081219 Study Session Mins Adopted North g -U /, �'d Au usta South Carolina's Riuerfront MINUTES OF AUGUST 12.2019 Robert A. Pettit, Mayor J Robert Brooks, Councilmember Pat C. Carpenter, Councilmember Fletcher L. Dickert, Councilmember David W McGhee, Councilmember Eric H. Presnell, Councilmember Kevin W. Toole, Councilmember ORDER OFBUSLNESS Q STUDY SESSION The study session for the City Council meeting of the City of North Augusta of August 12, 2019, having been duly publicized, was called to order by Mayor Pettit at 6:03 p.m. in the Council Conference room on the third floor of the Municipal Center and adjourned at 7:29 p.m. Per Section 30-4-80(e) notice of the meetings by email was sent out to the current maintained "Agenda Mailout" list consisting of news media outlets and individuals or companies requesting notification. Notice of the meetings was also posted on the outside doors of the Municipal Center, the main bulletin board of the Municipal Center located on the first floor, and the City of North Augusta website. Members present were Mayor Pettit and Councilmembers Brooks, Carpenter, Dickert, McGhee, Presnell, and Toole. Also in attendance were B. Todd Glover, City Administrator; Rachelle Moody, Assistant City Administrator; Kelly F. Zier, City Attomery; Cammie T. Hayes, Director of Finance; J. D. McCauley,Manager of Human Resources; and Sharon Lamar, City Clerk. Members of the public and media were also in attendance. ITEM 1. HOMETOWN HEROES PROJECT: Presentation to Council OLinda Caldwell, Treasurer, Aiken County Veterans Council, spoke to Council about the Hometown Heroes Project. Minutes of Study Session of August 12,2019 - Please see ATTACHMENT#1 for the Power Point presentation and other supporting Odocuments. Council responded positively to the initiative to honor our veterans by displaying banners beside the City's roadways. Ms. Caldwell shared there are over 1400 veterans registered with the Aiken County Veterans Council that live in the North Augusta zip code. It was the consensus of Council to move forward to make plans to bring this project to the City. ITEM 2 PARKS RECREATION, & TOURISM: Council Discussion of Riverside Village Amphitheater and Park Contract Council continued discussion of the Riverside Village Amphitheater and Park contract after tabling the resolution brought before them at the August 5, 2019 regular meeting. Charlie Hall of Alfred Benesch&Company and Todd Brown of R. D. Brown Contractors were in attendance to answer Council's questions. Mr. Hall shared a presentation that included the general background of the project and an explanation of the value engineering exercise that produced the final plans. Councilmembers shared their opinions and observations. After some debate of the plan design, funding, and timeline, Council agreed to re-consider the resolution at their next regular meeting. Please see ATTACHMENT#2 for supporting documents. OThere being no further business, Council adjourned the meeting at 7:29 p.m. APPROVED THIS 19sT DAY OF Respectfully submitted, AUGU 19. Nm.4/�.61(.. �� t Sharon Lamar Robert A. PetfiT,Mayor City Clerk O 8/13/2019 ATTACHMENT #1 HOMETOWN HEROES August iz, zoi9 North Augusta City Council-Work Session Linda Caldwell BACKGROUND/GOALS • Program is nationwide — not sure where/when it started • Provides visible way to honor veterans who have served • Feedback from othertowns— very positive • Not "reinventing the wheel" • Witnessed firsthand in June zoig — New Jersey • Adopted by Aiken County Veterans Council (ACVC) at 5 August zoig