111819 Council Mtg Backup Materials North
South Carolina's Riuerfront
NOVEMBER 18 , 2019
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North ,A
August ,/
South Carolina's Mucilrrnn
Interoffice Memorandum
TO: Mayor and City Council
FROM: Rachelle Moody Interim City Administrator
DATE: November l5,2019
SUBJECT: Regular City Council Meeting of November IS 2019
ITEM 5. PROCLAMATION: Small Business Saturday Proclamation
Mayor Pettit would like to proclaim Saturday,November 30,2019 as"Small
Business Saturday"and encourage the citizens of North Augusta to recognize
and support small businesses within our community by shopping locally on the
Saturday following Thanksgiving.
Please see ATTACHMENT#5 for the text of the proposed proclamation.
ITEM 6. PROCLAMATION: Arbor Day Proclamation
Mayor Pettit would like to proclaim December 6,2019 as"Arbor Day" in the
City of North Augusta and urge citizens to celebrate and support the efforts to
protect our trees and woodlands. All citizens are invited to attend the 2019 Arbor
Day Tree Planting Celebration on December 6"at 1:00 p.m. at Curtis Park—
1812 Curtis Drive.
Please see ATTACHMENT#6 for the text of the proposed proclamation and
lArbor Day Tree Planting Celebration flyer.
J ITEM 7. RECOGNITION: 2019 SCMIRF Risk Management Award—
IIII Safety Committee
The City of North Augusta has been selected by the Municipal
Association of South Carolina as the South Carolina Municipal Insurance
Risk Financing Fund (SCMIRF)Award winner for 2019. The City
continues to successfully reduce the frequency and severity of property
and liability losses. The competition criterion consisted of the experience
modifiers and gross(uncapped) loss ratios.
November 15, 2019
The City of North Augusta Safety Committee is being recognized for their
efforts in making safety a priority for the City and its employees. The
committee meets monthly to complete facility inspections,review accident
and incident reports, ensure safety training programs are followed, and
make recommendations for safety improvements.
The safety committee consists of the following employees:
Charles Williams Ryan Metts
Roy Kibler Mike Chavous
Greg Shaffer David Caddell
Randy Nichols Jason Sikes
Kayla Ferguson
For this award the City received an engraved plaque and a$2,500
monetary award which the safety committee will use for future safety
initiatives and improvements.
ITEM S. FINANCE: Ordinance No.2019-14—Adopting a Budget for Fiscal Year
2020 Containing Estimates of Proposed Revenues and Expenditures by the
City of North Augusta,South Carolina,for the Budget Year Beginning
January 1,2020,and Declaring that Same Shall Constitute the Budget of the
City of North Augusta for such Budget Year—Ordinance,Second Reading
An ordinance has been prepared for Council's consideration on second reading to
adopt a budget for Fiscal Year 2020.
Please see the back-up materials for November 4,2019 for a copy of the proposed
ordinance text and refer to your 2020 proposed budget for revenue and expense
summaries for each of the funds.
ITEM 9. FINANCE: Ordinance No.2019-15—Levying the Annual Tax on Property
in the City of North Augusta, South Carolina, for the Fiscal Year Beginning
January 1, 2020, and Ending December 31, 2020 — Ordinance, Second
An ordinance has been prepared for Council's consideration on second reading
establishing the tax rate on all taxable property within the City of North Augusta
for the Fiscal Year 2020.
The period for which the tax levy is due on all taxable property, except for
motorized vehicles, shall be from January 1, 2019 to December 31, 2019. The
period for which the tax levy is due for all motorized vehicles which are required
November 15, 2019
to be licensed by Section 53-3-440, Codes of Laws of South Carolina, Shall be
from January 1,2020 to December 31,2020.
The tax levy imposed upon all taxable property shall be 73.50 mills.
Please see the back-up materials for November 4,2019 for the proposed ordinance
ITEM 10. PUBLIC SERVICES: Ordinance No. 2019-16—Establishing Wastewater
Service Charges by Revising Section 14-68, Titled "Schedule of Monthly
Wastewater Service Charge,"of the City Code of the City of North Augusta,
South Carolina—Ordinance,Second Reading
An ordinance has been prepared for Council's consideration on second reading
establishing wastewater service charges by revising Section 14-68, titled
"Schedule of Monthly Wastewater Service Charge," of the City Code of the City
of North Augusta, South Carolina.
Please see the back-up materials for November 4,2019 for the proposed ordinance
ITEM 11. ENGINEERING&PUBLIC WORKS: Ordinance No.2019-17—Amending
Chapter 6, Article III, titled "Construction Permit Schedules" of the City
Code of the City of North Augusta, South Carolina — Ordinance, Second
An ordinance has been prepared for Council's consideration on second reading
amending Chapter 6,Article 111,titled"Construction Permit Schedules"of the City
Code of the City of North Augusta, South Carolina.
Please see the back-up materials for November 4,2019 for the proposed ordinance
ITEM 12. PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT: Ordinance No.2019-18—Amending
the North Augusta Development Code,Article 13: Signs of the City of North
Augusta,South Carolina Code of Ordinances
A. Ordinance,First Reading
An ordinance has been prepared for Council's consideration on first reading to
amend the North Augusta Development Code, Article 13: Signs of the City of
North Augusta,South Carolina Code of Ordinances.
Please see ATTACHMENT #12 for a copy of the proposed ordinance and
supporting documentation.
B. Ordinance,Second Reading
Pending Council's passage of the ordinance on first reading, it is submitted for
Council's consideration on second reading.
November 15,2019
ITEM 13. ZONING: Resolution No. 2019-36 — A Resolution Directing the City
Administrator to File an Application Requesting Rezoning of Land Located
at 311 W.Martintown Road
A resolution has been prepared for Council's consideration to direct the City
Administrator to file an application requesting rezoning of land located at 311 W.
Martintown Road.
ITEM 14. FINANCE: Resolution No.2019-37-A Resolution Authorizing the City to
Enter into an Agreement with Municap,Inc.to Provide Specialized Services
Related to the Administration of Special Assessments on Parcels of Real
Property with the Ballpark Village Municipal Improvement District
A resolution has been prepared for Council's consideration to authorize the City
to enter into an agreement with Municap,Inc.to provide specialized services
related to the administration of special assessments on parcels of real property
with the Ballpark Village Municipal Improvement District.
Please see ATTACHMENT#14 for a copy of the proposed resolution and
supporting documentation.
ITEM 15. PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT: Resolution No.2019-38-Accepting
a Deed of Dedication for the Streets,Water Distribution System,Sanitary
Sewer,Stormwater Collection and Fire Suppression Systems,Detention
Ponds and Associated Easements and Rights of Way,Along with a
Maintenance Guarantee and Letter of Credit for Wando Woodlands,Phase
A resolution has been prepared for Council's consideration to accept a Deed of
Dedication for the streets,water distribution system, sanitary sewer, Stormwater
collection and fire suppression systems,detention ponds and associated
easements and rights of way, along with a Maintenance Guarantee and Letter of
Credit for Wando Woodlands, Phase 6.
Please see ATTACHMENT#15 for a copy of the proposed resolution and
supporting documentation.
Authorizing Funding for the Maude Edenfield Park Outdoor Basketball
A resolution has been prepared for Council's consideration to authorize funding
for the Maude Edenfield Park outdoor basketball court.
Please see ATTACHMENT 416 for the text of the proposed resolution.
North � City of 9Vbrth Augusta,
Auguste South Carolina
South Carolina's Pouerfront
WHEREAS, small businesses form the backbone of our local economy, generating
jobs and improving the quality ofltfe for citizens;and
WHEREAS, the Mayor and City Council of North Augusta, South Carolina
acknowledge and celebrate the City's small businesses and the contributions they make to our
community; and
WHEREAS, 2019 marks the tenth year of Small Business Saturday, a nationwide
campaign to encourage shopping at local businesses on the Saturday after Thanksgiving to
stimulate the local economy; and
WHEREAS, local organizations such as the North Augusta Chamber of Commerce,
North Augusta Forward, and many other organizations across the country endorse the
Saturday after Thanksgiving as Small Business Saturday.
NOW THEREFORE, I, Robert A. Pettit, Mayor of the City of North Augusta, South
Carolina, do hereby claim November 30, 2019 as:
AND encourage our citizens to recognize and support small businesses within our
community by shopping locally on the Saturday following Thanksgiving.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and caused the seal of the
City of North Augusta, South Carolina, to be affaed this 18th day of November, 2019.
Robert A. Pettit, Mayor
City of North Augusta
North "°°" ` city of North Augusta,
Auguste south Carolina
South Carolina's Rluerfront
WHEREAS, in 1871, J Sterling Morton proposed to the Nebraska Board of
Agriculture that a special day be set aside far the planting of trees; and
WHEREAS, the holiday, called Arbor Day, was first observed with the planting of
more than a million trees in Nebraska; and
WHEREAS,Arbor Day is now observed throughout the nation and the world, and
WHEREAS, trees can reduce the erosion of our precious topsoil by wind and water,
lower our heating and cooling costs, moderate the temperature, clean the air,produce oxygen and
provide habitat for wildlife;and
WHEREAS, trees are a renewable resource giving us paper,woodfor our homes,fuel
for our fires and countless other wood products;and
WHEREAS, trees in our City increase property values, enhance the economic vitality
of business areas, and beauty our community,and
WHEREAS, trees, wherever they are planted, are a source of joy and spiritual
NOW THEREFORE. 1, Robert A. Pettit, Mayor of the City of North Augusta, South
Carolina, do hereby proclaim December 6, 2019, as "Arbor Day"in North Augusta, South Carolina,
and urge all citizens to celebrate Arbor Day and to support efforts to protect our trees and woodlands,
and further, 1 urge all citizens to plant and care for trees to gladden the heart and promote the well-
being of this andfuture generations.
EV WITNESS WHEREOF, 1 have hereunto set my hand and caused the seal of the
City of North Augusta,South Carolina, to be ajfued this le day of November, 2019.
Robert A. Pettit, Mayor
City of North Augusta
I '
The City of North Augusta 00MATTERI
would like to cordially invite any and all 4' e
citizens to attend the
2019 Yearly Arbor Day 71,
Tree Planting Celebration
December 6th, 2019
1:00 PM
Curtis Park - 1812 Curtis Drive
The city will be planting a 1 ,
sponsored by
Moons Tree Farm August
WHEREAS, on December 17, 2007, by Ordinance 2007-22, the North Augusta
City Council adopted the North Augusta Development Code; and
WHEREAS,pursuant to Title 6,Chapter 29 of the South Carolina Code,the North
Augusta Planning Commission may recommend amendments to the Development Code
for the purposes of technical and legal clarification,error correction,and to accommodate
the needs of the City's residents,provided such amendments are consistent with the City's
2017 Comprehensive Plan;and
WHEREAS, at its regularly scheduled meeting of June 20, 2019, the North
Augusta Planning Commission held a duly advertised public hearing to review and receive
public comment on the proposed revisions as attached herein as Exhibit A; and
WHEREAS, upon completion of their review, the Planning Commission
unanimously recommended to the City Council that the text changes be approved;and
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED, by the Mayor and City Council in
meeting duly assembled and by the authority thereof,that the section of the Development
Code is revised as shown in Exhibit A.
Department of Planning 's-%
and Development J/
Memorandum # 19-033 city of North nugusla
To: Rachelle Moody,Interim City Administrator ��'"/
From: Libby Hodges,AICP,Director of Planning and Developmen(�
Subject: Application RZT19-003,a request by the City of North Augusta to amend Article
13,Signs,of the North Augusta Development Code.
Date: November 13, 2019
On June 20,2019, after a duly advertised and convened public hearing,the Planning
Commission considered Application RZT19-003, a request by the City of North Augusta to
amend Article 13,Signs,of the North Augusta Development Code.The Planning Commission
voted unanimously to recommend the text change for approval by City Council.
Following review at study sessions and further review comments by the Mayor and City Council,
staff is forwarding a finalized version of the text for the revision of Article 13:Signs in the North
Augusta Development Code.The text has been edited to add a table of contents, standardize
formatting, clarify content, organize types of signage and verify that requirements and language
are consistent throughout the text.
These revisions are being forwarded for consideration at the November 18, 2019, City Council
ARTICLE 13: SIGNS (EXHIBIT A for City Council 11-18-19)
13.1 PURPOSE AND SCOPE..............................................*......*,*.......... 2
13.2 APPLICABILITY..................................................................11111-1*11,.......2
1. Definition .................................................. ...................... ...........................2
2. Prohibition ....................................... .............................................................2
3. Permit Required.............................................................................................2
4. Signs Allowed Without a Permit....................................................................2
5. Repair and Replacement................................................................................3
6. Non-Conforming Signs...................................................................................3
7. Enforcement ..................................................................................................4
8. Subdivision and New Street Signs..................................................................4
9. No Content Restrictions.................................................................................4
10. Severability.....................................................................................................4
13.3 VARIANCES&APPEALS............................................................................4
23.4 DEFINITIONS............................................................................................5
13.5 GENERAL PROVISIONS...........................................................................13
1. Sign Area...................................................................................................... 13
2. Wall Signs..................................................................................................... 13
3. Freestanding or Ground Signs......................................................................13
4. Pedestrian and Vehicular Clearance............................................................ 13
S. Sight Distance Requirements.......................................................................14
6. Master Signage Plan Required................................... ................................. 14
7. Illumination.................................................................................................. 14
B. Spotlights..................................................................................................... 14
13.6 EXEMPT SIGNAGE..................................................................................is
13.8 ALLOWED SIGNAGE...............................................................................16
1. Applicability....................................................... ..........................................16
2. Signage Allowed in Residential Uses and Districts...................................... 16
Table 13-1 RESIDENTIAL USES& DISTRICTS SIGN AREA CHART..................................20
3. Signage Allowed for Non-Residential Districts and Uses.............................21
Table 13-2NON-RESIDENTIAL SIGN AREA CHART(USE OR ZONE)..............................27
4. Signage Allowed in Downtown District........................................................29
Table 13-3 DOWNTOWN SIGN AREA CHART................................................................35
5. Signage for Special Zoned Districts..............................................................36
13.9 PROHIBITED SIGNS................................................................................36
North Augusta Development Code Article 13:Signs Page 1 of 36
ARTICLE 13: SIGNS (EXHIBIT A for City Council 11-18-19)
The purpose of sign regulations is to encourage the effective use of signs as a means of
communication in the City of North Augusta; to maintain and enhance the aesthetic
environment; to minimize the possible adverse effects of signs on nearby public and
private property; and to enable the fair and consistent enforcement of these sign
These regulations:
1. Establish a permit system that allows a variety of types of signs in commercial
and industrial zones,and a limited variety of signs in residential zones;
2. Allow certain signs that are small and incidental to the principal use of the
properties on which they are located without a requirement for permits; and
3. Provide for temporary signs in limited circumstances on private property and in
the public right of way.
1. Definition
a. This Article applies to any sign.A"sign"is any structure or device designed
or intended to convey information to the public in written or pictorial form.
2. Prohibition
a. A sign maybe erected,placed,established,painted,created or maintained
in the City of North Augusta only in conformance with the standards,
procedures and requirements of these regulations. All signs not expressly
allowed or permitted by this Article are prohibited.
3. Permit Required
a. No sign shall be placed, installed, erected or constructed on any property
within the City of North Augusta until all the applicable permits,approvals
and certificates required for the particular sign have been issued and -
4. Signs Allowed Without a Permit
a. Flags and Flagpoles
L Applicability:a "Flay' means any flag, including a flag of the United
States, the state of South Carolina, and any other flag sanctioned
by these regulations.Any flag not meeting these conditions shall be
considered a banner sign and shall be subject to regulations as
such. National flags, state and municipal flags, and official flags of
businesses, institutions or other organizations shall not be
considered banners if displayed on a flag pole.
