081919 Council Mtg Mins Adopted North 's Augusta South Carolina's Riuerfront MINUTES OF AUGUST 19, 2019 Robert A. Pettit, Mayor J Robert Brooks, Councilmember Pat C. Carpenter, Councilmember Fletcher L. Dickert, Councilmember David W McGhee, Councilmember Eric K Presnell, Councilmember Kevin W Toole, Councilmember ORDER OF BUSINESS REGULAR MEETING The regular meeting of the City Council of the City of North Augusta of August 19,2019 having been duly publicized was called to order by Mayor Pettit at 7:03 p.m. and adjourned at 8:01 p.m. Per Section 30-4-80, (e) notice of the meeting by email was sent out to the current maintained "Agenda Mailout" list consisting of news media outlets and individuals or companies requesting notification. Notice of the meeting was also posted on the outside doors of the Municipal Center, the main bulletin board of the Municipal Center located on the first floor, and the City of North Augusta website. Mayor Pettit rendered the invocation and the Pledge of Allegiance. Members present were Mayor Pettit and Councilmembers Brooks, Carpenter, Dickert, McGhee, Presnell, and Toole. Also in attendance were B. Todd Glover, City Administrator; Rachelle Moody, Assistant City Ic Administrator; Kelly F. Zier, City Attorney; Cammie T. Hayes, Director of Finance; Richard L. Meyer, Director of Parks, Recreation, & Tourism; John C. Thomas, Director of Public Safety; OThomas C.Zeaser,Director of Engineering and Public Works;James E. Sutton,Director of Public Works; Lillian E. (Libby) Hodges, Director of Planning and Development; J. D. McCauley, Manager of Human Resources; and Sharon Lamar, City Clerk. Members of the public and media were also present. The minutes of the regular meeting and study session of August 5, 2019 and the minutes of the study session of August 12 were approved by general consent. Opening Comments: Mayor Pettit reminded citizens that there would be an opportunity during the meeting for citizens to speak to Council on any subject. He requested that those who wish to address Council shall give their name and address in an audible tone of voice for the records. Speaker forms are provided on the credenza at the entrance to Council Chambers. Speakers desiring that the minutes indicate that they addressed Council on a specific topic should complete the fort. The form will be included as part of the minutes of the meeting. Citizen comments are limited to five minutes. He also reminded citizens of Council's podium security policy. (1)Any person addressing Council may bring paper documents, handouts, etc. to the Podium. If desired, such handouts may be delivered to the City Clerk or ifrequested, a City staffinember will distribute to Council members. (2) If the speaker desires to utilize non paper items for demonstration purposes, any such items MUST be cleared by Public Safety before being taken to the Podium area. (3) Items requiring this clearing by Public Safety would include but not be limited to Pocketbooks, briefcases, sacks, boxes, or any similar containers. This requirement would apply whether or not such items are to be utilized in the presentation. C ITEM 5. COMMUNITY PROMOTION: Proclamation—Community Ministry of North Augusta Day, September 19,2019 Mayor Pettit proclaimed September 19,2019 as"Community Ministry of North Augusta Day." The text of the proclamation is below: North 4 'r city ofNorth Augusta, Augusta' / South Carolina South Carolina's 1werfrom PROCLAMATION WHEREAS, Community Ministry of North Augusta is a unified effort of twenty-two area churches to provide help to our neighbors in crisis situations;and WHEREAS, Community Ministry is supported by member churches, individuals, businesses and the sale of items donated to their Thrift Store;and O WHEREAS, after a comprehensive interview, Community Ministry offers food, clothing and financial assistance with utilities and rent to those in crisis situations, as