071519 Council Mtg Agenda North r Augusta'/ soadt Carolina's Muerf om AGENDA: CITY OF NORTH AUGUSTA REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING July 15,2019—Municipal Butiding-100 Georgia Avenue,3rd Floor-7:00 P.M. CITIZEN COMMENTS: Citizens may speak to Mayor and City Council on each item listed on this agrxrda. Mayo,Pettit will can for your comments primio City Council discussing the matter. Citizens 1' t dd M d City Council are renuired t submit S k F t Ili C't CI k before dd 'n Mavor and City Council. Forms are provided on the credenza at the rnirance b the Council Chambe¢ 6nzen comments are limned to 0le mmuns. PODIUM SECURITY: (1)Any person addressing Council may,bring paper documents,handouts.etc.to the Podium. If desired, such handouts may be delivered to the City Clerk or if requested.aCity staff member will distribute to Council members. (2) If the speaker desires to utilize nun-paper items for demonstration purposes.airy such items MUST be cleared by Public Safety before being taken to the Podium area. (3) Items requiring this clearing by Public Safety would include but not be limited to pocketbooks. briefcases.sacks,boxes,or any similar containers. This requirement would apply whether r not such items are to be utilized in the presentation. CITIZEN ASSISTANCE: Individuals needing special csist"ce or sign interpreter to participate in the meeting,please notify the Administration Department 48 homy prior to the meeting. 1. CALL TO ORDER: 2. INVOCATION AND PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE: 3, ROLL CALL: 4. APPROVAL OF MINUTES: Regular and study session meeting minutes of July 1,2019 S. COMMUNITY PROMOTION: Proclamation—Americans with Disabilities AR Awareness Day,July 26,2019 UNFINISHED BUSINESS 6. ANNEXATION: Property Located Along Bradley Drive,Thaxton Court,and Bradley Court,Aiken County Tax Parcel Numbers 012-14-06-065, 012-14-06-066, 012-14-06-067, 012-14-06-069, 012-14-06-070, 012-14-06-074,012-14-06-075,012-14-06-076, 012-14-06-084, and 012-14-06-085; AND 012-14- 08-007, 012-14-08-008,012-14-08-009, 012-14-08-010, 012-14-08-011, 012-14-06-068, 012-14-06- 073,012-14-06-077,and 012-14-06-082;AND 012-14-06-071.t 5.42 Acres Ordinance No. 2019-05 - To Change the Corporate Limits of the City of North Augusta by Annexing+/-5.42 Arms of Properly Located Along Bradley Drive,Thaxton Can",and Bradley Court and Owned by Summer Lakes Development,LLC.Ordinance,Third and Final Reading 7, PLANNING&DEVELOPMENT: Ordinance No.2019-09—Abandoning a Platted,But Unopened, Unimproved Road Right-of-Way Shown on a Plat for Paul D. Brewer and Barbara C.Coleman dated June 22,2005 in the City of North Augusta.Ordinance,Third and Final Reading 8. ZONING: Ordinance No.2019-07-To Amend the Zoning Map of the City of North Augusta,South Carolina by Rezoning f2.41 Acres of Land Owned by the City of North Augusta,and Located at 1220 and 1220 Y Georgia Avenue,Aiken County Tax Parcels k 007-07-06-003 and 007-07-06-004,From R-74, Large lot Single-Family Residential,to P,Public Use.Ordinance,Third and Final Reading 9. ZONING: Ordinance No.2019-06- To Amend Article 3,Zoning Districts,Related to the Public Use(P) Special Zoning District,ofthe North Augusta,Development Code,Chapter I8 of the City of North Augusta,South Carolina Code of Ordinances.Ordinance,Third and Final Reading NEW BUSINESS 10. CITY PROPERTY: Ordinance No.2019-10—To Grant Easements to Dominion Energy for Underground Conversion along W.Five Notch Road.Ordinance;First and Second Reading it. PRESENTATIONS/COMMUNICATIONS/RECOGNITION OF VISITORS: A. Cit zen Comments At this time,citizens may speak to Mayor and City Council regarding matters not listed on the agenda Citizens wishing to address Mayor and City Council are required to submit a Speaker Farm to the City Clerk before addressing Mayor and City Council. Forms are provided on the credenza at the entrance to the Council Chambers. Citizen comments are limited to five minutes. B. Council Comments 12. ADJOURNMENT: North Augusta South Carolinas Pouerfront Thank you for attending tonight's meeting of the North Augusta City Council To assure every cRizen's privilege to speak to City Council and to maintain proper decorum the following sections of the City's Code of ordinances are reprinted. Sec.2-57. Order and decorum generally. (a) By council members.While the council is in session,the members must preserve order and decorum,and a member shall not,by conversation or otherwise,delay or interrupt the proceedings or the peace of the council, or disturb any member while speaking or refuse to obey the orders of the council or its presiding officer,except as otherwise herein provided. (b) By other persons.Any person making personal,impertinent,or slanderous remarks or who shall become boisterous while addressing the council shall be forthwith,by the presiding officer,barred from further audience before the council,unless permission to continue be granted by a majority vote of the council. Sec.2-62. Addressing council--Permission required;exceptions. Any person desiring to address the council shall first secure the permission of the presiding officer so to do. Sec.2.63. Same—Procedure. Each person addressing the council shall step up in front of the rail,shall give such persons time and address in an audible tone of voice for the records,and unless further time is granted by the council,shall limit the address to five(5)minutes.All remarks shall be addressed to the council as a body and not to any member thereof.No person, other than the council and the person having the Boor,shall be permitted to enter into any discussion,either directly or through a member of the council,without the permission of the presiding officer.No question shall be asked a council member except through the presiding officer. Sec.2.64. Persons authorized to be within nil. No person, except city officials Or their representatives shall be permitted within the tail in front of the council chamber without the express consent of the council.