012720 Joint Council/Planning Commission Mins North
South Carolina's Riuerfront
Robert A. Pettit, Mayor
J Robert Brooks, Councilmember
Pat C. Carpenter, Councilmember
Fletcher L. Dickert, Councilmember
David W. McGhee, Councilmember
Eric H. Presnell, Councilmember
Kevin W. Toole, Councilmember
Thejoint study session of the City Council and Planning Commission of the City of North Augusta
of January 27,2020,having been duly publicized,was called to order by Mayor Pettit at 5:46 p.m.
in the Palmetto Terrace on the fourth floor of the Municipal Center. The joint study session
concluded at 8:00 p.m.
Per Section 30-4-80(e) notice of the meetings by email was sent out to the current maintained
"Agenda Mailout" list consisting of news media outlets and individuals or companies requesting
notification. Notice of the meetings was also posted on the outside doors of the Municipal Center,
the main bulletin board of the Municipal Center located on the first floor, and the City of North
Augusta website.
Members present were Mayor Pettit, Councilmembers Brooks, Carpenter, Dickert, McGhee,
Presnell, and Toole. Representing the Planning Commission were Chairman Williams,
Commissioners Carter,Clark, Crawford,Key,McKie, and Watts.
Also in attendance were Rachelle Moody, Interim City Administrator; Kelly F. Zier, City
Attorney; Lillian E. (Libby) Hodges, Director of Planning and Development; Kuleigh Baker,
Planner;J.D.McCauley,Manager of Human Resources;and Sharon Lamar,City Clerk. Members
of the public and the media were also in attendance.
Mayor Pettit and Chairman Williams each shared words of greetings with the City Council and
Planning Commission. Each also expressed their gratitude for those assembled and for the
Minutes of Joint City Council and Planning Commission Study Session of January 27,2020
opportunity to work towards the common goal of serving the citizens of the City of North
Libby Hodges,Director of Planning and Development presented an overview of the Planning and
Development Department's 2019 Annual Report and Comprehensive Plan Report. She
highlighted the department's organization,review totals,and code enforcement cases. Ms.Hodges
also shared four of the 2019 notable projects and six projects projected for 2020.
See ATTACHMENT#2 for the 2019 Annual Report and Comprehensive Plan.
Charlie Barrineau, Field Services Manager with the Municipal Association of South Carolina,
reviewed the roles and responsibilities of the City Council and Planning Commission. He
explained Council is the legislative body and is elected to make decisions for the community. The
Planning Commission is an advisory body to Council and works to develop the Comprehensive
Plan and Zoning and Land Development Ordinances. He stressed communication between
Council and Commission is needed for successful planning. Mr. Barrineau gave an overview of
planning tools that were necessary for both groups; Comprehensive Plan, Zoning Ordinance,
Development Regulations and the Development Code. He suggested effective ways to gather
Opublic input—neighborhood meetings, social media,video streaming of meetings,etc.
See ATTACHMENT #3 for a copy of Mr. Barrineau's presentation.
i Libby Hodges with the assistance of Charlie Barrineau led a discussion of the Development Code
Revision Project. Ms. Hodges introduced the project including the goals, background, and
purpose. Mr. Barrineau led the group in priority exercises to "brainstorm" key elements to be
included in the revision. Rachelle Moody, Interim City Administrator, reminded the attendees of
the Mission and Vision statements that Council drafted during the 2019 Envision retreat.
To provide the highest quality of customer service to residents, businesses and visitors and
encourage economic prosperity through investment in infrastructure, public safety, and a
diverse array of recreational programs. To achieve this caliber of service, the city will tackle
community issues with an open mind and creative approach, utilizing technology and
emphasizingfescal responsibility.
To be a premier communityproviding the highest quality of life for residents ofall ages, with
}1 sustainable economic growth, a distinctive aesthetic, and built on a foundation of hospitality
V and community values.
Minutes of Joint City Council and Planning Commission Study Session of January 27,2020
Ideas were recorded and will be assimilated for inclusion in the RFP for the Development Code
See ATTACHMENT #4 for the *DRAFT* Development Code Rewrite P&D RFP2020-001;
articles"Principles of Code Reform"and"Overhauling Your Zoning Code"
Mayor Pettit and Chairman Williams thanked those in attendance for the productive and beneficial
meeting. The Study Session concluded at 8:00 p.m.
APPROVED THIS 3RD DAY OF Respectfully submitted,
FEBRUA 20 7tw.�� "tv''"r"
Sharon Lamar
Robert A. Pettit,Mayor City Clerk
Augusta ,�
South Carolina's Riucrfront
CThis report provides a yearly summary of the activity of the North Augusta Planning&Development Department.It
includes a status and response for each Initiative,Goal and Strategy from the 2017 Comprehensive Plan.Additional
details about the Comprehensive Plan is provided in the appendices.The full plan and supporting documents are
available at the Planning and Development Office or at the City web site:www.northaugusta.net.
Planning Commission
Briton Williams,Chair
Bob Clark,Vice Chair
Len Carter,Jr.
Dr.Christine Crawford
Timothy Key
JoAnn McKie
Larry Watts
Board of Zoning Appeals
O.Wesley Summers,Chairman
Kathie Stallworth,Vice Chairman
Jim Newman
Kevin Scaggs
Lynn Stembridge
City Administration
Rachelle Moody, Interim City Administrator
Sharon Lamar,City Clerk
Planning and Development Department
Libby Hodges,AICP,Director
Kuleigh Baker,Planner
Landon Terry,Code Enforcement Officer
Lisa Cook,Planning and Engineering Secretary
Page 1 of 18
The Planning and Development Department is authorized to:
1) Develop, maintain and implement the North Augusta Comprehensive Plan.
2) Manage all applications for land subdivision and development within the City limits,
develop, maintain and implement the North Augusta Development Code.
3) Maintain the Official Zoning Map, respond to day to day community zoning inquiries and
manage the map amendment process.
4) Compile and analyze population, housing, employment and other data from the U. S.
Census and state and local resources.
5) Solicit, analyze and publish information related to urban planning and land use topics.
The City of North Augusta Planning and Development Department currently consists of 3%
employees. Director, Planner,Code Enforcement Officer and Secretary(split between Planning
and Development and Engineering).
Secretary(1/2) Development Review Process Management
Site Plan Review
Certificates of Zoning Compliance
C Staff Support for PC and BZA
a Planning
E Staff reports
O' Direct Customer Assistance
> Sign Permits
a E
o t
to Transportation Planning
M a! Rezoning and Text Changes
'E Planning Map Mainteance
C Comprehensive Plan
ro Small Area Planning
Code North Augusta Development Code
Enforcement Municipal Code
(ry Figure 1:Planning&Development Department Organization Chart
�r Page 2 of 18
During calendar years 2018 and 2019, Planning
has been working steadily to re-establish normal P&D Review Totals
processes and procedures after several years of
turnover. Tasks handled by other departments
have returned to the Planning and Development
Department, including sign permit reviews,
minor plat reviews, code enforcement,
generation of GIS mapping, and fagade grant
The Department remains busy, with increases in REVIEWEDBVP[ REVIEWEDBV ADMINISTRATIVE
almost every category of permit. Most notably,
02016 •2017 •2018 2019
between 2018 and 2019, the Planning
Commission saw a 31%increase in cases, a 54%increase for Board of Zoning Appeals cases,and
Pre-submittal meetings were up 72%.These increases are a good indication that the Department
will remain busy in 2020. Collected fees remain fairly steady, with a $ 1,578.50 increase over
CThere was an observable reduction in issued Residential Site Plans in 2019.However,with a huge
increase in Final Plat approvals (+82% and more than 100 parcels), the Department can
reasonably expect that this will rebound in 2020.
Annexations increased by 92% for 2019. This is in response to Envision2018 and 2019, which
prioritized annexation in several areas around North Augusta currently surrounded by the
municipal limits.
To measure the impact of daily customer service,the Department began tracking incoming and
outgoing phone calls. Partial-year totals for phone calls show that 6,230 calls were received by
the Department in 2019. Reporting this data will better reflect workload within the department.
Both the data list and the Monthly Reports will continue to be monitored for budget
development for fiscal year 2021.These reports are provided in full in Appendix A.
Page 3 of 28
Code Enforcement also experienced a lot of change in 2019. Returning these responsibilities to
the Planning and Development Department was an opportunity to assess internal procedures. It
should be noted that Code Enforcement does not operate alone, and the Department
appreciates the effort and support over the year.
The number of enforcement cases increased by 76%from
Total CE Cases 2018 to 2019. Code Enforcement spearheaded the
removal of three unsafe structures, removed 721 bandit
signs, brought 247 homes into compliance with current
codes, and removed 133 inoperable or abandoned
vehicles. Over 558 code enforcement cases were closed
over 2019.
- -- The Department received a significant number of citizen
2016 2017 201E 2019 complaints in 2019. Many of these were the result of a
small number of residents reporting large numbers of
violations. While many of these cases were cleared as non-violations, the impact on the Code
Enforcement Officer should not be underestimated. It is clear from these cases that citizen
outreach will be key in 2020 in order to educate the public about what Code Enforcement is
allowed by statute to enforce.
Figure 2: Unsafe Structure Before and After Removal
_ Page 4 of 18
Knobcone Sidewalk Project: the City applied for and received approval from Augusta Regional
Transportation Study(ARTS)for funding for a sidewalk to connect North Augusta High School to
Knox Middle School.The Engineering and Public Works Department has completed an application
for local project management with the South Carolina Department of Transportation (SCDOT)
and the project is under review.We anticipate this project to commence in early 2020.
Martintown Road Corridor Study: the City received approval for funding assistance from ARTS
to study Martintown Road at the 1-20 intersection.This study is intended to provide guidance on
traffic improvements along the corridor as development continues. This project is in the
negotiation stage and we hope to have a scope of work and initial fact-finding complete by the
end of first quarter, 2020.A presentation and public comments will be gathered in the first and
second quarters of 2020.
Sign Regulations:Article 13 of the North Augusta Development Code was updated to respond to
legal changes and add several signage options to the code. These changes were finalized on
December 2, 2019. An updated sign permit application and guidance documents were issued
with this approval.
Downtown Master Plan: Staff is in the beginning stages of creating a Downtown Master Plan
(also called a "Small Area Plan"). A small area plan allows us to provide analysis and targeted
goals for a specific geographic area within the City. Staff continues to work on a project plan. A
parking inventory was completed and provided to the Planning Commission.
Projects Budgeted for FY 2020:
2020 Development Code Rewrite: Funds were included to hire a consultant to review and revise
the 2008 Development Code. The project will be bid after the joint City Council/Planning
Commission on January 27, 2020.
Georgia Avenue Traffic Calming and Pedestrian Access Plan: Funds were budgeted in FY2020 to
address traffic and pedestrian issues along Georgia Avenue in downtown North Augusta. These
plans will complement plans to replace the Georgia Avenue Bridge and will be an important part
of the Downtown Master Plan. This plan has been submitted to the ARTS MPO for inclusion in
the work plan and the release of matching funds.
2020/21 Comprehensive Transportation Plan: Funds were budgeted in FY2020 for a city-wide
Transportation Plan. This plan will study changing conditions within the City, opportunities for
Ccomplete streets, corridor improvements and the accommodation of pedestrian and bicycle
Page 5 of 1a
Cplans in transportation projects.This plan has been submitted to the ARTS MPO for inclusion in
the work plan and the release of matching funds.
Continuing Education:Staff provided the Planning
Commission and Board of Zoning Appeals an
Oopportunity for continuing education
opportunities every month in 2019.
South Carolina American Planning Association
Conferences: The City organized a trolley tour ofRiverside Village and Hammond's Ferry at the
Spring Conference based out of Aiken. Staff was
*.. ,; invited to present along with Planning Directors
Figure 3:NorthAuguna7rolley from Spartanburg, Sumter and Aiken at the
Summer Conference in Greenwood, SC, about
Housing and Housing trends in North Augusta.
Updated Publications:Staff updated publications related to Prohibited Signage,Annexation,the
New Business Guide and Downtown Facade Grant Application,which have all been placed on the
website. The Department also participated in the full replacement of the City's website.
