ORD 2020-02 Adopted O O ORDINANCE NO. 2020-02 TO AMEND THE ZONING MAP OF THE CITY OF NORTH AUGUSTA SOUTH CAROLINA BY REZONING±2.43 ACRES OF LAND OWNED BY CITY OF NORTH AUGUSTA,AND LOCATED EAST OF MARTINTOWN ROAD WEST OF CLAY STREET, SOUTH OF HAMPTON STREET AND NORTH OF OBSERVATORY AVENUE,AIKEN COUNTY TAX PARCEL#007-07-07-003 FROM R-14, LARGE LOT, SINGLE-FAMILY RESIDENTIAL TO P, PUBLIC USE. WHEREAS, on December 17,2007, by Ordinance 2007-22,the North Augusta City Council adopted the North Augusta Development Code and a citywide Zoning Map which is consistent with the City's North Augusta 2017 Comprehensive Plan; and WHEREAS, pursuant to Section 5.3, North Augusta Development Code, the North Augusta Planning Commission may recommend amendments to the Zoning Map, provided such amendments are consistent with the City's North Augusta 2017 Comprehensive Plan; and WHEREAS,the North Augusta Planning Commission, following an December 19, 2019, public hearing, reviewed and considered a request by the City of North Augusta, to amend the Official Zoning Map of North Augusta from Large Lot, Single-Family Residential (R-14)to Public Use(P). The Planning Commission report has been provided to City Council. NOW THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF NORTH AUGUSTA, SOUTH CAROLINA, IN MEETING DULY ASSEMBLED AND BY THE AUTHORITY THEREOF, THAT: I. A parcel consisting of±2.43 acres owned by the City of North Augusta, located East of Martintown Road, West of Clay Street, South of Hampton Street and North of Observatory Avenue is hereby rezoned from R-14, Large Lot, Single- Family Residential to P, Public Use. Said property is Aiken County tax map parcel # 007-07-07-003 and specifically identified on Exhibit "A" attached hereto. IL The Official Zoning Map for the City of North Augusta is hereby amended to reflect this rezoning. III. All ordinances or parts of Ordinances in conflict herewith are, to the extent of such conflict, hereby repealed. IV. This Ordinance shall become effective immediately upon its adoption on third and final reading. 0 O ORDINANCE TO AMEND ZONING MAP 311 W. Martintown Rd. Page 2 DONE, RATIFIED AND ADOPTED BY THE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL O T CITY OF NORTH AUGUSTA, SOUTH CAROLINA, ON THIS,jvd DAY OF� 2020. First Reading 114-ATaA'7 r 77 Robert A. Pettit, Mayor Second Readin� Third and Final Reading �o ATTEST: �p Sharon Lamar, City Clerk ATTACHMENT #13 J Department of Planning and Development Memorandum # 19-048 City of North Augusla To: Rachelle Moody, Interim City Administrator From: Libby Hodges, Planning and Development Director Subject: RZM39-004,311 W. Martintown Rd. Date: December 27, 2019 The Planning and Development Department is forwarding this recommendation for your review and to request consideration by the City Council at the next available meeting. Planning Commission Recommendation On December 19, 2019,after a duly advertised and convened public hearing,the Planning Commission considered a request by the City of North Augusta to rezone±2,43 acres of land (parcels 007-07-07-D03;formerly 007-07-07-003,007-07-07-001,and 007-07-01-002)at 311 W. Martintown Rd.,from R-14, Large Lot,Single-family Residential,to P, Public Use. The Planning Commission,on a vote of 5-2,voted to recommend approval to City Council to rezone the property as proposed. Attached is the Staff Report associated with the request along with a draft ordinance. 0 Department of Planning North Augusta`' and Development Ludt Carolinals Rioedront Project Staff Report RZM19-004311 W. Martintown Rd. Prepared by: Libby Hodges Meeting Date: December 19, 2019 SECTION 1: PROJECT SUMMARY Project Name 311 W. Martintown Rd. Rezoning Applicant City of North Augusta Address/Location 311 W. Martintown Rd. Parcel Numbers 007-07-07-003 (formerly 007-07-07-003, 007-07-07-001, and 007-07-03-002) Total Development Size t 2.43 acres Existing Zoning R-14, Large Lot,Single-Family Residential Overlay NP, Neighborhood Preservation Traffic Impact Tier Tier 1 Proposed Use Fire station Proposed Zoning P, Public Use Future Land Use Low Density Residential SECTION 2: PLANNING COMMISSION CONSIDERATION This application is being forwarded to the Planning Commission according to the following sections of the North Augusta Development Code: Rezoning—Any property owner,city board, commission, department orthe City Council may apply for a change in zoning district