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120919 Sp Called Study Session Mins Adopted
North Aug usta7/ 'X� South Carolina's Riuerfront MINUTES OF DECEMBER 9. 2019 Robert A. Pettit, Mayor J Robert Brooks, Councilmember Pat C. Carpenter, Councilmember Fletcher L. Dickert, Councilmember David W McGhee, Councilmember Eric M Presnell, Councilmember Kevin W Toole, Councilmember ORDER OF BUSINESS �. STUDY SESSION The study session for the Special Called City Council meeting of the City of North Augusta of December 9,2019, having been duly publicized,was called to order by Mayor Pettit at 6:03 p.m. in the Council Conference room on the third floor of the Municipal Center. Per Section 304-50(e) notice of the meetings by email was sent out to the current maintained "Agenda Mailout" list consisting of news media outlets and individuals or companies requesting notification. Notice of the meetings was also posted on the outside doors of the Municipal Center, the main bulletin board of the Municipal Center located on the fust floor, and the City of North Augusta website. Members present were Mayor Pettit, Councilmembers Brooks, Carpenter, McGhee, Presnell, and Toole. Councilmember Dickert was absent. Also in attendance were Rachelle Moody, Interim City Administrator; Kelly F. Zier, City Attorney; Richard E. Meyer, Director of Parks, Recreation, and Tourism, Cammie T. Hayes, Director of Finance and General Services;John C. Thomas,Director of Public Safety; and Sharon Lamar, City Clerk. The members of the public and the media were also in attendance. C ITEM 1. CITY COUNCIL AGENDA: Items on the December 9.2019 Council AEenda-Council Discussion Minutes of Study Session of December 9,2019 Interim City Administrator, Rachelle Moody, led Council's discussion of the item on the December 9,2019 meeting agenda. Council discussed the resolution to commit the City of North Augusta to provide funding for a show fountain for the Riverside Village Amphitheater. See ATTACHMENT#1 for additional information provided to Council by Rick Meyer,Director of Parks, Recreation, and Tourism. ITEM 2. LEGAL: Executive Session—Request of the Mayor At 6:31 p.m. on the motion of Mayor Pettit, second of Councihnember Brooks, Council voted to enter into Executive Session for the purposes stated below: In compliance with Section 30-4-70(a)(2)the Mayor requested an executive session for the purpose of: (2)Discussion of negotiations incident to proposed contractual arrangements and proposed sale or purchase ofproperty, the receipt of legal advice where the legal advice relates to a pending, threatened, or potential claim or other matters covered by the attorney-client privilege, settlement of legal claims, or the position of the public agency in other adversary situations involving the assertion against the agency of a claim. A. Discussion is related to ongoing litigation: Holcomb vs City of North Augusta C Civil Action File No: 18-CP-02-02705 -Aiken County Court of Common Pleas B. Discussion is related to annexation near the former North Augusta Country Club property C. Discussion is related to the Public Safety Headquarters property At 6:55 p.m. Councilmember Presnell motioned, second of Councilmember Toole,to recess the Executive Session to move to Council Chambers for the Special Called Council Meeting. Following the Special Called Council meeting at 7:15 p.m., Council returned to the Executive Session in the Council Conference Room. The meeting was adjourned at 7:51 p.m. Council did not take any action on matters discussed in Executive Session. APPROVED THIS 16th DAY OF Respectfully submitted, DECE 0 9. yol- .J Sharon Lamar Robert A. Pettit,Mayor City Clerk C ATTACHMENT#1 Lamar, Sharon -rom: Meyer, Rick Sent: Monday, December 09,2019 11:03 AM To: Lamar,Sharon; Hayes, Cammie Subject: FW: Riverside Village Amphitheater Fountain Info Attachments: NAugustaAmp FtnEquip Quote 10-18-19.pdf; North Augusta Fountain Install - Pfists.doc; 12-04-19_FINA1--W0RKING_1704SCD-Copy-C1.3 -GRADING& DEVELOPMENT(3).pdf; 12-13-19 TEMP_FINAL W0RKING_17045CD-Copy-C1.3- GRADING &DEVELOPMENT....pdf From:Meyer, Rick Sent:Friday, December 06, 2019 7:00 PM To:Pettit,Robert<RPettit@northaugusta.net>;4mcghee@comcast.net; 'orangepaw73@yahoo.com' <orangepaw73@yahoo.com>; Fletcher Dickert(fletcher@allenbatchelor.com)<fletcher@allenbatchelor.com>; Pat Carpenter<pcarpenter06@yahoo.com>; 'erichpresnell@yahoo.com'<erichpresnell@yahoo.com>;'Kevin Toole' <ktoo Jena cc@gma iLco m> Cc:Moody, Rachelle<RMoody@northaugusta.net> Subject: Riverside Village Amphitheater Fountain Info I wanted to give each of you as much information as possible in regards to the Riverside Village Amphitheater Show �- Fountain before the meeting on Monday evening to help with the decision making process.The link below is the video 4 of what the show fountain would look like.You will also find 5 additional songs that show examples of what the fountain can do when programmed to music. https://www.dropbox com/sh/hd9i8mw6zflvsk/AAD4koMFiKaOvemAiRwk3cdQa?d1=0 The first attachment is the fountain equipment quote,the second attachment is the fountain installation quote.See the resolution in your agenda packet for the complete fountain budget of$450,000. To summarize the information I provided on the Undiscovered SC grant, the grant is to assist approved applicants in the creation or expansion of viable tourism