081919 Council Mtg Backup with Attachments Administration Department Memorandwn North Augusta South Carolinas Rit¢:tJrunl TO: Mayor and City Council FROM: B Todd Glover City Administrator DATE: August 16 2019 SUBJECT: Regular City Council Meeting of August 19 2019 REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING ITEM 5. COMMUNITY PROMOTION: Proclamation—Community Ministry of North Augusta Day,September 19,2019 Mayor Pettit wishes to proclaim September 19,2019 Community Ministry of North Augusta Day. Please see ATTACHMENT p5 for a copy of the proclamation. ITEM 6. CITY RECOGNITION: 2019 ESRI Special Achievement Award- The City's Geographic Information System(GIS)department recently received the 2019 ESRI Special Achievement Award.This award is given to user sites around the world to recognize outstanding work with GIS technology. W.Blake Pierson,Local Government Account Manager,and Yuri Pomwsky,Local Government Solution Engineer of ESRI will attend to explain the importance of the award. Kevin Whaley,GIS Analyst for the City of North Augusta,will describe the project that was recognized and its impact to the City. UNFINISHED BUSINESS ITEM 7. CITY PROPERTY: Ordinance No.2019-11 —To Grant Easements to Dominion Energy for Extension Conversion at Bergen Place West Subdivision.Ordinance;Third and Final Reading An ordinance has been prepared of Council's consideration on third and final reading to grant easements to Dominion Energy for extension conversion at Bergen Place West Subdivision. Please see ATTACII M ENI'47 for a copy of the proposed ordinance. ITEM S. PARKS.RECREATION.&TOURISM: Resolution No.2019-24—To Authorize the City of North Augusta to award a contract to R.D. Brawn Contractors for the Riverside Village Amphitheater. August 16, 2019 A. Remove from Table A motion to remove this resolution from the table is in order at this time, if Council so desires. B. Motion to Approve A resolution has been prepared for Council's consideration to authorize the City of North Augusta to award a contract to R.D.Brown Contractors for the Riverside Village Amphitheater. Please we ATTACHMENT#8 for a copy of the proposed resolution and supporting documents. NEW BUSINESS ITEM 9. PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT: Planning Commission Recommendation Memorandum# 19-018 and Project Staff Report: RZM19-002 19-002 River Oak Drive Rezoning; Receipt of Information by Council—Motion On July 18,2019,the Planning Commission considered a request by Margaret B.Copenhaver to rezone 131.55 acres of land located on River Oak Drive,Aiken County Tax Parcel#003- 08-07-001 from CR,Critical Area to R-14,Large Lot Single-Family Residential. The Planning Commission,on a vote of 5-0,voted in favor of a recommendation to City Council to rezone a portion of the property as proposed in the applicant's revised request. Please see ATTACHMENT#9 for Memo#19-018 and a copy of the staff report. ITEM 10. ZONING: Ordinance No.2019-12—To Amend the Zoning Map of the City of North Augusta,South Carolina by Rezoning±5.02 Acres of Land Owned by Margaret B.Copenhaveq and Located East of the Savannah River,West of the North Augusta Greeneway,South of River Oak Drive,and North of Riverview Park,a Portion of Aiken County Tax Parcel#003-08-07-001,from CR,Critical Area,to R-14,Large Lot,Single-Family Residential. A. Ordinance,First Reading An ordinance has been prepared for Council's consideration to amend the zoning map of the City of North Augusta,South Carolina by rezoning±5.02 acres of land owned by Margaret B.Copenhaveq and located East of the Savannah River,West of the North Augusta Greenway, South of River Oak Drive,and North of Riverview Park,a portion of Aiken County Tax Parcel#003-08-07-001,from CR,Critical Area,to R-14,Large Lot, Single-Family Residential. Please see ATTACH M F.NT#10 for a copy of the proposed ordinance and supporting documentation. B. Ordinance,Second Reading Pending Council's passage of the ordinance on first reading, it is submitted for Council's consideration on second reading. ITEM 11. PERMIT: Resolution No.2019-25-To Authorize the Issuing of a Permit to Polly Hargrove of Community Ministry of North Augusta to Conduct a Fundraising and Awareness Event with Sno Cap Restaurant on West August 16, 2019 Avenue between Jackson Avenue and Spring Grove Avenue on September 19,2019 A resolution has been prepared for Council's consideration to authorize the issuing of a permit to Polly Hargrove of Community Ministry of North Augusta to conduct a fundraising and awareness event with San Cap Restaurant on West Avenue between Jackson Avenue and Spring Grove Avenue on September 19,2019. Please see ATTACHMENT 41I for a copy of the proposed resolution and permit. ITEM 12. PUBLIC SAFETY: Resolution No.2019-26—To Authorize a Memorandum of Agreement with the South Carolina Department of Juvenile Justice (SCDJJ)to Provide Secure Detention Services for Juveniles (Persons under the Age of Seventeen)Who are Charged with Committing Crimes within the City of North Augusta A resolution has been prepared for Council's consideration to authorize a Memorandum of Agreement with the South Carolina Department of Juvenile Justice(SCDJJ)to provide secure detention services forjuveniles(persons under the age of seventeen)who are charged with committing crimes with the City of North Augusta. Please see ATTACHMENT 412 for a copy of the proposed resolution and Memorandum of Agreement ITEM 13. PARKS,RECREATION.&TOURISM: Resolution No.2019-27—Establishing and Agreeing to Participate in the Hometown Heroes Project with the Aiken County Veterans Council A resolution has been prepared for Council's considerate establishing and agreeing to participate in the Hometown Heroes Project with the Aiken County Veterans Council Please see ATTACHMENT 413 for a copy of the proposed resolution and supporting documents. ATTACHMENT #5 NorthCity of North Augusta, Augusta .South Carolinas mcciJrcnti South Carolina PROCLAMATION WHEREAS, Community Ministry of North Augusta is a unified effort of twenty-two area churches to provide help to our neighbors in crisis situations; and WHEREAS, Community Ministry is supported by member churches, individuals, businesses and the sale of items donated to their Thrift Store; and WHEREAS, after a comprehensive interview, Community Ministry offers food, clothing and financial assistance with utilities and rent to those in crisis situations, as well as, counseling to bring clients back to self-sufficiency, thereby making North Augusta a better place for all who reside here; and WHEREAS, Community Ministry is the only organization of its kind that serves North Augusta, aspiring to provide an integrated solution to poverty and related problems, and WHEREAS, Community Ministry is in the midst of a $2 million capital campaign to build a new facility, has acquired $1.4 million in pledges, and plans to break ground on September 19, 2019. NOW THEREFORE, 1, Robert A. Pettit, Mayor of the City of North Augusta, in the State of South Carolina, do hereby proclaim September 19, 2019, as "Community Ministry of North Augusta Day" in the City of North Augusta, South Carolina. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and caused the seal of the City of North Augusta, South Carolina, to be affued this 19'h day of August, 2019. Robert A. Pettit, Mayor City of North Augusta ATTACHMENT #7 ORDINANCE NO. 2019-11 AN ORDINANCE GRANTING EASEMENTS TO DOMINION ENERGY FOR EXTENSION CONVERSION AT BERGEN PLACE WEST SUBDIVISION WHEREAS, Dominion Energy has indicted to the city its intent to underground utilities at Bergen Place West,Phase IV; and WHEREAS, as part of the construction, Dominion Energy has requested that the City grant to it easements upon and across City property that would allow for the provision of electric services; and WHEREAS,the placement of such equipment is necessary to underground the utilities; and WHEREAS,the Mayor and City Council have reviewed this matter,to include the proposed Deed of Easement and find that it is in the best interest of the citizens of North Augusta that such easement be granted. NOW,THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED by the Mayor and City Council of the City of North Augusta, South Carolina, in meeting duly assembled and by the authority thereof,that: I. The City grant to Dominion Energy an easement over and across City property known as Tax Parcel Number 005-09-10-002. II. The City Administrator is hereby authorized to execute the Deed of Easement and any other documents necessary in order to complete this matter. III. This Ordinance shall become effective immediately upon its adoption on third and final reading. DONE, RATIFIED AND ADOPTED BY THE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF NORTH AUGUSTA, SOUTH CAROLINA, ON THIS DAY OF , 2019. First Reading: Second Reading: Robert A. Pettit, Mayor Third Reading: ATTEST: Sharon Lamar, City Clerk ATTACHMENT#8 RESOLUTION NO. 2019-24 A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE CITY OF NORTH AUGUSTA TO AWARD CONTRACT TO R.D. BROWN CONTRACTORS FOR THE RIVERSIDE VILLAGE AMPHITHEATER WHEREAS,the City of North Augusta allocated funds from Sales Tax 3 for the purpose of financing the cost of a new park development at Riverside Village; and WHEREAS, ON April 9, 2019, sealed bids were received from R.D. Brown Contractors and R.W. Allen Construction, publicly opened and read aloud for the PROJECT; and WHEREAS,the low bid by R.D. Brown is in the amount of$3,185,000; and WHEREAS, after negotiations through value engineering an offer of $1,972,535 will be presented to R.D. Brown; and WHEREAS,the Mayor and City Council of the City of North Augusta find that the awarding of such contract for the PROJECT is in the best interest of the City. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the funding sources for this contract shall be as follows: Sales Tax 3 Series 2017B Bond Fund BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the City Administrator shall be authorized to enter into a contract with R.D. Brown Contractors in the amount of$1,972,535 to approve change orders,to make payments,and to sign all other documents relating thereof. DONE,RATIFIED, AND ADOPTED BY THE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF NORTH AUGUSTA, SOUTH CAROLINA, ON THIS DAY OF AUGUST, 2019. Robert A. Pettit, Mayor ATTEST: Sharon Lamar, City Clerk ATTACHMENT #9 Department of riammng �y1 and Development Memorandum # 19-018 City of North Augusta To: B. Todd Glover, City Administrator Via Sharon Lamar, City Clerk From: Kuleigh Baker, Planner Subject: Application number RZM19-001 — River Oak Dr Rezoning—A request by Margaret B. Copenhaver to rezone ± 5.02 acres of land located on River Oak Drive, Aiken County Tax Parcel Number 003-08-07-001 from CR, Critical Area to R-14, Large Lot Single-Family Residential. Date: August 13, 2019 Planning Commission Recommendation On July 18, 2019, after a duly advertised and convened public hearing, the Planning Commission considered a request by Margaret B. Copenhaver to rezone ± 31.55 acres of land located on River Oak Drive, Aiken County Tax Parcel Number 003-08-07-001 from CR, Critical Area to R-14, Large Lot Single-Family Residential. During the public hearing, the applicant's representative modified the request to limit the rezoning to R-14, Large Lot Single-Family Residential to ±5.02 acres West of the Greenaway, North of Riverview Park, South of River Oak Dr. and east of the Savannah River, leaving the remaining portion of the parcel as CR, Critical Area as indicated on the Preliminary Master Concept Plan submitted July 18, 2019 by Johnson, Laschober, and Associates, PC. The Planning Commission, on a vote of 5-0, voted in favor of a recommendation to City Council to rezone a portion of the property as proposed in the applicant's revised request. Attached is the Staff Report associated with the request along with the proposed ordinance. Department of Planning North Augusta and Development South Corolino's Riuerfront Project Staff Report RZM19-002 River Oak Rezoning Prepared by:Kuleigh Baker - Meeting Date:July 18,2019 SECTION 1: PROJECT SUMMARY Project Name River Oak Drive Rezoning Applicant Margaret B. Copenhaver Address/Location Off River Oak Drive Parcel Numbers 003-08-07-001 Total Development Size t 31.55 acres Existing Zoning CR,Critical Area Overlay N/A Traffic Impact Tier N/A Proposed Use Detached Single-Family Residential Proposed Zoning R-14, Large Lot,Single-Family Residential Future Land Use Low Density Residential SECTION 2: PLANNING COMMISSION CONSIDERATION Section 5.3 of the North Augusta Development Code (NADC) provides uniform procedures for processing changes to the Official Zoning Map, The Planning Commission must use the criteria established in NADC Section 5.3.6 to evaluate each application.These criteria are further analyzed in Section 6 of this report, but are as follows per NADC Section 1) The size of the tract(s)in question. 2) Whether the proposal conforms with and furthers the goals of the Comprehensive Plan,other adopted plans, and the goals, objectives, and policies of this Chapter. Specifically, the Planning Commission shall consider the goals stated in 41.2. 