RES 2020-23 Adopted o RESOLUTION NO. 2020-23 TO AUTHORIZE THE ISSUING OF A PERMIT TO BRANDY MITCHELL FOR A MARCHING PROTEST ON GEORGIA AVENUE AND DEMONSTRATION AT CAI HOUN PARK ON JUNE 20,2020 WHEREAS, Brandy Mitchell applied for a Demonstrations and Parades Permit to have a protest/demonstration to support the Black Lives Matter movement; and WHEREAS, the demonstration will include speakers, recognition of community organizers and voter registration; and WHEREAS, the event will begin at the Muncipal Center puking lot at 100 Georgia Avenue then proceed to the Meriwether Monument at Calhoun Park, 100 W. Forest Avenue; and WHEREAS,the event will begin at 5:00 PM;and WHEREAS, the businesses along Georgia Avenue have been/will be made aware of the event; and WHEREAS,the group desires to walk on one side of Georgia Avenue; and WHEREAS, the Mayor and City Council have reviewed the request and find that the permit applied for is based upon a Constitutionally protected First Amendment Right, and at the time requested is not unreasonably detrimental to the health, safety, welfare or convenience of the residents of the City or other parties; and WHEREAS, such request has been timely made and complies with the Code of Ordinances for the City of North Augusta. NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Mayor and City Council of the City of North Augusta, South Carolina, in meeting duly assembled and by the authority thereof,that the request for a permit is approved as follows: 1. Time: Approx. 5:00 PM 2. Date: Saturday,Jane 20, 2020 3. Location: Municipal Center, 100 Georgia Avenue to the Meriwether Monument at Calhoun Park, 100 W. Forest Avenue 4. Special Conditions: Public Safety must be involved to safely block/detour traffic. 5. Bond not required a o DONE, RATIFIED AND ADOPTED BY THE MAYOR AND CITY COUN L OF THE CITY OF NORTH AUGUSTA, SOUTH CAROLINA, ON THIS DAY OF JUNE,2020. ROBERT A.PETTIT,MAYOR ATTEST: t,p v_IAfWt SHARON LAMAR,CITY CLERK Orv�ll nllluisn,sc North August\* r1 M WxCHMI / YOtlh MyR T.SC 29PIiIiN(%1 south Carolina's Muerfront City of North Augusta CITY OF NORTH AUGUSTA, SOUTH CAROLINA PERMIT PERMIT GRANTED TO: Brandy Mitchell(with stipulations) 1) Compliance with all noise regulations 2) The City makes no representation as to whether it is approved by the South Carolina Department of Transportation. 3) Public Safety must be involved to safely block/detour traffic. ACTIVITY: Marching Protest on Georgia Avenue&Demonstration at Calhoun Park DATE/TIME: Saturday,June 20,2020 at 5:00 p.m. LOCATION: Beginning at the Municipal Center at 100 Georgia Avenue to Calhoun Park at 100 W.Forest Avenue CONTACT PERSON: Brandy Mitchell 96 Leigh Place Drive North Augusta,SC 29841 PHONE: 803-522-9228 FAXIEMAIL: mrsbrandymitchellCngmail.com This permit is granted under the conditions that advertisement placards will not be affixed to any City property or public utility property(i.e.traffic signs,street signs,utility poles,or along the roadway). Further,signs erected on private property shall be removed immediately upon completion of the activity. City of North Augusta Mayor's Office By:�� Date: .1Nnmw..nm, i.,,m,a,Mre4m[m enW,.cnw,wmic ww¢. tlullJing¢IvMefas Fu,e,.e r.Ma.Petreenw nww,A 1 U-1w s Pudlc NnnlK ORu' ,u n111LL•wx,.JJ J /III,' Oft,wY— 111 M ,TdvLm lMlt 10" Oft, .JEu 1'.n Wtl}u _[i Fax m aJ J rz LLJJLJ±YW Fn W4JJIA R Fax IXSf W, Olh'' x Lu 11.N _N,_ Nx Wll.JJI RA ' Fm MI1M AI19