products which will add value to their communities and bring visitors to "Undiscovered"South Carolina.There are 8 applicants for this year's grant funds that total approximately$550,000. Not all applicants will be funded.Very competitive grant but our project has been identified as unique and different from the other applicants.Our strength is in being a border town between South Carolina and Georgia.Applicants will be notified with 60 working days,should be around the first week in March,2020.Without the grant or potential sponsor,we would not be presenting this fountain for consideration. The third attachment shows you potential locations for a$100,000 fountain,see the 2 circles in the middle.See the picture in this email for what a$100,000 fountain might look like.The last attachment shows you a look at redesign of the hardscape area where we use turf and some concrete in case you wanted to come back in the future and add the show fountains. j Picture of what a$100,000 fountain might look like. SL 1 I hope this information is helpful and will be glad to answer any questions that you might have before Monday night. I will be in Charlotte on Saturday for the ACC Championship game so you might have to wait until late Sunday or Monday morning before I can reply.The Riverside Village Amphitheater will be a great venue for the City of North Augusta no matter what you decide,Thanks! Rick Meyer Director,Parks,Recreation, &Tourism North Augusta Parks,Recreation&Tourism PO Box 6400 North Augusta, SC 29861-6400 Office: 803.441.4301 CFax: 803.441.4319 rmeveramorthau ustamet www.northaugusta.net NORTH AUGUSTA.SC "4')N PARKS,RECREATION & TOURISM 2 e -0 1 f_,cnt-,;, pe:opie Fountain Equipment Proposal October 18, 2019 North Augusta Amphitheater — North Augusta, SC Proposal# P21632 To: City of North Augusta,SC Phone: (803)441-4301 E-Mail: rmevertanorthaueusta.net Pages: 7 Attention: Rick Myer Below, please find your proposal for the supply of the Fountain Equipment Package on the above referenced project. This proposal is based upon our discussion for the show fountain along with the basin sizes/shapes provided to Fountain People.A description of the water feature and items included in this proposal are listed below. Additionally, an animation has been created by Fountain People to help show the fountain display along with a programmed show.The animation can be found in the following Dropbox link: httos://www.dropbox.com/sh/hd9i8mw6zflvsk/AAD4koM FiKaOvemAiRwk3cdOa?dl=0 Fountain Narrative The North Augusta Amphitheater show fountain consists of two basins,each measuring approximately 20'x 26'and C separated by approximately 33' as the stage structure will be located between the basins during events. The purpose of the water feature is to provide a 'show' display that will attract visitors with its programmed 'dancing' display of fountain jets during daytime and nighttime operation. Each basin includes (12) vertical shooting jet cluster nozzles that create a column of water to operate at a 7.5' maximum spray height.Located at each of the(12)jet cluster nozzles is a HydroValve that can instantaneously turn on/off so that sequenced patterns such as chasing, alternating, etc. can be created. A ring style LED light fixture with RGBW (colored & white) diodes is also located at each jet to provide even illumination and add additional interest during evening and nighttime operation. Located near the center of each fountain is a REVO nozzle and a Transformer nozzle.These are specialty displayjets that create a custom display.The REVO nozzle creates a twirling spray effect that can slowly rise/fall as required by the program. The Transformer nozzle is operated by two submersible pumps and creates an upside down cone displaythat can'transform'into a vertical jet of water.These two specialty nozzles are located close to each other to give the appearance that as one fades away,the other rises from the water surface in the same area. Four LED lights in each basin illuminate these displayjets. The fountain will be pre-programmed with three'shows.An animation for each show will be provided for review by client before fountain start-up so that input/adjustments can be made prior to a final site visit by a Fountain People representative(s). The show fountain will have the capability to be choreographed to music. The choreography/programming to music is not included into the base proposal but can be purchased when/if desired in the amount of$1,600.00 per song. The pump&filtration equipment for the water feature is pre-assembled into an underground equipment vault that is to be located in a landscape area approximately 30'away from the edge of the closest basin.The equipment vault is equipped with a landscape hatch and contains a display pump assembly with discharge strainer for the(24)jet cluster nozzles, a display pump assembly for the (2) REVO nozzles, a filter pump assembly, sand filter, water fill manifold, sump pump,vent fan, ladder, light, and main disconnect switches for each pump.A chemical feeder to provide water sanitization will be located in a valve box next to the equipment vault.The main fountain electrical -Wil: P.0 Box 807 San Marcos Tx 76667 1 512.392.1155 .Jountainpeople.com I w .waterodyssey.conn control panel with touchscreen,breakers,water level controls,etc.will be located near the top of the amphitheater in an