100719 Study Session Memo Backup Materials North Augusta South Carolina's Riuerfront CITY COUNCIL STUDY SESSION MEMO OCTOBER 7, 2019 Administration Department North Augusta South Carolina's MuerJront Interoffice Memorandum TO: Mayor and City Council FROM: B.Todd Glover,City Administrator DATE: October 4,2019 SUBJECT: Study Session Date of Monday October 7 2019 A study session of the North Augusta City Council has been scheduled for Monday.October 7.2019. at 6:00 p.m. in the Municipal Center 3'° Floor Council Conference Room located at 100 Georgia Avenue. The following is among the topics for discussion and review: ITEM 1. CITY PROPERTY: Surplus Property—Council Discussion City Administrator,Todd Glover,will lead Council in a discussion of a request to declare a City owned property as surplus. Please see ATTACHMENT NI for a map and information about the request. ITEM 2. PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT: PI...me Commission Recommendation; City of North Augusta Development Code Article 13: Siena-Text Amendment— Council Discussion Libby Hodges,Director of Planning and Development,will present an update on the revisions that have been made based on Council's suggestions at the September 9,2019 Sandy Session to the City of North Augusta Development Code Article 13: Signs—Text Amendment. Please see ATI'ACII M ENT H2A for the Revision List of 9.18-19 and the DRAFT NADC Article 13 with Revisions 9-2019. Please see A'1'1'ACII M ENI9216 for the proposed Sign and Master Signage Plan Zoning Review Application. Please see AlACII M ENT N2C for the Guidance for Sign and Master Signage Plan Zoning Review. Page 2 October 4,2019 ITEM 3 CITY COUNCIL AGENDA, Items on the October 7, 2019 Council Aeenda — Council Discussion At this time, any questions related to the agenda scheduled for tonight's meeting may be discussed. ITEM 4. LEGAL: Executive Session—Request of the City Administrator In compliance with Section 30-4-70(a)(2)the City Administrator requested an executive session for the purpose of. (2)Discussion of negotiations incident to proposed contractual arrangements and proposed sale or purchase of property,the receipt of legal advice where the legal advice relates to a pending, threatened, or potential claim or other matters covered by the attorney-client privilege,settlement of legal claims,or the position of the public agency in other adversary situations involving the assertion against the agency of a claim. A. Discussion is related to park land near North Augusta Country Club property B.Discussion is related to the Fire Station I property Upon returning to open session,council may take action on matters discussed in Executive Session. ATTACHwit000 Sa Olt Parcel of Interest 0.21 ac Mr Nguyen's Property C i f r r � r Sunset Hill Cemetery r r Feet 0 50 100 200 Parcel: 007-08-04-022 Owned By City of North Augusta ATTACHMENT #2A Revision List 9-18-19 • Removed prohibition on accessory signs NPO(4.g) • Removed prohibition on window signs NPO(4.h.) • Removed 4%ground floor area in Downtown (5.1b.) • Removed prohibition on window signs in NPO to match previous section.(S.d.viii) • Allow external illumination on construction signs(S.f.i.5&2.b..4.c) • Removed Construction Sign size differentiation(S.f.ii) • Revised spotlight requirements o Moved to non-residential and downtown sections under"Illumination"(S.c.&3.c.) o Revised to"strobe"and clarify definition in Prohibited Signs section DRAFT NADC Article 13 Revisions CC Revisions 9-2019 13.1 PURPOSE AND SCOPE The purpose of sign regulations are to encourage the effective use of signs as a means of communication in the City of North Augusta; to maintain and enhance the aesthetic environment; to minimize the possible adverse effects of signs on nearby public and private property; and to enable the fair and consistent enforcement of these sign regulations. These regulations: a. Establish a permit system that allows a variety of types of signs in commercial and industrial zones, and a limited variety of signs in residential zones; b. Allow certain signs that are small and incidental to the principal use of the properties on which they are located without a requirement for permits;and c. Provide for temporary signs in limited circumstances on private property and in the public right of way. 13.2 APPLICABILITY 1. Definition a. This Article applies to any sign.A"sign" is any structure or device designed or intended to convey information to the public in written or pictorial form. 2. Prohibition a. A sign may be erected,placed,established, painted,created or maintained in the City of North Augusta only in conformance with the standards, procedures and requirements of these regulations. All signs not expressly allowed or permitted by this Article are prohibited. 3. Permit Required a. No sign shall be placed, installed, erected or constructed on any property within the City of North Augusta until all the applicable permits,approvals and certificates required for the particular sign have been issued and approved. 4. Signs Allowed Without a Permit a. Flags and Flagpoles I. Applicability: a "Flag" means any flag, including a flag of the United States, the state of South Carolina, and any other flag sanctioned by these regulations.Any flag not meeting these conditions shall be considered a banner sign and shall be subject to regulations as such. National flags, state and municipal flags, and official flags of businesses, institutions or other organizations shall not be considered banners if displayed on a flag pole. North Augusta Development Code 13-1 DRAFT NADC Article 13 Revisions CC Revisions 9-2019 ii. One (1) flag and flagpole is allowed on a parcel without consideration of total signage allowed.Flags and flagpoles in excess of one (1) shall be included in the maximum square footage of allowable signage. iii. All flagpoles shall comply with the setback requirements for freestanding signs. iv. Any flag shall not exceed twenty-four(24)square feet in area. v. Flagpoles may not be flown from a pole more than the maximum height permitted in the district or forty-five (45)feet, whichever is less(see§ and Table 3-4). vi. Flags must be flown in accordance with the protocol established by the Congress of the United States for the Stars and Stripes or the state of South Carolina for the state flag. b. The following types of signs do not require a permit prior to installation but must comply with any size limits or other restrictions as contained herein. These signs do not count towards the Maximum Total Signage allowed. i. Construction Signs ii. Temporary Signs iii. Signs on Vacant Property iv. Identification Signs v. Accessory Signs vi. Window Signs: Window signs do not require a permit to install, however, window signage will count towards the Maximum Total Signage allowed. 5. Repair and Replacement a. All signs are to be kept in good repair. b. Any dilapidated or neglected sign shall be repaired or removed. If the Building Official deems any sign structurally un-sound, it shall be repaired or removed. 6. Non-Conforming Signs a. With a valid sign permit,a legal, non-conforming sign may be: i. Re-faced ii. Repaired iii. Repainted, or iv. Removed for repair and remounted. b. Nothing in this section grants the right to technological upgrades such as the addition of electronic readerboards to an existing sign.Technological upgrades are the same as erecting a new sign. Changing a light source, such as changing from fluorescent to LED,with no change in appearance of the sign, is not considered a technological upgrade. c. Abandoned Non-conforming Signs shall be removed. North Augusta Development Code 13-2 DRAFT NADC Article 13 Revisions CC Revisions 9-2019 7. Enforcement may be carried out by the Director of Planning and Development or their designee as allowed in Article 5 and the Municipal Code. 8. Subdivision and New Street Signs a. As new subdivisions and developments are completed,the city will install street name and traffic control signage based on a uniform sign design adopted by the city.The applicant shall remit payment for the signs at the time of final plat application. The cost for such signs shall be determined by the City of North Augusta. 9. No Content Restrictions a. Notwithstanding any other provision of this Chapter, no sign shall be subject to any limitation based on the content of the message contained on such sign. Any sign authorized in this Article may contain non- commercial copy in lieu of any other copy. 10. Severability a. If any word, sentence, section, chapter or any other provision or portion of this section is invalidated by any court of competent jurisdiction, the remaining words, sentences, sections, chapters, provisions or portions thereof will not be affected and will continue in full force and effect. 13.3.VARIANCES&APPEALS 1. The Director is authorized to vary the dimensional requirements for permitted signs by no more than 10%if: a. The Director determines that the proposed waiver does not conflict with the goals and policies of the Comprehensive Plan or the purposes underlying the standard; and b. The applicant demonstrates, through documentation and/or studies, based on generally accepted engineering principles,that adherence to the standard provided by this Chapter would pose a threat to health and safety or would undermine a policy set forth in the Comprehensive Plan or the purposes underlying the standard; and c. The applicant consents to an alternative standard and the Director finds that such standard is consistent with the Comprehensive Plan,will protect the public health, safety and general welfare, and is consistent with the purposes underlying the standard; and d. The economic burden imposed on the applicant to comply with the generally applicable standard outweighs the public purpose for such standard; and e. Compliance with the generally applicable standard is impracticable due to unique topographical or other site conditions. North Augusta Development Code 13-3 DRAFT NADC Article 13 Revisions CC Revisions 9-2019 f. The Director may,at their discretion,refer requests to the Board of Zoning Appeals. g. The Director may not issue variances for accessory, temporary, construction,vacant lot signs, or any other prohibited signs. 