Additional publications and applications will be reviewed in 2020.
Page 6 of 18.
This section provides a summary,status and response for each Initiative,Goal and Strategy
from the 2017 Comprehensive Plan. A summary list of the 2017 Comprehensive Plan Initiatives,
Goals and Strategies is provided in Appendix B.This review provides a short synopsis of items in
the plan and an update by staff in italics. Projects listed in the review are examples of work
done by the City related to the Comprehensive Plan, but may not represent every program or
project in progress. Readers are encouraged to find additional information about the
Comprehensive Plan, Departmental accomplishments, and various public events and activities
on the City web site:www northaugusta.net,
Staff is in the early stages of creating a Downtown Master Plan (also called a "Small
Area Plan").A small area plan allows us to provide analysis and targeted goals for a
specific geographic area within the City. There is currently no additional funding
budgeted specifically for the Downtown Master Plan, so staff is assembling the plan in-
house. A draft project plan will be presented to the Planning Commission and discussed
with leadership as we move forward with its development. To date, a parking inventory
has been completed, which also corresponds to several other goals within the
Comprehensive Plan. Matching funds are budgeted for the transportation planning
portion of the project for Georgia Avenue. Next steps will include presentation of a
project plan and coordination with a study provided by Main Street USA in 2019. Plans
will likely be presented in first quarter 1020 at a Planning Commission study session and
forwarded to City Council as needed.
......_...._.-._............................ ............._._
A firm/ripe land analysis was completed for the 2017 Comprehensive Plan identifying
areas of concern.A review of current regulations and evaluation of changes will occur as
part of the Development Code Rewrite scheduled to begin in 2020.As staff completes
the Downtown Master Plan, additional areas will be targeted for small area planning.
Page 7 of 18
North Augusta is fortunate to have a robust system of parks within the City. While park
facility planning is largely managed by the Parks, Recreation and Tourism Department
(PRT), Planning does administer provision of open and recreational space as required by
the Development Code. These requirements will be reviewed as part of the 2020
Development Code Rewrite. Additional coordination will occur with master planning for
the new regional park at the former North Augusta Country Club property in Edgefield
County. This will also be complemented by the 202012021 Comprehensive
Transportation Plan and Georgia Avenue Traffic Calming plans that will provide an
opportunity for pedestrian, bicycle and Greenewoy connection and expansion.
.......... ..........- ..............._ .............. ...........
Neighborhood improvement is a team effort. It should be noted that the City has made
additional strides towards funding capital needs by dedicating additional funds to the
Capital Projects Fund the FY2020 budget. The role of Code Enforcement should also be
notedfor its role in general neighborhood improvement, as evidenced by the previously
Creported statistics.
The Public Services Department has completed several studies and plans for
infrastructure upgrades to public utilities. This includes a 2019 Wastewater
Rehabilitation Master Plan, 2019 North Augusta Water System Master Plan, and a 2013-
2019 Capacity, Management, Operations and Maintenance Plan. The Public Services
Department continues to pursue low interest funding and grants for replacement of
utilities as needed. Extensions are evaluated for feasibility as the opportunity and
demand arises. Planning will continue to encourage Public Services and Engineering&
Public Works to participate and advise on plans far annexation and extension of service.
Engineering& Public Works presented a list of sidewalk projects as a part of
Envision2019. This department manages street repair and repaving, which is prioritized
based on available funding locations and conditions.
The 202012021 Comprehensive Transportation plan will identify opportunities for
additional pedestrian, bicycle and Greeneway expansion and connection.
Page 8 of 18
Planning understands the value of historic resources, but does not have resources to
apply to this initiative at the moment. While having a Certified Local Government status
is commendable, this status requires a functioning Historic Properties Commission or
Board. Financial incentives are difficult to establish without these standards. Other types
of financial incentives would be at the discretion of City Council.
Public Services has completed and maintains several projects within streetscapes,
landscape medians and gateways across the City.An excellent example of a recent
project is the replanting of the median on the improved section of Buena Vista
Boulevard.As part of the 2020/21 Comprehensive Transportation Plan,streets and
corridors will be evaluated for the inclusion of green space or beautification as
The City completed the design portion of a
wayfinding program in late 2019. Location
and programming is scheduled to be complete
® ® in early 2020.
Code Enforcement should also be noted for
general neighborhood improvement and
ongoing efforts to reduce nuisances within the
.. . City.
Figure 4:WayOnding Signage Design
Staff has identified several tracts that are priorities for rezoning. Most are tracts were
rezoned Planned Development(PD) when annexed, but do not have ordinances
associated with the property, which creates issues in regulating new development on the
property. The Department has attempted contact with the owners and hopes to make
good progress in 2010. Future open space or park land goals will be in as noted in Item 3
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......................... .............._....._._ ..........._._...._._.........................................._._..........................
Sustainable Economic Growth
4.1.1 Provide incentives such as reduced setback and reduced parking requirements to
attract new investment to existing sites
4.1.2 Include specific policies for the priority investment areas in other planning
4.1.3 Complete small area plans for each priority investment area
4.2.1 Revise zoning to support mixed-use infill development
4.2.2 Attract industries important to the region
4.2.3 Invest in urban amenities that improve quality of life for residents
4.2.4 Provide training,incentives, and incubators to foster new and small businesses
4.2.5 Support the priorities and principles of the Aiken, Edgefield &Saluda Counties
Economic Development Partnership as listed in their 2015-2016 Program of Work
4.3.1 Provide incentives that make infill redevelopment as economically attractive as
"greenfield" development
C 4.3.2 Use utility extension policies to discourage development beyond the current urban
service limit
4.3.3 Ensure high quality design for new and infill development
4.3.4 Incentivize the redevelopment of aging and high-vacancy shopping centers to high-
density, mixed-use,walkable activity centers
4.4.1 Work with regional economic development organizations, such as Aiken-Edgefield-
Saluda Economic Development Partnership and the Augusta Economic Development
Authority to create strategies on how to develop the 1-20/1-520 interchange to attract
further investment to the area
4.5.1 Identify the existing and new locations of mixed-use centers so that every resident
is within walking distance
4.5.2 Ensure all activity centers include public space
The City Administrator has been working as the main economic development representative of
the City and works closely with the Economic Development Partnership. As this position is in
transition, we expect clarification of the role of Planning in these efforts as we move forward.
City administration may examine other tools as available.
Discussions about several"high-need"areas were covered in Envision2019. Potential regulation
changes will be reviewed as part of the 1020 Development Code Rewrite. This may include
Crevisions for density, design and utility connection and expansion, as appropriate. Aportion of
Page 10 of 18
North Augusta has been designated as
"Opportunity Zone,"which may provide
additional incentive for investment in
those areas.
w -
Perhaps the largest investment to date for
I. urban amenities has been along the
riverfront with Riverside Village, the
j — amphitheater and greenway
improvements.Staff continues to work
Figure 5:Riverside Village with Parks, Recreation and Tourism to
identify areas that may need additional investment. PRT continues to provide a leadership role
for identifying needs for amenities within the City. Planning and Development works with PRT as
needed for future planning purposes.
.................___..._.__ ................
Efficient, High Quality City Services
5.1.1 Determine a future growth strategy and possible areas of annexation
C5.1.2 Expand utilities to areas of targeted growth as needed
5.2.1 Prioritize infill development and compact growth to ensure North Augusta's tax
base can support city services
5.2.2 Establish a long-term financial plan for public sector investments
5.2.3 Seek out partnerships wherever possible
5.2.4 Continue to implement innovative financial mechanisms such as tax increment
financing (TIF), municipal improvement districts(MID), and impact fees for new
Annexation and growth was a major topic with Env1sion2018 and 1019.Several "donut holes"
(areas surrounded by North Augusta but not within the municipal limits)were identified. These
properties pose current and future challenges to the provision of City services and Public Safety.
Priority is placed on properties that already have City services and do not require additional
extension of services. Planning staff has identified properties with annexation agreements that
are contiguous and is working to secure annexation petitions for those properties.
In terms of funding and maintenance of the public infrastructure, the City has provided
additional support to the Capital Projects Fund in FY2020.Additional mechanisms may be
considered as issues are identified. Public Services continues to provide supportfor the
maintenance and installation of utilities as previously discussed.
Page 11 of 18.
Stable, Diverse & Walkable Neighborhoods
6.1.1 Identify and categorize investments that need to be made in North Augusta's
neighborhoods including sidewalk repair and expansion, lighting,landscaping,and
6.1.2 Establish a Neighborhood Improvement Program (NIP)for the continued
investment in neighborhoods
6.1.3 Encourage infill development on vacant and underdeveloped lots
6.1.4 Preserve historic housing structures in downtown and surrounding neighborhoods
6.1.5 Encourage more compact development patterns with higher quality design and
building materials to increase and maintain property values
6.1.6 Encourage live-work units in both residential and commercial areas
6.1.7 Expand the definition and permissible size of accessory living units in residential
areas of the city
6.2.1 Promote mixed-income neighborhoods throughout North Augusta,especially in
downtown and near employment centers
6.2.2 Revise the zoning ordinance and map to incentivize a variety of housing types at
higher densities, including multifamily, courtyard apartments, quadruplexes, duplexes,
and accessory units,especially near Downtown and activity centers
6.3.1 Improve pedestrian facilities in neighborhoods
6.3.2 Make additional connections in existing street network
A sidewalk priority list was presented in Envision2019 and continues to guide installation and
maintenance in the City. Projects such as Wayfinding, Code Enforcement sidewalk repair and
expansion, historic housing is covered under previous sections. The 2019 Notable Projects list
above provides a list of projects in progress related to this goal. The 2020 Development Code
Rewrite will provide an opportunity to review code revisions to further support various types of
developments,support existing neighborhoods, and creative use or reuse of property in the City.
Transportation that facilitates Mobility & Activity
7.1.1 The widening of roadways and the construction of new roads should be sensitive
to contextual land uses
7.1.2 The design of each street shall provide safe and comfortable travel for users of all
modes of transportation
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7.2.1 Preserve and repair the existing street network through overall connectivity
7.2.2 Complete a Connectivity Study to identify and improve connections between
downtown and its surrounding neighborhoods
7.2.3 The use of cul-de-sacs and dead-end streets should be minimized
7.2.4 Connect the streets of new development with the street network of existing
development. In new development, leave stubs for future connection
7.3.1 Expand the Greenaway to downtown and the surrounding neighborhoods
7.3.2 Improve streetscape and pedestrian facilities on Georgia Avenue downtown to
support a vibrant retail, entertainment,and mixed-use environment
7.3.3 Complete a sidewalk inventory
7.3.4 Complete and widen sidewalks on important pedestrian routes between
neighborhoods and downtown
7.3.5 Implement the City of North Augusta Greeneway, Pedestrian,and Bicycle Master
7.3.6 Require designated pedestrian facilities in activity centers between transit stops
and destinations
7.3.7 Encourage bicycle racks, lockers,and showers be provided in new development
7.4.1 Enhance local and regional bus service along important routes and corridors
C 7.4.2 Bus stops should be improved with shelters, lighting,trash receptacles,street
furniture, and bike racks
7.4.3 Pedestrian connections between development and existing or planned bus stops
should be included in every major site plan
7.5.1 Implement shared parking strategies and eliminate minimum parking
7.5.2 On-street parking should be provided downtown and in other activity centers
where possible
7.5.3 Encourage shared access between adjacent developments to reduce curb cuts in
the streetscape
As discussed in the Key Strategies Section, sidewalk expansions lists have been developed and
will be implemented as funds are available. These will be supported by the proposed Georgia
Avenue Traffic Calming and Comprehensive Transportation Plan. The Downtown Master Plan
will work to address parking solutions appropriate to downtown North Augusta, including
Riverside Village.
In terms of public transit, the City of North Augusta is served by Best Friends public transit
system. The best use and accommodation of this system and any other system will be explored
in the 2020/21 Transportation Pian, the ARTS MPD transportation planning group will identify
opportunities for cooperation.
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.....-- -...................._.._...._..._............._..._._...................._._..........................__............._..._......._........._.._................_..........._......