North Augusta Development Code Article 13:Signs Page 2 of 36
ARTICLE 13: SIGNS (EXHIBIT A for City Council 11-18-19)
ii. One (1) flag and flagpole is allowed on a parcel without
consideration of total signage allowed.Flags and flagpoles in excess
of one (1) shall be included in the maximum square footage of
allowable signage.
iii. All flagpoles shall comply with the setback requirements for
freestanding signs.
iv. Any flag shall not exceed twenty-four(24) square feet in area.
v. Flagpoles may not be flown from a pole more than the maximum
height permitted in the district or forty-five (45)feet, whichever is
less (see § and Table 3-3, and Table 3-4).
vi. Flags must be flown in accordance with the protocol established by
the Congress of the United States for the Stars and Stripes or the
state of South Carolina for the state flag.
b. The following types of signs do not require a permit prior to installation
but must comply with any size limits or other restrictions as contained
herein. These signs do not count towards the Maximum Total Signage
i. Construction Signs
ii. Temporary Signs
iii. Signs on Vacant Property
iv. Identification Signs
v. Accessory Signs
vi. Window Signs: Window signs do not require a permit to install,
however, window signage will count towards the Maximum Total
Signage allowed.
5. Repair and Replacement
a. All signs are to be kept in good repair.
b. Any dilapidated or neglected sign shall be repaired or removed. If the
Building Official deems any sign structurally un-sound, it shall be repaired
or removed.
6. Non-Conforming Signs
a. With a valid sign permit, a legal, non-conforming sign may be:
i. Re-faced
ii. Repaired
iii. Repainted,or
iv. Removed for repair and remounted.
b. Nothing in this section grants the right to technological upgrades such as
the addition of electronic readerboards to an existing sign.Technological
upgrades are the same as erecting a new sign. Changing a light source,
such as changing from fluorescent to LED, with no change in appearance
of the sign, is not considered a technological upgrade.
c. Abandoned Non-conforming Signs shall be removed.
North Augusta Development Code Article 13:Signs Page 3 of 36
ARTICLE 13: SIGNS (EXHIBIT A for City Council 11-18-19)
7. Enforcement
a. May be carried out by the Director of Planning and Development or their
designee as allowed in Article 5 and the Municipal Code.
8. Subdivision and New Street Signs
a. As new subdivisions and developments are completed, the city will install
street name and traffic control signage based on a uniform sign design
adopted by the city.The applicant shall remit payment for the signs at the
time of final plat application. The cost for such signs shall be determined
by the City of North Augusta.
9. No Content Restrictions
a. Notwithstanding any other provision of this Chapter, no sign shall be
subject to any limitation based on the content of the message contained
on such sign. Any sign authorized in this Article may contain non-
commercial copy in lieu of any other copy.
10. Severability
a. If any word, sentence, section, chapter or any other provision or portion
of this section is invalidated by any court of competent jurisdiction, the
remaining words, sentences, sections, chapters, provisions or portions
thereof will not be affected and will continue in full force and effect.
1. The Director is authorized to vary the dimensional requirements for permitted
signs by no more than 10%if:
a. The Director determines that the proposed waiver does not conflict with
the goals and policies of the Comprehensive Plan or the purposes
underlying the standard; and
b. The applicant demonstrates, through documentation and/or studies,
based on generally accepted engineering principles,that adherence to the
standard provided by this Chapter would pose a threat to health and safety
or would undermine a policy set forth in the Comprehensive Plan or the
purposes underlying the standard;and
c. The applicant consents to an alternative standard and the Director finds
that such standard is consistent with the Comprehensive Plan,will protect
the public health, safety and general welfare, and is consistent with the
purposes underlying the standard; and
d. The economic burden imposed on the applicant to comply with the
generally applicable standard outweighs the public purpose for such
standard; and
North Augusta Development Code Article 13:Signs Page 4 of 36
ARTICLE 13: SIGNS (EXHIBIT A for City Council 11-18-19)
e. Compliance with the generally applicable standard is impracticable due to
unique topographical or other site conditions.
f. The Director may,at their discretion,refer requests to the Board of Zoning
g. The Director may not issue variances for accessory, temporary,
construction,vacant lot signs, or any other prohibited signs.
2. The Director may authorize minor waivers in the amount of white space or the
light source utilized,or both,to provide flexibility to the applicant or to
accommodate an established, registered or trademarked logo or graphic. In
approving waivers the Director shall also consider the objectives of this Section
related to traffic safety, reduction of glare and ambient light,and improved
3. Variances to this chapter may be issued by the Board of Zoning Appeals as
specified in Article 18 of this Code.
4. Administrative decisions or interpretations of the sign ordinance may be appealed
as specified in Article 18 of this Code.
Abandoned Non-Conforming Signs: signs that do not conform
to the requirements of this code and that are currently
displayed on the premises of abandoned businesses as defined -
in Article 19 of this code.This does not include non-conforming
signage as a result of annexation or signs that were legally
permitted under prior ordinances.
Accessory Sign: signs that provide information, direction,
control or other functions incidental and necessary to a use.
Accessory signs can include parking lot directional and
regulatory signs(in,out,one-way,etc.)and pavement markings
consistent with the Manual of Uniform Traffic Control Devices
(MUTCD),most recent edition.Accessory signs may also include
instructions, hours and days of operation information, "closed" Figure t Accessory Signs
and "open" signs, address numbers, identification signs for
deliveries, loading and unloading,fire exit and others.
North Augusta Development Code Article 13:Signs Page 5 of 36
ARTICLE 13: SIGNS (EXHIBIT A for City Council 11-18-19)
Awning: a sheet of canvas or other material stretched on a
frame and used to keep the sun or rain off a storefront,
window, doorway,or deck.
Balloon Sign: any lighter than air or gas filled inflatable
object attached by a tether to a fixed place.
Figure 2:Awning&Awning Sign Banner: any sign of lightweight fabric, plastic or similar
material mounted at one (1) or more edges to a pole or other structure. National flags,
state and municipal flags, and official flags of businesses, institutions or other
organizations shall not be considered banners if displayed on a proper flag pole as
required by this code.
Canopy: a permanent roofed structure which may be
freestanding or attached to a building, but which is not a i
completely enclosed structure or awning. This includes
coverings over gas pumps.
Canopy Sign: any sign attached to or painted on a canopy. Figure 3:Canopy and
Canopy Sign
Changeable Copy Sign: also known as a "readerboard," is any sign designated so that
letters or numbers attached to the sign can be periodically changed to a different
Construction Signage: signage of a temporary nature installed at the
entrance or along the street frontage of a project under construction.
Dilapidated or neglected sign: a sign (including sign structure) that
does not present a neat and orderly appearance, which may be
manifested by the following: rust or holes on or in the sign or sign
structure, or broken, missing, loose or bent parts, faded or flaking
Figure a: paint, non-operative or partially non-operative illuminating or
Construction Sign mechanical devices or missing letters in sign copy.
Electronic Readerboard: a sign which displays messages in alternating light cycles using
electronic messaging or LED lights. They are generally computerized programmable
electronic visual communication devices, manufactured for the outside environment.
Flag: any flag, including a flag of the United States, the state of South Carolina, and any
other flag sanctioned by these regulations.
Flashing Sign: a sign that contains an intermittent or sequential flashing light source that
flashes or changes light patterns more than once every thirty(30) seconds.
North Augusta Development Code Article 13:Signs Page 6 of 36
ARTICLE 13: SIGNS (EXHIBIT A for City Council 11-1849)
Freestanding Sign (Ground Sign):any sign supported by integral poles(s), post(s)or other
structure or frame, the primary purpose of which is to connect it permanently to the
ground. Examples include monument signs and pole signs. A freestanding sign does not
include a portable or temporary sign.
unmity perpendicular to viewer's lire dight.May be double or muni faced am contain thematic
rllbefehmmR and imagool mvem ar dividing to conceal elrudund supportsPM .
Figure 5:Freestanding Sign Types
Home Occupation sign:see Identification Sign.
Iconic Sign: a sign that has a particularly distinctive or
artistic value and may visually depict the nature of
the business, goods or services that the business
provides through unique shape and any combination
of color, lighting, or historic reference.
Identification Sign:any wall sign whichis limited to the
name, address and street number of a building,
institution or person and to the activity carried on in
the building or institution. Identification signs include
ng�re 6 Iconic sy115 nameplates and building name signs.
North Augusta Development Code Article 13:Signs Page 7 of 36
ARTICLE 13: SIGNS (EXHIBIT A for City Council 11-18-19)
Illuminated Sign: any sign illuminated by an internal or
external source of light primarily designed to illuminate the __ S"i-
sign. The illumination is "External" when the light source is Ic7Q
separate from the sign surface or not contained within the c.,,. .,_ „
sign,and is directed to shine upon the sign.The illumination is
"Internal"when the light source is contained or created within
the sign.
Marquee Sign: a sign painted on, attached to or hung from a
marquee. Figure 7:Identification Signs
Marquee: means a hood or awning of permanent construction without pillars or posts
which is supported from a building wall and extends beyond the building or building line;
marquees sometimes extend over a property line.
Maximum Total Sign Area: the maximum total
sign area is the sum for all signs contained on a
building or on the entire lot or project,
regardless of the number of buildings,
businesses or tenants, not including exempt or
non-permitted signage except as required or
exempted herein.
Master Signage Plan: a plan that is required
• when more than one use or business is located
+ s
`{ on a lot orwithin a development whetheror not
,® the development is on one lot or more than one
° lot. A Master Signage Plan should provide for
consistency among signs on the premises with
regard to location of a freestanding sign(s),
location of each sign on the buildings,size,and
Figure 8:Marquee Signage lighting and coordinate total allowed square
footages among the uses or businesses in the development.
Menu Board: a sign placed at a drive-thru service usually
containing a food menu and used for taking orders.
Multi-Faced Sign: any sign that has two or more faces that
are separated by more than 10 degrees or with any two(2)
faces visible from any one (1) point.
Figure 9:MUItWaced Sign
North Augusta Development Code Article 13:Signs Page 8 of 36
ARTICLE 13: SIGNS (EXHIBIT A for City Council 11-19-19)
Mural: a painting or other work of art
executed directly on a wall. Signage painted
on walls does not automatically qualify as a
Percentage of Wall Area: the percentage of t _
wall area is calculated for the wall of which - -
the sign is a part or to which the sign or signs
is most nearly parallel. Figure lo:Mural
Pole Sign: see freestanding sign.
Portable Sign: a "Portable Sign' means any sign not
permanently affixed to the ground or to a building, j(
including any sign attached to or displayed on a vehicle
that is used for the express purpose of advertising a !'
business establishment, product, service or Figure l l:Projecting Sign
entertainment, when that vehicle is so parked as to
attract the attention of the motoring or pedestrian public.
Projecting Sign: a "Projecting Sign" means any sign affixed to, projecting from, and
supported by a building.
Roof Sign:a "Roof Sign" means any sign erected upon,against or directly above a roof or
roof eaves, or on top or above the parapet, or on a functional architectural appendage
above the roof. For the purposes of this Article, a roof shall be considered to be any
building surface where the slope of the surface is less than one and one half to one(1.5:1)
relative to horizontal (the rise is one and one half times the run). This does not include
signs legally allowed on a marquee or canopy.
Setbacks: setbacks should be
� F measured from a property line or
qua* the right-of-way line unless
otherwise specified.
Figure 12:Roof Signs
North Augusta Development Code Article 13:Signs Page 9 of 36
ARTICLE 13: SIGNS (EXHIBIT A for City Council 11-18-19)
Sign Area:the area of the sign measured within the most logical geometric figure applying
to lines drawn between the outermost points of a sign, but may exclude essential sign
structure, foundations, or supports. The copy of signs composed of individual letters,
numerals or other devices are the sum of the area of the smallest rectangle or other
geometric figure encompassing each of said letters or devices.
��"1 — rraeMandcW6gn-Monument
v' TM1emalc PatlmaM
OIphO C nags drawn
r w n area tlerned by sum ol'mag nary
bravo ` Apanelx deemb.11 Mgwphc and copy.Do not
yam— �- � calculal embell shmenl or monument badground.
'/ —p /�
calculate srg Canopy Sign
Calculate sign area Dy imegmary panel
prawn around copy no noca!mlMe
Eewralive graphics.Calculation similar
for arached canopy andin,
uranin ea.
Wall I Fascia Signs
a r
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fINRP.I' ;xeicu.� 6gai r
)— M,,,d caro LO-11 D,aw m,o4noy pone)aro„nd
eimp�asrunaars p, !,.n not beth.
Signs wnhou'imeq,al.Idgm nd.Calculate sign area by meaner,panel drawn arta ign ropy.
-nil n
g :witn mhgis _ ., .. Cnlc,lpiniq,oaa byarop of ac!unl bpckgmmd Annul surro„J`9sBrcopy
rn In
Awnings-Ca0.vlale sign area by Imaginary petrel drawn around copy.Do nN mlcubdo demrativa graphics
Figure 13:Sign Area COMPUfOflCn
North Augusta Development Code Article 13:Signs Page 10 of 36
ARTICLE 13: SIGNS (EXHIBIT A for City Council 11-18-19)
Sign Height:the height of a sign is measured from the top of
the curb or edge of the roadway where no curb exists,where n
the curb is closest to any portion of the sign to the top of the
highest attached component of the sign.
Street Frontage: the measurement of the property frontage
on the street where the sign will be located at the right-of-
way or property line and to which the sign will be oriented.
Subdivision/Project Identification sign: means a freestanding Figure la:sign Height
sign that identifies a subdivision, multi-occupancy project, or
neighborhood developed under one common plan of development, and is located
internal to and visible from the initial point of entry to a subdivision or project from
surrounding streets.
Temporary Sign: signs for a "temporary cause or
event" that occurs only on a scheduled date or
time period and for a specific purpose, regardless
of whether the event is for commercial or non-
commercial purposes. Examples include grand
openings of new businesses, church revivals,
property for sale, special events, and political
campaigns. This includes sidewalk signs or A-
frame signs that are moveable.
Figure la:Temporary signs Wall Area:the total area of the wall,or connected
wall sections that are generally parallel to each
other, on the side of a building, or lease space within a building, that faces a street,
parking area or courtyard or other similar open space. Areas of more than one wall may
not be combined to calculate a larger permissible sign area for one wall. (see Figure 16)
Wall Sign:a "Wall Sign" means any sign painted on the outside of a building, or attached
to, and erected parallel to the face of a building and supported throughout its length by
such building.
Window Sign:a"Window Sign"means any sign installed inside c r outside a building within
six(6)inches of a window or on the inside surface of a window that is visible from outside
the building.This term does not include merchandise located in a window.