2 PUFSUaRt tG the PFOW-'----'" ° '','The Director may authorize minor waivers in the amount of white space or the light source utilized, or both,to provide flexibility to the applicant or to accommodate an established, registered or trademarked logo or graphic. In approving waivers the Director shall also consider the objectives of this Section related to traffic safety, reduction of glare and ambient light, and improved readability. 3. Variances to this chapter may be issued by the Board of Zoning Appeals as specified in Article 18 of this Code. 4. Administrative decisions or interpretations of the sign ordinance may be appealed as specified in Article 18 of this Code. 13.4 DEFINITIONS Abandoned Non-Conforming Signs: signs that do not conform to the requirements of this code and that are currently displayed on the premises of abandoned businesses as defined - in Article 19 of this code.This does not include non-conforming signage as a result of annexation or signs that were legally permitted under prior ordinances. Accessory Sign: signs that provide information, direction, control or other functions incidental and necessary to a use. Accessory signs can include parking lot directional and regulatory signs(in,out,one-way,etc.) and pavement markings consistent with the Manual of Uniform Traffic Control Devices (MUTCD),most recent edition.Accessory signs may also include instructions, hours and days of operation information, "closed" Rgure c ACCessory signs and 'open" signs, address numbers, identification signs for deliveries, loading and unloading,fire exit and others. North Augusta Development Code 13-4 DRAFT NADC Article 13 Revisions CC Revisions 9.2019 Awning: a sheet of canvas or other material stretched on a frame and used to keep the sun or rain off a storefront, window,doorway, or deck. Balloon Sign: any lighter than air or gas filled inflatable object attached by a tether to a fixed place. Banner: any sign of lightweight fabric, plastic or similar Fisc= material mounted at one (1) or more edges to a pole or -�' other structure. National flags, state and municipal flags, and official flags of businesses, institutions or other organizations shall not be considered banners if displayed on a proper flag pole as required by this code. Canopy: a permanent roofed structure which may be freestanding or attached to a building, but which is not a completely enclosed structure or awning. This includes coverings over gas pumps. Canopy Sign: any sign attached to or painted on a canopy. Changeable Copy Sign: also known as a "readerboard," is any figure 3:Canopy and sign designated so that letters or numbers attached to the sign Canopy Sign can be periodically changed to a different message. Construction Signage: signage of a temporary nature installed at the entrance or along the street frontage of a project under construction. Dilapidated or neglected sign: a sign (including sign structure) that does not present a neat and orderly appearance, which may be manifested by the following: rust or holes on or in the sign or sign structure, or broken, missing, loose or bent parts, faded or flaking Figure a: paint, non-operative or partially non-operative illuminating or Consrrucfion Sign mechanical devices or missing letters in sign copy. Electronic Readerboard: asign which displays messages in alternating light cycles using electronic messaging or LED lights. They are generally computerized programmable electronic visual communication devices, manufactured for the outside environment. Flag: any flag, including a flag of the United States, the state of South Carolina, and any other flag sanctioned by these regulations. Flashing Sign: a sign that contains an intermittent or sequential flashing light source that flashes or changes light patterns more than once every thirty(30)seconds. North Augusta Development Code 13-5 DRAFT NADC Article 13 Revisions CC Revisions 9-2019 FREESTANDING SIGNS usually perpendicular to viewer's Imeafcight.May be double or multi fared and contain thematic embellishment and integral covers or cladding to wnceal structural supports. I all 0 ,, EFTMI_ _ _ _ PYLON _—' POLE MATH Loci MULTI PANEL PYLON POLE r -/eGREENLFAF ~ ponnaru rev a MONUMENT MONOLITH Figure S:Freestanding Sign Types Freestanding Sign (Ground Sign): any sign supported by integral poles(s), post(s) or other structure or frame, the primary purpose of which is to connect it permanently to the ground. Examples include monument signs and pole signs. A freestanding sign does not include a portable or temporary sign. Home Occupation sign:see Identification Sign. _ Iconic Sign: a sign that has a particularly distinctive or artistic value and may visually depict the nature of the business,goods or services that the business provides through unique shape and any combination of calor, lighting,or historic reference. Identification Sign: any Figure 6:Iconic Signs wall sign which is limited to tIIIRKSItACON m se the name, address and I c.1�84 street number of a building, institution or person and to the activity carried on in the building or institution. Identification signs include nameplates and building name signs. - ,,,,,a,s.. Illuminated Sign: any sign illuminated by an internal or external source of light primarily designed to illuminate the sign. The illumination is "External' when the light source is Figure 7:Icientitication Signs North Augusta Development Code 13-6 DRAFT NADC Article 13 Revisions CC Revisions 9-2019 separate from the sign surface or not contained within the sign, and is directed to shine upon the sign. The illumination is ft "Internal" when the light source is contained or created within the sign. Marquee Sign: a sign painted on, attached to or hung from a marquee. Marquee: means a hood or awning of r permanent construction without pillars or posts which is supported from a building wall .Z- 0 ', SII and extends beyond the building or building 0 line; marquees sometimes extend over a property line. Maximum Total Sign Area:the maximum total Figure a:Marquee signage sign area is the sum for all signs contained on a building or on the entire lot or project,regardless of the number of buildings,businesses or tenants, not including exempt or non-permitted signage except as required or exempted herein. Master Signage Plan: a plan that is required when more than one use or business is located on a lot or within a development whether or not the development is on one lot or more than one lot. A Master Signage Plan should provide for consistency among signs on the premises with regard to location of a freestanding sign(s),location of each sign on the buildings,size,and lighting and coordinate total allowed square footages among the uses or businesses in Figure 9:MultiFacedsign the development. Menu Board: a sign placed at a drive-thru service usually containing a food menu and used for taking orders. Multi-Faced Sign: any sign that has two or more faces that are separated by more than 10 degrees or with any two (2) faces visible from any one (1) point. i« Mural: a painting or other work of art executed directly on a wall. Signage painted on walls does not automatically qualify as a mural. North Augusta Development Code 13-7 DRAFT NADC Article 13 Revisions CC Revisions 9-2019 Percentage of Wall Area: the percentage of wall area is calculated for the wall of which the sign is a part or to which the sign or signs is most nearly parallel. Pole Sign: see freestanding sign. Portable Sign: a "Portable Sign' means any sign not permanently affixed to the ground or to a building, including any sign attached to or displayed on a vehicle that is used for the express purpose of advertising a business establishment, product, service or . entertainment, when that vehicle is so parked as to attract the attention of the motoring or pedestrian Figure 11:Projecting Sign public. Projecting Sign: a "Projecting Sign" means any sign affixed to, projecting from, and supported by a building. Roof Sign: a 'Roof Sign" means _=- �....e. � M any sign erected upon, against or aooF `-_ -- directly above a roof or roof IMVHT eaves, or on top or above the "°° °°°` "pn1MeYitlon parapet, or on a functional ® architectural appendage above _ w�° the roof. For the purposes of this M1 i Article, a roof shall be considered to be any building surface where the slope of the surface is less Figure re:Roof signs than one and one half to one (1.5:1) relative to horizontal (the rise is one and one half times the run). This does not include signs legally allowed on a marquee or canopy. Setbacks: setbacks should be measured from a property line or the right-of-way line unless otherwise specified. Sign Area:the area of the sign measured within the most logical geometric figure applying to lines drawn between the outermost points of a sign, but may exclude essential sign structure, foundations, or supports. The copy of signs composed of individual letters, numerals or other devices are the sum of the area of the smallest rectangle or other geometric figure encompassing each of said letters or devices. North Augusta Development Code 13-8 DRAFTT NADC Article 13 Revisions CC Revisions 9-2019 r lWmm cema aal . p pho Gkwale s:8 r.o deraphcYwm of oraary prpyp nnls dmw amuM,.I orcandcopy0onal Jala emballisbmonl o�monumenl backgmuM. �_ plc SIGN ARU FISI ' I Co,uland:ng C r.S N,gn Calculala S,gn area by Ir of cal-papal dawn aurum coot'Do l of calcu:ala dawabvo gapbmS.calvmanon am;Ial br anacned rangy andro�marHuea. Wall I Fascia Signs NAREA ............... .1 1 r M.ima Capo lonumg