RES 2020-08 Adopted RESOLUTION NO. 2020-08 AUTHORIZING THE CITY ADMINISTRATOR TO EXECUTE THE PARTICIPATION AGREEMENT WITH THE SOUTH CAROLINA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION FOR INSTALLATION OF MAST-ARM TRAFFIC SIGNAL POLES AT THE MARTINTOWN ROAD (SC 230)/BERGEN ROAD (S-2180) INTERSECTION WHEREAS, the intersection of Martintown Road (SC 230) and Bergen Road (5- 2180) in the City of North Augusta has been identified by the South Carolina Department of Transportation (SCDOT) to be eligible for traffic signal improvements; and WHEREAS, the City has requested that the project include the installation of mast- arm poles in lieu of standard SCDOT equipment, and has agreed to pay the additional cost for design and construction of those improvements; and WHEREAS, the SCDOT has agreed to the City's request; and WHEREAS, the final design has been completed and a cost estimate has been prepared for the additional work requested by the City; and WHEREAS, SCDOT estimates the total project cost to be $230,188.64; and WHEREAS, the City's share of the cost is estimated to be $88,936.25; and WHEREAS, SCDOT will manage the construction of the project in the same manner and in accordance with the same procedures it follows with all SCDOT construction projects; and WHEREAS, it is in the interest of both the City and SCDOT to enter into an agreement to define the relationship between and specify the respective responsibilities of the City and SCDOT related to the completion of The City of North Augusta Intersection Project; and WHEREAS, SCDOT has prepared a Participation Agreement between the City and SCDOT for The City of North Augusta Intersection Project; and WHEREAS, City staff and the City Attorney have reviewed the Participation Agreement and found it to be acceptable. Scanned Into Laserfiche Date: 3 3 �oaD By: ,4 Repository: -tt-s-ejkloae RESOLUTION 10 APPROVE A PARTICIPATION AGIRMENT WITH SCDOT FOR THE MARTINTOWN ROAD/BERGEN ROAD INTERSECTION IMPROVEMENTS NOW THEREFORE,BE IT RESOLVED by the Mayor and City Council of the City of North Augusta,South Carolina,in meeting duly assembled and by the authority thereof that, the City Administrator is duly authorized to execute the Participation Agreement with SCDOT for The City of North Augusta Intersection Project. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the funding sources for the City's share of the project cost shall be as follows: Transportation Improvement Fund (revenue received per Ordinance 2006-04,to be used for future Martintown Road access $ 83,773.00 Capital Projects Fund fund balance $ 5,163.25 Total $ 88,936.25 DONE, RATIFIED AND ADOPTED BY THE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF NORTH AUGUSTA,SOUTH CAROLINA,ON THIS Ark4 DAY OF ,Uerrh 2020. Robert A. Pettit, Mayor ATT'E'ST: l D AA4mt,Ot "Iuk.. Sharon Lamar, City Clerk FPA-9-20 Project ID:P039567 CFDA No.10.3: Cost Center: Highway Plaening &C ..uoai.. was No.: Fund: Functianol Aren: J Financial Participation Agreement & Contract Between the South Carolina Department of Transportation And the City of North Augusta This Agreement executed on this .3y,,L day of Alarch 20,W covers the financial responsibilities of the South Carolina Department of Transportation (hereinafter"SCDOT"), and City of North Augusta, (hereinafter"PARTICIPANT") (collectively "the Parties") for the below described Project: WrrNESSETH THAT: WHEREAS,SCOOT is an agency of the State of South Carolina with the authority to enter into contracts necessary for the proper discharge of its functions and duties;and WHEREAS, PARTICIPANT is a body politic with all the rights and privileges of such including the power to contract as a necessary and incidental power to carry out PARTICIPANT's functions covered under this Agreement; NOW THEREFORE, in consideration of the several promises to be faithfully performed by the parties hereto as set forth herein, the SCOOT and PARTICIPANT do hereby agree as follows: I. PROJECT DESCRIPTION: The City of North Augusta Intersection Project which is the subject of this Agreement is generally described as follows: The project includes the installation of mast arm signals in lieu of standard SCOOT equipment at the following intersection: SC 230 (Martintown Road)and S-2180(Bergen Road),Aiken County,South Carolina. Exhibit A (attached hereto and specifically made a part of this Agreement) represents additional project details and a map depicting the project area. The project as described above shall be referred hereinafter as"the Project." II. SCDOT RESPONSIBILITIES: SCDOT will bid and let the Project. I of 8 FPA-9-20 d. Funding Summary 1 rW S Nl)S}SY R1 S IM S Al.]53f9 ,0. r 1 Ivm 5 11.935.15 T S ¢t S 1m'F 5 Wff.4 [ryeebm4tm VI. INVOICING/PAYMENT SCHEDULE: a. PARTICIPANTS share of funding for the Project is estimated at$88.936.25.SCDOT will invoice PARTICIPANT based on this Agreement approximately 30 days after execution of this Agreement. b. PARTICIPANT shall remit payment to SCDOT within 30 days of receipt of invoice. No work on the Project shall begin until payment is received. VII. GENERAL TERMS, a. PERIODIC REPORTS. SCDOT's Project Manager will periodically update PARTICIPANT concerning the status of the Project. b. COST UNDERRUNS. In the event that the total cost of the Project is less than originally estimated, SCDOT will determine and refund any excess amount paid to SCDOT by PARTICIPANT. The refund will be made within 30 days of the final completion and closure of the Project within SCDOT's accounting office. Refunds will not be unreasonably withheld,denied,or delayed. SCDOT shall retain any remaining Project funds from SCDOT's maximum funding amount. No additional work shall be added to the Project even if there are cost underruns or Project award underruns. At PARTICIPANT's request SCDOT may consider an exception to this requirement on a case by case basis. c. COST OVERRUNS. If it becomes apparent that the cost of the Project will exceed the funding available, SCDOT will provide PARTICIPANT notice prior to total expenditure of funding available and provide the estimate of funds needed to complete the Project. PARTICIPANT shall remit to SCDOT within 30 days of receipt of the notice the additional funds needed to complete the Project. No work will be completed beyond that covered by the available funds. If PARTICIPANT does not have the additional funding needed to complete the Project. SCDOT and PARTICIPANT will mutually agree in writing on a revision to the Project scope and termini that is in accordance with the available budget. SCDOT will not participate in the cost of overruns. d. MAINTENANCE RESPONSIBILITY. PARTICIPANT shall be responsible for maintenance, repairs, and replacement of mast arms, all associated hardware in or on the mast arm,all conduit maintenance and replacements throughout the use of the mast arms at the signal locations. Maintenance will follow SCDOT's "Engineering 3 of FPA-9-20 Directive Memorandum (EDM) Number 33", SCDOT's "Mast Arm Specifications" and any modifications or amendments to this Directive, incorporated herein by reference. This memorandum is located at: http://info2.scdot.org/ED/ED/ED-33.pdL Once the Mast Arms are designed, installed, operational, and released from the contractor's responsibilities, SCDOT will maintain the traffic signal while PARTICIPANT will continue to maintain the most arms in accordance with EDM 33. PARTICIPANT shall complete the mast arm information form found on page 3 of EDM 33 and submit this form to the District Seven SCDOT office. e. CONFORMITY TO LAWS. The Parties hereto agree to conform to all applicable SCDOT policies,all Slate, Federal,and local laws,rules,regulations,and ordinances governing agreements or contracts relative to the acquisition,design, construction, maintenance,and repair of roads and bridges,and other services covered under this Agreement. I. AMENDMENTS. PARTICIPANT, or its authorized agent, shall agree to hold consultations with SCDOT as may be necessary with regard to the execution of supplements to this Agreement during the course of this Project for the purpose of resolving any items that may have been unintentionally omitted from this Agreement. Such supplemental agreements shall be subject to the approval and proper execution of the Parties hereto. No amendment to this Agreement shall be effective or binding on any Party hereto unless such amendment has been agreed to in writing by all Paries