North Augusta Development Code Article 13:Signs Page 11 of 36
ARTICLE 13: SIGNS (EXHIBIT A for City Council 11-18-19)
r11 T1 1111 Aiandi
i r -
Buildng height �f
well Area is measured as length x Mdth of thefapde on which the sign Is placed.The
"PerrErtage of Wall Agfa"Is the porton of the oxi allowed to have signage
expressed as a percentage of the total fagade wall area.Total sl page m the fayade
may not exceed the onaNmum total sign area,
W all Area maybe caloJated by the leased suite area a as outline]In a Master Signage
plan,but may nd exceed the matlmum total squarefaatage allowed far the facade
Figure 156:Wail Area Computation
North Augusta Development Code Article 13:Signs Page 12 of 36
ARTICLE 13: SIGNS (EXHIBIT A for City Council 11-18-19)
1. Sign Area
a. Is the measured area of a sign as defined herein.The area allowed for each
zoning district or use may not exceed the amounts allowed in this chapter.
a. Maximum Total Sign Area shall not exceed these regulations as contained
2. Wall Signs
a. The maximum total square footage of sign area for all wall signs is the sum
of all wall signs on any elevation.
b. Lots fronting on two (2) or more streets are allowed the permitted wall
sign area for each street frontage. However, the total sign area that is
oriented to a particular street may not exceed the maximum sign area
allowed on that particular street or the maximum total permitted sign
3. Freestanding or Ground Signs
a. One(1)freestanding sign per site, lot or parcel may be permitted.
b. Where more than one(1)business or use occupies a parcel,individual signs
for individual businesses or uses may be consolidated on one (1)
freestanding sign that meets the maximum total sign area limitations for a
freestanding sign as provided herein.
c. A developed through lot which fronts on two arterials, offers site access
from both arterials and is not less than three hundred (300)feet deep(the
distance between the two arterials) may have two (2) freestanding signs,
one located on each of the two arterials. In such cases the second
freestanding sign is limited in size to not more than two-thirds (2/3) the
area permitted for the first freestanding sign.
d. When two (2) identical sign faces are placed back to back, the sign area
shall be computed by the measurement of one (1)of the faces where:
I. Both faces cannot be viewed from any point at the same time,and;
ii. Such sign faces are part of the same structure;and
iii. The sign faces are not more than twenty-four(24) inches apart.
' 4. Pedestrian and Vehicular Clearance
a. All signs constructed over a public or private pedestrian walkway or area
where pedestrians may walk or congregate shall be constructed to provide
a clearance of not less than seven (7)feet from the grade level below the
sign to the lowest element of the sign structure.
b. Signs and sign structures projecting over vehicular access and parking
areas shall be constructed to provide a clearance of not less than eight(8)
feet from the grade level below the sign to the lowest element of the sign
North Augusta Development Code Article 13:Signs Page 13 of 36
ARTICLE 13: SIGNS (EXHIBIT A for City Council 11-18-19)
5. Sight Distance Requirements
a. No sign should be placed within the sight distance triangle as required in
Article 14 of this code.
6. Master Signage Plan Required
a. A"Master Signage Plan" is required as noted in this chapter.
b. This plan shall, at a minimum:
i. Show or outline each suite, building, and its associated fa4ade
square footages and allowed square footages.
ii. The total square footages and placement allowed for each suite
and/or individual building within the development for
freestanding signage
iii. The total square footages and placement allowed for each suite
and/or individual building within the development for wall signage
iv. Materials
v. Illumination
vi. Must meet the requirements of this ordinance.
vii. A Master Signage Plan may be submitted and approved with any
site plan or plat,or individually,and must be approved prior to the
issuance of any sign permit.
viii. A Master Signage Plan may be revised at any time, however, any
revised plan must meet the requirements of the code in force at
the time of the revision.
7. Illumination
a. Signs may be internally or externally illuminated as noted within the text
of this article.
b. Illuminated signs shall not be oriented such that the direction and intensity
of lighting creates glare or a hazardous condition for drivers or pedestrians.
c. Any sign that is internally illuminated with a translucent face or sign panel
may utilize"daylight"bulbs as the light source provided that no more than
thirty percent (30%) of the sign face is white or light in color. Sign faces
where the amount of white or light colored space exceeds thirty percent
(30%) shall utilize "cool white" bulbs(or equivalent)as the light source.
e. Blank sign faces and panels shall be a dark color regardless of the type of
bulb utilized.
B. Spotlights
a. General illumination with beacons, spotlights, searchlights, and reflectors
are allowed for limited periods as outlined herein.These lights should not
be used as the illumination source for signage.
b. Spotlights will be allowed to remain illuminated no later than 10 pm on
any day.
North Augusta Development Code Article 13:Signs Page 14 of 36
ARTICLE 13: SIGNS (EXHIBIT A for City Council 11-18-19)
c. Spotlights will be allowed to remain on a site for not more than 10 days in
any 365 day period.
d. Spotlights shall remain stationary and will not rock, swing, flash or move
while illuminated.
e. Spotlights shall be positioned in such a manner that none of the light spills
over onto an adjoining property or glares or shines into the eyes of
motorists or pedestrians.
1. Public Notice Signs
a. Any public notice or warning issued by the city, county, state or federal
government is exempt from these regulations.
2. Signs Interior to a Project or on the Interior of Buildings and Not Visible from a
a. Signs not visible from a right-of-way or visible from the exterior of the
building are exempt from these regulations. Any sign inside a building
and visible from the exterior of the building that is not a window sign
shall be considered a wall sign.
3. Government Signs
a. Permanent or temporary signs erected by or on behalf of the city, county,
state or federal government identifying streets or public property,
conveying public information,and directing or regulating pedestrian or
vehicular traffic are exempt from these regulations.
4. Public Utility Information Signs
a. Informational signs of a public utility regarding its poles, lines, pipes or
facilities are exempt from these regulations.
5. Address Signs
a. The city finds and determines that address lettering that is unreadable
creates unsafe traffic situations and inhibits the provision of public
b. Address numbering is required on all structures in accordance with this
section to be readable from the street.Street numbers shall have the
following minimum heights:
I. Three (3) inches on the front door or front wall surface of a
residential dwelling unit;
ii. Eight (8) inches on the front door or wall surface of a commercial
iii. One and three-fourths (1.75) inches on any mailbox located
adjacent to the sidewalk, curb or edge of pavement.
North Augusta Development Code Article 13:Signs Page 15 of 36
ARTICLE 13: SIGNS (EXHIBIT A for City Council 11-18-19)
1. Non-Profit Street Banners
a. Banners advertising events of public interest sponsored by non-profit,
non-commercial agencies and which are placed at street locations
specifically authorized for display by the City Council may be approved.
2. Private Signs on Public Property or Right of Way
a. Private signs shall not be placed on any public property or right of way
without an approved encroachment permit authorizing such sign or
express allowance in this code.The Director may remove signs found to
be in violation of this section without prior notification to the property
owner.This includes signs held by humans or other devices within the
1. Applicability
a. Signage shall not exceed the limits as defined herein. If a sign type is not
listed in that district or use, that type of signage is not allowed in that
district or use. Zoning district means the district as established in Article 3,
Zoning Districts. Use is more precise than the zoning district. If there is a
conflict between district and use, use shall prevail.
2. Signage Allowed in Residential Uses and Districts
a. Applicability
a. This category applies to residential districts or uses in any zoning
district. Signage allowed in all residential districts are described
followed by specific restrictions for individual residential lots and
multi-family residential uses.
b. Signage Allowed in All Residential Districts or Uses
i. Constructions Signs
a. General Requirements
i. Signs must be located on private property.
ii. Signs must abut a public road frontage at the main
entrance to the project.
iii. Signs must be removed prior to the issuance of the
final Certificate of Occupancy, Maintenance,or
Performance Guarantee as applicable.
iv. One sign is allowed per project.
v. If additional Construction Signage is preferred
within an existing, established subdivision or
North Augusta Development Code Article 13:Signs Page 16 of 36
ARTICLE 13: SIGNS (EXHIBIT A for City Council 11-1849)
project,or as part of a phased development where
multiple construction signs may be desired:
1. A"Master Signage Plan' shall be required.
2. Each secondary sign may not exceed the
square footage allowed for each
Construction sign.
3. Signs may be placed only at the main entry
points to the phase or sub-phase.
vi. Shall not be internally illuminated
b. Allowed Square Footage
L Projects containing 10 or more lots or units:
1. Maximum Square Footage: 32 sq ft.
2. Maximum Height:8ft.
ii. Projects containing less than 10 units:
1. Maximum Square Footage: 16 sq ft.
2. Maximum Height: 8 ft.
ii. Temporary Signage
a. Shall not exceed six(6)square feet on any sign.
b. Maximum height is four(4)feet.
c. Shall not be illuminated.
iii. Signage on Vacant Lots
a. Parcels 5 acres or more: 32 sq ft.
b. Parcels with less than 5 acres, but over 1 acre: 16 sq ft.
c. Parcels 1 acre or less:6 sq ft.
d. Maximum Height is eight(8)feet.
e. Shall not be illuminated.
iv. Identification Signage
a. Must be attached to the building
b. Shall be mounted flush to or not project more than 4 inches
from the building
c. Area shall not exceed 2 square feet.
d. Shall not be illuminated.
v. Accessory Signs
a. Maximum Square Footage: 4 sq ft
b. Maximum Height: 2 ft.
c. Minimum Setbacks: 0 ft. from all property lines, except as
needed to avoid the sight triangle.
c. Single-family Dwellings,Townhouses, Rowhouses or Mobile Homes
I. Subdivision Entrance Signs
North Augusta Development Code Article 13:Signs Page 17 of 36
ARTICLE 13: SIGNS (EXHIBIT A for City Council 11-18-19)
a. Applicability:this section applies to signage identifying a
development and is located internal to and visible from
the initial point of entry to the neighborhood.
b. The size, location and design of subdivision entrance signs
shall be included on the approved preliminary plat. If a
subdivision sign is requested after the plat has been
approved it may be approved in accordance with this
c. If a Subdivision/Project Identification Sign is preferred
within an existing subdivision or as part of a phased
development, a "Master Signage Plan"shall be required.
d. Subdivision Identification Signs must meet the following:
L Not more than one (1) subdivision entrance sign
shall be located at the entry to any subdivision as
identified on the preliminary plat.
ii. Shall be a monument sign not to exceed 32 sq.ft.
or 5' in height.
iii. If two (2) identical monument signs are used,they
may not exceed sixteen (16)square feet each in
size and four(4)feet in height and must be placed
symmetrically on each side of an entry road.
iv. Subdivision entrance signs may be located in the
right of way within a required median but must be
outside of the paved section of the roadway.
v. Shall not be internally illuminated.
ii. Individual Parcels or Lots
a. Applicability:This category applies to individual lots in any
zoning district that are currently used for single-family,
townhomes(on individual lots),or duplex uses.This does
not include"condo"developments where units do not
have individual lots extending away from the footprint of
the unit.This section further restricts signage for these
uses or districts.
b. Shall not be internally illuminated.
c. Total Maximum Signage for all signs on a property unless
otherwise exempted:8 sq.ft.
d. Freestanding or Ground Signs
i. Maximum Square Footage:4 sq.ft.
ii. Maximum Height:4ft.
iii. Minimum Setbacks: 5 ft. from all property lines.
North Augusta Development Code Article 13:Signs Page 18 of 36
ARTICLE 13: SIGNS (EXHIBIT A for City Council 11-18-19)
d. Signage Allowed for Multi-family Districts and uses
i. Applicability:this category applies to multi-family developments in
any zoning district with three or more residential units on a single
lot and that do not fall under single-family or duplex uses. This
section further restricts signage for these uses or districts.
ii. Allowed Signage
a. Total Maximum Signage for all signs on a property: 150 sq.
b. Wall Signs Maximum Square footage: 100 sq.ft. or 5%of
Wall Area,whichever is less
� c. Freestanding or Ground Signs
i. Maximum Square Footage: 50 sq.ft.
ii. Maximum Height: 5 ft.
iii. Minimum Setbacks: 5 ft.front, 10 ft.side
North Augusta Development Code Article 13:Signs Page 19 of 36
ARTICLE 13: SIGNS (EXHIBIT A for City Council 11-18-19)
All Signs Wall Signs Freestanding Signs
Maximum Maximum Area may
Area(SF)of all not exceed square
signs may not footage or
exceed the percentage of wall
maximum area area,whichever is
allowed less
d Y d V y
Q Q E 2 a a
A N E L N S= N
E " 3 E "
m ;i f x o q
Type of sign or use" LL
1. construction Signage,to+lots or _ _- -_ 32 8' -- --
2. Construction Signage,less than 10 _ _- -- 16 8' -- --
lots or units
3. emporary Signs -- — -- 6 4
4. ignage on Vacant Lots over 5 -- ._ -- 32 8' -- --
5. ignage on Vacant Lots less than 5 -- 16 8' -- --
6. ignage on Vacant Lots 1 acre or -_ -- 6 4• --
7. Identification Signs - 2
8. ccessorySigns
9. Subdivision/Project Identification
S0. Individual Single Family Parcels or 8 _ -- q q'
11. Multi-Family Districts and uses" 150 100 5 50 5' 51
Notes to Table 13-1
• —" means that the restriction does not apply because that sign type is not allowed in that
• Please see the definitions to clarify how to measure these requirements.
• Abbreviations:"sq.ft."or"SF" means square feet."FT"or "means feet."LF" means Linear
• " See text for further restrictions.
North Augusta Development Code Article 13:Signs Page 20 of 36
ARTICLE 13: SIGNS (EXHIBIT A for City Council 11-1849)
3. Signage Allowed for Non-Residential Districts and Uses
a. Applicability: restrictions in this category apply to developments in any
zoning district that are currently used for non-residential purposes. If a
non-residential use is legally occupying a residentially zoned lot, the
Director shall determine the closest applicable district and sign
b. Constructions Signs:
i. General Requirements
a. Signs must be located on private property.
b. Signs must abut a public road frontage at the main entrance
to the project.
c. Signs must be removed prior to the issuance of the final
Certificate of Occupancy, Maintenance, or Performance
Guarantee as applicable.
d. One sign is allowed per project.
e. If additional Construction Signage is preferred within an
existing, established subdivision or project, or as part of a
phased development where multiple construction signs
may be desired:
I. A"Master Signage Plan"shall be required.
ii. Each secondary sign may not exceed the square
footage allowed for each Construction sign.
iii. Signs may be placed only at the main entry points to
the phase or sub-phase.
iv. Shall not be internally illuminated
f. Allowed Square Footage:
i. Maximum Square Footage: 32 sq.ft.
ii. Maximum height: 8ft.
c. TemporarySigns
I. In the Neighborhood Commercial INC) District:
a. Maximum Square Footage:6 sq.ft.
b. Maximum Height:4ft.
ii. In all other districts:
a. Maximum Square Footage: 16 sq.ft.
b. Maximum Height: 8ft.
c. Shall not be illuminated.
d. Signage on Vacant Lots
i. Parcels 5 acres or more:
a. Maximum Square Footage: 32 sq.ft.
b. Maximum height:8ft.
North Augusta Development Code Article 13:Signs Page 21 of 36
ARTICLE 13: SIGNS (EXHIBIT A for City Council 11-18-19)
ii. Parcels with less than 5 acres:
a. Maximum Square Footage: 16 sq.ft.
b. Maximum height:4ft.
iii. Shall not be illuminated.
e. Identification Signage
I. Must be attached to the building
ii. Shall be mounted flush to or not project more than 4 inches from
the building
iii. Area shall not exceed 2 square feet.
iv. Shall not be illuminated.
f. Accessory Signs
i. Maximum Square Footage: 4 sq ft.
ii. Maximum Height: 2'
iii. Minimum Setbacks: 0'from all property lines,except as needed to
avoid the sight triangle.
iv. Shall not be illuminated.
g. Window Signs
i. No window sign shall obscure more than fifty (50) percent of the
total window area on any single facade.
ii. Window signs should not completely obscure the view into the
business or office except as allowed herein.
iii. Window signs shall count towards the total allowed square footage
of signage allowed on any parcel or building.
iv. Window tinting or frosting with no design, words, or any other
graphic that could be considered a sign would not qualify as a
window sign.
h. Subdivision/Project Identification Signs
i. The size, location and design of subdivision entrance signs may be
included on the approved site plan. If a sign is requested after the
plat or plan has been approved it may be approved in accordance
with this section.
ii. Shall be a monument sign not to exceed 32 sq.ft. or S' in height.
iii. If a Subdivision/Project Identification Sign is preferred within an
existing subdivision or as part of a phased development, a
"Master Signage Plan" shall be required.
iv. Not more than one (1) subdivision entrance sign or signs shall be
located each entrance to any project.
v. If two (2) identical monument signs are used,they may not
exceed sixteen (16)square feet each in size or four(4)feet in
height and must be placed symmetrically on each side of an entry
North Augusta Development Code Article 13:Signs Page 22 of 36
ARTICLE 13: SIGNS (EXHIBIT A for City Council 1148-19)
vi. Subdivision/Project entrance signs may be located in the right of
way within a required median but must be outside of the paved
section of the roadway.
i. Special Provisions for Shopping Centers
L A Master Signage Plan is required for any new shopping centers
permitted after January 1, 2020. A Master Signage Plan is
recommended for existing Shopping Centers.
ii. Maximum Square Footage: 1000 sq.ft. or 10%of wall area,
whichever is least.
iii. Wall Sign Maximum Square Footage: 1000 sq.ft.or 5%of ground
floor area, 1 sq.ft. per linear foot of street frontage, whichever is
iv. Freestanding Signage:
a. Maximum Square Footage: 150 sq.ft.or 0.5 sq.ft. per
linear foot of street frontage,whichever is less.
b. Maximum Height: 25 ft.
c. Minimum Setbacks: 5 ft.front, 10 ft. side
j. Menu Boards
i. Maximum Square Footage: 32 sq ft.
ii. Maximum Height:8 ft.
iii. Must be located to the side or the rear of the building.
iv. May be internally illuminated, however, no light from the menu
board should be easily visible from any surrounding residential
v. Lighting must be turned off when the business is closed.
vi. May be exempt if not visible from any public right-of-way,
whether internal or external to the project.