meeting SCOTCH PLAINS • OD EXPERIENCE • First year: 54 from SP, z5 from Fanwood; next year: 13.4from SP, 56 Fanwood • Placement of photos—honored family requests 15c year; 2nd year —random Group KIA/POW/MIA in one section of town Businesses invited to sponsor a veteran, e.g. a person who worked for them Had 2 volunteers from each town, plus 2 from VSO to confirm/validate paperwork C Lived in Aiken County at any time during past or present Active duty, retired, honorably discharged, KIA or MIA in any branch (including Merchant Marine or WASP during WWII) for any war or conflict Living or deceased individuals can be honored Could consider including police, firefighters, first responders at some point in the future BANNERS - AIKEN COUNTY • 28" x 5' - name, photograph, branch, specific war or conflict • Can include Purple Heart, Bronze or Silver Star awards • Banners can be made to fit North Augusta's existing banner brackets • Double-sided = z people/banner • Vinyl-expected to last - io years UPAI y i Jack Treadw/e4 �Wort� Jack Tr_ eadweU ( o WTUVWv/,n Ii HERRo 1 L •I+as �M12N�ffiprtF � i ut 09mltwt Ajit rsR l lONkI IVhK?I' turns ft pAn •- •• 1lvlAnpll h r dl ,F.Ildc . 116Mg1L. LOGISTICS/COST Need City Council buy in—banners hung and removed by DPW • Banners hang: • Before Veterans Day until Christmas decorations go up • Before Memorial Day until after July q • Storage&cleaning—ACVC will assist; need to ID storage facility in North Augusta • Banner cost- $75/side for 28"x 5' Funding - private donations from veterans, families, businesses, local charities(tax-exempt) Additional money collected used to pay for veterans or families unable to afford a banner REGISTERING • Veterans or family members of deceased submit: • Application form • Photograph of veteran in uniform • Documentation of service- honorable discharge (DD 214) • Application form available on ACVC website; paper version in Aiken County Veterans Affairs office, Aiken County Library system (ABBE), or City Halls • Returned forms: upload to ACVC website - dedicated Hometown Heroes section; return to ABBE libraries, City Halls— oickun by ACVC volunteers ACVC website Aiken Standard—ads and articles VSOs—websites, club houses - Communities—Aiken, North Augusta, New Ellenton,Wagener • Flyers on community, organization, church bulletin boards, schools, JROTC units • Social media • Word-of-mouth 8/13/2019 FUNDRAISING/FUTURE DIRECTION • Dedicated fund within ACVC treasury • Donations are tax-deductible for donors • Funds raised in excess will be used to purchase banners for those veterans with no funding • AfterX number of years, any remaining funds retained by ACVC given to supportVeterans In Need programs •With veteran/family permission, an online archive could be created to collect and maintain information about the veterans, e.g. photo, biography, anecdotal stories HOMETOWN HEROES PROJECT • A personal and visible way to honor military veterans 2 weeks prior to Veterans Day and again before Memorial Day through July 4 • Double-sided vinyl banners with individual photographs of men and women in uniform (2 veterans per banner)with their branch and specific war/conflict would hang from lamp posts in downtown North Augusta • Eligibility: honorably discharged veteran who has lived here in the oast or is a current resident • Cost-$75 per veteran (family with 2 veterans could purchase entire banner for$150) • Cost borne by individual veterans,families, private donations,or businesses and will be tax deductible. • 'Scholarship'for deserving veteran(s) unable