3) The relationship of the uses envisioned under the new zoning and the uses currently present in adjacent tracts. In particular,the Planning Commission shall consider whether: a) The proposed rezoning is compatible with the surrounding area; b) There will be any adverse effects on the capacity or safety of the portion of street network influenced by the rezoning; c) There will be any adverse effects on existing or planned public utility services in the area; 1 Project Staff Report RZM19-002 River Oak Drive Rezoning Prepared by:Kuleigh Baker Meeting Date:July 18,2019 d) Parking problems; or e) Environmental impacts that the new use will generate such as excessive storm water runoff,water, air,or noise pollution,excessive nighttime lighting or other nuisances. 4) Any recent change of character in the area due to installation of public facilities, other zone changes, new growth trends,deterioration and development. 5) The zoning districts and existing land uses of the surrounding properties. 6) Whether the subject property is suitable for the uses to which it has been restricted under the existing zoning classification. 7) Whether the rezoning is compatible with the adjacent neighborhood, especially residential neighborhood stability and character. 8) The length of time the subject property has remained vacant as zoned, if applicable. 9) Whetherthere is an adequate supply of land available in the subject area and the surrounding community to accommodate the zoning and community needs including, but not limited to, affordable housing and economic development. 10)Whether the existing zoning was in error at the time of adoption. NADC Section 1.21.2, referenced in the section above states the following: GENERAL PURPOSEAND INTENT 1.2.1 Comprehensive Development Code The Development Code as established in this Chapter has been made in accordance with a comprehensive plan for the purpose of promoting health, safety, and the general welfare of the community. It is intended to consolidate in one place and in logical order,without unnecessary duplication,the city's regulations pertaining to land use and development. It is designed to make it possible for all of those concerned with land use and development to have access to all relevant city legislation in one convenient Chapter that is capable of being published and distributed as a separate and comprehensive segment of the Code of Ordinances, City of North Augusta, South Carolina, hereinafter referred to as the City Code, as a whole. The specific objectives of this Chapter are: To protect the health,safety and general welfare;and To promote new development forms that complete neighborhoods that: a. Are designed at a human scale by controlling massing and design that respects the architectural vernacular of North Augusta; b. Foster communication among neighbors and connectivity to the larger community by allowing compact development patterns, interconnected street systems,short blocks; Page 2 of 12 Project Staff Report RZM39-002 River Oak Drive Rezoning Prepared by:Kuleigh Baker Meeting Date:July 18,2019 c. Include or reinforce central places,such as North Augusta's traditional downtown and neighborhood commercial centers,civic gathering places, and open space; d. Encourage walking and biking by the layout of blocks and streets; e. Accommodate vehicular travel without allowing parking lots and streets to dominate the built environment; f. Provide a mix of housing types, including housing affordable to all households and housing arrangements that foster neighborliness; g. Provide a variety of spaces, including outdoor and passive outdoor uses,which become part of the public realm; h. Design streets as outdoor rooms,with attention to pedestrian and bicyclist safety as, well as to the safety of motorists; I. Includes neighborhood design that responds to the natural, cultural and historic context; j. Are the result of a planning process that is inclusive and involves opportunities for negotiation between the designer and the City. 1.2.2 Zoning Regulations The zoning and land use regulations set forth in Articles 2, 3 and 4 are designed to promote the public health, safety, and general welfare and to protect and preserve places and areas of historical,cultural, or architectural importance and significance. Planning Commission Action: The Planning Commission may recommend approval or denial of this request according to NADC § 5.1.3. The Planning Commission's recommendation is then forwarded to the City Council for their consideration per NADC § SECTION 3: PUBLIC NOTICE Per NADC Table 5-1, a notice of the rezoning request and scheduled date of the Planning Commission public hearing was mailed to the owners of property within 200 feet of the subject property on July 1, 2019. The property was posted with the required public notice on July 3, 2019. A public notice of the rezoning request and scheduled date of the Planning Commission public hearing was published in The Star and on the City's website at www.northaugusta.net on July 3, 2019. Page 3 of 12 Project Staff Report RZM19-002 River Oak Drive Rezoning Prepared by:Kuleigh Baker Meeting Date:July 18,2019 SECTION 4: SITE HISTORY The subject property was annexed into the City on October 3, 1951 as part of a legislatively authorized referendum. There does not appear that any zoning designation was applied to the property prior to the 1966 zoning map. The history of the zoning on the subject property is: 1966 Zoning Map—R-1, Low-Density Residential 1977 Zoning Map—OSP,Open Space Preservation 1988 Zoning Map—OSP, Open Space Preservation 1996 Zoning Map—OSP,Open Space Preservation 2008 Zoning Map—CR,Critical Area In 2007, there was a request to rezone a 315.78 acre portion of TPN 003-08-07-001 from OSP, Open Space Preservation to PD,Planned Development. During the review period,the 2008 North Augusta Development Code was adopted and the OSP, Open Space Preservation zoning district was changed to reflect the new zoning designation of CR, Critical Area.The ordinance to rezone the property from CR, Critical Area to PD, Planned Development does not appear to have been adopted by City Council. A copy of the staff report issued for that case has been attached for reference. SECTION 5: EXISTING SITE CONDITIONS Existing Land Use Future Land Use Zoning Subject Vacant Parks, Recreation,open CR,Critical Area Parcel Space, and Conservation North Single Family Parks, Recreation,open CR, Critical Area/R-14, Residential/Vacant Space,and Large Lot Single- Conservation/Low Family Residential Density Residential South Public Park Parks, Recreation,open P, Public Use Space, and Conservation East Single-Family Residential Low Density Residential R-14, Large Lot Single- Family Residential West Savannah River NA NA Page 4 of 12 Project Staff Report RZM19-002 River Oak Drive Rezoning Prepared by:Kuleigh Baker Meeting Date:July 18,2019 Access—The site currently has access from River Oak Drive. It is bisected by the North Augusta Greeneway. Topography — The site has significant topographical issues across the parcel. Generally, the highest elevations are at the north and east sides of the property.A portion of the site is on bluffs overlooking the river, with an elevation change of 100 feet between the Greeneway and the Savannah River. Slope percentages exceed 50%in several places. Utilities—The property has access to existing water and wastewater lines.A wastewater line runs through the extent of the length of the property.Water connection would have to be made from the Hammond Hills subdivision. Floodplain—Approximately Y.of the site falls within the 100 year floodplain. Drainage Basin—This site is located within the Hammond Hills Basin as designated on the City of North Augusta Stormwater Management's Drainage Basin Map. Two major drainages cross the property from the Hammond Hills subdivision to the Savannah River. These drainages incorporate stormwater flowing from Stanton Drive to Bunting Drive near Hammond Hills Elementary School as well as from Campbellton Drive. SECTION 6: STAFF EVALUATION AND ANALYSIS 1. The size of the tract in question(§ Parcel 003-08-07-001 is approximately±31.55 acres.The rezoning covers approximately 27.34 acres.Approximately 16.53 acres is proposed open space. 2. Whetherthe proposal conforms with and furthers the goals ofthe Comprehensive Plan, other adopted plans, and the goals, objectives,and policies of the Development Code, §1.2(§ The 2017 Comprehensive Plan has two provisions that staff interprets to apply to this case. First, infill development from Core Principle 3 for "Stable, Diverse, and Walkable Neighborhoods." While this is technically infill, it does not necessarily offer a walkable neighborhood but does allow for direct access to the Greeneway. Single-family residential houses are compatible with the existing housing design and surrounding neighborhoods,but are not a type of housing not typically available in North Augusta.The development will extend an existing street network.The associated Goal/Strategy 4.3 to Page 5 of 12 Project Staff Report RZM19-002 River Oak Drive Rezoning Prepared by:Weigh Baker Meeting Date:July 18,2019 prioritize infill does not appear to support this particular type of development. Strategy 6.1 may encourage infill development, but states is should be in association with diverse housing types. Core Principle 5 for "Stewardship of our Cultural and Natural Resources," asks us to preserve our historic and natural elements and stories.Specifically,Goal/Strategy Section 8.4, Protect the Savannah River and Other Natural Resources, seeks to prioritize the City "...acquiring or otherwise permanently protecting environmentally sensitive areas including natural drainage ways for open space preservation, stormwater management, park land, and extensions of the Greeneway System." The Development Code further restricts development on portions of the property within the designated Floodplain. Increased requirements for development in these areas will be required. The 2017 Comprehensive Plan classifies the subject property as Parks, Recreation, Open Space, and Conservation on the Future Land Use Map. 3. The relationship of the uses envisioned under the new zoning and the uses currently present in adjacent tracts. In particular,the Planning Commission shall consider whether as stated in§ of the NADC: a. The proposed rezoning is compatible with the surrounding area; The proposed rezoning is generally compatible with the surrounding area. R- 14, Large Lot Single-Family Residential zoning exists north and east of the subject site. b. There will be any adverse effects on the capacity or safety of the portion of street network influenced by the rezoning; Access would be provided as an extension of an existing roadway.The existing street intersects with Cypress Drive approximately 1300 linear feet from the end of the road. Local roads classified as "Small Streets' and "Streets" required a maximum block length of 500 and 600 linear feet, respectively (NADC Table 14-2, notes item m). Any extension would require a Planning Commission waiver at the time of major subdivision approval. The design of the subdivision will need to be engineered to ensure fire safety access, as there is a single access all of the homes on this portion of River Oak Drive. Page 6 of 12 Proiect Staff Report RZM19-002 River Oak Drive Rezoning Prepared by:Kuleigh Baker Meeting Date:July 18,2019 c. There will be any adverse effects on existing or planned public utility services in the area; There is an existing water intake at the river on the southeastern corner of the property. In past staff reports,there has been concern expressed that the runoff from development will negatively impact this intake. This report has been attached for reference. As for providing water and sewer to the properties, the existing utility network most likely will accommodate the anticipated development. d. Parking problems;or Parking for each home must be provided on each site. e. Environmental Impacts that the new use will generate such as excessive storm water runoff,water,air,or noise pollution,excessive nighttime lighting or other nuisances. Previous evaluations of the site indicated the portion of the property fronting on the river is characterized by severe topography, mature vegetation and the presence of special interest flora. These concerns were include in a 2007 staff report for a rezoning on the property.This report has been attached for reference. More broadly, any site plan must comply with all applicable development standards in the Development Code, including the state and federal standards associated with stormwater management, water and air pollution. City design standards and municipal codes are in place to address noise pollution and excessive nighttime lighting. 