Is. Canopy or Awning Signs -
L A canopy or awning maybe used as a sign surface only if:
a. No wall sign is included on the same facade.
b. The message does not extend in any direction above,below
or beyond the canopy edge.
c. The message is an integral part of the canopy or awning
d. Signage on the canopy or awning sign does not exceed one-
half(%)of the area bounded by the edges of the canopy or
awning visible from the public right of way. (If the only
signage for the building is on the fringe drip-flap portion of
the canopy, the entire portion of said area may be utilized
for signage.)
North Augusta Development Code Article 13:Signs Page 23 of 36
ARTICLE 13: SIGNS (EXHIBIT A for City Council 11-18-19)
I. Electronic Readerboards
i. Shall be used only in the Office Commercial (OC), General
Commercial (GC),Thoroughfare Commercial (TC),and Industrial
(IND) districts.
ii. Shall not exceed 50%of the sign area of which it is a part.
iii. Must have a dark or black background.
iv. Shall not display any animation, scrolling, flashing, or the
appearance of animation or other prohibited sequence of lighting.
v. Electronic Readerboards are prohibited in the Neighborhood
Preservation Overlay.
m. Changeable Copy
i. Shall be used only in the Office Commercial (OC), General
Commercial (GC) and Thoroughfare Commercial (TC) districts.
ii. Must be part of a larger wall or freestanding sign.
iii. Shall not exceed 30%of the sign area of which it is a part.
iv. Changeable Copy signs are prohibited in the Georgia Avenue and
Neighborhood Preservation Overlay.
n. Maximum Total Square Footage of All Signage on a Non-Residential Parcel
or Lot
i. Zoning Districts
a. Neighborhood Commercial (NC):
L Maximum Square Footage: 200 sq ft. or 4%of
ground floor area,or 3 sq ft per linear foot of street
frontage,whichever is least.
b. Office Commercial (OC):
I. Maximum Square Footage: 300 sq ft. or 6%of
ground floor area,or 3 sq ft per linear foot of street
frontage, whichever is least.
c. General Commercial (GC) and Thoroughfare Commercial
I. Maximum Square Footage: 300 sq ft. or 10%of
ground floor area,or 3 sq ft per linear foot of street
frontage,whichever is least.
d. Industrial (IND) Districts
I. Maximum Square Footage: 300 sq. ft. or 2% of
ground floor area,or 3 sq.ft.per linear foot of street
frontage,whichever is less.
North Augusta Development Code Article 13:Signs Page 24 of 36
ARTICLE 13: SIGNS (EXHIBIT A for City Council 11-18-18)
ii. Overlay Districts
a. Neighborhood Preservation Overlay
i. Maximum Square Footage: 200 sq ft. or 6%of
ground floor area, or 3 sq ft per linear foot of street
frontage,whichever is least.
b. Highway Corridor Overlay
i. Maximum Square Footage: 300 sq ft.or 10%or 6
sq ft per linear ft of frontage, whichever is least.
c. Georgia Avenue Overlay
i. Maximum Square Footage: 100 sq ft. or 30%or 6
sq ft per linear ft of frontage,whichever is least.
o. Wall Signs
i. Zoning Districts
a. Neighborhood Commercial (NC):
i. Maximum Square Footage: 160 sq ft.,or 10%of wall
area, whichever is less.
b. Office Commercial (OC), General Commercial (GC) and
Thoroughfare Commercial (TC):
i. Maximum Square Footage:300 sq ft.,or 10%of wall
area,whichever is less.
c. Overlay Districts
i. Neighborhood Preservation Overlay
i. Maximum Square Footage: 160 sq ft.
ii. Signs shall not be internally illuminated.
iii. Externally illuminated signs and signs in
which the letters or graphics are
constructed of neon tubing are permitted.
d. Highway Corridor Overlay
i. Maximum Square Footage: 300 sq ft. or 10%of wall
area,whichever is less.
e. Georgia Avenue Overlay
L Maximum Square Footage: 100 sq ft. or 7% of wall
area, whichever is less.
p. Freestanding Signs
i. Zoning District
a. Neighborhood Commercial (NC):
i. Maximum Square Footage: 60 sq. ft. or 0.25 sq. ft.
per linear foot of street frontage,whichever is less.
ii. Maximum Height: 10'
iii. Minimum Setbacks: 5'front, 10'side.
North Augusta Development Code Article 13:Signs Page 25 of 36
ARTICLE 13: SIGNS (EXHIBIT A for City Council 11-18-19)
b. Office Commercial (OC):
I. Maximum Square Footage: 100 sq. ft. or 0.5 sq. ft.
per linear foot of street frontage, whichever is less.
ii. Maximum Height: 12'
iii. Minimum Setbacks: 5'front, 10'side
c. General Commercial (GC):
i. Maximum Square Footage: 100 sq. ft. or 0.5 sq. ft.
per linear foot of street frontage,whichever is less.
ii. Maximum Height: 20'
iii. Minimum Setbacks: 5'front, 10'side
d. Thoroughfare Commercial (TC):
I. Maximum Square Footage: 100 sq.ft.or 1 sq.ft. per
linear foot of street frontage, whichever is less.
ii. Maximum Height: 25'
iii. Minimum Setbacks: 5' front, 10' side
e. Industrial (IND) Districts
I. Maximum Square Footage: 150 sq. ft. or 0.5 sq. ft.
per linear foot of street frontage,whichever is less.
ii. Maximum Height: 20'
iii. Minimum Setbacks:S' front, 10' side
ii. Overlay Districts
a. Highway Corridor Overlay
i. Maximum Square Footage: 100 sq ft.or0.5 sq ft per
linear foot of street frontage,whichever is less.
ii. Maximum Height:25'
iii. Minimum Setbacks: 5'front, 10' side
b. Neighborhood Preservation Overlay
I. Maximum Square Footage: 60 sq ft. or 0.5 sq ft per
linear foot of street frontage,whichever is less.
ii. Maximum Height: 10 ft.
iii. Minimum Setbacks: 5 ft front, 5 ft side
iv. Signs shall not be internally illuminated.
v. Externally illuminated signs and signs in which the
letters or graphics are constructed of neon tubing
are permitted.
c. Georgia Avenue Overlay
i. Maximum Square Footage: 20 sq ft. or 0.25 sq ft.
per linear foot of street frontage,whichever is less.
H. Maximum Height:8 ft.
iii. Minimum Setbacks:0 ft.
iv. Signs shall not be internally illuminated.
North Augusta Development Code Article 13:Signs Page 26 of 36
ARTICLE 13: SIGNS (EXHIBIT A for City Council 11-18-19)
All Signs Wall Signs Freestanding Signs
Maximum TOTAL Maximum SF Maximum
SF of all signs is is the lesser Maximum SF is the lesser of SF,if not
the lesser of of G or H otherwise
B,or C,or D E or F specified
Use or Zoning District• E ,� E 3 E_
u o
I. Construction Signage -- -- -- -- -- -- 32
2. Temporary Signs -- -- -- -- - -- — 16
3. Temporary Signs,NC District -- — -- -- -- -- — -- -- 6
4. scant Lots over 5 acres -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- 32
S. Vacant Lots less than 5 acres -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- 16
6. Identification — -- -- -- -- -- — 2
7. Accessory Signs -- -- -- — -- -- -- -- 4
e. Window Signs -- — -- -- — — — -- 50%of
9. Subdivision/Project -- 32 -- 5 -- --
Identification Signs
10. hopping Centers 1,000 5 1 1,000 30 150 0.50 25 5/10 16
11. Menu Boards -- -- -- -- -- -- -- — -- 32
12. Canopy Signs 50%of
13. Electronic Readerboards -- -- — -- -- -- -- -- - 50%of sign
14. Changeable Message Signs -- -- -- -- -- -- -- - 30%of sign
15. Neighborhood Commercial 200 4 3 160 10 60 0.25 10 5/10 6
16. ffice Commercial(OC) 300 6 3 300 10 100 0.50 12 5/10 16
17. General Commercial(GC) 300 30 3 300 30 100 0.50 20 5/10 16
16. Thoroughfare Commercial 300 10 3 300 10 100 1 25 5/10 16
19. Highway Corridor Overlay 300 10 6 300 10 100 0.50 25 5/10 16
10. Neighborhood Preservation 200 6 3 160 -- 60 0.50 10 5/5 6
21. e°rgia Avenue Overlay(GA)
22. Industrial(IND) 300 2 3 — -- 150 0.50 20 5/10 16
North Augusta Development Code Article 13:Signs Page 27 of 36
ARTICLE 13: SIGNS (EXHIBIT A for City Council 11-18-19)
Notes to Table 13-2
• —" means that the restriction does not apply because that sign type is not allowed in that
• Please see the definitions to clarify how to measure these requirements.
• Abbreviations:"sq.f[."or"SF"means square feet."FT"or "means feet."LF"means Linear
• *See teat for further restrictions.
North Augusta Development Code Article 13:Signs Page 28 of 36
ARTICLE 13: SIGNS (EXHIBIT A for City Council 11-18-19)
4. Signage Allowed in Downtown District
a. Applicability: any property zoned "D, Downtown," regardless of the use of
the property.
b. Maximum Total Square Footage of Signage
I. Maximum Square Footage: 200 sq.ft.or 3 sq.ft. per linear foot of
street frontage,whichever is less.
c. Illumination:
I. Signs shall not be internally illuminated.
ii. Externally illuminated signs and signs in which the letters or
graphics are constructed of neon tubing are permitted.
iii. Illuminated signs shall not be oriented such that the direction and
intensity of lighting creates glare or a hazardous condition for
drivers or pedestrians.
iv. Plastic box signs and signs constructed primarily of plastic are not
permitted. Plastic and vinyl lettering are permitted.
d. Constructions Signs:
I. General Requirements
a. Signs must be located on private property.
b. Signs must abut a public road frontage at the main
entrance to the project.
c. Signs must be removed prior to the issuance of the final
Certificate of Occupancy, Maintenance, or Performance
Guarantee as applicable.
d. One sign is allowed per project.
i. If additional Construction Signage is preferred
within an existing,established subdivision or
project,or as part of a phased development where
multiple construction signs may be desired:
a. A"Master Signage Plan"shall be required.
b. Each secondary sign may not exceed the
square footage allowed for each
Construction sign.
c. Signs may be placed only at the main entry
points to the phase or sub-phase.
e. Shall not be internally illuminated
f. Allowed Square Footage:
I. Maximum Square Footage: 32 sq ft.
ii. Maximum height: 8ft.
North Augusta Development Code Article 13:Signs Page 29 of 36
ARTICLE 13: SIGNS (EXHIBIT A for City Council 11-18-19)
e. TemporarySigns
I. Maximum Square Footage: six(6) square feet
ii. Maximum Height: 4 ft.
iii. Shall not be illuminated.
iv. Temporary signs may be placed in the public right-of-way if they
meet the following:
a. Must be placed on the sidewalk.
b. Shall not be more than 20' from the public entrance of a
c. Shall not restrict free movement of the public road or
sidewalk and maintain a free a walkway of not less than five
(5)feet at all times.
d. Shall be removed from the sidewalk when the business is
f. Signage on Vacant Lots
i. Parcels 5 acres or more:
a. Maximum square feet: 32 sq.ft.
b. Maximum height: 8 ft.
ii. Parcels with less than 5 acres: 16 sq.ft.
a. Maximum height: 4ft.
iii. Shall not be illuminated.
g. Identification Signage
i. Must be attached to the building
ii. Shall be mounted flush to or not project more than 4 inches from
the building
iii. Area shall not exceed 2 square feet.
iv. Shall not be illuminated.
It. Accessory Signs
i. Maximum Square Footage: 4 sq.ft.
ii. Maximum Height: 2 ft.
iii. Minimum Setbacks: 0 ft. from all property lines, except as needed
to avoid the sight triangle.
iv. Shall not be illuminated.
i. Window Signs
i. No window sign shall obscure more than fifty (50) percent of the
total window area on any single facade.
ii. Window signs should not completely obscure the view into the
business or office except as allowed herein.
iii. Window signs count towards the total allowed square footage of
signage allowed on any parcel or building.
North Augusta Development Code Article 13:Signs Page 30 of 36
ARTICLE 13: SIGNS (EXHIBIT A for City council 11-18-19)
iv. Window tinting or frosting with no design, words, or any other
graphic that could be considered a sign would not qualify as a
window sign.
v. Window signs may be painted on the inside of the window. Rigid
plastic sheets with paint or vinyl lettering are permitted as window
vi. Window signs shall not be internally illuminated.
vii. Window signs in which the letters or graphics are constructed of
neon tubing are permitted.
j. Menu Boards
i. Maximum Square Footage: 32 sq ft.
ii. Maximum Height: 8ft.
iii. Must be located to the side or the rear of the building.
iv. May be internally illuminated, however, no light from the menu
board should be easily visible from any surrounding residential
v. Lighting must be turned off when the business is closed.
vi. May be exempt if not visible from any public right-of-way,
whether internal or external to the project.
k. Wall Signs
i. Wall signs shall be placed in existing architectural sign panels
integral to the building facade when such a sign panel exists.
ii. Maximum Square Footage: 100 sq ft., or 10% of wall area,
whichever is less.
I. Projecting Signs
i. Projecting signs shall be extended no more than six (6) feet from
the building to which it is affixed.
ii. Only one (1) projecting sign is permitted per building frontage,
provided, however, that multi-tenant buildings in non-residential
districts may include one (1) projecting sign per tenant in addition
to wall signs, and provided that such signs are spaced not closer
than twenty(20)feet horizontally from another projecting sign.
iii. A projecting sign shall not exceed 12 sq.ft.
iv. Signs that project into the right-of-way must have an
encroachment permit as required by the City of North Augusta or
SCDOT, as applicable.