Onn—,00nypanalalound Doom aaca'd—o'eacanaam,on,na mm. Signe aab oul Slap*Ce4onuod Caluulale Sign area by imaginary panel drown SMM Sign ropy. ��,� SGN AFEA .6. wup,PWA. Ctin_mwl Sgns wd�nl -In--F�nund m• � 'Ic nlgn an, py iol adualb .Mgrd pnnols o-lmgsgnroo9 SIGN AREA I�RIIIT/A6 1 Awmps-Calculalasign a.ea by lmaHimrylu:nnl d2wn und,., enol alculaM decoalivagratltn'a Figvre 13:Sign Area Computation fi Sign Height: the height a sign is measured from the top of the curb or edge of the roadway where no curb exists, where � the curb is closest to any portion of the sign to the top of the highest attached component of the sign. Street Frontage: the measurement of the property frontage on the street where the sign will be located at the right-of- way or property line and to which the sign will be oriented. North Augusta Development Code 13-9 DRAFT NADC Article 13 Revisions CC Revisions 9-2019 Subdivision/Project Identification sign: means a freestanding sign that identifies a subdivision, - multi-occupancy project, or neighborhood Rot developed under one common plan of development, and is located internal to and visible from the initial point of entry to a j, "'oN.i Na,a subdivision or project from surrounding streets. �x t'.'SS:1 '°1NN M £FOR SALE Temporary Sign: signs for a "temporary cause or Figure 145:Temporary signs event" that occurs only on a scheduled date or time period and for a specific purpose, regardless of whether the event is for commercial or non-commercial purposes.Examples include grand openings of new businesses, church revivals, property for sale, special events, and political campaigns. This includes sidewalk signs or A-frame signs that are moveable. Wall Area: the total area of the aNiIaNNl.rgtN wall, or connected wall sections that are generally parallel to each �^+.w� other, on the side of a building, or II T lease space within a building, that __ I � �� Q7Ap1111 faces a street, parking area or courtyard or other similar open rl space. Areas of more than one wall '- may not be combined to calculate a ` .e;la.N�-ININ larger permissible sign area for one wauuea Is measuretlez lerpmz wl Mn otmemnaeen wM1di me nN,,:gacN.me wall. rvb(eraaye N wall Nm°is the Whole,a thafgade allowed to ha'asa ago apes a:aptt artpamemmlfiea�walla,mentalapiageuimesande mar rel eaundhe malmum mm Aa^area. Wall Sign: a "Wall Sign" means any sign painted on the outside of a building, or attached to, and erected parallel to the face of a all � building and supported throughout its length by such building. ! I I ` -1 Window Sign: a "Window Sign" means any sign installed inside or 1 outside a building within six (6) inches of a window or on the inside �. surface of a window that is visible Wall ttea may not e�ateohehe leadw¢e zea oraz oul maimamacer from outside the building. This A,.m.rnu m<halo,.l,e„ar.toa..a.11"a,M.,rhel.mde...., term does not include merchandise Figure 156: wall Area computation located in a window. North Augusta Development Code 13-10 DRAFT NADC Article 13 Revisions CC Revisions 9-2019 13.5 GENERAL PROVISIONS 1. Sign Area: is the measured area of a sign as defined herein.-The area allowed for each zoning district or use may not exceed the amounts allowed in this chapter. a. Maximum Total Sign Area shall not exceed these regulations as contained herein. 2. Wall Signs a. The maximum total square footage of sign area for all wall signs is the sum of all wall signs on any elevation. b. Lots fronting on two (2) or more streets are allowed the permitted wall sign area for each street frontage. However, the total sign area that is oriented to a particular street may not exceed the maximum sign area allowed on that particular street or the maximum total permitted sign area. 3. Freestanding or Ground Signs a. One (1)freestanding sign per site, lot or parcel may be permitted. b. Where more than one(1)business or use occupies a parcel,individual signs for individual businesses or uses may be consolidated on one (1) freestanding sign that meets the maximum total sign area limitations for a freestanding sign as provided herein. c. A developed through lot which fronts on two arterials, offers site access from both arterials and is not less than three hundred(300)feet deep(the distance between the two arterials) may have two (2) freestanding signs, one located on each of the two arterials. In such cases the second freestanding sign is limited in size to not more than two-thirds (2/3) the area permitted for the first freestanding sign. d. When two (2) identical sign faces are placed back to back, the sign area shall be computed by the measurement of one (1) of the faces where: I. Both faces cannot be viewed from any point at the same time,and; ii. Such sign faces are part of the same structure;and iii. The sign faces are not more than twenty-four(24) inches apart. 4. Pedestrian and Vehicular Clearance a. All signs constructed over a public or private pedestrian walkway or area where pedestrians may walk or congregate shall be constructed to provide a clearance of not less than seven (7)feet from the grade level below the sign to the lowest element of the sign structure. b. Signs and sign structures projecting over vehicular access and parking areas shall be constructed to provide a clearance of not less than eight(8) feet from the grade level below the sign to the lowest element of the sign structure. 5. Sight Distance Requirements North Augusta Development Code 13-11 DRAFT NADC Article 13 Revisions CC Revisions 9-2019 a. No sign should be placed within the sight distance triangle as required in Article 14 of this code. 6. Master Signage Plan Required a. A"Master Signage Plan" is required as noted in this chapter. b. This plan shall,at a minimum: I. Show or outline each suite, building, and its associated facade square footages and allowed square footages. ii. The total square footages and placement allowed for each suite and/or individual building within the development for freestanding signage iii. The total square footages and placement allowed for each suite and/or individual building within the development for wall signage iv. Materials v. Illumination vi. Must meet the requirements of this ordinance. vii. A Master Signage Plan may be submitted and approved with any site plan or plat,or individually,and must be approved prior to the issuance of any sign permit. viii. A Master Signage Plan may be revised at any time, however, any revised plan must meet the requirements of the code in force at the time of the revision. 7. Illumination a. Any sign that is internally illuminated with a translucent face or sign panel may utilize"daylight' bulbs as the light source provided that no more than thirty percent(30%) of the sign face is white or light in color. Sign faces where the amount of white or light colored space exceeds thirty percent(30%) shall utilize"cool white" bulbs (or equivalent)as the light source. b. Blank sign faces and panels shall be a dark color regardless of the type of bulb utilized. 13.6 EXEMPT SIGNAGE 1) Public Notice Signs a) Any public notice or warning issued by the city, county, state or federal government is exempt from these regulations. 2) Signs Interior to a Project or on the Interior of Buildings and Not Visible from a Right- of-Way a) Signs not visible from a right-of-way or visible from the exterior of the building are exempt from these regulations. Any sign inside a building and visible from North Augusta Development Code 13-12 DRAFT NADC Article 13 Revisions CC Revisions 9-2019 the exterior of the building that is not a window sign shall be considered a wall sign. 3) Government Signs a) Permanent or temporary signs erected by or on behalf of the city,county,state or federal government identifying streets or public property, conveying public information,and directing or regulating pedestrian or vehicular traffic are exempt from these regulations. 4) Public Utility Information Signs a) Informational signs of a public utility regarding its poles, lines, pipes or facilities are exempt from these regulations. 5) Address Signs a) The city finds and determines that address lettering that is unreadable creates unsafe traffic situations and inhibits the provision of public services. b) Address numbering is required on all structures in accordance with this section to be readable from the street. Street numbers shall have the following minimum heights: i) Three(3)inches on the front door or front wall surface of a residential dwelling unit; ii) Eight(8) inches on the front door or wall surface of a commercial structure; iii) One and three-fourths (1.75) inches on any mailbox located adjacent to the sidewalk, curb or edge of pavement. 13.7 SIGNS ON PUBLIC PROPERTY AND PUBLIC RIGHTS OF WAY 1) Non-Profit Street Banners a) Banners advertising events of public interest sponsored by non-profit, non- commercial agencies and which are placed at street locations specifically authorized for display by the City Council may be approved. 2) Private Signs on Public Property or Right of Way - a) Private signs shall not be placed on any public property or right of way without an approved encroachment permit authorizing such sign or express allowance in this code. The Director may remove signs found to be in violation of this section without prior notification to the property owner. This includes signs held by humans or other devices within the right-of-way. 13.8 ALLOWED SIGNAGE 1) Applicability:Signage shall not exceed the limits as defined herein. If a sign type is not listed in that district/use, that type of signage is not allowed in that district/use. North Augusta Development Code 13-13 DRAFT NADC Article 13 Revisions CC Revisions 9-2019 Zoning district applies to the district as established in Article 3,Zoning Districts. Use is more precise than the zoning district. If there is a conflict between district and use, use shall prevail. 