120919 Sp Called Council Mtg Mins Adopted North Aug usta� South Carolina's Riuerfront MINUTES OF DECEMBER 9. 2019 Robert A. Pettit, Mayor J Robert Brooks, Councilmember Pat C. Carpenter, Councilmember Fletcher L. Dickert, Councilmember David W. McGhee, Councilmember Eric H Presnell, Councilmember Kevin W Toole, Councilmember ORDER OF BUSINESS C 9e The Special Called meeting of December,2019,having been duly publicized,was called to order by Mayor Pettit at 7:00 p.m. in the Council Chambers on the third floor of the Municipal Center and adjourned at 7:10 p.m. Per Section 30-4-80(e) notice of the meetings by email was sent out to the current maintained "Agenda Mailout" list consisting of news media outlets and individuals or companies requesting notification. Notice of the meetings was also posted on the outside doors of the Municipal Center, the main bulletin board of the Municipal Center located on the first floor, and the City of North Augusta website. Mayor Pettit rendered the invocation and led in the Pledge of Allegiance. Members present were Mayor Pettit and Councilmembers Brooks, Carpenter,McGhee, Presnell and Toole. Councilmember Dickert was absent. Also in attendance were Rachelle Moody, Interim City Administrator; Kelly F. Zier, City Attorney;Cammie T.Hayes,Director of Finance;Richard L.Meyer,Director of Parks Recreation, &Tourism;John C. Thomas, Director of Public Safety;and Sharon Lamar, City Clerk. Mayor Pettit reminded those in attendance that citizens who wished to comment about the agenda item should raise their hand to be recognized. Speaker forms were provided for those who wish Ic their participation to be included in the minutes. ITEM 1. PARKS RECREATION AND TOURISM: Resolution No. 2019-42—A Resolution Committing the City of North Augusta to Provide Funding for a Show Fountain for the Riverside Village Amphitheater. The Funds Provided by this Resolution are Contingent on the City Receiving a South Carolina Parks,Recreation, and Tourism Undiscovered SC Grant. On the motion of Counciknember Presnell, second of Councilmember McGhee, Council agreed to consider a resolution to commit the City of North Augusta to provide finding for a show fountain for the Riverside Village Amphitheater. The funds that would have been provided by the resolution were contingent on the City receiving a South Carolina Parks,Recreation, and Tourism Undiscovered SC Grant. There were no comments from citizens. The resolution failed with a 6-0 vote. The tent of the proposed resolution is as follows: RESOLUTION NO. 2019-42 A RESOLUTION COMMITTING THE CITY OF NORTH AUGUSTA TO PROVIDE FUNDING FOR A SHOW FOUNTAIN FOR THE RIVERSIDE VILLAGE AMPHITHEATER. THE FUNDS PROVIDED BY THIS RESOLUTION ARE CONTINGENT ON THE CITY RECEIVING A SOUTH CAROLINA PARKS RECREATION AND TOURISM UNDISCOVERED SC GRANT C BE IT RESOLVED by the Mayor and City Council of the City of North Augusta, South Carolina in meeting duly assembled on this 9th day of December 2019,that the City Council hereby commits to provide funding up to $175,000 for the Riverside Village Amphitheater show fountain to support the City of North Augusta application for a$175,000 Undiscovered SC Grant. These grant and City of North Augusta funds will be used for the purchase and installation of a show fountain at the new Riverside Village Amphitheater. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Council will follow its procurement policy adopted in accordance with SC Code of Laws Section 11-35-50 when securing all services and products purchased with funds awarded from an Undiscovered SC Grant. This resolution is made in regard to the submission of an application for South Carolina Parks, Recreation,&Tourism Undiscovered SC Grant funds on or before December 11, 2019. 1. The Parks,Recreation,and Tourism Department is authorized to apply for a $175,000 South Carolina Parks,Recreation,&Tourism Department Undiscovered SC Grant to be used by the City for funding of a show fountain at the Riverside Village Amphitheater. R.D. Brown: 2 Fountain M$44,4700The Fountain People: Fountain E99Packs e^, The Fountain Peo le: Fountain In830C RD.Brown: Foundation93Contin enc : 08Total: 000 C, 2. The Interim City Administrator is authorized to execute any documents necessary to apply for said grant. 3. The City commits to fund the project at the cost figure of$450,000.00 as outlined above in the event that the City is awarded the grant. 4. The City already has $100,000 funding for the construction of non-performing fountains in the Riverside Village Amphitheater funding in Resolution 2019- 41. 5. The funding for the balance of the project will not exceed$175,000. DONE, RATIFIED AND ADOPTED BY THE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF NORTH AUGUSTA, SOUTH CAROLINA, ON THIS DAY OF , 2019. John Thomas, Director of Public Safety, updated Council on the status of Public Safety Station 1. He reported that Rachelle Moody, Interim City Administrator, will submit an application to the Planning Commission on December 19, 2019 to rezone the property on Martintown Road. Public Notices have been mailed to residences within 1000 feet of the property. Public meetings will be Cscheduled soon for citizen input. The meeting adjourned at 7:10 p.m. Council retumed to the Council Conference Room to continue in Executive Session. APPROVED THIS DAY OF Respectfully submitted, DECEMBER,2019. yt� Sharon Lamar � l Mayo. ettit City Clerk O