www.northouausta.net on lune 3,2020. SECTION 5: HISTORY The North Augusta Development Code was adopted by City Council on December 17, 2007, effective January 1, 2008. In response to issues with interpretation, court rulings, unclear text, and discussions with the Planning Commission, the Planning and Development Department completed a review of the sign regulations in North Augusta. In 2019, several revisions to the code were presented by Staff to simplify, clarify, allow for new types of signage, and allow for more diverse signage types in Downtown. These revisions were reviewed by a subcommittee consisting of volunteers from the Planning Commission. A "Sign Revision Preview' meeting was held on May 7, 2019, to review the changes and discuss these G changes with the public. The Planning Commission recommended the text amendment for approval by the City Council at their regular meeting held June 20, 2019. City Council adopted Ordinance No. 2019-18 amending the North Augusta Development Code, Article 13:signs of the City of North Augusta,South Carolina Code of Ordinances on December 2, 2019. SECTION 6: SUMMARY OF CHANGES AND PROPOSED AMENDMENTS Background Information Readerboards and electronic readerboards are defined as follows: Changeable Copy Sign: also known as a "readerboard," is any sign designated so that letters or numbers attached to the sign can be periodically changed to a different message. Electronic Readerboard:a sign which displays messages in alternating light cycles using electronic messaging or LED lights. They are generally computerized programmable electronic visual communication devices, manufactured for the outside environment. Page 4 of 8 Project Staff Report RZT20-001 Signs,Text Amendment O Prepared by:Kuleigh Baker Meeting Date:June 18,2020 Section 13.8.1.a states the following: "Signage shall not exceed the limits as defined herein. If a sign type is not listed in that district or use,that type of signage is not allowed in that district or use. Zoning district means the district as established in Article 3, Zoning Districts. Use is more precise than the zoning district. If there is a conflict between district and use, use shall prevail." This would indicate that use would over-ride zoning,however,the use of electronic readerboards are conditioned further within the code to limit Electronic Readerboards to use in only specific non-residential zoning districts. Section NADC 13.8.3, Signage Allowed for Non-Residential Districts and Uses I. Electronic Readerboards i. Shall be used only in the Office Commercial (OC), General Commercial (GC),Thoroughfare Commercial (TC),and Industrial (IND) districts. ii.Shall not exceed 50%of the sign area of which it is a part. iii. Must have a dark or black background. iv.Shall not display any animation,scrolling,flashing,or the appearance of animation or other prohibited sequence of lighting. v. Electronic Readerboards are prohibited in the Neighborhood Preservation Overlay. Electronic Readerboards are allowed in the D, OC, GC, TC and IND (NADC 13.8.3, Table 3-3 & NADC 13.8.4.p,except in areas covered by the Neighborhood Preservation Overlay).By specifying that electronic readerboards are useable only in certain zoning districts, this would prohibit electronic readerboard signs in R-14, R-10, R-7, R-5, INC, CR, R-MH, and TND districts. Electronic readerboard signs are also prohibited in the Neighborhood Preservation Overlay District.Signs in the PD or P districts may have conditional allowances for these types of signs.The following uses are Permitted, Conditional Uses, Special Exceptions,or Accessory uses in residential districts: Permitted Non-Residential Uses in Residential Districts • Tourist homes • Churches, synagogues, parish houses, Sunday school buildings, convents, including child care during worship services • Open space, park or active recreational uses operated on a non-commercial basis • Swimming pool • Cemeteries • Telephone exchange and repeater stations • Utility lines C Page 5 of 8 Project Staff Report RZT20-Ml Signs,Text Amendment Prepared by:Kuleigh Baker Meeting Date:June 18,2020 Conditional Uses(Administrative Approval with public hearings) • Boarding House • Childcare • Private or non-profit clubs including country clubs,athletic clubs, lodges,fraternities, and swimming clubs on a non-commercial membership basis • Schools, academic, nursery and preschool, grade schools—elementary, middle, high school • Private boat docks, boat houses,or marinas • Agricultural uses (raising crops, horticulture, orchards, forests excluding raising livestock) • Dormitory • Non-exempt Group homes Special Exception (granted by the Board of Zoning Appeals) • Bed and breakfast • Cell/communication towers and antennae OGas or electric generation distribution facilities Accessory Uses allowed in Residential Districts • Accessory buildings • Bus shelters • Home occupations • Community centers, meeting halls,community halls, reception halls,wedding halls • Storage of construction equipment,outdoors, incidental to construction activities • Studios for artists, designers, musicians, photographers, sculptors (not as a home occupation) • Parking lots, parking structures, or underground parking areas The Code does not specify a square footage allowance for non-residential uses in residential districts, but allows the Director to choose the most closely applicable district and use those standards. Page 6 of 8 Project Staff Report RZT20-0O1 Signs,Text Amendment C Prepared by:Kuleigh Baker Meeting Date:June 18,2020 Text Amendment Request Be Ye Holy Ministries, Inc. has requested two text amendments to Article 13. The first is for Section, to allow for electronic readerboards on signs associated with allowed commercial or institutional uses in residential districts. The second amendment request is to change the text of Article 13, Section 13.8.3.I.ii. to allow electronic readerboards to cover 100% of the sign area in which it is a part. Text Amendment Recommendations Please note:Text that is underlined is added,text that is ek-thFough.is to be deleted If accepted as submitted by the applicant, staff has recommends the following text changes Section 13.8.3: I. Electronic Readerboards I. Shall be used only in the Office Commercial (OC), General Commercial (GC), Thoroughfare Commercial (TC), and Industrial (IND) districts and for any non- residential use allowed in a residential district. ii. (deleted) C iii. Must have a dark or black background. iv. Shall not display any animation, scrolling, flashing, or the appearance of animation or other prohibited sequence of lighting. v. Electronic Readerboards are prohibited in the Neighborhood Preservation Overlay. Table 13-2, item 13 would be amended to read: TABLE 13-2 NON-RESIDENTIAL SIGN AREA CHART(USE OR ZONE) All Signs Wall Signs Freestanding Signs Maximum TOTAL Maximum SF Maximum SF of all signs is is the lesser Maximum SF is the lesser of SF,if not the lesser of of G or H otherwise B,or C,or D E or F specified A B C D E F G H I J K a E C c. c E : '^ E n c c `w E Fa y E ' N n .- � n wt Use or Zoning District' x w X m ^y x w o Q ie d e N m i x m a 4 y 13. Electronic Readerboards -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- area No `.., maximum Page 7 of 8 Project Staff Report RZT20-001 Signs,Text Amendment Prepared by:Kuleigh Baker Meeting Date:June 18,2020 Staff recommends additional changes to include clarification of sign sizes allowed. 13.8.3 Signage Allowed for Non-Residential Districts and Uses a. Applicability: restrictions in this category apply to developments in any zoning district that are currently used for non-residential purposes. If a ^a-..e..-.pc.d..cidpp` -' use is legally aGGulaying a Fesidestiallyned let,then .-hall d....._...:Re the �ab e d StFiet aAdFeqUiFempnt; For non-residential uses permitted by right (not including conditional or special exception uses), the standards for Neighborhood Commercial INC)signage shall be used. .Section NADC 13.8.3,Signage Allowed for Non-Residential Districts and Uses I. Electronic Readerboards Th ora ghfai:^ r (Tr` and ^d _ (IND) d;StFiet. Shall be permitted only on properties where the primary use of the entire property is non-residential. (Note:This would not include Tourist Homes or Home Occupations,as the primary use remains residential.) H.Shall not exceed 50%of the sign area of which it is a part. iii. Must have a dark or black background. [1, iv. Shall not display any animation, scrolling, flashing, or the appearance of �r animation or other prohibited sequence of lighting. v. Electronic Readerboards are prohibited in the Neighborhood Preservation Overlay. Table 13-2 would not be modified. SECTION 7: ATTACHMENTS 1. Public Notice 2. Applicant request for text changes 3. Staff recommended Revised Text of Article 13:Signs Page 8 of 8 Application for Development Approval North Augusta/ Please type or print all information .Sol nl1 Curulino`5 Hirrlfrunt Staff Use Application Number Date Received Review Fee Date Paid 1. Project Name Be Ye Holy Ministries, Inc. Project Address/Location 1117 Seymour Drive North Augusta S.C. 29841 Total Project Acreage 0.43 current zoning R-10 Tax Parcel Numbers) 007 08 10 001 2. Applicant/owner Name Joe L. Newsome Applicant Phone 706-339-5590 Mailing Address 532 Marble Falls Drive city Grovetown ST GA Zip 30813 Emailbeyeholy@comcast.net �ye 3. Is there a Designated Agent for this project? Yes V I No If Yes, attach a notarized Designation of Agent form. (required if Applicant is not property owner) 4. Engineer/Architect/Sumeyor License No. Firm Name Firm Phone Firm Mailing Address city ST Zip Email Signature Date 5. Is there any recorded restricted covenant or other private agreement that is contrary to, conflicts with or prohibits the use or activity on the property that is the subject of the application? �� (Check one.) yes I v Ino 6. In accordance with Section of the North Augusta Development Code, I hereby request the City of North Augusta review the attached project plans- The documents required by the City of North Augusta, as outlined in Appendix B of the North Augusta Development Code, are attached for the City's review for completeness. The applicant acknowledges that all required documents must be correct and complet to initiate the compliance review process. T me 3 June 2020 plicant or Designated Agent Signature Date Joe L. Newsome Print Applicant or Agent Name 112013 Designation of Agent NorthAugustaJ` Please type or print all information I Srxeh Carolina's R1oelftvllt This form is required If the property owner is not the applicant. Staff Use Only Application Number QZTo�O'oDate Received OJ' l9 10x0 1. Project Nam W�, 111145 1L� Project Address/Location ()) "'I &–M ovkC V Y t yt Project Parcel Number(s) ,. 1 2. PropertyOwner Name�q,� Fnlig inlSY,,f& Owner Phone Mail!n Address � t, city a 1 ' (� ST y�C Zip 1 / Email L,Lj� h-OW leftn/'/t it lrp �-- 3. Designated Agent ��� 111 d ��i1 ,-� �/ I /{jl up V14, Relationshipf to Owner larY1`t�rIi.dov, Firm Name CD aS-6- OLJC4)V SJ VJL IV(Phone 4�3 ' 594 ' Isro Agent's Mailing Address 4 �'P�`-Iii,in, r,( a I v�. / � city c� STS/, — Zip a1"14r Email CJ)(1.S 1&L'I.TYA60Y ' �C�(rA). ',eir Agent's Signatur��A'CiL L V��'tilz Date 4 1 ! .1(JT�1 4. 1 hereby designate the above ramed person(Line 3)to serve as my agent and represent me In the referenc application. /idoa0 ner Signature 5. Sworn and subscribed 9,be(ore me on this �� . day of _ ' 20 Notary Public - _ PV,\�Dy�Lt^�IIO Commission Expiration Date =n a NOT4gL w �Q` i, CIOIiUNjtslr"```` BE YE HOLY NURISTRIES,INC. SEY1100R P9 NORTHTH AUfiUSTR.S.C..C.49841 C To, Mrs. Libby Hodges Director of Planning and Development City of North Augusta 100 Georgia Avenue P.O Box 6400 North Augusta, SC 29841 Subject:Request approval to allow Be Ye Holy Ministries, Inc. to install an Electronic Readerboard at 1117 Seymour Drive, North Augusta, S.C. 29841. Dear Mrs. Libby Hodges It has come to our attention that the City of North Augusta has prohibited or placed restrictions to permit the installation of our proposed Electronic Readerboard. Be Ye Holy Ministries, Inc., is a(501) ©3,Non-Profit Organization that represents Christ to the community. As a ministry,we have been instructed to propagate the Word of God. (Luke 14:23) Tells us to "Go out into the highways and hedges,and compel them to come in,that my house may be filled'. Be Ye Holy has been an active community member of North Augusta since December 2009. We provide public religious services to include worship,education,and counseling. We open our food pantry and clothes closet monthly. Also,we typically sponsor blood drives in conjunction with the Shepard blood center to enhance and contribute to the wellbeing of our community. Permitting Be Ye Holy to install the proposed electronic readerboard allows us to freely brand and reach the public 24 hours a day,which can be utilized to provide a comforting message, welcome guests,or inform people when the next service is taking place. While sharing all this information is essential, visibility is the key. The electronic readerboard allows us to exercise our faith. Article 13(l)(i)/(ii) puts an unreasonable restriction on Be Ye Holy Ministries, hindering its ability to exercise religious activities in the community. We believe the current zoning code on Electronic Reader boards in residential districts is antiquated and represents the past, not the future. Putting up letters and taking down messages is what we did when we began in 1992. Our goal is to enhance the community through our complimentary landscape and spiritual fitness services. Be Ye Holy request a"Text Amendment"to Article 13,para 13.8.3(I)(i)to allow electronic readerboards on signs associated with allowed commercial or institutional uses in residential districts. Our electronic readerboard is 8 ft. high,with a sign area of 32 sq. ft. C Page 1 of 2 BE YE HOLY MINISTRIES,INC. 1117 SEYMOUR DRIVE CNORTH AUGUSTA,S.C.29541 Be Ye Holy request a"Text Amendment'to Article 13,para 13.8.3(t)(ii)to allow our electronic readerboard to cover 100%of the sign area in which it is a part. We request the City of North Augusta approve the installation of the proposed church sign at 1117 Seymour Drive,North Augusta, South Carolina 29841. We thank you in advance for your consideration and look forward to a continued community partnership. Respectfully Submitted, OEL NEWS Pastor Be Ye Holy Ministries,Inc. Phone: 706-339-5590 Email:beyeholy@comcaslnet ! O © Page 2 of 2 City of r North Augusta, South Carolina �- Planning Commission PUBLIC HEARING NOTICE The North Augusta Planning Commission will hold a public hearing at its regular monthly meeting beginning at 7:00 PM on Thursday, June 18, 2020, in the Council Chambers, North Augusta Municipal Center, 100 Georgia Avenue, North Augusta, South Carolina, to receive public input on the following application: RZT20-001 —A request by Be Ye Holy Holy Ministries for a Text Amendment to allow electronic readerboards in residential districts. The request affects Article 13, Signs of the North Augusta Development Code. Documents related to the applications will be available for public inspection after June 11th in the Department of Planning and Development on the second floor of the North Augusta Municipal Center, 100 Georgia Avenue, North Augusta, South Carolina, 803-441-4221. Citizens and property owners interested in expressing a view on the request are encouraged to attend. CITIZEN ASSISTANCE: Individuals needing special assistance or a sign interpreter to participate in © the meeting are asked to please notify the Department of Planning and Development at 803-441-4221 at least 48 hours prior to the meeting. COVID-19 Procedure Changes: Please visit www.northaugusta.net for updates on processes and procedures related to city services and hearings. Powered by so))SlgnCommand' signcommand.com YEARS+ y 4F SGC ameaa5dcbmemma RmmudM1xeYua i ' MlpxlrWvm.dlewdrls8n . MwmmunMredXM1 � y ` 5rT 81 1 ' eIHoly._ It 1• • tRs C-tA�: r 7' 6" 3' 6" .,x C Stewaft Si n$ Tek Star Color 20mm 32x112 Approved � Cabinet size: 4'x8' ❑as:eovin uwim cnanyea AN ESSLo COMPANY i/2'=1' Sk: 953299-1 Cust: 3110125 Signature 4/17/2020 Ca/cMiller PROPOSAL Scale: 5/811COID06)' Dlgl[al Print Paint Color: Silver Gray Draft Color'. WM1tte r . .. A&..,.uuuMFCC I FIVE STAR RA7INGS Energy /► le'aa * * * * * DIRECT L LISTED 1'L I Verified lnis cuslCm o... v rwr mtervlV to an"lee an .. 