2) Signage Allowed in Residential Uses and Districts a) Subdivision/Project Identification Signs I) The size,location and design of subdivision entrance signs shall be included on the approved preliminary plat. If a subdivision sign is requested after the plat has been approved it may be approved in accordance with this section. ii) If a Subdivision/Project Identification Sign is preferred within an existing subdivision or as part of a phased development,a "Master Signage Plan" shall be required. iii) Subdivision Identification Signs must meet the following: (1) Not more than one (1) subdivision entrance sign shall be located at the entry to any subdivision as identified on the preliminary plat. (2) If two(2)identical monument signs are used,they may not exceed sixteen (16) square feet in size or four (4) feet in height and must be placed symmetrically on each side of an entry road. (3) Subdivision entrance signs may be located in the right of way within a required median but must be outside of the paved section of the roadway iv) Shall not be internally illuminated. b) Constructions Signs I) General Requirements (1) Signs must be located on private property. (2) Signs must abut a public road frontage at the main entrance to the project. (3) Signs must be removed prior to the issuance of the final Certificate of Occupancy, Maintenance, or Performance Guarantee as applicable. (4) One sign is allowed per project. (5) If additional Construction Signage is preferred within an existing, established subdivision or project,or as part of a phased development where multiple construction signs may be desired: (a) A"Master Signage Plan"shall be required. (b) Each secondary sign may not exceed the square footage allowed for each Construction sign. (c) Signs may be placed only at the main entry points to the phase or sub-phase. (6) Shall not be internally illuminated ii) Allowed Square Footage (1) Projects containing 10 or more lots or units: (a) Maximum Square Footage: 32 sq ft. (b) Maximum Height: 8 ft. (2) Projects containing less than 10 units: North Augusta Development Code 13-14 DRAFT NADC Article 13 Revisions CC Revisions 9-2019 (a) Maximum Square Footage: 16 sq ft. (b) Maximum Height:8 ft. c) Temporary Signage I) Shall not exceed six(6) square feet on any sign. ii) Shall not be illuminated. d) Signage on Vacant Lots in Residential Districts i) Parcels 5 acres or more:32 sq ft. ii) Parcels with less than 5 acres, but over 1 acre: 16 sq ft. iii) Parcels 1 acre or less: 6 sq ft. iv) Shall not be illuminated. e) Identification Signage i) Must be attached to the building ii) Shall be mounted flush to or not project more than 4 inches from the building iii) Area shall not exceed 2 square feet. iv) Shall not be illuminated. f) Single-family Dwelling Units, Townhouses, Rowhouses or Individual Mobile Homes I) Applicability:this category applies to single lots in any zoning district that are currently used for single-family,townhomes on individual lots,or duplex uses. This does not include "condo' developments where units do not have individual lots extending away from the footprint of the unit. ii) No sign in a single-family district or use shall be internally illuminated. iii) Allowed Signage: (1) Total Maximum Signage for all signs on a property:8 sq ft. (2) Wall Signs Maximum Square footage: 4 sq ft. (3) Freestanding or Ground Signs (a) Maximum Square Footage: 4 sq ft. (b) Maximum Height:4 ft. (c) Minimum Setbacks: 5 ft.from all property lines. (4) Accessory Signs (a) Maximum Square Footage:4 sq ft. (b) Maximum Height: 2 ft. (c) Minimum Setbacks: 0 ft. from all property lines, except as needed to avoid the sight triangle. g) Multi-family Districts and Uses I) Applicability:this category applies to multi-family developments in any zoning district with three or more residential units on a single lot and that do not fall under single-family or duplex uses. ii) Allowed Signage: (1) Total Maximum Signage for all signs on a property: 150 sq ft. North Augusta Development Code 13-15 DRAFT NADC Article 13 Revisions CC Revisions 9-2019 (2) Wall Signs Maximum Square footage: (a) Maximum Area: 100 sq ft. or 5%of Wall Area, whichever is greater (3) Freestanding or Ground Signs (a) Maximum Square Footage: 50 sq ft. (b) Maximum Height: 5 ft. (c) Minimum Setbacks: S ft. front, 10 ft. side (4) Accessory Signs (a) Maximum Square Footage: 4 sq ft. (b) Maximum Height: 2 ft. (c) Minimum Setbacks: 0 ft. from all property lines, except as needed to avoid the sight triangle. North Augusta Development Code 13-16 DRAFT NADC Article 13 Revisions CC Revisions 9-2019 TABLE 13-1 RESIDENTIAL USES SIGN AREA CHART All Signs Wall Signs Freestanding Signs Maximum Area(SF) Maximum Area may not of all signs may not exceed the exceed square footage maximum area or percentage of wall Type of Sign or use allowed area,whichever is less N d y V E r n + R Type of Sign or Use E3 E m x o x f s e y 1. Single Dwelling Units" 8 4 4 4 5 5 2. Multi-Family Structure" 150 100 5 50 5 5 10 3. Construction Signage,1G+lots or -- 32 8 -- units 4. Construction Signage,less than 10 -- 16 8 -- lots or units S. Signage on Vacant Lots over 5 32 8 — acres 6. Signage on Vacant Lots less than 5 _ -- 16 8 -- acres 7. Signage on Vacant Lots 1 acre or 6 4 — less 8. Subdivision/Project Identification 64" __ -. 32" 5 -- Signs" 9. Accessory Signs 4 2' 10. emporary Signs 6 4' 11. Identification Sign 2 -- Notes to Table 13-1 • —" means that the restriction does not apply. • Please see the definitions to clarify how to measure these requirements. • "SF"means square feet. • "See text for further restrictions on size and layout. North Augusta Development Code 13-17 DRAFT NADC Article 13 Revisions CC Revisions 9-2019 3) Non-Residential Uses a) Applicability: restrictions in this category apply to developments in any zoning district that are currently used for non-residential purposes. If a non-residential use is legally occupying a residentially zoned lot,the Director shall determine the closest applicable district and sign requirements. b) Special Provisions for Shopping Centers: (1) A Master Signage Plan is required for any new shopping centers permitted after January 1, 2020. A Master Signage Plan is recommended for existing Shopping Centers. (2) Maximum Square Footage: 1000 sq ft. or 10% of wall area, whichever is less. c) Illumination: i) Sign Illumination (1) Signs may be internally or externally illuminated unless otherwise noted within the text of this section. (2) Illuminated signs shall not be oriented such that the direction and intensity of lighting creates glare or a hazardous condition for drivers or pedestrians. ii) Spotlights (1) Illumination with beacons, spotlights, searchlights, and reflectors are allowed for limited periods as outlined herein. (2) Spotlights will be allowed to remain illuminated no later than 10 pm on any day. (3) Spotlights will be allowed to remain on a site for not more than 10 days in any 365 day period. (4) Spotlights shall remain stationary and will not rock, swing, flash or move while illuminated. (5)Spotlights shall be positioned in such a manner that none of the light spills over onto an adjoining property or glares or shines into the eyes of motorists or pedestrians. 4) Signage Allowed in Non-Residential Districts and Uses a) Maximum Total Square Footage of All Signage i) NC Zoning: (1) Maximum Square Footage: 200 sq ft. or 4%of ground floor area, or 3 sq ft per linear foot of street frontage, whichever is least. ii) OC Zoning: (1) Maximum Square Footage: 300 sq ft. or 6%of ground floor area, or 3 sq ft per linear foot of street frontage,whichever is least. iii) GC&TC Zoning: (1) Maximum Square Footage: 300 sq ft. or 10% of ground floor area, or 3 sq ft per linear foot of street frontage,whichever is least. iv) Neighborhood Preservation Overlay North Augusta Development Code 13-18 DRAFT NADC Article 13 Revisions CC Revisions 9-2019 (1) Maximum Square Footage: 200 sq ft.or 6%of ground floor area, or 3 sq ft per linear foot of street frontage,whichever is least. v) Highway Corridor Overlay (1) Maximum Square Footage: 300 sq ft. or 30% or 6 sq ft per linear ft of frontage,whichever is least. vi) Georgia Avenue Overlay (1) Maximum Square Footage: 100 sq ft. or 30%or 6 sq ft per linear ft of frontage, whichever is least. vii) Shopping Centers (1) Maximum Square Footage: 1000 sq ft. or 5%of ground floor area, 1 sq ft per linear foot of street frontage,whichever is least. b) Subdivision/Project Identification Sign (1) The size, location and design of subdivision entrance signs may be included on the approved site plan. If a sign is requested after the plat or plan has been approved it may be approved in accordance with this section. (2) If a Subdivision/Project Identification Sign is preferred within an existing subdivision or as part of a phased development, a "Master Signage Plan" shall be required. (3) Not more than one (1) subdivision entrance sign or signs shall be located each entrance to any project. (4) If two(2) identical monument signs are used,they may not exceed sixteen (16) square feet each in size or four(4)feet in height and must be placed symmetrically on each side of an entry road. (5) Subdivision/Project entrance signs may be located in the right of way within a required median but must be outside of the paved section of the roadway. c) Constructions Signs: i) General Requirements (1) Signs must be located on private property. (2) Signs must abut a public road frontage at the main entrance to the project. (3) Signs must be removed prior to the issuance of the final Certificate of Occupancy, Maintenance,or Performance Guarantee as applicable. (4) One sign is allowed per project. (a) If additional Construction Signage is preferred within an existing, established subdivision or project,or as part of a phased development where multiple construction signs may be desired: (i) A"Master Signage Plan"shall be required. (ii) Each