well as, counseling to bring clients back to self-sufficiency, thereby making North Augusta a better place for all who reside here, and WHEREAS, Community Ministry is the only organization of its kind that serves North Augusta, aspiring to provide an integrated solution to poverty and related problems;and WHEREAS, Community Ministry is in the midst of a$2 million capital campaign to build a new facility,has acquired$1.4 million in pledges, and plans to break ground on September 19, 2019. NOW THEREFORE, 1, Robert A.Pettit, Mayor of the City of North Augusta, in the State of South Carolina, do hereby proclaim September 19, 2019, as "Community Ministry of North Augusta Day"in the City of North Augusta,South Carolina. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, 1 have hereunto set my hand and caused the seal of the City of North Augusta,South Carolina, to be alibied this 19" day ofAugus( 2019. Robert A.Pettit, Mayor City of North Augusta ITEM 6. CITY RECOGNITION: 2019 ESRI Special Achievement Award to the City of North Augusta Geographic Information System (GIS)Deoartment— CThe City's Geographic Information System(GIS)department recently received the 2019 ESRI Special Achievement Award. This award was given to user sites around the world to recognize outstanding work with GIS technology. W. Blake Pierson, Local Government Account Manager, and Yuri Potawsky, Local Government Solution Engineer of ESRI explained the importance of the award. Kevin Whaley, GIS Analyst for the City of North Augusta, described the project that was recognized and its impact to the City. UNFINISIHED BUSINESS ITEM 7. CITY PROPERTY: Ordinance No. 2019-11 — To Grant Easements to Dominion Energy for Extension Conversion at Bereen Place West Subdivision, Ordinance: Third and Final Reading. On motion of Councilmember Presnell, second by Councilmember McGhee, Council considered granting an easement to Dominion Energy for extension conversion at Bergen Place West Subdivision. The third and final reading of the ordinance was approved unanimously. CThe text of the ordinance is below: ORDINANCE NO. 2019-11 AN ORDINANCE GRANTING EASEMENTS TO DOMINION ENERGY FOR EXTENSION CONVERSION AT BERGEN PLACE WEST SUBDIVISION WHEREAS, Dominion Energy has indicted to the city its intent to underground utilities at Bergen Place West,Phase IV; and WHEREAS, as part of the construction, Dominion Energy has requested that the City grant to it easements upon and across City property that would allow for the provision of electric services; and WHEREAS, the placement of such equipment is necessary to underground the utilities; and WHEREAS, the Mayor and City Council have reviewed this matter,to include the proposed Deed of Easement and find that it is in the best interest of the citizens of North Augusta that such easement be granted. NOW,THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED by the Mayor and City Council of the City of North Augusta, South Carolina, in meeting duly assembled and by the authority thereof, that: 1. The City grant to Dominion Energy an easement over and across City property knownasas Tax Parcel Number 005-09-10-002. II. The City Administrator is hereby authorized to execute the Deed of Easement and any other documents necessary in order to complete this matter. III. This Ordinance shall become effective immediately upon its adoption on third and final reading. DONE, RATIFIED AND ADOPTED BY THE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF NORTH AUGUSTA, SOUTH CAROLINA, ON THIS DAY OF 2019. First Reading: Second Reading: Robert A. Pettit,Mayor Third Reading: ATTEST: Sharon Lamar, City Clerk C ITEM S. PARKS,RECREATION,AND TOURISM: Resolution No. 2019-24 — To Authorize the City of North Aueusta to Award a Contract to R.D. Brown Contractors for the Riverside Villaee Amphitheater (At the August 5, 2019 City Council Meeting this resolution was tabled far further review.) Mayor