RES 2020-09 Adopted a 0 RESOLUTION NO. 2020-09 A RESOLUTION APPROVING A REPRIORITIZED PROJECT AND FUNDING LIST FOR CAPITAL PROJECT SALES TAX IV (CPST IV) WHEREAS, a referendum on the reimposition of the Capital Project Sales Tax in Aike County was held on November 6, 2018 and resulted in the voters' approval of the ballot o reimposition of the tax and the Aiken County Council declared the results of the Referendum i Resolution Number 18-11-178 approved by Council on November 14,2018; WHEREAS, the City of North Augusta included 19 projects totaling $30,700,000 in funding in the referendum which were approved by voters; WHEREAS, the City of North Augusta has elected to reprioritize certain projects in order o performance and reallocated funding among certain projects; WHEREAS,the City of North Augusta City Council is required to approve all reprioritization of projects and funding and submit reprioritized project list to Aiken County; and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the City of North Augusta projects and funding allocations are hereby prioritized as listed on the attached Exhibit A; BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the City of North Augusta shall submit this reprioritized capital project and funding list to the Aiken Conroy. DONE,RATIFIED,AND ADOPTED BY THE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF NORTH AUGUSTA, SOUTH CAROLINA, ON THIS RnZ DAY OF MARCH, 2020. Robert A. Pettit,Mayor ATTEST: ��,,pp d"XAA.) Sharon Lamar, City Clerk EXHIBITA CAPITAL PROJECTS SALES TAX IV PROJECTS Funding Proposed Project AlloatiorPer Funding Allouition Revised Fundla, priority Referendum Changes Allwtbn 1 Headquarters Development 10,50'000 600,000 11,100,000 2 Software and Technology Enhancements for a Citizen Information Portal,Record Keeping& 575,000 - 575,000 Storage,Transaction Preteens,Accounting and Financial Reporting 3 Gateways and Wayfinding Enhancements(Highway l@ Martlntown Read,East Buena Vista 1,250,00(0 - 1,250,000 @ Highway 1,Edge0eld Read @ Georgia Avenue,1-20 @ Martlntown Road) C ) 4 Activities Center Improvements(walking track,workoutmom,chillers and hollers,IT comeaiin") 70,110 - 700,000 S Park Improvements(ballpark fields and street Billion&Creighton Park playground equipment) 1,500,000 - 1,500,000 6 Community Center Upgrades(roo[lighting Bodoni,AV equipment,paving) 150,000 - SSO,Oo0 7 Greenaway Maintenance and Connenvity 650,000 - 650,00 8 Starowater Infrastructure Improvements(see listing) 1,50,000 - 1,500,000 9 Downtown Greenaway Connector 0'000 - 900,00 10 Street Resurfacing Program(see listing) 1,450,00 - 1,450,00 11 Road Reconstruction Program(see listing) 3,00'000 - 3,000,000 12 Wastewater Infrastructure Improvements(see listing) 3,500,000 - 3,500,000 13 Safety and Security Improvements for Municipal Building 425,00 - 425,003 14 Finance Department Lobby Improvements for Citizen Transactions 10100 - 10,03 15 Downtown Pedestrian and Vehicular Traffic and Safety Enhancements(signage,medians,sidewalks) 330,00 - 330100 16 Georgia Avenue Undergrounding Utilities 70,00 - 70,00 17 Fire Apparatus 1,0'00 (600,000) 40,000 C j 18 Martlntown Road at US 1 Interchange Design and Improvements 2,00.000 - 2,00,00 19 New Savannah Bluff Lock&Dam 501000 - 50,00 $ 30,700,000 $ - $ 30,700,000