100719 Council Mtg Backup Materials North Aug usta�I"F South Carolina's Riuerfront CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING AGENDA WITH BACK-UP MATERIALS OCTOBER 7 , 2019 nugusa Sank CBOWw's WurrJronr AGENDA: CITY OF NORTH AUGUSTA REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING October 7,2019—Municipal Center-100 Georgia Avenue,3rd Floor—7:00 P.M. CITIZEN COMMENTS: Citizens may speak to Mayor and City Council on each item listed on this agenda. The Mayor will call for comments prior to Council's discussion. Speakers shall give their name and address in an audible tone of voice for the records. Speaker Forms are provided on the credenza at the entrance to the Council Chambers.Speakers desiring that the minutes indicate that they addressed Council on a specific topic should complete the form. The form will be included as pan of the minutes of the meeting. Citizen comments are limited to five minutes. PODIUM SECURITY: (1)Any person addressing Council may bring paper documents,handouts,etc.to the Podium. If desired, such handouts may be delivered to the City Clerk or if requested,a City staff member will distribute to Council members. (2) If the speaker desires to utilize non-paper items for demonstration purposes,any such items M UST be cleared by Public Safety before being taken to the Podium area. (3) Items requiring this clearing by Public Safety would include but not be limited to pocketbooks, briefcases,sacks,boxes,or any similar containers. This requirement would apply whether or not such items are to be utilized in the presentation. CITIZEN ASSISTANCE: Individuals needing special assistance or sign interpreter to participate in the meeting,please notify the Administration Department 48 hours prior to the meeting. 1. CALL TO ORDER: 2. INVOCATION AND PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE: 3. ROLL CALL: 4. APPROVAL OF MINUTES: Regular and Study Session meeting minutes of September 16,2019;Study Session minutes of September 23,2019;and Study Session minutes of September 30,2019. NEW BUSINESS 5. ANNEXATION: Property Located South of Knobcone Avenue A. Petition, Resolution No. 2019-31 to Accept a Petition for Annexation of ±1.45 Acres of Property Located South of Knobcone Avenue and Owned by the Aiken County Board of Education B. Ordinance No.2019-13 to Change the Corporate Limits of the City of North Augusta by Annexing±1.45 Acres of Property Located South of Knobcone Avenue and Owned by the Aiken County Board of Education a.First Reading b.Second Reading 6. FINANCE: Resolution No. 2019-32 — A Resolution Appointing Members to the Accommodations Tax Advisory Committee to Make State Accommodations Tax Expenditure Recommendations for Council's Consideration 7. PRESENTATIONS/COMMUNICATIONS/RECOGNITION OF VISITORS: A. Citizen Comments: At this time, citizens may speak to Mayor and City Council regarding matters not listed on the agenda. Speakers shall give their name and address in an audible tone of voice for the records. Speaker Forms are provided on the credenza a<the entrance to the Council Chambers.Speakers desiring that the minutes indicate that they addressed Council on a specific topic should complete the form. The form will be included as part of the minutes of the meeting.Citizen comments are limited w five minutes. B. Council Comments a. ADJOURNMENT: Administration Department Augustin South Carolinas l ti:rqu n n Interoffice Memorandum TO: Mayor and City Council FROM: B. Todd Glover,City Administrator DATE: October 4,2019 SUBJECT: Regular City Council Meeting of October 7,2019 REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING NEW BUSINESS ITEM 5. ANNEXATION: Property Located South of Knobcone Avenue A.Petition-Resolution No.2019-31-To Accept a Petition for Annexation of ±1.45 Acres of Property Located South of Knobcone Avenue and Owned by the Aiken County Board of Education A resolution has been prepared for Council's consideration to accept a petition to annex±1.45 acres of property located south of Knobcone Avenue and owned by the Aiken County Board of Education. Please see ATTACII MINT#5A for a copy of the proposed resolution. B. Ordinance No. 2019-13 - To Change the Corporate Limits of the City of North Augusta by Annexing ±1.45 Acres of Property Located South of Knobcone Avenue and Owned by the Aiken County Board of Education a.Ordinance,First Reading An ordinance has been prepared for Council's consideration to change the corporate limits of the City of North Augusta by annexing±1.45 acres of property located south of Knobcone Avenue and owned by the Aiken County Board of Education. Please see ATTACH MINT#511 for a copy of the proposed ordinance. b.Ordinance,Second Reading Pending Council's passage of the ordinance on first reading, it is submitted for Council's consideration on second reading. October 4, 2019 ITEM 6. FINANCE: Resolution No.2019,32—A Resolution Appointing Members to the Accommodations Tax Advisory Committee to Make State Accommodations Tax Expenditure Recommendations for Council's Consideration A resolution has been prepared for Council's consideration to appoint members to the Accommodations Tax Advisory Committee to make Sate Accommodations Tax expenditure recommendations for Council's consideration. Please see ATTACHMENT#6A for a copy of the proposed resolution. Please see ATTACHMENT#66 for a copy of the State Accommodations Tax Application Handbook. Please see ATTACHMENT#6C for a copy of the State Accommodations Tax Funding Application. ATTACHMENT #5A RESOLUTION NO.2019-31 TO ACCEPT A PETITION FOR ANNEXATION OF f 1.45 ACRES OF PROPERTY LOCATED SOUTH OF KNOBCONE AVE AND OWNED BY THE AIKEN COUNTY BOARD OF EDUCATION WHEREAS, Section 5-3-150(3) of the Code of Laws of the State of South Carolina provides that: 'Notwithstanding the provisions of subsections (1) and (2) of this section, any area or property which is contiguous to a municipality may be annexed to the municipality by filing with the municipal governing body a petition signed by all persons owning real estate in the area requesting annexation. Upon the agreement of the governing body to accept the petition and