boundaries (rezoning), excluding applications for conditional use districts as set forth in §5.4. An amendment to the Official Zoning Map may be initiated by filing an application that conforms to Appendix B, Application Documents, with the Department.The application shall be signed and filed by the owner or, with the owners specific written consent, a contract purchaser or owner's agent of property included within the boundaries of a proposed rezoning. Before any application is accepted by the Department, it is recommended that the applicant meet with a representative of the Department.The purpose of the pre-application meeting is to discuss the procedures and requirements for a rezoning request. During the conference,the Department will identify the submittal requirements. 1 c o Proiect Staff Report RZM19-004311 W. Martintown Rd. Prepared by:Libby Hodges Meeting Date: December 19,2019 5.3.5 Decision The Director shall transmit the application to the Planning Commission for consideration at the next regularly scheduled monthly meeting following receipt of a complete application, provided that the complete application is submitted at least thirty(30)calendar days prior to said meeting. Notice of the public hearing shall be provided as set forth in §5.1.3. The Planning Commission shall approve or deny the zoning amendment in accordance with the procedures for a legislative hearing as set forth in § Due to the request for rezoning to P,Public Use,the following criteria for rezoning are required: 3.6.4 P, Public Use District Standards and Review Criteria Review Criteria for Rezoning—In reviewing an application for a proposed P, Public Use District,the Planning Commission and City Council shall consider the following: a. Inter-jurisdictional Analysis—A review to determine the extent to which an interjurisdictional approach may be appropriate,including consideration of possible alternative sites for the facility in other jurisdictions and an analysis of the extent to which the proposed facility is of a citywide,countywide, regional or state-wide nature, and whether uniformity among jurisdictions should be considered. b. Financial Analysis—A review to determine if a negative financial impact upon the City of North Augusta can be reduced or avoided by intergovernmental agreement. c.Special Purpose Districts—When the public facility is being proposed by a special purpose district including a school district,the city should consider the facility in the context of the district's overall plan and the extent to which the plan and facility are consistent with the Comprehensive Plan. d. Measures to Facilitate Siting—The factors that make a particular facility difficult to site should be considered when a facility is proposed, and measures should be taken to facilitate siting of the facility in light of those factors including, but not limited to: 1.The availability of land; 2.Access to the transportation network; 3. Compatibility with neighboring uses; and 4.The impact on the physical environment. Page 2 of 11 C5 O Proiect Staff Report RZM19-004 311 W. Martintown Rd. Prepared by:Libby Hodges Meeting Date:December 19,2019 Planning Commission Action Requested: The Planning Commission shall provide a recommendation to the City Council according to NADC§ Planning Commission's recommendation will then be forwarded to the City Council for their consideration. SECTION 3: PUBLIC NOTICE Per NADC Table 5-1, a notice of the rezoning request and scheduled date of the Planning Commission public hearing was mailed to property owners within 1000 feet of the subject property on December 2, 2019. The notice radius was increased at the request of City Council. The property was posted with the required public notice on December 4, 2019. A public notice of the rezoning request and scheduled date of the Planning Commission public hearing was published in The North Augusta Star and on the City's website at www.northaugusta.net on December 4, 2019. SECTION 4: SITE HISTORY The subject properties are currently vacant. The plat shows a right-of-way for Atlantis Avenue (Tract B)that was formally abandoned in 2017 (Ord. 2017-13).The house shown on the plat has since burned and been demolished. The properties have been zoned R-14, Large Lot,Single-Family Residential since the adoption of the 2008 North Augusta Development Code (NADC). Prior to the NADC, the properties were zoned R-1, Low Density