equipment space. Also located in this space will be the LEO lighting control panel, variable frequency drives for the display pumps, and a wind control panel. An anemometer located at site will measure wind speed and reduce the spray heights of the fountain jets during unfavorable wind conditions to reduce splash/mist outside of the basins. North Augusta Fountain Equipment Package $182,110.00+freight Add for Music Choreography, per song $ 1,600.00 Freight $3,500.00 North Augusta Amphitheater Fountain Equipment List Item# qty Model# Description 1 24 JC-100 Jet Cluster Nozzle, produces a cluster of solid streams that create the effect of a more massive column of water.The jet is constructed of a cast bronze coupling with integral waterstop,1"FNPT connection with(9)machined orifice jets. 2 24 HV-100-8 HydroValve with Mounting Base, a fast acting, electronically operated directional water changing valve assembly used in choreographed show fountains or interactive style water features.The body is constructed of ABS plastic and type 316 stainless steel and includes 30'of SJTOW(18/3)cable. 1"inlet connection. 3 24 FWS-100 Waterstop Fitting,cast bronze coupling with integral waterstop flange,bonding lug and 1"female threaded connections. 4 24 BBV-100 Throttling Ball Valve,brass construction with stainless steel handle,1"connections. 5 2 REVO-3000 REVO Nozzle,a revolving spray effect with machined stainless steel nozzle machined with(3).25"orifcejets to create a triple spin display affect. 6 2 FWS-150 Waterstop Fitting,cast bronze couplingwith integral waterstop flange,bonding lug and 2"female threaded connections. 7 2 TFMR-150 TransformerJet,a specialty nozzle that generates varying spray patterns from a water bell(upside down cone)to a single vertical stream.Stainless steel construction with(2) pressure connections, and mounting flange. Transformer jet requires (2) DMX- compatible submersible pump assemblies to provide full display affect capabilities. 8 4 57650-VI50 Van.naut 150 Submersible Pump, stainless steel intake screen and non-corrosive plastic body,24VDC,RDM-DMX compatible,ip68 rated,20 It power cord, and 3 It BUS cable with DMX box. Included with pump is connecting cable as required per project design. 9 4 FAS-08 Anti-Vortex Plate & Sump, heavy-duty abs sump body with 2" threaded side connection. Includes an 8" diameter anti-vortex/diverter plate of cast bronze with integral legs and stainless steel fasteners. 10 2 R-83-4 Anti-Vortex Plate & Sump, heavy-duty frp construction with black gel coat interior finish, integral waterstop, and 4" sealed PVC pipe connection. Includes a 13"square anti-vortex/diverter plate of cast bronze with integral stand-offs and stainless steel fasteners. 11 2 FWS-600-P Waterstop Fitting, schedule 80 PVC pipe with welded PVC waterstop flange, 6" slip connections. O lifilli. Say Water i Lgnt P.0 Box 807 San Marcos TX 78667 1 512.392.1155 w .fountainpeople.com I www.waterodyssey.crom 12 2 FAP-882U Diverter Plate Fitting with PVC waterstop, 3" diameter schedule 80 PVC pipe with O waterstop flange,grounding screw,and 8"x 8"x 2"height stainless steel diverter plate with natural finish. 13 2 FFD-300 Floor Drain with Plug, cast bronze with integral waterstop flange, grounding screw, threaded bronze plug,and 3"female threaded connection. 14 1 FWD-200B Wall Mounted Overflow Fitting, cast bronze housing with integral waterstop, grounding screw,and 2"connection 15 1 CWL-002WD Wall Mounted Overflow and Sensor Housing, cast bronze housing with Y:" threaded conduit connection and 3"FPT drain connection.Includes adjustable internal overflow standpipe,1-1-1/2"sensor adjustability range,and cast bronze face plate. 16 4 FSK-150J Front Access Skimmer, heavy duty ABS construction, floating weir with removable trash basket,cast bronze faceplate with natural finish. 1-1/2"NPT connection. 174 R85B Adjustable Eyeball Inlet Fitting, constructed of machined cast bronze and brass with bonding screw,5/8"orifice eyeball,and 1-1/2"(F)N.P.T.connection. 18 8 FXPRO-FS-32 LED Underwater Light Fixture with on-board DMX driver,RGBW diodes,UL listed,type 316L stainless steel construction,6"diameter,adjustable stainless steel yoke assembly, tempered glass lens,and 19 feet of 18/5 cable.24VDC,32 Watts. 19 24 FXPRO-RING LED Underwater Ring Style Light Fixture with on-board DMX driver,RGBW diodes, UL listed,type 316L stainless steel construction,7.125"diameter,connection adapter with 1-1/2" bottom connection x 1" top connection, tempered glass lens, and 19 feet of 18/5 cable.24VDC,40 Watts. 20 14 188-4 Junction Box,conduit or flush mount, UL listed, underwater cast bronze junction box with internal grounding lug, neoprene gasket, 1" power connection, and four(4)side connections for lights. L 21 14 FWS-100 Waterstop Fitting,cast bronze coupling with integral waterstop flange,bonding lug and 1"female threaded connections. 22 20 RPC 4441 Potting compound for use in underwater junction boxes, 12 oz. package, meets NEC article 680 as an approved potting compound. 23 1 WFC-920 Chemical Feeder Treatment Valve Box Assembly with lockable lid, V-5" x 2'-0"valve box with lid, erosion style chemical feeder, and (2) 1-1/2" PVC isolation valve assemblies. 