Stewardship of Our Natural & Cultural Resources
8.1.1 Introduce public art into neighborhoods,public open space, parks, the Greeneway,
and downtown City Council decision.
8.1.2 Promote local artists
8.1.3 Require a public art element in all municipal projects
8.1.4 Connect places of cultural significance to public open spaces through multi-modal
and Greeneway facilities
8.1.5 Existing community events and programs should be supported and expanded
when possible
8.2.1 Identify historic resources important to North Augusta's identity and ensure their
protection with funding far maintenance
8.2.2 Work with the owners of Lookaway Hall and Rosemary Hall to ensure their
preservation and maintenance
8.2.3 Protect the existing structures and ruins of Hamburg
8.2.4 Protect historic neighborhoods adjacent to downtown through the preservation of
the street network, paving materials, and open space, as well as, promoting context
C sensitive infill development and the preservation of existing housing
8.3.1 Maintain our Tree City USA designation
8.3.2 Create regulations to protect significant trees
8.3.3 Implement a City street trees program
8.4.1 Cooperate with other government entities in the management of water resources
8.4.2 Improve water quality and channel integrity of impaired watershed basins
8.4.3 Acquire or otherwise permanently protect environmentally sensitive areas
8.4.4 Work with other local governments to protect the New Savannah Bluff Lock&
As covered in the Key Initiative 5, historic programs are on hold due to staff limitations. Review
of Development Code requirements about related items will occur in the 2020 rewrite. The
2020/21 Comprehensive Transportation Plan plans to address multi-modal connection to
important facilities.
Cultural and community events are managed through the Parks, Recreation and Tourism
Department. The City supports these events such as the lack-o=lantern Jubilee, Peach Jam, the
Arts and Heritage Center, and supports many other events throughout the year. New
opportunities for programming and events will be available after the completion of the
amphitheater at Riverside Village.
Page 14 of 18
CIn terms of maintaining Tree City USA
status, the Public Services
Department has maintained this
designation for several years and the
application for 2020 has been
submitted. Our Property Maintenance
Division provides excellent
maintenance workfor landscaping
city-wide, adding a Certified Arborist
to its crew in 2018. For new
development the Development Code
requires street trees are on all right-of- Figure 6:lack O'Lantern Jubilee
ways at development as well as significant landscaping for commercial development. Review of
these requirements will occur with the 2020 Development Code Rewrite.
The City adheres to all state water quality requirements, which benefits the water quality in the
Savannah River. One project of note is within the Lynnhurst subdivision. This project will work to
correct a long-term problem with the capture stormwater runoff and help prevent flooding in
the subdivision. The City is actively engaged with other municipalities and the state to preserve
the Lock and Dam and the current water pool.
Robust Parks, Recreation & Greenway Network
9.1.1 Update the park master plan that determines the location of future open spaces
based on the planned future growth of North Augusta
9.1.2 Provide indoor facilities for social programs and activities,recreation,and special
9.1.3 Plan,develop, and operate diverse recreation activities for citizens of all ages that
are geographically distributed throughout North Augusta
9.1.4 Support community gardens,whenever possible
9.1.5 Work with Aiken County public schools to share playground and recreation space
when not being used by the school system
9.1.6 Develop regulations requiring the provision of public open space in all new
9.1.7 Increase public access to the Savannah River
9.2.1 Expand the Greeneway system as identified in the City of North Augusta
Greeneway, Pedestrian,and Bicycle Master Plan
9.2.2 Connect the Greeneway from the Savannah River to downtown
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The newest City park acquisition is the former North Augusta Country Club property in Edgefield
County. The property is currently intended to be developed as a regional pork with active and
passive recreation activities on site. Work continues for senior-based activities at the
Community Center and is currently offered in the Activity Center. The Development Code rewrite
may identify better ways to accommodate recreation and open space needs.
The Downtown Greeneway Connector is proposed to connect along Bluff Avenue, with initial
surveying underway. Funding and final engineering plans are under development. The
Department will continue to work with other City departments and the public to develop plans
for expansion and connection. Upcoming transportation planning initiatives will provide
additional supportfor these goals.
A Vibrant Downtown & Riverfront
10.1.1 Study the reconfiguration of Georgia Avenue
10.1.2 Reunite the elements of the two historic parks along Georgia Avenue-Calhoun
Park and Wade Hampton Veteran's Park
10.1.3 Create a fine-grained pedestrian and bicycle plan for the downtown area
10.1.4 Evaluate opportunities to widen the sidewalk zone on the east side of Georgia
�1✓ Avenue between Buena Vista Avenue and Spring Grove Avenue
10.2.1 Create a Downtown Master Plan
10.2.2 Enforce Existing Standards that Encourage Walkability and Vibrancy
10.3.1 Develop a shared parking strategy
10.3.2 Provide incentives to renovate existing buildings in and around Downtown
10.3.3 Attract high-quality multi-family developers
10.3.4 Create a position and hire a new downtown development professional
10.3.5 Develop an inventory of available properties for sale and rent as well as available
development sites
10.3.6 Engage an individual or group to create a local and regional marketing campaign
for downtown investment
10.3.7 Work with downtown property owners to assemble parcels
10.3.8 Encourage infill development on vacant and underdeveloped lots
10.3.9 Continue implementation of Project Jackson
As mentioned previously, the Department if working to develop a Downtown Master Plan, and
has requested funds from ARTS to complete a feasibility study for traffic calming and pedestrian
access in downtown North Augusta. To date, a parking inventory has been completed for
Downtown and work continues for a complete parking analysis for the area.
Page 16 of 18
CThe City continues to support the development of Riverside Village&Project Jackson.
Construction is underway for the new Amphitheater and several site plans have been approved
and are under development for the Riverside Village area.A recent revision to the Hammond's
Ferry Planning Development Ordinance will provide additional flexibility for the development of
community supportfacilities on the site. The City continues to work with the developers of
Riverside Village and Hammond's Ferry to manage parking and facility use both for events and
daily parking needs.
North Augusta Forward has, with City support, -
applied to be part of the "Main Street South north
Carolina"program, which provides technical auguswa ,
supportfor communities looking to revitalize
historic downtowns, encourage economic growth
and preserve historic resources. The City continues
to work with the North Augusta Chamber of °
Commerce and North Augusta Forward to clarify
roles related to downtown marketing and oowarowH ......._...
Figure 7:Third Thursday Map from North
Augusta Forward
Implementation Strategies
11.1.1 Monitor the implementation of the plan annually
11.1.2 Update the plan every 5 years
11.1.3 Explore new institutional arrangements
11.1.4 Develop an overall funding strategy and selection of revenue sources to address
the capital and any possible operating funding gap
The preceding sections are the Planning Deportment's contribution to an annual report. Initial
funding decisions have been made for an update of the 2017 Comprehensive Plan to be
completed in 2021. Issues regarding "institutional arrangements"and funding strategies move
beyond the scope of the Planning and Development Department on its own, but are supported
by City Administration. The Department continues to work with other departments and
administration to assist in efficient governance.
Page 17 of 28
Yearly Report(11 pages)
2016-2019 Data for Planning and Code Enforcement(1 page)
Comprehensive Plan Summary List (4 pages)
Comprehensive Plan Project List(2 pages)
Page IS of 18.
Appendix A:Yearly Report
City of North Augusta
Department of Planning and Development
2019 Year End Report
Item 2019 Year To Date 2018 Year To Date
Administrative IncomingOutgoing (mcomin8 Oetgoing:
Total Phone Calls 6230 4371 '
Development Applications Approved Denied Approved Oenied
Major Subdivision Pians 3 0 3 0
Planned Acres 108.07 0.00 53.57 0.00
Planned Lots 156 0 163 0
Minor Subdivision Plats 16 0 17 0
Platted New Lots 8 0 19 0
Major Subdivision Plats 6 0 3 0
Platted Acres 64.77 0.00 39.38 0.00
Platted Lots 191 0 98 0
Site Plans
Minor Site Plans 13 0 4 6
Major Site Plans 3 0 0 0
Total Site Plan Acres 89.57 0.00 0.00 2.64
Planned Developments
PD Gen Dev PlanslMajor Mod. 0 0 0 0
PD Acres 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
Development Plan Modifications