Pettit made a motion to remove the resolution from the table. Councilmember Brooks seconded the motion and the resolution was removed from the table with a unanimous vote. With a motion of Mayor Pettit, second by Councilmember Presnell, Council agreed to consider the resolution to authorize the City of North Augusta to award a contract to R.D. Brown Contractors for the Riverside Village Amphitheater. The resolution was approved with a five — two vote. Mayor Pettit and Councilmembers Brooks,Carpenter,McGhee,and Presnell voted to approve the resolution. Councilmembers Dickert and Toole voted against the resolution. The following made citizen comments. A Speaker Form is attached. Dr. John Bigger,41 Moss Cove,North Augusta, SC The text of the resolution is below: RESOLUTION NO. 2019-24 A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE CITY OF NORTH AUGUSTA G TO AWARD CONTRACT TO R.D. BROWN CONTRACTORS FOR THE RIVERSIDE VILLAGE AMPHITHEATER WHEREAS, the City of North Augusta allocated funds from Sales Tax 3 for the purpose of financing the cost of a new park development at Riverside Village; and WHEREAS, ON April 9, 2019, sealed bids were received from R.D. Brown Contractors and R.W. Allen Construction,publicly opened and read aloud for the PROJECT; and WHEREAS,the low bid by R.D. Brown is in the amount of$3,185,000; and WHEREAS, after negotiations through value engineering an offer of$1,972,535 will be presented to R.D. Brown; and WHEREAS,the Mayor and City Council of the City of North Augusta fund that the awarding of such contract for the PROJECT is in the best interest of the City. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the funding sources for this contract shall be as follows: Sales Tax 3 Series 2017B Bond Fond 0 BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the City Administrator shall be Oauthorized to enter into a contract with R.D. Brown Contractors in the amount of$1,972,535 to, approve change orders,to make payments, and to sign all other documents relating thereof. DONE, RATIFIED,AND ADOPTED BY THE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF NORTH AUGUSTA, SOUTH CAROLINA,ON THIS DAY OF AUGUST,2019. Robert A. Pettit,Mayor ATTEST: Sharon Lamar, City Clerk ITEM 9. PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT: Planning Commission Recommendation Memorandum# 19-018 and Project Staff Report: RZM19-002 19-002 River Oak Drive Rezoning: Receipt of Information by Council—Motion GOn July 18, 2019,the Planning Commission considered a request by Margaret B. Copenhaver to rezone±31.55 acres of land located on River Oak Drive,Aiken County Tax Parcel#003-08-07- 001 from CR, Critical Area to R-14, Large Lot Single-Family Residential. The Planning Commission, on a vote of 5-0,voted in favor of a recommendation to City Council to rezone a portion of the property as proposed in the applicant's revised request. On the motion of Councilmember Toole, second by Councilmember Carpenter, Council agreed unanimously to receive the Planning Commission recommendation for information. ITEM 10. ZONING: Ordinance No. 2019-12—To Amend the Zoning Map of the City of North Augusta,South Carolina by Rezoning*5.02 Acres of Land Owned by Margaret B. Copenhaver, and Located East of the Savannah River,West of the North Augusta Greeneway, South of River Oak Drive, and North of Riverview Park, a Portion of Aiken County Tax Parcel#003-08-07-001,from CR, Critical Area,to R-14. Large Lot, Single- Family Residential. A. Ordinance,First Reading On motion of Councilmember Presnell, second by Councilmember Brooks, Council unanimously agreed on first reading to amend the zoning map of the City of North Augusta, South Carolina by rezoning± 5.02 acres of land owned by Margaret B. CCopenhaver, and located East of the Savannah River, West of the North Augusta Greenway, South of River Oak Drive, and North of Riverview Park, a portion of O Aiken County Tax