24 1 DBVG-500-100- Direct Burial Vault, heavy duty FRP enclosure measuring 9'-7"x 7'-9"x 8'11" deep, P21632 that is structurally engineered and certified for in-ground installation. Furnished with 36" x 36" lockable landscape access hatch. The vault includes (1) SHP JC fountain display pump with large volume integral basket strainer and Discharge Strainer with fine stainless steel screen/mesh to reduce clogging at nozzles,(1) 1HP REVO fountain display pump with large volume integral basket strainer, (1) 1HP filter pump with integral basket strainer, 30" diameter high rate sand filter with multi-port backwash assembly,all suction&discharge isolation&throttling valves,1-1/2'water fill manifold assembly, 1/3HP sump pump assembly, forced air ventilation system, access ladder, through wall fiberglassed piping/conduit connections, internal piping, wiring, and conduit,electrical pull box,and pump disconnect switches in NEMA enclosure. Direct burial vault is factory engineered,assembled and tested prior to shipment. 25 2 VCA-600-P Vent Cap Assembly,PVC construction,6"connection 26 1 AN-SD Wind Speed Sensor,polycarbonate constructed 3-cup anemometer with UV inhibitors, beryllium copper shaft and Teflon bearings.Requires 18/3 cable by installer. C difill: Stay vve#� i tygr,r Monts P.0 Box 807 San Marcos TX 78667 1 512.392.1155 www.fountainpeople.00m I www.waterodyssey.com 27 1 1 WSM-11) Wind Speed Monitor & Controller, housed in NEMA polycarbonate enclosure with © transparent cover,LED wind speed display,two independent output relays,and 0-100 second time delay relays. 28 1 VFD-300 3HP Variable Frequency Drive Controller in NEMA enclosure. 29 1 VFD-750 7.5HP Variable Frequency Drive Controller in NEMA enclosure. 30 1 FX-LED-LCP-DE3 LED Lighting Panel, NEMA polycarbonate enclosure with surface mounted DE3 touch interface controller. Panel includes two DMX drivers,two 24VDC LED power supplies, and necessary terminal blocks for wire connections. 31 1 FCP-P21632 Fountain Control Panel, UL listed panel in NEMA enclosure with Touchscreen and Fountains Show Controller, required pump starter/motor protector, breakers, water level controls, lighting circuit&contactor,digital timeclocks for pump and lights,and main disconnect switch.Panel is pre-assembled and tested under load before shipping. Power requirement: 120/208 Volt,three-phase,4-wire feeder a GND 32 1 Drawings Set of installation drawings that include installation notes,design narrative,equipment list, equipment, piping&conduit layout,sections, and electrical schematic. Drawings detail the complete hydraulic, mechanical, and electrical design of the fountain. Structural drawings/details are not included. Installation drawings will be submitted for approval before fabrication of equipment. 33 1 Job-Site Visit Site Visit for Start-up Adjustments.This site visit is for up to 2 days on site to assist with the sequencing of the show controller, programming of the variable frequency drive controllers,setting of timeclocks, and adjustments for LED lighting.Site visit includes all related travel expenses. OLead Times 1. Installation/Submittal Drawing Package is 4-9weeks from the time an order is received. 2. Shipment of Embed items is approximately 2-4 weeks once written approval of the submittal drawing package is received. This includes slab penetrations,sumps,drains,niches,etc.that go in the concrete pour. 3. Shipment for the Balance of Items is approximately 6-10 weeks once written approval of the submittal drawing package is received.This includes the equipment vault,jets,face plates,lights,control panel,etc. Not included in this proposal are music equipment(music player,speakers)or music licensing rights,South Carolina professional engineer review/sealing of submittal drawings,interconnecting piping&conduit between the fountain basins and equipment vault or equipment room,the installation of equipment,construction of fountain structure, architectural finishes,waterproofing,or sales tax. Sincerely, To indicate acceptance of this proposal,please sign Bryan Had below and return to:bwan.hadPfountainueoole.com Cell:770-366-3302 Signature: Brvan.had@fountainpeople.com Name: Company: _ Date: Vr. a�����.. orory WYa LL�gn[ M,1,a„ P.0 Box 807 San Marcos TX 78667 1512.392.1155 www.fountainpeople.com I www.walerodyssey.com Scope of Services Design Services We will work with the Creative,Design,Project Management and Engineering teams to provide technical,hydraulic,mechanical and electrical/electronic design support for the water feature.Included will be Concept Design,Schematic Development,Design Development, Engineering(excludes PE Stamped drawings), Facility Integration, Facility Impact information and Installation Details. Design&Engineering may include mock ups,prototypes and 3D models. All drawings will be developed in Solid Works and AutoCAD. Effects Hardware Design We will design the water and lighting effects equipment including control valves, nozzles, lights, mounting, and integration equipment.All materials shall non-corrosive material or coated/plated in such a way as to survive in a water environment. Control Hardware Design We will design the specialty control hardware.All panels are Listed U.L.508A installed in non-corrosive enclosure. Control Software Design We will develop the control software required to interface with system. Manufacturing All Fountain People equipment is manufactured in our San Marcos TX facility.Capabilities include metal fabrication, stainless steel welding, machining,fiberglass production, custom sculpting,sand