secondary sign may not exceed the square footage allowed for each Construction sign. (iii)Signs may be placed only at the main entry points to the phase or sub-phase. (5) Shall not be internally illuminated North Augusta Development Code 13-19 DRAFT NADC Article 13 Revisions CC Revisions 9-2019 ii) Allowed Square Footage: (1) Maximum Square Footage: 32 sq ft. (2) Maximum height: 8 ft. d) Temporary Signs i) In the NC District: (1) Maximum Square Footage: 6 sq ft. (2) Maximum Height:4 ft. ii) In all other districts: (1) Maximum Square Footage: 16 sq.ft. (2) Maximum Height: 8 ft. (3) Shall not be illuminated. e) Signage on Vacant Lots I) Parcels 5 acres or more: (1) Maximum Square Footage: 32 sq ft. ii) Maximum height, 8 ft. iii) Parcels with less than 5 acres, and over 1 acre: (1) Maximum Square Footage: 16 sq ft. (2) Maximum height: 8 ft. iv) Parcels one acre or less: (1) Maximum Square Footage: 6 sq ft. (2) Maximum Height:4 ft. v) Shall not be illuminated. f) Identification Signage I) Must be attached to the building ii) Shall be mounted flush to or not project more than 4 inches from the building iii) Area shall not exceed 2 square feet. iv) Shall not be illuminated. g) Accessory Signs I) Maximum Square Footage: 4 sq ft. ii) Maximum Height: 2' iii) Minimum Setbacks: 0' from all property lines, except as needed to avoid the sight triangle. iv) Shall not be illuminated. h) Window Signs i) No window sign shall obscure more than fifty(50)percent of the total window area on any single facade. ii) Window signs should not completely obscure the view into the business or office except as allowed herein. iii) Window signs shall count towards the total allowed square footage of signage allowed on any parcel or building. North Auguste Development Code 13-20 DRAFT NADC Article 13 Revisions CC Revisions 9-2019 iv) Window tinting or frosting with no design, words, or any other graphic that could be considered a sign would not qualify as a window sign. i) Wall Signs i) NC Zoning: (1) Maximum Square Footage: 160 sq ft., or 10% of wall area, whichever is less. ii) OC, GC and TC Zoning: (1) Maximum Square Footage: 300 sq ft., or 10% of wall area, whichever is less. iii) Neighborhood Preservation Overlay (1) Maximum Square Footage: 160 sq ft. (2) Signs shall not be internally illuminated. (3) Externally illuminated signs and signs in which the letters or graphics are constructed of neon tubing are permitted. iv) Highway Corridor Overlay (1) Maximum Square Footage:300 sq ft.or 10%of wall area,whichever is less. v) Georgia Avenue Overlay (1) Maximum Square Footage: 100 sq ft.or 7%of wall area, whichever is less. vi) Shopping Centers (1) Maximum Square Footage: 1000 sq ft. or 10%of wall area,whichever is less. j) Freestanding Signs i) NC Zoning: (1) Maximum Square Footage: 60 sq ft. or 0.25 sq ft per linear foot of street frontage,whichever is less. (2) Maximum Height: 10' (3) Minimum Setbacks: 5'front, 10' side ii) OC Zoning: (1) Maximum Square Footage: 100 sq ft. or 0.5 sq ft per linear foot of street frontage, whichever is less. (2) Maximum Height: 12' (3) Minimum Setbacks:5'front, 10'side iii) GC Zoning: (1) Maximum Square Footage: 100 sq ft. or 0.5 sq ft per linear foot of street frontage,whichever is less. (2) Maximum Height: 20' (3) Minimum Setbacks: 5'front, 10' side iv) TC Zoning: (1) Maximum Square Footage: 100 sq ft. or 1 sq ft per linear foot of street frontage,whichever is less. (2) Maximum Height: 25' (3) Minimum Setbacks: S'front, 10' side v) Overlay District Standards North Augusta Development Code 13-21 DRAFT NADC Article 13 Revisions CC Revisions 9-2019 (1) Highway Corridor Overlay (a) Maximum Square Footage: 100 sq ft. or 0.5 sq ft per linear foot of street frontage, whichever is less. (b) Maximum Height: 25' (c) Minimum Setbacks: 5'front, 10' side (2) Neighborhood Preservation Overlay (a) Maximum Square Footage: 60 sq ft. or 0.5 sq ft per linear foot of street frontage,whichever is less. (b) Maximum Height: 10 ft. (c) Minimum Setbacks: 5 ft front, 5 ft side (d) Signs shall not be internally illuminated. (e) Externally illuminated signs and signs in which the letters or graphics are constructed of neon tubing are permitted. (3) Georgia Avenue Overlay (a) Maximum Square Footage: 20 sq ft. or 0.25 sq ft. per linear foot of street frontage,whichever is less. (b) Maximum Height: 8 ft. (c) Minimum Setbacks:Oft. (d) Signs shall not be internally illuminated. vi) Shopping Centers (1) Maximum Square Footage: 150 sq ft. or 0.5 sq ft per linear foot of street frontage,whichever is less. (2) Maximum Height: 25 ft. (3) Minimum Setbacks:5 ft.front, 10 ft. side k) Menu Boards 1) Maximum Square Footage: 32 sq ft. ii) Maximum Height: 8 ft. iii) Must be located to the side or the rear of the building. iv) May be internally illuminated, however, no light from the menu board should be easily visible from any surrounding residential use. v) Lighting must be turned off when the business is closed. vi) May be exempt if not visible from any public right-of-way,whether internal or external to the project. - 1) Electronic Readerboards I) Shall be used only in the OC,GC,TC, and IND districts ii) Shall not exceed 50%of the sign area of which it is a part iii) Must have a dark or black background. iv) Shall not display any animation, scrolling, flashing, or the appearance of animation or other prohibited sequence of lighting. v) Electronic Readerboards are prohibited in the Neighborhood Preservation Overlay. m) Changeable Copy North Augusta Development Code 13-22 DRAFT NADC Article 13 Revisions CC Revisions 9-2019 i) Shall be used only in the OC,GC and TC districts ii) Must be part of a larger wall or freestanding sign iii) Shall not exceed 30%of the sign area of which it is a part. iv) Changeable Copy signs are prohibited in the Georgia Avenue and Neighborhood Preservation Overlay. North Augusta Development Code 13-23 DRAFT NADC Article 13 Revisions CC Revisions 9-2019 TABLE 13-2 NON-RESIDENTIAL SIGN AREA BY USE OR ZONE All Signs Wali Signs Freestanding Signs Maximum TOTAL Maximum SF Maximum SF of all signs is is the lesser Maximum SF is the lesser of SF,if not the lesser of of G or H otherwise B,or C,or EorF specified A e C D E F G H I J K r- Q y q u Q Q Q 9 G. C N E Use or inning District E « o m E E 3 E C •• Q c 'rt' x m " E i c a f X v. N LL u N 1. Neighborhood Commercial 200 4 3 160 10 60 0.25 10 5/10 6 (NC) 2. Office Commercial(OC) 300 6 3 300 10 100 1 0.50 12 5/10 16 3. General Commercial(GC) 300 10 3 300 30 100 0.50 20 5/10 16 4. Thoroughfare Commercial 300 10 3 300 10 100 1 25 5/10 16 (TC) 6. Highway Corridor Overlay 300 10 6 300 30 100 0.50 25 5/10 16 (HC) 7. Neighborhood Preservation 200 6 3 160 - 60 0.50 30 5/5 6 Overlay(NP) 8. Traditional Neighborhood 50 5 2 50 5 25 0.25 6 0/0 6 Development(TND) 8. Industrial(IND) 300 2 3 -- -- 150 0.50 20 5/10 16 12. Shopping Centers 1,000 5 1 1,000 10 150 0.50 25 5/10 16 13. Canopy Signs -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- 50%of canopy 14. Electronic Readerboards" -- -- -- -- -- -- -- — 50%of sign area 15. Changeable Message Signs" -- -- -- -- -- -- -- — 30%of sign area Construction Signage,Major 32 -- -- -- -- -- -- B -- 32 Site Plan 16. Construction Signage,Minor 16 8 16 Site Plan 17. Signage on Vacant Lots over 32 -- -- -- -- -- -- 8 -- 32 5 acres 18. Signage on Vacant Lots less 16 -- -- -- -- -- -- 4 -- 16 than 5 acres A. Subdivision/Project 64 -- -- -- -- 32 -- 5 -- -- Identification Signs 20. Accessory Signs -- -- -- -- -- -- -- 2' 4 21. emporarySigns -- -- -- -- -- — -- 8' 16 22. emporary Signs,NC District -- — -- -- -- -- -- 4' -- 6 North Augusta Development Code 13-24 DRAFT NADC Article 13 Revisions CC Revisions 9-2019 All Signs Wall Signs Freestanding Signs Maximum TOTAL Maximum SF Maximum SF of all signs is is the lesser Maximum SF is the lesser of SF,if not the lesser of of G or H otherwise B,or C,or EorF specified A B-T-C--F B——C--FD E F G H I 1 K a . i`iiLL ¢ ¢ ¢ v uc '" a 'X a '� ¢ w Use or Zoning District E U` `e m 5 E 3 E r ¢ ° 'q' E 00 n E 'x �o i ° n ._ x LL F 6 S: K LL N w 4 LL N 23. Window Signs -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- 50%Of window area 24. Identification -- -- — -- -- -- -- — -- 2 25. Menu Boards F8 Notes to Table 13-2 • —" means that the restriction does not apply. • Please see the definitions to clarify how to measure these requirements. • "sf'means square feet. • • See text for further restrictions on size and layout. North Augusta Development Code 13-25 DRAFT NADC Article 13 Revisions CC Revisions 9-2019 5) Downtown a) Applicability: any property zoned "D, Downtown," regardless of the use of the property. b) Maximum Total Square Footage of Signage I) Maximum Square Footage: 200 sq ftor 3 sq ft per linear foot of street frontage, whichever is less. c) Illumination: i) Sign Illumination (1) Signs shall not be internally illuminated. (2) Externally illuminated signs and signs in which the letters or graphics are constructed of neon tubing are permitted. (3) Illuminated signs shall not be oriented such thatthe direction and intensity of lighting creates glare ora hazardous condition for drivers or pedestrians. (4) Plastic box signs and signs constructed primarily of plastic are not permitted. Plastic and vinyl lettering are permitted. ii) Spotlights (1) Illumination with beacons, spotlights, searchlights, and reflectors are allowed for limited periods as outlined herein. (2) Spotlights will be allowed to remain illuminated no later than 10 pm on any day. (3) Spotlights will be allowed to remain on a site for not more than 10 days in any 365 day period. (4) Spotlights shall remain stationary and will not rock, swing, flash or move while illuminated. (S) Spotlights shall be positioned in such a manner that none of the light spills over onto an adjoining property or glares or shines into the eyes of motorists or pedestrians. d) Window Signs I) No window sign shall