to afford the cost • Application process includes submission of DD 214 form &photograph of veteran in uniform. Applications availble on ACVC website (www aikencountvveterans.ore);paper copies via Dwight Brandham's office @ County Building(University Pkwy),Aiken County Library system (ABBE), and North Augusta City Hall • Applications reviewed by committee of Veteran Service Organizations to verify veterans DD214 and dates of service for authenticity • Any funds raised in excess will be retained in the ACVC treasury. After program closes, any remaining funds donated to the Veterans in Need (VIN)fund to assist Aiken County veterans • With permission,an online archive could be created to capture information about each veteran, C • including biography and anecdotal information about their service • Banner example: Fri E i C C � Aiken Hometown Heroes Banner Program Full name of person in photo: Service era(see below') Military branch(Army, Navy,Marine Corps,Air Force,Coast Guard) Is the veteran: Living_Deceased_Killed in Action_Missing in Action Name of person submitting photo: Relationship to veteran: Phone number: Address: E-mail address: PHOTO RELEASE FORM I hereby grant Aiken County Veterans Council permission to use the attached photo,which is a likeness of me,my relative,or person being sponsored In the Hometown Heroes Banner Program without payment or other consideration to me. Photos will be returned to person completing the form. Signature Date Printed Name 'Era of Service-Official Department of Defense Dates' Global War on Terror September 11,2001-Present Desert Storm January 17,1991-Present Persian Gulf August 2, 1990-August 31,1991 Cold War September 2,1945-December 26,1991 Vietnam Era February 28, 1961-May 7, 1975 Korean Conflict Era June 27, 1950-January 31,1955 WWII December 7,1941-December 31,1946 WWI April 6, 1917-November 11, 1918 NOTE:Submit completed form,photo of veteran in uniform,a copy of the veterans DD 214 form(discharge paper),and a check for$75 made payable to Aiken County Veterans Council(ACVC)with"Hometown Heroes"in " memo line to: Aiken County Veterans Council,1930 University Parkway,Suite 3600,Aiken,SC 29801. Deadline `..- for submission: Sept 20,2019. For more information,go to the ACVC website: www.aikencountyveterans.org esch b e n e s c h Alhed Bad Street, t,Company 1005 Broad Street,Suite 100 Augusta,GA 30901 www.benesch.com ATTACHMENT#2 i 067226219 Monday, April 15, 2019 North Augusta Amphitheater Park @ Riverside Village Post Bid Discussion&Analysis Discussion Items 1. Available budget 2. Review Comparative Tables using the cut &fill numbers from both contractors.This analysis quickly equalizes the bids. 3. Unit number comparison table for the unit price items. 4. Retaining wall deductive costs. 5. Electrical cost to meter($75,000) 6. Can the City self-perform any of the work? 7. Concerns with finish quality of work based on recently completed GreenJacket stadium (same subcontractor) B. Scope: See markup plan for options to date. Fie name PaRecipiente2 {/�^ Panel= benesch BID ANALYSIS BID SUMMARY TABLE: R.D. Brown Contractors I R.W.Allen , . Co# CBO" TOTALBID $3,1850000 ID $3,338 956 00 DIFFERENCE=$153,956(4.534'%) CUT-FILL COST IMPACT ANALYSIS: R D BROWN E$90,046.67 ALLEN AREA DEPTH VOLUME DEPTH ADD TOTAL COST TOTAL COST 40521 1 3002 1 FOOT $180,093.33 $3,365,093.33 $3,429,002.6740521 2 6003 2 FEET $360,186.67 $3,545,186.67 $3,519,049.3340521 5 15008 5 FEET $900,466.67 $4,085,466.67 $3,789,189.3340521 10 30016 10 FEET $1,800,933.33 $4,985,933.33 $4,239,422.6740521 