annex the area, and the enactment of an ordinance declaring the area annexed to the municipality, the annexation is complete";and WHEREAS,the governing body of the City of North Augusta determines it to be in the best interest of the City to accept a petition for annexation attached hereto dated September 26, 2017. The property sought to be annexed is described as follows: A portion (±1.45 acres) of that lot or parcel of land situate, lying and being in the County of Aiken, State of South Carolina,being shown and designated on a plat prepared for the Aiken County Board of Education by Hass& Hilderbrand, Inc., dated May 7,2013 and recorded in Plat Book 57, Page 235 in the office of the RMC for Aiken County, South Carolina. Reference being made to said plat which is incorporated herein as "Exhibit B" for a more complete and accurate description m to the metes, bounds, courses, distances, and location of the property. A portion of the parcel(±0.1588 acres)is currently inside the corporate limits of the City. The balance is sought to be annexed into the corporate limits. Said property is identified as Tax Parcel Number 006-06-01-011 (portion). The property to be annexed is also shown on a map identified as "Exhibit A" titled"Map of Property Sought to be Annexed to the City of North Augusta". NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED by the Mayor and City Council of the City of North Augusta in meeting duly assembled and by the authority thereof that the Petition to annex the property described herein is hereby accepted. DONE, RATIFIED AND ADOPTED BY THE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF NORTH AUGUSTA, SOUTH CAROLINA, ON THIS DAY OF 2019. Robert A.Pettit,Mayor ATTEST: Sharon Lamar,City Clerk EXHIBIT A Inside City T.P.N:s 006-0"l-011 (Portion) Approximately 1.45 Acres outside City All boo Oe quo �r QL Ql C� 0L NLS o U �v\ ANX 17-002 North MAP OF PROPERTY wE AugUSt SOUGHT TO BE ANNEXED TO south corohno's Itluearont THE CITY OF NORTH AUGUSTA „gyp EXHIBIT B TOTAL AREA misw.ra BDIIMpM�yA1ELFY M, N NORTH AUGUSTA HIGH SCHOOL 0� (]WST Pu ! 1aNa-an iaunnsWnv .nu o'm'owia a rt a+. K.'t .." .11Q11 NUF£Y PQ]fl-L!` ¢Y[ m• ! R r I I +I � ot EDOUCAf om [ F AI16'NCO.. KCOE... w V � � I HOARD LN MUUCrAMN 1� • ^'���"y dy mien tum uYr�I�.P�+yMIR r�YPaY �GQIrMLtL SR.[Lli6! ` wr --� rota.sc nma lem)«cure MI s �f F AI HDNcDWA mutY�.reaM.nu ARD�t ED�A�N v i Mt,il Cp m.wNtw faC ,.. W.nl; [�-J s ° AUMBURY - p . �OLM 91 ��♦���� Lor ,pw Y(t [(�� ', GlIV71AL NpIES _ �i{}. '•[L'Ar(u5[Of'tEufi CLRapn p(N]lfS nWte G`= ----"— GRAPHIC SCALE MUe..—I.u[p MWt.x MCI IO t•E m(PuagN yp_r r(gOV C.IOdP A.1 qe gSPG + oMP Mor .ri+.�� • YI. � TOSC YOUI P(Ov. _ Y .At [r1 [o[Crgr H t uss.enrs P OIN[e•:ow.er.r¢s w+ nm or �' N6r[w[C00 AYa MCI K SrOw KT[OV. �-'�'� ATTORNEY FOR AIKEN COUNTY PUBLIC SCHOOLS M UW ADDRESS: POST OFFICE 90X7217 NORT MGUSTA,SOUTH CAROLINA 29661 TELEPHONE: (BM)641-2572 FACSIMRF: (603)641-2636 September 27, 2017 Ms. Amanda J. Sievers, Interim Director Department of Planning and Development 100 Georgia Ave., 2ne Floor North Augusta, SC 29841 Re: Petition from the Aiken County Board of Education Dear Ms. Sievers: Please find attached the original and one copy of the petition to annex the additional portion of a 2013 acquisition by the Board of Education from Mr. Edward Wells. It was thought at the time that this was In the city limits. While you probably do not need this, I am attaching a copy of a Board agenda item we use for these types of actions. The Board unanimously voted last night at its regular meeting, on September 26, 2017, to authorize the Board Chair and Superintendent to sign the original document. Please let me know ff you have any questions, and consider my office as the go to person for any communications regarding this. Thanking you for your assistance, I am Very truly yours, �k� William H. Burkhalter, Jr. WHBi C: Mr. Levi Green, Chairman Dr.Sean Afford, Ph. D., Superintendent STATE OF SOUTH CAROLINA) PETITION FOR ANNEXATION OF 31.45 ACRES COUNTY OF AIKEN) OF LAND LOCATED SOUTH OF KNOBCONE AVE AND OWNED BY THE AIKEN COUNTY BOARD OF EDUCATION 1, on behalf of the Aiken County Board of Education (Ex Officio: Trustees of the Consolidated School District of Aiken County),freeholder of land located south of Knobcone Ave do respectfully petition the North Augusta City Council for annexation of the hereinafter described property into the municipal corporate limits of the City of North Augusta, South Carolina. This petition is submitted in accordance with Title 5-3-150(3)of the Code of Laws of South Carolina, 1976,as amended. The property sought to be annexed is described as follows: A portion(+1.45 acres) of that lot or parcel of land situate,lying and being in the County of Aiken, State of South Carolina, being shown and designated on a plat prepared for the Aiken County Board of Education by Hass & Hilderbrand, Inc., dated May 7, 2013 and recorded in Plat Book 57, Page 235 in the office of the RMC for Aiken County, South Carolina. Reference being made to said plat which is incorporated herein as "Exhibit B" for a more complete and accurate description as to the metes,bounds,courses, distances, and location of the property. A portion of the parcel (30.1588 acres) is currently inside the corporate limits of the City. The balance is sought to be annexed into the corporate limits. Said property is identified as Tax Parcel Number 006-06-01-01 t (portion). The property to be annexed is also shown on a map identified as"Exhibit A"titled"Map of Property Sought to be Annexed to the City of North Augusta". tar This petition dated the �day of J", 2017 prior to the affixing of any signatures hereto. Tax Mao Parcel Number Tax Parcel Number 006-06-01-011 The Aiken County Board of Education (portion) (Ex Officio: Trustees of The Consolidated School District of Aiken County) Levi Green,Chair Attest; 81 AI rd,Ph.D., Superintendent ATTACHMENT #5B ORDINANCE NO. 2019-13 TO CHANGE THE CORPORATE LIMITS OF THE CITY OF NORTH AUGUSTA BY ANNEXING± 1.45 ACRES OF PROPERTY LOCATED SOUTH OF KNOBCONE AVE AND OWNED BY THE AIKEN COUNTY BOARD OF EDUCATION WHEREAS, Section 