obscure more than fifty(50) percent of the total window area on any single facade. ii) Window signs should not completely obscure the view into the business or office except as allowed herein. iii) Window signs count towards the total allowed square footage of signage allowed on any parcel or building. iv) Window tinting or frosting with no design, words, or any other graphic that could be considered a sign would not qualify as a window sign. v) Window signs may be painted on the inside of the window. Rigid plastic sheets with paint or vinyl lettering are permitted as window signs. vi) Window signs shall not be internally illuminated. North Augusta Development Code 13-26 DRAFT NADC Article 13 Revisions CC Revisions 9-2019 vii) Window signs in which the letters or graphics are constructed of neon tubing are permitted. e) Accessory Signs I) Maximum Square Footage:4 sq ft. ii) Maximum Height: 2 ft. iii) Minimum Setbacks:0 ft.from all property lines,except as needed to avoid the sight triangle. iv) Shall not be illuminated. f) Constructions Signs: i) General Requirements (1) Signs must be located on private property. (2) Signs must abut a public road frontage at the main entrance to the project. (3) Signs must be removed prior to the issuance of the final Certificate of Occupancy, Maintenance,or Performance Guarantee as applicable. (4) One sign is allowed per project. (a) If additional Construction Signage is preferred within an existing, established subdivision or project,or as part of a phased development where multiple construction signs may be desired: (i) A"Master Signage Plan" shall be required. (ii) Each secondary sign may not exceed the square footage allowed for each Construction sign. (iii)Signs may be placed only at the main entry points to the phase or sub-phase. (5) Shall not be illuminated ii) Allowed Square Footage: (1) Maximum Square Footage: 32 sq ft. (2) Maximum height: 8 ft. g) TemporarySigns i) Maximum Square Footage: six(6)square feet ii) Temporary signs within the public right-of-way or advertising special sales or activities during business hours must be removed at closing. iii) Shall not be illuminated. iv) Temporary signs may be placed in the public right-of-way if: (1) Must be placed on the sidewalk. (2) Shall not be more than 20'from the public entrance of a business (3) Shall not restrict free movement of the public road or sidewalk and maintain a free a walkway of not less than five (5)feet at all times. (4) Shall be removed from the sidewalk when the business is closed. h) Signage on Vacant Lots North Augusta Development Code 13-27 DRAFT NADC Article 13 Revisions CC Revisions 9-2019 i) Vacant non-residential zoned parcels may have the following temporary signage: (1) Parcels 5 acres or more: 32 sq ft. (2) Parcels with less than 5 acres: 16 sq ft.. (3) Shall not be illuminated. i) Wall Signs (a) Wall signs shall be placed in existing architectural sign panels integral to the building facade when such a sign panel exists. (b) Maximum Square Footage: 100 sq ft.,or 10%of wall area,whichever is less. j) Projecting Signs (1) Projecting signs shall be extended no more than six (6) feet from the building to which it is affixed. (2) Only one (1) projecting sign is permitted per building frontage, provided, however, that multi-tenant buildings in non-residential districts may include one (1) projecting sign per tenant in addition to wall signs, and provided that such signs are spaced not closer than twenty (20) feet horizontally from another projecting sign. (3) A projecting sign shall not exceed 12 square feet (4) Signs that project into the right-of-way must have an encroachment permit as required by the City of North Augusta or SCOOT,as applicable. k) Canopy or Awning Signs I) A canopy or awning may be used as a sign surface only if: (1) No wall sign is included on the same facade. (2) The message does not extend in any direction above, below or beyond the canopy edge. (3) The message is an integral part of the canopy or awning covering. (4) Signage on the canopy or awning sign does not exceed one-half(%) of the area bounded by the edges of the canopy or awning visible from the public right of way. (If the only signage for the building is on the fringe drip-flap portion of the canopy, the entire portion of said area may be utilized for signage.) 1) Marquee Signs i) A building is permitted one marquee sign in addition to a wall sign. it) A marquee sign shall not be permitted if the building employs a freestanding, monument,canopy or awning sign. iii) The maximum sign surface shall not exceed five percent (5%) of the building facade or wall area to which the sign is attached, up to a maximum of twenty (20)square feet.The maximum area shall be measured as a percentage of the wall or fa4ade to which the sign is attached, whichever results in a smaller area. North Augusta Development Code 13-28 DRAFT NADC Article 13 Revisions CC Revisions 9-2019 iv) Alternate designs for marquee signage may be considered as Iconic Signs and may follow the process for approval of iconic signs. m) Freestanding or Ground Signs I) One (1)sign per building may be located in lieu of a canopy sign if a wall or canopy sign does not provide adequate visibility. ii) The sign may be located on the sidewalk in the right of way if an encroachment permit or agreement required by the city and SCDOT has been approved and issued. (1) The sign shall not exceed eight(8)feet in height. (2) The pole and base of such signs shall be constructed of decorative black, or other approved dark color, metal. No portion of the shaft shall have a diameter exceeding ten (10) inches. (3) The sign panel or message area shall not exceed twenty(20) square feet in area. (4) The sign shall not obstruct or interfere with pedestrian traffic, parking or lines of sight required for traffic safety(sight triangle). iii) Monument Signs—Ground mounted or monument signs are permitted under the following conditions: (1) Such signs shall not exceed five(5)feet in height and twenty(20) square feet in area. (2) Such signs shall not be located within the public right of way. (3) Such signs shall be set back from the right of way no less than one (1) foot. (Rev. 5-21-12;Ord. 2012-08) (4) Such signs shall not obstruct or interfere with pedestrian traffic, parking or lines of sight required for traffic safety(sight triangle). n) Electronic Readerboards I) Shall not exceed 50%of the sign area of which it is a part ill Must have a dark or black background. iii) Shall not display any animation, scrolling, flashing, or the appearance of animation or other prohibited sequence of lighting. iv) Electronic Readerboards are prohibited in the Neighborhood Preservation Overlay. o) Changeable Copy I) Must be part of a larger wall or freestanding sign ill Shall not exceed 30%of the sign area of which it is apart. iii) Changeable Copy signs are prohibited in the Georgia Avenue and Neighborhood Preservation Overlay. p) Iconic Signs i) Iconic Signage maybe installed in lieu of any allowed signage on any building in the Downtown District after review and approval by the North Augusta City North Augusta Development Code 13-29 DRAFT NADC Article 13 Revisions CC Revisions 9-2019 Council until such time as a Design or Architectural Review Board are in place. After approval, all signs must be properly permitted through Planning and Development and the Building Standards Department,as applicable. ii) Iconic Signage may encroach on public right-of-way if an encroachment agreement is issued by the City Engineer. iii) These signs may be illuminated externally, internally, or with neon. Signs utilizing illumination that radiates a glare or light greater than one half foot- candle at the property line on which the sign is located are prohibited. q) Public Art i) Public Art may be installed in the Downtown District after review and approval by the North Augusta City Council until such time as a Design or Architectural Review Board are in place. After approval, all art must be properly permitted through Planning and Development and the Building Standards Department, as applicable. ii) Public Art may encroach on public right-of-way if an encroachment agreement is issued by the City Engineer. r) Murals i) Murals may be painted on any wall in the Downtown District after review and approval by the North Augusta City Council until such time as a Design or Architectural Review Board are in place. After approval,all art must be properly permitted through Planning and Development and the Building Standards Department,as applicable. North Augusta Development Code 13-30 DRAFT NADC Article 13 Revisions CC Revisions 9-2019 TABLE 13-3 DOWNTOWN SIGN AREA BY TYPE All Signs Wall Signs Freestanding Signs Maximum TOTAL Maximum Maximum SF is the SF of all signs is SF is the lesser of Maximum SF the lesser of lesser of G or H B,or C,or EorF A B C D E I F G H I I 1 K E' r s ' Y a C " YS g E 2 a a `o E 3 E E a 's E 5 " a S 8 E X f X $ J • F E 1a ` F E f 1. Wall -- -- -- 100 10 -- -- -- -- -- 2. Free Standing/Ground 100 30 6 100 7 20 .5 8 0/0 -- 3. Canopy or Awning -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- 50%of canopy 4. Marquee 20 sf or 5%of marquee apde 4. Window 50%of window area 6. Projecting 12 sf 7. Electronic Readerboard — -- — -- — 50%of sign 8. Changeable Copy 30%of sign 9. Temporary — 6 10. Iconic - 11. Identification - 2 12. Accessory — — - -- — -- — - — 4 13. Vacant Lots 5 acres or 32 32 more 14. Vacant lots under 5 acres 16 -- — -- 16 15. Menu Boards — — -- -- -- 32 16. Construction Signage, — -- -- — -- -- -- -- O,000 sf or Major Site 32 32 Plan 17. Construction Signage, 16 16 Minor Site Plan Notes to Table 13-3 • —" means that the restriction does not apply. • Please see the definitions to clarify how to measure these requirements. • "SF"means square feet. • `See text for further restrictions on size and layout. North Augusta Development Code 13-31 DRAFT NADC Article 13 Revisions CC Revisions 9-2019 6) Special Zoned Districts a) For TND, PD and mixed use developments,the signage allowed should correspond to the use of the lot or portion the building for that use. If there is not a primary use of a building, such as in a mixed use development, the total allowed square footage may be coordinated between uses with a Master Signage plan. The total square footage allowed shall not exceed the total square footage allowed for any use. b) Conservation Subdivisions: should be calculated the same as all other residential uses. c) Public Districts: as approved by the City Council. d) Critical Resource Areas: based on the use of the property and the most closely related zoning district as determined by the Director of Planning and Development. 