4. Any recent change of character in the area due to installation of public facilities,other zone changes,new growth trends,deterioration and development ( The subject area has been vacant for some time. Because of the location and lack of cross- access to other neighborhoods, it has remained relatively secluded. The City of North Augusta has seen significant growth along the Savannah River in the past fifteen years, with neighborhoods such as the River Club, River North, and Hammond's Ferry adding a significant number of single-family dwelling units to the City's waterfront. Page 7 of 12 Proiect Staff Report RZM19-002 River Oak Drive Rezoning Prepared by:Kuleigh Baker Meeting Date:July 18,2019 5. The zoning districts and existing land uses of the surrounding properties (§ The proposed zoning classification will be for additional single-family residential uses, which should not adversely impact the current surrounding single-family residential uses or the North Augusta Greeneway. 6. Whether the subject property is suitable for the uses to which it has been restricted under the existing zoning classification (§ CR, Critical Areas,3.6.2, are described as follows in the Development Code: Purpose—The purpose of this district is to preserve and/or control development within known and identifiable areas of the city that exhibit the following characteristics: a. Wetlands, water courses, and lands reserved or maintained for stormwater management; b. Lands that serve as natural wildlife refuge areas; c. Environmentally sensitive lands and lands possessing great natural or historical resources; d. Lands that are reserved for open space or future parks and recreational areas; and e. Passive park and recreational lands. Mapped Critical Areas—Lands exhibiting these characteristics shall be mapped as CR on the Official Zoning Map. Permitted Uses— Development shall be limited to uses listed in Table 3-2, Use Matrix. Dimensional Standards — Dimensional standards shall be the same as those applicable to an R-14 District. This means that the general lot sizes and setbacks allowed in the R-14, Large Lot, Single Family Residential District would apply in this district. However, there is an additional restriction on the impervious surface ratio for the property. For the entire 31.55 acre tract, this would allow a maximum of 6.31 acres of impervious surface (roof, driveway, road, etc.). That would allow a total of 274,863.6 square feet, or about 24,987.6 square feet per lot for eleven (11) lots. Page 8 of 12 Project Staff Report RZM19-002 River Oak Drive Rezoning Prepared by:Kuleigh Baker Meeting Date:July 18,2019 Permitted uses include: 1.1 Permitted Accessory uses per Article 4 1.3 Bus shelters 3.1 Accessory Dwellings 8.4 Churches/synagogues and associated customary uses 8.12 Open Space/Parks 10.5 Private boat docks,boat houses, marinas 12.1 Agriculture Conditional Uses Include: 3.3/3.10 Accessory Single Family Detached or Manufactured Home as a Conditional Use(an example would be a parsonage or caretakers quarters) 8.13 Private or non-profit clubs including country clubs, athletic clubs, lodges,etc. 8.17 Riding Academy/Stables 11.10 Telephone exchanges and repeater stations 11.11 Utility lines 11.12 Water supply facilities 12.2 Kennels,animal pounds and shelters Special Exceptions 11.1 Cell and communication towers 11.2 Gas or electric generation distribution facilities Table 3-3 Dimensional Standards(Rev. 12-1-08;Ord 2008-18) V m C 2 1. a C Zoning District and Use LD Types E 4= E '° 'o E w E E r E ,C E 'X E 5 E .z -J Vp', ` E E Y S Y E _ Eta p E .^, E E t E n E m E m E m .!C N '� .b LL n .q C LL .!C q W .CC q G � CR,Critical Area — — — 0.02 — — — — — — — R-14, Large Lot, Single- 14,000 3.5 — 0.3 40 70 35 25 — 8 20 Family Residential For the R-14, Large Lot Single-Family Residential zoning district, the impervious surface ratio is 0.3, which would increase the total possible impervious surface allowed to 9.46 acres for the entire 31.55 acre tract. Page 9 of 12 Project Staff Report RZM19-002 River Oak Drive Rezoning Prepared by:Kuleigh Baker Meeting Date:July 18,2019 Permitted uses include: 1.1 Accessory uses as permitted in Article 4 2.1 Conservation Subdivision 2.4 Traditional Neighborhood Development 3.1 Accessory Dwellings 3.10 Single Family Dwelling 4.7 Tourist Hames 8.4 Churches/synagogues and associated customary uses 8.12 Open Space/Parks 8.21 Swimming Pool 9.2 Cemeteries 9.12 Schools,academic,elementary through high school 11.10 Telephone exchanges and repeater stations 11.11 Utility lines Accessory Uses 4.57 Home Occupations 8.5 Community Centers/Reception Halls 9.16 Studios for artists,designers, etc. (not home occupation) Conditional Uses Include: 8.13 Private or non-profit clubs including country clubs,athletic clubs, lodges,etc. 10.5 Private boat docks,boat houses, marinas 12.1 Agriculture Special Exceptions 11.1 Cell and communication towers 11.2 Gas or electric generation distribution facilities 7. Whether the rezoning is compatible with the adjacent neighborhood,especially residential neighborhood stability and character(§ The rezoning is generally compatible with surrounding existing residential development. 8. The length of time the subject property has remained vacant as zoned, if applicable ( Staff notes that the current zoning appears to intend to leave the property largely vacant due to its environmental value. Page 10 of 12 Project Staff Report RZM19-002 River Oak Drive Rezoning Prepared by:Kuleigh Baker Meeting Date:July 18,2019 The subject property appears to have been designated as "Open Space" since at least 1977. The subject property was annexed into the City on October 3, 1951 as part of a legislatively authorized referendum. There does not appear that any zoning designation was applied to the property prior to the 1966 zoning map. In 2007,there was a request to rezone a ±15.78 acre portion of TPN 003-08-07-001 from OSP, Open Space Preservation to PD, Planned Development. During the review period, the 2008 North Augusta Development Code was adopted and the OSP, Open Space Preservation zoning district was changed to reflect the new zoning designation of CR, Critical Area.The ordinance to rezone the property from CR, Critical Area to PD, Planned Development was never adopted by City Council and no Planned Development General Development Plan exists for the site. 9. Whether there is an adequate supply of land available in the subject area and the surrounding community to accommodate the zoning and community needs including, but not limited to,affordable housing and economic development(§ The amount of land available in this particular area is limited by existing development to the west by the Savannah River, to the north by existing residences, to the east by the Greeneway and residences,and to the south by the Riverfront Activities Center. However, tracts for single-family residential uses in North Augusta do not appear to be limited at this time. 10.Whether the existing zoning was in error at the time of adoption (§ The existing zoning of CR, Critical Area appears to have been in place since the adoption of the current development code in 2008. This does not appear to have been done in error. Further evaluation of the site in 2007 appears to support the site zoning as is exists. SECTION 7: STAFF RECOMMENDATION Based on the analysis and evaluation of each review criteria outlined above,the Department has determined the application is complete. Staff has serious concerns about the environmental impacts of development on the site given its topography, previously documented endangered plants on and near the site, and potential impacts to the emergency water intake for the City. Under its existing zoning, development is limited, but is not prohibited. Given the inability for staff to prohibit some development as allowed in an R-14 zoning,staff does not recommend approval of this rezoning. Page 11 of 12 Project Staff Report RZM19-002 River Oak Drive Rezoning Prepared by:Weigh Baker Meeting Date:July 18,2019 SECTION 8: ATTACHMENTS 1. Site/Aerial Map 2. Topography 3. Floodplain Map 4. Current Zoning Map 5. Future Land Use Map 6. Previous Staff Report and Site Analysis 7. Site Photos 8. Notification Letter 9. Application Materials cc Margaret B.Copenhaver, mebcop@aol.com Bill Hollingsworth, Hollingsworth Appraisal Co.,billhollingsworth@comcast.net Justin Puruker,Johnson, Laschober&Associates,jpurucker@thejlagroup.com Page 12 of 12 TTI NA le N L 40. 23o H 0VNo 28 hQ F 60 c ✓ `n n F a Z O M1 2 9N a 03 ' N Subject Parcel Savannah River 210 1 ON A G'o N$ 9 F 2p0 � FAIRFI North �� Topography Map w�E AUgUSta Application RZM19-002 o , 5 o n Soul)) caroino'S RWerlroni River Oak Rezoning Date: 7/10/20199 National Flood Hazard Layer FIRMette WFEMA Legend 33'30'3¢55"N eFlsafroeifon onnRED MEarl aeno AND wear Mae fop few vada'Ea 04, V a Mhwt Ree Flood El V len(SM �� ems visas S Fc S.sW � h� .a v,y spECNL FL00D WNIr BFEwpNlrzonear, no,.w,rA.w L. E 'ne ♦9 Ra2APD AREgS RepulatwYFl do up "' 3 A - e OS%annual Chance Flood Hamra.Arabia i 01% .al a ban..Read xllM1 aw2ge ; .0 A. ANAAarlms Man orgy searms nal 1-r- "41" ad y Futu Co dMom 1%annual ance GlFleet Hamra I...a 4 Pose with Reduced Fl0.W Risk Due to le Se Notes zo x 1. .. LA0, Pt mFLDDDRRA2gRD .... M with Flood!Rl . aN due to Lewem-D Arae fMnarea Rood Hamrtl + `rf4y v � �r4a a- ° ElreNn IAMRs MER ii area of Undeterminea Flood HamN GENERAL - ... temnnel.0",.1 FI oDIAMIN Sewer 1 lel v,. BTRUL9UPEB Ear r Levtt DlNe or Flootlwall AREAOF*Ir11N IMA'FLOOD HAZARD.��° r FLOOD WAY �e -; 'i zn�ru ' a 'a' "at"Atlons0--flaAnnual.papa one AE <Ts "at" Buaaa Devatmm aeEEi Cod Df North.AugusiR $ p cede aired Elat 38' pe' _ Base Flood Elewtlon WelBFE) \13$FtEt .J000' _umn Dr sway Feedlmon Boundary _ ---�- DADMlTransact Baseline MER _ pone.B er ins +I REATURES _ Hpdmgraplrm Feature FLOOD WAY e` II� yti Zone AE y" oiyMl Data avanable H ti19d%5\ifs a f� NO DILIWI Data AvallaWA AUGUST•.4-RICHMOND COUN '3µ. MAP PANELS U..."- 1.30153 Q The pin displu on Me map man appmdmate point seleome by the user and Pees not represent e rAe: ,w an autbonertve property location. ` Tnlmmap complies it It FEMa's standardsderemrme.. or J. capital(loadmapsans ser t alth aeacdeeacelow �ZpLiDl { The baxmap sM1orm compiles wpb FFMPs basemap 137 FE a .wary standeras The flood hamra Information K seam directly room me Ib1e AE '"a Perprltadee NFHL wab ural...p,"it a for MMP.MIA map g, 4" as eapere0 on 7/9/2019 at d:1363 PM and does mol Aspect changes or amendments sub AkudA b this data and tlma.The III and effectlre Information may change or became superseded try new data overtime. Ir ^' Tri.roplere is rmlfther one or more of the fdlawmg map 5398Nt1T' S ' ". c elements ao na appear basemaplmagary naoa zone MbaH, nEl Map OMUOImragery OaFaref[eshatl NpN 201QN lagena seek bar map creation dam,commonly ldenMlen. 3J°JO'0.55"N FlRM panel mamba,and FIRM aHectlre tlale.Map Images for 0 Feet 1:6,000 nmappedanaunmuderMaodamecann ...wsedfor 0 250 JO 1,000 1,500 2,000 rcgulMery purpose. Hammond Hills Elementary R-7 RSmenOFi-arm - Single Family Restd �N - � fR714, Large Lot\ -a Single-Family Residential Subject�Parcel - Criti aR'I 0 a � o+ 0 0 o o P, Public Use A Z m Ac PD Savannah River '^� 4Planed v Development ,- F 6 r P R-5 Mixed Residential , / i No � Current Zoning Map w�E AUgUSt Application RZM19-002 Souih Carolinnis Riucrfronr River Oak Rezoning Date: 7/10/2019 o Institutional, Government, I nis Public Facilities LSO 0 Low Density Residential 003 08 07 001 $ N 0 a Zc N Subject arcel Parks, Recreation, Savannah River Open Space, and Conservation High;Density Residential u North Future Land Use Map Augusta Application RZM19-002 seo ieo o sea ren South Carolinas Riuerfronl River Oak Rezoning Date:7/10@019 Department of Economic — �Y and Community Development City of North Augusta Project Staff Report Rezoning Application # RZ 07-04 October 12, 2007 Prepared by Scott Sterling, AICP Approved by Skip Grkovic, AICP AE Section 1 - Summary Applicant Alonzo P. Boardman, Jr. Representative Donald W. Thompson Address/Location South of the termination of River Oak Drive and north of Riverview Park Parcel Numbers 003-08-07-001 Existing Zoning OSP, Open Space Preservation Proposed Zoning PD, Planned Development Existing Use Vacant Proposed Use Single-Family Residential Parcel Size ±26.00 acres (total) Section 2— Staff Recommendation The Department of Economic and Community Development recommends that the Planning Commission deny the rezoning request (map amendment) and forward a recommendation to the City Council to deny the application... Section 3—History The subject property was annexed into the City on October 3, 1951 as part of a legislatively authorized referendum. There does not appear that any zoning designation was applied to the property prior to the 1966 zoning map. The history of the zoning on the subject property is: 1966 Zoning Map— R-1, Low-Density Residential 1977 Zoning Map—OSP, Open Space Preservation 1988 Zoning Map—OSP, Open Space Preservation 1996 Zoning Map —OSP, Open Space Preservation The property surrounds a 0.28 acre parcel on three sides that is located on the Savannah River and is owned by the city. The parcel houses one of the city's two raw water intake structures.Water is pumped from the river to the water treatment plan. The raw water transmission line and an access road from Riverview Park to the intake structure cross the southern and of the property. The access H.1 &CONc&e Rea—Chns and Skio_I(aeD in H onvewsWIT Re on RZ 07-o4.doc Staff Report RZ 07-04 October 12, 2007 Page 2 road winds across the steep