15 45023 15 FEET $2,701,400.00 $5,886,400.00 0 $4,689,656.00 C (Note: Cut and Fill computed for each figure as cut and fill are priced separately) ADDITIVE ITEMS COST ANALYSIS: BID# DESCRIPTION UNIT R D BROWNIR W ALLEN ESTIMATE AA #57 STONE INSTALED TON 580.00 $50.00 $30.00 BB #4 STONE INSTALLED TON $80.00 $50.00 $35.00 CC NON-WOVEN GEOTEXrILE FABRIC INSTALLED (US 180NW) SV $8.00 $6.00 $4.00 DD WOVEN GEOTEXIILE FABRIC, INSTALLED(US 250) SY $8.00 $6.00 $4.00 EE GEOTEXRLE GEOGRID, INSTALLED Geo nd, Basand 11 SV $12.00 $10.00 $8.00 FF EXCAVATION 8 DISPOSAL OF UNSUITABLE MATERIALS CY $60.00 $30.00 $25.00 GG SELECT BACKFILL Al INSTALLED CY $60.00 $35.00 $25.00 C He name NORTH AUGUSTA AMPHITHEATER PARK @ RIVERSIDE VILLAGE BIO FORM (inn R.O.Brown Canlnctors R.W.Allen Oonctructlon PAY REM DE4CRIP)pN UNIT VUANTIY I UXITCOST TOTAL ONR COST TOTAL \I 1 DEMOLRIONBCLEARING,COMPLETE LB 1 SN.NS 001 SGV.. SM 62600 580.626.00 2 GRADING COMPI£TE LS 1 SD..?0D 5265.3IX.W $12115090 S12I,15000 3 ELECTRICAL SERVICE TO METER LS 1 $75.70. $75.07000 $1.25.. $124,650.c0 4 ELECTROALLIGHTING,COMPLETE LS 1 $230,]9[50 5230,]80,A WOLSD0DO $250,0]0 CO 5 ELECTRICAL,OTHER LS 1 558,01060 $59010. 25430000 554,3.D3 6 IRRIWTION,COMPLETE LS 1 541.623. 541,623.D3 SSS.W1.00 $58,50100 ] LANDSCAPING.COMPLETE LS 1 $77,I1B. $7],]1900 21]54]400 SINA..0 B TOWERS' '&T',COMPLETE LS 1 $231.8. $231..9. $2.,Kil.. $2.,.3.. 9 GREENFNAY ENTRY FEATURESHEACH) LS 1 $K925.. $18.5. $2222.. E RSES.. 10 HARDSCAPE GREENEWAY TRAIL.COMPLETE LS 1 S12BED90 5120,93.. $10].58200 5107.552.. 11 HAROSCAPE ALL OTHER.COMPLETE LS 1 50].8.. $MI.S.DO 5654]42.00 53$7,]42.00 12 AMPHITHEATER,COMPLETE LS 1 $81]915 $1]128700 $275,615. 32]5,fi1500 13 SPLASH PAD,COR IEIE L6 1 $291981. $201,98190 590,075 W $270,075. A FEATURE FOUNTAINS,COMPLETE L6 1 Q]9,4.. $..... $289,528.. 3288 526 15 WATER UTILRY LS 1 $102.18500 3102165.. $77.425. $77.00 16 SHADE SHELTERS,COMPLETE BEACH) FA 0 530.910.. 5155,9... $3599050 $143,962.D0 17 STREET FURNITURE INSTALIATKIN LS 1 $10791. $IBNT.SO SAM C0 $786. 1B STORM DRAINAGE,COMPLETE L6 1 $201,514. $201814. 597,11000 58].41000 19 RETAINING WALLS,COMPLETE LS 1 51M.9S. 2105,058. B...... $108,.8.. 2D EROSIONLONTROL,COMPLETE L6 1 5.,131.00 $60131. 550.]]5. $W,]]5.DO 21 MOBILIZATION LS 1 $1922999] SIM 298 SA156.. UlES50.00 22 BONDS LS 1 $264.1 520406.00 $23 WE. $23.386E0 TOTAL BASE BID 53.555.868.So ADDITIONAL ITEMS NOT IDENTIFIED ON PLANS ,.rrnn� AA 95]STONE INSTALEO TON NIA $.. 550. 30 BB .STONEINSTALLED TON NO SBD.. $50.. 4D LC N ry890MY1 BY N/A $8. 56. 5 DO WOVEN GEOTE%TILS FABRIC,6INSTALLED(US 2501 BY N. S. $A 5 EE GEOTEXTiE GECORI0, NOULLEO IGe,NnG,BIHOT 11) BY NIA $1?. $10. 10 IF EICWATWX I O11OSAL OF UNALFARLE 50$775$25[$ CY NIA SAB $30. 25 GG BELECT BALI(FILL AT INSTALLED CY N. SSD. $35OF 25 DEDUCTNEALTERNATES DI DEDUCTIVE ALTERNATE 41 LS 1 $15 CM. Slq.3.. 5],5$790 $15.. 02 DEDUCTIVE ALTERNATE N2 LS E3 OEOUCTVE ALTERNATE S3 LB ADDALTERNATES Al ADO ALTERN. L6 A2 ADO ALWRNATEN LS ADDENDA S DATE INITLLLS IXIML$ AE1 ADOENDUM 21 ABC AOOEHOUM. AD3 ADOENOUMW ACI AWENOUMK AOS ADOENOUM pS ADB ADDENOUMM A07 AODENDUMM] A09 TURNDUM SB AMD 89 \ i 7 0 W I�GI} '- a.rica�ro�v _y j#benesch North Augustam s` Amphitheater Park at Riverside Village NN ^ North Augusta Peds McMahon.R qf/ Ri ,'(w •,�•� { •� Tour s,�e.P_a 4 Vie - ..7 _. R r y. atm R`I GRADING i DEVELOPMENT PLAN \Po.... ,.,<—k. gym. - -- ` ....y„ mo P WT06 908Sd—{� ,Do, J917.,� /''GAS T ftA raO FT \RLG, ss, Nk U 0 Q �omsmv o enowa 4"Po4101�` 9oW1@— '`,� BAa v i i i� �l n prV.,,yrp ,F Nat Ni^'— V.E. COAIGM 5