13.9 PROHIBITED SIGNS 1) Flashing Signs:Any sign which displays intermittent or flashing illumination which changes more than once in any thirty(30) second period is prohibited. 2) Portable Signs:Any portable sign, except when used as a temporary sign as permitted in these regulations, is prohibited. 3) Signs Attached to Fences, Pales,Trees: Any sign or advertising device attached to or painted on a fence, power or telephone pole, tree,stone or any other natural object is prohibited. 4) Roof Signs 5) Fluttering Signs:Any fluttering ribbon and any banner or similar device is prohibited. 6) Illuminated Tubing: Any illuminated tubing outlining property lines,open sales areas or parking areas is prohibited. Illuminated tubing that is attached and integral to an original architectural detail of a building is permitted. 7) Inflatable Signs or Decoration:Any inflatable sign or sign affixed to a tethered balloon, where such sign is visible from the property line, is prohibited. 8) Reflective Paint and Lighting:Any sign with "day-glow"or highly reflecting coloring, paint or lighting or any sign that conflicts or may conflict with traffic flow or the visibility of vehicle drivers or pedestrians is prohibited. 9) Strobe Lights:Any strobe light or very bright light, moveable or non-moveable that is visible from any adjacent property or right-of-way for the purpose of attracting attention to a location is not permitted. 30)Billboards 11)Multi-faced Signs 12)Any sign within the right-of-way except as expressly allowed herein North Augusta Development Code 13-32 ATTACHMENT #2B Sign and Master Signage Plan North Zoning Review Application Augusta, North Augusta Development Code Article 13 South Carolina's Riuerfront Type of Review Requested: [ ] Freestanding [ ] Wall [ ] Master Signage Plan [ ] Sign Re-facing [ ] Other Please complete both pages of this application.All fees must be paid prior to issuance of any approval. Approval of this application does not include permission to install the sign if any Building or Electrical Permits are required. Building Standards may be contacted at (803)441-4226. Applications may be submitted in person, by mail, or via email at planningPnorthaueusta.net. Submittal Requirements Master Signage • Show or outline each suite, building, and its associated facade square footages and Plan : allowed square footages • The total square footage and placement allowed for each suite and/or individual building within the development for freestanding signage • The total square footages and placement allowed for each suite and/or individual building within the development for wall signage • Materials • Illumination A Master Signage Plan may be submitted and approved with any site plan or plat, or individually, and must be approved prior to the issuance of any sign permit when required • A Master Signage Plan may be revised at any time, however, any revised plan must meet the requirements of the code in force at the time of the revision. Wall Signs: • Elevations of building wall where sign will be placed showing square footage • Location of proposed signs,drawn to scale,on the wall (include appropriate dimensions) Sign dimensions, including dimensions of individual letters and graphics Freestanding Sign dimensions, including dimensions of Individual letters and graphics Signs: • A site plan showing the location and dimensions of boundary lines, easements, required yards and setbacks, and the location of existing buildings and structures (including any existing sign structures) • Clearly marked distances between monument sign and property lines and structures Staff Use Only Date Received: Fee: Permit#: Approved/Denied: Date: Page 1 of 2 Rev.9/2019 Owner Information Owner Name: Address: Phone: Snail : Applicant Information Applicant Name: Date Address: Phone: Email: The applicant hereby certifies that he/she Is authorized to make this application and that all the information contained on this application is true and correct to the best of his/her knowledge.Any sign installed in violation of this application will be subject to code enforcement as specified in the North Augusta Municipal Code. Signature/Title: Project Location: Property and Project Information Parcel(s): Illumination: [ ] Internal [ ] External [ ] No Is the sign subject to a Master Signage Plan: [ ] Yes [ ] No Does the sign require a building or electrical permit: [ 1 Yes [ ] No Page 2 of 2 ATTACHMENT #2C Guidance for Sign and Master Signage Plan North Zoning Review Augusta North Augusta Development Code Article 13 Srndh Carolinu'.ti kit�rt)lunl This guide is intended to provide additional information and examples for the Sign and Master Sign Plan Zoning Review application.To apply for a review, please complete the Sign & Master Signage Plan Zoning Review Application. Submittal Requirements All Signs Must a Complete Application The following signs do not Have: • Verify if any further permits are require permits: required through Building Standards Construction Signs • Submit complete application and all Temporary Signs required additional illustrations and Signs on Vacant Property details via mail, fax, email or in Identification Signs person at: Accessory Signs 100 Georgia Avenue Window Signs: Window signs do PO Box 6400 not require a permit to install, North Augusta, SC 29861 however, window signage will Email: planninz@northaueusta.net count towards the Maximum Phone: 803-441-4221 Fax: 803-441- Total Signage allowed. 4232 Master • A Master Signage Plan is required for • The total square footage and Signage Plan : Shopping Centers permitted after placement allowed for each suite January 1, 2020, or for additional and/or individual building within Construction Signage as allowed in the development for NADC Article 13. freestanding signage • A Master Signage Plan may be • The total square footages and submitted and approved with any placement allowed for each suite site plan or plat, or individually, and and/or individual building within must be approved prior to the the development for wall signage issuance of any sign permit when • Materials required • Illumination • Show or outline each suite, building, and its associated fapde square footages and allowed square footages Page t of 2a Wall Signs: • Elevations of building wall where • Location of proposed signs, sign will be placed showing square drawn to scale, on the wall footage (include appropriate dimensions) • Sign dimensions, including dimensions of individual letters and graphics Freestanding • Sign dimensions, including • Clearly marked distances Signs: dimensions of individual letters and between monument sign and graphics property lines and structures • A site plan showing the location and dimensions of boundary lines, easements, required yards and setbacks, and the location of existing buildings and structures (including any existing sign structures) Nlva�m einent Guides and Permit Examples Specific definitions for sign types and additional guidance for signage can be found in Article 13 of the North Augusta Development Code.These examples were taken from the code and previous submittals to the Planning Department for review. All examples were previously approved and would be accepted under the new code. 1. Subdivision Entry Signage 2. Non-Residential Overall Signage Plan—would be appropriate for a Master Signage Plan 3. Downtown Signage 4. Signage that would be subject to a Master Signage Plan. 5. Non-residential signage packet with hand-drawn site plan 6. Master Sign Plan examples Page 2 of 24 Measuring Building and Facade Area /` . Buildinglength �� ����11111➢ap�iri�� tJ Building height Wall AreaIs measured as length x wdthof the fapzde on winch the sign is paced.The "Percentage of wall Area"Is the portion of the bgade allowed to have signage expressed as a percentage ofthetotal fapade wall area,Total s,iriage on the fagade may not exceed the maximum total sign area. ~ 1 1 jllll� 1 - _ OL Wall Nea may be calN ated by the leased nae area or a;o�nl fined,n a nna nor;igca Ran,ha may not eviceed the maximun total squarefoUage allowed for mefacede n Wall Area:the total area of the wall, or connected wall sections that are generally parallel to each other, on the side of a building, or lease space within a building,that faces a street, parking area or courtyard or other similar open space.Areas of more than one wall may not be combined to calculate a larger permissible sign area for one wall. r Page 3 of 24 Measuring Sign Area T..t.P I. Manama-! " C. tK Pad mens. Ora a B 4W to ag aeedelnadcand of moms brov0 OnlwM drown around grOPbcand<6Py 06'01 �x ruminle amb61,3M1mnr1'r mewmanl ba6grW'4. ,nou t SIGN AREA F 1 Pog Coway Spn Ca c lam ugn a oa by map wry p6Mrl '� �i �_\ I' � a nd copy.Do*ot 0aaallalo i■ -T m� 1 prapn,a.Cn cuiatonsma� I m n europy and or mar0uce. Wall 1 Fascia Signs SIGNARrA y x 6:YSii . .w 11 1 1 QRR �' -la..N.lf LEpN _ m.ne Gar4leam:np @n.. +'ry Pw ,nd n mom.