RES 2019-23 Adopted 0 0 RESOLUTION NO. 2019-23 AUTHORIZING THE CITY TO ENTER INTO A JOINT FUNDING AGREEMENT WITH THE UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR UNITED STATES GEOLOGICAL SURVEY (USGS)TO ACQUIRE AND PROCESS LIGHT DETECTING AND RANGING (LIDAR)IMAGES AND DATA. WHEREAS,the City is partnering with the USGS and multiple South Carolina Counties and Municipalities to implement the South Carolina Savannah Pee Dee 2019 B19 County LIDAR Acquisition project; and, Whereas, through the project,the City and other partners will acquire a high- resolution digital elevation data set of mixed QLI and QL2 data developed from LIDAR;and, Whereas, the City will contribute $10,000 towards the costs related to obtaining the QLI data from the LIDAR imaging; and, Whereas, the City will benefit from acquisition of the QLI and QL2 data for future flood control modeling, building footprint documentation, grading plans and other urban planning projects. NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Mayor and City Council of the City of North Augusta, South Carolina,have determined the following: 1. That it is in the best interest of the City to enter into a Joint Funding Agreement to acquire and process QLI and QL2 LIDAR data. 2. That the requirements of the Joint Funding Agreement related to obtaining the LIDAR images and data are reasonable and the City is capable of complying with such requirements. 3. That the City's financial contribution for this project shall not exceed$10,000. 4. That the City Administrator is specifically authorized to execute any and all documents required by USGS for the purpose of obtaining LIDAR data. DONE,RATIFIED AND ADOPTED BY THE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF NORTH AUGUSTA,SOUTH CAROLINA,ON THIS � DAY/OFF AUGUST,2019. Robert A.Pettit, Mayor ATTEST: �p OS A�Ytt.GkJ Sharon Lamar, City Clerk O O =,. United States Department of the Interior cna Omer": - United States Geological Survey Agreement q: National Geospatial Technical Operations Center TINN: 57-6001069 U.S.Geological Survey U.S.Geological Survey 1400 Independence Road PO Box 25046 MS 510 Fixed Cost:No Rolla,MO 65401 Denver,CO 80225 Joint Funding Agreement For South Carolina Savannah Pee Dee 2019 B19 This agreement is entered into as ofthe day of by the U.S.GEOLOGICAL SURVEY,UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF INTERIOR party ofthe first part,and North Augusta,South Carolina ,party ofthe second pan. 1) The parties hereto agree that subject to the availability ofappropriations and in accordance with their respective authorities there shall be maintained in cooperation a project to acquire and process Light Detecting and Ranging(LiDAR)derived high-resolution elevation data to be collected over an area of approximately 17,980 square miles encompassing 28 and 2 partial counties in South Carolina. herein called the program,see attached statement of work.The USGS legal authority is 43 USC 36C;43 USC 50;and 43 USC 50b. 2) The following amounts shal I be contributed to coverall of the cost of the necessary field and analytical work directly related to this program.2(b)includes In-Kind Services in the amount of. $0.00 a) by the party ofthe first part during the period Amount Date Date $0.00 Date of Last Signature To July 7,2024 b) by the party ofthe second part during the period Amount Date Date $ 10,000.00 Date of Last Signature To July 7,2024 c) Additional Information on other potential partners contributing to this program through separate agreements(Participants and funding amounts are DrOlected and are subiect to change): Participant Amount Estimated Total of Separate Areements: $000 d) All contributions are subject to the 5%on NET GPSC special rate assessment which will be deducted from the dollar figure in section 2b.This assessment is to cover GPSC(Geospatial Products and Services Contract)program management and oversight. e) The National Geospatial Program provides leadership for USGS geospatial coordination,production and service activities.The Program engages partners to develop standards and produce consistent and Page 1 of 3 Office a Poker and Analysis Approval a 2019EG 00856 April 2019 0 accurate data through its National Map Liaisons.Operational support is provided by the National Gcospatial Technical Operations Center.These and other Program activities that are essential to the National Spatial Data Infrastructure(NSDI)are