5-3-150(3) of the Code of Laws of the State of South Carolina provides that: 'Notwithstanding the provisions of subsections (1) and (2) of this section, any area or property which is contiguous to a municipality may be annexed to the municipality by filing with the municipal governing body a petition signed by all persons owning real estate in the area requesting annexation. Upon the agreement of the governing body to accept the petition and annex the area, and the enactment of an ordinance declaring the area annexed to the municipality,the annexation is complete'; and WHEREAS, the Mayor and City Council of the City of North Augusta, by adoption of Resolution No. 2019-28 dated September 16, 2019, accepted a Petition for Annexation and wish to annex the below described properties; and WHEREAS, the zoning classification recommended for the properties proposed for annexation has been reviewed for consistency with the Future Land Use Classification of the properties as specified in the Land Use Element of the North Augusta 2017 Comprehensive Plan; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED by the Mayor and City Council of the City of North Augusta, South Carolina, in meeting duly assembled and by the authority thereof that: I. The following described property shall be annexed into the City of North Augusta: A portion(±1.45 acres) of that lot or parcel of land situate, lying and being in the County of Aiken, State of South Carolina, being shown and designated on a plat prepared for the Aiken County Board of Education by Hass & Hilderbrand, Inc., dated May 7, 2013 and recorded in Plat Book 57, Page 235 in the office of the RMC for Aiken County, South Carolina. Reference being made to said plat which is incorporated herein as"Exhibit B" for a more complete and accurate description as to the metes,bounds, courses, distances, and location of the property. A portion of the parcel (±0.1588 acres) is currently inside the corporate limits of the City. The balance is sought to be annexed into the corporate limits. Said property is identified as Tax Parcel Number 006-06-01-011 (portion). The property to be annexed is also shown on a map identified as "Exhibit A" titled"Map of Property Sought to be Annexed to the City of North Augusta". IL The zoning classification shall be zoned P, Public Use, as shown on a map identified as "Exhibit C"titled"ANX17-002 Zoning of Property Sought to be Annexed to the City of North Augusta" dated August 16, 2019, and prepared by the City of North Augusta. III. All ordinances or parts of Ordinances in conflict herewith are, to the extent of such conflict, hereby repealed. IV. This Ordinance shall become effective immediately upon its adoption on third and final reading. DONE, RATIFIED AND ADOPTED BY THE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF NORTH AUGUSTA, SOUTH CAROLINA, ON THIS DAY OF , 2019. First Reading: Second Reading: Robert A. Pettit, Mayor Third Reading: ATTEST: Sharon Lamar, City Clerk EXHIBITA & � N I North Augusta High School �p A� 0 Portion of TPN 006-06-01-011 Approximately 1.45 Acres WHITEBARK Inside City kNoSCOryF OOOFpO(e Outside City Limits QIFk New Municipal Boundary �. ti8� m� J� p� U p eyRNFS D�ANF North ANX17-002 wE Auu- SOUGHT OF PROPERTY TO BE ANNEXTED =70 135 0 Mr==1 SnlIII l it dinelx Ii11 IIt It TO THE CITY OF NORTH AUGUSTA Dale: 8/16/2019 TOTAL AREA mec 5[x,rP AAu r _ -- ` ` BODNDny SIRwy DDsmA J NORTH AUGUSTA m,io,im. t HIGH SCHOOL .�wrc M L AM NN, sW V Ixo ^ OJ WA 53 f., ` .r vJ{. M CwuWm.wus. _ �• (pn oM1 R BR:PLAT � lam' YAM CO.MIY. BWTH rcAROl1NA HUFF [ o n I e" AIKEN COUNTY BOARD of EDUCAMN A AN(EN^COUMrY BOARD of EDUCATION •�^xon •" rarnxam e[A /1,, L I .1 -� [eD �n z. w1 rn uuir.u[ I IM,,x.9-pr6 wo .WELLS _e \ e N •_",• • Al KEN COUAW a[egg= 0044.001 BOARD of EDUCAMN wm a w LOT = e•LP CO Am mwir (,LOTS `� 0 FF fB Tf2' J 1Y �ANESBURY LOT Qej 8 LOT O _ Q419 BLOM 'A" � `��r BLOCK N' J owm • f/�s � Duq r. LT it 5.r�I� 04; GENERAL NOM S [ LH�u L[ 50. DVr[H[S r..vCD c D C R 55 M N Sl Ir.xr.M CA SE[ ry C KM fAx $.M 1A, r5 [D11 -.•.em er . y, GRAPHIC SCALE [ LxttD o rt osw ;x-re+ :aD 1.11 ME �� V• TT r�l_ rni SLRVCv u5 NM.. et M0 "., ... ., •. ELNCrIt r! . CWRCrrr i[L PL"alxp'[ ' uu.ais w oME�sv.er.u¢s a.•nm ON — ^— •'wa�u vvxc aco.o em e[ sroxx re.[w. --•_�-- ^ rn re.w EXHIBIT C WE�JNGSON _.. i P, Public Use North Augusta High School �o o� Portion of TPN 006-06-01-011 to be zoned P, Public Use KMIiEBARK Inside City kNCeCpNF U�GFPpCF Outside City Limits New Municipal Boundary R-14, Large Lot oQ� Single-Family Residential 2 m2W U J� O� U U BHRNd�A4'F FS North �� ANX17-002 wE l�l1UST�1 ZONING OF PROPERTY SOUGHT TO BE ANNEXTED o =Fee srnul� t iu�iliu��'� ltiirrJo�" TO THE CITY OF NORTH AUGUSTA Date: 6/16/2019 ATTACHMENT AA RESOLUTION NO. 2019-32 A RESOLUTION APPOINTING MEMBERS TO THE ACCOMMODATIONS TAX ADVISORY COMMITTEE TO MAKE STATE ACCOMMODATIONS TAX EXPENDITURE RECOMMENDATIONS FOR COUNCIL'S CONSIDERATION WHEREAS, the City of North Augusta receives state accommodations tax funding from the State of South Carolina, and WHEREAS, the City is now receiving more than fifty thousand dollars in state accommodations taxes, and WHEREAS,pursuant to Section 6-4-25, Code of Laws of South Carolina, there shall be a local advisory committee consisting of seven members with majority of these members selected from the hospitality industry and at least two members from the lodging industry and one representing the cultural organizations, and WHEREAS,the advisory committee is to make recommendations on the expenditure of revenue generated from the state accommodations tax, and WHEREAS, the committee will make their recommendations from funding applications received that are in accordance with the City's application handbook, and WHEREAS, state accommodations tax funds must be used to attract and provide for tourists, and must be spent on tourism-related expenditures. NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Mayor and City Council of the City of North Augusta in meeting duly assembled and by the authority thereof that a committee comprised of the following individuals is hereby established for