Single-Family Residential. The property is within the NP, Neighborhood Preservation Overlay. Page 3 of 11 0 Project Staff Report RZM19-004 311 W. Martintown Rd. Prepared by:Libby Hodges Meeting Date:December 19,2019 SECTION 5: EXISTING SITE CONDITIONS Existing Land Use Future Land Use Zoning Subject Parcel Vacant Low Density R-14, Large Lot,Single- Residential Family Residential North Residential Low Density R-14, Large Lot,Single- Residential Family Residential South Residential Low Density R-14, Large Lot,Single- Residential Family Residential East Residential Low Density R-14, Large Lot, Single- Residential Family Residential West Church/Residential Mixed Use R-14, Large Lot, Single- Family Residential Access—The subject parcel has access from W. Martintown Rd., Observatory Ave., and Clay St., if improved. Topography — The subject parcel is relatively flat, with the lowest elevations towards the Northeast. Utilities — Water and sanitary sewer are available. Final capacity analysis will be provided by Engineering and Utilities prior to final permitting. Floodplain—The subject property does not appear to have any federally designated floodplains or wetlands. Drainage Basin —This site is located within the Pretty Run Basin as designated on the City of North Augusta Stormwater Management Drainage Basin Map. The Pretty Run Basin is located within a highly dense residential area, where the stream channel is not effective at transporting stormwater during heavy storm events. The Stormwater Management Department's baseline assessment reports an overall poor quality. A monitoring and assessment plan for Pretty Run Creek was implemented in 2015 to aid in determining where BMPs can be installed to remove pollutants. Page 4 of 11 a o Project Staff Report RZM 19-004311 W. Martintown Rd. Prepared by:Libby Hodges Meeting Date: December 19,2019 SECTION 6: STAFF EVALUATION AND ANALYSIS Staff provides the following information for context related to the Commission's deliberation. Descriptions and commentary added by staff will be italicized. The Public Use District is described as the following in Article 3 of the North Augusta Development Code: 3.6.4 P, Public Use District Purpose — The purpose of this district is to provide suitable locations for land and structures in the city of North Augusta used exclusively by the city of North Augusta, Aiken County, the State of South Carolina, the United States, or other governmental jurisdictions and their instrumentalities; and as such shall be used in accordance with such regulations as may be prescribed by the government or instrumentality thereof using the property. This district is also applicable to land owned by public utilities and public service providers of water, sewer, electricity, natural gas,telephone,cable and internet and improved or utilized for the delivery of the public service(power generating or transforming stations,transmission and distribution lines and facilities, switching stations, etc.). Property owned by public utilities and utilized primarily for office, customer service or retail sales is not appropriate for the Public Use district. If Public Use zoned property is sold to a private individual or individuals, such property shall be rezoned to a classification that is compatible with the surrounding area. (Rev. 12-1-08; Ord. 2008-18) Applicability—A P, Public Use District, designation may be applied to a use located on property used or reserved for a civic or public institutional purpose or for a major public facility, regardless of ownership of the land on which the use is located. A P, Public Use District designation may not be applied to government-owned property that is leased to a nongovernmental agency for a use other than a governmental service or for a use that supports a primary civic or public institutional use. Permitted Uses—The uses listed in Table 3-7 are permitted in the P, Public Use District, subject to the issuance of a conditional use permit as required by Article 5,Approval Procedures. Public lands that are reserved or designated for environmental protection, open space or other natural state should be zoned in the CR, Critical Areas District, rather than the P, Public Use District. Procedures—A site plan is required for uses permitted in the P, Public Use District,to the extent required by law. The site plan may be submitted concurrent with an application for rezoning. However,the