blasting,protective paint/coatings,custom character finishes,pumping and filtration systems assembly,lighting production and U.L.508A panel shop. V Field Support Services We can provide installation support as needed to insure proper installation and implementation of the equipment including: Kick off, pre-pour inspection, installation supervision, test& adjust support, show programming support, and maintenance training.Field Support Services,if requested,will be quoted separately. Post Opening Support Our technical services department is available to support a wide range of post opening support needs. Performance Guarantee Fountain People,A PlayCore Company shall guarantee the performance of the system design to produce the specified effects provided all equipment is purchased and installed per our recommendations and all of the architectural details we provide are incorporated into the system installation. In the event that others have provided the system design,or our recommendations are not utilized,guarantee shall be limited to the performance of the furnished equipment only. Warranty 1. Fountain People, A PlayCore Company shall warrant all properly installed and maintained equipment (except lamps)for a period of one year from date of original shipment. 2. For systems with a factory startup,the warranty shall extend 18 months from date of original shipment or one year from date of start-up,whichever comes first. 3. Fountain People, A PlayCore Company at their option, shall replace or repair any materials, components, or workmanship found to be defective within the warranty period when returned to the factory,freight prepaid. 4. No component may be returned to Fountain People,A PlayCore Company for repair or replacement without an approved Return Materials Authorization(RMA). 5. Any maintenance or repairs done without the pre-authorization of Fountain People, A PlayCore Company or its authorized service providers shall void all warranties. Gfilli:_ S¢vyNWL Ibgnt Nhbnn P.0 Box 807 San Marcos TX 78667 1512.392.1155 www.fountainpeople.com I www.watarodyssry.com 6. This warranty does not include damage resulting from lightning,vandalism,improper maintenance,operator error, Acts of God,failure to comply with codes of the jurisdiction having authority,or other conditions beyond the control C of Fountain People, A PlayCore Company. Nor does this warranty cover labor, freight charges, or incidental materials required to implement repairs. Fountain People,A PlayCore Company shall not be held liable for damage to other equipment or materials,or loss of time,profits,or any inconvenience,directly or indirectly,resulting from the failure of equipment or materials furnished by Fountain People, A PlayCore Company. Fountain People, A PlayCore Company will not accept liability for any costs associated with the removal or replacement of equipment in difficult-to-access locations.These extraordinary costs shall bathe responsibility of the customer,regardless of the reason necessitating removal of the product from service. This warranty may exclude damage to metals resuftingfrom chemical control devices that use electrolysis as a means for generating chlorine or other chemicals to treat water.No other warranty,expressed or implied,exists beyond that included in this statement. Terms & Conditions 1. TERMS AND CONDITIONS which follow shall constitute the entire sales agreement between the parties. Any contrary or additional terms and conditions submitted by the purchaser shall be nulland void unless specifically acknowledged in writing by Fountain People,A PlayCore Company(FP)at the time of order acceptance. 2. PURCHASE ORDERS must besubmitted in wrding antl be signed by an authorized representative of the purchaser. Purchase orders must be made out to"Fountain People,A PlayCore Company"-not to our agent or any other party. All purchase orders must reference a specific proposal,proposal number,"Equipment List",or equipment by catalog number.No purchase order will be accepted which references equipment"per Plans and Specifications". 3. ACCEPTANCE OF ORDERS takes place only when the order is acknowledged in with ng by Fou ntain People,A PlayCore Company. FP reserves the right to reject any order. 4. PRICES are firm for 90 days from date quoted unless otherwise stated in writing. Prices on accepted purchase orders will be firm for six months from date of order. Orders not released within six months will be billed at price in effect at time of shipment 5. SALES TAX Customer is solely and directly responsible for prompt payment of any and all taxes to the appropriate taxing authority. Fountain People shall not be liable for any of customer's income taxes,franchise tax or similar tax measured by customer gross income or any business and operating licenses,fees and permits imposed upon customer business operations. Fountain People shall not be liable to customer for any employment related tax,fee or charge. Fountain People will collect O Sales and Use Taxes in the following states as applicable: Alabama, Arizona, Arkansas, California, Florida, Kansas, North Carolina,Pennsylvania and Texas.Quoted prices do not include sales tax amount which will be added at time of invoicing 6. TERMS OF PAYMENT FOR DOMESTIC SHIPMENTS may vary depending on the degree of custom fabrication in the purchased equipment and the credit history of the purchaser. 