Parcel# 003-08-07-001,from CR, Critical Area,to R-14,Large Lot, Single-Family Residential. B. Ordinance, Second Reading On motion of Councilmember Carpenter, second by Councilmember Dickert, Council unanimously agreed on second reading to amend the zoning map of the City of North Augusta, South Carolina by rezoning f 5.02 acres of land owned by Margaret B. Copenhavey and located East of the Savannah River, West of the North Augusta Greeneway, South of River Oak Drive, and North of Riverview Park, a portion of Aiken County Tax Parcel#003-08-07-001, from CR, Critical Area,to R-14,Large Lot, Single-Family Residential. The text of the ordinance is below: ORDINANCE NO. 2019-22 TO AMEND THE ZONING MAP OF THE CITY OF NORTH AUGUSTA, SOUTH CAROLINA BY REZONING f 5.0 ACRES OF LAND OWNED BY MARGARET B COPENHAVER AND LOCATED EAST OF THE SAVANNAH RIVER, WEST OF THE NORTH AUGUSTA GREENEWAY, SOUTH OF RIVER OAK DRIVE,AND NORTH OF RIVERVIEW PARK A PORTION OF AIKEN COUNTY TAX PARCEL#003- 08-07-001.FROM CR CRITICAL AREA, G TO R-14 LARGE LOT, SINGLE-FAMILY RESIDENTIAL. WHEREAS, on December 17, 2007, by Ordinance 2007-22, the North Augusta City Council adopted the North Augusta Development Code and a citywide Zoning Map which is consistent with the City's North Augusta 2017 Comprehensive Plan; and WHEREAS,pursuant to Section 5.3,North Augusta Development Code,the North Augusta Planning Commission may recommend amendments to the Zoning Map, provided such amendments are consistent with the City's North Augusta 2017 Comprehensive Plan; and WHEREAS,the North Augusta Planning Commission,following an July 18,2019, public hearing, reviewed and considered a request by Margaret B. Copenhaver, to amend the Official Zoning Map of North Augusta from Critical Area (CR) to Large Lot, Single-Family Residential (R-14). The Planning Commission report has been provided to City Council. NOW THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF NORTH AUGUSTA,SOUTH CAROLINA,IN MEETING DULY ASSEMBLED AND BY THE AUTHORITY THEREOF,THAT: 1. The property owned by the owned by Margaret B. Copenhaver and located East of the Savannah River, West of the North Augusta Greeneway, South of River Oak Drive, and North of Riverview Park, a t 5.0 portion of Aiken County Tax Parcel C #003-08-07-001 is rezoned from CR, Critical Area, to R-14, Large Lot, Single- Family Residential. II. A portion of said property is being officially rezoned to the classification R-14, Large Lot,Single-Family Residential,more specifically in accordance with the map attached hereto as Exhibit "A," the official Zoning Map of the City of North Augusta is to be so amended. III. All ordinances or parts of Ordinances in conflict herewith are,to the extent of such conflict,hereby repealed. IV. This Ordinance shall become effective immediately upon its adoption on third and final reading. DONE, RATIFIED AND ADOPTED BY THE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF NORTH AUGUSTA, SOUTH CAROLINA, ON THIS DAY OF , 2019. First Reading Robert A. Pettit,Mayor Second Reading Third and Final Reading ATTEST: C Sharon Lamar, City Clerk ITEM 11. PERMIT: Resolution No. 2019-25-To Authorize the Issuing of a Permit to Polly Hargrove of Community Ministry of North Augusta to Conduct a Fundraisine and Awareness Event with Sno Can Restaurant on West Avenue between Jackson Avenue and Spring Grove Avenue on September 19,2019 On motion of Councilmember Toole, second by Councilmember Brooks, Council considered a resolution to authorize the issuing of a permit to Polly Hargrove of Community Ministry of North Augusta to conduct a fandraising and awareness event with Sno Cap Restaurant on West Avenue between Jackson Avenue and Spring Grove Avenue on September 19, 2019. The resolution was approved unanimously. The text of the resolution is below: RESOLUTION NO. 2019-25 TO AUTHORIZE THE ISSUING OF A PERMIT TO POLLY HARGROVE OF COMMUNITY MINISTRY OF NORTH AUGUSTA TO CONDUCT A FUNDRAISING AND AWARENESS EVENT WITH SNO CAP RESTAURANT ON WEST AVENUE BETWEEN JACKSON AVENUE AND SPRING O GROVE AVENUE ON SEPTEMBER 19. 