terrain to get to the intake facility. The location of the water line and access road will affect the development of the property. The property is bisected by the Greenaway. The right of way of the Greeneway varies because of the rough terrain and the amount of land needed for cuts and fills associated with the construction of the railroad across the property. Additionally, a large portion of the property is encumbered by power line easements. A corridor that varies from 250 to 350 feet wide on the eastern side of the property is devoted to the power lines. Please see the attached reports from Tom Zeaser, Director of Engineering and Public Works, and Sarah Harmon, a contract employee of the Stormwater Management Department. Tom's memo deals with the raw water intake and the value of the OSP property for regional stormwater management purposes. Sarah's memo is an environmental evaluation of the property and addresses topography, steep slopes, wetlands, natural drainage ways, and endangered species. Existing Land Use Future Land Use Existing Zoning Parks, Recreation, Subject Vacant Open Space and OSP, Open Space Parcel Conservation Preservation Parks, Recreation, R-1, Single Family North Vacant Open Space, Single OpeCon Spa ce a d ad Residential, and OSP, Family Residential Low Density Open Space Residential Preservation Parks, Recreation, OSP, Open Space South Parks and Recreation Open Space and Preservation Conservation East Single Family Residential Low Density R-1, Single Family Residential Residential Parks, Recreation, OSP, Open Space West Savannah River Open Space and Preservation Conservation Section 4—Description of the Request The applicant is seeking to rezone the subject parcel from OSP, Open Space Preservation to PD, Planned Development. The applicant's representative has stated intent to develop the property for single-family residential lots. Section 5— Public Notice HAE&CDMAcnve Files-Chas and Slip-Keep in H DnvekSlaff Report RZ 07-0 .Eoc Staff Report RZ 07-04 October 12, 2007 Page 3 A notice of the proposed map amendment and scheduled date of the Planning Commission public hearing was published in the Staron October 4, 2007. The required notification of individual property owners and posting of the property took place on October 3, 2007. Section 6—Findings and Evaluation Sections 1.0.4 and 1.0.5 of the Zoning and Development Standards Ordinance specify the factors and policies that should be considered by the Planning Commission in its consideration of requests for the rezoning of land. The following information addresses those factors and policies. 1.0.4. Planning Commission Report. The Planning Commission should consider the following factors in making its recommendation on a proposed rezoning: a. The relationship of the request to the City's official Comprehensive Plan and whether the request violates or supports the Plan. The Future Land Use Map places the property in the Parks, Recreation, Open Space and Conservation classification. According to the 2005 Comprehensive Plan, the Parks, Recreation, Open Space and Conservation classification is intended to permit open space, conservation areas, golf courses, parks, environmental protection and preservation and accessory residential uses. The maximum density for residential is 0.1 dwelling units per acre according to the Comprehensive Plan. if a rezoning from OSP to PD is approved for this property, an amendment to the Comprehensive Plan changing the future land use classification from Parks, Recreation, Open Space and Conservation to another classification will be required. An amendment to the Comprehensive Plan requires the approval of an ordinance by the City Council after recommendation by the Planning Commission. Alternative future land use classifications could include Low Density Residential, High Density Residential, and Mixed Use. Section 8.12.3 of the 2005 Comprehensive Plan, approved by the Planning Commission and adopted by City Council, states that the city should: Prepare and adopt a Natural Areas Protection Plan to identify environmentally sensitive land areas and recommend means to protect air and water quality, wetlands, endangered species and open space. The plan will recommend regulations for permitting development in critical environmental areas. The plan will also establish priority-setting criteria for open space protection through conservation easements and public acquisition. The Engineering and Public Works Department conducted an assessment of open spaces throughout the city in conjunction with the City's Stormwater Management Program which H1E&CDWC a Files-Ckris and Skip-Keep in H Dd.%SUN Report RZ 07-044x Staff Report RZ 07-04 October 12, 2007 Page 4 serves as a basis to the Natural Areas Protection Plan. The subject parcel was evaluated and prioritized 5' out of 25 properties for protection. (See the report from Mr. Zeaser.) Section 8.12.5 of the 2005 Comprehensive Plan states that the city should: Adopt development regulations that require the riverbank on the Savannah River to be maintained in a natural state or for public access when adjacent land is proposed for development to minimize private control and destruction of the natural riverbank. The city is in the final stages of adopting the regulations referenced in the Comprehensive Plan. They will be contained in the new Development Code. The requested rezoning is not appropriate for this classification and the anticipated uses would not be consistent with the future land use. The request does not support the Plan. b. Whether the use permitted by the proposed change would be appropriate in the area concerned. The subject property is vacant. Uses in the vicinity include open space and recreation in the form of the Savannah River, the North Augusta Greenaway, Riverview Park and the use restricted vacant land within the SCE&G and Georgia Power power line easements. Large lot single family residential uses are located on the north side of the parcel on river Oak Drive and on the other side of the power line easements in Hammond Hills. The portion of the property fronting on the river is characterized by severe topography, mature vegetation and the presence of special interest flora such as bottlebrush buckeye and relict trillium. The preliminary use proposed for the property is single-family residential. However,the PD district allows a mix of uses including multi-family and commercial. Any development of the property will impact a substantial portion if not all of the open space property negatively. The proposed map amendment is not appropriate for the future land use classification or the area concerned. c. Whether adequate public school facilities, roads, and other public services exist or can be provided to serve the needs of the development likely to take place as a result of such change and the consequence of such change. Public utilities and other services exist within and are adjacent to the subject property. Vehicular access will be addressed as part of the development plans but would likely involve a minimum of extending River Oaks Drive. The existing site topography is very steep and the extension of River Oaks Drive would require bridging or mass grading to satisfy the City standards. The Greenaway and its existing right-of-way may not be HAE&CDAOc Files-Chas and Skip-Keep in H Dnve\staff Repod RZ Or-N.doc Staff Report RZ 07-04 October 12, 2007 Page 5 impacted by the development of the property. If the rezoning is approved the proposed development will be evaluated to ensure that adequate access, vehicular circulation and connectivity are achieved. The rezoning would generate some impact on the public school facilities; however, it is likely that the school district would be able to handle the minimal number of school kids generated from any anticipated development. d. Whether the proposed change is in accord with any existing or proposed plans for providing public water supply and sanitary sewer to the area. As mentioned above, the property wraps around a critical public utility facility, the city's initial raw water intake structure. The stmcture serves the entire city. Any impact on the facility, its maintenance or access will need to be avoided.The site will be served with City of North Augusta sanitary sewer and water service. There are no current plans for water or sanitary sewer services in the area. e. The amount of vacant land currently classified for similar development in the vicinity and elsewhere in the City and any special circumstances, which may make a substantial part of such vacant land unavailable for development. The City has a relatively large amount of vacant PD zoned property. Most of the undeveloped PD property is privately owned and is planned or being held for future development. Some of it is for sale. Other areas of PD zoned lands in the City are held in separate ownerships and may not be for sale at this time. 1.0.5. Rezoning Policy. To be acted upon favorably, a request to change the zoning map should meet one of the following criteria: a. The map amendment proposed is necessary to implement the City's Comprehensive Plan pursuant to the Local Government Comprehensive Planning Act. The rezoning requested in this application is not necessary to implement the City's Comprehensive Plan and does not further the intent of the Natural Resources Element of the Comprehensive Plan or the purpose of the Parks, Recreation, Open Space and Conservation future land use classification. b. To correct an original mistake or manifest error in the regulations or map. The proposed map amendment is not necessary to correct an original mistake or error in the regulations or map on the subject parcel. H:\ESCDiA Eve Fi s-Chris and Skip-Keep in H Dnve\Staff Report RZ 07-NAW Staff Report RZ 07-04 October 12, 2007 Page 6 c. To recognize substantial change or changing conditions or circumstances in a particular locality. The subject property was annexed in 1951 as part of the voter approved referendum to expand the city limits. Since that time, there has been no development of the property other than for the city's water system. The rezoning to a Planned Development would permit the property owners to sell the property to the prospective buyer and develop the riverfront portion of the property. The east portion of the site would continue to be encumbered by the power line easements. The existing environmental and topographical issues identified in Dr. Harmon's report would be negatively impacted if development were to occur. There have been no substantial changes or conditions to the area that warrant a rezoning. d. To recognize change in technology, the style of living, or manner of doing business. The application does not provide any information that recognizes a change in technology or style of living. Housing trends in the City are generally shifting to smaller lot sizes and most of the recent development applications in the City limits have reflected that trend. Riverfront lots are always in demand, but special precautions must be taken to ensure that sound development practices are implemented to protect the environmentally sensitive areas of this property. Given the severity of the topography and fragile watershed corridors within this property, there is little that technology can do to prevent negative impacts to the site should development of any type be permitted. cc: Alonzo P. Boardman, Jr. M. B. Copenhaver Donald W. Thompson H:tEWDNc dive Fdes—Chris and Skip—Keep in H Drive\Stan Report R 014)4xim Staff Report RZ 07-04 October Page 7 Section 7— Aerial Photography Hammond Hills y`. �,;tJ -, Podgy 1 ry � � q Hammond HIIIsR - �ubdmison Greeneway � Savannah +� River Subject �� �" Parcel ° 21 subject Parcel , Augusta GA " s - h a � s 7� Staff Report RZ 07-04 October 12, 2007 Page 8 Section 8—Topography 34 sa \ 184 fit �O Subject\ I Parcel `l III on Hl S Greer�!\way Su IV s h .,• � m h 118 BOO f 114 vO ° Tb \ p6 461 0 \ •``M1 n m 6 \ Subject ti i m rat Savannah River 4t 131 1 184 eM1 � QI t4A ISO 4 O Q' a 15 3 15" 454 6 0 150 �5 \84 l 194 t j mt !ea y11 Rive •Niaw ari€'�-o t m T P HAWDAdive Files-Chris and Skip-Keep in H Dnve\Slaa Report RZ 07-04 Eoc Staff Report 07-04 October 12, it Page•9 !SII IIi►1��r������►►, Rl Swannah Rwer Augus�.GA �+ .♦ .V i,' Staff Report RZ 07-04 October 12, 2007 Page 10 Section 10—Future Land Use � v (1Gf Po ammonoll q ' Po neoo Private) natty Reel n aI Gre n way":. Subject Parcel Savannah River ubje, t arc§I' Augusta,GA Riverview Park P.arks,Recreation, Open S HI Dens! Resltlen'al= A H:1E&CD%AcWe Files—Chris and Skip—Keep in H Drive\Staff Repon RZ 07-0 doc ENGINEERING & PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT To: Skip Grkovic !