Planning Commission and City council may attach additional conditions to the approval of the district subject to a development agreement. In lieu of the application submittal requirements specified in Article 5,Approval Procedures,the applicant for rezoning to a P,Public Use District,shall address each of the review criteria of this section in their application materials. Page 5 of 11 0 Proiect Staff Report RZM19-004311 W.Martintown Rd. Prepared by:Libby Hodges Meeting Date:December 19,2019 Standards and Review Criteria Review Criteria for Rezoning — In reviewing an application for a proposed P, Public Use District,the Planning Commission and City Council shall consider the following: a. Inter-jurisdictional Analysis—A review to determine the extent to which an interjurisdictional approach may be appropriate, including consideration of possible alternative sites for the facility in other jurisdictions and an analysis of the extent to which the proposed facility is of a citywide, countywide, regional or state-wide nature,and whether uniformity among jurisdictions should be considered. No other jurisdiction is able to provide the required fire coverage within the City of North Augusta. The location of the station within the limits of the City of North Augusta is necessary to provide the required coverage within the city. Recent development has required additional equipment and facilities that are not currently available in the City. The relocation of North Augusta Fire Station#1 is intended to provide coverage throughout the entire city that is not available through current public safety stations. This station will be the closest to the City's downtown core, and will provide primary coverage to recent development along the riverfront as well as existing large commercial developments in the central area of North Augusta. b. Financial Analysis—A review to determine if a negative financial impact upon the City of North Augusta can be reduced or avoided by intergovernmental agreement. There is not another partner agency that will reduce the need for this facility. c. Special Purpose Districts—When the public facility is being proposed by a special purpose district including a school district, the city should consider the facility in the context of the district's overall plan and the extent to which the plan and facility are consistent with the Comprehensive Plan. The parcel is not located within any special purpose district or any special district plans that would be affected by a public facility. There are two portions of the 1017 North Augusta Comprehensive Plan that have been reviewed for this report: The Future Land Use Map and the written goals and objectives. Page 6 of 11 O O Project Staff Report RZM19-004311 W.Martintown Rd. Prepared by:Libby Hodges Meeting Date:December 19,2019 The 1017 Comprehensive Plan Future Land Use Map classifies the subject property as Low Density Residential. However, it should be noted that the Future Land Use Plan does not appear to designate any additional land in the P, Public Use District anywhere on the map. Failure to designate tracts of land with this designation appears to be on oversight however, the need to rezone any property to "P"would not necessarily have been anticipated at the time the map was made. Given that the map does not designate additional land for institutional uses, the Comprehensive Plan does seem to anticipate the possibility of locating public facilities in residential districts. Chapter 11, Implementation Strategies, Future Land Use Categories(p.189) states in the description of Institutional, Government and Public Facilities that some facilities "... may be developed in some residential, most commercial and mixed use districts including planned developments and traditional neighborhood developments." Additionally, Chapter 11 contains the City of North Augusta Sales [Tax] Prioritization Project List(p.184). This list places replacement of Headquarters Fire Station/Station 1 as third in priority behind only the completion of Station 3 (now complete) and purchase of a new fire pumper(now purchased). This project itself is grouped under the "Efficient, High Quality City Services," or Core Principle 2. Provision of public safety services is one of the primary responsibilities of any municipality. This is also supported by Goal 5.1.1, which prioritizes infill development to complement the need for