2019 OWHEREAS, in celebration of Community Ministry Day and groundbreaking for a new facility Polly Hargrove has requested a permit to hold a fundraising and awareness event for Community Ministry of North Augusta; and WHEREAS, the request is to hold the event on West Avenue between Jackson Avenue and Spring Grove Avenue; and WHEREAS,the event is hosted by Sno Cap Restaurant; and WHEREAS,the event will begin at 5:30 PM and to end by 8:30 PM; and WHEREAS, the businesses on this block have been/will be made aware of the event; and WHEREAS, traffic on Jackson Avenue and Spring Grove Avenue will not be blocked; and WHEREAS, the Mayor and City Council have reviewed the request and find that the permit applied for, at the time requested is not detrimental to the health, safety, welfare or convenience of the residents of the City or other parties; and GWHEREAS, such request has been timely made and complies with the Code of Ordinances for the City of North Augusta. NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Mayor and City Council of the City of North Augusta, South Carolina, in meeting duly assembled and by the authority thereof, that the request for a permit is approved as follows: 1. Time: Approx. 5:30 PM until 8:30 PM 2. Date: Thursday, September 19,2019 3. Location: West Avenue between Jackson Avenue & Spring Grove Avenue 4. Special Conditions: Public Safety must be involved to safely block/detour traffic. 5. Bond not required DONE, RATIFIED AND ADOPTED BY THE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF NORTH AUGUSTA, SOUTH CAROLINA, ON THIS DAY OF AUGUST, 2019. ROBERT A.PETTIT,MAYOR ATTEST: SHARON LAMAR,CITY CLERK ITEM 12. PUBLIC SAFETY: Resolution No.2019-26—To Authorize a Memorandum of Agreement with the South Carolina Department of Juvenile Justice(SCDJJ)to Provide Secure Detention Services for Juveniles (Persons under the Age of Seventeen) Who are Charged with Committing Crimes within the City of North Augusta With a motion by Councilmember Dickert, second by Councilmember McGhee,Council considered a resolution to authorize a Memorandum of Agreement with the South Carolina Department of Juvenile Justice(SCDJJ)to provide secure detention services for juveniles (persons under the age of seventeen)who are charged with committing crimes with the City of North Augusta. The resolution was approved with no dissenting votes. The text of the resolution is below: RESOLUTION NO. 2019-26 TO AUTHORIZE A MEMORANDUM OF AGREEMENT WITH THE SOUTH CAROLINA DEPARTMENT OF JUVENILE JUSTICE (SCDJJ)TO PROVIDE SECURE DETENTION SERVICES FOR JUVENILES (PERSONS UNDER THE AGE OF SEVENTEEN) WHO ARE G CHARGED WITH COMMITTING CRIMES WITHIN THE CITY OF NORTH AUGUSTA WHEREAS, the South Carolina Constitution and state and federal law, mandate that juveniles (persons under the age of seventeen) who are held in detention be confined in separate and distinct facilities from adults (persons seventeen years of age and older) similarly confined; and WHEREAS, the City of North Augusta does not operate or manage its own detention facility for juveniles, or otherwise have such a facility available to it for the detention of juveniles; and WHEREAS,the SCDJJ operates a facility for the detention ofjuveniles,along with an array of other residential placements for juveniles, who are awaiting their return to another jurisdiction or state, or awaiting their adjudication and/or dispositional hearings in the Family or General Sessions Courts of this State, which have passed all necessary state inspections or approvals, and are suitable for the detention of juveniles; and WHEREAS, the General Assembly has mandated that "the governing body of the law enforcement agency having original jurisdiction (over) where the offense occurred" be