� From: Tom Zeaser \ Date: October 2,2007` subject: Rezoning Request,TPN 003-08-07-001 I have reviewed the rezoning request for the above referenced parcel. I have inspected the property and determined that it is not appropriate to rezone this land from OSP to any zoning classification that would permit residential or commercial development. The subject property is one of the last remaining remnants of undeveloped riverfront properties in North Augusta The property is characterized by very steep topography with high bluffs overlooking the river. The land is heavily wooded with old- growth forest. Two deep ravines dissect the property. The streams running through these ravines originate in the upper parts of Hammond Hills and Fairview Gardens and end in rocky cascades into the Savannah. The property is popular with local hikers as evidenced by a distinct footpath which follows the bluff. As written in "History of North Augusta South Carolina" this path is believed to be the remnants of an old Indian trail that led along the bank of the Savannah River to the pre-Revolutionary river port of Campbell Town. Along this trail in the vicinity of the subject property there is an area on the bluff where the Indians used to gather when they brough their articles of trade and is known today as Indian Mound. This site has reportedly produced many Indian relics through the years. One of the initiatives of the City's Stormwater Management Program is the conservation of land that provides protection of our watershed. In 2006 1 performed an evaluation of"open space" and other undeveloped properties within North Augusta in an effort to prioritize those lands that provide such resource protection, as well as other environmental benefits. The properties were evaluated to determine the extent to which they met six criteria: wetland preservation, stream buffer, master detention, park access, unique habitat preservation, and endangered species habitat. The subject property met 5 of the 6 criteria and was consequently ranked 5th out of 25. This information was presented to City Council at the 2006 North Augusta Forward. The priority list and program funding was further endorsed by Council with adoption of the 2007 Budget. As mentioned above, two streams pass through this property in very steep-sided ravines. The slopes,though steep,are relatively stable. This is due primarily to the dense forest growth and thick organic layer of the forest floor. The existing biological systems are able to withstand the natural overland stormwater flows, preventing erosion and other types of stormwater pollution. Due to the topography of this site and its proximity to the Savanah River, there is no opportunity for conventional stormwater detention and 07100101 Rezoning Request,TPN 003-08-07-001 1022007 Page 2 treatment systems as most developments provide. Therefore, the increase in stormwater runoff from rooftops and other impervious wen will flow unimpeded to these ravines, or directly to the Savannah River. These increased flows will likely be more than the natural systems can handle, resulting in erosion of the slopes. Erosion of the slopes will lead to loss of habitat for endangered species such as relict trillium and other plant life. Because detention can not be provided, the eroded sediment will be deposited directly into the Savannah River. The City's `old" raw water intake is located on an isolated parcel within the subject property. Although a newer water intake has been constructed near the Water Treatment Plant, the old station is still vital to our community as a back-up supply. Access to this station is via a paved driveway through the subject parcel. The proposed plan shows several home sites that would impede or eliminate the existing access if developed as shown. Vehicular access to this station must be maintained at all times as long as this station is operational. To summarize, as stated in the ZDSO,OSP zoning exists to preserve areas in the City that contain wetlands and/or water courses, areas that serve as natural wildlife refuges, and areas possessing great natural or historical resources. For the reasons listed above, I am not aware of any property in North Augusta that meets these criteria more so than this subject parcel. OSP is the only appropriate zoning classification for this property. Evaluation of a 26-Acre Parcel on the Savannah River in the City of North Augusta,SC A.Background of Parcel This assessment was conducted on a land parcel(Aiken County Tax Parcel No.003-08-07-001) situated within the city limits of North Augusta. The parcel is adjacent to the Savannah River northwest of Riverview Park,and it is bisected by the City's Greeneway Trail(Figure 1). This parcel is currently zoned"Open Space Preservation"on the Official Zoning Map of North Augusta. The northern end of the parcel adjacent to River Oak drive has been an area of illegal damping. Dumped materials include household trash, fill dirt,and asphalt. The portion of the property east of the Greeneway Trail is primarily a powerline right-of-way,consisting mostly of mowed/old- field vegetation with a wooded buffer along the Greeneway Trail.The remainder of the property west of the Greeneway Trail(i.e.,between the Greeneway Trail and the Savannah River)is covered by mature hardwoods. It contains three bluffs rising steeply above the river and two large drainageways from surrounding neighborhoods that have been piped under the Greenway Trail. There are no existing structures,with the exception of the pump station on a separate small parcel owned by the City of North Augusta on the southwest end of the property. A sewer line also crosses this property both above and below ground. A rezoning request is in place to allow residential development on this property. B.Drainageways and topography within this Property This property is located within the Hammond Hills Drainage Basin. Two major drainages cross this property from the Hammond Hills subdivision to the Savannah River. These drainages incorporate stormwater flowing from Stanton to Bunting Drives new Hammond Hills Elementary School and some of the drainage from Campbellton Drive and its associated streets. Drainage from these streets is concentrated at the Greeneway through two 52-inch concrete pipes (Figure 2). As a result,erosion is severe in some places near the river.The buildup of alluvial material at the confluence of these streams with the river provides further evidence of upstream and onsite erosion(Figure 3). A portion of the property is on three bluffs overlooking the river,with an elevational change of approximately 100 feet between the Greeneway and the river. The large drainages have resulted in steep terrain over the years with slope percentages in excess of 50%in several places(Figure 4). C. Flood Zone and Floodway Due to the topography of the land,the position of the Inge drainageways,and proximity to the river,approximately 5 acres-about 24%of the property west of the Greeneway- falls within the 100-year special flood hazard area determined by FEMA (Zone AE,Flood Insurance Rate Map, City of North Augusta,Panel# 10). The majority of this is in the floodway,as also determined by FEMA(Figure 5). According to zoning ordinances by the City of North Augusta(Appendix A,Article 11)the floodway is considered"the channel of a river or other water course and the adjacent land areas that must be reserved in order to discharge the velocity of waters of the 1 regulatory flood without cumulatively increasing the water surface elevation more than one foot." Due to this restriction,portions of the property with topographic values of 138'or less, would be non-developable. D.Flora and Fauna Survey The portion of the property between the Greeneway and the Savannah River is made up of a mature,diverse hardwood forest community. Tree species noted include oak,sweetgum, hackberry,elm,poplar,hickory,sycamore, and a number of large pines. Species of special interest known to exist on this property include relict trillium(Trillium reliquum) and bottlebmsh buckeye (Aesculusparvijlora). Eight stands of bottlebrush buckeye(Aesculus parvaora)were identified on this property (Figure 5).Bottlebrush buckeye is listed as a Regional Species of Concern by the South Carolina Department of Natural Resources due to extreme rarity or other factors which make it vulnerable. Another important plant species present on this property is relict trillium(Trillium reliquum). This plant is listed on both state and federal endangered species lists. It could not be positively identified at this time of year(late summer/early autumn),because above-ground portions of the plant are not visible;however,it has been reported to be present in large numbers by several knowledgeable citizens(names and contact information available on request). Further evidence of its existence on this property is suggested by a known colony located in Riverview Park (Figure 6)directly adjacent to this property and along the drainageway that crosses the southern end of this parcel. 2 Summary and Recommendations Based on this limited field investigation, rezoning of this parcel from Open Space Preservation to R l for potential development is not recommended for the following reasons: • The steep terrain,large drainages,and proximity to the Savannah River make a large portion of this parcel non-developable under the guidelines of FEMA and zoning ordinances of the City of North Augusta. • Topography of this land results in slopes greater than 20%over most of the parcel. Building on these types of slopes requires special engineering measures under city zoning ordinances (See Article 7,section 7.b.2). • The two large drainageways obviously handle large volumes of stomrwater from other portions of the city during rainfall events. The City of North Augusta may be putting itself in a position of liability if rezoning for residential development in areas known to naturally collect large volumes of stormwater from upstream watershed areas. This aspect would not be expected to improve if additional areas within the drainage basin are developed and impervious surfaces are expanded. • The presence of a large sewer line that crosses the property,high above ground in several places,will not be an aesthetic asset for residential development. • The presence of at least two protected plant species mentioned in the Natural Resources section of the City's Comprehensive Plan for growth and development(see section 8.7,page 8-3)should be carefully considered. Special consideration should go to the fact that one of these species,relict trillium,is a federally-listed endangered species. At a minimum this zoning decision should be postponed until a complete T&E plant survey can be conducted in the spring. 6a6d A lU Q Sarah Michele H narmo Phb D to 3 I hchaqies iso wt Figure 1. A rezoning request is in placed for Us parcel. 4 t y fi .e•o�x o?rvo, n a» sa. a. � - v a { 1r5 { - 1 e_ 4l� p a .•1 � ,. 'r I - s A Y w ti QV � Y t� 1 Y II aryl 4 t - rz i i} 7.d I inn eqLal, i507eet Figure 5. Topographic overlay showing approximately 5 acres at elevations less than 138 feet within the floodway. 8 rr l 1 .P sm�d�ore�mm��d:n 0 P Vq� � p: 1 1. i' O Yx µ :'of bottlebrush 1 /I Iidentified on thisproperty. r j• �OF '� tlT�ll�m. it � wP k � .- rY Sv Gc,o�1e"' M1 Figure 7. Area in Riverview Park where relict trillium(Trilliumreportedreliquum)is known to occur and the area on the adjacent this species is property1 occur fi,�t•• t '+� n Nearly spring occurrences in this area have been 1 summu. Note that 7 reported along _ y • %f5T J 11 colony to City of North Augusta, South Carolina Planning Commission PUBLIC HEARING NOTICE The North Augusta Planning Commission will hold a Public Hearing at its regular monthly meeting beginning at 7:00 PM on October 18, 2007, in the Council Chambers, North Augusta Municipal Building, 400 East Buena Vista Avenue, North Augusta, South Carolina, to consider the following item: RZ 07-04 — A request by Alonzo P. Boardman, Jr., represented by Donald W. Thompson, to rezone ±26 acres located south of the termination of River Oak Drive and north of Riverview Park, Tax Parcel Number 003-08-07-001, from OSP, Open Space Preservation, to PD, Planned Development. The requested rezoning would permit residential development on the property. A map of the parcel being considered for rezoning and documents related to the application are available for public inspection in the offices of the Department of Economic and Community Development on the second floor of the North Augusta Municipal Building, 400 East Buena Vista Avenue, North Augusta, South Carolina, 803-441-4221. All citizens and property owners interested in expressing a view on any matter that is the subject of a public hearing are encouraged to attend. CITIZEN ASSISTANCE: Individuals needing special assistance or a sign interpreter to participate in the meeting, please notify the Department of Economic and Community Development at 441-4221 at least 48 hours prior to the meeting. 