the purpose of making state accommodations tax expenditure recommendations for Council's consideration: John Felak, Chair, member at large David Sulak, lodging sector representative Quentin Evans, lodging sector representative Havird Usry,hospitality industry representative Brandon Greene, hospitality industry representative Mary Anne Bigger, cultural interest representative Suzanne Fanning, member at large The committee shall prepare and assist the City in distributing the City's state accommodation tax funding program application handbook and applications. City staff members Mandy Nelson,Tourism and Marketing Coordinator and Cammie Hayes,Director of Finance will assist the advisory committee in providing their recommendations to Council for consideration and preparing and submitting the required annual funding reports to the state. Committee recommendations shall be presented to Council for approval. Fund 09, Accommodations Tax Fund, is to be established for receipt of state accommodations tax funds as well as expenditures approved by City Council. DONE, RATIFIED AND ADOPTED BY THE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF NORTH AUGUSTA, SOUTH CAROLINA, ON THIS DAY OF 2019. Robert A. Pettit,Mayor ATTEST: Sharon Lamar,City Clerk ATTACHMENT #6B City of North Augusta State Accommodations Grant FY 17-18 North Augusta South Carolina 's Muerfront STATE ACCOMMODATIONS TAX FUNDING PROGRAM CITY OF NORTH AUGUSTA NORTH AUGUSTA, SOUTH CAROLINA APPLICATION HANDBOOK (FOR PROJECTS OCCORING BETWEEN December I, 2019 —,Itme 1, 2020) City of North Augusta State Amommodations Grant FY 17-18 1. SOUTH CAROLINA ACCOMMODATIONS TAX LAW A. WHO CAN APPLY FOR THE 65% FUNDS . All applicants are asked to provide proof of their federal employer identification number as registered with the Internal Revenue Service. This number must coincide with applicant's organization name. . To qualify for funding, project applicants must provide proof of their non-profit status and fall into one of the following categories: 1. Any governmental agency, board commission or political subdivision other than those specifically designated as a state agency. OR 2. Not-for-profit organizations as registered with the Secretary of State of South Carolina. Your"CERTIFICATE OF INCORPORATION/EXISTENCE" must accompany your application even if you have been awarded funding in the past. B. BACKGROUND AND PURPOSE South Carolina Code Section 6-4-10 (4) (b) (1) The State of South Carolina imposes a 2%tax on all accommodations, including campgrounds, in the state for the purpose of assisting in the development of innovative and/or effective tourism promotion projects at the local level; enlarging the economic benefits of tourism through advertising; and assisting in developing a strong tourism industry throughout South Carolina. The State allocates the funds to the government entities based on point of revenue origin. The net proceeds are remitted quarterly to the municipality or county in which the tax was collected. The state's eleven tourism districts also receive a percentage of the accommodations tax. Two percent of the total revenues collected in the state is taken off the top and distributed evenly to the eleven tourism districts. C. HOW FUNDS ARE DISPERSED South Carolina Code Section 6.4-10 (1) (2)(3) General Revenue Expenses Each unit of local government, (i.e. The City of North Augusta), receiving State Accommodations Tax Revenue is entitled to expend the first$25,000 on any general revenue expenses. The remaining funds will be referred to as the"Balance'which is distributed on a 5%, 30%, and 65% basis as described below. General Fund (5%) 5%of the"Balance" is eligible to be used by local government, (i.e. The City of North Augusta),for any general fund expense. Advertising and Promotion Special Fund (30%) 30% of the"Balance" is to be distributed quarterly upon receipt to one or more designated organization(s)with ongoing tourism promotion program(s), (i.e. The City of North Augusta or The North Augusta Chamber of Commerce), Tourism Related Activities Special Fund (65%) 65%of the "Balance" is to be used for tourism related activities, (i.e. The City of North Augusta State Accommodations Tax Funding Program). The distribution of these funds requires an application process. The South Carolina Department of Revenue oversees the operations of the State Accommodations Tax Program and has the authority to extend the time period for holding this special fund. City of North Augusta State Accommodations Grant FY 17-I8 D. HOW FUNDS CAN BE SPENT General Fund (6%1 Special Funds This is for any governmental expense. This does not have to be related to tourism, but may I the government so chooses. Advertising and Promotion Special Funds (30%) This is for the designated organization, (i.e. The City of North Augusta), with ongoing tourism promotion program(s). Examples of allowable expenditures are media advertising, brochures, travel show displays, etc. All items must be used outside a 50 mile radius of North Augusta. Tourism Related Activities Special Funds (65%) • Advertising and promotion of tourism so as to develop and increase tourist attendance through the generation of publicity (all advertising and promotions must be outside a 50 mile radius of North Augusta); • Promotion of the arts and cultural events (all promotions must be outside a 50 mile radius of North Augusta); • Operating visitor information centers (A-tax monies can only be used to pay the salary of a full time employee whose only job is to assist tourists). 