responsible for paying a portion of the costs of the detention services for juveniles provided by SCDJJ,who are charged with committing crimes within the governing body'sjurisdictional limits; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Mayor and City Council of the City of North Augusta, South Carolina is authorized to enter into the Memorandum of Agreement for the Detention of Juveniles as identified and attached hereto and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the City Administrator is authorized to execute such Agreement. DONE,RATIFIED AND ADOPTED BY THE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF NORTH AUGUSTA,SOUTH CAROLINA,ON THIS THE DAY OF AUGUST,2019. Robert A. Pettit, Mayor ATTEST: Sharon Lamar, City Clerk ITEM 13. PARKS,RECREATION,AND TOURISM: Resolution No.2019-27— Establishine and Agreeing to Participate in the Hometown Heroes Project with the Aiken County Veterans Council With a motion by Mayor Pettit, second by Councilmember Presnell, Council considered a resolution establishing and agreeing to participate in the Hometown Heroes Project with the Aiken County Veterans Council. The resolution was approved with no dissenting votes. The text of the resolution is below: CRESOLUTION NO. 2019-27 ESTABLISHING AND AGREEING TO PARTICIPATE IN THE HOMETOWN HEROES PROJECT WITH THE AIKEN COUNTY VETERANS COUNCIL WHEREAS, the Aiken County Veterans Council (ACVC) has adopted the Hometown Heroes Project and has extended an invitation to the City of North Augusta to participate in its efforts to visibly honor veterans who have served our country by displaying veterans' names, photographs, branch and specific war or conflict on customized vinyl banners along the City's roadways;and WHEREAS, there are currently more than 1400 veterans living in the City of North Augusta; and WHEREAS,the City of North Augusta, South Carolina desires to partner with the Aiken County Veterans Council for administration of project; and WHEREAS, the City of North Augusta, South Carolina desires to include veterans who have lived in North Augusta at any time during the past or present; are active duty, retired, honorably discharged, KLA or MIA in any branch(including Merchant Marine or WASP during WWII)for any war or conflict; living or deceased;and BE IT FUTHER RESOLVED that the Mayor and City Council of City of North Augusta, South Carolina have determined the following: C1. That it is in the best interest of the City to support the Hometown Heroes Project. 2. That the City will participate and support the project by distributing information about the C project; distributing applications for participation to local veterans and their friends and families;and by hanging the banners on City poles and storing the banners. 3. That the ACVC will be responsible for collecting all applications; collecting fees associated with purchasing the banners; and preparing the banners to be hung. DONE,RATIFIED AND ADOPTED BY THE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF NORTH AUGUSTA, SOUTH CAROLINA, ON THIS DAY OF AUGUST,2019. Robert A. Pettit,Mayor ATTEST: Sharon Lamar, City Clerk ITEM 14. CITIZENS COMMENTSIRECOGNITION OF VISITORS: Please see the attached Speaker Form completed for the August 19, 2019 Council meeting. A. Citizen Comments: OJanet Hiett, 1125 Austin Street,North Augusta, SC William T. Kinney, 1848 Robin Road,North Augusta, SC Jimmie Crawford, 1132 Terrace Circle,North Augusta, SC Brandy Mitchell,96 Leigh Place Drive,North Augusta, SC B. Council Comments: There being no further business, Council adjourned at 8:01 p.m. APPROVED THIS 16th DAY OF Respectfully submitted, TEMBER 2019. ''/ � X'�tlkoxo ��f.31tRhJ Sharon Lamar Davi cGhee ayor Pm Tempore City Clerk i V I Y SPEAKER FORM COUNCIL MEETING DATE: O ^ �9^ THIS FORM WILL BE ATTACHED TO THE MINUTES OF THE CITY COUNCIL MEETING. NAME: Q0141,1 AGENDA ITEM/TOPIC: _40oy r�iv PLEASE PROVIDE A SUMMARY