'PD d 05P R1 R1 w 7 � r y, 0 Rt^ Area Requested To Be Rezoned From OSP, Open Space Preservation To, PD, Planned Development m R1 G ey od 7< p OSP 'P. OSP L Pmt -O 9M1 F O North �_ AUgUSta l� u ,�w� can>lii����, aii �•�7n n n s .3PLICATION NUMBER RZ 07-04 `° f°°' T.P.N. 003-08-07-001 APPROXIMATELY 26.0 ACRES 9124107 Parcel Number: 003-08-07-001 Description: This parcel is adjacent to the Savannah River northwest of Riverview Park, and it is bisected by the City's Greenway Trail. This parcel is currently zoned"Open Space Preservation"on the Official Zoning Map of North Augusta. The northern end of the parcel adjacent to River Oak drive has been an area of illegal dumping. Dumped materials include household trash,fill dirt, and asphalt. The portion of the property east of the Greeneway Trail is primarily a powerline right-of-way,consisting mostly of mowed/old-field vegetation with a wooded buffer along the Greeneway Trail. The remainder of the property west of the Greeneway Trail (i.e.,between the Greenway Trail and the Savannah River) is covered by mature hardwoods. It contains three bluffs rising steeply above the river and two large drainageways from surrounding neighborhoods that have been piped under the Greenway Trail. There are no existing structures,with the exception of the pump station on a re-cn PNv oarHo Mao �.... " separate small parcel owned by the City (003 GO m oma ,,;,, w= of North Augusta on the southwest end ��-„w�y of the property. A sewer line also crosses this property both above and below ground. This property is located within the Hammond Hills Drainage Basin. Two major drainages cross this property from the Hammond Hills subdivision to the Savannah River. These drainages incorporate stormwater flowing from Stanton to Bunting Drives new Hammond Hills Elementary School and some of the drainage from Cambelhon Drive and its associated streets. Drainage from these streets is concentrated at the Greenway through two 52-inch concrete pipes. As a result,erosion is severe in some places new the river.The buildup of sediment at the confluence of these streams with the river provides further evidence of upstream and onsite erosion. A portion of the property is on three bluffs overlooking the river,with an elevational change of approximately 100 feet between the Greenway and the river. The large drainages have resulted in steep terrain over the years with slope percentages in excess of 50% in several places. I Page I of 2 Flood Zone and Floodway Due to the topography of the land,the position of the large drainageways,and proximity to the river, approximately 5 acres -about 24%of the property west of the Greenway-falls within the 100-year special flood hazard area detemtined by FEMA(Zone AE,Flood Insurance Rate Map, City of North Augusta,Panel# 10). The majority of this is in the floodway,m also determined by FEMA. According to zoning ordinances by the City of North Augusta(Appendix A,Article Il)the floodway is considered "the channel of a river or other water course and the adjacent land areas that must be reserved in order to discharge the velocity of waters of the regulatory flood without cumulatively increasing the water surface elevation more than one foot." Due to this restriction, portions of the property with topographic values of 138' or less,would be non-developable. Flora and Fauna Survey The portion of the property between the Greenway and the Savannah River is made up of a mature, diverse hardwood forest community. Tree species noted include oak, sweetgum,hackberry,elm,poplar, hickory, sycamore,and a number of large pines. Species of special interest known to exist on this property include relict trillium(Trillium reliquum)and bottlebrush buckeye (Aesculus pa"i lora). Eight stands of bottlebrush buckeye(Aesculus parviora)were identified on this property(Figure 5). Bottlebrush buckeye is listed as a Regional Species of Concern by the South Carolina Department of Natural Resources due to extreme rarity or other factors which make it vulnerable. Another important plant species present on this property is relict trillium (Trillium reliquum). This plant is listed on both state and federal endangered species lists. It could not be positively identified at this time of year (late summer/early autumn), because above-ground portions of the plant are not visible; however, it has been reported to be present in large numbers by several knowledgeable citizens (names and contact information available on request). Further evidence of its existence on this property is suggested by a known colony located in Riverview Park(Figure 6)directly adjacent to this property and along the drainageway that crosses the southern end of this parcel. Summary and Recommendations Based on this limited field investigation,rezoning of this parcel from Open Space Preservation to RI for potential development is not recommended for the following reasons: • The steep terrain, large drainages, and proximity to the Savannah River make a large portion of this parcel non-developable under the guidelines of FEMA and zoning ordinances of the City of North Augusta. • Topography of this land results in slopes greater than 20%over most of the parcel. Building on these types of slopes requires special engineering measures under city zoning ordinances(See Article 7, section 7.b.2). • The two large dminageways obviously handle large volumes of stormwater from other portions of the city during rainfall events. The City of North Augusta may be putting itself in a position of liability if rezoning for residential development in areas known to naturally collect large volumes of stormwater from upstream watershed areas. This aspect would not be expected to improve if additional areas within the drainage basin are developed and impervious surfaces are expanded. • The presence of a large sewer line that crosses the property,high above ground in several places, will not be an aesthetic asset for residential development. • The presence of at least two protected plant species mentioned in the Natural Resources section of the City's Comprehensive Plan for growth and development(see section 8.7,page 8-3)have been observed on this property. Page 2 of 2 ��• \�\ . . . \ � . /. . } § All- : k,A... tl A p( till..G: NorthQ b Yr.• AUgUSta n n,m wu n,m Nnnh Alµusla,sYl South t CurrMinit!s 1tit crfrtInI Chy of North Augusta July 1, 2019 RE: Proposed rezoning of 31.55 acres of land located on River Oak Drive, Aiken County Tax Parcel Number 003-08-07-001 from CR, Critical Area to R-14, Large Lot Single-Family Residential. Please note: Your property Is not included in the rezoning application. You are receiving this notice only because you own property within 200 feet of the proposed project area. Dear North Augusta Property Owner. Margaret B. Copenhaver has made a request to rezone t 31.55 acres of land located on River Oak Drive, Aiken County Tax Parcel Number 003-08-07-001 from CR, Critical Area to R-14, Large Lot Single-Family Residential. The North Augusta Planning Commission will hold a public hearing to collect public input and to consider the rezoning application on Thursday, July 18, 2019. Following the public hearing, the Planning Commission will prepare a recommendation for City Council consideration and action.The Planning Commission public hearing will begin at 7:00 p.m. in the City Council Chambers on the third Floor of the North Augusta Municipal Center, 100 Georgia Avenue. You are welcome to attend this public hearing. A map of the project area is enclosed, along with a copy of the public hearing notice that will be published in The Star on July 3, 2019. If you have any questions about this application or need additional information, please contact the Department of Planning and Development at 803-441-4221. Sincerely, Libby Hodges, AICP Director of Planning and Development NlnYubrtx,lm ,WnoN88 +tlaVnKm Eiy{Neetlnµ6 E1011v waeM 4olMliiq SuwIVJe ]+ ulryv & 1.1 n Wfirc tl? - + lOrvSm " Wfn µM Mflnfl•le'. 1 City of North Augusta, South Carolina Planning Commission PUBLIC HEARING NOTICE The North Augusta Planning Commission will hold a public hearing at its regular monthly meeting beginning at 7:00 PM on July 18, 2019, in the Council Chambers, North Augusta Municipal Center, 100 Georgia Avenue, North Augusta, South Carolina, to receive public input on the following application: RZM 19-002 —A request by Margaret B. Copenhaver to rezone ±31.55 acres of land located on River Oak Drive, Aiken County Tax Parcel Number 003-08-07-001 from CR, Critical Area to R-14, Large Lot Single-Family Residential. A map and documents related to the rezoning application will be available in the Department of Planning and Development on the second floor of the North Augusta Municipal Center, 100 Georgia Avenue, North Augusta, South Carolina, 803-441-4221 on July 12, 2019. Citizens and property owners interested in expressing a view on any matter that is the subject of a public hearing are encouraged to attend. CITIZEN ASSISTANCE: Individuals needing special assistance or a sign interpreter to participate in the meeting are asked to please notify the Department of Planning and Development at 803-441-4221 at least 48 hours prior to the meeting. � Hammond Hill ` ��,'• Elementary t. ;. i�'• -.j R-7 � "` Small Lot Single�Famiy �Resiileritlal CR, � . � : i CrBicd Area hl B;14.LSg '1:0t, 1 Single-FallyResldntlel ........ utiject-Parcell, :::i!ii! i:i�ii � •'C 1 i P,:Public Use / 2 Savannah River ' PD vlaned � $ DevNopment PF r.: 1ellR-5 b Mixed Residential li F r , North ' `� Application RZM19-002 Tax Parcel Number 003-08-07-001 Augusta A request to Rezone from CR, Critical Area a a "0 Fwt scnalt Corolinah Rivelfronr to R-14, Large Lot Single-Family Residential Date, 628/2019 Application for Development Approval North Au ust Please type or print all information South Carolina's Riuerlront Staff Use gpjdlcailon'lilitriber Review Fee �Dete Paid 1. Project Name RLVER OAK Project Address/Location r-2-VER OARDRZVEI 33°36 16.9"N S1059'2.3VWv Total Project Acreage 31 ,55 ACQES Current Zoning C Q Tax Parcel Number(s) 003-0$-07-Ml 2. ApplicantlOwner Name MARCMRE? B. COPEh1H4VE2 Applicant Phone ]U(o Mailing Address P .0 t)D y —?5 0 City AUALWA ST AA Zip 3010 Email MC4.) ( _J✓r\ 3. Is there a Designated Agent for this project? Yes No If Yes, attach a notarized Designation of Agent form. (required If Applicant Is not property owner) Xu5TX11J PURUCKE2 4. EngineerlArchitectlSumeyor 4WAINI� License No. Firm Name .1W& 0A),f.ASQ409ER 05S.O=ATF_S Firm Phone 7o6 - 774-5766 Firm Mailing Address 06 BROAD S)RE6T �wltucrcEft City AUwW 1 ST ,GA Zip 3040) Email -'�7NEJtAGROUP.00N1 Signature ��G� a if Date 5h4 157 5. Is there any recorded restricted covenant or other private agreement that is contrary to, conflicts with or prohibits the use or activity on the property that is the subject of the application? (Check one.) yes no 6. In accordance with Section of the North Augusta Development Code, I hereby request the City of North Augusta review the attached project plans. The documents required by the City of North Augusta, as outlined in Appendix B of the North Augusta Development Code, are attached for the City's review for completeness. The applicant acknowledges that all required documents must be correct and complete to initiate the compliance review process. 7. 444k/G gt�- Applicant or Designated Agent Signature Date 11,0,-wt r Ilt�2,rparn *_X7- Print Applicant or Agent Name 12013 Northam `1 Designation of Agent ta Augus ,./ Please type or print all information South Curohii,Vs Riuerfronl This form is required If the property owner is not the applicant. Staff Use Only Application Number Date Received 1. Project Name 91VER OAK. Project Address/Location RZUF-F OAKD2SVy 33030169 AJ, Slo59%23.8"W Project Parcel Number(s) CO3-ot-C7-Cbl 2. Property Owner Name MA!�f;iA2H7 8. CeWFJJh4VE2 Owner Phone �1 n(n - 7 11 -S S 6 Mailing Address — (7 C�r7 City AU6us7A ST I,4 Zip 3090 Email VV`n V, ( np�c)Ckn C7 3. Designated Agent WILLIAM HOLL.ZN6SWOVH Relationship to Owner REAL 45rATE CaV Svt_TANT Firm Name HOLLVJ45k10ZTH APPP-ALSAL CO. Phone 766-UT-6900 Agent's Mailing Address 1524 AW"76 SANOAuEi JuC City AU6USTA ST x[-A Zip/ 3096 Email BIt1-IId1L�USI.U27HGwCON(J}STN4 Agent's Signature AIA-4 / Date r— A-1 i 4. 1 hereby designate the above-named person (Line 3)to serve as my agent and represent me in the referenced� pp application. Owner Signature Date 5. Sworn and subscribed to before me on this day of rn0-� 20 °I CSD m. +fay P Notary Public CINDYM.FIALL NI TIIRYRIaUC Commission Expiration Date -DUFFLE COUNTY STATE OF GEORGIA Mr CaamW.Egsa Mlid�10,ani 112013 River Oak Drive North Augusta, SC Property Information and Rezoning Request Owner: Margaret B. Copenhaver As Trustee Of Item V Trust For the Last Will and Testament of Alonzo P Boardman Jr. 15 Eighth Street Augusta, GA 30901 Applicant Johnson, Laschober and Associates, P.C. P.O. Box 2103 Augusta, GA 30903 ipuruckerPtheilagrouo.com arevnoldsPtheilaerouo.com (706) 754.5756 Property River Oak Drive Coordinates: 33.504541, -81.989932 (33°30'16.4"N 81059'23.8"W) 31.55 Acres Parcel 003-08.07-001 Rezoning Request: Rezone property from current zoning of Critical Reserve, CR to Large Lot Single Family Residential, R-14. Rezoning Statement Parcel 003-08-07-001 is bisected by the North Augusta Greeneway. The owner is seeking to rezone the property from CR to R-14 to develop 9 home sites along the Savannah River.All homes will be accessed by elongating the existing River Oak Drive. The property plans to be developed in two phases;Phase 1 will be Lots 1.5 and Phase 2 will be Lots 7-10. Lots 6, 11, and 12 will remain open space, and between them these open spaces total 16.53 acres. \ � 1 1 \ d J i t Nil \ \ \ F♦ y I``FFrr 1 Y NR-i TJMc.K/E+� RsanEnlxs xFaaAndc ——— axee nam xcc mr.mxv ,oMa�u camrmr.ms® mrwmsr[� vAFz am.aw. [ ____�mevis ai"a�n[wi[nrs'9i0�rc x Nr NAR RYN 9RFY OOARDMo RM Daa m a, oD p--� btt Cf NO. AIxLS A x nsmmmxs rtwsn� / T 1$' 11'E �L• 'IdY9Mfl1 PNM' eA SnoD A � r J T.lx' S RiACi'P' �p p - C MPRED EASEMENT NAP FOR - S sono ; CITY OF NORTH AUGUSTA x/x X11'ar %•'N �1 x.,C NYFN Gmxlr. SWIN CMMx1A f.N1� OCfOBq II. ZOII f a YL snF i ..N' x LNn=Dw D7MADSTA xw E WR Toole En i�veers. Inc. 