1.11,M IM. NnYI, pMrt. or LED nulor. sli ae J.19nee for an Jlnmmdretl av,,.c ano.1m ndsM ar N me yeove. Non-Illumlratipn Uulir9 tleYrgnl lwrs maY resue in gapM1v3 oC varying &Ickwak and mi dre ml iritlrketl Intlw gOptt0 wit,IFe ett yrtlwl of Cpmaztme Pi if a.IemerRa 1.n are aporan ion, finalpoi dlrreruan mry vary. LED imsyes slnwn are AmuWN lon,M[li a cptmum vie., wit, Domed desgn,do n.tlrriflraL¢, PROPOSED TEXT, UT 20.01,NADC ART 13,06-2020 C I. Electronic Readerboards i. Shall be used only in the Office Commercial (OC), General Commercial (GC),Thoroughfare Commercial (TC),and Industrial (IND) districts and for any non-residential use allowed in a residential district. ii. (deleted) iii. Must have a dark or black background. iv. Shall not display any animation, scrolling, flashing, or the appearance of animation or other prohibited sequence of lighting. v. Electronic Readerboards are prohibited in the Neighborhood Preservation Overlay. m. Changeable Copy i. Shall be used only in the Office Commercial (OC), General Commercial (GC)and Thoroughfare Commercial (TC)districts. ii. Must be part of a larger wall or freestanding sign. iii. Shall not exceed 30%of the sign area of which it is a part. iv. Changeable Copy signs are prohibited in the Georgia Avenue and Neighborhood Preservation Overlay. n. Maximum Total Square Footage of All Signage on a Non-Residential Parcel or Lot i. Zoning Districts {y� a. Neighborhood Commercial (NC): I. Maximum Square Footage: 200 sq ft. or 4%of ground floor area,or 3 sq ft per linear foot of street frontage, whichever is least. b. Office Commercial (OC): I. Maximum Square Footage: 300 sq ft.or 6%of ground floor area, or 3 sq ft per linear foot of street frontage,whichever is least. c. General Commercial (GC)and Thoroughfare Commercial (TC): i. Maximum Square Footage: 300 sq ft. or 10%of ground floor area, or 3 sq ft per linear foot of street frontage, whichever is least. d. Industrial (IND) Districts I. Maximum Square Footage: 300 sq. ft. or 2% of ground floor area,or 3 sq.ft.per linear foot of street frontage,whichever is less. C North Augusta Development Code:Article 13:Signs(adopted 12-2-2019) 13-24 I PROPOSED TEXT,RZT 20-01,NADC ART 13,06-2020 1 O TABLE 13-2 NON-RESIDENTIAL SIGN AREA CHART(USE OR ZONE) All Signs Wall Signs Freestanding Signs Maximum TOTAL Maximum SF Maximum SF of all signs is is the lesser Maximum SF is the lesser of SF,if not the lesser of of G or H otherwise 8,or C,oro EorF specified A B C D E F G H I 1 R E au � 'G Er v ' a Use or Zoning District" E V o m E 3 E ' •q, < q x =0y° E 0 o q 'x 'x a I. Construction Signage -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- 32 2. Temporary Signs -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- 16 3. Temporary Signs,NC District — -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- 6 4. Vacant Lots over 5 acres — -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- 32 5 Vacant Lots less than 5 acres — -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- 16 6. Identification -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- 2 7. Accessory Signs -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- 4 5. Window Signs -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- 50%of window area G9. Subdivision/Project 32 5 -- -- identification Signs 10. Shopping Centers 1,000 5 1 1,000 10 150 0.50 25 5/10 16 11. Menu Boards -- — -- -- — -- -- -- -- 32 12. Canopy Signs 50%of __ __ __ canopy 13. Electronic Readerboards -- -- -- — -- -- -- -- No Maximum. 14. Changeable Message Signs _ -- -- -- — -- -- -- -- 30%of sign area 15. Neighborhood Commercial 200 4 3 160 30 60 0.25 30 5/10 6 (NC) 16. Office Commercial(OC) 300 6 3 300 10 100 0.50 12 5/10 16 17. General Commercial(GC) 300 10 3 300 10 100 0.50 20 5/10 16 18.rhoroughfare Commercial 300 10 3 300 30 100 1 25 5/10 16 (TC) 19. Highway Corridor Overlay 300 10 6 300 10 100 0.50 25 5/10 16 (HC) 20. Neighborhood Preservation 200 6 3 160 - 60 0.50 10 5/5 6 Overlay(NP) U. Georgia Avenue Overlay(GA) 100 10 6 100 7 20 0.25 8 0/0 22. Industrial(IND) 300 2 3 -- - 150 0.50 20 5/10 16 North Augusta Development Code:Article 13:Signs(adopted 12-2-2019) 13-27 ATTACHMENT #8 RESOLUTION NO. 2020-28 RECOMMENDING INDIVIDUALS WEAR FACE COVERINGS IN PUBLIC BUILDINGS AND RETAIL AND FOOD SERVICE ESTABLISHMENTS WHEREAS, the 2019 Novel Coronavirus ("COVID-19") is a respiratory disease that can result in serious illness or death by the SARS-CoV-2 virus; WHEREAS, on March 13, 2020, the President of the United States declared that the COVID-19 outbreak in the United States constitutes a national emergency; WHEREAS,also on March 13,2020,the Governorof the State of South Carolina issued Executive Order 2020-08, declaring a State of Emergency based on a determination that the COVID-19 poses an actual or imminent public health emergency for the State; WHEREAS, the Governor has subsequently declared a continued State of Emergency in Executive Orders 2020-15 (March 28), 2020-23 (April 12), 2020-29 (April 27), 2020-35 (May 12),2020-38 (May 27), 2020-40 (June 11); and 2020-42 (June 26,2020); WHEREAS, South Carolina is experiencing a dramatic increase in the number of identified new COVID-19 cases, and as of June 30,2020,the total number of persons affected are as follows: 1: © Jurisdiction Confirmed Cases Deaths State of South Carolina 36,267 735 Aiken County 387 10 City of North Augusta 131 (zip codes 29841 &29860 Source(7-1-2020):httos�//www scdhec eov/infectious-diseases/viruses/coronavirus-disease-2019-covid-19/sc- testine-data-aroiections-covid-19 WHEREAS, health authorities, including the CDC, the Surgeon General of the United States, and DHEC have recommended the use of face coverings as a means of preventing the spread of COVID-19; and NOW, THEREFORE, it is strongly recommended and encouraged by the Council of the North Augusta, South Carolina as follows: 1) Face Coverings be wom by all customers while inside the enclosed area of any Public Building and Retail Establishment; and 2) Retail Establishments should require staff to wear Face Coverings while working in areas open to the general public and areas in which interactions with other staff are likely in which social distancing of at least six feet cannot be observed; and 3) Foodservice Establishments should require staff who interact with customers (including, without limitation, delivery personnel) to wear Face Coverings while working. C 4) "Face Covering," in this resolution means a uniform piece of cloth, fabric, or other material that securely covers a person's nose and mouth and remains affixed in place C without the use of one's hands.Face Coverings include,but are not limited to,bandanas, medical masks, cloth masks, scarves, and gaiters,provided that they are worn such that they securely cover the person's nose and mouth. DONE, RATIFIED, AND ADOPTED BY THE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF NORTH AUGUSTA, SOUTH CAROLINA, ON THIS DAY OF JULY, 2020. Robert A. Pettit,Mayor ATTEST: Sharon Lamar, City Clerk i i O Page 2 of 2 2020 Annual Municipal Budget Adjustment North Augusta South Carolina 's Riuerfront Fiscal Year January 1 , 2010 through December 31 , 2020 c Administration Department Interoffice Memorandum TO: Mayor and City Council FROM: Rochelle Moody, Interim City Administrator DATE: June 16, 2020 SUBJECT: Budget Adjustment for Fiscal Year 2020 A MESSAGE FROM THE INTERIM CITY ADMINISTRATOR Transmitted herewith is the balanced budget adjustment for Fiscal Year 2020 commencing January 1, 2020, and ending December 31, 2020. The budget adjustment as proposed is submitted to Mayor and City Council for consideration and subsequent adoption. GThe current outbreak of the 2019 Novel Coronavirus Disease ("COVID-19"), has negatively impacted City revenue streams,specifically in the areas of parks,recreation and tourism. As current prevailing data and guidance as well as governmental orders and directives continue to place limitations on public gatherings, the City has determined that adjustments to the General Fund and Riverfront Central Core Fund are necessary at this time. As with the original adopted budget,the 2020 budget adjustment was developed with the goal of maintaining a high level of service and to offer continued City services at a level that is considered appropriate to maintain the safety and wellbeing of its citizens. There are no proposed millage or other rate modifications included with this budget adjustment. Staff will continue to monitor the impacts of COVID-19 and will bring forth any additional budget adjustments for Council's consideration if and when necessary. The 2020 budget as originally adopted includes a 2% merit based employee raise across all funds with a previously anticipated July 1 effective date. The budget adjustment does not impact the employee raise at this time and funding options will be brought forth for Council's consideration as we continue to monitor financial performance and the circumstances surrounding COVID-19. C CITY OF NORTH AUGUSTA, SOUTH CAROLINA FISCAL YEAR 2020 PROPOSED BUDGET ADJUSTMENT NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING The City of North Augusta, South Carolina hereby gives notice of a public hearing to be held on its proposed budget adjustment for the fiscal year beginning January 1, 2020 and ending December 31, 2020. The public hearing will be held in the Couaid Chambers in the Municipal Building, 100 Georgia Avenue, North Augusta, South Carolina on Monday, July 6, 2020, beginning at 6:45 P.M. A copy of the proposed 2020 budget adjustment is presently available for inspection at the Municipal Building from 8:30 AM to 5:00 PM,Monda7 through Friday in the Citv Clerk3 office. An electronic copy is available on the City a website at northaugustamet. A summary of the proposed adjustment to the 2020 Municipal Budget as compared to the adopted 2020 Municipal Budget is as follows: Adoptrd P.g ...d Adopkd Pmpoavd 2020 2u±0 Y. 2020 2020 Fund Rraraw I Reaenur (bmgc F.apendimn.a F.apcnd0una ('M1anBe Ce alFund $ 19114 $ ]83?4,?33 -3.8W/a $ 19114,863 $ 18,374.733 -3.87% RnerfrodGCC 114478 2113478 0.00?'e 040731 1579.631 -22.65% �- Tmal 521,229,346 's 20,489,2111 1 1 521,155,649 51995},±6! The millage for the current fiscal year (2020) is 73.5. There is no proposed change to the millage rate for fiscal year 2020. The adopted millage rate for fiscal year 2020 will collect an estimated 58,263,562. The proposed 2020 budget adjustment does not include a tax increase, nor any rate increases. As with any budget year, there is potential for additional adjustments during the public budget adjustment hearing scheduled for July 6,2020. 6 16 2020 Mayor and City Council I I June 16, 2020 GENERAL. FUND REVENUE SUMMARY: A brief summary of major income categories within the General Fund follows: Major Sources 2020 2020 Adjusted %Increase Budget Budget Decrease Taxes $7,498,967 $7,498,967 0.00% Licenses&Permits 6,351,000 6,351,000 0.00% Fines &Forfeitures 1,120,000 1,120,000 0.00% Other Sources 750,648 750,648 0.00% Service Charges 1,371,963 646,828 -52.85% Miscellaneous 713,323 698,323 -2.10% Transfers 1,308,967 1,308,967 0.00% TOTAL $19,114,868 $18,374,733 -3.87% SERVICE CHARGES: The proposed adjustment to service charges takes into consideration the cancellations and modifications of athletic and other programs as well as cancellations to rentals of City facilities. MISCELLANEOUS: The proposed adjustment to miscellaneous revenue defers SCPRT PARD Funds to 2021 for upgrade to the playground surface at Riverview Park. EXPENDITURE SUMMARY: A brief summary of major spending categories within the General Fund follows: 2020 % Adjusted i 2020 Increase iFunctional Areas Budget BuDecrease j General Government $5,711,790 $5,557,825 -2.70% Public Safety 8,843,667 8,716,761 -1.43% Public Works 1,650,089 1,647,218 -0.17% j Parks, Recreation&Tourism 2,909,322 2,452,929 -15.69% TOTAL $19,114,868 $18,374,733 -3.87% l OPK Mayor and City Council III lune 16,2020 EXPENDITURES: The following changes are reflected in the adjusted budget above: salary savings due to vacant positions in the areas of General Government, Public Safety and Parks, Recreation&Tourism;employer retirement contribution savings in all functional areas related to the General Assembly's continuing resolution that contribution rates will remain unchanged for their fiscal year 2021 (7/1/2020-6/30/2021); savings from the cancellations and modifications of athletic and other programs as well as cancellations to rentals of City facilities; promotion of one Public Safety sergeant position to lieutenant; additional information technology purchases to include server upgrades and switch replacements for SLED compliance for Public Safety as well as backup storage expansion for citywide needs; and increase of administrative contingency to provide a more conservative balance for the ever changing environment created by COVID-19. RIVERFRONT/CENTRAL CORE FUND EXPENDITURE SUMMARY: A brief summary of the Riverfront/Central Core Fund follows: 2020 2020 % Budget Adjusted Increase Tourism $2,040,781 $1,578,631 -22.65% EXPENDITURES: j The changes reflected in the budget adjustment above include postponement of i non-critical projects due to the financial impact of COVID-19 on income generated from tourism and related activities. O General Fund CITY OF NORTH AUGUSTA FY 2020 GENERAL FUND SUMMARY OFREVENUES PROPOSED AC'I UAL 110061T ACTUAL AD0F FED ADJUSTMENT ® ACCOIMT AIMUCKMESCRIPTLON :off 2QL4 07/11(2019 2020 2424 TAXES 10-3000-010CLIRRFN'l TAXES 7,160,003 7,193,560 14,005,160 7,395,967 7.395.967 10.3000-020 DELINQUENT TAXES 14,749 10,000 5,204 10.000 10.000 10.3N0-030PFNALHES 75,419 55,000 110.932 55,0(X) 550%1 000004MOAMBIOPHARMFILOT 33,168 33,000 96,725 38,001 38.000 ` TOTALTAXES 7,283.339 7,283,360 14.218,020 7,498,967 7,498,967 LICENSES&PERMITS i 10-3100-01013USI.ICENSll1'RANCIIIS1i1'Fli 6,009,285 6,105,770 7,715,188 5,980,000 5.980.000 10-3100-020BUII.DINGPERMM 299,448 300,000 514,274 326,000 326.000 10.3100030ELECIRICAL.PERMITS 23,047 20,000 34,222 18,000 18,000 10.310(-040MISCIIANICAI,PF.RMI'IS 19,740 18,000 33,094 16,000 16,000 10-3100,050 PLUMBING PERMITS 12,189 12,000 20,098 11,000 11.010 TOTAL LICENSES&PERMIT'S 6,363,709 6,455,770 8,316,876 6,351,000 6,351,000 FINES&FORFEITURES 10,3200-010 PUBLIC SAFETY FINES 808,531 1,070,000 1,228,275 1,100,000 LIO(LI100 C103200-020 DRUG RELATED ACCT-STATE 21,425 15.000 26,485 15,000 MOW 10-3200-025 DRUG RELAEEDACCF-FEDERAL 4,244 5,111x1 4,694 5,000 5000 TOTAL FINES&FORFEITURES 834,2011 1,090,000 1,259,454 1,120,000 1,120,001 FROM OTHER SOURCES 10-3300-043 STATE SHARED REVENUE 507,9119 502,230 928,081 526,107 526107 10-330445 STATE ACCOMMODATIONS TAX 61.399 44,000 107,508 49,500 49300 10-33041149 MERCHANIV INW141DRYTAX 54,790 54,700 95,836 54,700 54.700 10.3300-049 LOCAL OPTION SALES TAX 21,146 20,000 28,873 20,01X1 20000 10-3300-070 LAW ENE NET GRANT-2JCI0002 5,120 limX1 3,989 10,000 10,000 10-33011-071 US TREASURY-DOJ GRANT 4,719 146,521 2,002 5,000 5.000 10.1100-076 HWY SAFETY ORANTPT-2019-11S-14- 12,239 0 148,871 85,341 85.341 TOTAL FROM OTHER SOURCES 660,321 777,451 1,115,160 750,648 750,648 SERVICE CHARGES 10.3400-0101'IRE PRO['EC'IION FEES 62.192 63,000 59,889 41,760 41,760 10-3400-015 CUSTOM STRFF ILIGHT FEES 82,045 87,244 123,625 85,808 85.808 103400-018 MUNICIPAL CEN LER RE:N"PALS 103,084 103,800 95.111 83,300 15.000 C103400-026 RECREATION FEES-SPEC PROGRAMS 24,209 29,600 36,848 29,600 26,350 06117/2020 Page I 4 CITY OF NORTH AUGUSTA FY 2020 GENERAL FUND SUMMARY OF REVENUES PROPOSED OACTUAL BUDGET ACTUAL ADOPTED ADJUSTMENT ACCOUNT NUMBUVDGSCRMIQN M am 2m 07/31/2019 zm Wu 10-3400-028 RECRP.AI'ION FEES-VOI.I.FYBALI. 