North Augusta Development Code Article 13:Signs Page 31 of 36
ARTICLE 13: SIGNS (EXHIBIT A for City Council 11-18-19)
m. Canopy or Awning Signs
I. A canopy or awning maybe used as a sign surface only if:
a. No wall sign is included on the same facade.
b. The message does not extend in any direction above, below
or beyond the canopy edge.
c. The message is an integral part of the canopy or awning
d. Signage on the canopy or awning sign does not exceed one-
half(%) of the area bounded by the edges of the canopy or
awning visible from the public right of way. (If the only
signage for the building is on the fringe drip-flap portion of
the canopy, the entire portion of said area may be utilized
for signage.)
n. Marqueesigns
I. A building is permitted one marquee sign in addition to a wall sign.
ii. A marquee sign shall not be permitted if the building employs a
freestanding, monument, canopy or awning sign.
iii. The maximum sign surface shall not exceed five percent(5%)of the
building facade or wall area to which the sign is attached, up to a
maximum of twenty (20) square feet.The maximum area shall be
measured as a percentage of the wall or facade to which the sign is
attached,whichever results in a smaller area.
iv. Alternate designs for marquee signage may be considered as Iconic
Signs and may follow the process for approval of iconic signs.
o. Freestanding or Ground Signs
i. One (1) sign per building may be located in lieu of a canopy sign if
a wall or canopy sign does not provide adequate visibility.
ii. The sign may be located on the sidewalk in the right of way if an
encroachment permit or agreement required by the city and
SCOOT has been approved and issued.
a. The sign shall not exceed eight (8)feet in height.
b. The pole and base of such signs shall be constructed of
decorative black, or other approved dark color, metal. No
portion of the shaft shall have a diameter exceeding ten
(10) inches.
c. The sign panel or message area shall not exceed twenty
(20) square feet in area.
d. The sign shall not obstruct or interfere with pedestrian
traffic, parking or lines of sight required for traffic safety
(sight triangle).
North Augusta Development Code Article 13:Signs Page 32 of 36
ARTICLE 13: SIGNS (EXHIBIT A for City Council 11-18-19)
iii. Monument Signs—Ground mounted or monument signs are
permitted under the following conditions:
a. Such signs shall not exceed five(5)feet in height and
twenty(20)square feet in area.
b. Such signs shall not be located within the public right of
c. Such signs shall be set back from the right of way no less
than one (1)foot. (Rev. 5-21-12; Ord. 2012-08)
d. Such signs shall not obstruct or interfere with pedestrian
traffic, parking or lines of sight required for traffic safety
(sight triangle).
p. Electronic Readerboards
I. Shall not exceed 50%of the sign area of which it is a part
ii. Must have a dark or black background.
iii. Shall not display any animation, scrolling, flashing, or the
appearance of animation or other prohibited sequence of lighting.
iv. Electronic Readerboards are prohibited in the Neighborhood
Preservation Overlay.
q. Changeable Copy
i. Must be part of a larger wall or freestanding sign
ii. Shall not exceed 30%of the sign area of which it is apart.
iii. Changeable Copy signs are prohibited in the Georgia Avenue and
Neighborhood Preservation Overlay.
r. Iconic Signs
L Iconic Signage may be installed in lieu of any allowed signage on
any building in the Downtown District after review and approval by
the North Augusta City Council until such time as a Design or
Architectural Review Board are in place. After approval, all signs
must be properly permitted through Planning and Development
and the Building Standards Department,as applicable.
ii. Iconic Signage may encroach on public right-of-way if an
encroachment agreement is issued by the City Engineer.
iii. These signs may be illuminated externally,internally,or with neon.
Signs utilizing illumination that radiates a glare or light greater than
one half foot-candle at the property line on which the sign is
located are prohibited.
North Augusta Development Code Article 13:Signs Page 33 of 36
ARTICLE 13: SIGNS (EXHIBIT A for City Council 11-18-19)
s. Public Art
I. Public Art may be installed in the Downtown District after review
and approval by the North Augusta City Council until such time as
a Design or Architectural Review Board are in place.Afterapproval,
all art must be properly permitted through Planning and
Development and the Building Standards Department, as
ii. Public Art may encroach on public right-of-way if an encroachment
agreement is issued by the City Engineer.
t. Murals
i. Murals may be painted on any wall in the Downtown District after
review and approval by the North Augusta City Council until such
time as a Design or Architectural Review Board are in place.After
approval,all art must be properly permitted through Planning and
Development and the Building Standards Department, as
North Augusta Development Code Article 13:Signs Page 34 of 36
ARTICLE 13: SIGNS (EXHIBIT A for City Council 11-18-19)
All Signs Wall Signs Freestanding Signs
Maximum TOTAL Maximum Maximum SF is the lesser
SF of all signs is SF is the of Maximum SF
the lesser of lesser of G or H
B,or C,or EorF
A B C D E F G H I J g
yY 9 i d i N q m d
a J • LL Od0 a Q a C O C 0 a
Type of Signage, V `o 1p"' w o E c 3 E n n LL e s o a E
E — e n c . . .. A E 'ii
f XLL r6LL f LLa` � f LLN
1. Construction Signage -- — -- — — -" — -- 32
2. emporarY — — -- — -- -- — -- — 6
3. acant Lots 5 acres
q. acant lots under acres - — — — -- -- — -- 16
5. Identification -- -- — -- — — — 2
6. ccessory — — -- — "- — -- -- -- 4
7. indow50%of
-- -- window area
B. Menu Boards — -- — -- — 32
9. all -- — — 100 10 - -- -- -- —
10. Projecting -- -- -- -- — -- — — — 12
11. nopy or Awning 50%of
-- -- --
12. Marquee 20 sf or 5%o
13. Free Standing/Ground 100 10 6 20 .5 8 0/0 --
10. Electronic Readerboard
15. Changeable Copy
16. Iconic
17. Public Art
18. Murals
Notes to Table 13-3
—" means that the restriction does not apply because that sign type is not allowed in that
• Please see the definitions to clarify how to measure these requirements.
• Abbreviations:"sq.ft."or"SF"means square feet."FT"or "means feet."LF" means Linear
• *See text for further restrictions.
North Augusta Development Code Article 13:Signs Page 35 of 36
ARTICLE 13: SIGNS (EXHIBIT A for City Council 11-18-19)
5. Signage for Special Zoned Districts
a. For districts listed in Article 3 as "Special Districts" and not otherwise
regulated under other sections of this article, the total allowed square
footage may be coordinated between uses with a Master Signage plan.The
total square footage allowed shall not exceed the total square footage
allowed for any use.
b. "Use Patterns" as regulated in Article 2 should be calculated based on the
use of the property and the most closely related zoning district restrictions
as determined by the Director of Planning and Development.
c. Public District signage shall be determined by the City Council.
1. Flashing Signs: Any sign which displays intermittent or flashing illumination which
changes more than once in any thirty(30) second period is prohibited.
2. Portable Signs:Any portable sign,except when used as a temporary sign as
permitted in these regulations, is prohibited.
3. Signs Attached to Fences, Poles,Trees:Any sign or advertising device attached to or
painted on a fence, power or telephone pole,tree, stone or any other natural object
is prohibited.
4. Roof Signs.
5. Fluttering Signs:Any fluttering ribbon and any banner or similar device is prohibited.
6. Illuminated Tubing:Any illuminated tubing outlining property lines,open sales areas
or parking areas is prohibited. Illuminated tubing that is attached and integral to an
original architectural detail of a building is permitted.
7. Inflatable Signs or Decoration:Any inflatable sign or sign affixed to a tethered
balloon,where such sign is visible from the property line, is prohibited.
8. Reflective Paint and Lighting:Any sign with "day-glow" or highly reflecting coloring,
paint or lighting or any sign that conflicts or may conflict with traffic flow or the
visibility of vehicle drivers or pedestrians is prohibited.
9. Strobe Lights:Any strobe light or very bright light, moveable or non-moveable that is
visible from any adjacent property or right-of-way for the purpose of attracting
attention to a location is not permitted.
10. Billboards.
11. Multi-faced Signs.
12. Any sign within the right-of-way except as expressly allowed herein.
North Augusta Development Code Article 13:Signs Page 36 of 36
Sign and Master Signage Plan North �L\
Zoning Review Application Au lista
North Augusta Development Code Article 13 14x011Alrolirlcns liiUer]runl
Type of Review Requested:
[ ] Freestanding [ ] Wall [ ] Master Signage Plan [ ] Sign Re-facing [ ] Other
Please complete both pages of this application.All fees must be paid prior to issuance of any approval.
Approval of this application does not include permission to install the sign if any Building or Electrical Permits
are required. Building Standards may be contacted at(803) 441-4226.
Applications may be submitted in person, by mail, or via email at 0lanning(dnorthauausta.net.
Submittal Requirements
Master Signage . Show or outline each suite, building,and its associated fa4ade square footages and
Plan : allowed square footages
. The total square footage and placement allowed for each suite and/or individual
building within the development for freestanding signage
. The total square footages and placement allowed for each suite and/or individual
building within the development for wall signage
. Materials
. Illumination
. A Master Signage Plan may be submitted and approved with any site plan or plat,or
individually,and must be approved priorto the issuance of any sign permit when
. A Master Signage Plan may be revised at any time, however, any revised plan must
meet the requirements of the code in force at the time of the revision.
Wall Signs: . Elevations of building wall where sign will be placed showing square footage
. Location of proposed signs, drawn to scale, on the wall(include appropriate
Sign dimensions, including dimensions of individual letters and graphics
Freestanding . Sign dimensions, including dimensions of individual letters and graphics
Signs: . A site plan showing the location and dimensions of boundary lines, easements,
required yards and setbacks,and the location of existing buildings and structures
(including any existing sign structures)
. Clearly marked distances between monument sign and property lines and structures
IStaff Use Only
Date Received: Fee: Permit q:
Approved/Denied: Date:
Page 1 of 2
owner information
Owner Name:
Phone: Email
Applicant information
Applicant Name: Date
Phone: Email:
The applicant hereby certifies that he/she is authorized to make this application and
that all the information contained on this application is true and correct to the best of
his/her knowledge.Any sign installed in violation of this application will be subject to
code enforcement as specified in the North Augusta Municipal Code.
Property and Project Information
Project Location:
Illumination: [ ] Internal [ ] External [ ] No
Is the sign subject to a Master Signage Plan: [ ] yes [ ] No
Does the sign require a building or electrical permit: [ ] Yes [ ] No
Page 2 of 2
WHEREAS,the City of North Augusta recently purchased property at 311 W.
Martintown Road (parcels 007-07-07-001, 007-07-07-002 and 007-07-07-003) consisting of
2.81 acres; and
WHEREAS, the City of North Augusta intends to build a fire station on
referenced property(specifically, fire station 41);and
WHEREAS, the property is currently zoned R-14 (Large Lot Single Family
Residential) but needs to be rezoned to P (Public Use District) which has a permitted use of
fire services.
NOW THEREFORE,BE IT RESOLVED by the Mayor and City Council of the City of North
Augusta, South Carolina,in meeting duly assembled and by the authority thereof,that the City
Administrator is directed as follows:
1. To file the appropriate application with the Department of Planning
and Development requesting rezoning of property located at 311
W. Martintown Road from R-14 to P.
2. The City Administrator is further authorized to execute any
documents necessary to make this application as well as submit any
documents or information as required to allow the request to
WHEREAS,the City of North Augusta authorized the creation of the
Ballpark Village Municipal Improvement District(the"District')via Ordinance 2016-23,
WHEREAS,the City approved imposition of special assessments on parcels
of real property within the District to fund certain public improvements,and
WHEREAS,the City will need specialized services related to the
administration of the assessments in the District, and
WHEREAS,an assessment consultant has expertise to provide these
specialized and other related services, and
WHEREAS,the City already has an established relationship with MuniCap,
Inc. from the Series 2017B bond issuance and the simultaneous creation of the District, and
WHEREAS,the Mayor and City Council find that the authorization of such
agreement is in the best interest of the City.
NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Mayor and City Council of the
City of North Augusta in meeting duly assembled and by the authority thereof that the
Interim City Administrator shall be authorized to enter into an agreement with MuniCap,
Inc. to administer special assessments in the District.
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the funding source for this agreement shall be
from revenue streams generated in the District and be billed as appropriate to those parcels
of real property within the District requiring special assessments.
Robert A. Pettit,Mayor
Sharon Lamar,City Clerk
THIS AGREEMENT is made and entered into as of the last date specified below by and
between MUNICAP, INC. ("Assessment Consultant") and the THE CITY OF NORTH
WHEREAS, the CITY has approved the imposition of special assessments on parcels of
real property within the Ballpark Village Municipal Improvement District(the"District')to fund
certain public improvements;and
WHEREAS,the CITY will need specialized services related to the administration of the
Assessments,as more fully set forth in this Agreement; and
WHEREAS, the CITY has approved the issuance of a borrowing that will be supported
by the Assessments(the 'Bonds")to finance certain public improvements; and
WHEREAS,the CITY will need specialized services related to the administration of the
Assessments,the District and the Bonds,as more fully set forth in this Agreement; and
WHEREAS, Assessment Consultant has expertise to provide these specialized services
and other related services;
NOW,THEREFORE,In consideration of the mutual promises and covenants contained
in this Agreement, and for good and valuable consideration, the Assessment Consultant and the
CITY agree as follows:
I. Following signature by both parties, this Agreement shall become effective.
Capitalized terms not otherwise defined herein shall have the meaning given thereto in the
documents approved by the City that established the Assessments,including the Rate and Method
of the Apportionment of Assessment A and the Rate and Method of Apportionment of Assessment
2. (a) Assessment Consultant shall provide financial and administrative services
to the CITY related to the Assessments and Bonds as described in Exhibit A which is attached
and incorporated by reference.
(b) Assessment Consultant will supply all tools and means necessary to the
performance of those services and production of those work products described in Exhibit A.
(c) As a part of the work and services to be performed,Assessment Consultant
shall furnish intermediate reports to the CITY from time to time, when requested, in such form
and number as may be required by the CITY,and shall make such final reports as may be required
by the CITY concerning the work and services performed,
(d) Should any errors caused by Assessment Consultant be found in any
services or work products,Assessment Consultant will correct those errors, and if the errors are
in final services or products, make such corrections at no additional charge, by revising the
services and work products as necessary to eliminate the errors.
(e) The work and services shall be performed personally by Assessment
Consultant and no other person or corporation shall be engaged for the work or services by
Assessment Consultant, except upon the written approval of the CITY,provided, however, that
this provision shall not apply to secretarial, clerical, and similar incidental services needed by
Assessment Consultant.
3. Assessment Consultant's compensation for these services shall be as provided for
in Exhibit B attached and incorporated by reference.
4. The CITY shall provide access to all documents reasonably necessary to the
performance of Assessment Consultant's duties under this Agreement. All such documents shall
remain the property of the CITY. Except as may be necessary for the performance of this
Agreement, and to the extent not generally known as available to the public, the Assessment
Consultant shall not use or disclose information concerning the CITY without prior written
consent of the CITY.
5. Assessment Consultant may not disclose information relating to the work and
services performed under this Agreement to any person not entitled to receive it.
6. In performance of work and services under this Agreement,Assessment Consultant
shall act solely as an independent contractor,and nothing contained or implied in this Agreement
shall at any time be construed as to create the relationship of employer and employee,partnership,
principal and agent,or joint ventures as between the CITY and Assessment Consultant.
7. This Agreement shall terminate upon the formal termination of the imposition and
collection of the Assessments on all Parcels within the District. This Agreement may be canceled
upon the completion of the services for any year with or without cause effective on 60 days notice.
8. Any notices to be given hereunder by either party to the other may be effected either
by personal delivery in writing or by mail and shall be effective upon confirmation of receipt.
Mailed notices shall be addressed to the parties at the addresses appearing below, or such other
address as given by written notice from one party to the other.
To Assessment Consultant:
8965 Guilford Road
Suite 210
Columbia,Maryland 21046
Attention: President
City of North Augusta
100 Georgia Avenue
North Augusta, SC 29841-3843
Attention: City Manager
9. This Agreement, including the Exhibits, supersedes any and all agreements,either
oral or written,between the parties,and contains all of the covenants and agreements between the
parties with respect to the rendering of such services. Each party to this Agreement acknowledges
that no representations, inducements, promises, or agreements, orally or otherwise, have been
made by any party, or anyone acting on behalf of any party, which is not embodied in this
Agreement, and that no other agreement, statement, or promise not contained in this Agreement
shall be valid or binding. Any modification of this Agreement(including any modification to an
Exhibit)will be effective if it is in writing and signed by the parties to this Agreement.