7. TERMS OF PAYMENT FOR INTERNATIONAL SHIPMENTS shall be by ILC(Irrevocable Letter of Credit)drawn on a U.S Bank with all associated fees for the ILC borne by the purchaser. If the customer prefers not issuing an ILC,Fountain People will accept 50%cash deposit,with the balance due prior to shipment. In the event the customer cannot take delivery on the requested date,delivery shall be deemed completed at the Fountain People manufacturing facility for the purpose of payment S. A service charge of 1.5%per month will be added to all invoices not paid within terms. Delinquent accounts will be subject to credit hold,stop notices,lien filings,or litigation,as necessary. 9. RETENTIONS:FP is a material supplier, not a contractor and,as such,will not accept retention of payment in any form. As a corporation,FP is required by law to report Income directlylo the IRS,are not bound by IRS Code 6109,and therefore should not receive 1099's,nor should payments be withheld on this premise. 10. MATERIAL LIENS:As a vendor,supplier,and material manufacturer,FP does not waive any right to lien or other security interest. Purchaser shall agree to furnish upon request all information required to complete such lien or security interest. Cardtional and unconditional waivers shall be furnished to purchaser upon request and when appropriate. 11. DELIVERY will be made via common carrier. FP assumes no liability associated with shipping delays resulting from causes beyond its control. 12. RETURNS will not be accepted unless accompanied by a Return Material Authorization (RMA). Requests to return material must contain the original invoice number and the reason for return. Returned material will be inspected upon receipt to determine condition. Approved warranty returns will be credited to purchase within 30 days of receipt. Materials returned new and unused will be subject to a minimum 40% restocking charge. No credit will be issued for,any modified, custom, or discontinued items. All freight for return items will be at purchaser's expense. No freight collect shipments will be accepted. 13. CANCELLATIONS made after orders are released for fabrication and shipment will be subject to a cancellation charge. Custom fabricated items may not be canceled and must be paid in full even If refused. 14. FOUNTAIN SYSTEMS AND COMPONENT WARRANTY:Fountain People,A PlayCore Company shall warrant all properly installed and maintained equipment(except lamps)for a period of one year from data of shipment. For systems with a factory start-up, the warranty shall extend for 18 months from date of shipment or one year from date of start-up,whichever comes first.Terms Cof the warranty are further detailed in the preceding warranty section located in this proposal. P.0 Box 807 San Marcos TX 78667 1 512.392.1155 www.fountainpeople.com I www.waterodyssey.com Company Profile gigil dllJ FOUNTAIN PEOPLE, INC. A LEADER IN THE FOUNTAIN,AQUATIC PLAY&THEMED ENTERTAINMENT INDUSTRIES. Fountain People, Inc.'" was founded in Fountain People, Inc. collaborates with interactive water features in the country early 1987 in San Marcos, Texas with owners and a base of other consultants we have been able to bring cutting edge three employees in a leased 3,000 square throughout the United States, Europe, technology to the design of aquatic foot building.Since then we have grown the Near & Middle East, Africa, Mexico, playgrounds. to over 100 employees with 75,000 the Pacific Bim, and Central & South Water Odyssey"products are installed in square feet under roof on our own 15 America. We have done major projects all commercial and municipal facilities acre facility and have become the over the world. across the U.S.and in Europe,the Middle country's leading (and largest) designer Fountain People domestic projects range East, New Zealand, Australia, Japan, and manufacturer of custom water from water features for the headquarters Mexico,and Canada. features, components, and aquatic of major corporations such as Chrysler, Fun Formations"', our newest offering, playground equipment.Fountain People, J C Penney,and Eli Lilly to work for NBC Inc. prides itself by providing crafts custom creations for theme parks, Architectural Specifiers with a complete Universal,Sea World,and Walt Disney. aquatic centers, and themed attractions package of products and services Our entertainment and special effects abroad.Specializing in sculpted fiberglass previously unavailable from a single team has worked extensively with Walt reinforced concrete, Fun Formatlons'" source. Bringing over 150 years of Disney Imagmeering (WDI) in the capabilities range from faux rocks,multi- collective experience, the principals of development of new water effects and of level play structures, architectural the firm developed the Total SeMces programmed and interactive water elements,and themed slide units. Approach to water feature design. features for Disney properties such as In recent acquisition, Fountain People is Disney World in Florida, Disneyland in now part of the Playi family of brands. Anaheim,CA,and Tokyo Disney Seas. PlayCore helps build stronger "Our mission is to create compelling The Water Odyssey" Division was communities around the world by experiences through Story, Water, established in 1996 to provide the market advancing play and recreation through with the highest quality aquatic