6,438 5,880 5,320 5,500 5.500 10-3400.029 RECREATION FEES-SOCCER 69.503 65,990 88.203 68.650 50.650 10.3400-030 PECREATION FRES-MISC 129,984 145,000 131,026 150,000 50.000 I0.3400-031 RFCREAF ON FEES-RASKI,HIALL 45,065 51,300 52,807 46,410 32.000 10-3400.032 RECREATION FEES-SOFNALL 28.024 29,820 43,409 29.920 18.070 10.34X1-033 RECREATION FEES-FOOITIALL 45,162 36.065 39,505 39,770 28.000 III-3400-034 RECREATION FEES-BASEBALL 62,909 55,420 106,942 58.940 3X.690 10-3400-035 CONCESSION STANDS REVENUE 173,273 150,000 228,883 170,000 75.000 10.3400-036 COMMUNITY CENTER RENTALS 63,346 64,800 80,890 69,770 10.000 10-34004)37 RVP ACT IVITIES CENTER FEES 178.249 164,035 238,701 164,035 130.(XX) 1(F340M38 RECREATION FACILITIES RENTALS 32,115 24,000 50,255 29.000 18.000 10-3400-039 ACTIVITIES CENTER TOURNIRFINTAI 269.956 241.000 346,612 299,500 22,000 TOTAL SERVICE CHARGES 1,375,543 1,316,954 1,728,026 1,371.963 646,828 MISCELLANEOUS REVENUE 10-35(X)01001HER INCOME 36&922 376,417 627,839 444,323 429.323 10-3500-013 SCDOT TRAFFIC SIGNAL REVENUE 78,641 14.550 21,330 0 0 103500-020 COMMUNICAI ION'I OWER RRN'I'AL 164.062 190,000 326,943 194,(W 194.000 10.3500-050 NIT EREST ON INVESTMENTS 79,267 44,000 122.029 75,000 75.000 TOTAL MISCELLANEOUS REVENUE. 690.892 624,967 1,098.140 713.323 698,323 "TRANSFERS 10-3900-0101 BANS FROM RN"I'RRPRISE FUNDS 693,251 1,119.237 2,310,919 1,191,682 1,191.682 10-3900-015 TRANSFER FROM RFICC FUND 40,075 40,075 80,150 40,075 40.075 # 10-3900.045 TRANSFER FROM CAPITAL PROJECI. 178,260 76,354 153,564 77,210 77.210 TOTAL TRANSFERS 911,586 1.235,666 2,544,633 1,308.967 1,308,967 TOTAL GENERAL FUND 18,119,589 18,784,368 30.480,311 19,111,868 1&374,733 06mn020 page 2 i CITY OF NORTI I AUGUSTA FY 2020 GENERAL FUND SUMMARY OF REVENUES -TEXT /I� HXI'H('I'I() AIX11.111) PROPOSF.DADJUSIMLN'1' � ? � '� BCYENtL CHANG AMQM CHANE AhLOM �s CURRHNf1A%Fs 7,395,967 0 7395.967 0 7,395.967 163000-010 TAX TYPE ASSESSED VALUES TAX @ 72.00 MILLS REAL PROPERTY AIKEN COUNTY DIGEST (6C) - 79,960,640 - - - - - - - 5,757,166 AIKEN COUNTY TIF RASE (6T) - 831,138 - - - - - - 59,842 EDGEFIELD COUNTY DIGEST - 614,740 - - - - - - - 58,661 MERCHANTS/MFG/RA/UTILITY/BUSINESS FF - 10,208,781 - - - - - - - 735,032 PERSONAL - BOATS/MOTORS/AIRCYIAFT - 392,160 - - - - - - - 28,236 AUTOS @ 6.009 ASSESSMENT (ESTIMATE) - 12,610,660 - - - - - - - 907,968 ----------- ---------- TOTALS 104,818,119 - - - - - - - 7,545,905 GENERAL FUND TAX (GROSS) 7,546,905 COLLECTION RATE (98.09) 7,395,967 .«....«.......«....,.o............«........,.««............................« RECOMMENDED MILLS - 73.50 MILLS WITH 1.5 MILL TO THE CAPITAL PROJECTS FUND VALUE OF A MILL - 102,722 DELINQUENT'1AXRS IQ000 0 10.000 0 1(1,0011 10-3000-020 ES'T'IMATED UNCOLLECTED TAXES AT 12-31 2018 PENA1111{S 55,1100 0 5.5010 0 55,000 10.3000.030 PENALTY OF 158 PLUS WS'i OF 2.10 PER DELINQUENT TAX NOTICE ON MAY 1, 2020 AMMIOPIIARM FILU'F 38,000 0 38.000 0 38180 103()(X1-040 01 JSLICBNSEYFRANCl ILVIS FEE 5,98 000 0 5.980,006 0 5.980,000 163100-010 ELECTRICITY FRANCHISE (58) - 1, 300,000 GAS FRANCHISE (59) - 300,000 CABLE TV FRANCHISE (59) - 280,000 INSURANCE COMPANIES (29) - 2,400,000 TELECOMMUNTCAT IONS FEE (18) - 62,000 AL1. OTHERS - 11638,000 TOTAL ESTIMATED REVENUE 5,980,000 RUIIAING VERMI'1S 326.000 0 326.(XX) 0 326,000 10-nrxw20 06/17/2020 Vgc 3 CITY OF NORTH AUGUSTA FY 2020 GENERAL FUND SUMMARY OF REVENUES-'TEXT IIXPECIED ADOPTED PROPOSEDADIUgEWNT ACSQ.VL{I REVENUE CIIANSE AMOUNT. CHANG1i AMOAM ELECTRICAL PERMITS KIM 0 18.000 11 18,000 10-3100-030 4 MEUI IANN'AI.PERMIT S 16,000 0 WOOD 0 16,000 10-31004WO PLUMBING PERMITS ILow 0 11.000 0 11.000 I0-3100-050 PUBLIC SAFIA Y FINES I,IOo,000 0 L100.000 0 I,IOO,OIXI 1163200-010 MUNICIPAL COURT FINES - 473,517 CRIME VICTIM'S ASSESSMENT - 47,758 CRIME VICTIM'S 25 SURCHARGE ON NON-TRAFFIC CASES - 8,050 STATE MANDATED (REMITTED TO STATE) - 510,615 TOTAL ESTIMATED REVENOF 11100,000 DRUG RELATED ACCT-STATE 15,000 0 15,000 0 15,000 O 10-3200-020 THIS REVENUE OFFSET BY EXPENDITURES IN ACCOUNT X10-4100-250 DRUG RELATED ACCP-FEDERAI. 5,000 0 5,000 0 5,000 10-3200.025 THIS REVENUE OFFSE'C BY EXPENDITURES IN ACCOUNT X10-4100-25S S LAI'F SHARED REVEN1E 326,107 0 526,107 0 526,107 10-3300-043 AID TO SUBDIVISIONS - 506, 107 MANUFACTURERS EXEMPTION PROGRAM - 2U,000 TOTAL STA1'F. SHARED REVENUE 526, 107 SLATE ACCOMMODATIONS TAX 95.000 -45.500 49,500 0 49,500 10-3300045 GENERAL FUND PORTION 28,500 EXCESSS DESIGNATED AS TERC FOR CHAMBER AND JOJ 21,000 658 TO TOURISM RELATED EXPENDITURES ACCOMMODATIONS TAX FUND 45,500 MERCHAN"I S'INVI'.NTORY TAX 54.700 0 54.700 0 54.700 10-3300048 THIS REVENUE SOURCE IS FROZEN AT THE 1988 LEVEL 06/17/2020 Page 4 I CITY OF NORTH AUGUSTA FY 2020 GENERAL FUND SUMMARY OF REVENUES -'TEXT LNI-I(fI 1E1) AIX)F1 ED PROPOSE 1)ADIUSIMEN'I ASLWNI RVVENUL GRANGE AMOUNT CIIAN(11,. AMOLLNT LOCAL OPTION SALES TAX 20,1X10 0 20,000 0 20,000 10-3300-049 LOCAL OPTION SALES TAX - EOGEFIELD COUNTY LAW ENF NET GRANT.2JC10002 10,000 0 Ig0(A1 0 10,000 10-3300-070 LAW ENFORCEMENT NETWORK GRANT (SEF. ACCT 810-4100-248 FOR EXPENDITURES) USIRRASURY-UOJ GRAN I' 5,000 0 5,00(1 0 5,1X)0 10-3300.071 USDOJ BVP GRANT FOR BULLET PROOF VEST IIWYSAI:i IYGRAN'I 11I-2019-IIS-1 244,583 .159,242 85,341 0 85.341 10.3300.076 SCUPS GRANT OFFICER - 85,34: NEW SCDPS GRANT OFFICER - 159,242:NO TOTAL REVENUE 244,583 FIRE PRO'FEC-ri0N FEP.S 41,760 0 41,760 0 41,760 10-3400-010 570 CUSTOMERS @ 72 (ON CITY WATER SERVICE) - 41,040 G10 CUSTOMERS @ 72 (CONTRAC'PI - 720 TOTAL ESTIMATED REVENUE 41,'160 CUSIOM SIRVIA LIGIIII'R1:S 85,808 0 85,808 0 85,808 1(13400-015 3,109 CUSTOMERS @ 2.30 PER MONTH (PARTIALLY OFFSETS COST OF ELECTRICITY FOR STREET LIGHTS, ACCOUNT 410-4210-220) MUNICIPALCI'N'I'1'.RRI'.NTAI.S 83,300 . 0 83,300 -68,300 15,000 10-3400.018 EVENINGS AND WEEKENDS 29 RENTALS @ 2,000 = 58,000 PALMETTO TERRACE (FRIDAY, SATURDAY, SUNDAY - 30 HR) 3 RENTALS @ 1,500 = 4,500 PALMETTO TERRACE (MONDAY THRU THURSDAY - 10HR) 11 RENTALS @ 900 = 9,900 PALMETTO TERRACE (MONDAY THRU THURSDAY - 8 HR) 3 RENTALS @ 500 = 1,500 COUNCIL CHAMBER - MONDAY THRU THURSDAY (SAM-5PM) 4 RENTALS @ 600 = 2,400 PALMETTO TERRACE 0 RENTALS @ 150 - 0 PALMETTO TRAINING ROOM MISCELLANEOUS - 7,000 TOTAL REVENUE U3,300 ADDITIONAL HRS FOR PALMETTO TERRACE CHARGED AT. 250/11OUR `COVID-19 BUDGET ADJUSTMENT 1 06/17/1020 I'agc 5 CITY OF NORTI I AUGUSTA i FY 2020 GENERAL FUND SUMMARY OF REVENUES -'TEXT r 1 1XPECIEO Alx)I'i'BU $IiU AUlUS'I'MGNI' RI-YRN AC141N1' 12E C'IIANGf. AM()lIN 1. CHIIANG AN(iE AMOUN_f. RFCREAIION PEES-SPEC PROGRA 29,600 0 29.600 .3.250 26.3511 I 10-3400-026 ADVENTURE / GYMNASTICS - 3,500 ADVENTURE CAMP - 17,500 CI (OTt1ER1 - 2,000 'TENNIS - 6,500 TOTAL ESTIMATED REVENUE 29,600 OFFSET BY EXPENDITURE ACCOUNT 410-4300-265 -COVID-19 BUDGET ADJUSTMENT RECREATION FEES-VOLLP.YBALI. 5,500 0 .5,500 0 5.500 100400-028 X OF TEAMS 1N 2020 - 10 I Of PARTICIPANTS IN 2020 - 02 RESIDENT'S FEE - 62 @ 50 - 3,100 NON-RESIDENT'S FEE - 20 @ 70 - 1,400 } LEAGUE SPONSORS - 2 @ 500 I,DDO 3 TOTA1, ESTIMATED REVENUE 5,500 i OFFSET BY EXPENSE ACCOUNT' Y10-9300-218 i RFCREAI'ION FEES-SOCCER 68.650 0 68,650 .18.000 50,650 10.3400-029 X OF TEAMS IN 2020 - 83 I M OF PARTICIPANTS IN 2020 - 1.107 RESIDENT'S FEE - 692 @ 50 = 34,600 NON-RESIUENT'S FEE - 415 @ 70 29,050 LEAGUE SPONSORS 8 @ 500 - 4,000 SOCCER CAMP - 1,000 TOTAL ESTIMATED REVENUE - 60,650 I OFFSET BY EXPF,NDTTGRF. ACCOUNT 110-4300-277 -COVID-19 BUDGET ADJUS'1'MEN'I' RECRIfAIION FFIS-MISC 150,0(X1 0 150.00(1 -100,0011 511,101) 10.341X5030 JACX-O-LANTERN JUBILEE VENDOR REGIS'TRAT'IONS, OTHER - 45,000 FESTIVAL RIDE TICKETS - 25,000 LOP PERMITS - 15,000 STATE ACCOMMODATIONS TAX - 10,000 y SPONSORSHIPS - 55,000 TOTAL ESTIMATED REVENUE 150,000 OFFSET BY EXPENDITURE ACCOUNT Y10-4325-270 'COVID-19 BUDGET ADJUSTMENT I I C 06:'1712020 I'.gc 6 I ' CITY OF NORTH AUGUSTA FY 2020 GENERAL FUND SUMMARY OF REVENUES -TEXT EXPCCIED A1XH"IHD PROPOSED AUJ USI MEN'I ACCOUNI, RrVENUE CHANiil: AMOON CHA.N-OF AM41lN'I RECRE.A'1'TON DIES-OASKEI'HALL 40,410 0 46A10 -14,410 32,000 10-3400-031 1 OF TEAMS IN 2020 - 68 YOUTH 1 OF PARTICIPANTS IN 2020 - 577 YOUTH RESIDENT'S FEE - 374 @ 50 18,700 NON-RESIDENT'S FEE - 203 @ 70 14,210 LEAGUE SPONSORS - 11 @ 500 = 5,500 BASKETBALL CAMPS - 50 @ 100 - 51000 GATE FEE - 3,000 TOTAL ESTTMA'CED REVENUE - 46,410 OFFSET BY EXPENDITURE ACCOUNT 110-4300-273 -COVID-19 BUDGET ADJUSTMENT RECREATION 149!S-SOrl BALI, 29,920 0 29,920 -11,850 18,070 103400-032 1 OF TEAMS IN 2020 - 19 1 OF PARTICIPANTS IN 2020 - 221 RESIDENT'S FEE - 154 @ 50 - 7,700 NON-RESIDENT'S FEE - 61 @ 70 - 4,690 GIRLS SPONSOR FEES - 19 @ 250 = 4,750 ALLSTAR PLAYERS FEES - 48 @ 35 = 1,660 ADULT SOFTBALL TEAMS - 16 @ 475 = 7,600 YOUTH SOFTBALL CAMPERS - 25 @ 60 = 1,500 TOURNAMENT REVENUE - 2,000 TOTAL ESTIMATED REVENUE - 29,920 OFFSET BY EXPENDITURE ACCOUNT 110-4300-274 •COVID-19 BUDGET ADJUSTMENT CRI!CRIiA1 ION FlH:.S-F0CYlBALL 39,770 0 39,770 -11,770 28.000 103400-033 1 OF TEAMS IN 2020 - 16 FOOTBALL 1 13 CHEERLEADING / OF PARTICIPANTS IN 2020 - 431 FOOTBALL RESIDENT'S FEE - 181 @ 50 = 9,350 FOOTBALL NON-RESIDENT"S FEE - 80 @ 70 = 51600 CHEERLEADING RESIDENT'S FEE - 114 @ 55 = 6,270 CHEERLEADING NON-RESIDENT'S FEF. - 50 @ 80 = 4,000 SPONSORS FEE - 16 @ 250 = 4,000 YOUTH F'W'IHAL CAMP FEES - 31 @ 50 = 1,550 CHEERLEADER CAMP FEES - 40 @ 100 4,000 GATE FEE - = 5,000 TOTAL ESTIMATED REVENUE - 39,770 OFFSET BY EXPENDITURE ACCOUNT 110-4300-275 'COVID-19 BUDGET ADJUSTMENT REC'REA'1ION FKS-RASEHALL 5X,940 0 58.940 -20,250 38,690 103400-034 1 OF TEAMS IN 2020 - 55 1 OF PARTICIPANTS IN 2020 - 617 RESIDENT'S FEE - 391 @ 50 - 19,550 NON-RESIDEN'T'S FEE - 226 @ 70 15,820 LEAGUE SPONSOR - 8 @ 1,500 12,000 ALLSTAR PER - 96 @ 45 4,32U BASEBALL CAMP - 25 @ SO - 1,250 TOURNAMENT REVENUE - 6,000 TOTAL ESTIMATED REVENUE - 5H,940 OFFSUT BY FXPENDITIIRE ACCOUNT 110-4300-276 'COVID-19 BUDGET ADJUSTMENT C 06/17/2020 p.p 7 E CITY OF NORTH AUGUSTA FY 2020 GENERAL FUND SUMMARY OF REVENUES -TEXT OFXpl;CTI:D AWFIFD PRO]"SED ADJUSTMENT A4SS2SlNL RfyI-.NIi1. 411ANSJIi A6IUSJHI ('11AN40 Als.(}TJ7�'f CONCHSSIONS'IANDSRISVENUF: 170,000 0 1741001 95,100 75.000 10-3400-035 2020 ESTIMATED GROSS SALES - 170,000 2020 ESTIMATED EXPENDITURES - (130,000) ESTIMATED NET 40,000 SEF. EXPENDITURE ACCOUNT Y10-4300-280 •COVID-19 BUDGET ADJUSTMENT' C0MMIINI'1'YCP:N'll'.RRFN'IALS 69.770 0 69.770 .59,770 10.000 10-3400-I36 PRESENT RATE 5 RENTALS @ 2,000 = 10,000 HOLIDAY RA'T'E - FULL CENTER (12 LIR) 30 RENTALS @ 1,300 39,000 BANQUET Al/A2 WITH KITCHEN (30 HR) 4 RENTALS @ 1,000 = 4,000 BANQUET Al/A2 WAIT KITCHEN (10HR-WEEKDAY) 6 RENTALS @ 600 = 3,600 BANQUET A2 WITH KITCHEN (8 HR) 0 REN'T'ALS @ 500 0 BANQUET Al WEEKDAY 2 RENTALS @ 300 = 600 BANQUET BI/B2 WITH KITCHEN (8 IIS) 21 RENTALS @ 200 - 4,200 BANQUET B1/B2 W/O KITCHEN (8 HR) 15 RENTALS @ 100 a 1,500 BANQUET B1 W/O KITCHEN (4 FIR) 28 RENTALS @ 75 2,100 MEETING CI/C2 (4 HR) 10 RENTALS @ 40 400 MEETING Al/A2 OR B1/B2 14 HR) CIVIC CLUB RENTAL = 1,050 MISCELLANEOUS 3,320 TOTAL REVENUE 69,170 'COVIO-19 BUDGET ADJUSTMENT RVPACllVI1LSCHNTCRFFLS 164.035 0 164,035 -34,035 130,000 10.3450-037 MEMBERSHIP 4 MEMBERS INDIVIDUAL 8 RATE TOTAL INSIDE SINGLE ANNUAL 228 566 75 42,450 SEMI-ANNUAL. 35 75 50 3,750 QUARTERLY 264 650 30 19,500 INSIDE FAMILY ANNUAL 54 118 175 20,650 SEMI-ANNUAL 18 16 125 2,000 QUARTERLY 14 34 -15 2,550 OUTSIDE SINGLE ANNUAL 54 125 125 15,625 SEMI-ANNUAL 34 75 75 5,625 QUARTERLY 71F 175 45 1,875 OUTSIDE FAMILY ANNUAL 1+ 14 350 4,900 SEMI-ANNUAL 0} 6 200 1,200 QUARTERLY 14 34 115 3,910 SENIOR ANNUAL 21d 535 50 26,750 SEMI-ANNUAL 11 30 35 1,050 QUARTERLY 37 65 20 1,300 MISCELLANEOUS DAY PASSES 490 10 4,900 TOTAL REVENUE 164,U35 NOTE: SEE SUPPORT SECTION FOR FURTHER ANALYSIS -COVID-19 BUDGET ADJUSTMENT IU:('RIiA'I'ION I'ACIl.II1ES RENIAI' 29.000 0 29.0011 -11.000 18.000 10-3400-038 LIONS MEMORIAL. FIELD - 12,000 RIVERVIEW PARK PAVII.LION - 8,000 MISCELLANEOUS RENTALS _ 4,000 TROLLEY REVENUE 5,000 TOTAL ESTIMATED REVENUE 29,000 •COVID-19 BUDGET ADJUSTMENT O 061712020 Page 8 CITY OF NORTH AUGUSTA FY 2020 GENERAL.FUND SUMMARY OF REVENUES -TEXT ^ EXPECTED AIXJPTLD PROPOSEDAD101S'IMBN'I V ASS9ALNT REVENUE C'HANGI: AMOONT CHANGE AWUNL �✓ ACTIVITIFSCENTER'H)URNIREN'I 299,500 0 299,500 -277,500 22,000 10-3400-039 RVP ACTIVITIES CENTER NIKE PEACH JAM (RENTAL/PROGRAM SALES) - 250,000 (SEE ACCT 010-4330-270 FOR TOURNAMENT EXPENSES) OTHER TOURNAMENT REVENUE' - 40,000 CAT .SHOW - 2,500 DOG SHOW - 2,000 MISCELLANEOUS RENTALS - 5,000 (GYMS, CLASSROOMS, ETC) -------- 299,500 -OTHER TOURNAMENT REVENUE. AAU SUPER REGIONAL, MARCH 13 THRU 15 - 6,000 ICE BREAKER RENTAL, MARCH 27 TEED 29 - 6,000 LINEAGE OF CHAMPIONS RENTAL, APRIL 24 THIRD 26 - 6,000 AC TOURNAMENT RENTALS - 22,000 OTHER TOURNAMENT REVENUE 40,000 'COVID-19 BUDGET ADJUSTMENT OTHER INCOME 469,323 -25,000 444,323 .15,01X1 429,323 I0-350MIO ADVERTISED SALE OF CITY ASSETS - 80,000 RESOURCE OFFICER PROGRAM - 35,500 (SEE ACCT #10-4100-102) SPECIAL STUDY FEES - 5,000 APPLICATION FEES/SAIF OF PUBLICATIONS - 20,000 (SEPI ACCT 010-4055-265) BILLBOARD RENTAL - 7,0(10 C1-20/FIVE NOTCH ROAD JEFFERSON DAVIS HWY AIKEN COUNTY 911 GRANT 16,400 (SEE ACCT 010-4100-226) PUBLIC SAFETY SPECIALS - 110,000 (SEE ACCT 010-4100-101) CHRISTMAS CLASSIC - 25,000 (SEE ACCT R10-4100-249) SCPRT PARD FUNDS - 15,000 -COVID-19 BUDGET ADJUSTMENT RECREATION TRAILS GRANT - 100,000 MASC GRANT FOR MASTER PLAN - 25,000 (SEE ACCT 010-4300-265) :NO SCMIT/SCMIRFF PROGRAMS SURPLUS RETURN - 49,623 MISCELLANEOUS - 10,000 SALE OF CONTRACTOR DECALS SPECIAL PROJECT INCOME (SIDEWALKS, CURB/GUTTER) SCDOT TRAFF'ICSMiNALRPAENIA 0 0 0 0 0 11435016915 COMMUNICATION TOWER RENTA 194,000 0 194,000 0 194,000 10-3500-020 IN I FRI.s I ON INVrs'I MENS 75.000 0 75.000 0 75.000 111-35M1-050 F,.STTMATF. RASED ON PRFATOUS FXPERFFNCE AND CURRENT INTEREST RATES `I 06/17/2020 Pugs 9 CITY OF NORTH AUGUSTA FY 2020 GENERAL FUND SUMMARY OF REVENUES -TEXT QEXPECTED ADOPUb PROPOSF-D AD711%TMHNI' A(=UNT REVENUE CILANUI, AMOM II CHAtl9L AMUUNI TRANS FROM ENTERPRISE FUNDS 1,191.682 0 1,191.692 0 1,19102 10-3900-010 REIMBURSEMENT FROM THE ENTERPRISE FUNDS FOR SERVICES PROVIDED BY THE GENERAL FUND AS CALCULATED BY BENCHMARKING (INDIRECT COST( STUDY ANALYSIS FROM THE SANITATION SERVICES FUND - 365,814 FROM THE UTILITIES 0 6 M FUND - 790,831 FROM THE STORNWATER FUND - 27,037 TOTAL, ESTIMATED TRANSFER 1,191,682 'TRANSFER FROM RI'/C('FUND 40,075 0 40,075 0 40,075 10-3900-015 TRANSFER FROM RIVERFRONT/CENTRAL CORE FUND DESIGNATED TO OFFSET LOSS OF NAAHC RENT TRANSFER FROM CAPITAL PROIEI 77,210 0 77.210 0 77,210 10.3900.045 SCRS 6 PORS SC 2018-2019 APPROPRIATION ACT CREDIT c 06/17/2020 Page 10 CITY OF NORTI I AUGUSTA FY 2020 GENERAL FUND SUMMARY OF EXPENDITURES O PREVIOUS ALTUAL CUKKENI UEPI AUMINSTRATION PRDNAEU PRUPUSED YEACIVAL 07/31/3019 Ru1211ET RCOUEST C ILANOE AMOUNT Annw7R.11M! 01212OhT GENERAL WVHRNM[N'1' 4000CDYCOUNCII. 