Applications 3 0 1 0
Parcels 21 0 2 0
Acres 8.67 0.00 1.72 D.00
Zoningrrext Amendments
Rezoning 2 1 0 1
Parcels 12 2 0 2
Acres 14.60 0.92 0.00 2.41
Conditional Zoning 0 0 0 0
Parcels 0 0 0 0
Acres 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
Text Amendments 3 1 0 1
Certificates of Zoning Compliance 1 137 6 123 9
Zoning Confirmation Letters 31 0 8 0
Residential She Reviews 186 0 256 0
Sign Permits 46 3 35 0
City of North Augusta
Department of Planning and Development
2019 Year End Report
Planning Projects 5 0 0 0
Communications Towers 0 0 0 0
Conditional Use Permits 5 0 1 2
Item 2019 Year To Date 2018 Year To Date
Appeals Approvatl Dented Approved Deniad
Variances 12 0 2 0
Special Exceptions 2 0 2 0
Administrative Decisions 0 0 0 0
Waivers 6 0 0 0
Fees Collected
Development Applications $19,034.00 $19,605.50
Appeals $2,650.00 $200.00
Maps/Publications $7.00 $107.00
Special Review Fees $0.00 $200.00
Total Fees $21,691.00 $20,112.50
City of North Augusta
Department of Planning and Development
2019 Year End Staff Approvals
Residential Site Plans
Application Tax Parcel Number Applicant Legal Description Zone Approval Date Structure
RSP19-004 006-17-18-005 Sitee LLC 921 Stanton Dr R-14 1/3/2019 Front Porch Expansion
RSP19-005 106-0003-006 Keystone Homes, Inc. 1045 Swan Ct R-10 1/11/2019 New Residential
RSP19-006 002-16-06-022 Mary Clark 817 Dunbarton Dr R-14 1/11/2019 Room Addition
RSP19-007 005-14-07-010 Forrest McKie 115 Douglas Or PD 1/11/2019 New Residential
RSP19-008 001-16-02-002 Pete Alewine Pool Co 192 Durst Dr PD 1/15/2019 Inground Pool
RSP19-009 006-14-12-020 P.Dock Smith 1826 Oriole Ave R-7 1/16/2019 Screen Porch
RSP19-010 010-13-01-063 Champion Windows 500 Old Walnut Branch Dr R-14 1/17/2019 Patio Roam Enclosure
RSP19-012 007-16-14-038 Binson Properties 419 W Woodlawn R-14 1/22/2019 Extend Two Bedrooms/Add
RSP39-013 006-08-06-020 Parkridge Builders 271 Mossy Oak Circle R-7 1/22/2019 New Residential
RSP39-014 106-00-05-004 Keystone Homes,Inc. 1028 Greogry Landing Dr R-10 1/28/2019 New Residential
RSP39-015 106-OD-05-005 Keystone Homes,Inc. 1036 Gregory Landing R-10 1/28/2019 New Residential
RSP19-016 106-00-09-006 Keystone Homes,Inc. 10.5.5 Harlequin Way R-10 1/28/2019 New Residential
RSP39-017 014-00-02-015 Wetherington Builders 678 Rivernorth Dr PD 1/28/2019 New Residential
RSP39-018 007-14-02-007 Welsch Custom Homes 302 West Ave D 2/11/2019 New Residential
RSP39-019 007-19-01-020 Bella Reece Homes LLC 137 River Club Lane PD 2/11/2019 New Residential
1 of 13
RSP19-047 011-05-07-015 Lacey construction 1303 Wildlife Circle R-7 4/16/2019 New Residential
011-05-07-003 Lacey Construction 1019 Wildlife Circle R-7 4/16/2019 New Residential
011-OS-07-004 Lacey Construction 1023 Wildlife Circle R-7 4/16/2019 New Residential
011-05-07-005 Lacey Construction 1027 Wildlife Circle R-7 4/16/2019 New Residential
005-09-08-029 Aiken Swimming Pool 1033 Wildlife Circle R-7 4/16/2019 New Residential
011-05-07-007 Lacey Construction 1037 Wildlife Circle R-7 4/16/2019 New Residential
011-05-07-008 Lacey Construction 1043 Wildlife Circle R-7 4/16/2019 New Residential
RSP19-055 005-09-07-001 Keystone Homes, Inc. 1176 Gregory Landing Drive PD 4/16/2019 New Residential
RSP19-056 106-00-07-011 Keystone Homes,Inc. 1162 Gregory Landing Drive PD 4/16/2019 New Residential
RSP19-057 005-10-18-009 Pete Alewine Pool Co. 238 Oakbrook Drive PD 4/16/2019 Inground Pool
RSP19-059 006-07-07-026 Dennis Farrel 1913 Green Forest Drive R-7 4/23/2019 Inground Pool
RSP19-060 106-00-07-002 Keystone Homes, Inc. 1106 Gregory Landing Drive PD 4/23/2019 New Residential
RSP19-061 106-00-07-008 Keystone Homes, Inc. 1106 Gregory Landing Drive PD 4/25/2019 New Residential
RSP19-063 003-16-15-007 Winter&Carn Construction 3052 Westo St PD 5/7/2019 New Residential
RSP19-064 005-09-07-001 Keystone Homes, Inc. 1105 Gregory Landing Or PD 5/3/2019 New Residential
RSP19-065 006-14-02-001 Muns Construction 1794 Flamingo Rd R-7 5/8/2019 Accessory Cottage
RSP19-066 014-00-02-006 IDK Homes 229 Rivernorth Or PD 5/8/2019 New Residential
RSP19-067 014-00-02-007 IDK Homes 241 Rivemorth Or PD 5/8/2019 New Residential
RSP19-068 014-00-02-009 IDK Homes 259 Rivernorth Or PD 5/8/2019 New Residential
RSP19-069 014-00-02-055 IDK Homes 537 Rivernorth Or PD 5/8/2019 New Residential
RSP19-070 014-00-02-056 IDK Hames 547 Rivernorth Or PO 5/8/2019 New Residential
RSP19-071 005-09-17-004 Bill Beazley Homes 465 Bridle Path Rd PD 5/13/2019 New Residential
RSP19-072 002-31-02-100 Welsh Custom Homes 215 Seton Cir R-14 5/13/2019 New Residential
RSP19-073 OD2-20-09-018 William E.Harris,Jr. 714 Merriwether Or R-14 5/15/2019 Storage Building
RSP19-074 002-12-05-004 Welsh Custom Homes 136 Walsh Way R-14 5/15/2019 New Residential
3 of 13
RSP19-100 005-14-06-001 Keystone Homes, Inc. 141 Broxten Dr, Lot 1-F PD 6/27/2019 New Residential
RSP19-101 005-14-06-013 Keystone Homes,Inc. 145 Broxten Dr, Lot 2-F PD 6/27/2019 New Residential
RSP19-102 005-10-13-005 Keystone Homes, Inc. 185 Douglas Dr, Lot 8-L PD 6/27/2019 New Residential
RSP19-103 005-10.14-006 Keystone Homes, Inc. 109 Stapleton Dr, Lot 7-0 PD 6/27/2019 New Residential
1156 Gregory Landing Dr,Lot R-10 6/27/2019 New Residential
RSP19-104 106-00-07-030 Keystone Homes,Inc. 10-E
1124 Gregory Landing Dr,Lot
RSP19-105 106-00-07-005 Keystone Homes,Inc. 5 E R-10 6/27/2019 New Residential
RSP19-106 007-07-13-005 Elizabeth Anne McKenny 1014 Marshall Ave R-14 7/2/2019 Carport
RSP19-107 007-05-09-020 Jason McEntire&Sunae517 San Salvador Or R-14 7/2/2019 Storage Building
RSP19-108 007-19-03-026 Arthur&Jennifer Adams 468 E Shoreline Or PD 7/3/2019 Room Addition
RSP39-109 002-11-02-016 Michael Reed 614 Savannah Baroney Or R-14 6/27/2019 Swimming Pool
RSP19-110 007-14-05-001 Blackston Custom Homes 107 E Buena Vista Ave R-7 7/8/2019 New Residential
RSP19.111 006-08-01-099 Parkridge Builders 242 Mossy Oak Circle R-7 7/8/2019 New Residential
RSP19-112 002-11-05-008 Pierwood Construction Co. 136 Seton Circle R-14 7/12/2019 New Residential
RSP19-113 014-00-02-041 Pierwood Construction Co. 210 Rivernorth Drive PD 7/15/2019 New Residential
RSP19-114 014-00-02-103 Pierwood Construction Co. 577 Rivernorth Drive PD 7/15/2019 New Residential
RSP39-115 014-00-02-104 Pierwood Construction Co. 583 Rivernorth Drive PD 7/15/2019 New Residential
RSP39-116 106-00-07-001 Keystone Homes, Inc. 1100 Gregory Landing Drive R-10 7/19/2019 New Residential
RSP39-117 106-00-07-014 Keystone Homes, Inc. 1184 Gregory Landing Drive R-10 7/19/2019 New Residential
1R Homes of South Carolina,
RSP19-118 007-15-03-014 LLC 125 Elm Street R-14 7/24/2019 New Residential
RSP19-119 005-09-11-002 Pete Alewine Pool Co 127 Kenilworth Or PD 8/1/2019 Swimming Pool
RSP39-120 010-09-02-096 Niko Helm 667 Saint Julian PI PD 8/2/2019 New Residential
RSP39-121 005-09-13-019 Bill Beazley Homes 466 Bridle Path Rd PD 8/7/2019 New Residential
RSP19-122 014-00-02-114 Greystone ConstructionServicesLLC 629 River North Or PD 8/7/2019 New Residential
5 of 13
RSP19-149 010-13-13-001 Bernard Peters 283 Redbud Dr R-7 9/30/2019 Storage Building
RSP19-157 007-13-38-001 Aiken Swimming Pool 602 Arrington Ave PD 10/3/2019 Swimming Pool
RSP19-158 003-16-08-006 WAR Builders 632 Front St PD 10/2/2019 New Residential
RSP19-159 002-20-20-057 Megan Scott 932 Media Ave R-14 10/4/2019 Storage Building
RSP19-160 005-09-17-012 Bill Beazley Homes 385 Bridle Path Rd PO 10/4/2019 New Residential
RSP19-161 005-09-17-013 Bill Beazley Homes 375 Bridle Path Rd PD 10/4/2019 New Residential
RSP19-162 003-16-15-001 David L.Blair Homes 1024 Westo St. PD 10/14/2019 New Residential
RSP19-163 106-00-05-001 Keystone Homes, Inc. 1006 Gregory Landing Dr PD 10/14/2019 New Residential
RSP19-164 010-09-02-030 Pete Alewine Pool Co 555 Old Walnut Branch Rd R-14 10/15/2019 Swimming Pool
RSP19-165 106-00-08-008 Keystone Homes,Inc. 1183 Gregory Landing Dr PD 10/16/2019 New Residential
RSP19-166 007-12-05-020 Martin Galvin 1006 Weston St R-30 10/23/2019 Carport
RSP19.167 005-12-01-001 William Funk 511 W Five Notch Rd R-7 10/17/2019 Storage Building
RSP19-168 005-16-04009 D.R. Horton,Inc. 186 Expedition Dr R-5 10/28/2019 New Residential
RSP19-169 005-16-05-003 D.R. Horton, Inc. 171 Expedition Dr R-5 10/28/2019 New Residential
RSP19-170 005-16--05-005 D.R.Horton,Inc. 181 Expedition Dr R-5 10/28/2019 New Residential
RSP19-171 005-16-05-001 D.R.Horton,Inc. 163 Expedition Dr R-5 10/28/2019 New Residential
RSP19-172 005-16-04-006 D.R. Horton,Inc. 172 Expedition Dr R-5 10/28/2019 New Residential
RSP19-173 014-00-02-101 IDK Homes 565 River North Dr PD 10/30/2019 Garage
RSP19.174 006-15-01-008 Bob Kingdom 2110 Vireo Dr R-7 10/28/2019 Carport
RSP19-175 005-16-05-004 D.R. Horton,Inc. 177 Expedition Dr R-5 10/28/2019 New Residential
RSP19-176 005-16-04-007 D.R. Horton,Inc. 178 Expedition Or R-5 10/28/2019 New Residential
RSP19-177 005-16-04-008 D.R. Horton,Inc. 182 Expedition Dr R-5 10/28/2019 New Residential
RSP19-178 005-16-05-002 D.R. Horton,Inc. 167 Expedition Dr R-5 10/28/2019 New Residential
RSP19-179 005-16-04-002 D.R. Horton,Inc. 154 Expedition Dr R-5 10/28/2019 New Residential
RSP19-180 005-56-04-004 D.R. Horton,Inc. 164 Expedition Dr R-5 10/28/2019 New Residential
RSP19-181 005-16-04-005 D.R.Horton,Inc. 168 Expedition Dr R-5 10/28/2019 New Residential
RSP39.182 014-00-02-101 IDK Homes 565 River North Dr PD 10/30/2019 Garage
7 of 13
Cl � .