research,programs and partnerships. Light,Sound and Motion." playground equipment available. As the To learn more,log on to leading designer and manufacturer of www.playcore.com C i��l��g, cyy bVarn, I ,,;er P.0 Box 807 San Marcos T%786671512.392.1155 www.fountainpeople.com I www.waterodyssey.com 4005 Bankhead Highway Douglasville,GA 30130 PFISTS, Inc. (770)942-0527 Fountaina (770)942-9486 Fax To: City of North Augusta—Rick Myer From: Greg Lisenby Fax: Pages: One Phone: (803)4414301 Date: 10/182019 Re: North Augusta Amphitheater CC: Fountain Installation Proposal We are pleased to offer you pricing on the piping and electrical requirements for the fountain installation scope of work based on the fountain plans and equipment schedule,as provided by Fountain People for the above project,as follows: Outdoor Show Fountain Installation $ 137,830.00 Pricing is based on equipment, as furnished to others,by Fountain People and as outlined in the equipment schedule. Pricing includes schedule 40 and 80 PVC fountain piping, PVC electrical conduit,wiring,setting and connecting equipment and devices as furnished by FP,trench and backfill,setting and connecting the underground pump station, setting and connecting the remote control panel and controllers, pull box, etc.,for a complete and operable fountain system. We have also included participation in the start-up and adjustment. We have excluded the concrete ballast pad for the pump station, power to the control panel, drain to the fountain basin,domestic water supply to the pump station,electrical permit,waterproofing, structural and architectural concrete or finishes, offsite removal of excavation spoils,offsite backfill,and rock removal. We appreciate the opportunity to participate with you on this project. Should you have any questions or require additional information on any of the above, please notify us. v R JRF � �' uilI GIN %Obenesch RF _ \\ -- North Augusta • Amphitheater Park at Riverside Village iovn�AvgunsT &ec _ D,ep.nmem FOUNTAIN BASIN - •.. � _. ---.-_. DIMENSION PLAN ---------- n ko3 0 � i P NQ�li�h FOUNTAIN "A" - - x (FUTURE) FOUNTAIN "B" %#bene3ch (FUTURE) --- I=19 \ r North Augustan"' -- Amphitheater Park at - Riverside Village Verth Arrgusm Puts,RUTnuw.B - ioumm aepu0sem FOUNTAIN BASIN— DIMENSION ASINDIMENSION PLAN C r—' C112 Lamar, Sharon From: Meyer, Rick Sent: Monday, December 09,2019 2:51 PM To: Pettit, Robert; Moody, Rachelle;4mcghee@comcast.net Bob Brooks; Fletcher Dickert (fletcher@allenbatchelor.com); Pat Carpenter,erichpresnell@yahoo.com; Kevin Toole Cc: Lamar,Sharon; Hayes,Cammie Subject: FW: Fountain Attachments: image001.9if, FP_PrcjectProfile CanalPark.pdf; FP_ProjectProfile StallingsPark.pdf; Braves interactive ftnjpg;SuntrustPark interactive ftn1.JPG;Shreveport Riverview[7]jpg; Shreveport Riverview[7]jpg FYI on dry deck fountains.See Bryan Had's email below about dry deck interactive fountains.l spoke with Bryan on the phone this afternoon and the interactive fountain concept would be more expensive than just having the show fountain. The interactive fountain at Suntrust Park in Atlanta is right at$1 million.The Stallings park example without the twisted spheres spraying water is in the$450,000 range.The reason for the increased cost is explained below in Bryan's email. Bryan also mentioned that you could lower the cost of the show fountain by$50,000-$75,000 by simplifying the jets used in the fountain. -----Original Message----- From: Had, Bryan [mailto:Bryan.Had@fountainpeople.com] Sent:Monday, December 09, 2019 8:53 AM CTo: Hall,Charles<CHall@benesch.com>; Meyer, Rick<RMeyer@northaugusta.net> Subject: Re: Fountain Hi Rick, Attached are a few examples of'dry deck'fountains.These are recirculating fountains.There is typically a 2500 gallon water storage tank that is buried in the ground near the fountain.The pump system then pulls from the storage tank for filtration and recirculation to the spray effects. For the Braves fountain at Suntrust Park,there is stainless steel grating that covers a basin of water(instead of utilizing an underground storage tank). With these water features,we can do programming to produce a 'show'display as we would with the traditional type of fountain. The downside of these fountains is that the budget and maintenance are both increased.Since the general public is interacting with the water,the filtration system would be upgraded to include a NSF rated ultraviolet sanitizes and a PH/ORP water treatment system with two chemical tanks. Maintenance would need to test the PH and sanitization levels each day. Let me know if you need more information on interactive fountains,or feel free to give me a call as 1 am happy to discuss in more detail. Thanks, Bryan Had Regional Sales Manager Fountain People Atlanta,Georgia Phone:770-366-3302 Brya n.had @founta inpeople.com<ma i Ito:Brya n.had @founta inpeo ple.com> Chttps:Hlinkprotect.cudawc.com/url?a=https%3a%2f%2fwww.fountainpeople.com&c=E,l,OCh07uGuLp)x6Wgx6CfpCHxX ZgsncRrCIRAEErKPvhK9LUbIRIxon33yxTdtRgkX9ZOQ4cYgZfGjl5y53AcVXk)6yv- FFIIGUwConJeuAJnx6rtEX3CjGqu&typo=l<https://Iinkprotect.cudasvc.com/url?a=http%3a%2f%2Nw .fountainpeople. 