2. CITY OF NORTH AUGUSTA ACCOMMODATIONS TAX COMMITTEE A. BACKGROUND AND PURPOSE South Carolina Code Section 6-4-25(B) The Committee's purpose is"to make recommendations to the City Council on the expenditures of the state's accommodations tax funds". This is required by South Carolina Code Section 6-4-5 et seg. The Parks, Recreation and Tourism Department is the agency which oversees the administration of these accommodations tax funds in The City of North Augusta. The Committee advises the North Augusta City Council on tourism related activities, strategies, and programs. B. MISSION STATEMENT To accomplish its purpose and to assist the Parks, Recreation and Tourism Department, the Committee has established the following mission statement. The City of North Augusta Accommodations Tax Committee strives to effectively allocate the state's Accommodations Tax funds in order to increase the recognition of the City of North Augusta as a "Visitors Destination", while closely following the guidelines set forth by the State of South Carolina. C. GOALS The City of North Augusta State Accommodations Tax Committee has developed goals to accomplish its purpose in conjunction with the funding plan below. The committee will make recommendations annually in the areas of each of these goals. 1. Allocate the State Accommodations Tax Funds to projects that directly promote tourism in the City of North Augusta and which will attract regional, state, and/or national audiences while reflecting unity of the tourism industry in the City of North Augusta. 2. Establish the City of North Augusta as being recognized for its events, and amenities. 3. Support the expansion and diversification of tourism opportunities in the City of North Augusta. City of North Augusta State Accommodations Grant FY 17-18 D. FUNDING PLAN The purpose of the program is to market outside the 50 mile radius which results in bringing tourists to North Augusta. It cannot be used for items that might be picked up while they are already here, such as tourist guides, programs,flyers, posters or any other items that relate to the project. Funding is for the promotion of tourism-related projects and events in and near the City of North Augusta. Accommodations Tax funding is a "reimbursement' program. Funding cannot be given for the "startup' monies for a project or event. Funding is not guaranteed for any project whether that project has received funding in the past or is submitting for the first time. Formal applications must be submitted before any requests will be considered. Organizations who do not have their non-profit status or a non-profit sponsor may not apply. Events MUST attract regional, state, and/or national audiences and attract tourists that will stay overnight in local hotels, bed &breakfasts, etc. Events can be a one-time event or an ongoing event. Funds approved for a specific project must be used for that project ONLY and DO NOT carry over and CANNOT BE TRANSFERRED to another program should the project not use any or all the funds allocated. The amount of funds awarded to approved applicants will be determined based upon funds available and merits of the individual projects. E. ALLOCATION PRIORITIES The Committee will use the following priorities in allocating the annual Accommodations Tax budget: the Committee recognizes that the annual receipts are generated within the North Augusta city limits. For this reason, the Committee's first priority in allocating the funds will be for projects and activities that directly promote tourism In the City of North Augusta and secondly prolects that are near the City of North Augusta. Finally, projects and activities must address/attract state, regional, and/or national audiences. F. INELIGIBLE PROJECTS/INELIGIBLE COSTS The Committee will not consider funding projects or activities that contain any of the following criteria: • Programs or activities that do not address regional tourist audiences (a tourist is defined as anyone who travels more than 50 miles one way to attend an event). • Programs or activities that do not promote tourism. • Projects whose sole purpose is the solicitation of funds for donation to non-tourism related activities. • Other projects as determined ineligible by the City of North Augusta Accommodations Tax Committee subject to approval by the North Augusta City Council. • Travel costs to projects or activities. • For Profit Businesses and Organizations (including but not limited to Internet businesses, home based businesses, etc.). • Certain items within projects that include but are not limited to food, performance fees, postage, shipping costs, consultant fees, retainer fees, speaker fees, give-away items (unless sent out of City of North Augusta State Accornmodations Grant FY 17-I8 50 mile radius), salaries, utility costs, sanitation services, medical services and other services as deemed ineligible by the State of SC Tourism Oversight Review Committee. If advertising is done that includes North Augusta, a coverage map of reach must be included and the percentage of coverage that is sent to North Augusta and everything within a 50 mile radius cannot be reimbursed. G. REIMBURSEMENT REQUIREMENTS The City of North Augusta Accommodations Tax funding program is a "reimbursement" program. Funding cannot be given for the"startup" monies for a projector event. The requirements listed below must be met in order to receive reimbursement. All reimbursement documentation listed below must be turned in to the City of North Augusta Accommodations Tax Liaison no later than June 1, 2020. 1. A signed A-tax Award Agreement must be on file. 2. Documentation supporting the current status as a registered non-profit organization has been provided. 3. All marketing must be done outside a 50 mile radius of North Augusta 4. The award breakdown may not be altered without written permission from the City of North Augusta Accommodations Tax Committee Liaison. 5. Completed surveys based upon the formula below: a. 1 -500 attendees— 10% of attendees must be surveyed/surveys must be submitted b. 501 — 1500 attendees—minimum of 50 surveys submitted c. 1501+attendees— minimum of 100 surveys submitted 6. The Event Summary Form completed with the information arrived from completed individual surveys **If you are hosting a ticketed event and cannot accommodate surveys, you may opt to tum in at least 50% of all zip codes of attendees from a payment processing system to justify out of town guests, along with justification of economic impact on the city of North Augusta in regards to overnight stays, retail and dining. If opting for this method you must seek prior approval from the City of North Augusta. 