RSP19-207 005-13-05-024 Christopher Bernard 151 Macklin Dr PD 11/25/2019 Staircase to Balcony
RSP19-208 007-11-03-007 Dominique Raven 905 East Ave R-7 11/27/2019 Carport
RSP19-209 002-16-03-003 T.B.Hill 1413 Waccamaw Dr R-10 11/27/2019 Carport
RSP19-210 003-16-11-003 Wetherington Builders 656 Railroad Ave PD 11/27/2019 New Residential
RSP19-211 007-06-15-005 Jayson Lacy 1011 West Ave R-7 11/27/2019 Room Addition
RSP19-212 014-00-02-127 Larry Padgett 693 Rivernorth Dr PD 12/3/2019 Swimming Pool
RSP19-213 010-09-04-009 Edward P.Carey 260 Mill Branch Way PD 12/3/2019 New Residential
RSP19-214 005-16-05-006 D.R.Horton,Inc. 185 Expedition Or R-5 12/16/2019 New Residential
RSP19-215 005-16-04-010 D.R.Horton,Inc. 192 Expedition Dr R-5 12/16/2019 New Residential
RSP19-216 007-10-04-003 Starnes Co. 812 Carolina Ave. R-7 12/16/2019 Garage
RSP19-217 001-12-05.001 D.R.Horton,Inc. 108 Journey Run PD 12/17/2019 New Residential
RSP19-218 001-12-05-004 D.R.Horton,Inc. 128 Journey Run PD 12/17/2019 New Residential
RSP19-219 001-12-05-005 D.R. Horton,Inc. 136 Journey Run PD 12/17/2019 New Residential
RSP19-220 001-12-05-006 D.R.Horton, Inc. 142 Journey Run PD 12/17/2019 New Residential
RSP19-221 001-12-05-007 D.R.Horton,Inc. 148 Journey Run PD 12/17/2019 New Residential
RSP19-222 001-12-04-020 D.R.Horton,Inc. 149 Journey Run PD 12/17/2019 New Residential
RSP19-223 001-12-04-021 D.R. Horton,Inc. 143 Journey Run PD 12/17/2019 New Residential
RSP19-224 001-12-04-022 D.R.Horton,Inc. 137 Journey Run PD 12/16/2019 New Residential
RSP19-225 0D6-15-01-019 Hoffman Residential 2033 Wren Rd R-7 12/23/2019 Room Addition
RSP19-226 106-00-07-006 Keystone Homes,Inc. 1132 Gregory Landing Dr R-10 12/23/2019 New Residential
RSP19-227 001-12-04-023 D.R.Horton,Inc. 129 Journey Run PD 12/27/2019 New Residential
RSP19-228 005-16-05-007 D.R.Horton,Inc. 191 Expedkion Dr PD 12/31/2019 New Residential
9 of 13
Minor Subdivision Plats
Application Tax Parcel Applicant Legal Description Zone Approval Date Acres Not Lots
Number Number
MP19-007 006-09-01-057 Sanderling Properties,LLC 1418 Brookgreen Dr R-10 5/24/2019 3.03 2
MP19-008 D07-19-03-026 Adams Plat 468 E Shoreline Or PD 6/20/2019 0.71 -1
MP19-010 010-15-04-001 Church of Holy Trinity 160 Merovan Or C-5 6/20/2019 0.2 0
002-07-01-006 1053 and 1063 Old Plantation
MP19-009 002-07-01-007 John and Nancy Whitley Road R-14 9/16/2019 4.8 0
MP19-013 006-13-08-002 Henriann Walpole 1808 Bunting Drive R-7 11/1/2019 2.6 2
MP19-014 007-19-01-019 Jeff Rucker 131 River Club Lane PD 11/18/2019 0.31 1
MP19-015 007-06-14-039 Jeff Part] 417 W.Woodlawn Ave. R-14 12/13/2019 0.42 2
Minor Site Plan Approvals
Application Tax Parcel Applicant Legal Description Zone Approval Date Acres Use
Number Number
MSP39-002 106-00-00-070 Covenant Family Allergy& 137 Allen Ct GC 5/6/2019 1.78 Medical
Liberty Physical Therapy Offices
MSP19-008 003-08-06-016 Riverview Park Splash Pad 100 Riverview Park or OSP 6/3/2019 0.16 Park
MSP39-010 010-1404-014 Wells Fargo- Prizm 104 Walnut Ln GC 7/15/2019 3.74(portion ATM
Architects of)
MSP39-001 007-10-09-001 Carolina West,LLC Carolina-West Project D 8/19/2019 1.22 Commercial
MSP19-005 007-18-05-001 William E.Toole North Augusta Amphitheater PD 8/13/2019 1.96 Public Park
MSP39-011 007-11-05-046 Southern Restaurant Burger King PD 8/14/2019 0.69 Restaurant
Hospitality Group
MSP19-012 007-08-09-006 Interplan, LLC Chick-Fil-A PD 8/8/2019 2.21 Restaurant
MSP19-013 013-19-01.003 Chris Bai Ambiopharm Tank Farm IND 8/12/2019 32.92 Commercial
11 of 13
SN19-046 007-11-05-048 Patrick Chan China GC/HC 10/11/2019 Restaurant
SN19-047 007-18-05-003 Alphagraphics The Swank Company PD 10/17/2019 Commercial
SN19-048 007-10-29-002 Communigraphics Tenpenny's Cottage D/G 10/14/2019 Commercial
SN19-049 006-13-11-010 Alphagraphics Aiken Opthalmology OC/HC 10/18/2019 Commercial
SN19-050 007-11-05-048 Mixon Signs CBD Central,LLC GC/HC 10/18/2019 Commercial
SN19-051 010-14-04-014 AAA Sign Company Sprint#734 GC 11/6/2019 Commercial
SN19-052 007-16-01-003 AAA Sign Company Sprint#744 GC 11/8/2019 Commercial
SN39-054 007-10-21-006 Fast Signs Onin Staffing,LLC D 11/18/2019 Commercial
SN19-052 007-16-01-003 AAA Sign Company Sprint#744 GC 12/18/2019 Commercial
SN19-055 007-08-09-004 Huan Nguyen Cold Stone Creamery PD/HC 12/16/2019 Commercial
SN19-056 106-DD-00-070 AAA Sign Company Covenant Family Allergy/Liberty GC 12/17/2019 Commercial
Physical Therapy
SN19-057 013-09-10-001 Signarama BP TC 12/30/2019 Commercial
13 of 13
2019 Year End Code Enforcement Cases Open
PrnP<rEY Malrilmanm
2019 5 11 10 30 31 20 40 27 27 21 14 11 247
vrppeM uens/CnnJraomr 2D19 2 1 2 3 1 2 2 1 2 1 17
2019 1 1 2 2 1 2 1 0 10
ReveaGPnN venides 2019 2 2 5 3 4 9 8 7 4 3 10 1 58
nv/emt/IXIIM rrI
BleplveM1baes 2019 8 8 is 13 it 12 7 14 13 12 7 10 133
[ommeNal 2019 1 1 2 1 1 6
court summmslssoed 2019 0
amnessU. 2019 1 5 5 5 1 1 7 10 3 38
2019 76 82 91 71 72 38 31 21 70 55 74 40 721
Temporary Agm
SI,amens Notlfled 2019 13 13 17 31 35 17 6 1 9 14 7 6 149
IaMttaplry lmpeCbnv 2019 15 10 13 10 15 3 11 7 9 93
Swcwrc Oempltbu 2019 1 1 1 0 3
107 118 148 166 152 119 109 89 129 124 132 82 1475
Planning Data 2016-2019
Case Type 2016 2017 2018 2019 %Increase(18-
ANX-Annexation 1 2 1 13 92%
CONPL-Concept Plan 0 1 1 3 67%
CU-Conditional Use 8 2 5 5 0%
CZC-Certificate of Zoning Compliance 156 180 142 184 23%
DOD-Deed of Dedication 6 3 5 4 -25%
ENC-Encroachment 0 1 10 1 -900%
FEE-Special Fee 2 2 3 11 73%
FP-Final Plat 5 3 2 11 82%
LZC-Letter of Zoning Compliance 8 14 11 33 67%
MP-Minor Plat 11 24 22 16 -38%
MSP-Minor Site Plan 13 17 14 18 22%
MW-Major Waiver 0 0 3 5 40%
PAP-Preliminary Application Meeting 10 2 16 57 72%
PD-Planned Development 1 0 0 0 0%
PDM-Planned Development Modification 1 1 0 3 100%
PG-Performance Guarantee 2 3 1 5 80%
PP-Preliminary Plat 3 3 7 2 -250%
PPM-Preliminary Plat Modification 0 1 3 2 -50%
PROJ-Special Project 16 5 0 6 100%
RSP-Residential Site Plan 257 201 263 228 -15%
RWA-Right of Way Abandonment 0 2 1 1 0%
RWN-Rig ht of Way Naming 0 2 1 5 80%
RZM-Rezoning 2 3 3 4 25%
RZT-Text Change 5 0 2 7 71%
SN-Sign Permit 41 49 39 57 32%
SPM-Site Plan Modification 4 2 0 2 100%
ZD-Administrative Appeal 1 0 0 0 0%
ZE-Special Exception 2 0 4 1 -300%
ZV-Zoning Variance 0 1 2 12 83%
Incoming Phone Calls' 6230
Outgoing Phone Calls' 4371
'partial year
2016 2017 2018 2019
Reviewed by PC 28 39 40 58 31%
Reviewed by BZA 3 1 6 13 54%
Administrative Reviews 525 485 515 635 19%
Code Enforcement Data 2016-2019
2016 20171 2018 2019
Total Cases 1 144 11 115 150 625
%chane -25% 23% 76%
2017 North Augusta Comprehensive Plan Summary List
Sustainable Economic Growth Stewardship of our Cultural&Natural Resources
Efficient,High Quality Services Robust Parks,Recreation,&Greeneway Network
Stable,Diverse and Walkable Neighborhoods A Vibrant Downtown&Rlverfront
Transportation that Facilitates Activity Mobitity
1.Develop and Implement a Downtown Master Plan
The plan should incorporate:
a.The vision of local stakeholders for creating successful downtown revitalization based on market understanding and character of neighborhood
It.Definition of the boundaries of Downtown Development Area
c Develop a long-term vision/strategy for Georgia Avenue to function as North Augusta's vibrant,pedestrian oriented"main street"
d.Routing the Greenaway Expansion from Riverside Village area using street routing through alleys located behind frontage buildings on GA Ave.
e.Promotion of downtown revitalization with goal of economic vitality
f.Revision of the Downtown Development Code with the goal of flexibility in renovation of existing structures and construction of new and replacement
g.Identification of transportation and great layout changes to encourage pedestrian tragic
IN.Strategies for promoting the revitalization effort
2.ID Priority Investment Areas and Develop Policies/Zoning Regulations to Encourage Mixed Use and Progressive Development
a.Evaluate exisingCommercial Areas to identify opportunities for infill development
b.Adopt policies and zoning regulations allowing higher densities,eased parking requirements and a mix of commercial,office,entertainment and
G Promote the imixertunita,for orogresove mixed use commercial retail and resitlential tlevelo ment
3.Create a Master Plan for Parks,Greeneway,Expansion
a.ID repair,renovation and upgrades for existing parks and recreation facilities
Cb.Establish maintenance plans
c Propose locations for a mix of new packet,neighborhood and regional parks based on projected residential development
d.Contain a schedule for expansion of the Greenaway
e.Propose connections to connect the Greenaway to anticipated residential and mixed use developments
4.Establish a Neighborhood Improvement Plan
a.Establish a schedule for water main and sewer line rehabilitation
b.Establish a schedule for street repair and repaving
c.Identify areas where sidewalks are needed and a xhedule for Installation
d.Identify streets,paths,and trails where bicycle paths can be designated
e.Establish a plan for care and pruning of street trees
f.Establish a schedule to evaluate sidewalks for damage and replacement as needed
S.Evaluate Options for a City Policy on Historic Structures and Natural and Manmade Features
a.Establish criteria for consideration of a structure or feature as historic
b.Research Federal and SC programs related to historic structures and ID how they apply to the City of North Augusta
c.Identify possible options for City government financial incentive support
6.Develop a Plan for City Beautification Efforts
a.Focus on the four main gateways to the City:GA Ave,Highway 1 and Martintown Rd,and 120 Exits 1 and 5
b.Provide opportunities for City staff to create changing visual appearances
c ID opportumbes for streetscape vegetation planting and addition of landscape medians
d.Recognize opportunities for improving overall neighborhood appearance to support the Neighborhood Plan
e.Propose directional and City branding sl na e,to Include appropriate locations
7.Evaluate Open Space for Future Land Use and Zoning Designations
a.Identify large,undeveloped tracts of land wholly or partially within the City
b.Present a range of possible alternatives for future uses
c Suggest zoning and development designations compatible with each potential alternative
d.Determine the need for expansion of City-owned uldi ty service which might be required
e.Assess the need for parks,connection;to adjacent developments and the Greenaway
Goals and Strategies
Sustainable Economic Gru.th
4.1.1 Provide incentives such as reduced setback and reduced parking requirements to attract new Investment to existing sites
4.1.2 Include specific policies for the priority Investment areas In other planning documents
.1.3 Complete small area plans for each priority investment area
4.2.1 Revise zoning to support mixed-use infill development
4.2.2 Attract industries Important to the region
4.2.3 Invest in urban amenities that improve quality of life for residents
4.2.4 Provide training,incentives,and incubators to foster new and small businesses
.2.5 Support the pdarities and principles of the Aiken,Edgefleld&Saluda Counties Economic Development Partnership as listed in their 2015-2016
Program of Work
4.3.1 Provide incentives that make infill redevelopment as economically attracum,as'greenfield"development
4.3.2 Use utility extension policiesto discourage development beyond the current urban service limit
.3.3 Ensure high quality design for new and infill development
4.3.4 Incentivise the redevelopment of aging and high-vacanry shopping centers to high-density,mixed-use,walkable activity centers
4.4.1 Work with regional economic development organizations,such as Aiken-Edgefield-Saluda Economic Development Partnership and the Augusta
Economic Development Authority to create strategies on how to develop the 1-2011-520 interchange to attract further investment to the area
4.5.1 Identify the existing and new locations of mixed-use centers so that every resident is within walking distance
4.5.2 Ensure all activity centers include public space
CEfficient,High Quality City Services
5.1.1 Determine a future growth strategy and possible areas of annexation
5.1.2 Expand utilities to areas of targeted growth as needed
5.2.1 Prioritize infill development and compact growth to ensure North Augusta's tax base can support chi services
.2.2 Establish a longterm financial plan for public sector Investments
51.3 Seek out partnerships wherever possible
53.4 Continue to Implement Innovative financial mechanisms such a"ax Increment financing(TIF),municipal Improvement districts(MID),and Impact
les for new development
6.1.1 Identify and categorize Investments that need to he made in North Augusta's neighborhoods including sidewalk repair and expansion,lighting,
landscaping,and wayfinding
6.13 Establish a Neighborhood Improvement Program(NIP)for the continued investment In neighborhoods
6.1.3 Encourage Infill development on vacant and underdeveloped lots
6.1.4 Preserve historic housing structures In downtown and surrounding neighborhoods