1 com%2f&c=E,1,NKHyUu7fJ_slov9DbUu W hbvsBzZHrrYnMhwEeltkVzc9KNw6Hv3 W B9pt_mHuyBg_sxPo_H6M 1y4S8aY2 N3 e0ys61Y6cSOvwspsQX2ubOgg„&typo=l> [cid:i mage002.gif@O1 D40C94.FDE651DOj From:"Hall,Charles"<CHall@benesch.com> Date:Saturday,December 7, 2019 at 3:31 PM T Meyer, Rick"<RMeyer@northaugusta.net>, Bryan Had <Bryan.Had@fountainpeople.com> SuoJect Re: Fountain Rick, If we are recirculating the water,the show fountains require a basin,even if it's unseen.A non recirculating fountain will require a larger water service,4"or even greater to provide the volume of water required.That said, I'm not sure you could get the"show'out of a non basin structure but Bryan can certainly answer that. We believe that recirculating is probably the best solution from a permitting standpoint.As it stands now,the basins are less than 30 percent of the overall cost. Charles Hall,AICP, LEED AP BD+C I Senior Planner Alfred Benesch&Company 1 1005 Broad Street,Suite 200;Augusta, Georgia 30901 P 706-722-4114 x210 I C 706-955-6668 1 E chall@benesch.com W https://Iinkprotect.cudasvc.com/u rl?a=https%3a%2f%2fwww.benesch.com&c=E,1,39owgYbq L2QIcZCz5 W SdtEE ltfq EY1 wdOa 8_rM r9Qlo32 iN iU_YCIJYE4 W taZah0j iwGO nYBuue RLBchVCMt-rJ U M S7 Dwi Bu r9Zs5SJAK7y0kS Kx42j FDBQq&typo=l From: Meyer, Rick<RMeyer@northaugusta.net> Sent:Saturday, December 7,2019 3:18:07 PM To: Bryan.Had@fountainpeople.com<Bryan.Had@fountainpeople.com> Cc: Hall,Charles<CHall@benesch.com> Subject: Fountain tBryan: I have a City Councilman that wants to know what a surface fountain would look like nstead of using basins. I ine that would be something more like a splash pad than show fountain. Do you have a video or pictures of surface fountain that your folks have done? Rick Meyer Sent from my iPhone The information contained in this transmission may contain privileged and confidential information protected by federal and state privacy laws. It is intended only for the use of the persons) named above. If you are not the intended recipient,you are hereby notified that any review,dissemination,distribution,or duplication of this communication is strictly prohibited. If you are not the intended recipient,please contact the sender by reply email and destroy all copies of the original message. Email transmissions to and from this address are the property of the City of North Augusta,SC and subject to public release pursuant to the South Carolina Freedom of Information Act. The contents of this message and any attachments are proprietary,confidential and/or legally privileged,and are intended solely for the use of the person(s) intended to receive this message. If you are not the intended recipient,then please be aware that any use of this message(including any copying, archiving,dissemination or distribution of this message) is strictly prohibited. If you have received this message in error, please notify the sender,delete this message apd any attachments and destroy all records and copies of it.Thank you. 2 T� A ► �t v 1� :."- Canal Park Interactive Fountain Located on 3 city blocks, deep in the heart of Washington, DC. along the historic former Washington Canal system, Canal Park is a unique space that provides recreation 365 days a year. It is a place to cool off and play in the warm months,and a place to ice skate around the fountain during the winter months. The interactive deck fountain has made a home in the community attracting people from the area to socialize, relax and play. This project utilizes Fountain In A CanT- and LC3 LED lights to illuminate the choreographed aerated water effects. Children, and the occasional adult, weave throughout the fountain trying to dodge the water.Getting wet is inevitable. Rainwater is captured into an 80,000 gallon underground reservoir,treated, and reused to fuel up to 95% of the water needed for the fountains,amenities,and irrigation.This integrated water collections system is said to save DC an average of 1.5 million gallons of potable water per year. "Illi: fountain people C�aa��e�e��ya�e��,; ae,c �ph,ro,� as e� soas4<r oao,. .cL erne v.., T.512.932.1155 1 E Inh0twminpeople.com I wx .fountalnpeople.mm L1 ■ 2 i � Stallings Park Interactive Fountain This water feature was envisioned as an interactive and architectural fountain, from the gray and red spiral granite center to the twisted spheres at the outer edge, which could serve as a central magnet of activity. The fountain is centered within the plaza, which continues the circular and spiral themes outward in the castings of the trench grates and tree grates,and the mechanics and pump building for the fountain was integrated into one of the picnic shelters near the pool.Brick seating walls with precast caps surround the edge of the fountain area, providing worn out parents and babysitters with places to sit and rest. Fountain in a Can"was utilized throughout the project.Three vertical flush lets power the center of the fountain as a dancing circle of aerated jets delights children with a random bouncing effect. 12 embossed spheres surround the perimeter,each emitting an arching aerated stream towards the center of the fountain.Collectively,these 27 nozzles pump nearly 2,000 gallons per minute of cool water,offering a host of opportunities for interactive play. While hosting park hours for play by day,the fountain also creates a timeless architectural statement at night as it illuminates the space in classic white. :II ii: fountain people e, Goof, -1'< •^ T:512932.1155 I E.iMn®fo Minp Wle.com I w humelnWple.com ;OIL) JUNEMil TIGKtfS NOW ON . LIA W i Wd q'GATE ^ 1 r i ...� ' Y i I '� r. � � � „ �, . ,��•,