7. A copy of the original receipt must be provided for each advertising purchase 8. A copy of the check front and the check back showing the check has cleared the bank must be provided for each advertising purchase 9. Proof of performance for each advertising purchase (re: copy of ad/screenshot of online ad, photo of billboard, broadcast affidavit for TV/radio). All purchases where reimbursement is requested should include the City of North Augusta logo with website. This logo should be requested via email to mnelson@northaugusta.net 10. Proof of distribution to attendees of hotel listing through listing mailed/given to attendees. 3. APPLICATION PROCEDURES Applicants should read and be familiar with the following guidelines before submitting an application to the City of North Augusta Accommodations Tax Committee. All applications must be received NO LATER than Friday. November 1, 2019 by 6 pm. Applications must be delivered via mail to P(5— Box OBox 6400 North Augusta, SC 29861 or in person to Mandy Nelson at the Riverview Park Activities Center 100 Riverview Park Dr. by this deadline. Additional applications may be obtained by contacting 803.441.4310 or by emailing mnelson@northaugusta.net. A. APPLICATION Applications must be typed and completed In full by providing the information below (see attached application). DO NOT use recycled documents from your office to print the application or documentation. Applications are limited to a total of 12 pages (front and back of pages may be used. City of North Augusta State Accommodations Grant FY 17-18 1. Name of Project Provide the exact name of the project. 2. Project Category Provide the exact category of the project. 3. Description of the Project Describe the project being proposed along with including who your targeted audience is. 4. Project Date Provide the actual date(s) of the project or event being promoted (if applicable). The project itself or event promoted must occur between December 1, 2019 and June 1, 2020. Mark whether the project is one-time, ongoing, new, or existing 5. Project Location Provide the physical address of the event's location and whether the project is within the City of North Augusta's corporate limits. 6. Non-Profit Organization/Sponsor Provide the exact title of the organization, the name of the administrative official, mailing address, phone number and e-mail address of the organization sponsoring the project. 7. Type of Organization Check whether your organization is a: a. Government agency, board, or commission OR b. 501C Organization (Proof of non-profit status from IRS or the State of SC must be attached to the application, even if you have been awarded funding in the past.) 8. Federal ID Number Provide the organization's Federal ID number as registered with the IRS. 9. Project Coordinator Give the name, mailing address, phone number and e-mail address of the person in charge of the project's operation (this cannot be the same person as listed in Item #6.). 10. Non-Financial Partnerships List organizations that will support the project and the role that they will play in the event. 11. Attendance of Ongoing Project Provide the total attendance and the tourist attendance the last time the project was held and the method used to determine the attendance. 12. Attendance of New or One Time Project Provide the estimated total attendance and the estimated tourist attendance for the new or onetime project and the method used to determine the attendance. 13. Economic Impact Details a. Describe In detail how the project will benefit the economy in the City of North Augusta the following areas: hotel stays, dining out, shopping and entertainment. Use specific numbers such as how many tourists attended the event the last time it was held and the number of hotel stays it generated or if local restaurants noted a significant rise in customers. Another way would be to research economic impact of a similar event hosted in a city similar in size to North Augusta. City of North Augusta State Accommodations Grant FY 17-I8 14. Marketing Distribution Plan Check all types of promotion being planned to execute the marketing strategy for the project. 15. Project Operational Budget Provide the total it costs to operate the project. This is not how much you are requesting from the City of North Augusta State A-tax Grant Program, but what it costs to operate your project in its entirety. 16. Funds Requested a. List the amount of funds being requested from A-Tax Marketing Funds. b. List the amount of funds being provided by the applicant for the completion of the project. 17. Marketing Revenue Sources Please check all sources of funds that are pending or approved and the amount of funds to be received. This is the amount of revenue that your project is expected to receive from all funding sources. This is not to be confused with item 16 on the application which refers to how much money it will cost your organization to run the project. 18. Certification Signatures By virtue of the signatures on the applications, the applicant certifies compliance with all applicable Project guidelines. Applications must bear the signatures of the project coordinator and the non-profit's administrative official authorized to commit the applicant to provide matching funds. The Project Coordinator and the Administrative Official cannot be the same person. 19. Marketing Flowchart Each applicant must complete the Marketing Flowchart and submit along with the application. B. PROJECT APPROVAL 1. The review of project applications by the Committee will take place in November. Meeting dates, times and schedule will be released to all applicants as well as the public. 2. Each applicant will be required to attend a brief interview with the committee to discuss the project application. All questions by the committee regarding the application will be discussed at this time. 3. The City of North Augusta State Accommodations Tax Committee's Liaison will send any funding questions to the State of SC Tourism Oversight Review Committee for an opinion on the eligibility of the proposed awards. 4. The proposed funding awards will then be forwarded on to the Director of the Parks, Recreation and Tourism Department. 