SAS Encourage more compact development patterns with higher quality design and building materials to increase and maintain property values
6.1.6 Encourage live-work units In both residential and commercial areas
6.1.7 Expand the definition and permissible size of accessory INIng ones In residential areas of the city
6.2.1 Promote mixed-income neighborhoods throughout North Augusta,especially in downtown and near employment centers
6.2.2 Revise the zoning ordinance and map to Incentivize a variety of housing types at higher densities,Including multifamily,courtyard apartments,
quadruplexes,duplexes,and accessory units,especially near Downtown and activity centers
6.3.1Improve pedestrian facilities in neighborhoods
6.3.2 Make additional connections in existing street network
2 of
Transportation that Facilitates Mobility&Activity
7.1.1 The widening of roadways and the construction of new roads should be sensitive to contextual land uses
7.1.2 The design of each street shall provide safe and comfortable travel for users of ail modes of transportation
.2.1 Preserve and repair the existing street network through overall connectivity
7.2.2 Complete a Connectivity Stroll identify and improve connections between downtown and its surrounding neighborhoods
73.3 The use of culAe-sacs and dead-end streets should be minimized
7.2.4 Connect the streets of new development with the street network of existing development In new development,leave stubs for future connection
7.3.1 Upend the Greenaway to downtown and the surrounding neighborhoods
7.3.2 Improve streetscape and pedestrian facilities on Georgia Avenue downtown to support a vibrant retail,entertainment,and mixed-use environment
.3.3 Complete a sidewalk inventory
7.3,4 Complete and widen sidewalks on important pedestrian mutes between neighborhoods and downtown
7.3.5 Implement the City of North Augusta Greenaway,Pedestrian,and Biel Master Plan
7.3.6 Require designated pedestrian facilities In activity centers between transit stops and dertinaHons
7.3.7 Encourage bicycle racks,lockers,and showers be provided In new development
7.41 Enhance local and regional bus service along important routes and corridors
7.4.2 Bus stops should be improved with shelters,lighting,trash receptacles,street furniture,and bike racks
7.4.3 Pedestrian connections between development and existing or planned bus stops should be included in every major site plan
7.5.1 Implement shared parking strategies and eliminate minimum parking requirements
7.5.2 On-street parking should be provided downtown and In other activity centers where possible
7.5.3 Encourage shared access between adjacent developments to reduce curb cuts in the streetsca e
Stow.irdship of Our
8.1.1 Mature public art Into neighborhoods,public open space,parks,the Greenaway,and downtown
8.1.2 Promote local artists
8.1.3 Require a public an element In all municipal projects
81.4 connect places of cultural significance to public open spaces through multi-modal and Greeneway facilities
8.1.5 Existing community events and programs should be supported and expanded when possible
8.2.11dentify historic resources Important to North Augusta's identity and ensure their protection with funding for maintenance
8.2.2 Work with the owners of Lookaway Hall and Rosemary Hall to ensure their preservation and maintenance
8.2.3 Protect the exerting structures and mins of Hamburg
8,2A Protect historic neighborhoods adjacent to downtown through the preservation of the street network,paving materials,and open space,as well as,
promoting context sensitive infill development and the preservatlon of existing housing
8.3.1 Maintain our Tree City USA designation
8.3.2 Create regulations to protect significant trees
8.3.3 Implement a City street trees program
8.4.1 Cooperate with other government entities in the management of water resources
8.4.2 Improve water quality and channel integrity of Impaired watershed basins
8,4.3 Acquire or otherwise Permanently protect environmentally sensitive areas
eill &4A Work with other local governments to ponect the New Savannah Bluff back&Dam
3 of
Robust Parks,Recreation&Greenway Network
9.1.1 Update the park master plan that determines the location of future open spaces based oo the planned future growth of North Augusta
9.1.2 Provide indoor facilities for so,lal programs and activities,recreation,and special events
9.1.3 Plan,develop,and operate diverse recreation activit es for citizens of all ages that are geographically distributed throughout North Augusta
9.1.0 Support community Bemoans,whenever possible
9.1.5 Work with Aiken County public schools to share playground and recreation space when not being used by the school System
9.1.6 Develop regulations requiring the provision of public open space in all new development
9.1.2 Increase public access to the Savannah giver
9.2.1 Expand the Greeneway system as identified in the CM of North Augusta Greenway,Pedestrian,and Blcyde Master Plan
9.2.2 Connect the Greeneway from the Savannah River to downtown
10.1.1 Study the reconfiguration of Georgia Avenue
10.1.2 Reunite the elements of the two historic parks along Georgia Avenue-Calhoun Park and Wade Hampton Veteran's Park
10.13 Create a fine-grained pedestrian and bicycle plan for the downtown area
10.1.4 Evaluate opportunities to widen the sidewalk zone on the east side of Georgia Avenue between Buena Vista Avenue and Spring Grove Avenue
10.2.1 Create a Downtown Master Plan
20.2.2 Enforce Existing Standards that Encourage Walkablliry and Vibrancy
10.3.1 Develop a shared parking strategy
10.3.2 Provide Incentives to renovate existing buildings In and around Downtown
10.3.3 Attract high u.lit,multi-family developers
10.3.4 Create a position and hire a new downtown development professional
10.3.5 Develop an inventory of available properties for sale and rent as well as available development sites
10.3.6 Engage an individual or group to create a local and regional marketing campaign for downtown Investment
10.3.7 Work with downtown property owners to assemble parcels
10.3.0 Encourage Infill development on vacant and underdeveloped lots
30.3.9 COntlnue im lemenbtipn of Pro'ed Jackson
11.1.1 Monitor the implementation of the plan annually
11.1.2 Update the plan every 5 years
11.1.3 Explore new institutional arrangements
11.1.4Develo anovenllfundin stmtl andseledionofrevenuesourcestoaddreSstheca italaod an osslbleoperating funding
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An Overview of
Planning in
South Carolina
City of North Augusta
January 27, 2020
Charlie Barrineau
I°► Field Services Manager
1111M1Y �'�x-A AIHUN 9i
11 laiFn
Field Services Managers
He who fails to plan
1 A good plan violently executed right now is far
i �l better than a perfect plan executed next week
I (George S. Patton)
"� person who never
rnatle a mistake never
tried anything new."" �"
-Alpert Einstein
mKey Players & Roles
mTools of Planning
nPublic Input
mCurrent Issues & Questions
What is Planning?
• Planning is setting a course of action for how a
community will grow and develop.
• Community's vision of the future
• Accounting for the past and present
• Tools to realize the vision:
Goals, Objectives, Policies, Actions
• South Carolina Local Government
Comprehensive Planning Enabling Act of 1994
Key Players
-The public
•City Council
•Planning Commission
•Board of Zoning Appeals
-Board of Architectural Review
•City Attorney
The Public
Boom --
City Council
• All forms — the legislative/policy
function resides with Council
• North Augusta — Mayor/Council (7)
Council appoints a City Administrator
to assist the Mayor with the day-to-
day operations of the City
City Council
• Roles and Responsibilities
• Elected to make decisions for community
• Final authority for all policy
•Adopts and amends plans and ordinances
•Hires planning staff and administrators
•Appoints Planning Commission, Board of
Zoning Appeals, and Board of
Architectural Review members
The Planning Commission
• Advisory body to Council
• Appointed by Council
• Rales and responsibilities
• Develops the Comprehensive Plan, Zoning
and Land Development Ordinances
• Provides recommendations on ordinance
amendments (text and map)
• Reviews subdivision plats
• Special studies at the request
The Planning Commission
• Membership—Sto 12 members (7 NA)
• Terms of office—staggered, established by
• No dual offices
• Simple majority of the members must be
present to have a quorum
• Adopt rules of order
• Organized to keep records of minutes,
hearings, resolutions
The Planning Commission
• Commission should be advocates of the
"general public interest'
• Must consider Council's goals
• Don't try to anticipate what Council wants
• Consider planning objectives and
community needs
• Consider precedence
• Think, what is the issue? Does the solution
relate to the issue?
The Planning Commission
• Communication between Council and
Commission needed for successful planning
• Joint workshops
• Reports at Council meetings
• Council member assigned to Planning
The Board of Zoning Appeals
• Quasi-Judicial and does not report to council
• Appointed by Council
• Roles and Responsibilities
• Review appeals of alleged administrative
• Review requests for variances for relief from
an unreasonable hardship
• Review uses by Special Exceptions, as
defined in local ordinances
The Board of Zoning Appeals
• Membership—3 to 9 members (NA 5 members)
• Term—3-5 years, staggered,established by Council
• No dual offices—May not hold another public office,
may not serve on the Planning Commission, may not
be employed by city
• Simple majority of the members must be present to
have a quorum
• Organized to keep records of minutes, hearings,
• Independent decision-making appointed by Council
An Overview of Planning in S.C.
Other Players
Planning Staff
• Roles and responsibilities
• Administers zoning and land development
ordinances adopted by Council
• Provides information to the public
• Serves as staff to
•Planning Commission,
•Board of Zoning Appeals
•Board of Architectural Review
City Attorney
• Roles and Responsibilities
• Advises local officials and committees on
`., legal matters related to their official roles
VW • Reviews ordinances and regulations to
ensure they conform with all state laws
and are legally adopted
• Involving your attorney is an important
part of avoiding legal mistakes in your work
A Note On Training
�. Training Requirement
•A 2003 amendment to the South Carolina
Local Government Planning Enabling Act
established mandatory training requirements
for all appointees and staff involved with local
planning and zoning.
-These individuals must complete an initial six-
hour orientation followed by least three hours
of continuing education training each year
thereafter to comply with state law.
Planning Tools
Planning Tools
• Comprehensive Plan (NA—August 2017)
• Zoning Ordinance (NA—January 2008)
• Development Regulations
-Subdivision Regulations
•Architectural Guidelines
•Landscaping Ordinances
Comprehensive Plan Elements
• Population • Housing
• Economic • Land Use
• Natural Resources • Transportation
• Cultural Resources • Priority Investment
• Community Facilities
The Comprehensive Plan Should
• The Comprehensive Plan should:
• Be developed to serve the community
• Useful and easy to understand
• Accurately reflect current conditions
• Identify strengths,weaknesses,
opportunities and threats
• Provide attainable goals and implementation
• Assign tasks to responsible parties with
time-frames for completion
Adopting Or Amending Comp Plan
• The Planning Commission adopts a resolution
recommending the plan or element to the governing
body for adoption.
• Planning Commission sends recommendation to the
local governing body being requested to adopt the
• The governing body must hold a public hearing with at
least 30 days notice in a general circulation newspaper.
t^ • The local governing body must adopt the plan or
1r element by ordinance through 2 readings by
Zoning Ordinance
• A zoning ordinance is adopted for the general
purposes of guiding development in accordance
with existing and future needs of the community.
• Traditionally segregated land uses in order to
separate incompatible land uses and to protect
property values.
• Current ordinances will often allow some mixing of
uses through overlay districts, mixed use zoning,
and planned unit developments.
• Guided by the Comprehensive Plan
Zoning Ordinance
• Developed by Planning Commission
• Adopted by Council
• Enforced by Zoning Administrator
• Appeals and Variances and uses by Special
Exception are addressed by Board of Zoning
Zoning Ordinance
Two Major Components
• Map—designates areas for types of land
use activities
• Text—addresses regulations and
development specifications
Zoning Ordinance
• Regulations can address:
• Uses by Districts
• Buffers
• Parking
• Landscape Requirements
• Design Standards, et al.
r..._ _
Zoning Ordinance
Adoption Process for Text Amendment:
• Public Hearing
• 15 day Notice prior to Public Hearing
• Adoption by Ordinance
Map Amendments additionally require:
• Posting property (visible from each street)
• Notify adjacent property owners.