'fAF➢ AM as..u+se..us.r,smnr.mmar'..�nnvm. A, o En9inxn LwulbMs Plunen %KPfF11FS IHFmWA1m1E —— — ara wYr Awa scc mrwxr�m lcraeN uvenm�A(aARa ' e"''� s.rm vrarmaw.w avw w. exv m rs,as Aaxs u eaNmr ro r.auxP _ u rmwi (walm.a miNavav au's�nv"x`orrx X ax T Na Ma A x _ n•W %•N 'NF Ar sTa w'r• _ £ BN & X att a08 AII.. x xm ar»•w rs.ss' TN au 111 N mA R/NN •9YFRNEW PMK m o WALT 'B' 3 :f— 511'CO']YE 186@' t �1�x al•E e •r,arl- uwnc�mm.`r - amPnm uscNwT u.w raw - CITY OF NORTH AUGUSTA mm a1UNtt. SWIH CARCWM KATM MR BON✓ M x OQOYA 16 Nil s q XYi _,q r6r r 6 W.R v A. ToofCemwBXennd �C. inn a PxwmnEs BFtl01P9xYF. — yyp IIXR IG[ AfARXY Ri161tl f1YTAf.RM ��:1".�[C[ AFILP/EP yAY /P{6A fp IL M ICCS f iR.Cf IOQ —I�t P• F.1[pPB F—YV%P 1" x X/F NI9E G MIfMY �,{ aA �� Pert 6T NON 0!SB 059 x YNYMIIANi,J x X O4WA5 N ON N OL Me N NJ YOOIE� ../F NY911N 9 6AYIM ETN x . NOW MD7 M0 BxIXYt4 CHI1£ x M/�CNCHIY AES i ' -'sr Is' �zt iX aW as m mi S x9319' S� ��� °. � z att a nomX Puuvsu �`I Fw@IA/I(T) mPCi 'L' p 'WHANEW PMl' w _— ��" BLIAOMIN S WI n MIT ISS'�YW )fA11' �`__j w_N19 IS' A - Cbl%lED FASFMENT MIP FOS - _ BO.We9' tlTY CP HbFM MIQISLT x 1llC yrEino�� -' $y NWJMOI OW CITY OF NORTH AUGUSTA m� Exa c5urtr, souN euXNlu � n E/1F er h�4' ocewm la a5u Wh •Sfmwer SpppP+ Ar 55'a WR Toole En ineers Ina m w m EMlneen ComulMMe P4nrcn w.wsmJ. A. �rwtaSOa ///111� N � � — %m �1 'f + 11 111 { l \ •( -� � ! � " GENERPL NOTES: f/�'% fir/ � c �� .•....�....s�m.. �� •_m•. g wsB RAN • �_®e CONCE 3 m�,a u..m�wmmw.icun.wwv'_ue. � _ VC-203 n e ATTACHMENT #10 ORDINANCE NO. 2019-12 TO AMEND THE ZONING MAP OF THE CITY OF NORTH AUGUSTA, SOUTH CAROLINA BY REZONING± 5.02 ACRES OF LAND OWNED BY MARGARET B COPENHAVER AND LOCATED EAST OF THE SAVANNAH RIVER, WEST OF THE NORTH AUGUSTA GREENEWAY, SOUTH OF RIVER OAK DRIVE, AND NORTH OF RIVERVIEW PARK A PORTION OF AIKEN COUNTY TAX PARCEL 4003-08-07-001. FROM CR, CRITICAL AREA, TO R-14 LARGE LOT, SINGLE-FAMILY RESIDENTIAL. WHEREAS,on December 17, 2007,by Ordinance 2007-22,the North Augusta City Council adopted the North Augusta Development Code and a citywide Zoning Map which is consistent with the City's North Augusta 2017 Comprehensive Plan; and WHEREAS, pursuant to Section 5.3, North Augusta Development Code, the North Augusta Planning Commission may recommend amendments to the Zoning Map, provided such amendments are consistent with the City's North Augusta 2017 Comprehensive Plan; and WHEREAS, the North Augusta Planning Commission, following an July 18, 2019,public hearing,reviewed and considered a request by Margaret B. Copenhaver,to amend the Official Zoning Map of North Augusta from Critical Area(CR)to Large Lot, Single-Family Residential (R-14). The Planning Commission report has been provided to City Council. NOW THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF NORTH AUGUSTA, SOUTH CAROLINA, IN MEETING DULY ASSEMBLED AND BY THE AUTHORITY THEREOF,THAT: I. A parcel consisting of±5.02 acres owned by Margaret B. Copenhaver, located East of the Savannah River, West of the Greeneway, South of River Oak Drive and North of Riverview Park is hereby rezoned from CR, Critical Area to R-14, Large Lot, Single-Family Residential. Said property is a portion of Aiken County tax map parcel # 003-08-07-001 and specifically identified on Exhibit "A"attached hereto. lI. The Official Zoning Map for the City of North Augusta is hereby amended to reflect this rezoning. Ill. All ordinances or parts of Ordinances in conflict herewith are, to the extent of such conflict,hereby repealed. IV. This Ordinance shall become effective immediately upon its adoption on third and final reading. DONE, RATIFIED AND ADOPTED BY THE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF NORTH AUGUSTA, SOUTH CAROLINA, ON THIS DAY OF , 2019. First Reading Robert A. Pettit,Mayor Second Reading Third and Final Reading ATTEST: Sharon Lamar, City Clerk .819 WINE I 111 I r E _ ---------- T" NCEPTP4 COMCEa a_ 4C 203 ATTACHMENT #11 RESOLUTION NO. 2019-25 TO AUTHORIZE THE ISSUING OF A PERMIT TO POLLY HARGROVE OF COMMUNITY MINISTRY OF NORTH AUGUSTA TO CONDUCT A FUNDRAISING AND AWARENESS EVENT WITH SNO CAP RESTAURANT ON WEST AVENUE BETWEEN JACKSON AVENUE AND SPRING GROVE AVENUE ON SEPTEMBER 19, 2019 WHEREAS, in celebration of Community Ministry Day and groundbreaking for a new facility Polly Hargrove has requested a permit to hold a fundraising and awareness event for Community Ministry of North Augusta; and WHEREAS,the request is to hold the event on West Avenue between Jackson Avenue and Spring Grove Avenue; and WHEREAS,the event is hosted by San Cap Restamant; and WHEREAS, the event will begin at 5:30 PM and to end by 8:30 PM; and WHEREAS,the businesses on this block have been/will be made aware of the event; and WHEREAS, traffic on Jackson Avenue and Spring Grove Avenue will not be blocked; and WHEREAS, the Mayor and City Council have reviewed the request and find that the permit applied for,at the time requested is not detrimental to the health,safety,welfare or convenience of the residents of the City or other parties; and WHEREAS, such request has been timely made and complies with the Code of Ordinances for the City of North Augusta. NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Mayor and City Council of the City of North Augusta, South Carolina, in meeting duly assembled and by the authority thereof, that the request for a permit is approved as follows: 1. Time: Approx. 5:30 PM until 8:30 PM 2. Date: Thursday, September 19, 2019 3. Location: West Avenue between Jackson Avenue& Spring Grove Avenue 4. Special Conditions: Public Safety must be involved to safely block/detour traffic. 5. Bond not required DONE, RATIFIED AND ADOPTED BY THE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF NORTH AUGUSTA, SOUTH CAROLINA, ON THIS DAY OF AUGUST, 2019. ROBERT A.PETTIT,MAYOR ATTEST: SHARON LAMAR,CITY CLERK CITY OF NORTH AUGUSTA, SOUTH CAROLINA PERMIT PERMIT GRANTED TO: Community Ministry of North Augusta&Sno Cap Restaurant (with stipulations) 1) Emergency access to the street be available at all times. 2) Compliance with all noise regulations 3) The City makes no representation as to whether it is approved by the South Carolina Department of Transportation. 4) Public Safety must be involved to safely block/detour traffic. ACTIVITY: Community Ministry of North Augusta Fundraiser and Awareness Event hosted by Sno Cap Restaurant DATE/TIME: Thursday,September 19,2019; 5:30 p.m.-8:30 p.m. LOCATION: West Avenue between Jackson Avenue&Spring Grove Avenue CONTACT PERSON: Polly Hargrove Community Ministry of North Augusta Board of Directors/Event Chairperson North Augusta, SC 29841 PHONE: 803-215-0055 FAVEMAIL: pollyhargrovc@yahoo.com This permit is granted under the conditions that advertisement placards will not be affixed to any City property or public utility property(i.e.traffic signs,street signs,utility poles,or along the roadway). Further,signs erected on private property shall be removed immediately upon completion of the activity. City of North Augusta Mayor's Office By: Date: From: Polly Hargrove<oollvharerove@vahoo com> Sent:Wednesday,August 07,2019 4:49 PM To: Lamar,Sharon <SLamarCdnorthauCusta.net> Subject: Permit/Street closing Request To: Sharon Lamar, City Clerk City of North Augusta From: Community Ministry of North Augusta San Cap Restaurant Re: permit& street closing, 9/19/19 This is to request any necessary pemtit/approval for a public, family-oriented event planned for Thursday,9/19 to celebrate Community Ministry Day and groundbreaking for a new facility. The event will be a fundraiser m well as an opportunity to increase awareness of the Ministry and its mission, hosted by the SnoCap. First Baptist Church has approved use of their parking lot to allow adequate space for the event. There will be live music, inflatables,classic cars, and"stations"representing college football teams (part of the fundraising effort). The event is from 5:30 - 8:30 pm,with additional time for set-up and clean-up. On behalf of Community Ministry of North Augusta and the SnoCap, this is to request that West Avenue be closed between Jackson Ave and Spring Grove Avenue during the event,Thursday 9/19, 5:30 - 8:30 pm. Businesses on this block have been/will be made aware of the event, and traffic on Jackson and Spring Grove will not be blocked. We would also appreciate police presence at the event as deemed appropriate by city authorities. Thank you for your consideration. Please contact us with any questions. Polly Hargrove Community Ministry of North Augusta Board of Directors/Event Chairperson 803-215-0055 pollvhargrove(idyahoo.com Havird Usry Owner, Sun Cap Hav(olfatmans.com Sent from my Thone 2 ATTACHMENT #12 RESOLUTION NO. 2019-26 TO AUTHORIZE A MEMORANDUM OF AGREEMENT WITH THE SOUTH CAROLINA DEPARTMENT OF JUVENILE JUSTICE(SCDJJ) TO PROVIDE SECURE DETENTION SERVICES FOR JUVENILES (PERSONS UNDER THE AGE OF SEVENTEEN)WHO ARE CHARGED WITH COMMITTING CRIMES WITHIN THE CITY OF NORTH AUGUSTA WHEREAS, the South Carolina Constitution and state and federal law, mandate that juveniles (persons under the age of seventeen) who are held in detention be confined in separate and distinct facilities from adults (persons seventeen years of age and older) similarly confined; and WHEREAS, the City of North Augusta does not operate or manage its own detention facility forjuveniles,or otherwise have such a facility available to it for the detention of juveniles; and WHEREAS,the SCDJJ operates a facility for the detention ofjuveniles,along with an array of other residential placements for juveniles, who are awaiting their return to anotherjurisdiction or state,or awaiting their adjudication and/or dispositional hearings in the Family or General Sessions Courts of this State, which have passed all necessary state inspections or approvals, and are suitable for the detention of juveniles; and WHEREAS,the General Assembly has mandated that"the governing body of the law enforcement agency having original jurisdiction (over) where the offense occurred" be responsible for paying a portion of the costs of the detention services forjuveniles provided by SCDJJ, who are charged with committing crimes within the governing body's jurisdictional limits; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Mayor and City Council of the City of North Augusta, South Carolina is authorized to enter into the Memorandum of Agreement for the Detention of Juveniles as identified and attached hereto and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the City Administrator is authorized to execute such Agreement. DONE,RATIFIED AND ADOPTED BY THE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF NORTH AUGUSTA,SOUTH CAROLINA,ON THIS THE DAY OF AUGUST,2019. I { Robert A. Pettit, Mayor ATTEST: Sharon Lamar, City Clerk I i i 1 P.O.Boz 21069 Columbia,6C 29221-1069 South www.state.ac.usldll Y Carolina Henry McMaster D E P A R T MEN T OF Governor JUVENILE JUSTICE State of South Carolina Freddie B.Peu9h,Director June 24,2019 City of North Augusta Administrator P.O.Box 6400 North Augusta,South Carolina 29841-0400 Dear Administrator: Enclosed please find a Memorandum of Agreement(MOA)for the provision of secure detention services with the South Carolina Department of Juvenile Justice's(SCDJJ) Detention Center for fiscal year 2019- 2020. The per diem rate is $50.00 per day for any juvenile housed at our detention facility pursuant to Section 63-19-1610 of the South Carolina Code of Laws. Failure to pay amounts owed for juvenile detention services will result in SCDJJ pursuing any and all available methods of collection. This agreement will not obligate you in any way unless your ageney;deparlment chooses to, or is ordered by a court to, detain a juvenile awaiting trial or sentencing. Should you anticipate the need to use our facility anytime during the 2019 - 2020 fiscal year, please sign the enclosed contract within 30 days of receipt and return to: Department of Juvenile Justice, Attention: Jovan Haynes, Interim Facility Administrator, Juvenile Detention Center, 1725 Shivers Road, Columbia, South Carolina 29210. This agreement will not be accepted by the department if altered or amended in any way. In addition,in lieu of detainingjuveniles in SCDJJ's secure detention center,the Department has developed the Short-Tem1 Alternative Placement Program (STAP) by contracting with a number of providers throughout the state to offer alternatives to secure detention for non-violent offenders. This service of STAP is being made available at no cost to you. We would encourage you to make all public safety or local law enforcement in your jurisdiction aware of this alternative to secure detention so that they can utilize this "no cost" option, whenever they determine such to be appropriate. Additional information about these options can be obtained