5. The Director will then forward the proposed funding awards on to the City Manager. S. The City Manager will then have the proposed funding awards placed on an upcoming agenda for review by the North Augusta City Council. 7. Once approved by the North Augusta City Council, applicants will be notified in writing of the project's approval or denial. Applicants will be notified of conditions, if any, relative to the project(i.e., items designated for the expenditure of funding). 8. Applicants must sign a Project Funding Agreement Form and return it to the City of North Augusta Parks, Recreation and Tourism Department following their notification of approval. City of North Augusta State Accommodations Grant FY 17-18 9. The amount of funds awarded to approved applicants will be determined based upon funds available and merit of the individual projects. All applicants must agree to incorporate the following items into their projects: 1. City of North Augusta logo with website must be incorporated into all advertising. The only exception will be on small digUl ads as the logo and website will be linked on the applicant's website. To request a digital copy of the logo, please email mnelsona-northauousta.net. 2. A list of all hotels within the City of North Augusta must be distributed to all prospective visitors and participants. This list is provided at the end of the handbook. In addition, each applicant will be required to participate in the following meeting: Before Funding is approved: Project interview with the committee to discuss the project application. All questions regarding the application will be discussed at this time. City of North Augusta State Accommodations Grant FY 17-18 North Aug sista _X / South Curolinu'S Rivafront ACCOMMODATIONS TAX COMMITTEE EVALUATION FACTORS As you complete your application please keep the following factors in mind. Our A-Tax committee will use these factors as an evaluation tool when reviewing your applications. Project Eligibility: Does the project allow the committee to effectively award funding according to the mission of the City of North Augusta Accommodations Tax Committee? Mission:The City of North Augusta Accommodations Tax Committee strives to effectively allocate the state's Accommodations Tax funds in order to increase the recognition of the City of North Augusta as a"visitors Destination",while closely following the guidelines set forth by the State of South Carolina. Thoroughness of Proposal:Were the proposal specifications followed? Were responses clear and complete? Are all support documents provided? Did the applicant attend an A-Tax workshop(when offered)? PROJECT DESIGN Description of Project:Will the project attract visitors,build new audiences and encourage tourism expansion within the City of North Augusta? Will it increase awareness of the City's amenities, history,facilities,and natural environment? Was the target audience identified? Does this audience appear reasonable? Partnerships: Does the project involve community partnerships? Does it exhibit volunteer involvement or inter- jurisdictional,corporate, business and/or civic support? Ful: Has this project received previous funding? Has the funding been well utilized? Has the return on investment been beneficial to the North Augusta community? Is the project solely dependent upon ATAX funding? Has the project continued to seek additional sources for funding? Attendance:If this project occurred previously,did it attract tourists as defined in the handbook and application? Will the upcoming event attract tourists,as defined in the handbook and application,to North Augusta? Is the determining factor as listed by the applicant a legitimate measureable factor? Economic Impact:Will the event have a positive economic impact on North Augusta? Is there a reliable tracking mechanism planned for use by the committee? Will this event generate overnight stays in North Augusta? Does the benefit of the project(i.e.number of tourists estimated;expected generation of revenue)exceed the cost of the project? Spreadsheet: Does the Marketing Plan as outlined on the spreadsheet appear organized and understandable? Is the organization utilizing multiple forms of marketing to reach their goal? Did the organization identify quality publications/media outlets that will offer a return on investment? Is the applicant organization using publications that quality for the greater than 50 mile radius rule? Is the applicant organization investing in the project? Accommodations within City of North Augusta Hotel Name Address Phone Number Carolina Oaks Bed& 819 Carolina Avenue,North Augusta SC 29841 803-257-2719 Breakfast Crowne Plaza Hotel 1060 Center Street,North Augusta SC 29841 803-349-8400 Deluxe Inn 610 E Martintown Road,North Augusta SC 29841 803-278-0355 Holiday Inn Express 138 Stephens Farm Lane,North Augusta SC 29860 803-341-9505 Lookaway Inn 103 W Forest Avenue,North Augusta SC 29841 803-426-1030 North Augusta Motel 303 Georgia Avenue,North Augusta SC 29841 803-279-2652 River Golf Club 307 Riverside Boulevard,North Augusta SC 29841 803-202-0110 Rosemary Inn Bed& 804 Carolina Avenue, North Augusta SC 29841 803-426-1545 Breakfast Sleep Inn 921 Edgefield Road,North Augusta SC 29841 803-202-0209 CITY OF NORTH AUGUSTA ACCOMMODATIONS TAX PROGRAM December 2019 — June 2020 FESTIVALS/EVENTS SUMMARY FORM Complete this form and return to your project administrator along with your reimbursement request and documentation. (All answers provided should use the information gathered through surveys completed.) Failure to comply may delay reimbursement or revoke your A-tax Award Project Name: Project Coordinator: Organization Name: 1. How many surveys were completed (are being submitted)? 