Land Development Regulations
• Regulates the change in land characteristics
through the following:
• Redevelopment
• Construction
• Subdivision
• Apartment and condominium complexes
• Commercial and industrial parks
• Shopping centers or similar developments
Land Development Regulations
Ensures proper installation of infrastructure
addressing the following:
• Street Improvements/Names
• Water Systems
• Sewer Systems
• Erosion/Sedimentation
• Bonding Requirements
• Public Dedications
Mail _
Development Review Process
• Ordinance includes a specific procedure for submission
and approval or disapproval
• Approval Authority(Planning Commission or Designated
C staff)
• Time Limits(not to exceed 60 days)
• Appeal Procedure(to Planning Commission from Staff
• Notice to Developer of action(approve or disapprove)
• Surety for Construction of Required Improvements
• Appeal from Planning Commission Action to Circuit Court
Public Input
L �:
Public Hearings
• Public Notice:
• 15 days (Zoning, Variances and Appeals)
• 30 days (Comprehensive Plan,
Comprehensive Plan element, Land
Development Regulations)
Public Hearings
• Tips:
• Keep good minutes/ records
• FOIA notice and agenda requirements
• Sign-in sheets
• Consistent application of time-limits (per
speaker and/or total hearing)
• Rules of decorum
Effective Public Input
• Local newspaper advertisements
traditionally used
• Today many cities use other platforms:
• Website • Informal Roundtables
• Social Media • Press Release
• Community Meetings • Government N Channel
• Newsletters • Utility Billing Insert
Effective Public Input
• Providing opportunity for public comment
during regular meetings
• One speaker at a time
• Time limits(total hearing and per speaker)
• Keep discussion on track
• Limit number of times a person may speak
• Have speaker come to front and provide name
and address
Where It Gets Sticky
Where It Gets Sticky
• Ex parte communications; be transparent and
aware of the appearance of impartiality and
keeping your ability to vote objectively on an
agenda item
• Social media
• Council member appearances before planning
Where It Gets Sticky
"In order for government to properly function, each
unit must be permitted to perform its responsibilities
without interference from those positions of power
who could exert undue influence."
State Ethics Commission Complaint C2018-038
SC Code Section 8-13-740(A)5
"A public official, public member, or public employee
of a municipality may not knowingly represent a
person before any agency, unit, or subunit of that
municipality for which the public official, public
member, or public employee has official
responsibility except as required by law."
City of North Augusta
January 27, 2020
Charlie Barrineau
Field Services Manager
City of North Augusta North 'k
Request for Proposals Augus ta
`DRAFT* Development Code Rewrite
P&DRFP2020-001 Sol WI Cru'rflinu's Rii'riJiauf
The City of North Augusta is seeking proposals from qualified consultants (individual firms or
teams of consultants)to assist the City with a comprehensive update of the City's Unified
Development Ordinance("UDO").The City is interested in firms capable of providing
professional services including research, analysis, stakeholder engagement, drafting of UDO
text,graphics and final document preparation.
Proposals are due by 5:00 p.m. xx xx, 20xx
Project Goals, Background and Purpose
The North Augusta Development Code (NADC) was adopted in 2007 and implemented in 2008.
While there have been periodic updates and revisions,the City believes it is in the City's
interest to have a comprehensive review of the provisions and organization of the code to
reflect current best practices, provisions of the 2017 Comprehensive Plan,and current
development needs.
Generally,the consultant is expected to provide project management services that include the
preparation of a project management plan that contains: tasks,deliverables, schedule,
document review process, required resources,quality checks, reporting,and risk mitigation.
Ultimately,the goals of the project are to:
(list items from Jan. 27 meeting)
Page 2 of 7
Development Code Rewrite
P&D RFP 2020-001
The 2017 Comprehensive Plan lists the following Guiding Principles related to development
within the City of North Augusta:
1. Sustainable Economic Growth: North Augusta is committed to the recruitment and
retention of quality jobs, shopping, and local businesses to support sustainable growth for
current and future residents. Growth should be focused geographically in parts of North
Augusta that will reinforce this commitment and contribute to a more economically
vibrant and livable city.
2. Efficient, High Quality Services: We will continue to provide efficient,customer-oriented
government services to our citizens and a clear, consistent regulatory process that
encourages high quality investment, development and growth.
3. Stable, Diverse, &walkable Neighborhoods: North Augusta is made up of unique
neighborhoods, each contributing to the character of the town. Continuing to enhance
these neighborhoods with a more diverse mixture of housing types, pedestrian and
multimodal facilities,open spaces, and walkable mixed uses will strengthen North Augusta
as a choice for future residents.
4. Transportation that Facilitates Activity& Mobility: North Augusta has a wide range of
attractive qualities and characteristics, including a walkable downtown,the Savannah
River,the Greeneway system, parks, established neighborhoods, and redevelopment
opportunities. Connecting these with a robust network of pedestrian and biking
infrastructure will help to strengthen the livability and economic potential of North
S. Stewardship of our Cultural & Natural Resources: North Augusta was built on a strong
foundation of history.The Boeckh plat created a network of streets, home sites,
commercial areas, prominent landmarks, and public spaces, which enhance the area's
natural landscape and continue to serve the community today. We must not only preserve
our historic and natural elements and stories, but uncover and elevate them in the
6. Robust Parks. Recreation, &Greeneway Network: North Augusta is committed to
enhancing and increasing quality open space and recreation opportunities to its citizens.
We believe that parks and recreational facilities should be within walking distance (1/2
mile)of every resident.The Greeneway will continue to serve as the backbone for our
mobility network connecting our neighborhoods to our recreational amenities, the
riverfront, and the downtown.
7. A Vibrant Downtown& Riverfront: North Augusta's downtown is the heart of our
community. We endeavor to revitalize this area as a vibrant and thriving economic and
social center.We will accomplish this by focusing on creating great places for people.The
Savannah River is North Augusta's 'front door' and 'backyard.' We will continue to
embrace the riverfront for development and recreation,while enhancing and preserving
its natural character.
Page 3 of 7
Development Code Rewrite
P&D RFP 2020-001
The following Scope of Work is intended to guide preparation of the update to the NADC.The
City expects that the Final Scope of Work will reflect modifications made based upon staff
discussions with the consultant selected to prepare the UDO update.
Scope of Work
The following Scope of Work is intended to guide preparation of the update to the NADC.This
Scope of Work is intended to provide a general framework for the UDO update and may have
items added or removed as needed or recommended by the consultant.The City expects that
the Final Scope of Work will reflect modifications made based upon staff discussions with the
consultant selected to prepare the UDO update.This Scope of Work is intended to provide a
minimum framework for the project and may have items added or removed as needed or
recommended by the consultant.
A general list of items for consideration may include the following:
1. Background & Code Analysis Review
a. Provide an initial review of the Development Code and provide general feedback
and recommendations for further study.This review will focus on function, flow,
consistency, accuracy and compliance with state law.This review may be in
consultation with City staff.
b. Review the NADC in relation to the 2017 North Augusta Comprehensive Plan.
Identify strengths and weaknesses and potential areas for improvement or items
that can be achieved through Code revision.
c. Review other adopted plans within the City and other organizations and provide
recommendations to incorporate and/or align regulations with their policies and
procedures when appropriate.
d. Map the various processes of the Planning and Development Department and
develop recommendations to clarify,streamline,and provide certainty to the
development review process.This may include interdepartmental process and
policy review.
2. Public Participation Plan
a. With staff assistance, create lists of key stakeholders and prepare for public
outreach to discuss concerns with these stakeholders.
b. Coordination with any advisory or steering committees or work groups.
c. Public input and information sessions, including possible surveys and/or interviews
for specific stakeholder groups.The proposal should identify key stages for steering
committee input, public engagement/input and feedback from relevant Advisory
Boards and City Council.
Page 4 of 7
Development Code Rewrite
P&D RFP 2020-001
3. Revision Review and Implementation
a. Prepare a discussion draft ordinance and any associated maps for review of City
staff and the public.
b. Revise drafts based upon input received from public participation and City staff.
c. Prepare a draft code and map and an executive summary for use during public
hearing process.
4. Final Products
a. After adoption,the consultant shall provide a final copy of the adopted code and
map in hard copy,and in an electronic format suitable for future amendment, use
in Municode, and GIS.
The City anticipates the following timetable for completion of the NADC update,with key dates
noted below. A final schedule will be adopted as part of the contract between the City and
consultant chosen to prepare the plan.
RFP Issued February, 2020
RFP Responses Due March, 2020
Firms Short-Listed March, 2020
Interviews March/April,2020
Contract to City Council May, 2020
Project Initiation June 2020
Project Completion/Adoption June 2021
Page 5 of 7
Development Code Rewrite
P&D RFP 2020-001
Proposal Content
The submitted proposal must address all elements of scope of work and should include (at a
minimum)the following elements:
1. Introductory Letter: Please include a cover letter summarizing your firm's background,
resources, relevant experience and cost estimate for the total project. Also include the
name, address, phone number, and e-mail address of the firm and the primary personnel
to be involved in the execution of the scope of services.
2. Qualifications: Each submittal shall include a detailed statement of qualifications that is
concise, well-organized and demonstrates the proposer's qualifications and experience
applicable to the project.This shall include a brief description of similar experience for
the firm(s) and an explanation of how the specific staff members proposed for this
project assisted with prior projects. Contact information for each referenced job must be
3. Descriptions of Firm, Management, and Team Members: Include descriptions of your
organization and team.This should identify the project manager and the day-to-day
contact person for the job. Please also include a resume for each key team member.The
resumes should clearly demonstrate each individual's qualifications and professional
experience with municipal transportation planning projects.
4. Description of Subcontractors: Identify any portion of the scope of work that will be
subcontracted. Include firm qualifications and key personnel,telephone number,and
contact person.
5. Experience with Similar Projects: Include a brief description of at least three (3)previous
projects performed by the firm that were similar in scope and complexity to this project.
The information should include a description of the firm's or individual's contributions to
the project and an opportunity to view the completed plan.At least one of the projects
submitted shall be the most recently completed project by the firm.
6. References: For each project noted above, include a contact name,address, current
telephone number and e-mail address for the City's use in verifying the firm's past
7. Project Approach:The proposal should include a description of how the Consultant will
approach individual and collective tasks necessary to address the proposed Scope of
Work.This description is to include delineation of specific tasks to be undertaken in each
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Development Code Rewrite
P&D RFP 2020-001
project activity and a project schedule showing start and completion dates for all major
8. Consultant's Expectations of the City:A brief description of the services and tasks the
Consultant would expect the City to provide.
9. Project Schedule: Provide an explanation of how your firm would meet the project
schedule and deliverables.
30. Cost estimates for the proposal as written, any additional services recommended, or
other price-based information as needed to evaluate the value represented to the City.
11. Past Litigation: Include a statement noting any litigation in which the firm or any of its
primary personnel have been a party during the past five years.
12. Contract Terminations: List any contracts of this firm that have been terminated for
cause during the past five years.
13. Copyright Release:Those firms responding to this RFP shall supply a copyright release to
permit the City to make copies of any submitted copyrighted materials.
If any of the above requirements are not met,the responder's proposal may not be considered.
Consultant Evaluation and Selection
The selection of the successful consultant will be made based upon the qualifications,
experience and ability of the firm as detailed in the proposals submitted.All criteria are
weighted equally with a maximum of 10 points awarded per criteria.The following criteria will
be used in evaluating Consultant's proposals and contract award:
• Experience: Experience and skills in preparation similar plans based upon a list of related
projects and submitted work samples.
• Overall Proposal:Thoroughness of the proposal, experienced team, and thoughtfulness
of submittal
• Quality of Proposed Approach: Innovative and comprehensive strategy demonstrated
• Related Projects:Similarity to North Augusta in size, type, land uses, key issues
• Availability of Key Personnel: Evidence of appropriate personnel available in the outlined
• Capacity of the Consulting Team: Appropriately planned allocation of personnel and
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Development Code Rewrite
P&D RFP 2020-001
• Clarity of Role and Level of Involvement of Local Staff:Ability to independently function
with minimal staff involvement and illustrated expectations of North Augusta staff.
• Responsiveness: Submittals should respond to all requirements included in the RFP.
Proposals will be reviewed by a selection committee.The preferred team(s) may be
chosen for interviews on site.