OF YOUR COMMENTS TO COUNCIL. (For example: I support the resolution because...) SUMMARY y II SPEAKER FORM NAME: 1 Lr n �-( , ADDRESS: n TELEPHONE: b - 6 46) I /q 1 PLEASE PROVIDE A ONE SENTENCE SUMMARY OF YOUR COMMENT TO COUNCIL. (For example: I support the resolution because ... ( THIS FORM WILL BE ATTACHED TO THE MINUTES OF THE CITY COUNCIL MEETING. COUNCIL MEETING DATE: AGENDA ITEM/TOPIC: e rL /, SUMMARY S OIL e4a ! ke, Let me see if I have this correct, NA has built up the Riverview Rec Center mainly for the basketball which I am sure it brings in a lot of Revenue. We have the SRP Baseball Park. We have the New Splash Pad. The Splash Pad is a good thing for All of our children. Now for some reason, we need an Amphitheater. Why?? I am not understanding why North Augusta needs an Amphitheater. What is the reason for the Amphitheater?Who will benefit from this? Why can't we use the SRP Park? I think the citizens of NA should have a vote in such spending. Where is the money for this coming from? Does NA have this money in the bank already? Why would the city council want to put NA in debt? 1 think NA needs something for our Seniors. Our people that have put years and years into North Augusta. We all will be a Senior one day. I have been doing some research for what NA could do for Everyone. Example: Grand Traverse County Senior Center. I have spoken with Lori Wells with Grand Traverse County Senior Center 231-922-2092. She provided me some information. There about six (6) paid staff and the county pays their salary.There are set volunteer programs. This was a city funded project.This is not a 24 hour facility, this is not a care center. 1 About A department of Grand Traverse County Parks&Recreation. The Senior Center Network offers many social,wellness and educational opportunities for adult members age 50+in the greater Grand Traverse area.At present there are over 100 programs offered through the Senior Center.All programs are specially designed to meet the interests and needs of the generations they serve.Nominal fees apply in some cases and reservations are required for some activities. e"; General Information The Center provides an environment for programs designed to provide adults of the Grand Traverse area the opportunities and tools for personal growth and self-fulfillment. 9 Founding Date 1969 Awards We are funded by a county-wide millage passed in November 2010-Our thanks and appreciation to the voters of Grand Traverse County. Products The Senior Center Network Building is situated on beautiful city park land,along the beaches of Grand Traverse Bay,and serves more than 3,000 senior annually.Our programs are designed for persons 50 years of age and older.Our beach and tennis and shuffleboard courts are open to the general public. Tennis courts are reserved daily from 7:00 am to Noon for senior leagues.Shuffleboard and Pickleball equipment is available for rent for a donation. 2 P?, SPEAKER FORM COUNCIL MEETING DATE: Cj THIS FORM WILL BE ATTACHED TO THE MINUTES OF THE ITV COUNCIL MEETING. Il NAME: r ✓ l I / A /r_A1 AGENDA ITEM/TOPIC: L� P@✓�/ Sa PLEASE PROVIDE A SUMMARY OF YOUR COMMENTS TO COUNCIL. p�(For example: I support the resolution because ...) /' SUMMARY 1 Q S N �� CQ.��' j PU Lk.) '1u9 Ce k-5 V-z, , tcl i� a SPEAKER FORM COUNCIL MEETING DATE: 'K/19 1^I THIS FORM WILL BE ATTACHED TO THE MINUTES OF THE CITY COUNCIL MEETING. NAME: C mrd AGENDA ITEM/TOPIC: lut, L PLEASE PROVIDE A SUMMARY OF YOUR COMMENTS TO COUNCIL. (For example: I support the resolution because ...) SUMMARY �5 SPEAKER FFORMq COUNCIL MEETING DATE: I 1 I, rik q THIS FORM WILL BB(EEj ATTACHED TO THE MINUTES OF THE CITY COUNCIL MEETING. NAME: 1�}`lojo& 1 1 AGENDA ITEM/TOPIC: vu TCf PLEASE PROVIDE A SUMMARY OF YOUR COMMENTS TO COUNCIL. (For example:I support the resolution because ...) pp �,L SUMMARY (w qf!) kK QWt) y-,,u d 04 RlV,Q{'�Owi.� !Ol g (5-'AP— 4Kidg-CQYX kjC -4 KIK 0�-