10. Failure of either party to enforce any provision of this Agreement shall not
constitute a waiver of that or any other provision of this Agreement.
11. If any provision in this Agreement is held by a court of competent jurisdiction to
be invalid, void, or unenforceable, the remaining provisions will nevertheless continue in full
force without being impaired or invalidated in any way.
12. This Agreement may be signed in counterparts, each of which shall be an original
and all of which together shall constitute one and the same instrument.
13. Assessment Consultant is registered as a"municipal advisor"under Section 15B of
the Securities Exchange Act of 1934 and rules and regulations adopted by the Securities Exchange
Commission (the "SEC") and the Municipal Securities Rulemaking Board (the "MSRB").
Pursuant to MSRB Rule G-10,Assessment Consultant(MuniCap,Inc.) is required to provide the
CITY with the following information.
The MSRB has made available on its website (www msrb.ore) a municipal advisory client
brochure that describes the protections that may he provided by MSRB rules and how to file a
complaint with the appropriate regulatory authority.
Assessment Consultant has determined,after exercising reasonable diligence,that it has no known
material conflicts of interest that would impair its ability to provide advice to CITY in accordance
with its fiduciary duty to municipal-entity clients and the standard of care required by MSRB Rule
G-42(a)(i)concerning obligated person clients.To the extent any material conflicts of interest arise
after the date of this agreement, Assessment Consultant will provide information concerning any
material conflicts of interest in the form of a written supplement to this agreement.
As part of this registration,Assessment Consultant is required to disclose to the SEC information
regarding criminal actions,regulatory actions,investigations,terminations,judgments,liens,civil
judicial actions, customer complaints, arbitrations and civil litigation involving Assessment
As part of this registration, the Assessment Consultant is required to disclose any legal or
disciplinary event that is material to the CITY's evaluation of Assessment Consultant or the
integrity of its management or advisory personnel.Assessment Consultant has determined that no
such event exists.
Copies of Assessment Consultant filings with the SEC are available via the SEC's EDGAR system
by searching"Company Filings,"which is available via the Internet at:
Search for"MuniCap"or for Assessment Consultant's CIK number,which is 000161774.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF this Agreement has been agreed to, accepted and executed as of this
day of , 2019.
Keenan Rice
Todd Glover
City Manager
Exhibit A—Scope of Services
Exhibit B—Fee Schedule
Scope of Services
The Assessment Consultant shall provide services to the CITY in accordance with this
scope of services. The following services are typically provided by Assessment Consultant for
similar special assessment districts, but all services are provided on an as requested basis. There
are seven sections to this scope of services relating to seven general types of administration
services provided. These sections are as follows: (i) administrative services related to the special
assessments, (ii) special assessment delinquency management, (iii) prepayment of special
assessments,(iv)arbitrage rebate services,(v)continuing disclosure services,(vi)IRS compliance
monitoring and(vii)services relating to other revenues,including tax increment finance revenues,
that may be utilized for the Bonds and or may impact the District. Certain services (IV through
VI)are only relevant to the extent that the CITY requests the services. The seven specific service
types expected to be provided by the Assessment Consultant are described below.
Upon request,and as additional services billed on an hourly basis,Consultant shall provide
additional services to assist with matters related to the District.All services are provided on an as
requested basis. The services provided herein do not include conducting due diligence on
information provided to or used by Consultant. Consultant will not rely on information that
Consultant does not believe to be reasonable and valid, but Consultant will not investigate the
validity of information unless requested to so as additional work. Consultant's services do not
include any services not specified herein or specified at the time additional services are requested,
including review of legal,engineering and land use issues.
Administrative and management support services are those services associated with the
annual determination of the special assessments to be collected from the property subject thereto,
management of assessment funds and accounts and providing public information.
A. Calculate the Annual Payment
This task entails determining the Annual Payment of the special assessments to be collected
from each parcel and includes the following sub-tasks:
1. Background Research
This task involves gathering and organizing the information required to
form a database necessary to calculate and to allocate the Annual Payment and includes the
(a) Subdivision Research: Identify parcel subdivisions and any other
information relevant to the collection of the Annual Payment.
(b) Assessor's Parcel Research: Upon publication of property tax roll,
review the Aiken County Assessor's parcel maps to compile a list of
the parcels that will be valid for the collection of the Annual
(c) ownership/Exempt Property Research: Research changes in
ownership and dedication and offers of dedication of real property to
public agencies and other exempt uses. Identify date real property
conveyed or offered to exempt entities.
(d) Database Management: Prepare database to include all relevant
property characteristics for the parcels in the District.
2. Calculate the Annual Payment to be Collected
This task involves calculating the Annual Payment to be collected and
includes the following sub-tasks:
(a) Preparation of the Annual Revenue Requirement: Prepare a
calculation of the Annual Revenue Requirement for the subsequent
(b) Calculate Other Funds Available: Calculate other funds available,
such as tax increment revenues, excess revenues from prior years,
reserve fund income and other funds relating to the Bonds.
(c) Calculate the Annual Parcel Credit: Calculate the Annual Parcel
Credit for the parcels within the District on the basis of the Rate and
Method of Apportionment of Special Assessments.
3. Determine Updates to the Assessment Roll
This task involves determining the updates to the special assessment roll
and making those amendments pursuant to the Rate and Method of Apportionment of Special
4. Preparation of Report
This task involves the preparation of an annual assessment report
explaining,among other things, the research,methodology and assumptions utilized in preparation
of the Annual Revenue Requirement,the Annual Payment to be collected and amendments to the
special assessment roll.
5. Support Services Related to Billing of Annual Payments
(a) Present Findings to the City: The report prepared by the
Assessment Consultant will be provided to the CITY for its approval.
(b) Provide to City: The Assessment Consultant shall assist the CITY
with the necessary distribution of the amounts of the Annual
Payments to be collected each year to process the proper billing of
the Assessments.
(c) Supplemental Billing: The Assessment Consultant shall assist the
City with any supplemental billing that should be necessary.
B. Administration of Funds
This task involves the review and reconciliation of the accounting and account
statements relating to the Assessment revenues and Bond related funds. The accounts and
transactions are checked for accuracy and consistency with the Bond Indenture.
C. Public Information
This task involves responding to inquiries from property owners and other
interested parties who have questions regarding the Assessments. These calls may be related to a
tax bill or an inquiry related to the purchase or sale of property subject to the Assessments. If
requested,the Assessment Consultant shall provide a toll-free phone number for property owners
to call with questions.Additionally,this number may be given to people who call the City to obtain
information about the Assessments.
D. Administrative Review
At the request of the CITY, the Assessment Consultant shall review any notice from a
property owner alleging an error in the calculation of any matters related to the Assessment Roll,
and, if necessary,meet with the property owner, consider oral and written evidence regarding the
alleged error and decide whether, in fact, such a calculation error occurred, and take other
corrective action as required to correct the error.
These services are provided only if there are delinquencies in the payment of Annual
Payments.At appropriate times,the Assessment Consultant will prepare a report which lists each
parcel delinquent in the payment of the Annual Payment and the corresponding amount of
delinquency,plus penalties if any.As needed,the Assessment Consultant will work with the City
to address any potential problems resulting from the delinquent payments.
The Assessment Consultant shall coordinate the prepayment of Assessments, including
both voluntary and mandatory prepayments,with the CITY,the property owner,the Bond Trustee
and other interested parties. This coordination shall include calculation of the amount due to
prepay the Special Assessment, including mandatory prepayments,and transmittal of a letter with
the prepayment amount, prepayment instructions and if appropriate the recordable form of the
Assessment lien release, as well as other required steps and related documents.
Arbitrage rebate services encompass those activities associated with computing the rebate
liability(if any) related to the Bonds(assuming Bonds have been issued). The computations will
be prepared as described in Section 148(f)(2)of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986,as amended.
Arbitrage rebate services are typically provided for a set fee established prior to the provision of
The specific activities and tasks associated with such requirements and the determination
of arbitrage rebate liability include the following:
A. Arbitrage Background Research
This task involves the review of documents,including the Bond Indenture,the non-
arbitrage certificate,IRS form 8038-G,Trustee fund/account statements, and prior rebate reports,
and consultations with bond counsel or special counsel,as needed. The funds subject to arbitrage
rebate and any available exceptions will be identified. The flow of funds in the accounts with the
Trustee will be identified as necessary to perform the arbitrage rebate calculations.
B. Calculation of Bond Yield
This task involves preparation of a debt service table and an independent
calculation of the yield on each issue. The resulting yields will be verified with those stated on
the non-arbitrage certificates.
C. Calculation of Rebate Liability
Based on the yields previously calculated,the Assessment Consultant will compute
the allowable arbitrage earnings and compare the result to the actual investment earnings for each
D. Preparation of Rebate Report
This task involves the preparation of a written report containing the findings of the
financial analysis and an explanation of the underlying methodology followed to compute the
rebate liability for each issue. ht addition to identifying any arbitrage liability,each report contains
a separate investment yield comparison and analysis for each fund. Standard features also include
the following items as defined by U.S.Treasury Regulations:
• Explanation of calculation methodology
• Overview of applicable rebate requirements and treasury regulations
• Summary of all pertinent dates
• Identification of major assumptions
• Review of sources and uses of funds
• Bond yield calculation
• Investment yield by fund with comparison to bond yield
• Rebate liability by fund
• Aggregate liability for the issue
E. Rebate Liability Discharge
The Assessment Consultant will coordinate the filing of IRS Form 8038-T and
provide instructions for installment payments as necessary.
F. Assistance with IRS Inquiries
The Assessment Consultant will provide assistance in the event of an IRS inquiry
related to any issue for which the Assessment Consultant computed rebate liability. In the event
of an audit,the Assessment Consultant will provide supporting documentation used to prepare the
calculations and will explain the calculations in a meeting with the IRS, if necessary. These
services are provided on a time and material basis and are not included in the base fee for arbitrage
rebate services.
Continuing disclosure services encompass those activities associated with the preparation
and disbursement of required continuing disclosure documents,if any,established at the issuance
of Bonds. The specific activities and tasks associated with continuing disclosure services include
the following:
A. Continuing Disclosure/Annual Report Preparation
1. Annual Report Preparation
The Assessment Consultant will prepare and disseminate the issuer's annual
report as required by the continuing disclosure agreement.
2. Developer's Disclosure Statements
The Assessment Consultant will request the developer's disclosure
statements and disseminate these statements pursuant to the continuing disclosure agreement.
3. Material Event Notices
Upon notification by the CITY or any responsible party or if the Assessment
Consultant independently becomes aware of such knowledge, the Assessment Consultant will
prepare notices of events, if material,covering the events enumerated in the continuing disclosure
4. Dissemination
The Assessment Consultant will disseminate the annual reports, quarterly
reports from the Developer,and notices of material events to the Municipal Securities Rulemaking
Board(MSRB),and any other required repository in a timely manner. The Assessment Consultant
shall also disseminate information to bond holders requesting information as provided for in the
Continuing Disclosure Agreement.
IRS reporting services encompass those activities associated with compliance monitoring
and tax reporting, to be established at the issuance of Bonds. The specific activities and tasks
associated with IRS reporting services include the following:
A. Compliance Monitoring
This task involves maintenance of an audit file and preparation of a report confmning
compliance with applicable requirements of the tax certificate for the bonds. This task includes
the following subtasks:
1. Ownership and Transfer of Public Improvements
Confirm that all public improvements have been transferred to a public entity,once
appropriate,as required by the applicable agreement with the developer.
2. No Post-Closing Agreements
Confirm with any relevant parties to confirm that there are no post-closing
agreements that give any private business user a special legal entitlement to any public
improvement, except for those agreements reviewed by bond counsel.
3. No Disposition of the Public Improvements
Confirm that there have been no sales, leases, or other dispositions of any public
improvement,except for dispositions reviewed by bond counsel.
4. No Modifications
Confirm that there have been no modifications to any public improvement, except
for those which are in compliance with agreement with the developer providing for the
construction of the public improvements or as otherwise approved by bond counsel.
5. Maintenance of Audit File
Maintain an audit file with documentation to verify information related to
compliance with the tax certificate.
6. Preparation of Report
Prepare a report to the CITY each year explaining the efforts of Assessment
Consultant to verify confirmation of compliance with the tax certificate,documentation in the audit
file,and identifying any missing information or requirements of the tax certificate not confirmed.
B. Tax Reporting
Assessment Consultant will request and compile all information related to IRS-required
tax reporting(e.g, W9s) from all vendors and report this information annually to all vendors and
the IRS in accordance with IRS regulations.
Other revenue services encompass all work relating to other revenues, including but not
limited to tax increment finance revenues, which may be utilized to help fund the Bonds or may
impact the District.
Fee Schedule
Administrative services shall be provided on a time and material basis pursuant to the
Assessment Consultant's hourly fee schedule,except as set forth below.
Annual arbitrage rebate estimates are provided for a cost of$1,250 per year plus an initial
setup fee of$500. Calculations provided each five (5) years in lieu of annual calculations are
provided for a cost of$4,000 plus an initial setup fee of$500.
Expenses are billed at actual costs without any mark up. The Assessment Consultant shall
check with the CITY and receive prior written approval before incurring any expense in excess of
The Assessment Consultant's prevailing hourly rates are currently as follows:
itle Hourl Rate
resident 250
nt 225
iate 175
The Assessment Consultant's hourly rates and arbitrage rebate fees shall be adjusted from
time to time to reflect increased costs of labor and providing services.Assessment Consultant must
provide 45 days notice to the CITY prior to any increase in hourly rates.
The CITY, or a representative of the CITY, shall pay or shall instruct the Trustee to pay,
as applicable, invoices within thirty(30)days of the date the invoice is received by the CITY.
WHEREAS, Wando Partners, L.P. developed Wando Woodlands, Phase 6
according to the requirements of the North Augusta Planning Commission and the City, and
owns the streets,utilities and easements; and
WHEREAS, pursuant to § of the North Augusta Development Code,
the Director of Planning and Development and the City Engineer approved the final
subdivision plat for recording on October 4, 2019 and
WHEREAS, it is the policy of the City that, upon approval of a final
subdivision plat, the City will, following inspection by the City's Engineering department,
accept a deed of dedication for the streets, utilities, etc. for the purpose of ownership and
maintenance when said deed is accompanied by a maintenance guarantee; and
WHEREAS, a maintenance guarantee and supporting letter of credit
accompany the deed; and
WHEREAS, the City Engineer has made final inspection of the subject
improvements and these improvements meet City standards.
NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Mayor and City Council of
theCityof North Augusta, South Carolina, in meeting duly assembled and by the authority
thereof, do hereby accept a deed of dedication for:
ALL those certain streets and roadways located in Wando Woodlands Phase 5
designated as a portion of Dietrich Lane(50 foot right of way)and a portion of
Journey Run(50 foot right of way)as shown and delineated on a plat of Wando
Woodlands Phase Six dated August 8, 2019, revised October 18, 2019 and
recorded in the Office of the RMC for Aiken County, South Carolina, in Plat
Book 61, at Page 701. Reference is made to said plat, which is incorporated
herein by reference, for a more complete and accurate description as to the
metes, bounds and location of said property.
TOGETHER WITH all(a)curbs and gutters located within the aforesaid
right of way of the streets and roadways; (b) sidewalks located within the
aforesaid right of way of the streets and roadways; (c) sanitary sewerage
collection systems including lift stations located on the property shown on the
aforesaid plat;(d) storm water collection system including storm water
detention areas located on the property shown on the aforesaid plat; (e)
greenways or other pedestrian connections outside the road rights-of-way but
located on the property shown on the aforesaid plat, and(f) a perpetual and
non-exclusive easement and rights-of-way for streets, sidewalks and potable
water, sanitary sewage and storm water collection systems located on the
property shown on the aforesaid plat.