177.046 242,450 185.261 180,713 %5 181,678 0 181,678 4010ADMINIS'IRATON 385.334 539,409 547,337 654,750 -151390 503,360 -RR 220 415.140 4013 INFORMATION TFCFUNOLOUY 265,941 1,136,953 780,057 1,128,685 453.642 775.43 -23576 751.467 4020 JUS'IR'[&IAW 651,575 978,256 797,399 808,794 3.376 812,170 0 812,170 4030 COMMI WILY PROMOTK)N 72,052 116,037 74,187 118,697 -72,600 66.97 11 66,097 4040 FINANCE 437,329 642,212 439,1138 447,512 3,727 451,239 -1122 449,917 4W51113MAN RESOURCES 277,464 358,951 30,851 4&4,428 -230,228 254,200 A?R 253,572 4050 BUILDING STANDARDS 438,475 575,130 431,828 459,636 -16,910 442,726 -30297 412.429 4055 PLANNING&DCVFLOPMEN'1' 111,750 571,]81 412.999 852.759 .393,463 457,295 -1166 456,129 4060 CITY BUILDINGS 321,659 417,795 377,666 310,053 U 310,053 -5000 305,053 4065 PROPERI Y MAINTENANCE 1,322,898 2.172.967 089.086 1.625.620 -167,691 1.457,929 -1746 1,454,173 TOT'Al,GENERAL OOVCRNMEN'14,527,522 7,711.842 5,735,709 7.091,646 -1,379,856 5,711,790 -153,965 5,557,825 PUBLIC SAFETY 4100 PUBLIC SAFUl Y 8,425,311 12.967,932 8,596,074 11358,392 -2,514925 8,913,667 -126906 8,716,761 TOTAL PUBIX SAFETY 8,425,371 12,867,932 8.596,074 11.358,592 -2,514,925 8,843,667 -126,906 8,716.761 PURL W WORKS 4200F.NGINF.ERINC 207,283 350,893 245,507 289,818 -37,484 252,334 -791 251,551 © 4210STRELI'LKRIVI'RA14K' 483,930 606,989 487,952 724,818 -250.1810 474,918 n 474,818 4220 STRUT TS&DRAINS 908,826 1,338,157 930,912 982,555 -59,618 922,937 -2 ORR 920,849 TOTAL PUBLIC WORKS 1.693,009 2,296,10 L664,371 1997,191 -347,102 1,650,099 -2,871 IM7.218 PARKS,RCC&TOURISM 4300 RECREATION 902,362 1,433,831 958,177 1,212,886 -302,658 910,228 .19166 891,062 4310 PARKS 453,208 570,987 4M,709 922,826 -237,592 585,244 -55128 $30,116 4315 PROPERLY MAINZ ENANCE 462 482 U U 0 0 0 0 4320C'OMMUNI'IYCENTUR 163,141 250,092 176,079 227.065 -57,900 169,165 -17849 151,316 4325 TGIIRLSM 398,890 476,303 397.330 448,727 41,N6 407,691 -157911 249,750 4330 RVP ACIIVI'I IRS CI'R 761,169 1,161,138 791,919 1.24,510 487,506 837,09 -2%319 63Ub85 I 'IOTAI.PARKS,LIFE&TOURISM 2,679,251 3,891,870 2,798114 3,736,014 -926,692 2909,322 456,393 2452.929 TRANSFERS 5900TRANSFERS 750,453 84N854 U 0 0 0 0 0 TOTAI_'IRANSFERS 750,453 MXA54 U 0 U 0 0 0 TOTAL GFNI!RAI.FUND 2982600 2].fi IM1,A] -1--7 768 2),1834)3 .51168..45 19,1�48fiX -]111,135 19,374,]3) W132020 P:1@c II CITY OF NORTH AUGUSTA FY 2020 GENERAL FUND DEPARTMENTAL EXPENDITURES 4000 CITY COUNCIL PRBVmS ACTUAL CIIRRPNF DEPT ADMINISTRATION PROPOSED PROPOSED YRAIZLIAL 07/311201 4 WOLF'F HEUDEBT CH&ME AM4SmI" CHANGE 41rnET 101 SAIARIESAVAGES 111,234 149,664 107,881 102,98 BIR 103,190 0 103,790 TITLE CURRENT REQUESTED RECOMMENDED APPROVED MAYOR 1 PT 1 PT 1 PT 1 PT COUNCIL MEMBERS 6 PT 6 PT 6 PT 6 PT EXECUTIVE SECRETARY/CITY CLERK 1 1 1 1 } TOTAL IF,7PT 1F,7PT IF,7PT IF,7PT 104 FICA 7.491 9,932 8,253 7,877 63 7,940 0 7,440 7.65% OF COVEPED SALARIES S 105 EMPLOYEE RETIRGMEN'f 12.622 19,559 13.351 I3435 %i 13,539 0 13,519 SCRS - 16.066 OF COVERED SALARIES 109 EMPLOYEE INSURANCE 22,607 31.774 23.700 31.600 0 31,600 0 31,600 MEDICAL AND DENTAL COVERAGE i IN WORKERS COMPENSATION 2,190 4,261 3,102 3,090 0 3.090 0 3.090 SELF FUNDED THROUGH SCMIT 210 GENERAL SUPPI.IFSIPOSTAGE 1,068 4,908 4,023 4,200 0 4,200 0 4,201 OFFICE SUPPLIES/POSTAGE/SMALL OFFICE EQUIPMENT 214 IAIESTRAININGITRAVEL 10,947 9,809 13,510 10,995 0 10,985 0 10,985 MUNICIPAL. ASSOCIATION OF SOUTH CAROLINA (1) - 1,000 SC MUNICIPAL FINANCE OFFICERS, CLERKS 6 TREASURERS ASSOC - 1,200 NORTH AUGUSTA CHAMBER OF COMMERCE ANNUAL MEETING - 750 PLANNING SEMINAR - 2,000 SOUTH CAROLINA PUBLIC RECORDS ASSOCIATION - 35 MISCELLANEOUS - 1,000 MAYOR'S TRAVEL - 5,000 226 COM'RACFSIREPAIRS 697 209 1,000 0 0 0 0 0 261 ADVFKI'ISING 205 799 300 344 0 300 0 ISO MISCELLANEOUS ADVERTISING - 300 265 PROFFSSIONAI.SI:RVK'Iti 673 1,105 4.050 50 0 50 0 50 MISC FOR MUNICIPAL ELECTION COMMISSION - 50 271 SPFCIAI DI PT St PPI IES 4.367 4.182 2.850 2,950 0 2,850 0 2.950 MISCELLANEOUS _ 650 MAYOR .",000 6/17/2020 Page 12 CITY OF NORTH AUGUSTA FY 2020 GENERAL FUND DEPARTMENTAL EXPENDITURES 4000 CIYY COUNCIL PREVIOUS ACTUAI, CURRENT DEPT ADMINISTRATION PROPOSED PROPOSED ffiACNAL 07/11691 VUDGES RE21M CHANGE. AMOUNT CHANGE, 0.UQSti3 282 INSURANCE 1.116 1,849 1,233 1,334 0 1.334 0 1.334 SELF FUNDED THROUGH SCMIRFF 290 CONTINGENCIES .170 1,500 2,IXI0 2,000 0 2.000 0 2.000 UNDESIGNATED CONTINGENCIES TOTAL PERSONALSERVICP.S 156,144 215,1% 156,293 158,994 %5 159,959 0 159,459 TOTAL OPERATING EXPENSES 20,902 24.260 28,968 21,719 0 21,719 0 21,719 TOTALCITYCOUNCII. 177,M6 242,450 185,261 18,713 965 181,678 U MATS 4 I 1 'G 6/17/2020 P98Y 13 CITY OF NORTH AUGUSTA FY 2020 GENERAL FUND DEPARTMENTAL EXPENDITURES 4010 ADMINIS'IRAI'ION i© PREVIOUS ACTUAL CURRENT DEPT AIWINISIM11ON PROPOSED PROPOSED YR ACIUAI. 47/316014 IjUOGI REOUESI QLNQE ANKH CHANG BUDGET 101 SALARIE&WAGGS 139,120 257,008 256,813 361,660 -51,349 310,311 -112,311 198.000 TITLE CURRENT REQUESTED RECOMMENDED APPROVED CITY ADMINISTRATOR 1 1 1 1• 1 ASSISTANT CITY ADMINISTRA'POR I 1 1 1 PUBLIC INFORMATION OFFICER 0 1 0 0 TOTAL 3 2 2 `VACANT POSITION TO BE FILLED BY 8/2020 AND INTERIM ADMINISTRATOR ADJUSTMENT. IN FICA 10,616 19,51M 19,647 27,667 -3,928 23,739 4,589 15.150 7.668 OF COVERED SALARIES 105 EMPLOYLLRLIIRFMEMI19,506 38,933 38.678 58,083 .8_63 49,820 -19,011 30,809 SCAB - 16.U6% OF COVERED SALARIES 108 CMPIDYEF NSIIRANCE 8,198 21,038 15,800 23,70) 7,900 15,800 -5101 10.500 } MEDICAL AND DENTAL COVERAGE t 109 WORKERS GOMPENSA'I'ION 4,411 7,234 3.924 7,357 0 7,357 0 7,357 SELF FUNDED THROUGH SCMIT 2 201 CONTRIBUTIONS 15,000 22.500 15,00) 18,0011 -3,000 1i(ft 0 15.000 ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT PARTNERSHIP - 18,000;YES BUT 15,000 210 GENERAL SUPPLIESO.OSTAGE 1,880 2,719 2,250 (850 0 1,850 0 1,850 OFFICE SUPPLIES/POSTAGE/SMALL OFFICE MACHINES/FURNITURE - 1,650 MISCELLANEOUS - 200 214 DUES/IRANINO?RAVEL. 12,395 19,378 15,300 21,000 3,,000 15,000 0 15,000 MUNICIPAL ASSOCIATION OF SOUTH CAROLINA 12) - 2,000 INTERNATIONAL CITY/COUNTY MANAGERS ASSOCIATION (2) - 4,000 SOUTH CAROLINA CITY COUNTY MANAGERS ASSOCIATION 12) - 6,000 ROTARY, NORTH AUGUSTA CHAPTER - 1,000 STAFF DEVELOPMENT - 900 NA CHAMBER OF COMMERCE AM CONNECTION/BUSINESS AFTER HOURS - 100 VEHICLE ALLOWANCE (NON-TAXABLE PORTION OF 650/MONTH) - 6,000:SEE 101 MISCELLANEOUS - 1,000 224 DAIA PR(RISSING a 1,605 2.500 4,000 4JXX) u 0 0 PC AND SOFTWARE FOR POO POSITION:NO 226 ('ON'1RACIS'NI&AIRS 4,171 6,239 8,500 6.650 -1,850 4,800 0 4,800 MAINTENANCE ON COPIER/COLOR COPIES LADMINISTRATTON) - 4,800 CELL PHONE CONTRACT (PIO) - 1,850:110 265 PRO [P S%IONAI SI'RVI(I Uncal 2.3,497 651(10) 65,000 40,00.0 MORN 0 15.000 ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT - 65,000:REDUCED TO 15,000 6/171202 Page 14 CITY OF NORTI4 AUGUSTA FY 2020 GENERAL FUND DEPARTMENTAL EXPENDITURES 411111 ADMINIS'BAIION © PREVIous ACMAL CORRP.NIDEP( ADMINISTRATION PROPOSED PROPOSED YR AMA4 0111.16019 I!IuWE1' RE0Ut I 414140E Amou CHANGE EUWFT 282 INSURANCE 7,407 16.730 4,W3 9.783 0 9,783 0 9,783 SELF FUNDED THROUGH SCMIRFF I i290 C'ON'l INUENCTLS 62,539 104,231 93,922 300110 .13.100 34,900 56,Wl 91.841 -COV1D-19 BUDGET ADJUSTMENT 1 'IOTn1.PERSONAL SERVIC'liS 181,852 343.808 134,8n 476.467 41.I40 407,021 -I45.211 261,616 '1 OTAL OPERATING EXPENSES 203.482 19'900 212.465 176,283 -79,950 W,333 56,991 153,324 { TOTAI.ADMINISTRATION 385,334 548709 547.337 654,750 -151,3% 503,360 48.220 415.140 Iit i� tf f i f i i© 6/17/2020 Page IS CITY OF NORTH AUGUSTA FY 2020 GENERAL FUND DEPARTMENTAL EXPENDITURES 4015 INFORMAl'ION FEiCIINOLOGY CPREVIOUS ACTUAL CIIRRENI DEPT AOMIN151RATION PROPFISEU PROPOSED YBACIUAL Q71111Z919 HUNG 7 RLOUB 11 C'HAN AMSLRII cumin BUnnPT 101 SALARIFSIV/AGCS 77,007 344,955 251.837 251,837 2.718 254,555 fi ,630 184925 TITLE CURRENT REQUESTED RECOMMENDED APPROVED MANAGER OF INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY 1 1 1 1' GIS ANALYST 1 1 1 1 NETWORK OPERATIONS COORDINATOR 1 1 1 PC NETWORK TECHNICIAN 1 1 1 1 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ TOTAL Qq4Q "POSITION VACANT THRU 03/2020 "POSITION VACANT AFTER 03/2020 I IN FICA 5,556 25,102 19,266 19,266 207 19,473 -5,326 14,147 7.654 OF COVERED SALARIES 105 EMPLOYEL RIA'IREMEN'110,105 5.3,569 40,248 42,766 428 43.194 -14,420 28,774 SCRS - 16.064 OF COVERED SALARIES POPS - 18.744 OF COVERED SALARIES 108 FMPI.OYtS1'.INSURANCE 12-2% 31,557 23,700 23,7111 0 2,1100 0 23.700 MEDICAL AND DENTAL COVERAGE 109 WORKFRS('OMPFNSATION 1,396 9,961 7,257 7,214 0 7,214 0 7,214 SELF FUNDED THROUGH 9CMIT 1 I O 210 GF.NFRALSUPPLIF1 .PAGE 1,327 4,274 4,900 4.900 U 4,900 0 4,900 OFFICE SUPPLIES - 1,000 TECH SUPPLIES - 2,500 PAPER/INK GIS - 700 TECH NET SUBS. - 700 214 DURS/FRAINING?RAVEL 0 2,160 3.330 3,350 0 3,350 0 3.350 GEOSPATIAL ADMINS ASSOC - 75 GMIS - 200 GIS TRAINING - 3,000 MTASC - '!5 217 AUTOOPERATING 8,367 1,303 1,790 1,790 455 2,245 0 2.245 FUEL. (650 GALS UNLEADED @ 2.601 - 1,690:MEL R 2.30 1,495 OIL/FLUIDS - 100 MILEAGE REIMBURSEMENT - 650 220 UTILITY SERVICES 96,260 IM.276 %,700 %,700 0 9,700 D 9,7110 TELEPHONE - 65,000 COMCAST SERVICES - 16,100 SPIRIT - 15,600 :. 6/17/2020 PwV 16 CITY OF NORTH AUGUSTA FY 2020 GENERAL FUND DEPARTMENTAL EXPENDITURES 4015 1NFORMAIION'1'FCI INOI-(AIY PREVIOUS ACTUAL. CURRFNIDWI' ADMINISTRATION PROPOSRO PROPOSED YR A[,IUAL 07/31IN12 DOUG I ROGUES CIIBNG AMOUNI CHANGE auvau 224 DATAPROCUSING 25.010 140,900 97,270 295370 -198,000 97,270 0 97,270 MICROSOFT ENTERPRISE LIC. AGREEMENT _ 91800 ARC GIS - 13,500 INTERACTIVE WEB HOSTING IVC31 9,570 VERISIGNSSL CERT REN - 3,000 DELL EQUALOVIRTUAL SERVER MINT - 16,000 CHGUARU LIVE SEC - 2,100 VARIPHY CALLL A ACCOUNTING SDITWARE MINT - 1,700 IT IT CERT UPDATES - 9,000 j COUNTY AERIAL IMAGERY - 16,000 VEEAM BACKUP VIRTUAL - 8,500 IS GIS WVIRUSE CONTR/HOSTING/UPGRADES 6,000 I BARB VIRUS SOFTWARE MINT. DESKTOPS 3,500 BARRACUDA SPAM/VIRUS/ARCHIVER APP MINT - 41000 3 AV UPGRADES - 150,000:CPST IV j COUNCIL STREAMING - 90,000:YES,BUT CPF g MUN CHIP. SECURITY CAMERA CARLING UPGRADE - 6,000:CPST IV a 1 226 ('0NON('ISRITAIRS 23.083 235,398 142,100 142,100 0 142,100 0 142,100 [f AT6T-CISCO MAINTENANCE - 29,000 MOBILE MIFI DEVICE - 800 AV SUPPORT SERVICES - 10,000 GPS SUBSCRIPTION - 900 i SECURITY CAMERA/SERVERS CONTRACT - 4,000 RECEIPT PRINTERS - 600 WEBSITE MAINTENANCE - 6,700 CITRIX MAINTENANCE _ 1,600 CELL PHONES (2) 2,400 LASER PRINTERS 31500 LASERFICHE/WORKFLOW - 30,600 IAN SYSTEM MAINTENANCE - 20,000 VM WARE MAINTENANCE - 32,000 265 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES 0 0 0 15,000 -15,000 0 0 0 SECURITY ASSESSMENT - 10,000:80 VULNERABILITY SCAN - 5,000:140 282 INSIIRANCE 0 24,%2 17.145 16,998 0 16,998 0 16,998 { SELF FUNDED THROUGH SCMIRFF ( 299 IGSF PURCHASE 5.534 31.148 5,841 5.894 21.450 27,344 0 27.344 } 2020 2021 2022 20.23 2024 I 2016 LEASE 5,894 -- -- -- -- 2020 LEASE. 21,450 21,450 21,450 21,450 21,450 i j 5 383 OFFICIS MACHINY4 0 67.380 68,600 176.900 -140,900 36,100 65,800 101.800 1 S PERSONAL. COMPUTER REPLACEMENT 6 PUBLIC SAFETY SLED REQ. - 66,800 { DELL EOL LOGIN HOST REPLACE151 - 42,500:YES,BUT L/P DELL BACKUP STORAGE. EXP - 35,000:YES j $ DELL EQL SWITCH REPLACE(2) - 6,400:NO { I MAIN CORE SWITCH REPLACE - 55,000:YES,BUT L/P ? 384 A0I0MOI'IVE EQOIPMI N'I 0 0 0 25,000 -25.000 0 0 U INTERMEDIATE UTILITY VEHICLE:SEE 217 i 'I0TAI.1'I:RYON'ALSI RVI IS 006.360 465,143 342,3118 344,783 3.153 348.136 -89,376 258,760 I IOIALUPFRALING EXPENSHS 159,581 MPE424 369,149 582,002 -191095 390.907 0 390,907 TOTAL CAPRAI.OU TI AY 0 67,386 68,600 201000 -165,900 36,000 65.810 1111.800 IOTAI.INFORMATIONTUCHNO1tXN 265,411 1.136,953 780057 1,128685 -353,692 775,003 -23,576 751467 I , 6/17/2020 Pae, 17 CITY OF NORTH AUGUSTA FY 2020 GENERAL FUND DEPARTMENTAL EXPENDITURES 4020 JUST ICES LAW PREVIOUS ACTUAL CURRENT DEPT ADMINISTRATION PROPOSED PROPOSED OYISACIUAL 02(]16019 BUDGET REQllBST CHANGE Allot CIIANGL WD01I 101 SAIARIESMAGES 127,790 194,420 122,526 122.526 2,975 125,501 0 125,501 TITLE CURRENT REQUESTED RECOMMENDED APPROVED MUNICIPAL JUDGE IPT IPT LET IPT ASSISTANT MUNICIPAL JUDGE LET 1PT IPT IPT CITY ATTORNEY IPT IPT 1PT 1PT TOTAL 3PT 3PT ITT 3PT IN PKIA 9,118 13,490 9.171 9.173 228 9,601 0 9,601 Y.65E OP COVERED SALARIES 105 EMPLOYEE RETIREMENT 15,179 24.012 16,258 17.338 173 17,511 0 17,511 SCR.S - 16.062 OF COVERED SALARIES 108 LKIPL/MA:INSIIRANCL. 7,536 10,519 7,900 7,900 0 7.900 U 7,900 MEDICAL AND DENTAL COVERAGE 109 WORKERS COMPENSATION 2,285 4,846 3,530 1.510 0 3,510 0 3,510 SELF FUNDED THROUGH SCMIT 210 GENERAL SUPPLIESTOSTAGE 0 16 500 500 0 SOU 6 500 O 213 STAT Ii FEESffINES 421,572 654.435 565,996 571,615 0 570,615 0 570,615 STATE MANDATED ASSESSMENT ON MUNICIPAL FINES SEF. REVENUE ACCOUNT 10-3200-010 214 DUFS/I'RAINING/PRAVEL 2,813 1,877 4,988 5,738 0 5,719 0 5,738 MUNICIPAL JUDGE SEMINARS (21 - 815 CITY ATTORNEY SEMINARS - 650 ASSISTANT MUNICIPAL JUDGE SEMINAR - 875 DUES FOR MUNICIPAL ASSOCIATION (2) - 338 SEMINARS FOR COURT/RECORDS PERSONNEL (2) (CLERK OF COURT SEMINAR IN FEB/OCT (1 PERSON) (SCMACC - 1 PERSON) - 3,000 226 CONTRAC REPAIRS 9,744 22.172 10,800 12,200 U 12.200 0 12,2011 CELL PHONE - 11400 MAINTENANCE ON COURT RECORDER - 1,500 MAINTENANCE AND LICENSE FOR COURTVIEW - 9,300 155 IURYSERVKFS 1,800 2.110 2,000 3,000 0 3.000 0 3,00 JURY FOR COURT SESSIONS I 6'17:2020 P989 18 i i I CITY OF NORTH AUGUSTA j FY 2020 GENERAL FUND DEPARTMENTAL EXPENDITURES I 4020 JUS I'WE&LAW I� PREVIOUS ACTUAL CURRRN'1DPM ADMINISTRATION PROPOSED PROPOSED YEACIUAl. 07131/2019 RGOOLT RBOUHST CJL1NOE ANJOU Z CLANG, BUDGET I 265 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES 20,440 2.1,017 22,725 23,025 0 23,025 0 23,025 RMC RECORDING FEES - 300 CITY CODE UPDATE/INTERNET - 1,000 CITY CODE ELECTRONIC PDF - 75 I CITY CODE UPDATE HARD COPY - 2,550 CITY CODE NOW SERVICES/ORD BANE - 350 CITY CODE ADMIN FEE - 350 WESTLAW-NEX MONTHLY SUBSCRIPTION - 3,000 INDIGENT DEFENSE - 14,600 268 JUVENILE DETENTION 4,305 1,150 3,500 3,700 0 3,700 0 3,700 JUVENILE DETENTION y 282 INSURANCE 28,772 35,672 27,313 29,369 0 29,369 0 29,369 S SELF FUNDED THROUGH SCMIRFF i� 10 JAI,PERSONAL SERVICES 162,128 217,286 159.551 160,"7 .1,176 164.023 0 164,023 'II)i'AL OPERATING EXPENSLS 489,447 740,970 637,812 648,147 0 "8,147 0 648,147 IVTALJUSIICL&LAW 651575 978,256 ]97.399 808,794 3,376 812,170 0 812,170 1 I I 3 S �O 1 61IT2020 Page 19 CITY OF NORTH AUGUSTA FY 2020 GENERAL FUND DEPARTMENTAL EXPENDITURES 4030 COMMUNI'I Y PROMO 1[ON GPREVIOUS ACTUAL CURRFNI DF.I.1 ADMINISTRATION PRQPUSLD PROPOSED YRACIUAI. O7Ll1l203'1 BUIBJET ELQUEll'. SHBLNQF, AMOUNT CLAMS pVDl 104 FICA 8 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 NO BUDGETED POSITIONS 201 CONFRIRIF110NS 48,200 70,80() 48,2W 111,900 -72,600 39,200 0 39,200 BEST FRIEND EXPRESS - 4,500:2017 LEVEL CULTURAL ARTS COUNCIL - 19,900:YES,BUT 2017 LEVEL 9,9DO HERITAGE COUNCIL OF NA - 10,000:NEW REQUEST FOR COUNCIL CONSIDERATION NANCY CARSON LIBRARY - 20,000:YES,BUT 2017 LEVEL 10,800 NORTH AUGUSTA FORWARD - 30,000:YES,BUT 2017 LEVEL 10,000 OLD TOWNE PRESERVATION ASSOC - 20,000:2017 LEVEL 8,000 SEE 10-4065-265 PUBLIC EDUCATION PARTNERS - 5,000:YES,BUT 2017 LEVEL 2,000 THE RECING CREW - 2,400:YFS,BUT 2017 LEVEL 2,000 214 DULS/IRAINING/112AVEL 5,931 11,862 5,931 5,931 0 5.931 0 5.931 MUNICIPAL ASSOCIATION OF SOUTH CAROLINA - 5,931 4,650 BASE RATE ON POPULATION OF 21,348 (BETWEEN 10,000-25,000) PLUS 0.06 PER CAPITA. CALCULATION EVALUATED DURING CENSUS YEARS. 271 SP4:CIAL DIP'I'SIIPPI.IIiS 12,590 28.173 16,400 17.550 0 17,550 0 17,$50 INDUSTRIAL 6 SMALL BUSINESS DEVELOPMENT - 5,000 CITY PROMOTIONS - 3,550 CUTTING HORSE FUTURITY - 1,000 CSM ADMINISTRATORS MEETING HOST - 500 EMPLOYEE NIGHT-GREEN JACKETS BASEBALL - 500 MAYOR'S BUSINESS DEVELOPMENT - 250 MAYOR'S PRAYER BREAKFAST - 21000 MAYOR'S SPEAKER HONORARIUMS - 1,500 DOWNTOWN AUGUSTA INDEPENDENCE, DAY CFLEBRATION - 1,000 JOINT SPONSORSHIP YELLOW JACKET RADIO SPOTS - 1,250 MISCELLANEOUS - 1,000 282 INSURANCI'- 5,333 5.202 3.656 3.416 0 3,416 0 3.416 SELF FUNDED THROUGH SCMIRFF TXYJALPERSONAI-SURVICLS 8 0 U 0 0 0 0 0 1111AI.0PHRATINGIXPINSI:S 72.043 II6p37 71187 138,697 42,600 66,097 0 66.047 'IITIALCOMMUNI'I'YPRON101HIN 72.052 116,037 74,187 139,697 42,600 66,097 0 66,047 6/17,'2020 Page 20 i CITY OF NORTH AUGUSTA FY 2020 GENERAL FUM) DEPARTMENTAL EXPENDITURES 4040 FiNANCF, © PREVIOUS ACTUAL CURRENT DEPT ADMINISTRATION PROPOSED PROPOSED YKACIVAL 0711/6014 DMET REQUEST CHANG AMOUNT LOAN(; ImUOUTI 101 SALARIESIWAGES 276.861 362.625 270,698 274,267 3664 277,331 0 277.331 TITLE CURRENT REQUESTED RECOMMENDED APPROVED DIRECTOR OF FINANCE/SUPPORT SERVICES 1 1 1 1 BUSINESS LICENSE INSPECTOR/DEP TAX CLERK 1 1 1 1 TAX CLERK 1 1 1 1 FINANCE MANAGER 1 I 1 1 TOTAL 104 -4 -a- -4 104 PICA 20,494 26,611 20,708 20,981 235 21,216 0 21.216 7.659 OF COVERED SALARIES I 105 LMPIOYLLRI:'IIRhMFNI38L158 54,246 40,766 44.047 429 44,475 -1.322 43,153 SCRS - 16.06b OF COVERED SALARIES 'COVID-19 BUDGET ADJUSTMENT 108 EMPLOYEE INSURANCT 30,143 42,075 31,600 31.600 0 31,600 0 31,600 ` MEDICAL AND DENTAL COVERAGE I09 WORKERS COMPENSATION 6.437 13,782 7,789 7,754 0 7,754 0 7,754 SELF FUNDED THROUGH SCM17 �O 110 UNEMPLOYMLNT INSURANCE 0 6.520 0 0 0 0 0 0 REIMBURSING EMPLOYER 210 GP.NP.kAl.SI1P1'131:SIPOSI A(1f 9,834 20.317 10.000 10.000 u 10.000 11 10.000 I GENERAL OFFICE AND COMPUTER SUPPLIES TAX AND BUSINESS LICENSE NOTICES j 3 1 214 DUES?RAINING/TRAVLL 2,272 2,814 2,225 2,225 0 2,225 0 2.225 9 SC MUNICIPAL FINANCE OFFICERS, CLERKS, TREASURERS ASSOCIATION - 150 GOVERNMENT FINANCE OFFICERS ASSOCIATION OE' US 6 CANADA - 250 SC BUSINESS LICENSE OFFICIALS ASSOCIATION (2) - 125 AMERICAN PAYROLL ASSOCIATION - 200 TRAINING/TRAVEL 1,5011 224 DATA PH(%'Y SSINIi 12.734 31,532 11.0011 11,0011 y Ilpun D II UW TAX BILLING (CSRA COMPUTER SERVICEI - 2,000 MERCHANT SERVICES (ON-LINE TAX PAYMENTS) - 1,000 ',.. MERCHANT SERVICES (COUNTER TAX PAYMENTS) - 2,000 226 ('ON'TRA('IS/RIDAIRS 15,010 32,716 17,700 17,500 U 17.5% 0 11.5110 FINANCE PROGRAMS - 16,500 MISCELLANEOUS - 350 CELL PHONES Ill - 550 COPIER MAINTENANCE - 600 � O 6/17/2020 Pngc 21 CITY OF NORTH AUGUSTA FY 2020 GENERAL FUND DEPARTMENTAL EXPENDITURES 4040 FINANCE PREVIOUS ACTUAL. CURRENT' DEPT ADMIMMATION PRMSFD PROPOSED YaACNAI, 0713112014 BURSE.L RlMIM1 OWSOF AMOLIM CLUAML DUW, 261 ADVERIISINU 723 400 1,000 LOW 0 1,6110 0 1,000 TAR DEADLINE ADS BUSINESS LICENSE DEADLINE ADS BUEGF.1' ADS 265 PROPESSIONALSERVICFS 20,600 43,848 22,250 24,030 0 24,030 0 24,030 AUDIT - 23,180 OTHER - 250 282 INSURANCE. 