�4sann.,A omo,ndo:�.o�l�:M noir Slprn wMopl nlggN bckp rd.C k WW an..by inapinary pinO dawn amend rlpn cppY ., SGNAUA UHlMAAJ Cor 1edyJ :. S,pR w1, ,lo-+a'-0mk"."o'v o: C' Iva x gn:uou bt aYH of e[lua'Pally^'u W a 4anui 5....6.16.9 5,9n cony iwrarioc t 1 1 [no nnl�ae...no 6emab,v pve �s Sign Area: the area of the sign measured within the most logical geometric figure applying to lines drawn between the outermost points of a sign, but may exclude essential sign structure, foundations, or supports. The copy of signs composed of individual letters, numerals or other devices are the sum of the area of the smallest rectangle or other geometric figure encompassing each of said letters or devices. Page 4 of 24 Measuring Sign Height __ _ ,..,ems.. . .... .. . Iti Sign Height:the height of a sign is measured from the top of the curb or edge of the roadway where no curb exists, where the curb is closest to any portion of the sign to the top of the highest attached component of the sign. Page 5 of 24 Example 1 a e 111 ]00' -1•-10' 9' 9' IlII�, •1•1p /]• L K LA6 BOLT Itlk t WASHER a I�I IIEf 1 1 15P TLIGX G'SOUARE WOOD P05i 'II�j€3e 2 ,i TOIL LIMINA E 516 •�!1 e p 1 W/METAL GAP(BLACKI IE � ' STONE VENEER LA I },[,11E1,1!! t I j SEE SIGN DETAR �'� � j 5 POR SPEC FlCAT ONSO -. O GREGORY 2x0 Q ; ,O FI{Eg='7j ; F LANDING �,1}E�l{gel 17: STONE VENEE 1`71 L ;OP— CORNER CORNER —_ 9YWIOE SQUARE — —7�1LLE DWA?RETS x0'DEEP CONT.FTO W/LAG BOLTS(BLACK) - ]I'WIDEx a.PEEP ]• 2'-O' 11'-0' ]• CONT.FTG J 0 n FRONT ELEVATION SCALE: 1/2'- 1•-O' O F K H � o IL ,.-Io. p '-5 1/42' 5 1/3 ^ y I < e GREGORY- LAN ING a 1/2*BLACK LAG BOLT/ W/NUT S WASHER-' HIGH TOWER TEXT'FONT CENTERED ON 5*M KEYSTONE SIGN DETAIL G SCALE: 1/2'. 1'-0' 2 3 r O �1 r drn rn � o m NZ m mi V ' 0 A ° m� I � � m - O m r z r N rnm z rn D z PRO-DRAFT HOUSE PLAN5 GREGORY LANDING ENTRY SI&N ED6EPIELD CO.50 DAVID D. MLARTHUR c.P.B.D. KEYSTONE 6ERTIFIED PROFESSIONAL BUILDIN6 DE51ONER SCALEI 10 1/21/2016 124 General Notes Example Wall Signs Ad represents an appro+mar on e1 sgn a'c alummc* Dealer to provide 120 vet.20 amp dedicated arcwt to each sr: accts..e g.. Dealer to provide behind-the-wall access for.nstallabon and :,i, Dealer 1s responsible for cpvanng signage messimngbnre rmanstor r y ..n ,aside of the buadvg. It an engineer altars quoted signage a change order will be provided to the dealer. Pleas.refer 1.AGI a Architectural Imaging 5 ACM proposal for details on that separate scope of woM le.g. entry element lo;:: e.mc.... `CM Dopy on and placement of sgns Ip be warfed by dealer. proposal assumes the completed b..Wmg MI reovae a held survey to date mine d arty signage melifiwVpns are necessary. A cnange"Irr d n Dealer to supply notes above to GC. arcrelecl.and other constmmbpn team members. Rendering based on AGI conceptual design dramngs.Revised date 12,1512011 Osaler s responsible for wenfying that this brandbook noir' ec'... HCS-32F HCL-23F DNW-1 BF 5110 sq.k. 1s.aesq.n. MWS-24F SW-1aF _ 3399Si. 4 q i 6 Gateway Entry Element MFG-1 t is Itymblatgm Locrtlon: SCH15 Hyundai of North Augusta SCH15 Hyundai of North Augusta �� WTI • Draw By:M.Johnson Date:NY2 10/6 US Highway SC 1 AG General Notes Wall Signs Ad represents an a epronmahon of sign and aluminum composite material(ACM)panel appearance. Dealer to provide 120 will 20 amp dedicated circuit to each sign Larger sets may requee additional circuits(e.g. HCS-57MCL<t�. Dealer to provide behind-the-wall access for installation and structural support for signs. Dealer is respond bfe far ca chard,signage nrountingAvnesmmdafanders it they are vsrble on the inside of the building. It an engineer alters quoted signage a change order will be provided to the dealer Please refer to AGF a Architectural imaging sACM proposal for details on that separate scope of we*to g. entry element logolleders are included on the ACM rental Copy an and placement of signs to be warmed by dealer. Proposal assumes the completed building.,It requite a bed survey to determine it any signage modifications are necessary A change order wit be provided if necessary Dealer to supply notes above to GC.arobl and other construction team members. concer ng based on AGI conceptual design drawings. Revised date 12115201 i. Dealer Is responsible for venfy,ng that this brandbook matches it, archdeGmal plans. HC543F HCL-30F Or Se+q-1l. Hyun ��.. y� �� o m -- Y Location:SCH15 HywMato/North Augusta SCH15HyurMaipfNbrthAfgusts .90 ■ AGI Rep:J 8 Sc�s: 1/16'=1' US Highway f /� Drawn Rel M.Jonsson Date:6/12/20f li N'ken.SC AGI , 9'-3 V6' 5'-2.3/16' 1015/16' 13'-1 13/16' _. V U R"I �DO HCS-32F HCL 23F 51.70sq.ft. ;� _ �F— Inv HWS-24F SW-18F 23.99 SF. ^�__ ��C//� -� LJ �" LJ LJ ✓/ a Li _.yam (` 1'J 13116' HCS-43F HCL-30F 9359 sp.ft Lo _ LCA 12'-11 7/8' r r' ,�L, 18-Ma rth Auguft 1.60 sq..6.(SYMBOL&LOGO) UUUU UUUUDNW-U18lFU ISS UUU UUU LJ SS CO 19M sq.It ti CV Lonetlon:SCH15 Hyundai o/NodhAugusta SCH15HymMat ofNWhAugusta ��, ■ AOI Rep:J B. Scale:NTS US Highway I Otl BT.M.Johnson Date:617!7018 Alkan,SC AGI r Baran ce T-98116" location of sgn to be dvanmmed-Final location of sign subtact lq mumapaliry approval. T-513116' _id sign recommendeliompneing assumes installation in earth w Ili obsirucfonl.on level 9ratle ndcr to locate private utilitiesand identify location. 11. T-53/16" Dealer to provide 120 volt.20 amp dedicated arcuwt to sqn. A If an engineer alters quoted sgnage a change order will be provided to the dealer. Copy on and placement of any signsincluding directional sgns.to be verified by deak' # Dealer to supply above to GC amintectand other construction team members. e m i. im ■ . , gym ! if an M N � a c_ t _ an N � N � Y N Y m N i - GDSI-21-P-25 21 sq ft Lapation:SCHfS Hydnefei offloi Augusta SCH15 Hyundai ofNorlh Augusta �� ■ AGI Re :J.8. &ale:MS USHighway 5C f AG Dawn B: M Johnson Dete: NfYL018 ` NEW YENCLF fa:W N:HL'.LL SERN[L in=lOv lNSN.Y OISPUY VNtXWG :•�R�M a njj111j1jjj1j1111jjjljjljj � i a U1 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I i I I I 1 1 1 1 1 i b -- �' NFW VEMCIf n HYUNDAI LOGO & LETTERS PYLON SIGN �I ENTRY ELEMENµ�T' 01 01SLA +•*� DEALER NAME L G l SERVICE LOGO & LETTERS --- b G b ~ � a G f HYUNDAI LOGO & LETTERS sEmAcY b Location: SCHf5 Hyundai of North Augusta SCH15 Hyundai o(Nodh Augusta ,. �ow ■ AGI Rep:J.B. Scale:NTS US Highway? AGI Drain By:M Johnson Date:517/1018 AG INken,SC Example 3 20 i"s . ® . 17.95 in 0 a Allstate _ jsNails� .0 -A aeumw�x SYUIYQ�.Nwpn � • �� prt{.W�q�:CCNrua C OxM _ SPECIFICATIONS: Quantity (2) digitally printed decals cut to shape; 1 st surface vinyl for existing exterior tenant sign --+� 4: I LIM i I CLIEM MPPWnL: i a 24' Allstate mm am e.x SPECIFICATIONS: Quantity(z)2'x7'.040 graphics aluminum sign with digitally printed graphics on first surface. Installation: Aluminum to be mounted to each side of _ existing structure using screws. I T ova. DOOR VINYL 5Te CLAIR YGrvnGeBleae G+SJIU nOhS bby.ayy.00yo tdaini9m<an QUANTITY(1)SINGLE SIDEDALUMINUM DOOR HOURS I PLAGUE SIGN l" SIGN DESCRIPTION; Cwn + unvb Mran Mrt•: HORIZONTAL BRUSH GRAIN;i-BENDS u Fl.no Allstate (xi)SINGLE SIDED iS'W X aS.zS'H BRUSHED ALUMINUM PAN; GRAPHICS;FLUSH MOUNTEDTO PAN. 3=5 SOFT WA AARON MYERS WEi 803-278-5708 Office Hours _ f.tnry iFu N 30am-�30�n: _ Balwuar B>Apouinlnlem _ anstala-cam IEOp&Ilslate qNL.HU11:o.Busllwv.Gtn Ponuak5,IAVM1XII PoMs. Rel'venrent&Cdk'he B:rvnys Plnu se:vnuue,,,e�nm+�e, Pelmndl Fcu cul R ymurcN4vu V:nxlgn Allslole FlneneUl$emrex.LLC Req:gaeE 61Mer-0eakr I Memdn FINRq$IPC I 11' fi �� � •ry�,'q P+ _ FtELL VERIFIED WINDOW VINYL ST. CLAIR 32 in {64.44.aepe r[l.'niym mm <em . • au.. Mror Nveri o- Quantity 2.0666 scift x, MEN _ -�- - eos-na-s�oa E q } 1W J Example 4 SIGN CCD+ Q ` 26-T a^,FS6LET BFJCE _ 4wza eff n+rr�� mom 95 OhR<REO tr _ A 5/WM9 Sign Locations a ' �1'b• .R� lam:I( 4r ♦'R^+W� �y^+" /LR`j w r e . foW 6irF7fr�R.i3�' c � �'�� ZORASIGN C �< 4W,477 PHY L ------- -------- - 2EVLA"-MENT TDON'T FANEL5 - 2 EEQLEM rn5@In-E AND:NS'ALL FANEL5 OF WF,i PCKVLI:. '01Y 10 5-PAFIF IED R5I SURFACE 5G4LE� I"•I' �F GUT: 15,75" X 95.75" V0: 10.75" X 92.75" W-5M W30-73 DARK RED iP 19. 16 25/30/19 IvJRiM1 AUGVG(A %CKIII A,`,: -A.lr. x w ro m 78" 72'` o 12 - 20` H owl" NMI o © �'r cro Ari 9 NMI NMI 101110 Mm MINI NMI 6.5" MIN 1 a�I 5" S �' . `rte �i��1 owl 12 13 1 I I .fir 115„ ril 0=1 I I 'r�A mm ■MIN �� owl WIN ■nw1 4" r■w■■■r�www■ ■�■■rrw■ww■n■: �w■ww■rrw■■wr�1■■ww■■w■■ww■� ■�■i�i�ir■i�r■iiiii�■�I w■ ini 30" r■■wws�w■w■■ww■rw■wrrwwr�wwrrw' 110" Page 20 of 24 201017 NONh AUMW SC home I gis I esn .and Use hilities 'opo magery tdvanced Jar }9 iaa4_ t94 .— .i. - -•,,� atc- _�--1942 '� ,,.^�;� . 1!t °e DT ! rte 7KF- N �.�, 4et iDN �-tvs 42 -t44 �—i0A6 -76A X9` 1149 ci. .ti "Ra}--30' I tt1Y IJe'i 522 1 1--36U 2Bt" 9A i33 1 3Ut` ,,-1'Jz'I; _ z 344 ea ` - toeD - izi `sz `..127 � Ize I 1 e' 19' --itY ' 171- ni { set anzo 41I 3Un ins �30/ i—hU �pp 7 1 A01 434 l 439 1.-. 1t �kw 40U-1 60 I, 47") F AU8 "904 ?5d ' '1e4 t\ .t t-esv 1cr I iqq llte!!� 44 I {I .555 4e6 I '140 j ,] it87 let z4`{ 1=71 471.4l{ as4 Is, l{ l@ep 9 h6q w 4ddd444.. -j4Is, 94- �j..41v- mss ` 1aU 1_ yip�= lfr.-1 - _ ! _aeA {I.11z ,\I.�yj q� f.t o VIA Bit 24 All - I - 1R W�911O AlliJllIl .+�'- Page 21 of 24 KIP1J 6.74.124 ONNIcsa ch Example Master Signage Plans Example 6 Construction Signs rF A" Sign 1, Main Entry Construction Sign Sign 2: Phase 2 Construction Sign Sign 3: Phase 3 Construction Sign Example Master Signage Plans Fe■ Salis 4, 8' tall I '° 99 Lues a 2 Pev LaMs Project XYZ Construction Siens No illumination Set back 5'from property lines for all signs 32 sq ft each Vinyl on Plywood Example Master Signage Plans a Shopping Center Master Sign Plan a i sr� 20 r _ at �i Figure 1:Elewtion 300 4— 12' —i GC Zoning Internal Illumination Standard molded plastic with metal frame signs 4 Total Allowed Square Footage: 300 sq ft - 10' Total Elevation Square Footage: 300' x 20' =6000 sq ft. Ground Sign: 120 sq ft.)45 sq ft, 25 sf per tenant) Total remaining Square Footage: 180 sq ft. Wall sign SF will be divided among 3 tenants: 60 sf per tenant (white rectangles) Figure 2:Ground Sign