managed as a unified portfolio that benefits geospatial information users throughout the Nation. f) This Agreement can be changed or amended only by a written instrument signed by the Parties.This Agreement may be terminated by either Party on sixty(60)days written notice to the other Party.in the event of an early termination,USGS shall be reimbursed for any completed work or work in progress on the effective date of termination(i.e.,when the Agreement actually terminates following the receipt of written notice from the other Party). Any unspent advanced funds will be returned to Partner. The USGS shall provide a copy of the outcomes completed as of the effective date of termination in the event of an early termination of the Agreement. 3) The costs of this program may be paid by either party in conformity with the laws and regulations respectively governing each party. 4) The field and analytical work pertaining to this program shall be under the direction of or subject to periodic review by an authorized representative of the party of the first part. 5) The areas to be included in the program shall be determined by mutual agreement between the panics hereto or their authorized representatives.The methods employed in the field and office shall be those adopted by the party of the first part to insure the required standards of accuracy subject to modification by mutual agreement. 6) During the course of this program,all field and analytical work of either party pertaining to this program shall be open to the inspection of the other party,and if the work is not being carried on in a mutually satisfactory manner,either party may terminate this agreement upon 60 days written notice to the other parry with compensation to USGS for work performed to that point. 7) The original records resulting from this program will be deposited in the office of origin of those records. Upon request,copies of the original records will be provided to the office of the other party. 8) Each Party is free to publish the information and data developed in the performance of the statement of work (SOW). The Parties acknowledge that scientific information and data developed using USGS funds or contracts as a result of the SOW are subject to applicable USGS Fundamental Science Practices(FSP)review,approval, and release requirements,which are available in Survey Manual Chapter 502.4,Fundamental Science Practices- Review, Approval and Release of Information Products, The USGS is required to provide timely public access to the results of scientific information and data that does not contain sensitive protected information. Data and associated metadata will be open format and publicly accessible. The data and metadata will also be open access and machine readable in accordance with USGS FSP requirements available in Survey Manual Chanter 502.7,Fundamental SciencePractices-M t data for USGS Scientific Information Products Including Data and Survey Manual Chapter 502.8, Fundamental Science Practices-Review and Approval of Scientific Data for Release. 9) USGS will issue billines utilizing Department of Interior Bill for Collection(form DI-1040).The USGS will submit invoices on a monthly basis,based on actual expenses,independent of product delivery. Payments of bills are due within 60 days the billing date.If not paid by the due date,interest will be charged at the U.S.Treasury Current Value of Funds Rate for each 30-day period,or portion thereof,that the payment is delayed beyond the due date.(31 USC 3717;Comptroller General File B-212222,August 23, 7983.)". 10) The Task Order issued by USGS to the selected GPSC Contractor provides full details regarding project collection requirements and resulting deliverables. A copy of the Task Order will be provided to the partner prior to the Request for Proposal. 11) Every effort will be made to award contract(s)to complete the objective of this program. However,if the total funding amount is not sufficient to complete the work as described,then adjustments will be made to either obtain additional funding or the project will be re-scoped to the mutual satisfaction of all stakeholders. Partners will be notified of any excess funds after task award.Upon notification,partners have 30 days to choose,in collaboration with USGS,to have excess funds applied to a re-scoped or new task order. If Partners do not make a decision within 30 days,the excess funds will be returned to the Partners. Page 2 of 3 Off,e of Polity and Analysis Approval a 2019EG-00856 April 2019 0 0 12) If data acquisition cannot be completed during a single season due to unacceptable capture conditions,then it is possible that the remaining AOI would be acquired during the next suitable collection window which may or may not be in the same calendar year. 13) If data is to be collected over military properties then DOD clearance may be required. Should unexpected restrictions affect access to data over military properties,then only federal funds will be applied to these areas. 