The City reserves the right to seek clarification of any submitted proposal, reject any and all
proposals received as a result of this solicitation,to negotiate with any qualified source,to
waive any formality and any technicalities or to cancel in part or in its entirety this RFP if it is in
the best interests of the City.
Ccock: rctarm is not r. onc, si,(, fit.sall This Guide will help you get started with an incremental
process that is unique for each place and condition, yet built on a foundation of shared principles.
Know who you are. Use the correct tool.
• What is the staff capacity to administer,or the political will • Don't expect zoning changes to fulfill every community
to enforce proposed code changes? aspiration or solve every community problem.
• Does the local market support the changes?
Change can be difficult.
Know where you are.
• Make sure the key players understand why code reform is
• Customize decisions about height and mapping for the being undertaken,
local context. • Recognize that"business as usual"will produce the usual
• Pay attention to the local market—how much retail space results.
or downtown housing can the community support? • Let go of regulations that are no longer relevant.These
may include legacy standards that were put in place
to micromanage a specific use or to address a specific
Keep it simple. problem that no longer exists.
• Dont regulate things that are addressed by other health Don't bite off more than you can chew.
and safety codes.
• Don't try to anticipate every possible situation.
• Dont attempt to predict future market demands. • Focus on key areas—this Guide will not address your
entire city or village.
• There are many other important issues that are not
Focus on the basics. covered here,but may be important for you to consider
now or in the future.
• Get quality buildings in the right places to define the
public realm—the uses can and will change over time.
• Locate parking on the street or behind the buildings.
• Design for people;accommodate cars.
OIf you're reading this Guide,you've likely recognized the need for zoning code reform in your community.
But making that change happen requires support from a variety of stakeholders and decision-makers.
How can you build the support you need?
The following tasks need not be thought of as sequential, and • Supporting the success of TIF districts and other
may apply in total or only in par[,when applied to your local types of focus or redevelopment areas:This code
community. reform approach encourages investment in focus or
redevelopment areas by upholding best economic
Task A: Identify the needs and how code development design practices and simplifying
reform can hep development regulations.
The code reform provided in this Guide is designed to enable • Increasing opportunity for individuals and the
communities to thrive.Ifyou think yourcommunity cando more community as a whole:'Ihis code reform approach
to be attractive,livable,walkable,and vibrant for all ages,begin enables more land use flexibility while meeting
with identifying specific community goals that are not currently larger community goals,such as livable,age-friendly
being met by your existing regulations and use that as a starting communities,increased housing choices,and placemaking.
point for the conversation.Assistance in identifying community
goals can be found through the MEDC Redevelopment Task C: Identify and address possible points of
Communities program at https://www.miplace.org, and from resistance
AARP Livable Communities program at https://www.aarp.org/
livable-communities/. The key to addressing resistance is understanding and directly
Cspeaking to local concerns associated with making changes
Task B: Link the code reform potential to to the the zoning ordinance. Some of the common fears you'll
stakeholders' interests likely encounter include:
You know your community best.Determine what might interest • High costs and capacity limitations:This Guide provides
key decision makers in making necessary changes in your codes. a menu of specific strategies to meet your needs,which
For example,your local and elected officials might be concerned can be incorporated in less time and at a lower cost than
with: full overhaul of your zoning ordinance.
• Avoiding the"plans that sit on the shelf'syndrome • Increased vulnerability to legal threats:This code
Your municipality may have invested a great deal of time reform approach has been created and vetted by experts.
and money in creating a plan or set of plans that have Moreover the proposed zoning strategies of code reform
not advanced past adoption.Since zoning serves as the are tried and true models that have been successfully
regulatory tool to bring these plans to life,aligning your tested in other places.
ordinance with your vision increases the likelihood of
making plans a reality. • Public support:This code reform approach is easier for
the public to understand,since it reduces complexity and
• Ensuring that collaborative efforts,such as corridor better supports community goals by being easy to tailor to
plans and area-wide redevelopment efforts,are local wants and needs.This approach also typically gives
worthwhile and effective:Working from a consistent code property owners more flexibility in using their property,
reform approach,such as that found in this Guide,creates allowing for more access to wealth generation and quality
consistency,which helps attract desired development, of life opportunities.
coordinated character,and ease of use for all stakeholders
Gy V. Gail Easley,race
Where, when, and how does a local government start to update its zoning code?
The purpose of this issue of Zpomg Acerb.is the idea that the zoning code is headed for the
to provide a practical how-to guide to overhaul recytling bin and should be completely replaced
ing the metng rude. First Draft I with a new code.Through diagnosis,you may
L. ___._� team that some pans are very workaEle if they
- . are adjusted m meet modem development
La rd development regulations are as impar - -- needs.More hkery,you will find the expected
tart as mmprem"we planning-sometimes Stan Review outcome is somewhere between minor lune up
even mare impel an 1.Both.however,are as -_- --- ' and complete replacement.The steps outlined
serfial to effective local l growth manage mens. below include a diagnostic to help you refine
A rompimmesive plan alone cannot ensure hop Draft your burial idea. he.,.tame and focusyo,,
that a community will realise its vision For efforts on achieving the end product That your
decades,new and creative ways to regulate local gaverenrem mends.
O dewdoDnenl and implement The comprehen --
sive plan have been introduced.Despite this Public Workshop)
Ire,d,lM1e zoning code remains the corner
stone of may local government Wntl develop - Most planners are very familiar with a lradi
moot regulations.Smart codes.form based � Hearin Draft vonal plami ing process-called and analyze
codes.pedon once srndards.and even the 9 Information.identify and evaluate aIle-a
familiar planned unit development are same _ _ lives.select an alternative.assemble a plan,
examples of best practices in land develop adopt and implement the play.This is lot
moot regulation. I Public Hearings lowed by an evaluation of the effectiveness
Al the same Incur,many local govern _. . rf the plan and an up date -starting the tyle
-cuts have zona,codes that are yeas.even - over again.Overhauling The zoning code
decades,and.These older zoning codes.fine ,s similar,with a significant exception.The
murrain none of the come-porary reg,.Wtory Adoptio� zontcg code la Bed to the Plan also primary
tecN,ipaes.Officials and I...I citizens often - r means of impomentalion.Fu inner.the goal
want to keep the familiar zun ing code.Yet is to overhaul a code lhal already exists.
In"also wart a more modern and etfectwe meaning that you are mol starling with a blank
setof regulalim .To achieve this fund,plan
rens must prauice overhauling the Taring
mite. ftiitfluf
engtan,a s agricultural interests
u`mos;effeutam processes begin with Ore s.oweirm. public schori colleges,and m,iverities
end in mina.in order,to identify the desired erd builders and cur various environmental interests
product,begir with A diagnosis.The project architects ciwc groups
may begin with the idea that only a few minor lard use and zor ing attorneys home owners associations
changes-a l.ne up will improve the zorirg own ers and dewloper
of im, odals
cod .gh e.Throdiagnosis.youay mlearn that the large-scale projects �ci[izeboards
problems are too great for lust a lune up.Or major b.siresses and v d,RttieS ladl govern mer t suit
Othe other hand.yo.may start the pmjeel with
a,Offmclove Jecoull If7do 111 Practice.Carl 1.11,ishil be available to do,ove, plan nick and growth management based in Crystal fill,I.
Causloons about this uFfirce,Go 10 the APA vocalic.*I thavexplavenear.al,and Florae.1, o years of ,Of...I...I practical she M,written
follow the link,to Me ask me Author section.Fro.fince,hill submit coc a,, award ITT ar hI an,and Tend dd�Nopcdpnnt code'.card
tonc ebout net octice,using me e mail link The aimme doll repy,and Zoning an adjunct In sidirpor at the Uriverary of I ti diversity
Practice ierl post the answers empulaffneit,an Me webskela,file bereffi Ofall of S appid fluridd.and Fdrida Store Uniscrotli, old I,d work
uturcip,niedlice,, Afp,11rhd0vddi,c.d0'd...d.H,,prison, in be I'll.Sh,he,ortil-I ppwu,,,bucks ind curn,i all,1,,
saved ch an hoYal,archim available hopoWer rheAcial Zoning Procere rrboaq�, up a"'firl,at radium ta,p"
slate to envision the future and craft a plan to
achieve that future.The process to overhaul
the zoning code is alloy to the process of
evaluating the plan in oder to update it.With
this in mind,what are the steps to follow in the setback Droble ,has resulted from to l not to jump to a conclusion about the
ave shading the can ing code? zoning code that has subu Than sta,dad s, nature of the problem when the respondent
s. Diagnose the problem. which are inappropriate for l reditamel urban begins to answer.As different stakeholders
z. Identify potential solutions. settings. respond from their own perspectives,you will
a. Develop a detailed working outline. It is very imp.lam during these inter develop a are completeundroaeding of
views to tislen.lister carefully,and listen the problems to be solved.Even if the issues
A. Wr11e,review,and rewrite. complelet, We all have a ramral tendency to sem similar.the nature of the Emblem may
5. Keep thick of"leravers' vary from on a neighborhood to another.
r. Test the revised code against the diagnosis. ���rw,��a,� IdeMi/ypoteTdialsalotiuns.first,do rot
O ?. Adopt. ED assume that another version of what you are
S. Review to r unexpected"glitches"and Develop a simple tracking system to Mani already doing will solve the problems,the
make bbastmenls. for the ls,.auime,hhed daring the din range of choices is limited only be yo,,willing
grin ness to be creative.While Voir jurisdiction may
Diagmy the sthe takeholder,
(be vmlh all, p.,,Ige alongwish the solutions youpra not want to be,first to try a new approach,there
ring.monthly the stakeholders.IDrougb cote Dse.It is open the case that not all issues
on one or small group interviews,ask these can be addressed durirg a rewrite of your development
air opmencome ways endto chieveguotldesigctho
questions: z.mrg code.flow=ver.Yo..car provide develapmem that Vau tan often finddmelhad
What are the best features of the zoning assurance that iss..es will dlimmely he that will work or can be modified to meet yo-n
code?It is int po NceI to bold on to what works. addressed by tracing the issues and ma It areds.In this step You are eon yet rewriting the
ing sure that l„Icre walk programs middle code.but are identifying the areas that last
What specific pointed Sierra esuret apro- be revised,replaced,or simply eliminated.Yo..
ressmposlbeouldedt Besure mask why, gemmids add
ddressihe iss.to .Iwtheproh are also identifying the methods or approaches
It izimportantmurderstand me realproblem nems and address the lss;.es.9akehnlders you will use to improve the zoning code.
leading to a ca 11 for change.Ask for expo mples. will benefit by knfwlrg their issues were While you may be templed to create new
and Dmbe for explanations of the problemmadared and wry a change In the ion roping district s to meet specific siWalior s,
11 1,best 1.handle this pa d of the di ing chile is nor proposed.OReiasimpse ronsiJer olherapproaches as well:
agr costs in face to face meetings rat her t ha n matrix.11 work to .Mple and monitor
progress orJssues. Create an overlay depict depict when is mblem is
with question ria ices.Marry respondents will limited to a partir ular neighborhood.
answer these questions broadly when the
actual issue is very narrowfor example,v.a explain or defend The code and its standards Create different types of planned develop
might hers r"setbacks are just not realistic and and procedu res.Yo.m..sl avoid th is in oder mem districts,tailored to meet specific needs,
should be changed"probing questions may to rete lye honest a M!.set,Icolo nnaloc, If Adopt standards for Infill situations rather
revea l a clear problem-setbacks fim infill in the responders s krawthey are heir a heard. fila,a pew zon ing dradi-1
order.pow,neighborhoods are nor related to they will be more likely to panne,with you hn Adopt compatibility standa dk
the(reporter of The area,the problem is not findmgsolutions,emi ifapmproblemenol Adapt standards for specific uses[bat aid
all setbacks or ewe a 11 front yard setbacks. concerted em,te,as they en visionedply nu matte,what zap ing district is Involved.
It is for bed 10 a paint Ourneighborhood. ResEM,.swlll overlap.%s is where f xamples of spetific uses that may result in
'hough caafu l diagnosis.Yo a will find l hat cmnpletr listening hecomes crucial Be care- impacts that are rot well addressed by the
axszrncrnavw:.sssatuama a,,",