Being a portion of the property conveyed to Wando Partners, L.P. by Title to
Real Estate from Gustav Schickendanz, Trustee, dated January 4, 2006
recorded in Record Book 4039, at Page 1283 in the Office of the RMC for
Aiken County, South Carolina.
Portion of Tax Map&Parcel: 001-16-01-002
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that a Maintenance Guarantee and Irrevocable
Letter of Credit in the amount of$101,250.00 are hereby accepted.
_DAYOF 12019.
Robert A. Pettit, Mayor
Sharon Lamar,City Clerk
Department of Planning
and Development
Memorandum # 19-034 Cit1 OfNoritr ,wgusm
To: Rachelle Moody, Interim City Administrator
From: Libby Hodges, Director&
Subject: Deed of Dedication for Wando Woodlands, Phase 6
Date: November 13, 2019
The final subdivision plat for Wando Woodlands, Phase 6, was approved on
October 24, 2019. The developer, Wando Partners, LP, has completed the
following improvements and requests that the City accept them along with open
space, associated easements and rights of way: streets and sanitary sewer,
stormwater collection and fire suppression systems. Water service to the
subdivision is provided by Edgefield County Water and Sewer Authority. The
completed improvements to be dedicated to the City have been approved by the
City Engineer. The attached dedication documents have been approved by the
City Attorney.
Certain improvements, namely subdivision sidewalks, remained unfinished at the
time of final plat approval. Construction of the sidewalks has been guaranteed
with a performance guarantee and supporting letter of credit.
The City may accept the streets, water distribution system, sanitary sewer,
stormwater collection and fire suppression systems, detention ponds and
associated easements and rights of way for this subdivision. A draft resolution for
the acceptance of the dedication is attached and a digital copy has been
forwarded to the City Clerk.
Originals of the following documents are attached:
1. Deed of Dedication for the streets, water distribution system, sanitary
sewer, stormwater collection and fire suppression systems, detention ponds
and associated easements and rights of way;
2. Title Certificate dated October 8, 2019; and
P&D Memo 19-034 PQe 2j
(lite Of North Augusta
3. Maintenance Guarantee dated October 4, 2019 and valid for a period of 24
4. Irrevocable Letter of Credit in support of the Maintenance Guarantee dated
October 4, 2019;
5. Performance Guarantee dated October 4, 2019 and valid for a period of 24
6. Irrevocable Letter of Credit in support of the Performance Guarantee dated
October 4, 2019;
7. Final subdivision plat approved by the City Engineer and the Director of
Planning and Development and recorded by the Aiken County RMC.
Additionally, a reduced copy of the final plat is attached for agenda reproduction.
Please schedule the resolution accepting the Wando Woodlands, Phase 6 Deed of
Dedication for City Council consideration at the next available meeting.
That WANDO PARTNERS, L.P. (hereinafter called "Grantor"), FOR AND IN
DEDICATION to THE CITY OF NORTH AUGUSTA, a body politic and corporate and a
political subdivision of the County of Aiken and State of South Carolina (hereinafter called
"Grantee"), the receipt of which is hereby acknowledged, bas granted, bargained, sold and
released, and by these presents does grant, bargain,sell and release unto Grantee, its successors
and assigns,the following described real estate,to wit:
ALL those certain streets and roadways located in Wando Woodlands Phase 5 designated as a portion of
Dietrich Lane(50 foot right of way)and a portion of Journey Way(50 foot right of way)as shown and
delineated on a plat of Wando Woodlands Phase Six dated August 8,2019, revised September 25 2019
and recorded in the Office of the RMC for Aiken County, South Carolina, in Plat Book 10l_ at Page
IQ(_. Reference is made to said plat, which is incorporated herein by reference, for a more complete
and accurate description as to the metes,bounds and location of said property.
TOGETHER WITH all(a) curbs and gutters located within the aforesaid right of way of the streets and
roadways;(b)sidewalks located within the aforesaid right of way of the streets and roadways;(c)sanitary
sewerage collection systems including lift stations located on the property shown on the aforesaid plat;(d)
storm water collection system including storm water detention areas located on the property shown on the
aforesaid plat; (e) greenways or other pedestrian connections outside the road rights-of-way but located
on the property shown on the aforesaid plat,and(f)a perpetual and non-exclusive easement and rights-of-
way for streets, sidewalks and potable water, sanitary sewage and storm water collection systems located
on the property shown on the aforesaid plat.
Being a portion of the property conveyed to Wando Partners,L.P. by Title to Real Estate from Gustav
Schickendaoz, Trustee,dated January 4,2006 recorded in Record Book 4039,at Page 1283 in the Office
of the RMC for Aiken County, South Carolina
Tax Map&Parcel: Portion of 001-16-01-002
Grantee's Address: Post Office Box 6400
North Augusta, South Carolina 29861
TOGETHER with all and singular the rights,members,hereditaments and appurtenances
to the said premises belonging or in anywise incident or appertaining thereto,
TO HAVE AND TO HOLD,all and singular the premises before mentioned unto the said
Grantee, its successors and assigns forever, and the Grantor does hereby bind itself and its
successors and assigns,to warrant and forever defend all and singular the said premises unto the
said Grantee, its successors and assigns, against Grantor and Grantor's successors and assigns
and all persons whomsoever lawfully claiming or to claim the same or any part thereof.
WITNESS the Hand and Seal of the Grantor this ,day of d Cz 6Uk A 2019
By:Gustav Schickedaoz of SC,Inc.,
General Partner
Wimt661' \
Name: _.', ; I\ i c.-•. ,'(\
Title: n-
Witness: _
STATE OF SYLt•-1'(1 0OX61 i
1,the undersigned notary,do hereby certify thatb%'Y_.tA (-{wkt.(dpersonally appeared
before me this day and acknowledged the due execution of the foregoing instrument on behalf of
Wando partners,L.P.
Witnw,my hand and official seal this the ��day of 2019.
NotatS V nb�x �,,ythe tira��7(_ _3i _
My Commission Expires: a1
_ 4l � itr
�C�m ril,linn o`�1``,,•
PERSONALLY appeared before me the undersigned,who being duly swore,deposes and says:
I. I have mad the information of this affidavit and I understand such information.
2, The property being transferred is located in Aiken County, bearing Aiken County Tax Map Number: 001-16-01-002
(Portion)was transferred by Wando Partners,LP m The Cit) ofNmth Au_-psta cn :1W i a ,2019.
3, Check one of the following: The dead is
(a) _subject to the deed recording fee as a transfer for consideration paid or m be paid in money or money's worth.
(b) subject to the dad recording fee as a transfer between a corporation, a psrmetship, or other entity and a
atockholdu,paha,or owner 0f the entity,or is atransfer m atrust m es a distribution to atrust hme5ciery
(c) X_ezemIn from the deed recording fee because(See inform mon section ofg8ldavii):
(If exempt,Please skip items 4-7 and go to item S ofthis affidavit)
4. Check one of the following if either item 3(a)or item 3(b)above has been checked (See Information soction
of this affidavit):
(a) The fee is computed on the consideration paid or to be paid in money or money's worth in the
amount of-J.
(b) The fee is computed on the fah market value or the realty which is
(c) The fee is computed on the fair market value of the malty as established for property tax
Purposes which is _-_ -
5. Check Yes or No X m the following: A lien or encumbrance existed on the land,tenemeat,or realty
before the transfer and remained on the land,tenement,or realty after the transfer. If"Yes;'the amount of the
outstanding balance of this lien or encumbrance is:
6. The deed recording fee is computed as follows: $0
(a) Place the amount listed in item 4 above here: -0
(b) Piece the amount listed in item 5 above here:
(c) Subtract Line 6(b)from Line 6(a)and place result here: 2
7. The deed recording fee due is based on the amount listed on Line 6(c)above and the deed recording fee due is:
S. As required by Code Section 12-24-70,1 state that I am a responsible person who was connected with the transaction as:
9. 1 understand that a person required to famish this affidavit who willfully furnishes a false or fraudulent affidavit is guilty of a
misdemeanor and,upon conviction,must be lined not more than one thousand dollars or imprisoned not more than one year,
or both.
SWORNG7befine me Uis la Responsthte Prion Cons,''.ed with the Transeehe
Dayof f�j(,}rrJ i9
' Domld P.Howard
1 PrintorT eName Here
Notary'vXk f u S!M Z`,
My Comm asim xpims:
�{y NOitgy'oq�„
V a
Except as provided In this Paragraph,me term`value'means"the consideration paid or to be paid in money or mmnry's worth for me realty."
malty, property, erahl interest
Consideration paid err o be paid in money's words includes,but is not limited m,omen real land r0 ,er0 g o any rights
hits p
and other is aludle property,me forgiveness u cancellation of edebt,the assumption of a debt,and the rsmadelect o no righh. The feu marker
value ofthe ansiderazion mart be used in ralcuhtlng the consideration paid in money's woM. Taxpayers may elect m utt the fair market value of
me realty being 6amfemd in determining fair market value come consideration. In the case of rally transferred to a bust a as a distribudon to a
beer beafdhay,"value'means the realty's fair market value. Adeduction Crom value is allowed for the amount of say lien or Columbiana
existing on me land,tenement,or realty before me tranafer and remaining on the land,two nat.or really after the transfer. T"payen may elect to
use the hit market value for property tes purposes in determining fair market value under the prevision ofthe law.
1. transferring realty in which the value ofthe realty,as defined in Code Section 12-24-30,is equal to or less than one hundred dollars;
2. transferring realty On the federal government or to a state, its agencies and departments,and its political antunis cu s, including school
3. that are ometwiae"empted under the laws and Coatitutlun of this Some a the United Show;
4, transferring realty in which no gain or loss is recognized by reason of Sad-1041 of me mtemul Revenue Code as defined in Section lb
5, moistening realty in order to partition realty as long as no consideration is paid for the transfer,other than the interest in the realty that aro
being ezehauged in order h partition dun realty;
6. transferring an individual grave spec at a cemetery awned by it cemetery company licensed under Chapter 55 of Title 39;
7. that cowfidne a contract for the sale oftimberh be cut;
8. hemsfcniug rally h a corporation, a partnership, a a best in muer to become, or as, a slnekholdea parmer, or trust beneficiary of the
entity provided no consideration is paid for the tramfm other man stock in the corporation,interest in the partnership,beneficiary interest in
the trust, or the increase in value in such stock or interest held by the grmdor. However, the transfer of realty for a corporesem, e
partnership,or a must h a stockholder,partner,or truer hacYcine, of the entity is subjecl In the fee even if the realty is transferred h
another corporation,apatmership,or most
9. bensfaring realty from a family partnership to a partner or from family best to a beneficiary,provided no coreideration is paid for the
transfer other than a reduction in the grantee's interest in the partnership or ase A"Cnmib,pannerabiP"is a o nenhip whose partners
arc all members of the same family. A "family tru," is a trust in which the b"eficiimes are all members of the same family. The
beneficiaries of a family trust may alai, include cbarihble entities. "Family" means the grantor and the granter's sponse, parents
grandparents, sisters, brothers, children, stepchildren, grandchildren, and the spouses and lineal descendants of any of the abovre . A
"charitable entity"means an entity which my receive deductible contributions under Section 170 of the Internal Revenue Code as defined
in Satim 12-6A0(A);
10. transferring malty in a statutory merger or consolidation from from a conatmicid corpown"to me continuing a new corporstioa;
IL transferring realty in a merger or consolidation from cntsstiment parmership to the continuing or new PmwcrshiP;
11 that constitute a camdia deed or a quitclaim dad used to confirm tide already vested in the prance,provided that no coruidwetinn of
any kind is paid an or is to be paid under the cromotive or quitclaim dead;and,
13, transferring realty subject to a mortgage whether by a deed in lieu m totalomrc examod by the mortgagor or dad executed Entrant m
£oralmsum proceedings.
14, transferring realty from an agar,to the agent's principal in which the realty was purchased with funds of she principal,provided that e
namzed domount is also filed with me decd that establishes the fact that the agent and principal relationship existed at du time of the
original purchase as well m for the purpose of purchasing the aalry.
15. trehrsomg title to faiilties for Mainlining electricity that is transferred,sold,or"changed by cheeriest militias,municipaWim eleeuic
cooperatives,m Political subdivisions to a limited liability company which is subject to regulation under the Federal Power AR(16 U.S.C.
Section 791(a))and which is formed to mount or take Nuctime,conal of elastic imnsmieslon asses to,defined in the Federal Power
TO: City of North Augusta
RE; Wando Partners,LP
Wando Woodlands Phase Six
North Augusta,South Carolina
EFFECTIVE DATE: October 8,2019 at 8:00 a.m.
PROPERTY: See Exhibit A attached hereto and incorporated herein
Fee Simple Owner(s): Wando Partners,LP
Derivation: Book 4039, Page 1283
Parcel No.: P/0001-16-01-002
THIS IS TO CERTIFY that we have examined the public records of Aiken County,South
Carolina relative to the title of the above-described real Estate.
BASED UPON SUCH INVESTIGATION, it is our opinion that the Wando Partners, LP is
vested with good, fee simple, record, marketable title to the real estate described above subject to the
following liens,limitations and encumbrances of record and by delivery of a Deed of this property signed
by Donald P. Howard as authorized officer on behalf of Wando Partners, LP good and marketable title
will be conveyed to the City of North Augusta subject only to the following:
1. County of Aiken taxes for tax year 2019 are accruing and due and payable.County of Aiken taxes for
tax years 2018 and previous are current with no delinquency noted of record.
2. City of North Augusta taxes for tax year 2019 are accruing but not yet due and payable.City of North
Augusta taxes for tax years 2018 and previous are current with no delinquency rated of record.
3. Easement to South Carolina Electric & Gas Company dated August 24, 1955 and recorded in Book
60,page 164,Aiken Comity Records.
4. Easement to South Carolina Electric & Gas Company dated September 30, 1971 and recorded in
Book 170,page 307,Aiken County Records.
5. Deed of Easement for waste water treatment facility recorded in Book 1066,page 234,Aiken County
6, Title to Real Estate for property on Rome 230 to South Carolina Department of Highways and
Transportation dated October 13, 1988 and recorded in Book 1101, page 137-139, Aiken County
on Route 230 to South
7 Trtle to ransportatioln dated October 11te for property988 and recorded in Book 1137,page 80,Department en County Records.
8. Easement to South Carolina Electric&Gas Company dated November 5, 1989 and recorded in Book
1141,page 264,Aiken County Records.
9. Easement to South Carolina Electric&Gas Company dated February 1, 1990 and recorded in Book
1152,page 143,Aiken County Records.
10. Temporary and Permanent Sanitary Sewer Easement Agreement dated May 6, 2005 from Lydie C.
Bergen to Metro Homesites,LLC recorded in Deed Book 2514,page 93,Aiken County Records.
11. Easement from Meybohm Realty, Inc. to South Carolina Electric & Gas Company dated July 30,
2007 and filed for record in Book 4153,page 1427,Aiken County Records.
12. Easement from Wando Partners, LP in favor of South Carolina Electric & Ges Company dated
December 19,2012 and filed for record in Book 4437,page 2000,Aiken County Records.
13. Easement from Wando Partners, LP in favor of South Carolina Electric & Gas Company dated
January 9,2012 and filed for record in Book 4440,page 1559,Aiken County Records.
14. Easement from Wando Partners, LP in favor of Bellsouth Telecommunications dared February 24,
2016 and recorded August 1,2016 in Record Book 4616,Page 1573,Aiken County Records.