compact growth within the City's existing limits. d. Measures to Facilitate Siting—The factors that make a particular facility difficult to site should be considered when a facility is proposed,and measures should be taken to facilitate siting of the facility in light of those factors including, but not limited to: 1.The availability of land; P, Public Use,zoning is intended to provide suitable locations for land and structures in the City used exclusively by governmental jurisdictions. Fire, sheriff, and emergency services uses are allowed in the P, Public Use District. The City states that 10 parcels have been reviewed and this one meets the criteria of location, accessibility to major arterials, size and proximity to the coverage area needed. The City and Public Safety have determined that this parcel meets those criteria. Page 7 of 11 a o Proiect Staff Report RZM19-004 311 W. Marti ntown Rd. Prepared by:Libby Hodges Meeting Date: December 19,2019 Due to the execution of the other core principles and key initiatives within the Comprehensive Plan as explained in item c, above, the City has determined that this property is a viable and preferred option for development as a Fire Station. 2.Access to the transportation network; The proposal should have limited effects on the existing road network.Any negative effects will be mitigated prior to construction. The property has direct access to Martintown Rd., a minor arterial road, which is a major thoroughfare centrally located to Georgia Avenue, downtown, and the major commercial corridors in the City. Planning& Development did not require a Traffic Analysis at this time due to the expected number of calls estimated(-100 per year, 0.27 per day)and the level of staff(1-2 per day)on site will be less than the requirement far a Traffic Impact Analysis as outlined in NADC§14.5. Safety reviews of traffic and any signalization that may be needed will be coordinated with SCDOT at the time of construction. This is similar to requirements for any other developer. 3. Compatibility with neighboring uses;and While the surrounding properties are zoned R-14, there are veryfew available i properties within North Augusta that will not have some impact on residential properties. This area includes a mix of residential and commercial uses at differing intensities and densities. Martintown Road is recognized as a mix of residential and commercial uses and { previous plans recognize that most of the main arterial corridors in North Augusta are converting from residential to commercial uses. Within 1000 feet the notification zone used for this project, there is a church, 14 professional service businesses, a shopping and retail center, restaurants,senior housing, apartments and single family residential homes. 4.The impact on the physical environment. The site was previously developed and the impact will be minimal. Any development will be required to meet all state standards for runoff capture and treatment. Page 8 of 11 o Project Staff Report RZM19-004311 W. Martintown Rd. Prepared by:Libby Hodges Meeting Date:December 19,2019 The following development standards and uses are permitted in the P, Public Use,district. § Development Standards — Uses within the P, Public Use District, are not subject to the dimensional standards of§3.5. However,such uses are subject to the landscaping standards of Article 10,and the parking standards of Article 12. (Rev. 7/15/19, Ord. 19-06) TABLE 3.7 USES PERMITTED IN THE P, PUBLIC USE DISTRICT A B C D LBCS Function LBCS Permitted Uses Code Structure NAICS Code Code 1. Fire, sheriff, and emergency services 6400-6430 4500-4530 922120 2. Government offices or other governmental civic uses or facilities such 6200-6221 92 as courts and city halls 3. Libraries 4242 4300 519120 4. Museums, galleries 712110 5. Maintenance of government buildings and grounds, including equipment 2450 561210 storage 6. Open space, park or active recreational 5500 712190 uses operated on a non-commercial basis 7. Post office 6310 491 8. Recreation centers 5380 3200 713940 9. Schools, academic, continuance, alternative, adult, colleges and 6124-6140 4220 6113 universities, and technical, trade, and otherspecialty schools 10. 