030220 Study Session Memo Administration Department
South Carolina's Muerfront
Interoffice Memorandum
TO: Mayor and City Council
FROM: Rachelle Moody,Interim City Administrator
DATE: February 28,2020
SUBJECT: Study Session Date of Monday,March 2,2020
A study session of the North Augusta City Council has been scheduled for Monday.March 2.2020,at
6:00 p.m.in the Municipal Center 3"Floor Council Conference Room located at 100 Georgia Avenue.
The following is among the topics for discussion and review:
ITEM 1. CITY COUNCIL AGENDA: Items on the March 2. 2020 Council Aaenda —
Council Discussion
At this time,any questions related to the agenda scheduled for tonight's meeting may be discussed.
ITEM 2. LEGAL: Executive Session—Request of the City Attorney
In compliance with Section 304-70(a)(1)the City Attorney requested an executive session for the
purpose of:
(1) Discussion of employment, appointment, compensation, promotion, demotion, discipline, or
release of an employee, a student, or a person regulated by a public body or the appointment of a
person to a public body;however,if an adversary hearing involving the employee or client is held,
the employee has the right to demand that the hearing be conducted publicly. Nothing contained in
this item shall prevent the public body, in its discretion, from deleting the names of the other
employees or clients whose records are submitted for use at the hearing.
Discussion is related to a personnel matter
Upon returning to open session,council will not take action
on the matter discussed in Executive Session.