4,062 4,719 3,312 3,108 0 3.108 0 3,108 SELF FUNDED THROUGH SCMIRFF TOTAL PERSONAL SERVICES 372,093 505.866 371,551 378,M9 3.727 392.376 -1,322 381,054 TOTAL OPLRATING EXPENSES 65,236 136,347 67,487 68.863 0 68,863 0 69,863 'IUIAL FINANCE 43]}29 642,212 419,078 447,512 3,]2] 451,239 -1}I2 449,917 I O i i I 6/17/2020 Page 22 CITY OF NORTH AUGUSTA j FY 2020 GENERAL FUND DEPARTMENTAL EXPENDITURES { 4045 HUMAN RESOURCES PREVIOUS ACTUAL CURRFNT DEPT ADMINISTRATION PROPOSED PROPOSED ffiACNAL 9713LI7019 RVDGEI: REQUEST CIIANOL AMOUNI CHANGE 6U32Qk7: 101 SAI.ARO(SAVAGES 147.129 188452 125,918 149,%0 .21,482 128,478 0 128,478 S TITLE CURRENT REQUESTED RECOMMENDED APPROVED MANAGER 0FHUMAN RESOURCES I I I 1 HUMAN RESOURCES SPECIALIST 1 1 1 1 RISK SPECIALIST (JULY START) 0 1 0 0 TOTAL 2 3 2 2 104 PICA 11.393 13,629 9,633 11,472 -1,643 9,829 0 9,829 7.651 OF COVERED SALARIES 105 FNIPI L1'[E RE]IREMEN'I 21,088 29,139 18.'763 24.084 -3.465 20,619 -628 19,991 SCHS - 16.068 OF COVERED SALARIES 'COVTD-19 BUDGET ADJUSTMENT 108 LMI'LOYEL INSIIRANC1. 19.882 24,272 19,010 23,700 -7,900 15.800 0 15,800 MEDICAL AND DENTAL COVERAGE # 109 WORKERS COMPENSATION 2.295 4,691 3,284 3.07 0 3,607 0 107 SELF FUNDED THROUGH SCMTT 210 GENERAL SUPPLIF.SIP3S'LAGE 2.297 3,229 2,200 2200 0 2.200 0 2.200 C AUGUSTA DATA STORAGE - 00 R OFFICE SUPPLIES/MISCELLANEOUS - 1,9900 214 DUES(TRAININGaRAVEL 2.466 6,212 2.900 4,009 6 4,000 0 4,000 MUNICIPAL ASSOCIATION - 1,500 RR PROFESSIONAL MEMBERSHIPS - 1,000 ER/RM/LEGAL TRASHING/SEMINARS - 1,500 226 CONTRACT."FRAIRS 783 2,453 1,850 650 0 650 0 650 MAINTENANCE ON COPIER/FAX/PRINTER - 650 261 ADVERTISING 4.120 10,434 9,600 9,600 6 9,600 0 9,61X1 I EMPLOYMENT ADVERTISING 265 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES 36.514 40,637 38,999 174,998 -137178 37,620 0 37,620 NURSE PRACTICIONER 140 HRS/WK) - 151,840:NG LABOR LAW POSTER UPDATES - 646 EMPLOYEE DOT/NON-DOT SCREENS 1,164 BACKGROUND CHECKS 1,128 EMPLOYMENT PHYSICALS - 51798 EAR - 6,384 URGENT CARE CO-PAY - 7,500 COMP STUDY - 15,000 i ,O 611712020 1'Ogc 23 CITY OF NORTH AUGUSTA FY 2020 GENERAL FUND DEPARTMENTAL EXPENDITURES 40451111MAN RESOURCES PREVIOUS ACTUAL CURRENT DEPT ADMINISIRATION PROPOSED PROPOSED Y ILAL 073/6514 ftULWf tRE1UPHiT CHANGE AMQtMi S' ANG[: HlliDl.l 271 SPECIAL DEPT SUPPLIES 29,507 22,129 54,12 74,860 .58,30 16,500 0 16,500 TRAINING AND ORIENTATION SUPPLIES/RETIREMENT PLAQUES/ETC - 2,C00 EMPLOYEE RECOGNITION - 51000 SERVICE AWARDS - 26,360:SEE 101 ACCTS CHRISTMAS LUNCHEON - 3,500 EMPLOYEE SAFETY AWARDS - 20,000:SEE 101 ACCTS NURSE PRACTICIONER AREA UPFlt - 10,000:NO NURSE PRACTICIONER SUPPLIES - 8,000:NO WELLNESS PROGRAM - 5,000 HEALTH FAIR - 1,000 282 INSURANCE 0 7.862 5.452 1,297 0 5.297 0 5,297 SELF FUNDED THROUGH SCMIRFF 385 MACHINEW.QUIPMENI' U 5,813 9.000 0 0 0 0 0 NO REQUEST 101'AL PERSONAL SERVK2ES 201,777 260,183 176,808 212,823 -34,490 178,333 -628 177,705 'IOIAl.OPERAI'ING EXPENSES 75,687 92,956 115,043 271,605 -195,738 75,567 0 75,867 TOTAL CAPRAL OU I LAY 0 .5,813 9,00 0 0 0 0 0 TOTAL HUMAN RE:9)URCFS 277,464 358.951 30.851 484,428 -230,228 254,20 d28 253,572 `w 6/17no2O Page 24 CITY OF NORTH AUGUSTA FY 2020 GF,NERALFUND DEPARTMENTALEXPENDITURES 4050 BUILDING STANDARDS PREVIOUS ACTUAL CORRFMDFPI' ADMINISTRATION PROPOSED PROMISED YRAC`OIA1, 07/312019 BUMM RWVESI CUANGD AMOUNT LILLYOD DODGE]' 101 SV ARIPSIWAGES 262,739 359,170 259,141 280.916 3.009 281,925 33,464 260.461 TITLE CURRENT REQUESTED RECOMMENDED APPROVED SUPERINTENDENT BUILDING STANDARDS 1 1 1 1 !! BUILDING STANDARDS INSPECTOR II 1 2 2 2 BUILDING STANDARDS INSPECTOR i 2 1 1 1 PUBLIC WORKS SECRETARY .5 .5 BUILDING STANDARDS INSPECTOR I1I 0 1PT 1PT 1PT. TOTAL 4.5 4.5,1PT 4.5,191' 4.5,11"1' •COVID-19 EUDGF.'1' ADJUSTMENT IU2 OVIFRI 1611:RU' 314 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 101 PICA 19,721 26,106 19,824 21.490 230 21.720 4,795 19,925 7.658 OF COVERED SALARIES `COVID-19 BUDGET ADJUSTMENT 105 EMPIDYFE RETIREMEN I 36.777 54.209 39,027 45,115 451 45,566 .5,039 40,528 SCRS - 16.068 OF COVERED SALARIES •COVID-19 BUDGET ADJUSTMENT 108 FMFLOYEG INSURANCL 33,906 47,289 35.500 3$,550 U 35,550 0 35,550 MEDICAL AND DENTAL COVERAGE IN WORK17RS COMPENSATION 16,313 10,081 7,267 7.423 U 7,423 0 7,423 SELF FUNDED THROUGH SCMIT 210 GENERAL SUPPLIF,SIPOSTALE 3.4% 4.327 3,000 3,000 U 3000 0 3.000 OFFICE SUPPLIES - 1,000 PRINTING - 1,000 FORMS/DECALS - 1,000 214 DUGS/TRAINING/TRAVEL 3,4113 5,062 3,925 3,925 0 3.925 (I 3,925 CERTIFICATION TRAINING - 3,150 INTERNATIONAL CODE. COUNCIL - 135 NATIONAL FIRE PROTECTION ASSOC - 175 INTERNATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF ELECTRICAL INSPECTORS - 120 CENTRAL BUILDING INSPECTORS ASSOC OF SC - 40 BUILDING OFFICIALS OF SC - 175 BUSINESS LICENSE OFFICIALS ASSOC - 60 ASSOCIATION OF STATE FLOODPLAIN MANAGERS - 50 SC ASSOCIATION FOR HAZARD MITIGATION - 20 217 AUTO OPERATING 5,129 5.797 6,400 6,400 400 5,800 0 5.800 FUEL (2,000 GALS UNLEADED @ 2.60) - 5,200:FOEL @ 2.30 4,600 TIRES/BATTERIES/FLUIDS - 500 PREVENTIVE MAINTENANCE. - 700 6/1712020 P9R9 25 CI'T'Y OF NORTH AUGUSTA FY 2020 GENERAL FUND DEPARTMENTAL EXPENDITURES 4050 BUILDING STANDARDS PREVIOUS ACTUAL Cl1Rft6N'f DEPT MMINISINATION PROPOSED PROPOSED YRACLUAL 07/311203$ OU091II HEWES! CHANGE A6141ML CBANQE HUlX3HI' 224 DATAPROCESSINU 9,986 16,263 IU,WO 31,000 -20,000 11,000 0 (LOW PERMITTING SOFTWARE ANNUAL MAINTENANCE FEE - 7,500 ONLINE PERMITTING UPGRADE - 20,000:CPST IV MERCHANT SERVICES (COUNTER PAYMENTS) - 3,500 226 CONTRACLSIREPAIRS 3,940 6,357 3,790 3,550 0 3,550 0 3,550 i CELL PRONES (4) - 2,400 VEHICLE REPAIRS - 600 COPIER MAINTENANCE - 550 241 I INIMRMVCLOTHOW6 1.352 2,212 1,550 1,550 0 1.550 0 1,550 UNIFORMS - 1,000 SAFETY/PPE - 550 265 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES 26,556 2,016 24.000 0 0 0 0 0 NO REQUEST I 271 SPfCIALDRPT511PP1.1[S 4,332 6,133 2.6W 2.00 0 2,600 0 2,600 STANDARD CODE ROOKS - 1,800 MISCELLANEOUS - 400 TOOLS - 400 282 INSURANCI: 1,409 3,535 1,959 3.272 0 3,272 0 3,272 SELF FUNDED THROUGH SCMIRFF 299 LEASE PURCHASE 9.028 26,7" 13,845 13,845 0 11,845 0 13,845 2020 2021 2022 2023 2016 LEASE 4,626 -- -- -- 2017 LEASE 4,379 4,379 -- -- 2019 LEA3F. 4,840 4,840 4,840 4,840 384 AUTOMOIIVE LQUIVNIEN IU U 0 0 0 0 0 0 NO REQUEST I TOTAL PERSONAL SERVICES 369,770 496.851 360.759 39,494 3,690 3'VLIP 30,297 363887 TOTALOPERATINO EXPLNSP:S 0,704 78,458 71,069 69,142 20.600 48,542 - 0 48,542 T13TALCAPITALCHALAY 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 TO'I'ALBUILDIN3 STANDARDS 438,475 575,309 431828 459,06 .16910 442,726 -30,297 412,429 6/17/2020 Pelle 26 CITY OF NORTH AUGUSTA FY 2020 GENERAL FUND DEPARTMENTAL EXPENDITURES 4055 PLANNING&DEV HLOPMPN'I I� PREVIOUS ACTUAL CURRENT DEPT ADMINISTRATION PROPOSED PROPOSED YKACTUAL 071112914 RUDOEI MODEST CHANGL AMOUNT CDANQE 9UDGLt 101 SALARIESIWAULS 89,670 337,460 236,887 321.191 -82,034 239,557 0 239,557 TITLE CURRENT REQUESTED RECOMMENDED APPROVED DIR PLANNING I DEVELOPMENT 1 1 1 1 PLANNER 1 2 1 1 i SECRETARY .5 .5 .5 .5 CODES ENFORCEMENT OFFICER 1 1,1PT 1 1 ------ ------ ------ ------ TOTAL. 3.5 4.5, IPT 3.5 3.5 104 FICA 6,278 24,283 18,122 24,02 A.276 19,326 0 18,326 7.655. OF COVERED SALARIES i1 105 EMPLOYI:I:RL I'IRRMEN I11.371 50,745 37,132 51,648 .13,207 38,441 -1,166 37.275 ECRS - 16.065 OF COVERED SALARIES •COVID-19 BUDGET ADJUSTME'.NI' 108 IIMPIDYECINSURANCE 18,806 36,816 27,650 35,550 4,900 27,50 0 27,50 MEDICAL AND DENTAL COVERAGE 109 WORKERS COMPENSATION 3,174 7,897 5,075 6,786 0 6.786 0 6,7%6 SELF FUNDED THROUGH SCMIT 110 UNEMPLOYMENT INSURANCE 2,934 0 0 0 0 0 D D REIMBURSING EMPLOYER 210 GENERAI SI PI'I II tiPm IAGL 2.065 5,932 4,400 6.400 0 6.400 -1.000 5.400 4I'L'E SUPPLIES/POSTAGE/SMALL. OFFICE MACHINES -DEVELOPMENT CODE REWRITE 214 DUES?RAININGJI RAVI'.1. 2,127 1,823 R" ILow -2,000 9,00 5.000 4.000 t MEMBERSHIP$ U PUNNING ASSOCIATION - 3,000:YES,EUT 2 PROFESSIONALS 2,000 j AMERICAN PLANNING ASSOCIATION SC CHAPTER, APA TRAINING (STAFF, PC, BZAI - 2,000 1APA NATIONAL TRIP - 2,000 NEW EMPLOYEE AND cone ENFORCEMENT t TRAINING - 2,000:YER,BUT CODE ENFORCEMENT TRAINING. 1,000 f VARIOUS CONTINUING EDUCATION - 2,000 -DEVELOPMENT CODE REWRITE 217 AUIOOPERATING 0 962 5.492 6,800 -698 6.102 0 6.102 k FUEL 12,321 GALS UNLEADED @ 2.607 - 6,050:MEL @ 2.30 5,352 I MAINTENANCE - 750 224 DATAPROCESSING 7,016 7,440 7,775 17,775 40.WO 7.775 0 7.775 TRACKIT ANNUAL. MAIN'1'Y.NANCE - 7,775 UPGRADE TO E-TRACKIT - 10,000:CPST IV c 6117/2020 Page 27 CITY OF NOKI'II AUGUSTA FY 2020 GENERAL FUND DEPARTMENTAL.EXPENDITURES 4055 PLANNING&DF.VELOPMMN'I' PRLVIOUS ACTUAL CURRENT DEPT ADMINISTRAIION PROPOSLD PROPOSED ( YRACTUA1. 4711/2419 OOOUGI RFOLEB!. LVIANUE AMOUNT 0ANa DOUG 226 ('(IN'IRACfS/RFPAIRS 2,322 3,243 4,801 4,400 0 4,400 0 4,400 COPIER MAINTENANCE AND COPIES - 2,000 CELL PHONE CONTRACT (2) - 2,4UU 261 ADVI'R IISINOI 1,357 1,595 1(loll 2,000 0 2,000 0 21XN1 PUBLIC HEARING POSTINGS AND NOTICES 265 PROFFSSIONAI.SI:RVK'FS 22,365 32,001 38,000 320,000 -250,00 70,1110 10,000 80,0110 TRANSPORATION PLAN(MATCH ONLY) - 20,000 COMPREHENSIVE PLAN UPDATE - 80,000:YES,BU'T 2YR FUND PIAN IN CPE' DEVELOPMENT CODE REWRITE - 120,000:YES,BUT 2019 SURPLUS OVERLAY STUDY(ONLY) - 50,000:INCLUDE W/DEV CODE REWRITE INCIDENTAL CONSULTING(PARRING,AREA PLANS,F.TC)- 50,000 271 SPLCIAI DIP( SUPPLIMS 3,347 3,012 6.600 16.850 4500 I0J50 4,0(10 6,350 PLOTTING SUPPLIES, MAPS FOR SAIF. - 11000 MISCELLANEOUS (NON-CAPITAL) EOUIPMENI - 11500 PLAT L COVENANT RECORDING FEES - 500 (REIMBURSED BY FEES, SEE ACCOUNT 810-3500-010) DEPARTMENT LAPTOP - 1,500 NEW EMPLOYEE: COMPUTER SYSTEM - 3,000:YES,BUT 1,500 CODE ENFORCEMENT SPECIALTY TOOLS AND SUPPLIES - 1,350 CODE. ENFORCEMENT FIELD COMPUTER UPGRADE - 500 - PLANNING COMMISSION IPADS AND SOFTWARE - 2,500 FURNITURE FOR PLANNER POSITION - 5,000:140 C -DEVELOPMENT CODE REWRITE 282 INSIIRANCF 2,852 3,790 2.001 3.690 0 3,690 0 3.69 SELF FUNDED TPRO3GH SCMIRFF 299 IFASFP13RCIIASF 2,066 2090 2,066 2,066 4,752 6,818 0 6,818 21^.n 2021 2022 2023 2024 2016 LEASE 2,066 -- -- -- 2020 LEASE 4,752 4, 152 4,752 4,152 4,752 393 OFFAL MACHINES 0 5,813 X,610 n 0 0 0 0 384 AINOM011VI1 DQ1B1'MFNT 0 1) 0 21.600 -21600 0 0 0 PICK UP TRUCK (REP. 4055-006) - 21,600:YCS,BUT L/P TOTAL PERSONAL SLRVICFS 132233 457,201 324,866 440,177 .101,417 330,760 -1,166 322594 'RXIAL OPERAIINU 1:XPLNSLS 45,517 68.888' 80,133 390,981 -264,446 126,535 0 126.535 IOIALCAPNAI.OUIIAY 0 5.813 8,0X) 21,600 -21600 0 0 0 IMAI PIANNING&DFVEI OPMFNT 177,750 511,901 412999 X.52,759 -395,461 457,295 -1.166 456,129 c 6/17/2020 Pp 28 i iCITY OF NORTI I AUGUSTA '.. FY 2020 GF,NERALFUND DEPARTMENTAL EXPENDITURES 4060 CITY BUILDINGS '.. iOPRFVItHIS ACTUAL CURRENT D[PT ADMINISTRATION PROP SM PR(MOS[D YRACIUAI. 07/312019 HUPGET EEOULSI CBANGE AMDULQ CU&NUE BUDGES 210 GLNRRAI.SUPPLIFSIIMLSI ALI! 18,566 28.530 15.000 18.100 0 18,000 0 18,000 217 AUTOOPERATING 0 3,859 0 2,800 0 2.800 0 2,810 i 220 IRILITYSERVICES 196,039 213,072 260,000 185,163 0 185,163 .5,000 180.163 ELECTRICITY/GAS - 183,163 WATER (STATION 11) - 1,000 'COVID-19 BUDGET ADJUSIMEN'I' 226 CONI KALII SRFPAIRS 72,250 137,241 So'" 80.000 0 80.000 0 80,000 HEAPING/AIR SERVICE CONTRACTS - 10,000 NORMAL EQUIPMENT/BUILDING REPAIRS - 30,000 ELEVATOR SERVICE CONTRACTS - 11,000 FIRE ALARM MONITORING - 010 FIRE SPRINKLER MAINTENANCE CONTRACT - 1,500 FIRE ALARM SYSTEM TESTING/INSPECTION - 2,200 HVAC CONTROLS - 2,000 PALL PROTECTION ANNUAL INSPECTION - 2,600 ELEVATOR ANNUAL INSPECTIDN - 675 GENERATOR SERVICE - 3,412 FLAG/POLE. MAINTENANCE - 2,000 MISCELLANEOUS - 1,803 265 PROFFSS10NA1.SFRVICFS 5.163 11,731 6,710 6,700 0 6,700 U 6.700 PEST CONTROL SERVICE - 6,700 282 INSURANCE 29,640 23,969 15.9(A 17,390 0 17,390 0 17.390 SELF FUNDED THROUGH SCMIRF'F' TIT IAL OPERA IING EXPENSES 321.659 418.400 377,666 310053 1) 310.053 -Sw) 305.053 101 AL CITY BUILDINGS 321.659 418.400 377,666 310.053 0 310.1151 -5,000 305,053 t I 6!17/2020 I'ngc 79 CITY OF NORTH AUGUSTA FY 2020 GENERAL FUND DEPARTMENTAL EXPENDITURES 4065 PROPERTY MAINTENANCE PREVIOUS ACTUAL CURRENT DEPT ADMINISTRATION PROPOSED PROPOSED �^ YRACH)AL 07330914 HUDGF'.1. R1A2 m CHAN.GG A610IRTS CHANGE BUMLI 101 SAIARIESIWAGES 580,285 943.202 606,348 753.040 .20,907 732,133 0 732.133 TITLE CURRENT REQUESTED RRCOMMENDRD APPROVED SUPERINTENDENT 1 1 1 1 SUPEREVISOR OF PROP MAINTENANCE: 0 1 1 1 '. IRRIGATION TECH/FOREMAN 1 0 0 0 CHEMICAL TECHNICIAN 3I 1 I 1 HEAVY EQUIPMENT OPERATOR I 1 1 1 1 CREW LEADER 3 4 4 4 GROUNDS WORKER 111 2 2 2 2 GROUNDS WORKER II 5 0 7 9 TREE CARE TECHNICIAN 1 1 1 1 TOTAL 15 19 IR 18 102 OVERTIME PAY 20,923 29,702 17,297 18.680 374 19,054 0 19,054 �I 104 FICA 44,045 71.534 47,709 59,037 -1,571 57,466 0 57,466 7.651 OF COVERED SALARIES I 105 EMPIDYFG RETIREMENT 82,732 146,212 93,921 113,119 3,297 120,01 -3,756 116,985 SCAR - 16.06% OF COVERED SALARIES -COV1 I+UDCFT ADJUSTMENT 108 EMPIDYEE INSURANCE 105,168 156,481 106,650 1Su.100 -1.900 142,200 0 112,200 'O MEDICAL AND DENTAL COVERAGE. 109 WORKERS COMYNNSA'ION 14,161 26,548 16,837 17.864 D 17.8x1 0 17864 SELF FUNDED THROUGH SCMIT 210 GENERAI.SUPP[.IFS .