14) Data acquired concerning federally recognized Tribal lands may not be published by the USGS if the Tribe objects in writing to public release of any products identified by the Tribe as sensitive protected information resulting from the lidar acquisition over their lands.All other project area data outside of the Tribal lands boundaries will be published.Collected sensitive protected information may be released to specific third parties where written permission is granted to the USGS by affected Tribes conditioned upon that Party agreeing not to distribute the identified sensitive data and(or)information publicly. 15) For agreements that are associated with,or become associated with Broad Agency Announcement(BAA) proposals for 3DEP projects prior to BAA selection,the execution of this agreement does not guarantee any commitment of USGS funds,nor does the execution of the agreement constitute greater consideration of any related proposal under the BAA selection process. U.S.Geological Survey United States North Augusta,South Carolina Department of the Interior USGS Point of Contact Partner Point of Contact Name: George F Heleine Name: Kevin Whaley Address: Address: 308 South Airport Rd. 100 Georgia Ave. Jackson,MS 39208 North Augusta,SC 29841 Telephone: (601)933-2950 Telephone: (803)441-4267 Email: gheleine@usgs.gov Email: kwhaley@northaugusta.net USGS Billinaf Contact Partner Financial Contact Name: Janet Anselm Nie' Commie Hayes Address: Address: 1400 Independence Road,MS 323 100 Georgia Ave. Rolla,MO 65401 North Augusta,SC 29841 Telephone: (573)308-3814 Telephone: (803)4414206 Email: janselm@usgs.gov Email: Chayes@northaugusta.net Signatures and Date Signature: Signature: Date: Date: Name: Kari J.Count Name: B.Todd Glover Title: Director,USGS-NGTOC Title: City Administrator Page 3 of 3 Office of Policy and Analysis Approval a 2019EG-00856 April 2019 8/2/2019 SOUTH CAROLINA SAVANNAH PEE DEE 2019 i 19 COUNTY ACQUISTION PROJECT AREA Included in the Area of Interest (red f✓ f' —zzzr QL2 and yellow areas QL1 ) Covering 28 counties City of North Augusta will Receive QL1 data Cliy a(Norlh A�paia t paM 1 P BASICS OF LIDAR What is LiDAR? * r, • Light Detection and Ranging is a remote v . sensing method that uses light in form of aQ'gw pulsed laser to measure ranges (variable .. distances) to the Earth. The light pulses— combined with other data recorded by the plane generate precise, three-dimensional information about the shape of the Earth MAR Point cloud of US Capital Building and its surface characteristics. .i, PROJECT COST AND DELIVERABLES City's portion for the LiDAR Project is $10,000.00 at QLl (B points per meter square) • Note: if the city contracted for LIDAR individually at QL7 the cost would be over$20,000.00 • Deliverables include: • Classified Point Cloud (for each level of points features are identified such as bare earth, vegetation, buildings, etc...) • Intensity Images • Tile-Based Bare Earth • Surface Raster (DEM—Digital Elevation Model) • Survey Control Report • Survey Checkpoints • QA/QC Assessment • Project Report • Metadata • Tile Indexes • Breaklines 8/2/2019 QU VS. QL2 SPECS Aggregate Aggregate Qaality Vertical Accuracy Nominal PMlse DEM Post Point Density Nominal Palse Level RMS& Spacing Density(ANPD) Spacing (ANPS) 1 B pts/m� 10 an 0.35 m 8 Pts/sq m 0.5 m 2 2 pts/m� 10 cm 0.7 m 2 pts/sq m l m 0 1 •r 0 1Meldf 3 8/2/2019 • • ' • • f • • • s - qrv_ t t 4 8/2/2019 4 e� il 6 , , 5 COMPARISON - BARE EARTH DEM, ZOOM IN r . . QL2 COMPARISON - INTENSITY QLi vEW4,rLVAN:A,DATA CFEDITv PY.1 QL2 Ih . iWA L ® 1 LIDAR USE EXAMPLES: • Flood Control Modeling • Vegetation Classification • Building Footprints • Elevation • Grading Plans • Urban planning • Impervious Surface Thank you! If you have any questions, please contact Kevin Whaley, GIS Analyst, City of North Augusta