15. Covenants, conditions and restrictions recorded in the Decimation of Protective Covenants and
Restrictions for Wando Woodlands dated May 10, 2007 and recorded July 2, 2007 in Record Book
4146, at page 2121,Aiken County Records and amended in Record Book 4370,Page 2026, Record
4439,Page 2074, Record Book 4607, Page 2208, Record Book 4676, Page 1454 and Record Book
4682,Page 1937,Aiken County Records.
16. Declaration of Restrictive Covenants by Wando Partners, LP dated April 3,2015 and recorded April
23,2015 in Record Book 4549,Page 1082,Aiken County Records.
17. Matters m shown on Plat of Wando Woodlands Phase Six prepared for Wando Partners by Southern
Partners,Inc.dated August 8,2019 and revised September 25,2019.
18. Matters and things which would be revealed by a current and accurate survey of the subject property.
19. Matters occurring subsequent to the inclusive dates of examination.
20. Matters which would not be revealed by a review of the public records regarding a proposed
purchase/borrower,who is not a current owner of the property.
21. Compliance with any locaL county, state or federal government law or regulation relative to
environment, zoning, subdivision, occupancy, use, construction, or development of the subject
22. Judgments, liens, and proceedings filed only in Federal Court. (Upon the filing of a petition in
BaNauptcy, title to real property vests in the Trustee in Bankruptcy and notice thereof is not always
required to be filed in the County in which the Bankrupt owns property; federal condemnation
proceedings may vest property in the Federal government.)
23. STANDARD EXCEPTIONS: Interests or claims not disclosed by public records, including but not
limited to.
a. Unrecorded Mechanics! or Materialmen's liens. (Liens may be filed by persons or
entities furnishing labor or materials to my improvements on real property within 90 days of performance
or furnishing of materials.)
b. Unrecorded leases.
c. Matters that may defeat or impair title which do not appear on record.
d. Taxes, Special Assessments and other governmental charges that are not shown as
existing liens by the public records.
e. Civil actions where no notice of us pendens appears of record.
By: l i
Mary O.Guym
Post Office Box 519
Aiken, South Carolina 29802
Examining Attorney
ALL those certain streets and roadways located in Wando Woodlands Phase 5 designated as a portion of
Dietrich Lane(50 foot right of way)and a portion of Journey Way(50 foot right of way)as shown and
delineated on a plat of Wando Woodlands Phase Six dated August 8, 2019,revised September 25 2019
and recorded in the Office of the RMC for Aiken County, South Carolina, in Plat Book _J at Page
Reference is made to said plat, which is incorporated herein by reference, for a more complete
and accurate description as to the metes,bounds and location of said property.
TOGETHER WITH all(a)curbs and gutters located within the aforesaid right of way of the streets and
roadways;(b)sidewalks located within the aforesaid right of way of the streets and roadways;(c)sanitary
sewerage collection systems including lift stations located on the property shown on the aforesaid plat;(d)
storm water collection system including storm water detention areas located on the property shown on the
aforesaid plat; (e) greenways or other pedestrian connections outside the road tights f--way but located
on the property shown on the aforesaid plat,and(f)a perpetual and non-exclusive easement and rights-of-
way for streets,sidewalks and potable water,sanitary sewage and storm water collection systems located
on the property shown on the aforesaid plat.
Being a portion of the property conveyed to Wando Partners, L.P. by Title to Real Estate from Gustav
Schickendanz, Trustee,dated January 4,2006 recorded in Record Book 4039,at Page 1283 in the Office
of the RMC for Aiken County,South Carelima.
Tax Map&Parcel: Portion of 001-16-01-002
NAME OF SUBDIVISION: Wando Woodlands, Phase 6
WHEREAS, Wando Partners, L.P. has submitted a final plat for Wando
Woodlands, Phase 6, prepared by Southern Partners, Inc., dated August 8,
2019, revised September 25, 2019,for 45 fee simple single-family lots situated in
the City of North Augusta, County and State aforesaid; and
WHEREAS, the North Augusta Planning Commission, meeting on May
17, 2018, did grant major subdivision plan (preliminary plat) approval for Wando
Woodlands, Phase 6, and the Director of Planning and Development and the City
Engineer signed the major subdivision plan (preliminary plat) on July 20, 2018;
WHEREAS, the developer developed the approved major subdivision plan
for Wando Woodlands, Phase 6; and
WHEREAS, the City Engineer has inspected the infrastructure
improvements for Phase 6 and has duly certified that said Improvements are, to
the best of his knowledge based upon such Inspection, built to the City of North
Augusta design standards; and
WHEREAS, pursuant to §5.8.4 of the North Augusta Development Code,
the Director of Planning and Development and the City Engineer approved the
final subdivision plat for recording on October 4, 2019; and
WHEREAS, the Director of Planning and Development and the City
Engineer recommend that the City accept from the developer a Maintenance
Guarantee to insure that proper workmanship and materials were in fad used in
regard to infrastructure improvements and to Insure that, in the event of failure in
regard to said improvements for any reason except force majeure, the City would
have adequate funds necessary to return such improvements to an acceptable
Maintenance Guarantee—Wando Woodlands, Phase 6 Page 2 of 5
NOW, THEREFORE, as security for the maintenance by the developer of
the infrastructure improvements as shown on the final subdivision plat for Wando
Woodlands, Phase 6, as well as for any other improvements provided and
proposed to be granted to the City by deed of dedication in accordance with
§5.8.5 of the North Augusta Development Code, the developer does hereby
guarantee the maintenance of the infrastructure improvements under and
pursuant to the following terms.
This Maintenance Guarantee shall extend to all infrastructure
improvements proposed to be deeded to, dedicated to, transferred or
otherwise assigned to the City of North Augusta by the developer. Such
improvements shall Include, where applicable, the following but not be
limited to such specified improvements:
A. Streets;
B. Fire suppression elements of the water distribution system;
C. Sanitary sewerage collection system;
D. Stormwater collection system;and
E. Easements and rights of way for streets, sidewalks and potable
water, sanitary sewage and stormwater collection systems.
The Developer represents to the City of North Augusta that:
A. For a period of twenty-four(24) months from the approval of the
final plat, the improvements will not fail,for any reason, with the
exception of force majeure;
B. The Developer has submitted the Deed of Dedication and a
monetary guarantee, in the form of an Irrevocable Letter of
Credit in the amount of $101,250.00, in support of this
Maintenance Guarantee in accordance with §§5.8.4 and 5.8.5 of
the North Augusta Development Code within the specified time
C. The City Engineer for the City of North Augusta shall have full
and absolute discretion and authority in determining whether or
not a failure has occurred in regard to the infrastructure subject
to this Maintenance Guarantee.
In the event that the City Engineer for the City of North Augusta, In his
sole discretion, determines that a failure has occurred, he shall provide
written notice of such failure to the developer with a request for the
Immediate correction of said failure. In the event of failure by the
Maintenance Guarantee—Wando Woodlands, Phase 6 Page 3 of 5
developer to make such repairs as necessary within sixty (60) days of
such written notice or within ten (10) days, in the event of such notice
being received during the last sixty(60) days covered by this Maintenance
Guarantee and letter of credit, the following conditions shall prevail:
A. This Maintenance Guarantee shall be considered violated and
in default with the City having full right and authority to make
claims on the guarantee amount provided for herein.
B. The City may make claim against the full amount of the
monetary guarantee, until such time as the City is able to make
the necessary repairs to the infrastructure.
C. Following the completion of the repairs to the Infrastructure to
the satisfaction of the City Engineer, any funds remaining from
the monetary guarantee shall be refunded to the developer.
D. The City is entitled to compensation, at a reasonable rate, for
any in-house services provided by the City for the purpose of
consoling failures or deficiencies to the Infrastructure.
E. The City shall have full and absolute authority in regard to a
determination as to party or parties contracted with for the
purpose of making repairs as required.
(Signature pages follow)
Maintenance Guarantee—Wando Woodlands, Phase 6 Page 4 of 5
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, Wando Partners, L.P. has caused these presents
to be executed in its name by its duly authorized Managing Partner this
414 day of OCf , 20/T. \\
Maintenance Guarantee—Wando Woodlands, Phase 6 Page 5 of 5
Cfly No/ August,
� yf6,. :LU BY: LG
1 �Iti1Uh1 _
Borrower: Wanda Pann es,L.P. Lender: Seam state Bank
PO Bax 6300 Aiken Lehane street
Alken.BC 29804 2440 Mall Drive
PO Bax 118868
Charlestan,30 29423-8910
LBellefciary: City of North Augusts
Municigl Building
100 Georgia Avenue
Norah Asserts,QA 29841
EXPIRATION DATE. This letter of credit shall expire spm Ne eaHis,of the dose FT business on 10-042021 and all drags antl secempanying
statements or documents most be presented to Lender an or before that None,or Me day that Linder horoa B draw under which the Cull amount
or this Letter of Credit has been drawn(the'Expbatisn Date").
AMOUNT OF CREDIT. Lender hereby asabfishes at the request and for Me account of 5smoveo an Xhovaeable Leger of Cloudy in favor of
Beneficiary by a sum or Line Hundred Ona Thousand Two Hundred Fifty 8 001100 Dollars(51111,250.00)(the'Leter of Credll'). Tarkenton
shell be made available to Benefidary upon Lenders reeiq from Stevens,of eight drafts drawn m Leader at Loosely. ad... indicated
above(m other such address Mat Lender may provide Benefidary h writing) during regular busfitess boon and accompanied by the signed
written statements or documents indicated below.
GRAFT TERMS AND CONDITION& Lender shall boost drabs,submitted by Beneficlary under Ne following tame and conditions.
1.The original Leber of Grad%together with any ementlments.
2.Sight every drawn by Beneficiary on Lender
3.A signed stalemOht by BarMarary including Me falbwing sWtamenl:-B...,has egad to perform as,sgreedf
Upm Larders,bmar or such drafts,Lender shall bB fully discharged of Lenders obfigatiena under this Letter of Credit and shall not be obligated
to make any baser payments under thfa Leger or Credit once the Are amount of credit available under this Letter of Credit has been drawn.
Beneficiary shall have no accounts agai al Lender for any amount paid under this Leger of Credit once Lender las hmmad any draft or other
document which mmplled strictly with Ma Letter of Credit,and which pre is lace appear atherwise N order Out which is signed. wood,or
preaenled by a party or under Me name of a party purpmtog M act for Bunendre , puryonkg to dabs Mreugh Beneficiary, or leasing as
Benefis without Bamefidarys suborbital By paying an amount demanded In accordance with his Letter of Cretlit, Lender maker ro
representation as to Me comecheas of Me amount demanded and Lender shall not be liable to Benefidary,or any other names,for any amount
bald or disbursed M any reason whosoever,including,without Iimitaton,any eonapplice0an or misappfcatian by Benefipay,of the proceeds of
such payment, By precealing apm Lender or a enfimlrg bank B okof clary certifies that Hensel has not and will not present upon Me
.the,unless and until Benefidary..at With dHhanor. Benefidary promises to return to Lender any funds received by School In excess of
Me Letter of CredIV,maximum orawing amount.
10-04-2019,"and Ne amount of eaoh draft shall be worked On the draft. Only Benafpivy may complete a draft and accompanying statements
or documents inquired by MIs Letter of Credit and melee a draw Under this Least W Credit. This odgigl Letter Of Credl must accompany any
dmR Mewn Inamorata,.
Partial draws ere pemdfted under this Letter of Chotlit. Lender.honor of a penial draw shall cortespontlhgly redue the amount of credit
available under Nis Leder of Credit Fofawing a paNal drew,Lender stall,alum Bls aripbal Leger of Cretlit to BenelNary wIM tad paNdl
draw noted hereon;In Me alanmtive,and In Its sde discretion.Lender may Issue a substitute Lettm of Credit to Scannell In the amount
shown above,has any penial drew(nl.
PERMITTED TRANSFEREES. The right IF draw under this Letter of Credit shall be nontransferable,except fac
A. A bares,,(h Its en4rety, but hilt in pmt) by dkeet operation of new to the edromiMhot., select,, bankmpey "ate., receiver,
yquldater,successor,or other reprandmativa at law of the original Beneficiary,and
B. The fent Immediate transfer(in Its enmety, but rot N part)by such legal repressiveness to a third party after express appmval of e
,vemanohtal body Godiclal,adminiebalivP,or enewtive).
TRANSFEREES REQUIRED DOCUMENTS. When Me presenter Is a permitted uanaleree (I) by operation of law or (H)a Bird qty receiving,
ber.f r,ftam a legal representative,es described have.the documents required(m a draw shall Include a ceNOed entry of the me or mom
documents which show the and entefe authority to claim through or to any with authority for Me original Beneficlmy.
COMPLIANCE SUROEN. Lend.,le not ra6pmsole to,any lmposubgitym ooser difficulty in achieving sircl compliance wlth the requirements of
this Lager of Credit sector as whben. B...%hary mderaands and acknowledges: It)Mat unless and until the present wording of this Latter
of Credit is amended with Laurette. poor,written content Me burden lel symbo log ffilcdy with such warding remain.solely spm Benefidary.
and(it)that Lender is relying upon Me lack of soeh amendment as consMulbg Renefidmy4 Initial and conllnuad appmrvel of such warding.
NON48EVERABLUITT. If any aspect of this Later of Credit Is ever declared unenforceable for any reaaw by an,coutl or govum somal body
having bals Nation, Landefs entire sheagement under this Later of Credt shell be deemed null and add as iniso, and both Lender and
Beneficiary shell be honeyed to the posMon each would have occupied with or rights washable ma though this Letter of Creelt had never
covered. This hen-cevembiON provision shall homrde at oMar provisbns M this Letter of Credit he mater where such penises engem
within Mia Letter of Credt
GOVERNING LAW. This Agreement will be governed by federal law applicable to Lender and,to the natant not preempted by federal law,the
laws of We Sate al South Carolina Most regard to hs earefiiea M law pmvalons,end except b Me event such laws ere Inconsistent wNM
the 2007 Waken of the Units.Casleme and Need.for Donanemtary Credits of the International Chamber of Commerea. ILC Publlcallam
No.600. Thus Agreement has been accepted by Lender in The Sats of South Carolina.
EXPIRATION. Lender hereby agrees with 9enaficlary that areas drawn under and in compliance with On lama of Mia Lela,of Cresit will be
Fair heroes K monomers to Lander on or before the Exanalion Dere unless otherwise provided for above.
Loan No: 12466096 (Continued) Page 2
Dated:Dctober 4,29`19
ey: Iseaq
Amaunl Amount
Date Ne.;aaalsed e, In Wards In Fl ures
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WHEREAS, the City of North Augusta 2019 Budget approved $30,000 for
installation of a new playgoumd surface at Riverview Park that included PARD grant funds
of$10,000; and
WHEREAS, the City did not have adequate funding to complete that project
and received approval from the City Administrator to modify the project and request bids to
upgrade the outdoor basketball courts at Maude Edenfield Park; and
WHEREAS,bids were request for the project with the low bid for the outdoor
basketball courts to include resurfacing, color coatings, markings, and lighting at a cost of
$39,998.00; and
WHEREAS, additional funding of$9,998 is being requested from the Capital
Projects Fund from revenue received for fire damage (2017) to the Community Recreation
Center in Maude Edenfield Park:
SMIRF Contents check $ 6,317.14
SMIRF Community Recreation Center Cash Value $150,973.58
TOTAL: 1 $157,290.72
NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Mayor and City Council of
the City of North Augusta, South Carolina, in meeting duly assembled and by the authority
thereof,that the total project budget shall be increased by$9,998 with the additional approved
herewith, from the Capital Projects Fund.
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that total project funding come from the
Capital Projects Fund if weather conditions prohibit the project from being completed by
December 31,2019.
DAY OF , 2019.
Robert A. Pettit, Mayor