%TAGS 1,397 1187 2,652 :830 n :810 0 2.830 OFFICE CHERIIFS/POSTAGE, - 2, 150 COPIER - 690 214 D1JES/BAININCJIRAVEI, 2,261 1.742 1,935 3,020 0 3,020 0 1,020 SAFETY/TECHNICAL TRAINING - 1,820 ARBORIST WORKSHOPS - 900 - SC MOSQUITO ASSOCIATION - 300 217 AUTOOPERATING 47,577 47,481 39,927 38,017 -1521 34,4% 0 34,496 FUEL (9,260 GALS UNLEADED @ 2.60) - 24,0'16:FUEL @ 2.30 21,298 FUEL (2,475 GALS DIESEL @ 3.10) - 1,613:FUEL @ 2.80 6,930 TRUCK REPAIRS/MAINTENANCE - 6,268 220 UTH.TIYSF.RVICES 18,823 20.380 17,770 17,0611 0 17.060 0 17.0611 ELECTRIC SERVICE - 17,060 (BRICK POND PUMPS/MEDIANS/US 2'i) 6/1712020 Page 30 CITY OF NORTH AUGUSTA FY 2020 GENERAL FUND DEPARTMENTAL EXPENDITURES 4065 PROPERTY MAINTENANCE '.i© PREVIOUS ACTUAL CURRENT DEPT ADMINISTRATION PROPOSED PROPOSED YA&LUXE 07131/2019 NUpUkr UMUT 41109L AMOUNT CHANGE auwLf 226 CONiRAOTL' !'PAIR$ 35,900 74,010 30,900 36,155 0 36,155 0 36,155 EQUIPMENT REPAIRS/MAINTENANCE - 30,405 OPERATIONS FACILITY HVAC REPAIRS - 3,600 (SHARED EXPENSE) TABLET/CELL PHONES/GIS WORKFORCE - 2,150 231 BUILDING MAI CRIAIS 1.449 2,337 2,070 1,975 0 1,975 0 1.975 TOOLS - 1,995 241 UNIFORMSICL(A HIND 7,694 18,419 7.X34 11,183 6 IL183 0 11,183 UNIFORMS - 6,175 SAFETY/PPE - 5,008 i 265 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES 125,275 141,589 129,200 97,922 -59,000 38,822 0 38.922 TREE REMOVAL - 17,500 TREE. PRUNING _ 10,000 JANITORIAL SERVICE 3,322 (SHARED EXPENSE) LANDSCAPE MAINT CONTRACTS - 67,000:N0 V LIVING HISTORY PARK - 8,000 FROM COMMUNITY PROMOTIONS I 9i 271 SPECIAL DISPT SIIPPLIP:S 122,768 254,931 130,710 191,560 .31,075 160,485 0 160,485 i CHEMICALS - 63,500 LANDSCAPE SUPPLIES/PLANT MATERIALS - 57,200 SOD/TOP SOIL/MULCH - 23,700 SMALL MOTOR EQUIPMENT - 7.800 IRRIGATION PIPE/VALVES/CONTROLS - 4,410 EQUIPMENT/VEHICLE WASH BAY - 3,875 (SHARED EXPENSE) GREENEWAY TRAIL TREE REPLACEMENT - 15,000:NO LAKE AVE TREE REPLACEMENT PHASE I - 13,575:NO WADE HAMPTON PARK TREE REPALCEMENT - 2,500:NO 282 INSURANCE 21,036 30.928 21,903 20,010 0 20,010 0 20,010 SELF FUNDED THROUGH SCMIRFF 200 LI!ASL PURCHASE M,597 95.495 49.673 31.029 I1,5(EG 42,535 0 42,535 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 2016 LEASE 5,996 -- __ __ __ 2017 LEASE 6,945 .6,945 201B LEASE 12,224 12,224 12,224 -- 2019 LEASE 5,074 5,874 5,874 5,879 -- 2020 LEASE( 11,506 11,506 11,506 11,506 11,506 385 MACHINESILUUIPMGN 1 24,797 116,870 65,150 52.300 52,3(81 0 0 0 VERSA MOWER FLAIL 50/96" CUTTER - 52,300 IREP:4065-57M E BOM) :YES,BUT L/P i 3 'TOTAL PERSONAL SERVICE S 847.314 1.373,679 888,762 L122,659 -33,3U1 1,089,358 -3,756 LOR5,602 'D YI'ALOPIRA'I ING LXPENSFS 450.786 692,699 434.574 450,661 -R2,09U 368.571 0 368,571 i IOI"AL GPI'TAL OITD.AY 24,797 II6,870 65,750 52,300 -52300 U 0 0 TOTAL PROPERTY MAIN IFNAN(It 1.322,898 2.173348 1,389,086 1,62.5,620 -167,691 1,457.929 -3,756 1.454,173 6/17/2020 Page 31 G"IY 01: NORTH AUGUSTA FY 2020 GENERAL FUND DEPARTMENTAL EXPENDITURES 4100 PUBLIC SAFH7 Y PREVIOUS ACIIIAI. CURRENT DEW ADMINISTRATION PROPOSED PROPOSED YRACIOAI 4711112019 NIIK'I 1. Kl SORL'3'1 CHANGE WOM T CHANGE IRIDGEI 101 SAIARINSAVAGIIS 4,780,805 6,978.439 4,717,637 4,920,569 -58,271 4,862,298 42,298 4,800.000 TITLE CURRENT REQUESTED RECOMMENDED APPROVED DIRECTOR PUBLIC SAFETY 1 1 1 1 CAPTAIN 3 3 3 3 LIEUTENANT ] ] ] ] SERGEANT 10 IC 10 10" CORPORAL 6 6 b 6 CRIME ANALYST I I 1 1 INVESTIGATOR (PSOI 2 1 DARE OFFICER 1 1 i RESOURCE OFFICER2 2 NARCOTICS OFFICERIPS01 2 2 2 2 PUBLIC SAFETY OFFICER 30 30 30 30 PUBLIC SAE'ETY OFFICER (SCDNP GRANTI 1 2 1 ANIMAL CONTROL OFFICER I 1 1 , SUPERVISOR COURT SERVICES 1 I 1 1 ADMINISTRATIVE SECRETARY 1 1 1 COMMUNICATION TECHNICIAN 1 7 9 R 9' RECORDS/CLERK OF COURT/CVA 1 1 1 CLERK OF COURT n 2 2 e SECRETARY CRIMINAL INV DIV I. 1 I 1 SECRETARY COURT 11 1 11 MAINTENANCE WORKER 11 1 1 1 1 FIRE FIGHTERS 9 9 9 RECORDS/COURT CLERK 1 1 1 1 SCHOOL GUARDS (PART-TIME) 1PT 4PT 1PT 1PT ------- ------- ------- ------- TOTAL 91F,IPT 94F,•PPT 92F,1PT 92F,1PT 'NEW COMMUNICATION TECHNICIAN I JULY 1 START DATE.'COVID-19: DELAYED TO 10/2020. -PROMOTION OF ONE SERGEANT TO LIEUTENANT EFFECTIVE 7/2020. 102 IIVI!RI'IMI I PAY 175,277 272,814 154,300 169,300 3,386 172,686 0 I72,6R6 NORMAL OVERTIME - 125,000 K-9 OFFICER - 4,400 SPECIAL EVENTS JULY 4TH CELEBRATION - 1,000 JACK-O-LANTERN JUBILEE FESTIVAL - 2,600 RESOURCE OFFICER PROGRAM' - 35,500 '(REIMBURSED BY SCHOOL SYSTEM/SEE ACCOUNT 810-3500-010) RM FICA 365,1192 534,139 372.903 376,424 8.752 385.176 -17,976 367,200 7.65t OF COVERED SALARIES 'COV1D-19 BUDGET ADJUSTMENT 105 FAUN OYI F IN TIRP:MI=NT ]62508 1,210.596 840.318 81A,867 22,123 918"m 46,632 872,358 POPS - IB.796 OF COVERED SALARIES SCRS - 16.U6, OECOVERED SALARIES 'COVID-19 BUDGET ADJUSTMENT 108 FMPI OYIFINSURANCI 677,548 944,222 703,100 712600 -19,750 722,850 0 722,850 MEDICAL AND DENTAL COVERAGE 1119 WORKIRSCOMPIINSA GON 113,559 229,562 139,664 139,557 0 139,557 0 139�557 SELF FUNDED THROUGH SCMI-, C 6/17/202 P.,ge 32 CITY 01' NOR I'll AUGUSTA FY 2020 GENERAL FUND DEPART'MENTALEXPENDITURES 41W PI JBI EC SAI4:'IY I� PREVIOUS ACIIIAI. fIIRR4A'1 DEM ADMINISTRATIONPO PROPOSED PIIIIW)y11 YRACIUAL 077112019 OUWLI kF.QDLSvT CHANUE &MHAENI VIIANQU BODIF1 _+ 210 GLNLKAL S(JI'PI.li,S7IN)S'IAGI': 19,858 34,624 22,000 22,000 0 22,000 1) 22,0011 +((( OFFICE SUPPLIES, PRINTING, FLAGS - 22,000 214 DID Sq I RAINING/I'RAVI], 49,579 71-989 50,000 7.1,900 -23,900 50,000 0 .50,0011 PROFESSIONAL ORGANIZATIONS _ 2,960 CONTINUING EDUCATION _ 19,500 SC FIRE ACADEMY 7,000 TRA)TRAINING/ 4,300 SC CRIMINAL NSJUSTICE AI 2,500 SRO TRAINING/ CONFERENCE - 4,500 j ICCREDITATIONS 'TRAINING - 21500 SPECIAL SCHOOLS - 3,000 ACCREDITATION - 14,000 NOTARY RENEWALS - 300 TI0 TRAINING _ 4,000 Eel NATIONAL ACADEMY _ 0 '[RAINING FOR DRONE B,SOIS N EXTRADITION 1,00000 TRAINING NOT NEEDED IF EQUIPMENT 5 NOT APPROVED REDUCED To 50,000 217 AU10OPLHAIIN(i 264,742 322,451 234.270 234,270 -22,560 211,710 0 211,710 T'IRBS/BATT'ERIES/E'LVIDS/PREV MAIN 31,500 FUEL (72,700 GALS UNLEADED @ 2.60) _ 189,020:FUEL @ 2.30 167,210 FUEL (2,500 GAI,S OIESEL @ 3.101 7,750:FUEL @ 2.00 7,000 a 224 DAIAPRUCESSING 126,385 196,627 115.000 133,310 0 133,310 0 133.310 I AIRTIME FOR 800 RADIO SYSTEM - 69,500 EQUIPMENT - 51850 BROADBAND SERVICE FOR MDT^S - 27,600 RSA TOKEN (SLED REQUIREMENT) - 1,500 AIRTIME CARDS FOR EXIST LAPTOPS _ 9,000 E-DIEPTACH - 7,160 CODE RED NOTIFICATION SYSTEM 8,700 CRIME SCENE SKETCHING 600 FORENSIC CELL PHONE. EXTRACTION - 6,400 COMPUTER FOR EXTRACTION SOFTWRE - 2,000 226 CON'IRACT54?EPA1RS 264,606 455,896 265,000 301.990 -34000 265,000 0 265,000 I TI/SOFTWARE MAINTENANCE - 125,920 OVERHEAD WORE MAINTENANCE - 3,850 E111CL j ERADIO/EQUIP REPAIR 68,600 BUILDING REPAIRS - 15,000 OFFICE EQUIPMENT MAIN 5,570 SCBE BENCH TEST - 1,750 PUMP AND LADDER TESTS - 6,000 HOSE TESTING - 5,000 INSPECTION/CLF:AN SUPPLIES - 3,000 GROUND SUPPLIES-STATION 2 - 2,500 AIR COMPRESSOR - 1,300 OBSTACLE EQUIPMENT PAINT _ 3,000 CAR STRIPE (NEW VEHICLES) 2,400 OBSTACLE COURSE REPAIR 4,000 k PAGERS/BATTERIES/LEASES - 7,000 COUNTER SPEAKER (RECORDS) - 2,000 STATION 2 CEILING REPAIR - 6,000 CELL PHONES ALLOWANCE - 12,160" 911/REPLAY/NC IC - 16,400• CELL PHONE. NEN INVESTIGATOR - 590:N0 j DRONE WARRANTY 6 INSURANCE - 9,000:NO"' *1001, FUNDED BY AIKEN. COUNTY 911 (SEE ACCOUNT 910-3500-010) "SEE 10-4100-101 "'NOT NEEDED IF EQUIPMENT N(YI' APPROVED REDUCED TO 265,000 I Ic 6/17/2020 Page 33 CITY 01: NORTH AUGUSTA FY 2020 GENERAL FUND DEPARTMENTAL EXPENDITURES 4100 PUBLIC SAFE.I PREVIOUS ACIUAI. CURRENT DEPT ADMINISIRAHON PROPOSED PROPIISH) YRAiTUM 07/31/2019 UVUGUT RIiQUUI CHANGE AM03NI CI1L&NUE RJUDulff 241 UNII'ORMtiICIUTHING 93,101 158,994 118,100 182,100 4i1.000 121,100 0 121,10 POLICE CLOTHING/CLEANING/FIRE PROTECTION/CLASS D - 65,000 FIRE GEAR REPLACEMENT SCHEDULE (10 SETS PER YEAR) - 25,000 VESTS REPLACEMENT SCHEDULE (14) - 14,000 UNIFORMS FOR BLOODHOUND TEAM - 1,100 UNIFORMS FOR SCHPS GRANT OF'F'ICER (AMOUNT NOT COVERED BY GRANT) - 15,000:NO CLOTHING ALLOWANCE (CHIEF, INVESTIGATIONS, PROF STANDARDS) - 6,300• CLOTHING ALLOWANCE. (ADDITIONAL INVESTIGATOR) - 100:NO SWAT HF.LMENTS AND VESTS REPLACEMENT QO SE'PSI - 55,000-- 'SEE 10-4100-101 "YES,BUT 16,000. REMAINDER OF FUNDING FROM FEDERAL AND STATE DRUG ACCOUNTS 247 CVAIIXPFNDHIIRFS 13,939 24,172 36,320 36,320 0 36,320 0 36,320 OFFICE SUPPLIES, PRINTING, POSTAGE - 6,000 TRAVEL AND DUES - ,500 OFFICE EQUIPMENT MAINTENANCE - 1,SU0 CELL PHONE - 1,320 EMERGENCY FUND FOR VIC'T'IMS - 5,000 CUMBER CENTER - 10,000 CHILD ADVOCACY CENTER - 10,000 248 LHN GRANT 4,342 8,643 IQOMI 10,000 0 IO,OW 0 NORM LEN GRANT EXPENDITURES (1003 FUNDED BY LAW ENFORCEMENT NFTWORE GRANT - SEE ACCOUNT 810-3300-070) 249 (2)MMI INI'I'Y POLICING 28,660 24,S66 34,4W 34,400 0 34,400 0 34.400 FIRE CADET CAMP - 1,200 CITIZENS ACADEMY (2 PER YEAR) - 3,000 SPLASH DOWNS - 2,000 COMMUNITY EVENTS - 2,000 POLICE CADET CAMP - 1,200 CHRISTMAS CLASSIC - 25,000` 'EXPENSES OFFSET BY REVENUE IN 10-3500-010 250 DRUG RELATED ACCT-STATE: 21,391 45,559 15,1X0.) 15,000 0 15,010.) 0 15)(11, MISCELLANEOUS - 11,200 K-9 CARE AND EXPENSES - 2,500 PAGERS FOR DtRECTOR,CAPT,INVESTIGAT'ORS,RESOURCE,DARE - 1,300 '17,000 OF FUNDS COLLECTED IN PRIOR YEARS TO BE USED FOR SWAT UNIFORMS. SEE 10-4100-241 1RXPENSES FOR DRAG ENFORCEMENT ARE OFFSET BY REVENUE IN ACCOUNT 810-3200-020) 255 UH11(i Ki LAI ALL 3'-FLIII'.KA1. Rlltl 26.69) 5000 5)00 n 5.400 0 5.000 HISCELIANIFOUS - 5.008 '22,000 OF FUNDS COLLECTED IN PRIOR YEARS TO BE USED FOR SWAT UNIFORM, SEF: 10-4100-241 (EXPENSES FOR DRUG ENFORCEMENT ARE OFFSET BY REVENUE IN ACCOUNT $10-3200-025) 1/^ V 6/17/2020 Page 34 CITY OF NORI I I AUGUSTA FY 2020 GENERAL FUND DEPARTMENTAL EXPENDITURES 4100 I'I111LIC SAPP.IY PREVIOUS ACTUAL, CURRPNI D1,P1ADMINISIRATION PROPOSI'D PROP(PiED YRACTUAl. 07/31!2019 aUPOGI RCOU1]i C141Nu W)UML CHANGE: HIHwLr 265 PROI'IiSSIONAI.SRRVIl148 31,363 46,128 40,000 86,050 -26.850 59,2W 0 59,200 PHYSICALS/STRESS TEISTS/EKG - 20,390 AIR MASE FIT TESTS (OSHA) - 2,250 RANDOM DRUG TESTS FOR OFE'ICEPS - 1,000 ANIMAL ADOPTION - 1,300' EMPLOYMENT TESTS/CREDIT REPORTS - 3,060 VETERINARIAN - 12,0001 VETERINARY SPAY/NEUTER VOUCHERS - 46,050' `TOTAL TO RE ALLOCATED TO ANIMAL SERVICES 32,500 271 SPECIAL DEPT SUPPLIHS 98.109 143.196 100,0011 117,500 -17,SW 1UQ000 U 100.(100 PRISONER SUPPLIES - 5UO MEDICAL SUPPLIES - 5,200 METRO DOG TEAM SUPPLIES - 1,900 A.E.D'S (2) - 6,500 INVESTIGATION SUPPLIES/EVIDENCE - 6,20U 'PAPERS - 8,100 CRIME PREVENTION/ DARE - 5,000 DEFENSIVE TACTICS - 51100 FIREFIGHTING EOUIFMENT - 8,400 RANCE SUPPLIES - 15,500 FIRE PAGER - 3,000 PATROL SUPPLIES - 8,400 STOP STICKS - 2,300 RADAR 6 LIDAR FOR TRAFFIC - 6,000 PROJECT LIFESAVER - 3,000 TRAFFIC EQUIPMENT - 8,100 ANIMAL CONTROL. SUPPLIES - 4,300 SWAT SUPPLIES - 20,000 REDUCED TO 100,000 282 INSURANCR 80.611 114716 74,846 76,148 0 76,148 U 76,148 SELF FUNDED THROUGH SCMIRFF 299 LEASLPLIRCHASII 465,878 999,138 6,3,791 396.112 95,260 491.372 0 491,372 2020 zo21 2022 3023 2024 2016 LEASE 123,669 2017 LEASE 87,617 87,617 2018 LEASE 76,586 16,586 76,586 -- -- 2019 LEASE 108,240 108,240 108,240 108,240 -- 2020 LEASE 95,260 95,2.60 45,260 95,260 95,260 381 0 3,572 0 131.050 -119,500 11,550 0 11,550 FIRING RANGE UPGRADE - 100,000:80 ELECTRICAL UPGRADE AND FANS @ SHELTER - 5,550 AC/HEATING REPLACEMENT @ SHELTER - 6,000 CID- INTERVIEW ROOM SECURITY 6 RECORDING SYSTEM REPLACEMENT - 19,500:MOVE TO 385 384 AllIUM0IIVLLQUIPMLN'1' 0 50.247 0 1,596,50 15465111 0 0 0 VEHICLES (7) REP. 4100-193,194,215,216,217,210,219 - 413,000:YES,BUT L/P VEHICLE FOR NEW INVESTIGATOR (1) - 59,000:80 VEHICLE FOR SCDPS GRANT OFFICERS 111' - 74,000:NO TRANSPORTATION VAN (1) REP. 4100-184 - 61,500:NO SERVICE AND RESCUE TRUCK (REF 4100-059) - 850,000:NO BRUSH TRUCK (REP. 4100-098) - 55,000:80 NOTE: VEHICLE PRICES INCLUDE ALL EQUIPMENT 'AMOUNTS FOR SCDPS GRANT PSO VEHICLE. WILL DE REIMBURSED 6/172020 1'9gc 35 j I CITY OF NORTH AUGUSTA FY 2020 GENERAL FUND DEPARTMENTAL EXPENDITURES 4100 PUBLIC SAFETY PREVIOUS ACTUAL CURRENT DEPT ADMINISTRATION PROPOSED PROPOSED YKACIUAI. 42,312419 R11DUF1' KEOUFtif CIIANOE AMOUNT CIICNGG BUMAI 385 MACNINESIFOINPMFNT 0 0 14,625 661,625 fi 1,625 0 0 0 000 RADIOS (1 PSO, 1 INVESTIGATOR) - I0,000:NO WEAPON AND LOCKED STORAGE` - 1,000:NO COMPUTERS AND LICENSES` - 2,500:N0 RADAR AND LIBRA- - 5,125:NO DRONE - 27,000:NO TRAFFIC SPEED TRAILER (REP. 4100-300F) - 16,000:NO WALKIE TALKIE SYSTEM UPGRADE - 600,000:NO CID INTERVIEW ROOM SEC E SYSTEM REPLACE - 19,500:FROM 301,NO AMOUNT FOR ONE PSN NOT COVERED UNDER BY SCDPS GRANT. ^AMOUNT FOR ONE PSO UNDER SCUPS GRANT TO BE REIMBURSED. TOTAL PERSONAL SERVICES 6,864,789 14169,771 6,927,722 7,245,317 43,760 7,201,557 126,906 7,074,651 { TOTAL OPERATING EXPENSES 1.560,582 2,678,492 1.653.727 1,724,100 -93,540 1.630.560 0 1,630,560 1 1'OPALCAPITALOUTAY 0 53,819 14,625 2,369,175 -2,377,625 11.550 D 11.550 i TOTAL PIIIIIAC SAFETY 8.425.371 12,902.082 8.596,074 11,358,592 -2.514,925 8,B43,667 426,9116 8216,761 I I 1 1 1 V 6/17/2020 Page 36 i 4 CITY OF NORTH AUGUSTA FY 2020 GENERAL FUND DEPARTMENTAL EXPENDITURES i 4200 F.NGINFERINO }OIli PREVIOUS ACTUAL CURRENT UEPI AUMINISTRA11ON PROPOSED PROPOSED YRA(UAI 07/30019 BUDGET RE4llG4I SLAHLIE AWU CHANG o1vulI IDI SALARIES/WAGES 113,588 227,853 IGO.fi]I 188,250 -24,894 161,156 0 161,356 TITLE CURRENT REQUESTED RECOMMENDED APPROVED DIRECTOR OF ENG 6 PUBLIC WORKS 0 .5 0 0 ENGINEER I 1 1 1 1 i PLANNING TECHNICIAN 1 1 3 1 f ENGINEERING INSPECTOR .5 .5 .5 .5 1 SECRETARY -- .5 .5 .5 - TOTAL 3 3.5 3 3 1 i j 104 FICA 9,291 17,207 12,291 14,401 -2.057 [2,344 0 12,344 ! 1.651 OfCOVERED SALARIES i i 105 1MPlOY1'.LMAIRRM1141' 16,844 34,030 24,197 30.233 4343 25.9% 4&1 25,107 {+ ECRS - 16.068 OF COVERED SALARIES `CUVID-15 BUDGET ADJUSTMENT 108 HMPI OY1 V INSURANCE 18,475 31557 23,700 27,650 -3.950 23,70U 0 23]00 MEDICAL AND DENTAL COVERAGE 1 109 N'ORKFRSCOMPENSAI'1(3N 1,591 5,519 1,616 460: 0 J.OR 0 4,602 fi S SELF FUNDED THROUGH ECMtT t 1� 210 GENI!RALSUI'1'LII!SIPOSTAGE 374 636 SIN) SW 0 500 0 slq v OFFICE SUPPLIES/PAPER 214 DUPS/IRAININGO'RAVEL 1,604 3,332 2,535 2,835 0 2,835 0 2,835 AMERICAN SOCIETY CIVIL ENGINEERS 121 - 520 NATIONAL SOCIETY OF PROFESSIONAL F,NGINEERS - 305 TECIINICAL TRAINING - 1,800 Apgp - 210 217 ALTOO'ERATING 1,675 3.538 2,455 2,455 -240 2.215 0 2,215 FUEL (600 GALS UNLEADED @ 2.60) - 2,080:MEL @ 2.30 1,840 PREVENTIVE MAINTENANCE - 375 224 DATA PROCESSING 2,500 7,784 3,601 ARM 0 6.300 0 6.300 MISCELLANEOUS SOFTWARE FEES - 3,100 PAVEMENT MANAGEMENT SOFTWARE - 2,600 226 (ON'I'RACI:S/RITA1KS 6,865 3,464 2,280 3.480 0 2,480 0 2,480 VEHICLE REPAIRS - 300 WIRELESS SERVICE (1) - 480 COPIER MAINTENANCE - 500 CELL PHONE (2) - 1,200 241 UNH FORMSI(1,01 IIWG 464 1,409 I'm) 1.000 0 1,000 0 1.001 SAFETY/PPE - 900 UNi k'ONMS - 600 6/17/2020 Page 37 CITY OF NORTH AUGUSTA FY 2020 GENERAL FUND DEPARTMENTAL EXPENDITURES 42W ENGINIFERING PREVIOUS ACTUAL CIIRRLN1 DGn ADMIMSDSATION PROPOSED PROPOSED YRACDIAL 0WIM14 ROWEL REOUI:D DRAKE AMOUNT COANOL BUDGET 261 ADVERTISING 0 49 100 IN 0 IN 0 100 BID ADVERTISEMENT 265 PROFESSIONALSLRVICLS 0 360 0 1,0011 0 1.000 a IIHR) SURVEYING SERVICES - 1,000 271 SPECIAL DEPT SUPPLIFS 1,212 2186 t,500 1,500 U 1.500 0 1,500 DRAFTING/PRINT SUPPLIES - 1,000 SURVEY SUPPLIES - 500 282 INSURANCE n'819 1,908 1e198 968 0 968 0 968 SELF FUNDED THROUGH SCMIRFF 299 I EASE PURCHASE 0 MIN) 5,144 3.544 0 5.544 (1 5,544 2020 2021 2022 2023 § 2019 LEASE 5,544 9,544 5,544 5,544 384 AUIC3MCATWIS)UHIMENT 0 0 U 0 0 0 0 0 NO REQUEST TOTAL PERSONAL SERVICES 169,7(8 316,166 224,495 265,136 37,244 227,892 -783 227,109 WIALOPERATING EXPENSES 37,514 35,085 21,012 24,682 -240 24,442 0 24,412 'R3TALCAWIAIAUTLAY 0 0 U 0 U 0 0 0 IY)IAL ENGINEERING 207.283 351,250 245,507 289,818 -37,4M 252,334 -953 251 551 1 I 1 I i i 6/17/2020 Page 38 f� CITY OF NORTH AUGUSTA FY 2020 GENERAL FUND DEPARTMENTAL EXPENDITURES 4210 S I REEELIGI I'I'/FRAPFIC PREVIOUS ACTUAL CURRENT DEVI ADMINIS'I'RATIUN PROPOSED PROPOSED YRA17UAI. 07131/2014 BUDGET RGQUEM CHANQL AMQQNl C"ANGL BUDGET 214 DOEWRAININGIIRAVFI. 940 2.298 2,450 1,350 0 1,350 0 1,351) INTERNATIONAL MUNICIPAL SIGNAL ASSOCIATION CERTIFICATION - 1,200 INTERNATIONAL MUNICIPAL SIGNAL ASSOCIATION DUES - 150 220 UTII3FYSFRVICEs 446,717 536,990 435,500 432,000 0 432,000 0 432,000 STREET LIGHTS / POLES - 432,000 (PARTIALLY OFFSET BY CUSTOM STREET LIGHT FEE, ACCT 810-3400-015) 226 CONRACTSIRLPAIRS 18,492 15,326 10.275 3.000 0 3.000 0 3,000 STREETLIGHT REPAIR - 3,000 265 PROFFSSRINAL SERVICFS 6,101 0 0 185,000 -Uom0 0 0 0 ` MARTINiOWN RD MAST-ARM TRAFFIC SIGNALS (2 INTERSECTIONS) :NO 5 FOUNDATION DESIGN - 10,000 INSTALLATION - 175,000 (SEE RELATED REQUEST IN 4210-271) 271 SPLCIAL DEVISUPPLIES ❑,650 18,461 16.000 81.000 b5,000 16,000 0 16,000 S'PREETLIGHT RULES/DALLAS'fS - 4,000 MISCELLANEOUS - 2,000 STREETLIGHT POLES/FIXTURES - 10,D00 MARTINTOWN RD TRAFFIC SIGNAL MAST-PRM POLES I2. INTERSECTONS) - 65,000:NO (POLES ONLY, SEE RELATED REQUEST IN 4210-265) 282 IV5URAN('1' 0 33.914 23,727 22,468 0 22,469 0 22,468 SELF FUNDED THROUGH SCMIRFF' TOIALOPENATING EXPENSES 483,900 606.989 487,952 724,818 -250,000 474,818 0 474,818 TOTAI.SIREE'T LIGHT(TRAFFIC 483.900 606.989 487.952 724,818 -250TW 474,818 0 474,818 I 1 I 6/17/2020 Page 39 CITY OF NORTH AUGUSTA I FY 2020 GENERAL FUND DEPARTMENTAL EXPENDITURES 42205TREEIN&DRAINS { RRINICUS ACTUAL CURRENT ONPT ADMINISTRATION PRIMED PROPOSED YRACTUAI M11VJ2' ONES REOUF'ST Ctmm AMUSLI C IAN(it. RUX0 101 SAIARIFS/WACES 471,108 646895 460,094 486,714 -20,521 466,193 0 466193 TITLE. CURRENT REQUESTED RECOMMENDED APPROVED SUPERINTENDENT OF GTREE'IS/DRAINS 1 1 1 1 STREETS AND DRAINS FOREMAN 2 2 2 TRAFFIC SIGNAL/STREET LIGHTS TECH 1 0 0 0 j VEHICLE OPERATOR III 0 1 1 HEAVY RQUIPMENT OPERATOR ! 