2211 Public utility storage and service yards 2450 2212 2213 11. Sewage treatment plant, pump stations, 4340 6300-6314 22132 or lift stations 6350-6356 12. Solid waste collection centers, solid 562111 waste transfer stations, recyclable 4343 562119 materials, yard waste and similar Items Page 9 of 11 0 Project Staff Report RZM19-004311 W.Martintown Rd. Prepared by:Libby Hodges Meeting Date: December 19,2019 A B C D LBCS Function LBCS Permitted Uses Code Structure NAICS Code Code 13. Water supply facilities including pump stations, dams, levees, culverts,water 6200-6290 221310 tanks, wells, treatment plants, reservoirs, and other irrigation facilities 14. Service providers of water, sewer, electricity, natural gas,telephone, cable and internet and improved or utilized for 221 the delivery of the public service(power 4300 6000 517 generating or transforming stations, transmission and distribution lines and facilities, switching stations, etc. SECTION 7: RECOMMENDATION Staff is not required to make a recommendation to the Planning Commission.The Department has determined the application is complete. The Planning Commission may recommend approval or denial of this request according to NADC 4 5.1.3. Page 10 of 11 Q O Project Staff Report RZM19-004 311W. Martintown Rd. Prepared by:Libby Hodges Meeting Date:December 19,2019 SECTION 8: ATTACHMENTS 1. Aerial 2. Topography 3. Current Zoning 4. Future Land Use 5. Overlay District Map 6. Public Hearing Notice 7. Site Photos 8. Plat 9. Application Documents cc Rachelle Moody, rmoody@northaugusta.net Page 11 of 11 w r K jl nit •ra F . 928 P �p 4rN 2 Subject Parcel m N d 00 P� O m � ER a � i a A Topography Map North Application RZM19-004 fAUgIISITPN 007-07-07-003 South Carolina's Rluerjroni (formerly 007-07-07-003, F,a 007-07-07-001, and 007-07-01-002) Date: 12/11/2019 w R-7 K U o CR w P PD SIDEREAL O� e ° 4ti U R-0 0 O Subject Parcel R-14 PJ BJP 0e� R-14 T BUTLER �P O� U� SUMMIT HAMPTON z pOF R-10 a Rs U 1 U ARLINGTON °C °sti Current Zoning Map North Application RZM19-004 w�E fAUguslil � TPN 007-07-07-003 south caronna�svm ,o, -,,I (formerly 007-07-07-003, 007-07-07-001 , and 007-07-01-002) Date: 12/11/2019 ��Ile s Gk <Rrs y y``iy °Fy y eR�DGs ie Institutional, RFw rtiT� o Government, w. and Public Facilities u Transportation, Communication, and Utilities SIDEREAL e o � 4� t5 P O z O Subject Parcel ?y O �JP1 s 00y0 Low Density Residential O�Z BUTLER r N Parks, Recreation, Open Space, SUMMIT HAMPTON and Conservation Sq i Low Density Residential 0w AOR C 0 0 U ZP ey ARLINGTON r Rs High Density. Ory Residential Future Land Use Map Application RZM19-004 �E At North UStd *� TPN 007-07-07-003 tion d/1 LrVnitrh Lti l'u'rrlinnl (formerly 007-07-07-003, moo." 007-07-07-001 , and 007-07-01-002) Date. 12/11/2019 _ e 22 , � \ . n � . . • - - . � ° , � > § } ■//� _. « .§ IM � \ � ge \ M � C North AIIgLISti'I't� „ , ' " k South Carolina's Muerfr+ ntt (:ity of North Augusta December 2, 2019 RE: Proposed rezoning of±2.43 acres of land located at 311 W. Martintown Rd.,Aiken County Tax Parcel Number 007-07-07-003 (formerly 007-07-07-003, 007-07-07-001,and 007- 07-01-002)from R-14, Large Lot,Single-Family Residential to P, Public Use. Please note: Your property is not included in the rezoning application. You are receiving this notice only because you own property within the notification area of the proposed project. Dear North Augusta Property Owner: The City of North Augusta has made a request to rezone±2.43 acres of land located at 311 W. Martintown Rd., Aiken County Tax Parcel Number 007-07-07-003 (formerly 007-07-07-003, 007- 07-07-001,and 007-07-01-002)from R-14, Large Lot, Single-Family Residential to P,Public Use. The North Augusta Planning Commission will hold a public hearing to collect public input and to consider the rezoning application on Thursday, December 19, 2019. Following the public hearing, the Planning Commission will prepare a recommendation for City Council consideration and action. The Planning Commission public hearing will begin at 7:00 p.m. in the City Council Chambers on the third floor of the North Augusta Municipal Center, 100 Georgia Avenue.You are encouraged to attend and participate in this public hearing. A map of the project area is enclosed, along with a copy of the public hearing notice that will be published in The Star on December 4, 2019. If you have any questions about this application or need additional information, please contact the Department of Planning and Development at 803-441-4221. Sincerely, Libby Hodges,Al P Director of Planning and Development City of North Augusta, South Carolina