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ORD 2020-04 Adopted
0 0 ORDINANCE NO. 2020-04 AN ORDINANCE TO CHANGE THE CORPORATE LIMITS OF THE CITY OF NORTH AUGUSTA BY ANNEXING 148+/-ACRES OF PROPERTY LOCATED PRIMARILY IN EDGEFIELD COUNTY, SOUTH CAROLINA WITH A SMALL PORTION BEING IN AIKEN COUNTY SOUTH CAROLINA. SUCH PROPERTY GENERALLY KNOWN AS THE NORTH AUGUSTA COUNTRY CLUB PROPERTY. WHEREAS, Section 5-3-100 of the Code of Laws of the State of South Carolina provides that; "if the territory proposed to be annexed belongs entirely to the municipality seeking its annexation and is adjacent thereto, the territory may be annexed by resolution of the governing body of the municipality. When the territory proposed to be annexed to the municipality belongs entirely to the County in which the municipality is located and is adjacent thereto, it may be annexed by resolution of the governing body of the municipality and the governing body of the County. Upon adoption of the resolution required by this Section and the passage of an Ordinance to that effect by the municipality,the annexation is complete."; and, WHEREAS, the Mayor and City Council for the City of North Augusta, by adoption of Resolution No. 2020-02 dated January 6, 2020 have petitioned that this property be annexed; and, WHEREAS, the zoning classification recommended for the property proposed for annexation has been reviewed for consistency with the future land use classification of the properties as specified in the land use element of the North Augusta 2017 comprehensive plans; NOW,THEREFORE,BE IT ORDAINED by the Mayor and City Council of e City of North Augusta, South Carolina, in meeting duly assembled and by the authority thereof,that: I. The following described properties shall be annexed into the City of North Augusta: The property to be annexed is also shown on a map identified as "Exhibit A" titled map of property sought to be annexed by the City of North Augusta dated January 2, 2020 and prepared by the City of North Augusta. Being the same piece parcel and tract of land conveyed by DWT Properties, LLC to the City of North Augusta by deed dated the 291h day of October, 2019 and recorded in the Office of the Clerk of Court for Edgefield County, South Carolina in Record Book 1765 at Pages 241-245 and the Office of the RMC for Aiken County, South © O Carolina in Record Book 4812 at Pages 2047-2051. The said property is known pursuant to the tax parcel numbers for Edgefield County Assessor's Office as a portion of 106-00-00-075 and 105-00-04-001, and the Office of the RMC for Aiken County as Tax Parcel No: 004-18-02-01. Il. This property is intended for use by the City as recreational property and the zoning classification recommended for said property has been reviewed by the Planning Commission for consistency with the future land use classification of the property as specified in the North Augusta 2017 Comprehensive Plans; Therefore, the property shall be zoned "P", public use on a map identified as "Exhibit B" Plat prepared by the City of North Augusta dated January 2, 2020. Such zoning classification was approved by the Planning Commission at its meeting held on November 21, 2019. III. Ordinances and conflict herein are to the extent of such conflict hereby repealed. IV.This Ordinance shall become effective immediately upon its adoption on the third and final reading. DONE, RATIFIED AND ADOPTED BY THE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF NORTH AUGUSTA,SOUTH CAROLINA,ON THIS JDAY OF� 2020. First Reading: I. 6• ;to2o /`��b�✓" Second Reading: 1• • a OBD ROBERT A.PETTIT,MAYOR Third Reading: !7! ATTEST: �p Of AA'YtOifi SHARON LAMAR,CITY CLERK and 106-00-00-075 P, Public Use BTA OWN ZIM OF aim ♦♦,♦��♦ti � •'avia- a te =� ������1���1��r���� oR AM- C4- Lamar, Sharon From: Kelly Zier <Kzier@zierlawfirm.com> Sent: Tuesday,January 07,2020 5:33 PM To: Hodges, Libby; Moody, Rachelle; Lamar,Sharon Subject: RE: NA Country Club Annexation Actually: 004-18-02-013 From: Kelly Zier Sent:Tuesday,January 7, 2020 5:26 PM To: Hodges, Libby<LHodges@northaugusta.net>; Moody, Rachelle<RMoody@northaugusta.net>; Lamar,Sharon <SLama r@no rthaugusta.net> Subject:RE: NA Country Club Annexation Also need to include small parcel in Aiken County. TPN 04-18-02-013 From:Hodges, Libby Imailto,LHodges@northaugusta.netl Sent:Tuesday,January 7, 2020 4:41 PM To: Moody, Rachelle<RMoodv@northaugusta.net>; Lamar,Sharon<SLamar@northaugusta.net>; Kelly Zier <Kzier@zierlawfirm.com> Subject:FW: NA Country Club Annexation Please see below. From:Baker, Kuleigh Sent:Tuesday,January 07,2020 4:38 PM To: Hodges,Libby<LHodges@northaugusta.net> Subject: RE: NA Country Club Annexation Maybe 31d time is a charm. On City GIS and Edgefield County GIS... Small parcel on corner of Country Club Hills Dr and Selisa Or is TPN 105-00-04-001 Larger Parcel is 106-00-00-075 Those two TPNs are on the maps now but should be clarified in the ordinance.The ordinance does not have the same TPN numbers as current GIS. Weigh Baker Planner ' Planning and Development City of North Augusta 100 Georgia Avenue P.O. Box 6400 North Augusta, SC 29841 Phone: (803)441-0224 kbakerGD northauausta.net 1 and from this address are the property of the City of North Augusta, SC and subject to public release pursuant to the South Carolina Freedom of Information Act. 3