2 2 2 2 . TRADES WORKER 3 3 3 3 STREET LAHORFR I 1 1 TOTAL 10 11 10 10 102 OVERTIME.PAY 9,056 7,123 7,100 7,500 ISO 7,650 0 7,650 104 FICA 35,770 48,519 31,771 36,896 497 36,249 0 36.241) 7.658 OF COVERED SALARIES I 105 LMPLAYNE RE(IRFMHNI 66,036 97,713 70,420 77,4,SR -1640 75,818 -2.088 73,730 j SCRS - 16.00 OF COVERED SALARIES •COVID-19 BUDGET ADJUSTMENT 108 FMPIAYEF.INSURANC'F 75.357 105,189 79,000 86,9011 4,900 79,000 0 79,000 MEDICAL AND DENTAL COVERAGE 1 109 WORKI RSCOAIPENSATION 14,625 27,498 0,425 13,394 0 13,394 0 13.394 SELF FUNDED THROUGH SCMIT 210 GPNFRALSUPPLIRSWSTAOE 686 82l 500 8181 0 800 0 800 OFFICE SUPPLIES 214 DUES/FRAININ(D RAVEL 21059 4160 2,500 2,900 0 2,900 0 2.900 SCOHEC MINING PERMIT 11/2) - 200 SOU TECHNICAL TRAINING - SAFETY TRAINING - 2.2D0 20 AUTO U10;kA1'INIi 35,377 46989 36.620 37.620 J.060 N,560 0 34,Sti11 BATTERIES/FLUIDS ,000 PREVENTIVE 3,000 PREVENTIVE MAINTENANCE. FUEL (4,000 GALS UNLEADED @ 10) - 10,400:FUEL @ 2.30 9,200 FUEL (6.200 GALS DIESEL @ 3.101 - 19,220:FUfL @ 2.E0 17,360 226 ('oNTRACT37R FPn IR.S 28,371 25,039 19,160 49.460 26,000 23,460 0 23860 , VEHICLE/EQUIPMENT REPAIRS - I5,D90 CEI,. PHONES (4) - 1,860 BUILDING MAINT(REPAIRS - 3.000 OPERATIONS FACILITYRESURFACING IPARTI - 2ti,000:N0 OPERATIONS FACILITY HVrC REPAIR IPART) - 3,600 i PW 40 6/172020 i i CITY OF NGRTII AUGUSTA FY 2020 GENERAL FUND DEPARTMENTAL EXPENDITURES 4220 SIR".VS&DRAINS I PREVIOUS A . CURRENT DEPT ADMINISTRATION PROPOSED PROPOSED YRACILAL 07(3 1t20191RSE1 ftQllkSL1AtlGd4llfC1UVIG @OQS+E1 23I D1111.DIN(i MATERIALS 62.902 4Y)25 70,000 70.000 0 70,000 0 70.000 ASPHALT - 20,000 STONE - 9,000 LUMBER - 2,500 CONCRETE - 19,000 TOOLS - 3,500 MASONRY - 5,000 PIPE - 13,000 241 1!NIFORMtiiC1.01711N(1 6,106 11,989 5,940 6,930 0 6,930 0 6,950 UNIFORMS - 4,950 SAFETY/PPF. - 2,000 265 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES 12,419 17,675 16,270 19,270 0 I9,270 0 19,270 TREE SERVSCE _ 16,000 CUL DRUG 'TESTING 270 ! TEMP WORKER (1, SHARED) - 3,000 271 SPECIM.DFPTSUPPIIFS 17.338 70,771 17,950 16,500 0 16.500 0 16,500 STREET SIGNS/POLES - 2,OCO LANDFILL FEES - 2,500 T'RAFE'LC CONTROL - 2,000 MISCELLANEOUS - 10,000 282 INSURANCR 10044 17337 11,695 12,189 U 12,189 0 12,189 SELF FUNDED THROUGH SCMIRFF 299 IPASC PIIRCIIAS[ 61,572 I1A,034 84.177 SX,HW 0 59Aa1 u 58100 �© 2020 2021 2022 2023 2016 LEASE 19,583 -- 2017 LEASE 6,125 51125 2010 LEASE 10,010 10,010 10,010 -- 2019 LEASE 22,286 22,286 22,286 22,286 385 MACIIINGSIFQOIPMFNT 0 0 Q U U 0 U 0 iI NO REQUEST I 11i 1 TOTALPIASONALSIIRVICIIS 671,951 933,136 66l310 708,862 .30,558 6711,304 -2,089 676.216 TOl'ALOPURATINUTAPI'MSCS 236,875 409642 264.702 273,693 -29,0(4) 244,633 0 244,633 '1'01ALCAPDALOUILAy 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 TOTAL 6'IRLEI'S&DRAINS 908,826 1,191,]78 930.913 992.555 -SY.618 922,93] 2 gg 920949 I I� 6/172020 P9pc 41 CITY OF NORTH AUGUSTA FY 2020 GENERAL FUND DEPARTMENTAL EXPENDITURES 4300 RECRI:AI']ON PREVI(%IS ACIIIAI. CURRENT DEPT ADMININWHON PROPOSED PROPOSED YRACOIAL 0713M12 DW)ULT RUMff CHANGG AM011M CHANGE Rum ET 101 NALARIEWWAGLS 407,003 478,460 391.805 322,832 4,139 326,971 0 326,971 1 TITLE CURRENT REQUESTED RECOMMENDED APPROVED DIRECTOR OF PARKS/RECREATION/TOURISM 1 1 1 1 i SUPERINTENDENT OF PROGRAMS/FACILITIES 1 1 1 I PROGRAM COORDINATOR IT 1 1 1 1 SECRETARY 1'0 DIRECTOR 1 1 1 1 CENTER COORDINATOR 2PT 2PT 2PT 2PT TOTAL 4F,2PT 4F,2PT 4F,2PT 4F,2FT 102 OVERTIME BAY 10,672 6,611 6,000 6,000 120 6,120 -5,000 1.120 1 BASKETBALL EVENTS, SPECIAL EVENTS, MISCELLANEOUS `COVID-19 BUDGET ADJUS'PMEN'P 3 IN PICA 31,521 36,022 30,432 25.156 325 25,491 -383 25,098 2.65% OF COVERED SALARIES -COVID-19 BUDGET ADJUSTMENT 105 F.MPIAYEE REHREMEN F 45,387 69,818 47,026 52306 1,028 53,334 2,283 51.051 y SCRS - 16.06% OF COVERED SALARIES -COVID-19 BUDGET ADJUSTMENT E 108 hMPLOYIIE IN$NRANCL 30,143 42,1175 31,600 31,600 U 71,600 0 31,600t MEDICAL AND DENTAL COVERAGE IN WORKERS COMPENSAFION 6,982 15.781 11,333 11,395 0 11,395 0 11,395 SELF FUNDED THROUGH SCMIT 210 GENERAL SUPPLIESIPOS'IAGE 702 1.447 2,410 2,400 0 2.404 -1,000 1.400 OFFICE SUPPLIES -COV I D-19 RU DG ET ADJUSTMENT 214 DUPS/fRAININGIFRAVEL 9506 14332 9,940 5,695 U 5,695 4000 4,695 AUGUSTA SPORTS COUNCIL - 500 SOUTH CAROLINA RECREATION 6 PARKS ASSOCIATION - 775 NAPA - POO TRAINING/TRAVEL - 31500 OPTIMIST CLUB DUES - 120 -COVID-19 BUDGET ADJUSTMENT 217 AIM OOPERATINO 3,241 2,529 2,740 2,740 .270 2,470 -1,000 1.470 TIRES/BATTERIES/FLUIDS - 400 FUEL (900 GALS UNLEADED @ 2.60/GAL) - 2,340:FUEL @ 2,30 2,070 -COVID-19 BUDGET ADJUSTMENT 226 CONTRAC"PREPAIRS 6.953 15,333 7.750 Jim 0 8,100 0 8,100 CERA DOCUMENT SOLUTIONS - 3,000 CELL PHONES 141 - 2,R50 EQUIPMENT REPAIRS - 2,250 241 UNIFORMSICLOTHNG 0 587 WU 900 0 900 0 900 STAFF SHIRTS, PERSONAL PROTECTIVE EQUIPMENT Q 6/17/2020 Pap 42 Y CITY OI' NC KIH AUGUSTA FY 2020 GENERAL FUND DEPARTMENTAL EXPENDITURES 4.100 Sit('REA'I]ON © PREVIOUS ACIUN, CIIRRFNT DEPT ADMINISTRATION PROPOSED PROPOSFI) YRACIUAL Q7/jl/2Qj9 BUDSIII BUQUL51 C'NANG!, AMCIUNI CNA14i11: @llPSNI 261 ADVERT RING 860 1,746 1,300 1,300 U I t0(1 1,000 300 BROCHURES - 600 PROGRAM ADS - 500 -COVID-19 BUDGET ADJUSTMENT 265 PROELSSIONAL Sl RVICFS 8,157 207,243 73.000 108,000 26,970 114971) 0 1t T970 CLASSES - 1,000 ADVENTURE CAMP (SUPPLIES) - 10,000 INSTRUCTORS - 12,000 SEASONAL LABOR SERVICE - 111,970 MASTER PIAN - R5,000":NO I PENDING 14ASC GRANT APPLICATION FOP $25,000:NO 271 SPI'CIA1.DI'PISUPPIJES 5.915 8.190 00) b.uuO (1 6.000 -2500 3,500 SPECIAL EVENTS - 4,000 SENIOR PROGRAMS - 2,000 uau.r.r♦u...............x rru ur......... ..............ru.r.r.. PARTIALLY OFFSET BY REVENUE IN ACCOUNTS 10-3400-030 rCOVID-19 BUDGET ADJUS'INEN'I' 27J UASKIfIUALI.PR(XIIIAM 37,727 16,221 37.50 45,000 -19,500 25.500 0 25,500 AWARDS - 2,000 BASKETBALL CAMP INSTRUCTORS - 5,000 EQUIPMENT - 4,000 OFFICIALS - 12,500:SEF. 265 UNIFORMS - 12,000 SCOREKEEPERS - 0,000:5SE 265 NYSCA COACH CERT - 1,000 INSURANCE - 1,500 u..u..................u.,....+..u.,r.....«......... OF'F'SET BY REVENUE IN ACCOUNT 010-3400-031 274 SOI°I'IEU1,PROGRAM 17.425 44,782 22.4011 31,506 -13,106 18.400 0 18.400 AWARDS - 1,000 CAMP - 1,400 EQUIPMENT - 4,000 OFFICIALS - 9.ODO:SEE 265 INSURANCE - 2,000 ASA/ALL-STAN - 2,000 FIELD PAINT - 1,000 UNIFORMS - 6,500 NYSCA COACH CERT - 500 SCOREKEEPERS - 2,000:SEE 265 PROGRAM ASSISTANT - 2,106:SEE 265 r•r.r•u..•..•ue«..:...er.e....r.v..-r......................... OFFSET BY REVENUE IN ACCOUNT 010-3400-032 275 1101 BAI 1.PROGRAM 33,011 37,567 30,000 13,738 .8,738 22,1100 0 27,000 AWARDS - 1,000 CAMP 2,000 EQUIPMENT - 3,500 UNIFORMS - 9,000 INSURANCE - 2,000 OFFICIALS - 5,000:SEE 265 PROGRAM ASSISTANT - 1,200:SRF. 265 SCOREKEEPERS - 2,538:SEE 265 f'I F.LD PAINT - 9,000 NYSCA COACH CERT - 500 •a.,.,.....u.....0 ur,.r..rr r.r.....r...u....rr.r s.r.r... OFFSET BY REVENUE IN ACCOUNT 010-3400-033 276 BASERALI.PROGRAM 58.424 106.437 IRMO 56.106 -D.IRA 38,00➢ 0 39.001) AWARDS -' 1,000 PITCHING MACHINES - 1,000 EQUIPMENT - 91000 OFFICIALS - 14,000:SEF. .265 INSURANCE 2,000 LEAGUE FEES 6 S'TAT'E MEETINGS - 1,000 ALL STAR UNIFORMS - 4,000 TOURNAMENT COST - 1,000 BASEBALL CAMP - 2,000 UNIFORMS - 12,000 ATHLETIC FIELD PAINT - 4,000 NYSCA COACH CERTIFICATION - 1.,000 PROGRAM ASSISTANT - 2,106:$EE 265 SCOREKEEPERS - 2,000:SEE 265 ru.r....................a...+...... ♦........ur ........... ....ru.....ur.r OFFSET BY REVENUE 1N ACCOUNT 010-3400-034 6/17/2070 Pogo 43 CITY OF NOMI I AUGUSTA FY 2020 GENERAL FUN DDEPARTMENTALEXPENDITURES 4310 RFCRI.AI'ION PREVIOUS .ACTUAL CURRENT DEMI ADMINI.SIRAIION PROPOSED PRUPUSE.D YKACTUA 071312019 13VWE'1RFRULFI CHANGE AMQQNI CHANUE kuQ= 277 SOCCER PROGRAM 48,632 ($182 55.100 511,000 -17,000 41,000 0 41,000 AWARDS - 2,000 ATHLETIC FIELD PAINT - 6,000 EQUIPMENT - 8,000 INSURANCE. - 2,000 UNIFORMS - 22,000 SOCCER CAMP INSTRUCTORS - 2,000:SEF. 265 OFFICIALS - 12,000:SEE 265 NYSCA COACH CERTIFICATION - 1,000 PROGRAM ASSISTANT - 3,000:,,^.EE 255 •.«.«•r..r.ar«ur..r.:«r.«.r.xr......... ..... ....u..u..0....v... OFFSET BY REVENUE IN ACCOUNT #10-3400-, :", 278 VOLLEYBALL PR(X3RAM 4,677 4,267 4.200 5.220 -1,520 3,700 0 3)00 AWARDS - 500 EQUIPMENT - 1,000 UNIFORMS - 1,500 INSURANCE - 500 OFFICIALS - 1,000:SKE 265 NYSCA COACH CERT - 200 SCOREKEEPERS - 520-SEE 265 .«•u....u.0«u.«...r......... ....... OFFSET BY REVENUE 1N ACCOUNT 810-3400-028 279 SENIORS PROGRAM 0 0 0 35,000 -35,000 0 0 0 LEASE - 35,000: NO 280 (Y)NCINSION S LAND SUPPI.IFS 1011,820 160.107 91,000 130,000 44,000 %,000 -5.000 91p00 FOOD PRODUCTS/SIIPFLIES - 95,000 ESTIMATED GROSS SALES - 170,000 LABOR COST - 34,000:SEE 265 ESTIMATED EXPENSES - (130,000) SALES TAX - 3,000 ------- ESTIMATED NEP 40,000 --_ ,_'-- TOTAL EXPENSES 130,000 u.««u.uuuru..•..vuuu.««.r.xxr xxu.u«..rr.r..«....u..«.......,.... OFFSET BY REVENUE IN ACCOUNT #10-3400-035 •COVID-19 BUDGET ADJUSTMENT 282 INSURANCE 28773 26,628 17,551 19,592 0 19,592 0 19,592 SELF FUNDED 'THROUGH SCMIRFF 2W IAAM PURCHASE 0 16,826 0.800 8,800 0 8,#00 0 8,80 2020 20:1 2022 2023 2019 LEASE 8,800 8,600 8,800 8,800 382 IURNri URVIIX'FURLS U 772 Cm 1500 0 1,500 U 1500 PICNIC 'FABLES, BENCHES. WASTE RECEPTACLES, CHAIRS 185 MAC]HNP 3H:QUIPMENT 13.832 32,330 Up(0 202,WO -188,000 14.000 0 14,040 CLUB CAR 1500 IREP. 4300-269M) - 14,000 JOAN DEERE 521 LOADER - 1b,000:N0 KARCHER SWEEPER - 13,000:NO YOUTH BASEBALL DUGOUTS (FIELDS 1 0 2) - 60,000:N0 CARRIER HVAC CONTROLS FOR RVP - SO,000:YES,BUT RF/CC FUND BLEACHERS (5-S ROW Al' PVP) - 50,000:110 6/172020 PRge 44 i CITY OF NORTH AUGUSTA FY 2020 GENERAL FUND DEPARTMENTAL.EXPENDITURES 4300 RECREATION © PREVIOUS ACTUAL CIRIREN'I DEPT ADMINISTRATION PRO1535FD PROPOSED YRACpIy, olDl w UUP ILl REQUTAS7 CHANQ AMRUN'. CHAN9E RUUUGI RAAI.PERSONALSF.RVKTS 531708 618,767 518.196 449.299 5,612 454,9111 .7,666 447135 TOTAI.OPERATING EXPENSES 356,822 753.323 425.481 560,097 -120,270 439,827 -11,500 428.327 IOTAI.CAPITALOUTLAY 13,832 33,102 14,500 203,500 -188.M 15,500 0 15.500 IOTALRE.CRIIAIION 902,362 1.435,191 958,177 1,212,886 302,658 910,228 .19,166 891,W2 i I I V i 1 7 1 E I I I I 6/1712020 r9 45 C FlY OF NORPFI AUGUSTA FY P020 GENERAL FUND DEPARTMENTAL EXPENDITURE S 4310 PARKS PREVIOUB ACTUAL CURRFNI DEPT ADMINISFRAIION PROP(MED PRONDSED C Y%ACIVAL 071311201 4 BUPUE1 REQUEST CNAN06 AMOUNT SJAN9G BODUF'1 101 SALARIFSAVAOES 210,943 272,053 205,577 2411,675 28,032 212,643 0 212,643 TITLE CURRENT REQUESTED RECOMMENDED APPROVED MAINTENANCE FOREMAN IT 1 1 1 1 MAINTENANCE FOREMAN 1 1 1 1 CREW LEADER 1 1 1 1 GROUNDS WORKER III 1 I 1 GROUNDS WORKER 11 1 2 1 1 TOTAL 6 5 , 102 OVLRIINILPAY 15.298 13,423 14,04X) 14,000 280 14,280 13,000 I"ju SPECIAL EVENTS, FESTIVALS, ATHLETIC TOJRNAMENTS 'COVID-19 BUDGET ADJUS9'MEN'I' 104 FICA 17,197 21.697 14798 19,491 -2 121 17.3M 0 17,360 7.658 OF COVERED SALARIES 105 I:'MPIAYEh REI NIEMENF 30,271 42,753 33,068 40.901 4,537 36,3W -3,078 33,286 SCRS - 16.062 OF COVERED SALARIES •COVID-19 BUDGET ADJUSTMENT 108 FMFLOYI:F INS[IRAN(1: 37,678 $2594 39,500 39,50) 0 34,500 0 19,500 MEDICAL AMD DENTAL COVERAGE 109 WORKERSCOMPENSATION 4,956 10,060 4402 6,290 0 6,200 0 42H) L I,,IF FUIJDBU THROUGH SCMIT 210 OI:NIIHAI.91R'1'131SIPOSIA(Il 226 344 1500 1,500 B LIN ,75(1 750 JANITORIAL SUPPLIES - 1,500 `COVID-19 BUDGET ADJUSIMENT 214 DUFSn RAINING/FRAVFL 649 2,006 1.450 1,450 0 1,450 .8181 650 SCRPA - 5C0 SEMINAR - 100 PLAYGROUND CP,RTJFICA- CN - 6U0 .FAYB;N:. :50 •COVLD-19 BUDGET ADJUSTMENT 217 AU300111:RAIINU 12,603 14,267 1 J39 1 1x9u -1.170 10,710 -2.500 8,220 TIRES/BATTERIES/FLUIDS/PRNV MAINTENANCE - 1,000 FUEL (22,400 GALS UNLEADED @ 2.60) - 6,240:FUEL AT 2.30 5,520 FUEL (1,500 GALS OFF ROAD DIESEL @ 3.10) - 4,650:FUEL AT 2.80 4,200 `COVID-19 BUDGET ADJUSTMENT 220 UI'RAI Y SFRVICFS 29,823 16,204 245()O 24500 D 210W 0 20,500 EDENFIELD TENNIS - 31500 LIONS FIELD - 6,500 CALHOUN PARK - 3,500 BEOCKH PARK - 2,000 SUMMERFIELD PARK - 5,000 C en7/2020 Page 46 ' CITY OF NORTH AUGUSTA FY 2020 GENERAL FUND DEPARTMENTAL EXPENDITURES 4310 PARKS PREVIOUS ACTUAL CURRENTDDPT ADMINISIRAION PROPOSED PROP0.01) YNACILAL 07/,lL201 Bumil N IOUESI CDANQL AMOUNT QlANUL BJIFA 1 226 CONIRACWPAIRS 51,034 54.184 32.600 32,600 0 32,600 0 32,600 EQUIPMENT REPAIR - 15,000 SPRAY PAD CHEMICALS - 500 PARK REPAJRS - 10,000 CELL PHONES (2) - 1,100 BULBS/BALLAST/F'IXT'URES - 2,000(PARKS) NAME d SUMMERk'IELD PK - 4,000 231 NIALDIN(I MAI'I:RIAI.S 5,152 8,586 13.500 13.500 0 13,500 4,000 5,500 MULCH FOR PLAYGROUNDS _ 8,000 11 HAND TOOLS 500 BUILDING MATERIALS - 5,000 -COVID-19 BUDGET ADJUSTMENT 241 UNHORMSICIDI'IIING L534 3,929 2,100 2,500 0 2,500 4'000 1.500 UNIFORMS - 2,000 SAFETY SHOES - 500 'COVID-19 BUDGET ADJUSTMENT 265 PROFESSIONAL SF.RVICFS 0 11,224 0 6,000 0 6,000 -6,000 0 SUMMER CONTRACT WORKERS - 6,000 'COVID-19 BUDGET ADJUSTMENT 271 SVECIALDEPI SUPPLILS 6,912 17,461 19,500 22,500 40,000 12,500 -5,000 7,500 CHRISTMAS DECORATIONS - 8,000:YES,RF/CC SEASONAL BANNERS - 10,000 CHRISTMAS LIGHTING - 2,000:YR.S,RF/CC POWER TOOLS - 21500 'COVID-19 BUDGET ADJUSTMENT 282 INSURANCE 9,053 7.805 5,283 5,496 0 5.496 0 5.4% SELF FUNDED THROUGH SCMIRFF 299 LF.ASL PURCHASE 12,001 24,081 12,041 12.041 0 12101 0 12,041 2020 2016 LEASE 12,041 381 BUILDIF&RPTIXED EQUIPMNNI 0 0 0 22.081 -22,000 0 0 0 RIVERVIEW PARK SECURITY CAMERAS - 22,000:NO 385 MACHINHS/LQUIPMEMI' 7,837 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 NO REQUEST 387 PARK IMPROVEMENIN 0 0 30.000 110,000 -170,100 140,000 -i$.(1611 125,000 PARK UPGRADES - 310,000 BREAK DOWN OF PARK UPGRADES FOLLOWS: 1. INSTALL NEW PLAYGROUND SURFACE AT RIVERVIEW PARK - 85,000:YES,BIIT 15,000 AND BALANCE OF PROJECT TO RF/CC FUND (PARD FUNDS, 15,0001 2. GREENEWAY UPGRADE (PAVE SEC'T'ION OF TRAIL) - 125,000 (RECREATION TRAILS GRANT APPLICATION FOR $100,00) 3. REPLACE PLAYGROUND EQUIPMENT AT LAKE AVENUE - 100,000:NO (OLD EQUIPMENT NEEDS TO BN REPLACED) 'COVID-19 BUDGET ADJUSTMENT i 6/172020 1 a gc 47 CITY OF NORTH AUGUSTA FY 2020 GENERAL FUND DEPARTMENTAL EXPENDITURES 4310 PARKS [ie PREVIOUS AL Al, CURRPNT DEPT AOMIN1.41AATION PROPOSED PROPOSED YRACUAI olninuly 00MET RKNOT WANUE Amoutii CIIANO HUME1 TO3AL PERSONAL SERVK'P.S 316.344 412,589 315,345 360,849 dy412 326,437 -16,078 310,359 'TOTAL OPERATING E%PP.NSIS 129,028 164192 119,364 129,977 -11,170 118,807 24,050 94,757 TOTALCAPRALOUTLAY 7,837 0 30,W0 332.000 -192,000 140,000 15.000 125,0011 TOTAL PARKS 453.208 572,681 464,70 822,826 -237.582 585,244 55,128 530,116 I I i 6/1712020 Page 48 I ! CITY OF NORTH AUGUSTA FY 2020 GENERAL.FUND DEPARTMENTAL EXPENDITURES 4315 PROPI RI'Y MAIN[HNANOI'. PREVIOUS ACTUAL CURRENF DEPT ADMINISTRATION PROPOSED PROPOSLD MALRa 07/31/1919 OVWU RWULtT CHANG AMOU ('IIANU IlumLl ',.. 271 SPLC'IALDEPISUPPIIIiS 482 -482 0 0 0 11 11 0 'MOVLD TO 4065 IOIALOPI?RAIJN(i I.XPLNSPS 482 482 0 9 0 0 0 n 101'AL 1'ROI'RRIY MAIM'L'NANC'L 482 482 0 n 0 0 0 11 i i I p ! ! 61172020 Page 49 CITY OF NORTH AUGUSTA FY 2020 GENERALFUND DEPARTMENTAL EXPENDITURES 4320 COMMONI7 Y U12N'I'17R t® PREVIOUS ACTUAL CURRENT DEPT ADMINI5IRATION PROPOSED PROPOSED I YILACILA' YI/11/2412 BUDFi1'I HIAMl1t 4'11AML, AWAJ CHANG DODGE] 101 SAIARII.SIWAGFS 80,445 116!937 78,717 78,617 886 79,503 0 79,503 TITLE CURRENT REQUESTED RECOMMENDED APPROVED CENTER COORDINATOR 2 2 2 2 TOTAL 2 2 r 102 IIVERTIML'PAY 241 454 2,Wk 2,000 40 2,040 -2,040 0 COMMUNITY CENTER EVENTS, MUNICIPAL. CENTER EVENTS, RVP CENTER EVENT'S 'COVID-19 BUDGET ADJUSTMENT 104 FICA 6,152 8,957 6,175 6,167 71 6,239 0 6,238 7.658 OF COVERED SALARIES 105 EMPLOYEE RETIREMENT 11,096 17389 12,156 12,947 133 13.080 -7111 12,01 SCRS - 16.068 OF COVERED SALARIES 'COVID-19 BUDGET ADJUSTMENT ? 