by contacting your local SCDJJ County Manager or by calling DJJ's Office of Community Alternatives at(803)896-9117. Should you have any questions,please contact Velvet McGowan,Interim Deputy Director of institutional Services at(803)896-9797. You timely response is appreciated. Sincerely, Freddie B.Pough Director ADMINISTRATION DEPT. FP/tkb Enclosure JV - cc: Jovan Haynes,Interim Facility Administrator of DJJ Detention Center Velvet McGowan,Interim Deputy Director of Institutional Services CITY OF NORTH AUGUSTA MEMORANDUM OF AGREEMENT FOR THE DETENTION OF JUVENILES THIS AGREEMENT is made this Ist day of July, 2019, by and between the South Carolina Department of Juvenile Justice (SCDJJ) by and through its duly authorized employee and the governing body of City of North Augusta, hereinafter referred to as CQY of North Augusta,by and through its duly authorized official and/or employee; WHEREAS, the South Carolina Constitution and state and federal law, mandate that juveniles (persons under the age of seventeen) who are held in detention be confined in separate and distinct facilities from adults (persons seventeen years of age and older) similarly confined; and WHEREAS, City of North Auausta does not operate or manage its own detention facility for juveniles,or otherwise have such a facility available to it for the detention ofjuveniles; and WHEREAS,SCDJJ operates a facility for the detention ofjuveniles,along with an may of other residential placements for juveniles, who are awaiting their return to another jurisdiction or state, or awaiting their adjudication and/or dispositional hearings in the Family or General Sessions Courts of this State, which have passed all necessary state inspections or approvals, and are suitable for the detention ofjuveniles; and WHEREAS, the General Assembly has mandated that "the governing body of the law enforcement agency having original jurisdiction (over) where the offense occurred" be responsible for paying a portion of the costs of the detention services for juveniles provided by SCDJJ, who are charged with committing crimes within the governing body's jurisdictional limits; NOW THEREFORE,in consideration of the mutual promises contained herein,it is agreed as follows: SCDJJ will admit into its Juvenile Detention Center in Columbia, and detain such juveniles in this Center, subject to its design/operational capacity and any limitations set forth in Section 63-19.830 (A), those juveniles who are charged with committing criminal/status offenses within the jurisdictional limits of the above listed entity and who have been/are: 1. qualified to be placed in secure detention (as determined by Section 63-19- 820(B),which the local law enforcement entity wishes to have detained prior to a detention hearing before the Family Court; or 2. ordered to be taken into custody and detained by the Family Court or other lawful authority; or JUVENILE DETENTION MEMORANDUM OF AGREEMENT Page 2 of 3 3. 16 years old or younger who have been waived to the Court of General Sessions to be tried as adults;or 4. 16 years old and charged as an adult with committing a Category A-D felony or any felony offense which provides for a maximum tern of imprisonment of fifteen years or more. Acceptance and retention of detainees in its Juvenile Detention Center will be on a space available basis and will be in accordance with admission and detention criteria established by SCDJJ. However,City of North Augusta agrees to remove any detainees accepted and detained under criteria 3 and 4 above,on or within one week after that detainee's 17"birthday. City of North Augusta agrees to comply with Section 63-19-1610 of the South Carolina Code of Laws which provides, "local governments utilizing the juvenile detention services provided by the Department of Juvenile Justice must pay the department a per diem of fifty dollars a day per child." Accordingly, City of North Augusta will pay SCDJJ $50.00 per 24-hour day per child. (Detention periods of between from 1 to 23 hours shall be charged as a V, day charge of$25.). Payments to SCDJJ are to be made on a monthly basis as the costs accrue. SCDJJ agrees to bill City of North Augusta on a monthly basis; said bills to he sent on or before the 15" day of the month after the month where the costs are incurred, with payment to be made on or before the first (is' ) day of the following month. If City of North Augusta fails to make payment within 30 days of receipt of an invoice for detention services, SCDJJ make take any and all available measures to collect on the outstanding debt. SCDJJ agrees to periodically provide City of North Augusta with a report on City of North Augusta's use of the SCDJJ Detention Facility. This report will reflect the status ofjuveniles being detained for periods greater than 30 days. Pursuant to South Carolina Code Section 63-19-360, the `local law enforcement agency having jurisdiction where the offense was committed" shall be responsible for transporting all juveniles to and from DJJ's Juvenile Detention Center. However, a local law enforcement entity may enter into agreements with other local law enforcement agencies or other entities for transporting of a juvenile to and from SCDJJ's Juvenile Detention Center,and the fact that a particular local law enforcement agency or entity transports a juvenile to or from SCDJJ shall not be determinative as to which law enforcement agency hasjurisdiction over the offense committed or necessarily obligate the governing board of the transporting entity to pay for the cost of thatjuvenile's detention. In accordance with Act#571 of 1990,relating to Juvenile Detention and consistent with the criteria outlined in DJJ Community Services Policies and Procedures (SCDJJ Detention Screening Process; Policy Number F-7.0),no juvenile shall be placed in and/or transported to,a SCDJJ detention facility until law enforcement has notified SCDJJ and SCDJJ has conducted a detention screening,or until a Family Court Judge has determined that placement in secure detention is appropriate. JUVENILE DETENTION MEMORANDUM OF AGREEMENT Page 3 of 3 City of North Augusta shall provide the SCDJJ Juvenile Detention Center with all relevant information pertaining to the juvenile, including medical history/limitations/pre-existing conditions, known psychological and psychiatric problems, charges pending before the court, and completed screening or detention forms if such records or information are in the possession of, or otherwise known to,the transporting law enforcement agency. SCDJJ's Juvenile Detention Center shall have the right to refuse admission when a juvenile is presented for placement without an appropriate detention order signed by the Court or detention referral papers, completed and signed by a SCDJJ employee or screening agent. SCDJJ's Juvenile Detention Center shall also have the right to refuse admission when ajuvenile is deemed inappropriate by the Center for placement due to psychological/psychiatric problems, age, history, not meeting referral/admissions criteria,indications of alcohol or other drug intoxication,medical condition which requires emergency or immediate medical care or treatment or for any other reason which puts the Center at risk, should such a juvenile be accepted. SCDJJ shall not be financially responsible for the cost of medical Gaze provided to a juvenile detained in its juvenile detention center for any injury,illness,condition, or medical need that pre-existed the juvenile's admission to its Detention Center. Detention services provided by SCDJJ shall commence upon execution of this contract and terminate, unless this contract is reauthorized and renewed, on July 1, 2020. Either party may cancel this agreement upon thirty(30)days' written notice. Sums paid or payable under this contract shall not exceed$ for fiscal year 2019-2020 as determined by both parties. However,ifjuveniles continue to be presented for secure detention by City of North Augusta once the above budgeted amount has been reached, City of North Augusta agrees to pay for the cost of any additional detainees as provided for in the paragraph addressing detention rates. APPROVED: co?�, Administrator/Manager Freddie B. Pough,Director (or other Authorized Official) South Carolina Department of Juvenile Justice July 1.2019 Date Date ATTACHMENT #13 RESOLUTION NO. 2019-27 ESTABLISHING AND AGREEING TO PARTICIPATE IN THE HOMETOWN HEROES PROJECT WITH THE AIKEN COUNTY VETERANS COUNCIL WHEREAS,the Aiken County Veterans Council(ACVC)has adopted the Hometown Heroes Project and has extended an invitation to the City of North Augusta to participate in its efforts to visibly honor veterans who have served our country by displaying veterans' names, photographs, branch and specific war or conflict on customized vinyl banners along the City's roadways;and WHEREAS, there are currently more than 1400 veterans living in the City of North Augusta; and WHEREAS, the City of North Augusta, South Carolina desires to partner with the Aiken County Veterans Council for administration of project; and WHEREAS, the City of North Augusta, South Carolina desires to include veterans who have lived in North Augusta at any time during the past or present; are active duty, retired, honorably discharged, KLA or MIA in any branch (including Merchant Marine or WASP during WWII)for any war or conflict; living or deceased; and BE IT FUTHER RESOLVED that the Mayor and City Council of City of North Augusta, South Carolina have determined the following: I. That it is in the best interest of the City to support the Hometown Heroes Project. 2. That the City will participate and support the project by distributing information about the project; distributing applications for participation to local veterans and their friends and families;and by hanging the banners on City poles and storing the banners. 3. That the ACVC will be responsible for collecting all applications; collecting fees associated with purchasing the banners; and preparing the banners to be hung. DONE, RATIFIED AND ADOPTED BY THE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF NORTH AUGUSTA,SOUTH CAROLINA,ON THIS DAY OF AUGUST, 2019. Robert A. Pettit,Mayor ATTEST: Sharon Lamar,City Clerk HOMETOWN HEROES PROJECT • A personal and visible way to honor military veterans 2 weeks prior to Veterans Day and again before Memorial Day through July 4 • Double-sided vinyl banners with individual photographs of men and women in uniform (2 veterans per banner)with their branch and specific war/conflict would hang from lamp posts in downtown North Augusta • Eligibility: honorably discharged veteran who has lived here in the oast or is a current resident • Cost-$75 per veteran (family with 2 veterans could purchase entire banner for$150) • Cost borne by individual veterans,families, private donations,or businesses and will be tax deductible. • "Scholarship'for deserving veteran(s) unable to afford the cost • Application process includes submission of DD 214 form&photograph of veteran in uniform. Applications availble on ACVC website (www aikencountvveterans.orR); paper copies via Dwight Brandham's office @ County Building(University Pkwy),Aiken County Library system(ABBE), and North Augusta City Hall • Applications reviewed by committee of Veteran Service Organizations to verify veterans' DD214 and dates of service for authenticity • Any funds raised in excess will be retained in the ACVC treasury. After program closes, any remaining funds donated to the Veterans in Need(VIN)fund to assist Aiken County veterans • With permission,an online archive could be created to capture information about each veteran, including biography and anecdotal information about their service • Banner example: i �A i l3 � 4yy _ � n das_s� Aiken Hometown Heroes Banner Program Full name of person in photo: Service era(see below-) Military branch(Army,Navy,Marine Corps,Air Force,Coast Guard) Is the veteran: Living_Deceased_Killed in Action_Missing in Action Name of person submitting photo: Relationship to veteran: Phone number: Address: E-mail address: PHOTO RELEASE FORM I hereby grant Aiken County Veterans Council permission to use the attached photo,which is a likeness of me,my relative,or person being sponsored in the Hometown Heroes Banner Program without payment or other consideration to me. Photos will be returned to person completing the form. Signature Date Printed Name -Era of Service—Official Department of Defense Dates- Global War on Terror September 11,2001—Present Desert Storm January 17, 1991—Present Persian Gulf August 2, 1990—August 31, 1991 Cold War September 2, 1945—December 26, 1991 Vietnam Era February 28, 1961—May 7,1975 Korean Conflict Era lune 27,1950—January 31, 1955 WWII December 7,1941—December 31, 1946 WWI April 6,1917—November 11, 1918 NOTE:Submit completed form,photo of veteran in uniform,a copy of the veterans DD 214 form(discharge paper),and a check for$75 made payable to Aiken County Veterans Council(ACVC)with"Hometown Heroes"in memo line to: Aiken County Veterans Council,1930 University Parkway,Suite 3600,Aiken,SC 29801. Deadline for submission: Sept 20,2019. For more information,go to the ACVC website: www.aikencountvveterans.org