Planning Commission PUBLIC HEARING NOTICE The North Augusta Planning Commission will hold a public hearing at its regular monthly meeting beginning at 7:00 PM on December 19, 2019, in the Council Chambers, North Augusta Municipal Center, 100 Georgia Avenue, North Augusta, South Carolina,to receive public input on the following applications: RZM79-004—A request by the City of North Augusta to rezone ±2.43 acres, Tax Parcel Numbers 007-07-07-001, 007-07-01-002, and 007-07-07.003 located at 311 W. Martintown Rd.from R-14, Large Lot, Single-Family Residential to P, Public Use. RZT19-006-A request by the City of North Augusta to amend North Augusta Development Code Article 3, Zoning Districts, and other articles as needed to remove references to signs from the text. Documents related to the applications will be available for public inspection after December 12, 2019 in the Department of Planning and Development on the second Floor of the North Augusta Municipal Center, 100 Georgia Avenue, North Augusta, South Carolina, 803-441-4221. Citizens and property owners interested in expressing a view on the request are encouraged to attend. - CITIZEN ASSISTANCE: - - - '.. Individuals needing special assistance or a sign interpreter to participate in the meeting are asked to please notify the Department of Planning and Development at 803-441-4221 at least 48 hours prior to the meeting. J w o, " td tae c� W 1 P� R-14,Larg@ Lot, Single-Fam46 Residential Proposed Zoning' Subject,Parcel / P, Public Use 1� pJP �y¢ Former Property Lines for TPNs �Z 007-07-07-003, 007-07-07-001, and 007-07-01-002 1\��O 1 Proposed Zoning Map w{�E NOlth ^� Application RZM19-004 Y Augusta, 311 W. Martintown Rd. o ss U noF.e SotahCaronrwsRiuerfrom TPN 007-07-07-003 _- Date: 12/3/2019 Approximately 2.4 acres C O 1000 k Notification Area 105 'IieS w ,xe 31l /[' ] 1 IoT ee � vl uw 1,=,�' � 61.1•:1 "m S° I 1011"419 C T 4 Rf "6 fY1U1 14. SU 1� _ ' ' � 1110 ' 1lCe ri10aJ ji I,, �A ] `a �} oe 1 + 1 9 u uo 1ao uoo i M� 321 u n x°1 161 �f/MI`J fII5 8 n +T.1•. 1,303 1 Jam'•' / 1 ,6 I 1101 7 Q1, 3 PI •. 1 4 1109.. 11 110 10 ,31 1+7 _ 111 nu na txoe n�• nl 1 1+13 v 11 IIS 1tu. if]0 a 10 a IJe )z1b 11aa 14,\ 1 ,1n W`a� 1M n♦ _ 1108 ©1 3°9 11@ 1015 1016 +l " 19L 11p 1018 % OZ] Iii. 113) ✓+l4 . 1111\ �m L 104 rt t fNIL''J1°M 1 _ ton 0.15 • a6 tl4, /." 1111,\ II rlLl_1n091 tom ,on•0,^ 1oE1 °j `\.•Itz1. \u 1a99 om ,9 u / 12 1 '9w ®e r—� Ia9] l0 9 fo nlrup"T11 in 112 _JI IaOx Ill x lz] , t0 IUI I�09 n�I uoo u1v �"1 u i 4 � r � / .yr adM W4— Top: West Martintown Road looking East towards property Bottom: View of property Corner from Observatory Ave looking North r . �'� meq•� �'�/ � ; sA L ` t i1 / I Top:View of former driveway off Observatory Ave Bottom:View of property from the West t Additional view of property from West Martintown Road Li 1-1-H& 0 Application for Development Approval AUg�ah, � Please type or print all information South Carolina's Riverfront Staff Use Application Number R7.at11-0011 Date Recehned li Review Fee N/A Date Paid N/R 1. Project Name 311 W - PAAl Tl" Tori a RD. Project Address/Location 311 Iv 1AAWTWTONN RD Total Project Acreage Current Zoning Tax Parcel Number(s) o07 • o'7- o"1. 003 ao7 . 07 . 07- o01 1 00-• 0-1 . 01 . 002 2. AppiieantlOwner Name civY eF N. ANBUCT?, Applicant Phone Mailing Address too G@O¢Gth J%4 - City K• PALtaUSTA ST Sc- Zip " 941 Email r-mooaly tri, nor "i qu 4, ✓�et 3. Is there a Designated Agent for this project? _ Yes No If Yes, attach a notarized Designation of Agent form. (required if Applicant is not property owner) 4. Engineer/Architect/Surveyor N/p License No. Firm Name Firm Phone Firm Mailing Address City ST Zip Email Signature Date 5. Is there any recorded restricted covenant or other private agreement that is contrary to, conflicts with or prohibits the use or activity on the property that is the subject of the application? (Check one.) yes ✓ no 6. In accordance with Section of the North Augusta Development Code, I hereby request the City of North Augusta review the attached project plans. The documents required by the City of North Augusta, as outlined in Appendix B of the North Augusta Development Code, are attached for the City's review for completeness. The applicant acknowledges that all required documents must be correct and com to to 'nidate the compliance review process. T. n Lica' d ' al na ed gent Signature Date Print Applicant or Agent Na 12013