hereto. g. REVIEWS/APPROVALS. Any and all reviews and approvals required of the Parties herein shall not be unreasonably denied or withheld. h. TERMINATION. This Agreement may be terminated by either Parry upon written notice in the event of substantial failure by the other Party to perform,through no fault of the terminating Party in accordance with the terms herein.The Party so notified shall immediately stop work on the Project. This Agreement may also be terminated for convenience. If the services covered under this Agreement are not performed, this Agreement is then terminated. In the event of termination for convenience or for any reason each Party to this Agreement is obligated on a quantum mernit basis. i. DISPUTES. All claims or disputes shall be filed with SCDOT's Project Manager and the Paries will meet to attempt to resolve the dispute or claim. If unable to resolve the dispute with the Project Manager, PARTICIPANT may appeal the claim or dispute to SCDOT's Deputy Secretary for Engineering. The decision of SCDOT's Deputy Secretary for Engineering in the matter shall be final and conclusive for both Parties. j. FUTURE CONSTRUCTION PROJECTS PARTICIPANT acknowledges SCDOT's resurfacing program and other construction programs do not account for the cost of protecting and/or replacement of enhancements. This cost is the sole responsibility of PARTICIPANT. SCDOT will notify PARTICIPANT prior to resurfacing or construction and provide a time period for PARTICIPANT to provide the additional funding for one of the following: 4 of FPA-9-20 1. The additional cost to protect the enhancement;or 2. The cost for SCDOT to replace the enhancement. Failure of PARTICIPANT to provide the additional funding within the time period specified by SCDOT will result in SCDOT's milling and resurfacing the enhancement. PARTICIPANT may replace the enhancement at the PARTICIPANT's expense after resurfacing by encroachment permit. VIII. CONSENT OF MUNICIPALITY. Pursuant to the South Carolina Code of Laws Section 57-5-820, if applicable, PARTICIPANT does hereby consent to the construction of the Project within its corporate limits. The forgoing consent shall be the sole approval necessary for SCDOT to complete the Project as described in this Agreement, and constitutes a waiver of any and all other requirements with regard to the construction within PARTICIPANT's corporate limits. If PARTICIPANT is not a municipality and the Project is within the corporate limits of a municipality, PARTICIPANT will obtain the required consent of the municipality. IX. SUCCESSORS AND ASSIGNS: SCDOT and PARTICIPANT each bind themselves and their respective successors,executors, administrators, and assigns to the other Party with respect to these requirements, and also agrees that neither Party shall assign, sublet, or transfer its respective interest in the Agreement without the written consent of the other. X. EXECUTION IN COUNTERPARTS. This Agreement may be executed and delivered in counterparts, and if so executed, shall become effective when a counterpart has been executed and delivered by both Parties hereto. All counterparts taken together shall constitute one and the same Agreement and shall be fully enforceable as such. Delivery of counterparts via facsimile transmission or via email with scanned attachment shall be effective as if originals thereof were delivered. Xl. ENTIRE AGREEMENT: This Agreement with attached Exhibits and Certification constitutes the entire Agreement between the Paries. The Agreement is to be interpreted under the laws of the State of South Carolina. 5 of FPA-9-20 IN WITNESS WHEREOF,the parties have caused this Agreement to be executed on their behalf SIGNED,SEALED AND DELIVERED IN THE PRESENCE OF Ct�y TEFA't OF NORTH AUGUSTA W/" NtJ Witness By; -Aa &V�- (Signature) Title: Tn-terim 6;}j Qminisb-et'or SOUTH CAROLINA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION By: Witness Deputy Secretary for Finance&Administration or Designee RECOMMENDED BY: // `-ge L5 20 FEB go Deputy Secretary or Designee REVIEWED ^,BY: Title:�� UPA L,C �..�. ..� 6of8 FPA•9-20 EXHIBIT A PROJECT DETAILS AND PROJECT AREA MAP 7 of Y K fp J a � 1 WEICOYE cIMpll eltli ere b B% weerv+Ye 1 d Q SAVANNAH RIVER