108 EMPLOYEE:INSURANCE 15,071 21,038 15,800 15,800 0 15,800 11 IS Nu0 MEDICAL AND DENTAL COVERAGE 109 WORKLRSCOMPENSAI'H)N 1,760 Itl.019 2,325 2_112 U 1,312 0 2.312 SELF FUNDED THROUGH SCM-'T 210 (IFNERAl SUPPI IFS'POS 1A01 a }Il 2,800 Zw) 0 2900 -1;100 1,400 OFFICE SUPPLIES - 500 PAPER PRODUCTS - 1,000 i STEPHEN SUPPLIES - 800 CARPET CLEANER - 500 'COVID-19 BUDGET ADJUSTMENT 217 AlFR OPERATING 222 274 310 310 -30 2811 0 290 FUEL 1100 GALS UNLEADED 0 2.601 - 260:k'UEL @2.30 230 OWFLUIDS - 50 220 U'I ILI'IY SLRVICLS 4,277 24,904 23,000 23.000 -8,000 15.000 0 15,000 ELECTRICITY/GAS 226 CONTRALTSIREPAIRS 31,540 26,538 16,200 67.209 -11,WD 16,280 •5,000 11,200 EQUIPMENT/BUILDING REPAIRS - 30,000:YES,BUT 15,000 PAINT BUILDING E REPAIR STUCCO - 6,000:NO [ UPGRADE LIGHTING TO LED - 10,000:NO 1 ROOF REPLACEMENT - 20,000:NO COPIER LEASE - 1,200 'COVID-19 BUDGET ADJUSTMENT 241 UNIFORMSttNATI IING 602 227 700 700 0 7M1 9300 0 STAFF SHIRTS - 550 PPE/SAFETY - 150 'COVID-19 BUDGET ADJUSTMENT 261 ADVERTISINO 2,858 2,904 3.000 3,000 0 3.000 -3,000 0 OPROMOTIONS - BROCHURES/FLYERS/BLTDF.S/PICTURES 'COVID-15 WIDGET ADJUSTMENT 6/17/2020 Pag 50 CITY OF NORTH AUGUSTA FY 2020 GENERAL FUND DEPARTMENTAL EXPENDITURES 4320 COMMUNITY CUNT FR © PREVIOUS ACTUAL CURRENT DEIY ADMINISTRATION PROPOSED PROPOSE[) VEACTuAL 078JLRL BVDUF:I 91,911M CHANGE AMQIR7 CHANGE BS7mL'I 265 PROFIiSSIONALSERVICES 0 0 U 1.000 0 I'M 1,1100 0 TEMP LABOR - 1,000 -COVID-19 BUDGET ADJUSTMENT 271 SPECIAL DEFTSUPPLIES 4,826 8,205 10,000 8,5W 0 8,500 4.000 4,500 CATERING/SENIORS - 500 DECORATIONS - 2,500 FLATWARE/CHINA REPLACE - 2,000 MISCELLANEOUS - 1,500 CLEAN LINENS - 2,000 •COVID-19 BUDGET ADJUSTMENT 282 INSURAN('F 4,1162 4.124 2,896 2.712 0 2,712 0 2,712 SELF FUNDED THROUGH SCMIRFF i TOTALPGRSONALSFRVICES 114.755 182.993 117,173 117,843 1,130 118,973 -2,749 116.224 TOTAL OPERATING E%PFNSFS 48,386 67,520 53, 0 109,222 -59,030 50,192 45.100 35.092 TOTAL COMMIINffY CIiNTER 163,141 250.517 176,079 227,065 -57,900 169,165 -17.849 151,316 it I ]iI i� i� 6/17/2020 1'uRc 51 I CITY OF NORTH AUGUSTA FY 2020 GENERAL FUND DEPARTWNfAL EXPENDITURES 4325 TOURISM PREVIOUS ACTUAL CAREEN[ DBP! ADMINISTRATION PROPOSED PROPOSED YRALILIAL 91/11t2419 DINGET REOUF CLIANUI AMIUN I CILAN-0P DUDQLI IN SAIARIESIW'AGGS 123,183 176,745 126,116 126,116 1,511 122,622 52,627 105,(1011 TITLE CUkkENT REQUESTED RECOMMENDED APPROVED FACILITIES 6 EVENTS SUPERVISOR 1 1 1 1 MAINTENANCE WORKER It 2 2 2 TOTAL 3 3 3 3 'COVID-19 BUDGET ADJUSTMENT 102 OVFRTINIF PAY 3,842 5.748 5,000 5.0041 1 D 5111) -1,1X D 1,100 'CDVID-19 BUNUEIADJUSTMENT IN FICA 9,621 1.1,971 10,030 10,030 124 10,154 :037 8.117 7-656 OF COVERED SALARIES -C>VID-19 BUDGET ADJUSTMENT 105 ItMPIOYI E RFIIRFMI NT 17,412 27"d 19,746 21,057 219 21.276 4,769 16,509 SCRS - 10.111.: ,,,S 'COVID-19 8UUf,E'C ADJUS'1'MEN'I 108 EMPLOYEE:INSURANCE 23,836 31657 23.700 23,700 0 23,701 $000 17,700 MEDICAL. AND DENTAL COVERAGE 'COVID-19 BUDGET ADJUSTMENT 109 WORKERS COMPLNSAI']ON :586 5,247 3,851 3,756 0 3.756 0 3,756 SELF FUNDED THROUGH SCMIT 201 CONIRINI I'IIONS 12,150 18,225 12,150 1],01X1 -850 12,150 0 12,150 CHAMBER OF COMMERCE - 13,000:YES,BUT 2019 LEVEL 12,150 APPROPRIATION DESIGNATED AS TOURISM EXPENDITURE OF STATE A-TAX 210 OEM RAI.MIPP1.111.&TOSTAOF 7,349 9,606 R,0110 8,000 0 8,000 0 8,0X1 PAPER PRODUCTS (TOWELS, TISSUE, ETC) - 8,000 217 AMOOPERAFING 0 O 0 701 0 700 n 7W FUEL AND MAINTENANCE FOR TROLLEYS 224 DATAPROCIASING 0 1,711 1,100 LIPP II 1,100 0 1.100 MOTION VR ROST FEE - 500 (ANNUAL FEE) COMCAST - 508 (FEE + MONTHLY RATE) 241 UNIPOR NNCI.OIII ING 681 1611 1,00 1,000 0 1 POP -I U0U 0 SI'AFk' SIII k".'S P!HOUSFIRS - B90 SAFETY SHOES - 150 'CiNID-19 E^IGF.T AI1J119'1'NENT 261 ADVERTISING 1,916 47 II U 0 n u n NO REQUEST 6/17/2020 Pegg 52 i '.. CITY OF NORTH AUGUSTA FY 2020 GENERAL FUND DEPARTMENTAL EXPENDITURES 4325 TOURISM © PREVIOUS ACTUAL CURRENT DEI4 ADMINISTRATION PROPOSED PROIYISED YRACTUAL 07/11ROi9 WHDgkI REDDEST CHANG AMOUNL CHANGE DUDD6I 265 PROFISSIOPAL SERVICES 30 8Y8 0 3.500 0 3.500 -2.5110 I,WO TEMP WORKERS FOR WEEK-END SET-UPS - 2,000 TEMP WORKERS FOR TROLLEY RENTALS - 1,500 `COVID-19 BUDGET ADJUSTMENT 270 TOURISM EVENTS/EFSIIVAISSL 175,567 050,020 155,000 155,000 0 155,000 -I 05,01X1 SD,000 FFSTJVAIS 150,000• SPECIAL EVENTS - 5,000 I 'SEE 10-3400-030 FOR REVENUE -COVID-19 BUDGET ADJUSTMENT 271 51'LCIA1.UIiPf SIIPP1.11'S 20,711 20,542 22,000 67,130 42,150 25,000 -10,000 15.000 MAINTENANCE/CLEANING SUPPLIES - 16,000 CHINA FLATWARE REPLACEMENT (MUNICIPAL CENTER) _ 5,000 SEASONAL DECORATIONS (MUNICIPAL CENTER( 3,000 SKIRTING/CLOTHS/LINENS (MUNICIPAL CENTER) - 51000 i� REPLACE 11 TABLE TOPS - 900 INSTALL KITCHEN TILE BACKSPLASH - 2,500 CARPET REPLACEMENT 4TH FLOOR 5 ELEVATORS - 30,000 FLOOR SCRUBBER - 4,750 REDUCED TO 25,000 "COVID-19 BUDGET ADJUSTMENT 282 INSURANCE 0 14,030 9,637 9.618 0 9,618 0 9,619 SELF FUNDED THROUGH SCMIRFF 0 IOIAL PERSONAL SERVICES 080,481 20,429 188,441 I89,659 1,934 191,613 -19,431 152,182 TOIALOPERAI'ING EXPENSES 218,409 216,324 208,887 259,068 .43,000 216,068 -118,500 97,568 IOIAL IOURLSM 396890 476,753 397,130 448.727 -41,046 407,681 .157,931 249,750 I 1 I Q 6/11/2020 Pogc 53 CITY OF NORTH AUGUSTA FY 2020 GENERAL FUND DEPARTMENTAL EXPENDITURES j 4130 RVPACfIVII'IES Cf R Y PREVIOUS ACTUAL CURRIN'I DEPT ADMINISTRATION PROPOSM PROPOSED to YRACIIIAL 07131,2014 HUPOET REQIg57 MAKE AMOUNI CUAWE OVOGFI 101 SAIARIISMAGES 341,437 503,025 344,533 473.631 -117,850 355,791 0 355.781 TITLE CURRENT REQUESTED RFCOMMENDFD APPROVED PROGRAMS/FACILITIES SUPERVISOR 1 1 1 1 PROGRAM COORDINATOR I 1 1 1 PROGRAM COORDINATOR 1 2 1 1 I CREW LEADER I 1 1 1 MAINTENANCE WORKER 11 1 1 1 1 CENTER COORDINATOR 2F,2PT 4F,3PT 2F,2PT 2F,2PT 6 ------ ------ ------ ------ TOTAL 7F',2PT IQF,3PT 7F,2PT 7F,2PT 102 OVERTIML PAY 9,684 10,1110 10,000 10,000 200 10,200 -9.000 1.200 TOURNAMENTS, SPECIAL PROGRAMS/EVENTS, MAINTENANCE 'COVID-19 BUDGET ADJUSTMENT 104 FICA 23,546 37.901 27.122 36,998 -9,000 27,999 0 27,998 Q 7.659 OF COVERED SALARIES 105 F.MPLOYEERMIREMENT 48,359 77.482 53.393 77,671 -19,906 57,765 -2,219 55,546 ? .SOPS - 16.068 OF COVERED SALARIES 'COVID-19 BUDGET ADJUSTMENT I � 108 EMPLOYEE INSURANC'li 52,80 ]3,6]2 35,300 71,1110 -IS 900 SS,IDO n $5,100 MEDICAL AND DENTAL COVERAGE S 109 MAKGRS(T)MMNSATION 6.030 13,887 10,054 10,136 0 I0J56 0 10,156 I� f SELF FUNDED THROUGH SCMtT 210 GENERAL SUPPLIESIPMIAGE 15.411 20,378 15,500 13,500 0 15,s00 -5,01111 10,500 s OFFICE SUPPLIES - 3,000 JANITORIAL SUPPLIES - 10,500 BUD PRINTER - 2,000 'COVID-19 BUDGET ADJUSTMENT 214 OUL'S/IRAININ00HAVE[. 1,112 1,396 1.400 1,400 0 1,400 -1,400 0 f SC RECREATION 6 PARES ASSOCIATION MEMBERSHIP - 400 } TRAINING/TRAVEL - 1,000 -COVID-19 BUDGET ADJUSTMENT 3 i 217 AUTO OPDR ATING 1,161 496 1,700 1,700 -130 1,530 -1,000 330 FUEL 1500 GALS UNLEADED @ 2.601 - 1,300:FUEL @ 2.30 1,150 TIRES/BATTERIES/FLUIDS/PREY MAIN - 4DO 'COVID-19 BUDGET ADJUSTMENT 220 UTILITY SIAVICI S .7408 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 224 DATA PR(IOESSINO 0 A 0 25,000 -25,000 0 U 0 INSTALL FIBER OPTIC IN ACTIVITIES CENTER - 25,000:1410 C 6/17/2020 Page 54 t i CITY OF NORTH AUGUSTA FY 2020 GENERAL FUND DEPARTMENTAL EXPENDITURES 4330 RVPACTIVITIES CTR '© PREVIOUS ACTUAL CURRENT DEPT ADMINISTRATION PROPOSED PROPOSED YRAETNA (GOU2 12 HUDGE1 RCOULE CHANf11:. AMOVNS CRANK HUI%%1:1 226 CONTRACTS/REPAIRS 50,740 148,898 73,300 73,300 0 73.300 0 73,300 j ADT ALARM SYSTEM - 800 EQUIPMENT/BUILDING REPAIR - 5,000 1 BULBS/BALLAST - 5,000 RECTRAC SOFTWARE LICENSE - 5,500 1 ELEVATOR SERVICE - 5,000 CHILLER WATER - 1,000 HVAC SYSTEM - 15,000 CONTROLS - 8,000 WINDOW WASHING - 2,500 COPIER MAINTENANCE - 500 CHILLER SERVICE - 8,000 GENERAL REPAIRS - 2,500 INTERIOR PAINTING - 2,500 COMCAST - 500 FLOOR FINISH - 10,000 SIMPLEX FIRE SYSTEM - 1,500 141 UNIFORMS/CLOTHING 124 595 1,400 1,400 0 1.400 .900 500 UNIFORMS - 400 VOLUNTEERGIFIS - 300 SA PkPfY SHOES - 200 STAFFSTAFF SHIRTS - 500 •COVID-19 BUDGET ADJUSTMENT � 261 ADVIALISING 468 741 2,300 2300 0 2.300 -1,300 1,000 MVP ACTIVITY CENTER - 2,300 •COVIO-19 BUDGET ADJUSTMENT 1 270 iDURNAMFNTS/SPECIAL11VFNl163,217 232,758 150,000 180,000 0 180,000 -170,000 10.0110 TOURNAMENT EXPENSES (FEES, OFFICIALS/SCOREKEEPERS, AWARDSI AAD SUPER REGIONAL, MARCH 13-15 - 5,000 PEACH INVITATIONAL, MARCH 27-29 - 25,000 NIKE PEACH JAM, JULY 10-14 - 150,000 TOURNAMENT EXPENSES 180,000 1[ - '••,•'•••'•••••••••••••• TOURNAMENT•REVENUE/EXPENSE•SUMMARY ••••••'• \/ REVENUES: 299,500 SEE ACCT 010-3400-039 1 EXPENSES: (180,000) SEE THIS ACCOUNT ABOVE ' OVERTINE: 1 10,0001 SEE ACCT 410-4300,4310,4130-102,19-4375-102 NET TOURNAMENT REVENUE - 109,500 •COVIO-19 BUDGET ADJUSTMENT I 271 SPECIAL DLvI'SI IPRIAES 33,595 14,869 29.500 29.500 U 29,500 -15,0110 14.5011 ATHLETIC SUPPLIES - 3,400 EQUIPMENT SUPPLIES - 5,800 VOLUNTEER AWARDS - 900 TO RIBBON - 3,500 MISCELLANEOUS 900 FITNESS EQUIPMENT - 1i,000 •COVID-19 BUDGET ADJUSTMENT i 282 MSURANCE I8.442 20,922 14,417 11.354 U 13,354 11 11.354 i SELF FUNDED THROUGH SCMIRFF 382 FURNITURFIFIXTURES 0 973 1.500 1.500 0 1,500 -500 L1X10 FOLDING CHAIRS AND TABLES - 1,500 •COVID-19 BUDGET ADJUSTMENT '10TAL PERSONALSF.RVICGS 481 985 715 937 500,4112 679,556 .162.356 517.200 -11,219 505,981 TOTAL OPERATINU EXPENSES 277,363 446,1152 290,017 343,454 25,150 318.305 -I W.6lq 123,704 TOTAL CAPI IAl,OU'FLAY 0 97.1 1,500 1,500 0 Li(K) -500 1,11011 TOTAL RVP ACTIVTTIIS CTR 761,164 1.162962 791,919 1,124,510 -187,506 837,001 406,319 63,695 C 6/17/2020 I'ngc 55 CITY OF NORTI I AUGUSTA FY 2020 GENERAL FUND DEPARTMENTAL EXPENDITURES 59001'RANSFERS PREVIOUS AMIAL CURRUM OFP! ADMINISTRATION PROPOSED PROPOSED YRACRIAL 071312019 BUDGET ROM. CNANOE AMWNI Ll1 CF VmiLl 010 TO CAMAL PROJFM FUND 750,453 $25,129 0 0 0 0 0 0 } 020 TRANS TO MtMMODATIONST 0 23,725 0 0 0 0 0 0 F TOTA rRANSFIRS 750.453 848.854 0 0 0 0 0 0 j TO(ALT'RANSFERS 750,453 74X,X54 II U 0 0 0 0 co I i Q 6/17/2020 P.Se 56 CITY OF NORTH AUGUSTA FY 2020 GENERAL FUND DEPARTMENTAL EXPENDITURES 5900'IRANSI FRS PREVIOUS ACTUAL CURRL DEPT AUMIN181'RAIP4AR I014 PRO . D PROPOSED f YRACrUAL 07I31f2019 D1141 P RECKIG5I LIIANOE AM40N[ CHANGE BUM IMAL PERSONAL SERVICES 11,863,280 17,"7,995 12,573,792 11,704,204 -533,171 13,171,033 -478,676 12,/92,357 '10'IALOPERATING EXPENSES 5.322,407 8.532,376 5,"8,601 7,277,264 1.537,979 5,739,285 .311,759 5427,126 ICYIAL CAP]FALOLTIAY 46.466 2A3,774 211,975 3,201,975 -2,997,425 204,550 50.300 254,850 f -IOTAI.'1'RANSFLRS 75OA53 818,854 0 0 0 0 0 0 TO IALUENERALFUND 17,982,606 27,662,999 18,784,368 24,183,443 -5,068.575 19,114,A68 -740,135 18,374,733 O 5 6/17/2020 PugC 57 R iverfront/ Central Core Redevelopment Fund CITY OF NORTH AUGUSTA FY 2020 RIVERFRONT/CC REDEV FUND SUMMARY OF REVENUES PROI'OSLD ® MIMI. DUU(i1Cl- ACTUAL ADOPILD AD1U5IMPN3' ACf41NT N11MflPRIDP.SCRIPTION 218 241£ 07/31/201 2010 t TAXES 19-30184050 L(X'AI,ACCOMMODATIONS TAX 109,092 274,504 278,265 339,478 339.478 19-3000-055I.00AI.IIOSPII'AI.IIY FAX 1,609.103 1,575,000 2,485,443 1,775,000 1.775.000 TOTALTAXES 1,718,195 1.849,504 2,763.708 2,114,478 2,114,478 MISCELLANEOUS REVENUE 19-3500-0501N'I ERRSION INVESTMENT S 11.684 0 21,961 0 0 TOTAL MISCELLANEOUS REVENUE 11,684 0 21,961 0 0 TOTAL RIVERFRONT/CC REDEV FUND 1,729,877) 1,849,504 2.785,669 2.114.478 2.114.478 O i I t I t 0617/2020 - Page 95 I CITY OF NORTH AUGUSTA FY 2020 RIVERFRONT/CC REDEV FUND SUMMARY OF REVENUES-TEXT EXPECTED AIXIPOiD PROPOSEDADIUSTME.NT cACCOUNT REVENllL CIIANOE AhMNT CIIANGC AM400NI. LOCALACCOMMODAI'IONS TAX 339,478 0 339,478 0 339,478 19-3000-050 ' 3% TM ON GROSS PROCEEDS DERIVED FROM RENTAL OR CHARGES FOR ACCOMMOUATTONS FURNISHED TO TRANSIENTS RIVERSIDE VILLAGE AT RAMMONDS FERRY - 109,478 '. MITER AREAS - 150,000 LOCALIIOSPITALITYIAX 1,775,000 0 1,775,000 0 1,775,1100 19-3000-055 28 TAX ON SALE. OF PREPARED MEALS AND BEVERAGES INTERESTON INVESTMEXI'S 0 0 0 0 0 19-3500-050 c 0 06/17/2020 Page 96 i CITY OF NORTH AUGUSTA FY 2020 RIVERFRONT/CC REDEV FUND DEPARTMENTAL EXPENDITURES 4325 TOURISM PREVIWS ACTUAL CURRENTDEPT ADMINISTRATION BUDGET PROPOSED OYRACIIIAL 07,3112019 BUDOEI RROUEST QHRU E AMEX ADIOS MENT BIlPQE1' 101 SALARIESAVAGES 39,981 65,108 43,917 45,913 459 46,372 0 46.372 TITLE CURRENT REQUESTED RECOMMENDED APPROVED TOURISM 6 MARKETING COORDINATOR 1 1 1 1 TOTAL 1 i IN FICA 3,078 4,923 3,360 3,512 35 3,547 0 3,541 7.658 OF COVERED SALARIES 105 EMPLOYEE.RETWEMENI' 5,537 9,687 6,614 7,374 73 7,447 0 7,447 SCRS - 16.06% OF COVERED SALARIES 108 EMPLOYEE INSURANCE 6,307 10,519 7,900 7,900 0 7,900 0 7,900 MEDICAL AND DENTAL COVERAGE 109 WORKERS COMPENSATION 0 1,689 1,208 1,258 0 1,258 0 1,258 SELF FUNDED THROUGH SCMIT 201 CONTRHNTI'DNS 0 0 100,000 100,000 0 100,000 -100,000 0 RIVERSIDE VILLAGE OPPORTUNITY 'COVID-19 BUDGET ADJUSTMENT C217 AUTO OPERATING 0 543 0 0 19,150 19,150 16,150 3,000 TROLLEY FUEL AND MAINTENANCE 'COVID-19 BUDGET ADJUSTMENT 220 UTILITYSERVICES 203,077 220,513 216,000 216,000 0 21ILNO 0 216,000 RVP LIGHTS - 35,500 SOCCER COMPLEX - 8,500 RVP ACTIVITIES CENTER - 160,000 GREENEWAY LIGHTING - 1,500 SECURITY LIGHTS - 2,500 226 CON RACFSIREPAIRS 99,784 158,366 102,500 236,900 .134.400 102,500 0 102,500 RVP BUILDING REPAIR/NETS - 15,000 RVP BULBS,BALLAST9,FIXTURES - 17,500 RVP SPORTS TURF PROGRAM - 50,000 GREENEMAY TREE REMOVAL - 20,000 NA COUNTRY CLUB CONTRACT - 134,400:110 132 WEEKS X 42001 DI BUILDING MATF.RIAIS 10,583 10,773 ELM 19,000 0 19000 0 19,000 BRICK POND TRAIL BRICK - 2,000 RVP SAND 6 CEMENT - 10,000 BRICK POND BOARDWALK LUMBER - 2,000 AVP FIELD PREP MATERIAL - 5,000 261 ADVERTISING 1,795 11,026 9,000 8.000 0 R,000 0 8000 ADVERTISEMENTS/BROCIIURES/PHOTOS 265 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES 0 317 0 0 19,000 19.00 -16,000 3,000 TEMP WORKERS FOR TROLLEYS -COVID-19 BUDGET ADJUSTMENT 6/16/2020 Pegs 97 CITY OF NORTH AUGUSTA FY 2020 RIVERFRONT/CC REDEV FUND DEPARTMENTAL EXPENDITURES ( 4325TOUMSM 0 I PREVIOUS ACNAL CURREM DEPT ADMINISTRATION nUD0FT PROPOSED YRACTUAL 07/31!1019 M0201 Ruwk6 r CUAIRUB AMOM A0151S1MENU @Umu 271 SPECIAL DEPT SUPPLIES 0 0 0 0 10,000 10,000 .10,000 0 CHRISTMAS DECORATIONS AND LIGHTING -COVID-19 BUDGET ADJUSTMENT 382 FURNTTURE,TIXTURES 9,294 13,763 10,000 10,000 0 10,000 0 10,000 LED LIGHTING FIXTURES FOR RVP ACTIVITIES CENTER - 10,000 { c 384 AU10MOTIVEEQUIPMUNT 100,000 0 0 46,145 16,145 0 0 0 TROLLEY MAINTENANCE: 15,000 FUEL 12240 GALS UNLEADED P 2.601 5,204:FUEL 0 2.30 5,152 FUEL (1680 GALS DIESEL B 3.05) 5,124:FUEL 8 2.80 4,704 TROLLEY DRIVERS: 20,737 (56 EVENTS R 7 HRS/EVENT X 26.45/HR X 2 DRIVERS PER EVENT) j SEE ACCOUNT 211 3B5 MACHMPS/F.QUIPMENT 61,651 221,931 77,000 75,000 -25,000 50,000 0 50,000 NEW LOCKERS IN ACTIVITIES CENTER - 50,000:NO NEW FLOORING IN LOCKER ROOMS - 25,000:NO CARRIER FIVAC CONTROLS FOR RVP - 50,000 387 PARK IMPROVEMENTS 28,580 256,348 385,1100 285,000 70,000 355,000 .320,000 35,000 Q PICNIC SHELTER s RESTROOMS = 250,000 GREENSWAY PAVING UPGRADE 35,000 PLAYGROUND SURFACE AT PVP 70,000 115,000 OF PROJECT IN GENERAL FUNDI •COVID-19 BUDGET ADJUSTMENT TOTAL PERSONAL SERVICES 54,903 91,926 62,999 65,957 567 66.524 0 66,524 TOTALOPERATMG EXPENSES 314,239 401,539 445,590 579,900 86,250 493,650 .142,150 351,500 TOTAL CAPITALOUTAY 199,524 492,041 472,000 416,145 .1,145 415,000 320,000 95,000 1 TOTALTOURLSM Sb8,fi6fi 985,506 980,499 1,062,002 -86,828 975.174 462,150 513,024 I, E I f I 6/162020 P'. 98 I CITY OF NORTH AUGUSTA FY 2020 RIVERFRONT/CC REDEV FUND DEPARTMENTAL EXPENDITURES 5900 TRANSFERS PREVIOUS ACTUAL CURRENT DEP! A DRSTRATION BUDGET PROPOSED YRAC[1166 07111Q014 BLIMET REO1ffS'f CINNO A6f01R{T AGIUSIA1LtII Bum 010 TRANSFER TO GENERAL RING 40,075 80,150 40075 40,075 0 4007S 0 40,075 TRANSFER TO GENERAL FUND DESIGNATED TO OFFSET LOSE OF ARTS i HERITAGE CENTER RENT 020 TRANSFER TO NAPFC FUND 693,600 936,463 946,125 1,025,532 0 1,025,532 0 1,025,532 TRANSFER FOR 20178 DEBT SERVICE PAYMENTS ACCOMMODATIONS TAX REVENUE - 189,478 HOSPITALITY TAX REVENUE - 036,054 TOTAI.TRANSFERS 733.675 1,016,613 986,200 1,065,607 0 1,065,607 0 1,065,607 MIA[.TRANSFERS 713,6)5 Tii-6T -796-200 1765,60) 0 -0 I,U65,60] C r i i i 6/16/2020 PRge 99 CITY OF NORTH AUGUSTA FY 2020 RIVF.RFRONT/CC REDEV FUND DEPARTMENTAL EXPENDITURES j� 5900T'RANSFERS PREVIOUS ACTUAL CURRENT DEPT ADAID139 110N MWEI PROPOSED YRA JU 07416014 91109ET oF.nimer C21dd9E AMO3IIff wlusr6¢Nr g�pQ TOTAL PERSONAL SERVICES 54,903 91,926 62,999 65,957 567 66,324 0 66,529 '101'ALOPERAIMO ERPENSES 314,239 401,539 445,500 579,900 -56,250 493,650 .142,150 351,500 TOTAL CAPITAL OUTLAY 199,524 492,041 472,000 416,145 -1,145 415,OW -320,000 95,000 1 TOTALTRANSFERS 773,675 1,016,617 956,200 1,065.601 0 1.065,607 0 1,065,601 I E ITOTALRIVF.RFRONTICC RF,DFV FIM F;O2,111 2,W2,119 1,966,699 2.127,609 -56.528 2,010,751 -062,150 1,575,(,31 i i 3 { 4t I I Y 4 I O 6/16/2020 N" 100