2. Estimated TOTAL attendance of your event: From the individual surveys list the number if attendees indicated in each category. - Local in South Carolina - City Residents Aiken County - Edgefield County McCormick County - Saluda County Bamberg County - Barnwell County - Local in Georgia - Richmond County Burke County - Columbia County - Non Local -In State(other than counties listed above) -Out of State(other than counties listed above) -International 3. From the individual surveys indicate the total number of overnight stays: 4. From the individual surveys indicate the average amount spent per day on overnight hotel stays(divide the total dollar amount indicated by the number of those responding from the surveys): 4. On average how much was spent per day on the following(divide the total dollar amount for each category by the number of those responding in each category indicated from on the surveys): Food/Beverage$ Retail Stores $ Project Director Date Non-Profit Organization/Sponsor Admin. Official's Signature Date ATTACHMENT #6C For Accommodations Tax Committee Use Only Amount Requested: North Date Received: c a / File Information : Augustan rJJ Date Reviewed: Information Complete ( ) Need More Information ( ) Date Contacted: SOLMI Car lhia'S fZllAmount Awarded: Date Award Notification Sent: STATE ACCOMMODATIONS TAX FUNDING PROGRAM CITY OF NORTH AUGUSTA NORTH AUGUSTA, SOUTH CAROLINA FUNDING APPLICATION APPLICATION MUST BE TYPED DEADLINE: Received no later than Friday. November 1. 2019 by 5 nm. Applicant must follow the procedures in the City of North Augusta State A-tax Handbook when completing this application. 1.Name of Project: 2. Project Category: ( )Advertising &Promotion of Tourism ( )Advertising&Promotion Arts/Cultural Event ( )Advertising& Promotion of Large Tourist Event 3. Detailed description of the project to include your targeted audience (if additional space is needed,please use an additional piece of paper) City of North Augusta State Accommodations Grant FY 17-18 4. Project Date(must occur between December 1,2019—June 1.2020): ( ) One-time project ( ) Ongoing project ( )New Project ( ) Existing Project 5. Project location(physical location): Is the project located within the City of North Augusta's corporate limits? ( )Yes( )No* *If you answered NO,approximately how far(distance is your event from the City limits? miles) 6.Name of Non-Profit Organization/Sponsor: Name of Administrative Official: Telephone: Fax: E-mail: Mailing Address: City State Zip Code The signatures required from the Project Coordinator and the Non-Profit Organization/Sponsor cannot be the same person. 7. Type of Organization: a. Government Entity: ( ) Agency, ( ) Board ( )Commission b._501C Organization(non-profit) Proof of Non-profit Status from IRS or the State of SC as reeistered with the Internal Revenue Service must be attached to this application (even if you have submitted an application in the past). 8. Non-Profit Organization/Sponsor Federal ID Number: 9. Project Coordinator: Telephone: Fax: E-mail: Mailing Address: City State Zip Code 10. What non-financial partnerships do you have for this event? What role will these groups play? 11. Total attendance the last time the ongoing project was held: How was this number determined? Total tourist attendance the last time the ongoing project was held: How was this number determined? City of North Augusta State Accommodations Grant FY 17-18 Total Room Nights Generated the last time this event was held: How was this number determined? **if this is a new event please give estimated attendance/room night figures with justification "A tourist is defined as someone who travels more than 50 miles one way to attend an event and stays overnight in paid or unpaid accommodations or someone who plans a day trip to places 50 miles or more,one way, from their home." 12. Specifically describe how this project will benefit the economy in the City of North Augusta in the areas listed below. Be specific &detailed in your justification and attach a separate sheet of paper if necessary. Dining Out: Shopping: Entertainment Other: 13. What types of marketing will be included in your plan as outlined in this application? (Check all that apply.) Rack Cards Cable/Television Ads Digital Advertising(check all that apply) Brochures Radio Ads Event Website Magazine Ads Billboards Facebook Ads Newspaper Ads Online Newspapers/Magazines GoogleBing Ads Other(Please Explain) 14. Event/Project Operational Budget: $ (This is not how much you arc requesting from the City of North Augusta State A-tax Grant Program, but what it costs to operate your event/project in its entirety). 15. a. City of North Augusta(State)A-tax Marketing Funds Requested: $ b. Applicant Marketing Funds Provided (Not A-tax): $ City of North Augusta State Accommodations Grant FY 17-18 16. Revenue Sources: Please check all sources of revenue that are pending or approved and the amount of funds to be received: Pending Approved Amount ( ) State Accommodations Tax: City of North Augusta $ (this amount should be the same as the total listed under number 17a1 ( ) Aiken County Accommodations Tax: $ ( ) Private Funds/Grants: $ ( ) Donations: $ ( ) SC Parks, Recreation,and Tourism: Tourism Advertising Grant (TAG) $ ( ) Admissions: $ ( ) Merchandise Sales: $ ( ) Other(please list): TOTAL ANTICIPATED PROGRAM REVENUE S To complete your application Please complete the attached marketing spreadsheet and submit it as an attachment to your application. 19. Statement of Assurances If the grant application is awarded funding,we agree, as representatives of the organization named in this application, to provide any and all records pertaining to this grant for inspection by the City of North Augusta State Accommodations Tax Committee upon request. In addition,we agree to and will adhere to all guidelines regarding the use of the City of North Augusta logo in our advertising materials. The signatures required from the Project Coordinator and the Non-Profit Organization/Sponsor cannot be the same person. Project Coordinator's Name (typed) Date Project Coordinator's Signature Date Non-Profit Organization/Sponsor Administrative Official's Name(typed) Date Non-Profit Organization/Sponsor Administrative Official's Signature Date RETURN TO: City of North Augusta State Accommodations Tax Funding Program Deadline: P.O Box 6400 h I�t- tom+ North Augusta SC 29861 Noycmbcr I. 21119 Attn:Mandy Nelson In S 1)m City of North Augusta State Accommodations Grant FY 17-18